1. ------IND- 2002 0400 S-- EN- ------ 20021106 --- --- PROJET Statute Book of the Swedish Maritime Administration SJÖFS 2002:xx Published day month 2002 SFH The Swedish Maritime Administration’s administrative provisions and guidelines on Finnish-Swedish ice classes Adopted on day month 2002 The Swedish Maritime Administration lays down the following 1 pursuant to Chapter 2 Section 4 of the Order on ship safety (1988:594) and adopts the following guidelines. Chapter 1 Application Section 1 These provisions shall apply to ships navigating Swedish waters during the winter. The following four ice classes shall apply to such ships: Ice class IA Super Ice class IA Ice class IB Ice class IC Section 2 A new ship is a ship the keel of which is laid or on which construction began on or after 1 September 2003. 1 This Regulation has been drawn up in cooperation between the maritime authorities in Sweden and Finland. These provisions have been notified in accordance with Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society services (OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p.37, Celex 398L0034), amended by European Parliament and Council Directive 98/48/EC (OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, p.18, Celex 398L0048). 1 An existing ship is a ship the keel of which was laid or on which construction began before 1 September 2003. Section 3 If a ship, on account of its unusual proportions, hull shape, propulsion arrangement or another property, has in practice an abnormally poor ability to navigate in ice, the Swedish Maritime Administration may reduce its ice class. Section 4 The Swedish Maritime Administration may give its consent for an existing ship to retain its original ice class even if it does not meet the output requirements of Chapter 3 Sections 5 and 6, provided that the ship has regularly called at ports in Sweden or Finland during the winter and that the ship has shown a capacity to sail in ice which is considered by the maritime administration in the respective country to be satisfactory. Section 5 In designing the ship’s structure, equipment and arrangements important for the ship’s safety and function, the effect of temperature shall be taken into account. General guidance Factors which should be taken into account include, for example, the function of hydraulic systems, the risk of water pipes and tanks freezing, starting of emergency diesel engines, strength of material at low temperatures etc. The temperature of the air can drop well below 0 C for long periods and can occasionally drop to around –30 C. Section 6 A ship which is approved under legislation in other Member States within the European Union and European Economic Area shall be deemed equivalent to a ship which meets the requirements in these provisions, provided that an equivalent level of safety is obtained by means of this legislation. Chapter 2 Ice class draught Maximum draught amidships Section 1 The maximum ice class draught amidships shall normally be taken as the summertime freshwater load line draught. If the ship has a timber load line, the summertime freshwater load line with timber cargo shall be used. Maximum and minimum draught fore and aft Section 2 The maximum and minimum draught fore and aft shall be determined and indicated on the classification certificate. 2 SJÖFS 2002:xx Section 3 The line determined by the maximum draught fore, amidships and aft is called the load water line (LWL). This line may be a broken line. The line determined by the minimum draught fore and aft is called the ballast water line (BWL). Section 4 The draught and trim defined by the LWL must not be exceeded when the ship navigates in ice. The salt content of the water along the intended route shall be taken into account when the ship is loaded. Section 5 The ship shall always be loaded at least to the BWL when it is navigating in ice. All ballast tanks situated above the BWL and required for loading the ship down to this water line shall have arrangements for preventing the water freezing. Section 6 When the BWL is determined, account shall be taken of the need to guarantee a reasonable capability to navigate in ice in ballast. The propeller shall be fully under water and, where possible, fully under the ice. Section 7 The draught forward shall be at least: (2 + 0.00025 Δ) ho [m], but need not be greater than 4 ho where Δ = the ship’s displacement [t] with the maximum ice class draught in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 1. ho = thickness of the ice in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 6. Chapter 3 Engine output Section 1 The engine output P is the maximum power that the propulsion machinery can continuously provide to the propeller(s). If the engine output is restricted by technical means or by a regulation which is applicable to the ship, this restricted output shall be P. Requirements pertaining to engine output for ships of ice class IA Super, IA, IB and IC. Section 2 The engine output shall be calculated at the draughts which correspond to the LWL and BWL. The engine output shall not be less than either of these as determined by the following formula, and in no case less than 1000 kW for ice classes IA, IB and IC and not less than 2800 kW for ice class IA Super. Section 3 The ship dimensions defined below shall be measured at the maximum ice class draught and ballast draught. 3 the ship’s length between the perpendiculars [m] length of the bow [m] length of the parallel midship section [m] the ship’s maximum width [m] maximum ice class draught LWL or ballast draught BWL [m] in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 3 = the area of the bow’s water line [m2] = the angle of aperture of the waterline at B/4 [degrees] 1 = the stem angle on the centreline [degrees] 2 = angle of the slope of the vertical towards the waterline at L LBOW L PAR B T A wf = = = = = B/4 DP HM HF [degrees] = propeller diameter [m] = thickness of brash ice in the centre of the channel [m] = thickness of the brash ice belt broken by the bow [m] »Figure 1 Key to figure: Vertikal vid B/4 « If the ship has a bulb, 1 = 90 Vertical at B/4 In determining a ship’s parameters based on draughts, the actual draught shall be used. T in the parameter DP /T relates to the draught on the LWL. However, L and B are always determined on the LWL draught. Validity range Section 4 The formulae for ice resistance contained in Chapter 3 Section 5 and 6 shall be applied when the ship’s parameters fall within the minimum and maximum values in Table 1. 4 SJÖFS 2002:xx Table 1. Parameter [°] [°] [°] [m] [m] [m] 1 2 L B T LBOW/L LPAR/L DP /T Awf /(L·B) Minimum 15 25 10 65.0 11.0 4.0 0.15 0.25 0.45 0.09 Maximum 55 90 90 250.0 40.0 15.0 0.40 0.75 0.75 0.27 If a ship’s parameters fall outside the values in Table 1, other methods in accordance with Chapter 3 Section 7 shall apply for determining R CH. General guidance The formulae for ice resistance are, for natural reasons, semiempirical formulae and they therefore have a fixed validity range. It is difficult to determine the limits of validity exactly. Table 1 shows the ranges of the various parameters, which are included in the formulae. New ships Section 5 In order to obtain ice class IA Super, IA, IB or IC, new ships shall meet the following requirements regarding engine output. P Ke (R CH / 1000) 3/2 DP kW ; where where : Ke is determined as follows: Type of propeller or machinery CP or electrical or hydraulic machinery FP propeller 1 propeller 2.03 2.26 2 propellers 1.44 1.60 3 propellers 1.18 1.31 RCH is the ship’s resistance in a brash ice channel with a frozen top layer: 5 3 LT A 2 R CH C1 C2 C3C H F H M B Cψ H F C4 L PARH 2F C5 2 wf B L C = 0.15cos2 + sinsin, C shall be equal to or greater than 0.45 Cψ = 0.047 · ψ – 2.115 , and Cψ = 0 if ψ 45° HF = 0.26 + (HMB)0.5 HM = 1.0 for ice classes IA and IA Super = 0.8 for ice class IB = 0.6 for ice class IC C1 and C2 are coefficients for the frozen top layer in the channel and may be set to zero for ice classes IA, IB and IC. For ice class IA Super the following applies: BL PAR 1 0.021 1 f 2 B f 3 L BOW f 4 BL BOW 2 T 1 B T B2 C 2 1 0.063 1 g 1 g 2 B g 3 1 1.2 B L C1 f 1 For ships with bulb bow, 1 shall = 90. f1 = 23 N/m2 g1 = 1530 N f2 = 45.8 N/m g2 = 170 N/m f3 = 14.7 N/m g3 = 400 N/m1.5 f4 = 29 2 N/m C3 = 845 kg/(m2s2) C4 = 42 kg/(m2s2) C5 = 825 kg/s2 tan 2 sin arctan The following conditions shall apply: 3 LT 20 2 5 B 6 SJÖFS 2002:xx Existing ships Section 6 In order to obtain ice class IA or IA Super, existing ships shall meet the requirements in Chapter 3 Section 5. If the hull parameters cannot be determined in accordance with Chapter 3 Section 5, the following formula shall be used: 3 LT B N R CH C1 C 2 C 3 H F H M 2 B 0.658H F C 4 LH 2F C 5 2 B 4 For ice class IA, C1 and C2 can be set to 0. For ice class IA Super, ships with no bulb, the following applies: BL C1 f 1 T 1.84f 2 B f 3 L f 4 BL 2 B 1 T B2 C 2 3.52g 1 g 2 B g 3 1 1.2 B L For ice class IA Super, ships with bulbs, C 1 and C2 shall be calculated as follows: C1 f 1 BL 2.89f 2 B f 3 L f 4 BL T 2 1 B T B2 C 2 6.67g1 g 2 B g 3 1 1.2 B L f1 = 10.3 N/m2 g1 = 1530 N f2 = 45.8 N/m g2 = 170 N/m f3 = 2.94 N/m g3 = 400 N/m1.5 f4 = 5.8 C3 = C4 = C5 = N/m2 460 kg/(m2s2) 18.7 kg/(m2s2) 825 kg/s2 3 LT The following conditions shall apply: 20 2 5 B Other methods for determining Ke or RCH Section 7 Instead of the above values for Ke or RCH, the Swedish Maritime Administration may approve Ke and RCH values for individual ships based on more precise calculations or model tests. Such approval may be granted on condition that it can be retested if the ship’s actual performance warrants this. 7 Ships shall be capable of doing at least 5 knots in a channel with brash ice of the following thicknesses: IA Super HM = 1.0 m and a frozen top layer of 0.1 m IA = 1.0 m IB = 0.8 m IC = 0.6 m Requirements pertaining to engine output for existing ships of ice class IB and IC Section 8 The engine output must not be less than that given in the following formula and in no case less than 740 kW for ice classes IB and IC. P = f1 f2 f3 (f4 ·Δ + Po) [kW], where f1 = 1.0 for a propeller with fixed blades = 0.9 for a propeller with rotatable blades f2 = 1 /200 + 0.675 but not greater than 1.1. The product f1 f2 shall not be less than 0.85 1 = the forward-pointing angle between the stem and LWL. If the stem forms an even curve within the ice-strengthened area, as defined in Chapter 4 Section 8, it may be represented as a straight line between the intersection points of the stem with the upper and lower limits of the ice-strengthened area. If the stem forms a broken line, the highest value for 1 shall be used. f2 = 1.1 for a bulb stem f3 = 1.2 B/1/3 but not less than 1.0 f4 and Po shall be taken to be as follows: IB IC < 30000 f4 Po 0.22 370 0.18 0 IB IC 30000 0.13 3070 0.11 2100 = the ship’s displacement [t] at the highest ice class draught in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 1. The displacement need not be greater than 80000 t. Section 9 If the ship has properties which may be assumed to improve the ship’s performance when navigating in ice, the Swedish Maritime Administration may approve an engine output less than that required by Chapter 3 Sections 5 and 6. 8 SJÖFS 2002:xx Chapter 4 Hull construction Section 1 The formulae and values given in this chapter for the scantlings of parts of the hull may be replaced by more precise methods if these have been approved by the Swedish Maritime Administration or a classification society. Section 2 If the scantlings obtained in accordance with these rules are less than those required by a classification society for a nonstrengthened ship, the classification society’s rules shall be applied. Section 3 The spacing and distances of ordinary stiffeners shall be measured on a vertical plane parallel with the ship’s centreline. However, if the ship’s side deviates more than 20° from the vertical plan parallel with the centreline, the spacing and distances of the ordinary stiffeners shall be measured along the side of the ship. Section 4 The pressure of the ice may be higher on an ordinary stiffener than on the plate in-between the ordinary stiffeners. The load distribution is assumed to be as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Ice load distribution on the side of the ship. Regions Section 5 The ship’s hull is divided into regions in accordance with Figure 3. Kan ej ändra här scannad bild. 9 Figure 3 Key to figure: isbälte ice-strengthened area midskeppsområde midship region se 5 § see Section 5 övre främre isbälte upper fore ice-strengthened area förskeppsområde fore region undre förskepp fore foot 5 spantavstånd 5 ordinary stiffener spacings gränslinje för den del av border of part of hull where skrovet där vattenlinjerna är the waterlines are parallel to parallella med centerlinjen the centre line Fore region: From the stem to a line parallel to and 0.04 L aft of the forward borderline of the part of the hull where the waterlines are parallel to the centreline. For ice classes IA Super and IA, the overlap with the borderline need not be more than 6 metres, for ice classes IB and IC, this overlap need not be more than 5 metres. Midship region: From the aft boundary of the fore region to a line parallel to and 0.04 L aft of the aft borderline of the part of the hull where the waterlines are parallel to the centreline. For ice classes IA Super and IA, the overlap with the borderline need not be more than 6 metres, for ice classes IB and IC, this overlap need not be more than 5 metres. Aft region: From the aft boundary of the midship region to the stern. L is the regulation length applied by the classification society. Ice loads Height of the load area Section 6 An ice-strengthened ship is assumed to navigate in icy conditions in open sea corresponding to uniform ice with a thickness not exceeding ho. The design height (h) of the area that is actually under ice load at any particular time is, however, assumed to be only a fraction of the ice thickness. The values of ho and h are given in the following table. Ice class IA Super IA IB IC ho [m] 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 h [m] 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.22 10 SJÖFS 2002:xx Ice pressure Section 7 The design ice pressure shall be calculated using the formula: p = cd cl ca po [MPa], where cd = coefficient taking into account the influence of the size and engine output of the ship. This coefficient shall be calculated using the formula: cd ak b 1000 k ΔP 1000 a and b are given in the following table: a b Fore k 12 k > 12 30 6 230 518 Region Midship & aft k 12 k > 12 8 2 214 286 = the ship’s displacement at the maximum ice class draught in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 1 [t] P = the ship’s actual continuous engine output [kW] cl = coefficient taking into account the probability of the design ice pressure occurring in a particular region of the hull for the ice class in question. The value of cl is given in the following table: Ice class IA Super IA IB IC Fore 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Region Midship 1.0 0.85 0.70 0.50 Aft 0.75 0.65 0.45 0.25 ca = coefficient taking into account the probability of the entire length of the region in question being exposed to pressure at the same time. This coefficient shall be calculated using the formula: ca = 47 - 5l a ; maximum 1.0 ; minimum 0.6 44 la shall be taken to be as follows: Structure Type framing of la [m] 11 Shell Ordinary stiffeners Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Spacing of ordinary stiffeners 2 x spacing of ordinary stiffeners Spacing of ordinary stiffeners Longitudinal Span of ordinary stiffeners Span of ice side girders 2 x spacing of vertical primary supporting members Ice side girders Vertical primary supporting members po = the nominal ice pressure; the value of 5.6 MPa shall be used. The shell Section 8 The vertical extension of the ice-strengthened area shall comply with Figure 2 and be as follows: Ice class IA Super IA IB IC Above LWL [m] 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 Below BWL [m] 0.75 0.6 0.5 0.5 The following regions shall also be strengthened: Fore foot: For ice class IA Super, the shell plates below the icestrengthened area between the stem and a position five ordinary stiffener spaces aft of the point where the bow profile departs from the keel line shall be at least as thick as the ice-strengthened area in the midship region is required to be. Upper fore ice-strengthened area: For ice classes IA Super and IA on ships with a service speed in open waters of 18 knots or more, the shell from the upper limit of the ice-strengthened area to 2 metres above this and from the stem to a position at least 0.2 L aft of the forward perpendicular shall in each case not have a thickness less than that required in the ice-strengthened area in the midship region. 12 SJÖFS 2002:xx General guidance It is recommended that the fore part be strengthened in the same way on ships with a lower service speed if, for example, model tests have shown the ship to have a powerful bow wave. Section 9 Sidescuttles must not be located in the ice-strengthened area. If the weather deck in any part of the ship is situated below the upper limit of the ice-strengthened area, e.g. in the deck well on a well decked ship, the bulwark shall be at least as strong as the shell in the icestrengthened area is required to be. The structure of freeing ports shall be sufficiently strong for the purpose. Plating thickness in the ice-strengthened area Section 10 In the case of transverse framing, the plating thickness of the shell shall be determined according to the following formula: f l p PL + t c [mm] σy t = 667 s In the case of longitudinal framing, the plating thickness of the shell shall be determined according to the following formula: t = 667 s p PL + t c [mm] f 2 σy s = spacing of ordinary stiffeners [m] pPL = 0.75 p [MPa] p = the ice pressure as given in Chapter 4 Section 7 [MPa] 1.3 f1 = f2 = 0.6 + 4.2 h/s 1.82 0 .4 h/s ; maximum 1.0 ; if h/s 1 f2 = 1.4 – 0.4 (h/s); if 1 h/s < 1.8 h = height of the load area as given in Chapter 4 Section 6 [m] σy = the yield point of the material [N/mm2]; the following values shall be used: σy = 235 N/mm2 for steel for the hull construction of normal strength σy = 315 N/mm2 for high strength σy = 355 N/mm2 steel for hull construction If steel with a different yield point is used, the actual yield point may be used on condition that it is acceptable to the classification society. 13 tc = degree of abrasion and corrosion [mm]; normally tc shall be 2 mm. If a special surface coating has been applied and is maintained which according to experience can withstand abrasion from the ice, lower values may be approved. Ordinary stiffeners Section 11 The vertical extension of the frame shall at least comply with the following: Ice class Region from the stem to 0.3 L abaft thereof Above LWL [m] 1.2 Below BWL [m] to the tank top or below the upper edge of IA Super IA, IB, IC abaft 0.3 L from the stem midship aft from the stem to 0.3 L abaft thereof abaft 0.3 L from the stem midship aft 1.2 the sills 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 Where an upper fore ice-strengthened area is required in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 8, the ordinary stiffeners shall be ice strengthened up to the height of this ice-strengthened area. Where the ordinary stiffeners are required to be ice strengthened not more than 250 mm beyond a deck or the top of a tank, the ice strengthening may stop at this deck or tank top. Transverse ordinary stiffeners Section 12 The section modulus for a main or intermediate transverse ordinary stiffener shall be calculated using the following formula: Z= psh l 6 10 [cm3] mt σy 14 SJÖFS 2002:xx p s h l mt = = = = the ice pressure as given in Chapter 4 Section 7 [MPa] spacing of ordinary stiffeners [m] height of the load area as given in Chapter 4 Section 6 [m] span of ordinary stiffeners [m] 7 mo 7 - 5h/l = σy = yield point as per Chapter 4 Section 10 [N/mm2] mo = coefficient, the value of which is given in the following table: 15 Key to figure: Randvillkor Exempel Spant i ett bulkfartyg med toppvingtankar Spant som sträcker sig från tanktaket till däcket på ett enkeldäckat fartyg Kontinuerligt spant mellan flera däck eller vägare Spant som sträcker sig endast mellan två däck Boundary condition Example Ordinary stiffeners in a bulk carrier with top wing tanks Ordinary stiffeners extending from the tank top to the deck on a single-decked ship Continuous ordinary stiffeners between several decks or side girders Ordinary stiffeners extending between two decks only The boundary conditions apply to both main and intermediate ordinary stiffeners. The load is assumed to act mid-span. Where less than 15% of the span, l, of the ordinary stiffener is within the area of reinforcement in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 11, normal scantlings of ordinary stiffeners may be used. Upper end of the transverse ordinary stiffeners 16 SJÖFS 2002:xx 1. The upper end of the strengthened part of a main or an intermediate ordinary stiffener shall be attached to a deck or an ice side girder in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 16. 2. Where an ordinary stiffener terminates above a deck or ice side girder located at or above the upper limit of the ice-strengthened area in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 8, the part above this deck or side girder may have the scantlings required by the classification society for an unstrengthened ship. The upper end of the intermediate ordinary stiffener may be connected to the adjacent main ordinary stiffener by a horizontal member of the same scantlings as the main ordinary stiffener. Such intermediate ordinary stiffener may also be extended to the deck above. Where the deck above is more than 1.8 metres above the ice-strengthened area, the intermediate ordinary stiffener need not be attached to this deck, except in the fore region . Lower end of the transverse ordinary stiffener 1. The lower end of the strengthened part of an ice ordinary stiffener or an intermediate ordinary stiffener shall be attached to a deck, tank top or an ice side girder in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 16. 2. Where an intermediate ordinary stiffener terminates below a deck, a tank top or an ice side girder located at or below the lower limit of the ice-strengthened area in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 8, the lower end may be connected to the adjacent main ordinary stiffener by a horizontal member with the same scantlings as the main ordinary stiffener. Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners Section 13 The section modulus for a longitudinal ordinary stiffener shall be calculated using the following formula: Z f3 f 4 p h l 2 10 6 [cm3] m σy The shear area of a longitudinal ordinary stiffener shall be: A= 3 f3ph l 4 10 [cm2] 2σy This formula shall only be used if the longitudinal ordinary stiffener is attached to supporting structures using brackets as stipulated in Chapter 4 Section 14. f3 = coefficient taking into account the distribution of load on adjacent ordinary stiffeners f3 = (1 – 0.2 h/s) f4 = coefficient taking into account the concentration of load at the point of support; 17 f4 = 0.6 p = the ice pressure as given in Chapter 4 Section 7 [MPa] h = height of the load area as given in Chapter 4 Section 6 [m] s = spacing of ordinary stiffeners [m]. The spacing of ordinary stiffeners shall not exceed 0.35 metres for ice classes IA Super or IA and shall in no case exceed 0.45 metres. l = span of ordinary stiffeners [m] m = boundary condition coefficient: m = 13.3 for a continuous beam; where the boundary condition deviates significantly from a continuous beam, e.g. in an end section, a lower boundary condition coefficient may be used. σy = yield point as per Chapter 4 Section 10 [N/mm2] General provisions with regard to framing Section 14 Within the ice strengthened section all ordinary stiffeners shall be effectively attached to all supporting structures. A longitudinal ordinary stiffener shall be attached to all vertical primary supporting members and bulkheads using brackets. In the case of transverse ordinary stiffeners which terminate against a side girder or a deck, a bracket or similar construction shall be fitted. Ordinary stiffeners which cross loadbearing structural members shall be supported on both sides by means of direct welding, collar plates or a supporting disc plate. A disc plate shall be at least as thick as the web of the ordinary stiffener and its edge shall be sufficiently strong to resist buckling. 18 SJÖFS 2002:xx Section 15 For ice class IA Super and ice class IA in the fore and midship regions the following shall apply in the ice-strengthened area: 1. Ordinary stiffeners which are not at a right angles to the shell shall be supported to prevent tripping by means of brackets, intercostals, stringers or similar at a distance not exceeding 1300 mm. 2. The ordinary stiffeners shall be attached to the shell by double continuous welds. Scalloping is only permitted at welding seams in the shell plate. 3. The web thickness of ordinary stiffeners shall be at least half that of the shell plating and in any case not less than 9 mm. Where there is a deck, tank top or bulkhead in lieu of an ordinary stiffener, the plate thickness shall be as above to a depth corresponding to the height of adjacent ordinary stiffeners. Ice side girders Girders within the ice-strengthened area Section 16 The section modulus for a side girder located within the icestrengthened area in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 8 shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula: Z f5 p h l 2 10 6 [cm3] m σy The shear area shall be: A= p h 3 f5ph l 4 10 [cm2] 2σy = the ice pressure as given in Chapter 4 Section 7 [MPa] = height of the load area as given in Chapter 4 Section 6 [m] The product ph shall not be less than 0.30. l = span of side girders [m] m = boundary condition coefficient in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 13. f5 = coefficient taking into account the distribution of load on the transverse ordinary stiffeners; f5 = 0.9 σy = yield point as per Chapter 4 Section 10 19 Ice side girders outside the ice-strengthened area Section 17 The section modulus of a side girder located outside the icestrengthened area but supporting ice strengthened ordinary stiffeners shall be calculated using the following formula; p h l2 Z = f6 (1 - h s / l s) 10 6 [cm3] m σy The shear area shall be: 3 f 6ph l (1 - h s / l s) 10 4 [cm2] 2σy = the ice pressure as given in Chapter 4 Section 7 [MPa] = height of the load area as given in Chapter 4 Section 6 [m] A= p h The product ph shall not be less than 0.30. l = span of side girders [m] m = boundary condition coefficient in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 13. ls = distance to adjacent ice side girder [m] hs = distance to ice-strengthened area [m] f6 = coefficient taking into account the load distribution to transverse ordinary stiffeners; f6 = 0.95 σy = yield point of the material as per Chapter 4 Section 10 Narrow deck strips Section 18 Narrow deck strips at hatches which serve as ice side girders shall meet the requirements pertaining to section modulus and shear area in Chapter 4 Section 16 and Chapter 4 Section 17, respectively. In the case of very long hatches, the classification society may permit the product ph to be taken to be less than 0.30, but in no case less than 0.20. General guidance Special attention is to be paid when designing weather deck hatch covers and their fittings to the deflection of the ship sides due to ice pressure in way of very long hatches . Vertical primary supporting members Load Section 19 The load transferred to a vertical primary supporting member from an ice side girder or from longitudinal ordinary stiffeners shall be calculated using the following formula: P = f6 p h S [MN] 20 SJÖFS 2002:xx p = the ice pressure as given in Chapter 4 Section 7 [MPa], where the value of ca shall however be calculated assuming la to be equal to 2S. h = height of the load area as given in Chapter 4 Section 6 [m] The product ph shall not be less than 0.30. S = spacing of vertical primary supporting members [m] In cases where the supporting ice side girder lies outside the icestrengthened area, the force F shall be multiplied by (1 – hs / ls ), where hs and ls are as defined in Chapter 4 Section 17. Section modulus and shear area Section 20 Where a vertical primary supporting member follows the structure model in Figure 4, the section modulus and shear area shall be calculated using the following formulae: Figure 4 Shear area: A= 3 αQ σy 10 4 [cm2] α = as given in the table below σy = yield point as per Chapter 4 Section 10 Q = calculated maximum cutting power for the load F in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 19, or k1F where: k1 = 1 + ½ ( lF / l )3 - 3/2 ( lF / l )2 or = 3/2 ( lF / l )2 - 1/2 ( lF / l )3 whichever value is the greatest. 21 For the lower part of the vertical primary supporting members, the smallest lF value within the ice-strengthened area shall be used, and for the upper part the largest lF value within the ice-strengthened area shall be used. Section modulus: Z= M σy 1 1 - (γ A/Aa ) 2 10 6 [cm3] 22 SJÖFS 2002:xx M = calculated maximum bending moment for the load F in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 19 or k2Fl where: k2 = 1/2 ( lF / l )3 - 3/2 ( lF / l )2 + ( lF / l ) γ = as given in the table below A = required shear area where kl = 1 + 1/2 ( lF/ l )3 - 3/2 ( lF/ l )2 Aa = actual cross-sectional area of the vertical primary supporting member Coefficients α and γ Af /Aw 0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 1.50 1.23 1.16 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 0 0.44 0.62 0.71 0.76 0.80 0.83 0.85 0.87 0.88 0.89 Af = cross-sectional area of the face plate Aw = cross-sectional area of the web Section 21 For arrangements and boundary conditions for a vertical primary supporting member other than those specified in Chapter 4 Section 20, a direct stress calculation is to be performed. The concentrated load on a vertical primary supporting member is given in Chapter 4 Section 19. The point of application shall in each case be selected so as to obtain the maximum shear and bending moment, according to the arrangement of side girders and longitudinal ordinary stiffeners. The following stresses shall be applied: Shear stress: τ = σ y / 3 Bending stress: σb = σy = b2 + 3 2 = y Comparison stress: c Fore part Stem Section 22 The stem shall be made of rolled, cast or forged steel or of shaped steel plates. General guidance In order to improve the ship’s manoeuvrability in ice, a sharp edged stem as per Figure 5 is recommended, particularly for smaller ships under 150 m in length. 23 Figure 5 Example of a suitable stem Section 23 The plate thickness of a shaped plate stem shall be calculated according the formulae in Chapter 4 Section 10, assuming that: s = the spacing of elements supporting the plate [m] pPL = p as defined in Chapter 4 Section 7 [MPa] la = spacing of vertical supporting elements [m] The same shall apply to all parts of the shell which form an angle of 30° or more to the centreline in a horizontal plane in respect of a blunt bow. The stem and the part of a blunt bow defined in paragraph 1 shall be supported by floors or brackets spaced not more than 0.6 m apart and having a thickness at least half that of the shell plate. The reinforcement of the stem shall be extended from the keel to a point 0.75 m above the LWL or, where an upper fore ice-strengthened area is required in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 8, to the upper limit of this ice-strengthened area. Arrangements for towing Section 24 A mooring pipe with an opening not less than 250 mm by 300 mm, a length of at least 150 mm and an inner surface radius of at least 100 mm shall be fitted in the bow bulwark on the centreline. A bitt or other means of securing a towline, dimensioned to withstand the breaking strength of the ship’s towline, shall be fitted. Section 25 On ships with a displacement less than 30 000 tons, the part of the bow extending to a height of at least 5 metres above the LWL and at least 3 metres back from the stem shall be strengthened to withstand the stresses caused by fork towing. For this purpose, intermediate ordinary stiffeners shall be fitted and the framing shall be supported by side girders or decks. 24 SJÖFS 2002:xx Aft part Section 26 On ships with two or three propellers, the ice strengthening of the shell and framing shall be extended to the double bottom for at least 1.5 m forward and aft of the side propellers. General guidance An exceptionally small clearance between the propeller blade tip and the stern frame should be avoided, as this may result in high loads on the blade tip. Section 27 Shafting and sterntubes of side propellers shall generally be enclosed within plated bossings. If detached struts are used, their strength and attachment shall be dimensioned so as to ensure adequate strength. Section 28 A transom stern shall if possible not extend below the LWL. If this cannot be avoided, the part of the transom stern below the LWL shall be kept as narrow as possible. The part of the transom stern situated within the ice-strengthened area shall be strengthened in the same way as for the midship region. General guidance When dimensioning the hull of ships having propulsion arrangements with rotatable thrusters or thrusters of the ‘azipod’ type, which provide increased manoeuvrability, it should be taken into account that these types of propulsion arrangements have been shown to produce a higher ice load on the aft part and stern. Bilge keels Section 29 The attachment of a bilge keel to the hull shall be designed so as to minimise the risk of damage to the hull if the bilge keel is torn off. General guidance In order to limit the damage caused when a bilge keel is partly torn off in ice, bilge keels should be divided into short, separate lengths. Chapter 5 Rudders and steering arrangements Section 1 The dimensioning of the rudder post, rudder stock, pintle, steering gear and other parts of the steering arrangement, as well as the capacity of the steering gear, shall be determined in accordance with the class regulations. The maximum service speed for the ship used in these calculations shall, however, not be less than the following values: IA Super 20 knots 25 IA IB IC 18 knots 16 knots 14 knots If the ship’s actual maximum service speed is higher, this speed shall be used. Section 2 For ice classes IA Super and IA, the rudder stock and the upper edge of the rudder shall be protected against pressure from the ice by means of an ice knife or similar means. Section 3 Pressure control valves for hydraulics shall be able to effectively deal with transient pressure variations. The scantlings of steering gear components shall be such as to withstand the yield torque of the rudder stock. Where possible, rudder stoppers working on the blade or rudder head are to be fitted. Chapter 6 Propellers, shafting and gears Ice torque Section 1 The ice torque shall be calculated using the following formula: M = m · D2 [Mpm], where: D = propeller diameter in metres m = 2.15 for ice class = 1.60 for ice class = 1.33 for ice class = 1.22 for ice class IA Super IA IB IC »If the propeller is not wholly under water when the ship is in the ballast position, the ice torque for ice class IA shall be used for ice classes IB and IC. « Propellers Section 2 The elongation of the material used for propellers, measured on a 5 diameter gauge length shall not be less than 19%. Its Charpy Vnotch impact strength shall be not less than 2.1 kpm at -10C. 26 SJÖFS 2002:xx General guidance It is recommended that the elongation of the propeller material be at least 22%, measured on a gauge as above. Section 3 The width c and the thickness t of cross-sections of the propeller blade shall be determined such that: a) at the radius of 0.25 D/2 for fixed pitch propellers ct2 = 2.70 σb (0.65 + 0.7 H/D) 20000 Ps + 22000 M Zn (13) b) at the radius of 0.35 D/2 for propellers with rotatable blades ct2 = 2.15 σb (0.65 + 0.7 H/D) 20000 Ps + 23000 M Zn (14) 20000 Ps + 28000 M Zn (15) c) at the radius of 0.6 D/2 ct2 = 0.95 σb (0.65 + 0.7 H/D) where: c = length, in cm, of the expanded cylindrical section of the blade at the radius in question t = corresponding maximum thickness, in cm, at the radius in question H = pitch of the propeller, in m, at the radius in question. (For propellers with rotatable blades, 0.7 Hnominell should be used) Ps = shaft horse power in accordance with Chapter 3 Section 1. N = speed of rotation of propeller, rev/min M = ice torque, in accordance with Chapter 6 Section 1 Z = number of blades σb = tensile strength of the propeller material, in kp/mm2 Section 4 The thickness of the blade tip, t, at the radius of 1.0 D/2 shall be determined using the following formulae: Ice class IA Super t = (20 + 2D) 50 σb mm (16) ice classes IA, IB and IC t = (15 + 2D) where: 50 σb mm (17) D and sb are as defined above. 27 Section 5 The thickness of the other sections shall be determined by means of a smooth curve connecting the thicknesses of the abovementioned sections. Section 6 Where the blade thickness obtained is less than the regulation thickness for the class in question, the latter shall be used. Section 7 The thickness of the blade edges shall not be less than 50% of the calculated thickness of the tip, t, measured at 1.25 t from the edge. In the case of propellers with rotatable blades in conjunction with engines which cannot be reversed, this shall only apply to the leading edge of the blade. Section 8 The strength of the blade-actuating mechanism located inside a propeller with rotatable blades shall be 1.5 times greater than that of the blade when the blade is assumed to be stressed at the radius of 0.9 D/2 in the weakest direction of the blade. 28 SJÖFS 2002:xx Propeller shaft Section 9 The diameter of the propeller shaft at its aft bearing must not be less than ds = 10.8 3 σ b ct2 σy (18) where: sb = tensile strength of the propeller blade, in kp/mm2 2 ct = the value obtained from formula (13), σy = yield point in kp/mm2 of the propeller shaft material. If the diameter of the propeller hub is greater than 0.25 D, the following formula shall be used: d s = 11.5 3 σ b ct σy 2 (19) where: σb and σy are as defined above ct2 = the value obtained from formula (14). Section 10 If the diameter obtained for the propeller shaft is less than the regulation diameter for the class, the latter shall be used. The end diameters of the shaft may be reduced in accordance with the class regulations. Intermediate shafts Section 11 The diameter, di, of intermediate shafts and thrust shafts outside bearings must not be less than: di = 1.1· dclassregulation for ice class IA Super For ice classes IA, IB and IC, the regulation diameter shall be used. Reduction gears Section 12 When calculating the maximum permissible tooth load at maximum shaft horse power Ps in accordance with Chapter 3 Section 1, the following load factor, Ki, shall be used: Ki = K N M Ih R 2 N+ I1 + I h R 2 (20) where: K = class regulation load factor, M = ice torque, in accordance with Chapter 6 Section 1 29 N = 0.716 Ps/n where: Ps = shaft horse power in accordance with Chapter 3 Section 1. n = corresponding engine speed, rev/min. R = reduction factor; ratio of shaft’s incoming speed and the shaft’s outgoing speed, Ih = mass moment of inertia of the machinery components rotating at the higher rotational speed, Il = mass moment of inertia of the machinery components rotating at the lower rotational speed. For the propeller an additional 30% is included for water (Ih and I1 should be expressed in the same dimension). Chapter 7 Miscellaneous machinery requirements Starting arrangements Section 1 The capacity of the air receivers shall be sufficient to supply air, without the need for replenishment, for not less than 12 consecutive starts of the propulsion machinery, if this must be reversed for astern, or 6 consecutive starts if the propulsion machinery does not need to be reversed for astern. Section 2 If the air receivers also serve purposes other than starting the propulsion machinery, they shall have sufficient extra capacity for these purposes. Section 3 The capacity of the air compressors shall be sufficient to load the air receivers from atmospheric pressure to full pressure within one hour. If the propulsion machinery for a ship of ice class IA Super needs to be reversed for astern, the compressors shall be capable of loading the receivers within 30 minutes. Sea inlets and cooling water systems Section 4 The cooling water system shall be designed to ensure the supply of cooling water when the ship is navigating in ice. For this purpose at least one cooling water inlet chest shall be arranged as follows: 1. Cooling water inlets shall be situated near the centreline of the ship and as far aft as possible. 2. As guidance for design, the volume of the chest shall be about one cubic metre for every 750 kW engine output of the ship, including 30 SJÖFS 2002:xx the power of the auxiliary machinery necessary for operation of the ship. 3. The chest shall be sufficiently high to allow ice to accumulate above the inlet pipe. 4. A pipe for discharging the cooling water, which permits discharge of the entire cooling water capacity, shall be connected to the chest. 5. The area of the strum holes shall not be less than 4 times the inlet pipe sectional area. Section 5 Where there are difficulties in satisfying the requirements of Chapter 7 Section 4(2) items 2-3, two smaller chests may be arranged for alternate inlet and discharge of cooling water. The arrangement shall otherwise comply with Chapter 7 Section 4. General guidance If heating coils are installed, they should be situated in the lower or upper part of the chest. Arrangements for using ballast water for cooling purposes may be accepted as a reserve in ballast conditions. This statute shall enter into force on 1 January 2003. The statute repeals the Swedish Maritime Administration’s Decree (SJÖFS 1986:14) containing provisions on Finnish-Swedish ice classes. Transitional provisions: 1. For ships which under the new provisions are classed as existing ships and have ice class 1A Super and 1A, the older provisions shall apply as regards engine output, but only up until 1 January 2005 or 1 January of the year 20 years after the ship was supplied, whichever is the latest. JOHAN FRANSON (Maritime Safety Inspectorate) Göran Liljeström Issued by: Gunilla Blomqvist, Swedish Maritime Administration, Norrköping, Sweden ISSN 0347-531X 31 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Application 1 Chapter 2 Ice class draught 3 Maximum draught amidships 3 Maximum and minimum draught fore and aft 3 Chapter 3 Engine output 4 Requirements pertaining to engine output for ships of ice class IA Super, IA, IB and IC. 4 Validity range 6 New ships 7 Existing ships 10 Other methods for determining Ke or RCH 11 Requirements pertaining to engine output for existing ships of ice class IB and IC 11 Chapter 4 Hull construction 12 Ice loads 15 Height of the load area 15 Ice pressure 15 The shell 17 Plating thickness in the ice-strengthened area 19 Ordinary stiffeners 20 Transverse ordinary stiffeners 22 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners 25 General provisions with regard to framing 26 Ice side girders 27 Girders within the ice-strengthened area 27 Ice side girders outside the ice-strengthened area 29 Narrow deck strips 29 Vertical primary supporting members 30 Load 30 Section modulus and shear area 30 Fore part 34 Stem 34 Arrangements for towing 36 Chapter 5 Rudders and steering arrangements 38 Chapter 6 Propellers, shafting and gears 38 Ice torque 38 Propellers 38 Propeller shaft 41 Intermediate shafts 41 Reduction gears 41 Chapter 7 Miscellaneous machinery requirements 42 Starting arrangements 42 Sea inlets and cooling water systems 42 ANNEX 1 45 32 SJÖFS 2002:xx ANNEX 1 BASIS FOR CONTROL CALCULATION OF OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS In order to enable a control calculation of the output requirements, Table 2 gives the input data for a number of the types of ship. Table 2 Example No. Ice class #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 IAS IA IB IC IAS IAS IA IA IB ° 24 24 24 24 24 24 36 20 24 1 ° 90 90 90 90 30 90 30 30 90 2 ° 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 L m 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 B m 25 25 25 25 25 22 25 25 25 T m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 LBOW m 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 LPAR m 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Awf m 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 DP m 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1/CP 1/CP 1/CP 1/CP 1/CP 1/CP 1/CP 1/CP 1/FP 7838 4939 3477 2252 6797 6404 5342 5017 3870 8469 7645 6614 6614 2 No of propellers/ type New ship kW Existing ship kW 9198 6614 (calculated as per Chapter 3 Section 6) 33 Göran Liljeström, 011-19 13 29 Consequence analysis with regard to the introduction of revised ice class regulations – output requirements 1. Description of the Regulations The Regulations are directed at shipping companies, shipyards, charterers and design engineers of tonnage intended for navigation during the winter. The Regulations are common to Finland and Sweden. 2. Motivation for the draft Regulations The ice breaker authorities in both Finland and Sweden have noted over the years that, particularly the smaller tonnage ships, find it difficult to follow the ice breaker even in brash ice channels. This experience has led to adjustment of the output requirements for the two highest ice classes. 3. Anticipated effect Ships will be better able to navigate in ice and the assistance of the icebreaker will be more effective. 4. Costs The Regulations are considered to result in a limited increase in costs for smaller tonnage ships, whereas for larger tonnage ships there will a reduction in costs, as engine output may be reduced. 5. Resource requirements The proposed Regulations will not entail any increase in resource requirements for the Maritime Safety Inspectorate. 6. Training 34 SJÖFS 2002:xx No additional training will be required for ship surveyors. Comments and instructions for calculating output requirements will be published. 7. Environment The Regulations will have no negative effect on the environment. Göran Liljeström 35