5 February 2003 - Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries

17th March 2004
22nd & 23rd March 2004
(Listed in alphabetical order)
1. Sir Iain VALLANCE, Vice Chairman – ESF Chairman - Delegation Head (Confirmed)
Royal Bank of Scotland, London, UK
2. Mr. Alistair ABERCROMBIE, Director of Trade Policy (Confirmed)
International Financial Services, London – IFSL – London, UK
3. Ms. Angelique BROUX, Int. Trade Specialist (Confirmed)
IBM, Brussels, Belgium
4. Mr. Tom BURNS, International Affairs (Confirmed)
Association of British Insurers, London, UK
5. Mr. Carlos Alberto Rodriguez COCINA, Manager Regulatory Affairs (confirmed)
Telefonica, Madrid, Spain
6. Mr. John COOKE, Chairman (Confirmed)
Financial Leaders Working Group Insurance Evaluation Team (FLWGIET), London, UK
7. Mr. John COUGHLAN, Adviser (Confirmed)
European Services Forum - ESF, Brussels, Belgium
8. Mr. David HARTRIDGE, Senior Partner (Confirmed)
White & Case LLP (WCI Consulting Ltd), Geneva, Switzerland
Alastair M. EVANS, Head, Government Affairs (Confirmed)
LLOYD'S of London, London, UK
10. Mr. Francois FOUQUES, International Affairs (Confirmed)
AXA/French Insurance Association (FFSA), Paris, France
11. Ms. Nicola FRANK, European Affairs Advisor, (Confirmed)
European Broadcasting Union, Brussels, Belgium
12. Mrs. Eva HOOS, Adviser, Markets Unit (Confirmed)
Eurelectric, Brussels, Belgium
13. Mr. Jurgen HUPPENBAUER, Head of Department Europe/International Organisations
German Insurance Association (GDV), Berlin, Germany (Confirmed)
14. Mr. Pascal KERNEIS, Managing Director (Confirmed)
European Services Forum – ESF, Brussels, Belgium
15. Mr. Tilman KUPFER, European Regulatory Manager - Brussels Representative Office
British Telecom - BT, Brussels, Belgium (Confirmed)
16. Ms. Eva JIVMARK, Senior Adviser, International Relations (Confirmed)
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise/Svenskt Näringsliv, Stockholm, Sweden
For organisation aspects, please contact: ESF  168, Avenue de Cortenbergh  B - 1000 Brussels 
Email: esf@esf.be  Tel : +32-2-230 75 14  Fax : +32-2-230 61 68  www.esf.be
17. Mr. Marc MAINDRAULT, Director, Int. Trade and Financial Relations (Confirmed)
MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France), Paris – France
18. Mr. Alain-Louis MIE, Senior Vice president, International Public Affairs (Confirmed)
France Telecom, Paris, France
19. Mr. Christian PIEROTTI, Advisor, EU Parliament affairs and international affairs, (Confirmed)
Comité Européen des Assurances – CEA (European Insurance Committee), Brussels, Belgium
20. Ms. Marie-Louise ROSSI, Chief Executive (Confirmed)
International Underwriting Association, London, UK
21. Mr. Hugh SAVILL, Head of European and International Affairs (Confirmed)
Association of British Insurers, London, UK
22. Mr. Adrian VAN DEN HOVEN, External Affairs (Confirmed)
UNICE, Brussels, Belgium
23. Ms. Verena WIEDEMANN, Head of Office of the ARD Liaison Office in Brussels (Confirmed)
ARD / WDR (German Public Television), Cologne, Germany
24. Dr. Wolf-Dieter ZUMPFORT – Director International Affairs (Confirmed)
TUI AG, Berlin, Germany
25. Ms. Frances ARRICALE, Corporate Vice President
New York Life International, Inc - Washington, USA (Confirmed)
26. Mr. Stuart J. BRAHS, Vice President - Federal Government Relations
Principal Financial Group – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
27. Mr. Brant FREE, Senior Vice President of International External Affairs
Chubb Corporation – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
28. Mr. John GOYER, Vive President, International Trade Negotiations & Investment
US Coalition of Service Industries – US CSI – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
29. Mr. Lionel C. JOHNSON, Vice President and Director, International Government Relations
Citigroup Inc. – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
30. Mr. Kevin MULVEY, Assistant Vice President Corporate & International Affairs
American International Group, Inc. (AIG) – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
31. Mr. Mark NGUYEN, Director, Multilateral Trade Services,
White & Case – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
32. Mr. David SNYDER, Vice President & Ass. General Counsel
American Insurance Association – AIA - Washington, USA (Confirmed)
33. Mr. Ekrem SARPER, Adviser, Financial Services
US Coalition of Service Industries – US CSI – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
34. Mr. Robert VASTINE, President
US Coalition of Service Industries – US CSI – Washington, USA (Confirmed)
35. Mr. Nobutaka ISHIKURE, Executive Officer (Confirmed)
Japan Airlines - Tokyo, Japan
36. Mr. Katsuo MATSUSHITA, General Manager - Int. Department (Confirmed)
The General Insurance Association of Japan – Tokyo, Japan
37. Mr. Koichi KASHIMOTO, Deputy General Manager, Research Dept.. (Confirmed)
Dai-ichi Life Mutual Life Insurance Co.
38. Mr. Atushi YAMAKOSHI, Deputy Director, Int. Economic Affairs Bureau, (Confirmed)
Keidanren & Japan Services Network – JSN – Tokyo, Japan
39. Dr W K CHAN, Secretary General (Confirmed)
Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries (HK CSI) – Hong Kong, China
40. Mr Jane DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Executive Director (Confirmed)
Australian Services Roundtable – ASR – Canberra, Australia
41. Mr. Daniel MOULIS, International Trade Law Partner (Confirmed)
Freehills, Sydney, Australia
42. M Peter WALSH, Acting CEO & Chairman of ASR (confirmed)
Standards Australia, Melbourne, Australia
43. Mr Michael R. LANDRY, Vice President - Corporate Development (Confirmed)
Manulife Financial, Toronto, Canada
44. Mr. Alberto ECHEVERRÍA, Vice President, Legal Department, Chairman CCS
ANDI (Colombian national chamber of commerce) –
Colombian Coalition of Services, CCS – Bogotá, Colombia