Albany Centre Albany Centre Student Information 2014 D:\106757937.doc 1. IMPORTANT DATES ............................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 LECTURES AND TUTORIALS ............................................................................................... 3 LEARNING SKILLS WORKSHOPS ....................................................................................... 3 CHANGE OF ENROLMENT OR WITHDRAWING FROM A UNIT ........................................ 3 2. LIBRARY .................................................................................. 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 LIBRARY MATERIALS ........................................................................................................... 4 ALBANY PUBLIC LIBRARY................................................................................................... 4 UWA LIBRARY (CRAWLEY [PERTH]) – PHONE 1800 263 921 .......................................... 4 CURTIN LIBRARY (BENTLEY [CURTIN STUDENTS ONLY]) – PHONE 9266 7166 .......... 4 3. PURCHASING BOOKS ............................................................ 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 BOOKLIST ............................................................................................................................... 4 THE CO-OP BOOKSHOP (UWA) ........................................................................................... 4 THE BOOKSHOP (CURTIN) ................................................................................................... 5 SECOND-HAND BOOKS ........................................................................................................ 5 4. SAFETY & SECURITY AT THE UWA ALBANY CENTRE ...... 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 SECURITY & ACCESS ........................................................................................................... 5 FAMILY AND FRIENDS POLICY............................................................................................ 6 HEALTH & SAFETY ................................................................................................................ 6 5. GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................... 6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................................................................... 6 EMAIL ...................................................................................................................................... 6 ENERGY CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING ..................................................................... 7 LOCKERS ................................................................................................................................ 7 MAIL ........................................................................................................................................ 7 OFFICIAL STUDENT NOTICE BOARDS ............................................................................... 7 PEACE AND QUIET TO STUDY............................................................................................. 7 PRINTING AND PHOTOCOPYING......................................................................................... 7 STUDENT COMMITTEE ......................................................................................................... 7 STUDENT COMMON ROOM .................................................................................................. 8 TELEPHONE ........................................................................................................................... 8 TOILETS .................................................................................................................................. 8 6. STUDENT SERVICES .............................................................. 8 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 LEARNING SKILLS ................................................................................................................ 9 COUNSELLING SERVICES .................................................................................................... 9 ILLNESS AND SERIOUS PERSONAL OR FAMILY MATTERS ......................................... 10 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ................................................................................................... 11 CAREERS.............................................................................................................................. 11 STUDENT TRAVEL CONCESSION CARD .......................................................................... 11 7. USEFUL WEBSITES…………………………………………….11 8. ALBANY CENTRE STAFF ............................................. 14 2 1. IMPORTANT DATES 1.1 Lectures and tutorials UWA first semester lectures and tutorials start the week beginning 24th February 2014 and Curtin first semester lectures and tutorials start the week beginning 3rd March 2014. Second semester lectures and tutorials start the week beginning 28th July 2014 (for UWA) and 4th August 2014 (for Curtin). Generally, your first UWA tutorial only lasts for a short time; it is an informal session where you introduce yourselves but don’t have any formal discussions. You will be provided with a lecture and tutorial schedule at the orientation session on Thursday 20th February 2014 for semester 1 and Thursday 24th July 2014 for semester 2. Please ensure you start listening to your lectures during the first week of semester. They are available on the web via LMS (Learning Management System) a maximum of 24 hours after they are delivered in Perth (in most cases well before then). 1.2 Learning Skills Workshops There are a couple of FREE practical workshops held in first semester aimed at assisting with your university studies. We encourage you to attend these workshops provided by Student Services. Workshop # 1 – content TBA Computer Skills Workshop 10th March 2014 14th March 2014 Each session is designed to enhance your learning and help you succeed in your studies. You will: receive expert advice be able to ask questions participate in 'hands-on' learning make friends at the Albany Centre develop your own learning network Please register for these workshops on the list posted on the official UWA student notice board (both UWA & Curtin students). Workshops may be held via video conference in second semester, subject to numbers. Hard copies of the UWA guides are available in the group study area. Change of Enrolment or Withdrawing from a Unit If you would like to change your enrolment and would like advice regarding this, please make an appointment to see the Director, who will go through your options with you. Changes and withdrawals from Curtin units (Curtin students) and UWA units (UWA students) are made online. If you are a Curtin student enrolled cross-institutionally with UWA, then changes and withdrawals for your UWA units are instigated by completing two forms. These are available from the front office. You must advise both your tutor and the front office if you change your units. Changes and Withdrawal dates & what they mean to you: 8th March 2014 (UWA) for semester 1and 9th August 2014 (UWA) for semester 2 – last date to add units to your enrolment. 28th March 2014 (Curtin) and 31st March 2014 (UWA) for semester 1 and 29th August 2014 (Curtin) and 31st August 2014 (UWA) for semester 2 – HECS census dates. You 3 will pay HECS for any units you are enrolled in after these dates. Curtin students will also have to pay an additional $70 fee. 11th April 2014 (UWA) for semester 1 and 12th September 2014 (UWA) for semester 2 – Last day to withdraw from units. WD on your record means “withdraw without academic penalty” (this will appear on both your enrolment and academic records). You will also pay HECS for this unit. If you withdraw after these last dates, you will have “fail” recorded on your academic record. 2. LIBRARY 2.1 Library Materials In Albany, students have access to essential items on unit reading lists, which are available through the Albany Public Library or online through your university library website. Recommended readings and other items can be ordered from the university libraries in Perth. 2.2 Albany Public Library To access books through the Albany Public Library, you will need to be a member. An information session about UWA and Curtin books in the Albany Public Library will be held at orientation. 2.3 UWA Library (Crawley [Perth]) – Phone 1800 263 921 To be able to obtain books through the online Document Delivery Service (DDS) ‘Get-It’ at the UWA Library, you will automatically be registered once you are enrolled and your PHEME password is set. Details of the Get-It service will be advised at orientation. If you attend any of the libraries on the main campus in person, you will require your UWA ID card to do so. 2.4 Curtin Library (Bentley [Curtin students only]) – Phone 9266 7166 To be able to obtain books from the Curtin Library, you will need to have your Curtin ID card number. You access the site through the Curtin website 3. 3.1 PURHASING BOOKS Booklist Please order your books as soon as possible to ensure that you have them at the commencement of semester. UWA booklists are available on the Coop Bookshop website at Curtin students access their booklist via Oasis or the Curtin Bookshop. 3.2 The Co-op Bookshop (UWA) Web Phone 6144 5700 Email You can access your personalised text list online through student connect. All you need to do is go to and log in. If you are a first year student you may need to activate your Pheme account first, this can be done from the Student Connect webpage. Under ‘Enrolment’ on the left hand side menu, click on ‘Course & unit’. Under the “Units’ link you will find all of your active courses and enrolled units. Next to each enrolled unit is a direct link to its text list on the Co-op Bookshop website. 4 Add the text you wish to purchase to your shopping basket and you can place an online order to be delivered FREE OF CHARGE to your home address – avoiding the in-store queue! Alternatively, print out your requirements and come and see us in store. * If any of your units do NOT have a text list, it may still be forthcoming or no text may be required. Any concerns, check with your department. 3.3 The Bookshop (Curtin) Web This link goes to the Bookshop. Students can also access their book list from the list of units they are enrolled in (under My Studies & Evaluate tab) in OASIS. Phone 9266 3469 Booklists for semester one 2013 will be available via OASIS and the Curtin Bookshop website from Monday 4th February 2013. Students are advised to ensure that they have the current semester unit outline before ordering books. The current unit outline for each unit is accessed from Blackboard. Students can order books online or by phone. Credit card payments are accepted. The bookshop will send books directly to the Albany Centre in the internal mail for a small fee or they can send directly to students (at a higher rate depending on the amount of books ordered). Please take care with your order and keep receipts in case there are any changes to the Essential Text and/or you withdraw early in the semester. Curtin will take returns as long as there is a legitimate reason the student no longer requires the text and that they have the receipt of purchase. An email will be sent to you when your books arrive and they will be held at the front office for collection. If you are expecting a book, you can always ask when you are passing the office if you have not checked your emails that day. 3.4 Second-hand Books The UWA Student Guild has a second-hand bookshop as well as a second hand book exchange service. Contact details are: Phone number: 6488 2310 Email: Their catalogue can be accessed from the Guild webpage If you are buying second-hand books, please ensure that the correct edition is obtained. If you find a book you would like to purchase through the second-hand bookshop, there is an arrangement in place where by Albany students send an email to Betty Jansen, the Bookshop Manager at indicating which book you require and that you are from Albany. Betty will send the book down to you via the Albany Centre, and payment can be made via cheque or money order. Please be aware that the Second-hand Bookshop is only open Mon-Fri 10am – 3pm. There are also some lists of second-hand books for sale on the general notice board in the Albany Centre. 4. 4.1 SAFETY & SECURITY AT THE UWA ALBANY CENTRE Security & Access Security of the Centre is the responsibility of every student and staff member. Please ensure that windows are closed, blinds drawn, lights and air conditioners and heaters are turned off, and 5 doors locked if you are the last one to leave a room. When leaving the building, ensure that external doors close and lock properly behind you. Your student ID card gives you access to the Albany Centre so please keep the card in a secure place at all times. You need your card to activate the middle door to depart the building. Should you lose or misplace your card, please report the loss to the front office immediately so your access can be amended. Once a replacement card has been received (or you find your card), access will be returned. The cost of a replacement card is $15. Your card must NOT be used by anyone else. Please note that any after-hours access is for study purposes only. You are not permitted to sleep in the building. There are security cameras in place and you will be noticed if you do! 4.2 Family and Friends Policy If you bring friends and family/children to the Centre, you must accompany them at all times and their presence must not be disruptive to other students and staff. Visitors are not permitted to use computers or any other equipment. Please arrange to meet your visitors in the front office area or outside the General Access Lab at a pre-arranged time. Please ensure you make these arrangements, as staff cannot come and get you, and visitors are not permitted to wander through the building looking for you. Do not tell your visitors to knock on the external General Access Lab door, as this is disruptive for students and staff. Anyone needing to bring their children to tutorials should check with their tutor first. It is University policy that children must be under the direct supervision of their parent at all times while in the building. 4.3 Health & Safety Smoking: University policy prohibits smoking in its buildings and within 5 metres of doors, windows and air conditioning ducts. Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol is not permitted on campus without permission from the Albany Centre Administration. Parking: There is an Albany Centre student parking area next to the railway line on the lower level. Please use this car park and not the street parking or the foreshore car park as we want to avoid complaints from local businesses and be good neighbours. You will need a parking permit to park in the UWA car park, available from the front office (at no charge). Please note that the UWA staff bays near the middle-level entry door are only available to students after hours. The disabled bay is only to be used by people with disabilities. Pets: Are not permitted in the building. 5. GENERAL INFORMATION 5.1 Contact details It is important that we have your current address and contact phone numbers so that all official correspondence is sent to the correct address and contact can be made by telephone. You must advise both the Albany Centre and Student Administration If you change your address or telephone number. You do this by logging on to Student Connect (UWA) or OASIS (Curtin) to change your address with Student Administration on the main campuses, and by email or in person to the Albany Centre. We cannot change the Student Administration details – you must do this yourself. 5.2 Email You will be issued with an email address at enrolment or orientation. All students must check their email regularly as it is the University’s principal means of contacting students. Curtin 6 students will have both UWA & Curtin emails. You must check emails at least once a week or, ideally, daily. 5.3 Energy Conservation and Recycling Help us to reduce our carbon footprint. Ensure computers are shut down and lights and airconditioning are turned off when you leave a room. There is a paper recycling box in the General Access Lab, and a recycling bin for rinsed glass, plastic and cans, as well as paper and cardboard in the Student Common Room. 5.4 Lockers Lockers are available for use by students and are located in the passage outside the General Access Lab. Keys are available from the front office on request. A small $5 deposit is required. If the key is not returned at the end of the semester, or year (if you are studying both semesters), the Centre will retain the deposit, which covers the cost of replacing the key. 5.5 Mail There is a daily courier service between Albany and the Perth campuses. To send something in the bag: clearly mark the person/department on the envelope ensure their Mail Bag Delivery number is on the envelope (UWA) ensure Curtin University is clearing marked (Curtin) place the envelope in the mail bag by 3pm The Mail Bag is located in the front office. All UWA Mail Bag Delivery numbers are posted on the outside of the cupboard where the bag is located. Please note that delivery to Curtin will take 2 days. 5.6 Official Student Notice Boards There are clearly marked official UWA & Curtin notice boards located in the corridor outside the General Access Lab. Please check the notice boards whenever you are passing that way. (There are also unofficial notice boards for all non-university related posters and notices located next to and inside the group study room). 5.7 Peace and Quiet to Study The general access lab is meant to be a quiet place to listen to lectures and study. While collaborative learning is a wonderful thing and is to be encouraged, it can also be noisy and disruptive for other students. If you want to work together, please use the Group Study Room or the Student Common Room. The meeting room and tutorial rooms upstairs can also be used from 9-5 if they are available – please ask at the front office to check if you can use one. If working with other students involves using a computer, laptops with a wireless connection are available on loan from the front office and can be used in most rooms in the building. Study takes priority over Student Common Room activities, so if you are asked to turn down music, please do so immediately. 5.8 Printing & Photocopying The Campus Card printer is located in the mid-level corridor. You can release your print jobs for printing to this machine. Prices are: A4 black and white 10c; A3 black and white 20c; A4 colour 20c; A3 colour 40c. 20% discount for duplexing. 5.9 Student Committee The Albany Centre Student Committee provides you with a collective voice and representation, and is your link to Curtin and UWA student guilds. They also organise social and sporting events. Students are encouraged to get involved and to support their committee. 7 5.10 Student Common Room The student common room is situated on the lower level of the building and has kitchen facilities, a pool table, couches, chairs and tables. The Student Committee will organise a tea and coffee kitty. There are also bike racks in the common room, and a shower next to the bike racks. Students are responsible for keeping this room tidy. Students are responsible for washing their own dishes. To keep vermin at bay: Please place ALL rubbish in the bin provided Please RINSE ALL items to be recycled and place in the recycle bin Please also be aware that the sound system can easily be heard in the General Access Lab and, as study takes precedence over any Common Room activity, you should turn the music down when asked. 5.11 Telephone A telephone is located on the middle floor in the corridor next to the General Access Lab for: emergency calls (000, Fortitude Security – the Centre’s security company) both UWA & Curtin main campuses (6488 & 9266 prefix numbers only) and for limited local calls (Albany only). 5.12 Toilets There are toilets on the top floor, a disabled toilet off the General Access Lab on the middle floor and toilets next to the Common Room (shared with Spectrum Theatre which are closed at 5pm). 6. STUDENT SERVICES As an Albany Centre student, you can access student services information through a variety of means: face-to-face, online and by telephone Student Services offers a range of services for Albany students including: Learning Skills Centre Counselling Housing and Financial Aid Officers Careers Centre Office for Students with Disabilities and Medical Conditions Most of the information you might need can be found by navigating through the following websites: UWA Student Services Curtin Student Services Web: Telephone: 6488 2423 Web : Telephone: 9266 3399 UWA Student Guild Curtin Student Guild The Guild Student Centre services include: The Curtin Student Guild services include Education Office Centrelink Advocacy Legal and taxation referrals Education Office Centrelink Advocacy Legal and taxation referrals 8 Telephone: 6488 2295 Email: Web: 6.1 Financial Assistance including loans Help with student complaints Emergency meal vouchers Lost property office Financial Assistance including loans Help with student complaints Emergency meal vouchers Lost property office Telephone: 1800 063 865 Email: Web: Learning Skills You will find that at various stages of your studies you will need help with such things as using your study time effectively, planning and writing essays, studying for exams, etc. The Albany Centre schedules workshops in Albany to help you with a range of study skills. The workshops are delivered by learning skills advisers from the main campus. In addition, you can access information on the web, such as Jump Start for information in a hurry, podcasts of workshops, study guides, templates, etc. See page 3 for 2013 workshop dates. UWA Learning, Language and Research Skills: Study Smarter: or 6488 2423 Curtin StudyTrek: Student Learning Support Centre: or phone 9266 3825. 6.2 Counselling Services Distance Delivery from Perth Campuses This service is available by telephone. To avoid long-distance telephone bills, you can arrange for a uni counsellor to call you at home, or Jill Elliott or Sally Pell can arrange a private place for the consultation on one of the Centre’s phones. If you are uncertain about the process and unsure whether counselling is a good option, you are welcome to make some preliminary enquiries by asking for one of the counsellors to call you back. Counsellors will do this as soon as possible, to clarify any concerns you may have and help you make a decision about the next step Counsellors are experienced in university issues and can put you in touch with other people who can help if necessary. Referrals to other specialist services can also be arranged if that is appropriate. All counselling is confidential and the first sessions are free of charge. UWA 6488 2423 up to 6 sessions Curtin 9266 7850 or 1 800 651 878 up to 10 sessions Local Services in Albany In addition, if you would rather have access to face-to-face counselling, local services are available in Albany. All counselling is confidential and the first sessions are free of charge. To access the service, all you need is your UWA or Curtin Campus Card and a current enrolment statement. If you don’t have these items with you for your appointment, you can still access the service. However, this will involve the counselling service calling the Centre to confirm that you 9 are one of our students. So if you would rather the Centre didn’t know you are accessing counselling, you need to remember to take your Campus Card and proof of enrolment with you. There is a choice of services and counsellors. Missed Appointments Please Note: If you make an appointment and decide not to go or are unable to make it, please ensure you call and cancel the appointment (the University is charged for missed appointments). Students enrolled in UWA units – up to 6 sessions Albany Psychological Services Address: Suite 2, 4 Peels Place, Albany Telephone: 9842 6066 Email: Counsellor: Josey Hurley Bronwyn Cutler BSW MAASW Acc. MHSW Address: Offices 4 -6, The Terrace Centre, 96 – 102 Stirling Terrace, Albany Telephone: 9842 6411 Counsellors: Bronwyn Cutler Students enrolled in Curtin units – up to 10 sessions Lutz Pamberger, Psychologist Tel: 9842 6009 or Mob: 0417 952 899 Stephanie Morrigan, Clinical Psychologist Tel: 9842 2006 or Mob: 0419 941 833 Ros Watson, Psychologist Mob: 0419 905 675 Elizabeth Gray (Art Therapy) Mob: 0438 056 330 6.3 Illness and Serious Personal or Family Matters If you believe that illness, family responsibilities or other unforeseen circumstances have had a negative effect on your study causing you to perform at less than your ability, you can seek special consideration. If the issue is minor and you only require a short extension for an assignment, you should speak with your UWA tutor or Curtin lecturer in the first instance before the due date of the assignment. Depending on the nature of the assignment and the academic department’s practice, you may have to make a written application for special consideration and provide a medical certificate. If the matter is more serious or likely to affect your studies for a long period, you will need to make a formal application for special consideration or deferred assessment. Formal applications are always required for exams. UWA: Special Consideration Form 10 Curtin: Deferred Assessment Policy Application for Deferred Assessment: 6.4 Financial Assistance Loans and scholarships are available to help students who are struggling financially. Financial officers (both university and guild based) are available to provide assistance. UWA Student Services Web: Email: Phone: 6488 3547 Guild Web: Email: Phone: 6488 2295 Scholarships and (under ‘current students’ link) Curtin Scholarships & Financial Aid Web: Phone: 9266 2992 Email: 6.5 Guild Web: cial-assist Email: Phone: 9266 2900 Careers Careers centres can help with resume writing skills, job search skills and interview techniques. The Centre has a number of books. More information is available online. UWA: Curtin: 6.6 Student Travel Concession Card Full time students can apply for a Transperth Tertiary Smartrider travel card. Please see the front counter for an application form, which must be signed by an Albany Centre staff member and posted to Transperth with a $5 card fee. 7. USEFUL WEBSITES Albany Centre (UWA) – this is your homepage on the university computers Appeals against Academic Assessment (UWA) Business School (Economics & Commerce) (UWA) Centrelink 11 Charter of Student Rights (UWA) Commonwealth support for study Curtin University (Curtin) Curtin University - School of Education, Regional Education (Curtin) Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy (UWA) E-mail (UWA) Faculty Handbooks (UWA) Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (UWA) Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Mathematics (UWA) Faculty of Science (UWA) Guild (Curtin) Guild (UWA) Intellectual Property (UWA) International Centre (UWA) Library (Albany Public) Library (Curtin) Library (UWA) Map of Bentley campus (Curtin) Map of Crawley campus (UWA) MyUWA 12 MyUWA is a web portal, or online gateway, that provides users with personalised access to important applications and information services, essential to study and research at UWA. MyUWA is intended to become the "one stop shop" for access to the university's online services and allows students to create a personalised gateways to: Read and send email from the student email system; Link to a unit's LMS course, CMO list or LCS recordings; Check your personal timetable for lecture and tutorial times; Review your Internet usage quota; Upload and download files from your student storage area; Read news and official university announcements; Search for books or journal articles using many of the Library's search tools, including the catalogue and SuperSearch; Add personal bookmarks and RSS news feeds. Plus much more... Oasis (Curtin) Past exam papers (UWA) Scholarships (UWA) Student Portal (UWA) – includes Student Connect, Pheme, ipoint and other pages Student Administration (UWA) Student Grievance Resolution Policy (UWA) Information Services (UWA) Student Services (UWA) – includes counselling, diversity & transition and more UWA Sports & Recreation Centre (UWA) 13 8. ALBANY CENTRE STAFF Jennifer O’Neil is the Centre’s Director. Jennifer is happy to discuss with you any matters relating to your studies, including any difficulties you might encounter. Email: Paula Phillips is the Manager, Development and Operations. Paula is the person to contact regarding scholarships. Email: Rodney Russell is the Centre’s Computer Support Officer. If you have any problems with technology that front office staff are unable to assist with and Rodney is not at the Centre please e-mail Rodney at the Albany IT Helpdesk: Jill Elliott is the Administrative Officer. Please see Jill about enrolments/change of enrolment, exams, timetables and any other administrative or personal matters that might affect your studies. Jill works Monday – Thursday. Email: Veronica Dayman is the Administrative Assistant and Personal Assistant to the Director. She is the person to see if you have any problems accessing your lectures and if you come across any problems with the lecture recordings or require a parking permit, locker or headset. If you need information regarding library resources, or if you require any assistance with the Centre’s computers, or would like to make an appointment with the Director. Email: Lisa York works on Fridays as the Administrative Assistant on the front counter. Please contact Lisa for any front office administrative queries. Email: The Albany Centre Staff welcome you and wish you well with your studies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. 14