Hair Care in Indonesia Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 1 of 15 一、调研说明 中商情报网全新发布的《Hair Care in Indonesia 》主要依据国家统计局、国家发改委、商务 部、中国海关、国务院发展研究中心、行业协会、工商、税务、海关、国内外相关刊物的基础 信息以及行业研究单位等公布和提供的大量资料,结合深入的市场调研资料,由中商情报网的 资深专家和研究人员的分析。首先,报告对本行业的特征及国内外市场环境进行描述,其次, 对本行业的上下游产业链,市场供需状况及竞争格局等进行了细致的详尽剖析,接着报告中列 出数家该行业的重点企业,并分析相关经营财务数据。最后,对该行业未来的发展前景,投资 风险及投资策略给出科学的建议。本报告是行业生产、贸易、经销等企业在激烈的市场竞争中 洞察市场先机,根据市场需求及时调整经营策略,为战略投资者选择恰当的投资时机和公司领 导层做战略规划提供了准确的市场情报信息及科学的决策依据。 报告名称 Hair Care in Indonesia 出版日期 Jun 2011 报告格式 PDF 电子版或纸介版 交付方式 Email 发送或 EMS 快递 中文价格 印刷版 0 元 电子版 0 元 中文印刷版+电子版 0 元 订购热线 400-666-1917 二、报告目录 【About this report】 : This market report provides market trend and market growth analysis of the Hair Care industry in Indo nesia. With this market report, you’ll be able to explore in detail the changing shape and potential of th e industry. You will now be able to plan and build strategy on real industry data and projections. The Hair Care in Indonesia market research report includes: §Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends §Detailed segmentation of international and local products §Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares §Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth §Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 2 of 15 Our market research reports answer questions such as: §What is the market size of Hair Care in Indonesia? §What are the major brands in Indonesia? §Which types of styling agents are most common? §How are shampoos versus 2-in-1 products performing? Why buy this report? §Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders §Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats §Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions Each report is delivered with the following components: Report: PDF and Word Market statistics: Excel workbook Sample Analysis TRENDS §2010 was a bright year for all hair care products, with the exception of salon hair care, medicated sha mpoos and 2-in-1 products. Consumers’ purchasing power improved in 2010, after declining in 2009 d ue to the global economic slowdown and unfavourable economic conditions in the country. As a result , many consumers were willing to spend more, especially on post-shampoo products, including conditi oners, styling agents and colourants. These products, along with standard shampoos, therefore enjoyed accelerating volume growth in 2010 compared with the previous year. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE §The two giants Unilever Indonesia and Procter & Gamble Home Products Indonesia continued to do minate hair care with respective value shares of 42% and 27% in 2010. Both companies boast a wide r ange of products targeting different consumer bases. For example, in terms of anti-dandruff formulae t here are Clear (Unilever) and Head & Shoulders (Procter & Gamble). In addition, their respectable per formance in terms of absolute sales growth was due to their strategy of revamping the product packagi ng and image to represent a more premium look. Both companies also invested heavily in promotion d uring 2010. PROSPECTS §Hair care as a whole has not yet reached saturation point, with most products still having room for si gnificant further growth. Shampoos, however, with a 74% share of value sales in hair care in 2010, has reached maturity, with penetration in almost all Indonesian households. Product innovation is expecte Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 3 of 15 d, therefore, in order to spice up the already mature shampoos category in the country in the forecast p eriod. It may come in the form of new formulations to address specific hair problems, new packaging designs and new consumer targets. 【Table of Contents】 : Hair Care in Indonesia - Category Analysis HEADLINES TRENDS · 2010 was a bright year for all hair care products, with the exception of salon hair care, medicated sha mpoos and 2-in-1 products. Consumers’ purchasing power improved in 2010, after declining in 2009 d ue to the global economic slowdown and unfavourable economic conditions in the country. As a result , many consumers were willing to spend more, especially on post-shampoo products, including conditi oners, styling agents and colourants. These products, along with standard shampoos, therefore enjoyed accelerating volume growth in 2010 compared with the previous year. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE · The two giants Unilever Indonesia and Procter & Gamble Home Products Indonesia continued to do minate hair care with respective value shares of 42% and 27% in 2010. Both companies boast a wide r ange of products targeting different consumer bases. For example, in terms of anti-dandruff formulae t here are Clear (Unilever) and Head & Shoulders (Procter & Gamble). In addition, their respectable per formance in terms of absolute sales growth was due to their strategy of revamping the product packagi ng and image to represent a more premium look. Both companies also invested heavily in promotion d uring 2010. PROSPECTS · Hair care as a whole has not yet reached saturation point, with most products still having room for si gnificant further growth. Shampoos, however, with a 74% share of value sales in hair care in 2010, has reached maturity, with penetration in almost all Indonesian households. Product innovation is expecte d, therefore, in order to spice up the already mature shampoos category in the country in the forecast p eriod. It may come in the form of new formulations to address specific hair problems, new packaging designs and new consumer targets. CATEGORY DATA · Table 1 Sales of Hair Care by Category: Value 2005-2010 Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 4 of 15 · Table 2 Sales of Hair Care by Category: % Value Growth 2005-2010 · Table 3 Hair Care Premium Vs Mass % Analysis 2005-2010 · Table 4 Sales of Styling Agents by Type: % Value Breakdown 2006-2010 · Table 5 Hair Care Company Shares 2006-2010 · Table 6 Hair Care Brand Shares by GBN 2007-2010 · Table 7 Styling Agents Brand Shares by GBN 2007-2010 · Table 8 Colourants Brand Shares by GBN 2007-2010 · Table 9 Salon Hair Care Company Shares 2006-2010 · Table 10 Salon Hair Care Brand Shares by GBN 2007-2010 · Table 11 Hair Care Premium Brand Shares by GBN 2007-2010 · Table 12 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Category: Value 2010-2015 · Table 13 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Category: % Value Growth 2010-2015 · Table 14 Forecast Hair Care Premium Vs Mass % Analysis 2010-2015 Hair Care in Indonesia - Company Profiles Martha Tilaar Group in Beauty and Personal Care (Indonesia) STRATEGIC DIRECTION KEY FACTS COMPANY BACKGROUND PRODUCTION · Summary 3 Martha Tilaar Group: Production Statistics 2010 COMPETITIVE POSITIONING · Summary 4 Martha Tilaar Group: Competitive Position 2010 Beauty and Personal Care in Indonesia - Industry Context EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marginally slower value growth due to minimal price increases Economic recovery boosts volume growth of most products Unilever retains its leadership through product innovation and promotion Modern retailers see rising shares thanks to rapid outlet expansion Respectable growth ahead for beauty and personal care in Indonesia KEY TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS Manufacturers encourage consumers to pamper themselves at home Beauty and personal care products see modest price increases Illegal products flood the domestic market Expansion of the consumer base to reach the younger population Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 5 of 15 Companies expand through acquisition and public offering MARKET DATA · Table 15 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2005-2010 · Table 16 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2005-2010 · Table 17 Sales of Premium Cosmetics by Category: Value 2005-2010 · Table 18 Sales of Premium Cosmetics by Category: % Value Growth 2005-2010 · Table 19 Beauty and Personal Care Company Shares by NBO 2006-2010 · Table 20 Beauty and Personal Care Company Shares by GBO 2006-2010 · Table 21 Beauty and Personal Care Brand Shares by GBN 2007-2010 · Table 22 Penetration of Private Label by Category 2005-2010 · Table 23 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Distribution Format: % Analysis 2005-2010 · Table 24 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category and by Distribution Format: % Analysis 20 10 · Table 25 Forecast Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2010-2015 · Table 26 Forecast Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2010-2015 · Table 27 Forecast Sales of Premium Cosmetics by Category: Value 2010-2015 · Table 28 Forecast Sales of Premium Cosmetics by Category: % Value Growth 2010-2015 DEFINITIONS · Summary 5 Research Sources Segmentation Segmentation This market research report includes the following: ·Hair Care o2-in-1 Products oColourants oConditioners oHair Loss Treatments oPerms and Relaxants oSalon Hair Care oShampoos §Medicated Shampoos §Standard Shampoos oStyling Agents Statistics Included Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 6 of 15 Statistics Included For each category and subcategory you will receive the following data in Excel format: From Passport §Market sizes §Company shares §Brand shares §Distribution §Analysis by type §Premium vs mass §Pricing §Products by ingredient §Products by ingredient Market size details: §Retail volume §Retail volume % growth §Retail volume per capita §Retail value retail selling price % growth §Retail value retail selling price local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail value retail selling price per capita local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail value retail selling price real (constant 2008) prices % growth §Retail value retail selling price real (constant 2008) prices local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JP Y §Retail value retail selling price real (constant 2008) prices per capita local currency, USD, EUR, GBP , CHF, JPY §Retail value manufacturer selling price % growth §Retail value manufacturer selling price local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail value manufacturer selling price per capita local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail value manufacturer selling price real (constant 2008) prices % growth §Retail value manufacturer selling price real (constant 2008) prices local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail value manufacturer selling price real (constant 2008) prices per capita local currency, USD, E UR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail volume alternative §Retail volume alternative % growth Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 7 of 15 §Retail volume alternative per capita §Retail value retail selling price nominal (current) prices % growth §Retail value retail selling price nominal (current) prices local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail value retail selling price nominal (current) prices per capita local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY §Retail value manufacturer selling price nominal (current) prices % growth §Retail value manufacturer selling price nominal (current) prices local currency, USD, EUR, GBP, CH F, JPY §Retail value manufacturer selling price nominal (current) prices per capita local currency, USD, EUR , GBP, CHF, JPY Methodology Methodology Global insight and local knowledge With 40 years’ experience of developed and emerging markets, Euromonitor International’s research method is built on a unique combination of specialist industry knowledge and in-country research exp ertise. This approach is what enables us to achieve our goal of building a market consensus view of size, sha pe and trends across the full distribution universe of each category. We factor in whichever channels ar e relevant, from large-scale grocery to direct sellers, from discount stores to local mom-and-pop outlet s. Industry specialists Each industry we cover is managed by an Industry Manager and team of Industry Analysts who resear ch and report on their specialist categories all year round. Our collaborative approach to research means that these industry teams are in constant dialogue with i ndustry players and opinion formers. The planning of our research programmes reflects latest market t rends and industry events. In completing each update project, this provides invaluable input to the testi ng, review and finalisation of our data. The specialist in-house teams bring together findings from all stages of the annual research process. T hey work closely with in-country analysts, assess and challenge data and exercise final editorial contro l over the publication of new data and analysis. Country and regional analysts Our in-country analyst network is managed by country and regional analysts in our offices around the world. Working closely with each in-country team, the regional research management team ensures th at all country researchers are well schooled in best practices, from the information collected in store ch Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 8 of 15 ecks, to the dialogue we build in trade surveys. Our country analysts ensure that national reports expla in the data trends and provide clear insights into the local market’s dynamics. In-country research network To deliver fresh insights every year in countries all around the world, we believe the strongest approac h is to use analysts on the ground. They bring fluency in local language, physical proximity to the best sources, an ability to engage directly with local industry contacts, and an awareness of how the produ cts and services we study are advertised, sold and consumed. These are essential parts of our ability to report incisively on these markets. Our research methods Each Euromonitor International industry report is based on a core set of research techniques: Desk research With industry events, corporate activity, trends and new product introductions tracked year round by o ur industry team, desk research provides a starting point for the in-country research programme. Our i n-country researchers will access the following sources: §National statistics offices governmental and official sources §National and international trade press §National and international trade associations §Industry study groups and other semi-official sources §Company financials and annual reports §Broker reports §Online databases §The financial, business and mainstream press Accessing sources is only the first step. The ability to interpret and reconcile often conflicting informa tion across multiple sources is a key aspect of the added value we provide. Store checks Store checks are an integral part of our methods for product industries. Carried out on the ground acro ss a relevant mix of channels, the information gained provides first-hand insights into the products we are researching, specifically: §Place: We track products in all relevant channels, selective and mass, store and non-store §Product: What are innovations in products, pack sizes and formats? §Price: What are brand price variations across channels, how do private label’s prices compare to thos e of branded goods? §Promotion: What are marketing and merchandising trends, offers, discounts and tie-ins? Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 9 of 15 Findings are cross-referenced with brand share data analysis. The results, combined with the findings of desk research, provide a strong basis for identifying key areas of questioning to take forward into o ur trade survey. Trade survey Interaction with global players at corporate HQ and regional levels is complemented by unique local d ata and insights from our in-country trade surveys around the world. Through the high profile of the E uromonitor International brand, we are able to talk directly to a wide range of sources and therefore in form our analysis with the knowledge and opinions of the leading operators in the market. Trade surveys allow us to: §Fill gaps in available published data per company §Generate a consensus view of the size, structure and strategic direction of the category §Access year-in-progress data where published sources are out of date §Evaluate the experts’ views on current trends and market developments In building our composite industry view, we engage with a variety of personnel in key players at all po ints of the supply chain: materials suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and service operators . We also interview desk research sources: industry associations; study groups; and third party observe rs from the trade and financial press. Our objective is to engage in conversation with trade sources in which we exchange ideas and views o n the industry, sharing our work-in-progress findings on supply/demand dynamics and potential. This dialogue enhances both parties’ understanding of the local market. The scope and reach of our trade su rvey also serves to eliminate bias (intentional and unintentional) from any single source. Company analysis At a global level, our company research combines our mix of industry interaction and use of secondar y sources such as annual accounts, broker reports, financial press and databases. From a data perspecti ve, the aim is to build “top-down” estimates of major players’ total global and regional sales. At a country level, in line with local reporting requirements, we access annual accounts, national-speci fic company databases and local company websites. These are all invaluable sources as we build a vie w of each domestic player’s size and position within very specific categories of the industry. Forecasts Data projections and future performance analysis are key elements of Euromonitor International’s mar ket intelligence. Working with historic trends of 15 years or more, a key aspect of our trade survey is t o engage industry insider views of the next five years. Will volumes maintain their historic trend? Will price increases or falls of recent years continue, accelerate or slow down? Will increasing demand for one product cannibalise sales of another? Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 10 of 15 Forecasts represent many of the essential conclusions we have reached about the current state of the m arket, how it works and how it behaves under different macro and micro conditions. Our written analy sis will state the assumptions and the trade opinion behind whether our predictions are optimistic or pe ssimistic, so that clients can use our statistical forecasts with confidence. Data validation All data is subjected to an exhaustive review process, at country, regional and global levels. The interpretation and review of sources and data inputs forms a central part of the collaboration betw een industry teams and country researchers. Numbers are delivered to regional and global offices with an audit trail of sources and calculations to allow for a thorough evaluation of data sense and integrity. Upon completion of the country review phase, data is then reviewed on a comparative basis at regiona l and then at a global level. Comparative checks are carried out on per capita consumption and spendin g levels, growth rates, patterns of category and subcategory breakdowns and distribution of sales by ch annel. Top-down estimates are reviewed against bottom-up regional and global market and company s ales totals. Where marked differences are seen between proximate country markets or ones at similar developmen tal levels, supplementary research is conducted in the relevant countries to confirm and/or amend thos e findings. This process ensures international comparability across the database, that consistent catego ry and subcategory definitions have been used and that all data has been correctly tested. We make sur e that possible discrepancies between different published sources have been reconciled and that our int erpretation of opinion and expectation from each country’s trade sources has been applied to form a co herent international pattern. Market analysis Another integral part of all our research programmes is that all Euromonitor International data is acco mpanied by clear written analysis. From a research perspective, this explains and substantiates data fin dings. From a client perspective, this offers unique insights into local consumption trends, routes to m arket, brand preferences, channel dynamics and future trends. Our country level analysis also provides invaluable input into the ability of our central industry special ist teams to marry local insights with strategic conclusions on the direction of the market regionally an d globally. 访问中商情报网: Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 11 of 15 报告在线阅读: 三、研究机构 中商情报网(是中国行业市场研究咨询、市场调研咨询、企业上市 IPO 咨询及并购重组决策咨询、项目可行性报告、项目商业计划书、项目投资咨询等专业的服务机 构。 致力于为企业中高层管理人员、企事业发展研究部门人员、市场研究人士、咨询行业人士、 投资银行专家、个人投资者等提供各行业丰富翔实的市场研究报告和商业竞争情报数据;为国 内外的行业企业、研究机构、社会团体和政府部门提供专业的行业市场研究、商业分析、投资 咨询、兼并重组决策及战略咨询服务。 中商情报网从创建之初就矢志成为中国专业的商业信息收集、研究、传播的资讯情报服务机构, 通过多年的积累中商情报网已经构建了包括政府部门、行业协会、专业调查公司、自有调查网 络等多种渠道、多层面的数据来源;建立起上百个行业及企业的庞大商业情报数据库;并形成 了多十种专业研究分析模型和研究方法;中商情报网始终坚持研究的独立性和公正性,其研究 结论和研究数据广泛被媒体采用。 目前公司与国家相关数据部门、行业协会等权威机构建立了良好的合作关系,同时与多家国际 著名咨询服务机构建立了战略伙伴关系。并与国内外众多基金公司、证券公司、PE、VC 机构、 律师事务所、会计师事务所结成战略合作伙伴。公司还拥有近 10 多年来对各行业追踪研究的海 量信息数据积累。建立了多种海量数据库,分为:宏观经济数据库,行业月度财务数据库,产品 产量数据库,产业进出口数据库,企业财务数据库等。并将这些数据及时更新与核实。可以保 证数据的全面、权威、公正、客观。 多年来,中商情报网为上万家企业事业提供了专业的投资咨询、信息咨询及研究报告服务,并 得到客户的广泛认可;我们坚信您也可以从中商情报网提供的资讯产品中洞察商业潜在的价值 和风险,提高您的决策支持效率。 中商情报网管理团队和中商情报网的战略合伙人一直致力于为客户提供高价值的企业咨询服务 解决方案。 Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 12 of 15 服务 内容 研究咨询 行业研究报告、行业投资咨询报告、市场调查 项目咨询 项目计划、可行性研究、价值分析、风险分析、商业计划 书、项目融资、资金申请、资产评估、、政府项目立项、 产业园区规划咨询 投行咨询 PE 及 VC 投资咨询、IPO 咨询 专项咨询 消费者研究、渠道研究、营销咨询、管理咨询、市场进入 策略咨询 竞 争 情况 调 竞争对手调研及监测、竞争策略研究、竞争环境研究、监 研 测、企业战略研究、市场营销/促销策略分析、合作伙伴 调研 数据库咨询 中国行业财务数据库、中国企业财务数据库、产品进出口 数据库 中商情报网在调查工作中能够很好的借助国家部办委、行业协会等部门的资源为客户提供服务; 高层访谈的执行能力,能够访问国家各个部委为企业提供全方位的政策导向、行业规划; 多年来针对工业领域的企业及用户调研的庞大数据库资源,历史数据和企业、用户数据非常丰 福。 国内权威市场研究公司,具有行业内良好知名度。 拥有多项自主开发的研究模型及专项咨询产品,提供专业化的“市场研究整体解决方案” 由国际专家和本土行业专家组成的资深项目团队,为客户提供精准的研究服务。 权威数据采集渠道,持续 10 年的数据监测,7 年的国内市场研究经验,超过 1000 多个市场研 究案例。 中商情报网订购单回执表 单位名称 Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 部门 Page 13 of 15 联系人 联系电话 地址、邮编 手机 E-MAIL 传真 报告名称:“Hair Care in Indonesia ” 报告格式: PDF 电子版或印刷版 付款方式: □银行 定购数量: □邮局 □支票 □其他 份 请选择报告版本: 1.□ PDF 电子版 0 元/份 2.□ 印刷版 0 元/份 3.□ PDF 电子版+印刷版 0 元/份 总计金额 万 仟 佰 拾 元 (小写: 预计付款日 期 年 月 日 开户行:中国工商银行深圳黄贝支行 开户名:深圳中商智汇咨询服务有限公司 帐 号:40000 2180 92000 40881 备注:此帐户可开具增值税普通发票 开户行:中国工商银行深圳黄贝支行 指 定 账 号 开户名:深圳中商智业投资顾问有限公司 帐 号:40000 2181 9200 122593 备注:此帐户可开具增值税专用发票 开户行:中国建设银行北京丰台支行 开户名:中商智汇(北京)咨询有限公司 帐 号:1100 1016 2000 5303 4444 备注:此帐户只可开具增值税普通发票 Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 14 of 15 元) 款到后,发票随后寄发。此账号为唯一指定账号。 电话:400-666-1917 传真:(0755)25407715 联 深圳地址:深圳市福田区红荔路 1001 号银盛大厦 7 层 邮编:518000 系 北京地址:北京市右安门外大街 99 号国内贸易工程设计研究院 5 层 方 501 室 邮编:100069 法 网址: 电邮 备注 请将订阅信息填好后,传真至我中心客服部,款到后发票随后寄发。 Customer Service Hotline:400-666-1917 Page 15 of 15