Unit Index No: Hours/Week: Credits: Pre-requisites: Controller: Room: Email: Phone: 11011 2 hour lecture plus a 1 hour tutorial 20 Nil Colin Huntly 407:229 LF100@cbs.curtin.edu.au (08) 9266 3879 My Tutor: Room: Email: Phone: Consultation times: Weekly Tuition: Important Notice Legal Framework 100 is a significant unit. If you fail it twice, your course may be terminated. Method of Assessment To pass this unit you must complete the following assessment tasks. Assessment Task Worth Tutorial attendance 5% Multiple choice test 15% Tutorial test one 10% Tutorial test two 20% Examination 50% TOTAL = 100 To pass this unit you must obtain 50% or more My Mark Full information on assessment is under the heading “Assessment”. Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Contents WELCOME ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 IMPORTANT NOTE ............................................................................................................................................... 3 PRE-REQUISITES ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 AIMS......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 CONTENT OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................................ 4 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................... 4 CV DEVELOPMENT: STARTING YOUR PORTFOLIO ................................................................................................ 4 SYLLABUS ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 UNIT MATERIAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 UNIT PLAN .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 TEXTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 METHOD OF INSTRUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 6 LECTURES ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 TUTORIALS.......................................................................................................................................................... 6 METHOD OF ASSESSMENT....................................................................................................................................... 8 ASSESSMENT GENERALLY ...................................................................................................................................... 8 TUTORIAL ATTENDANCE ......................................................................................................................................... 8 MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST ......................................................................................................................................... 8 TUTORIAL TESTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 THE FIRST TUTORIAL TEST .................................................................................................................................. 9 THE SECOND TUTORIAL TEST .............................................................................................................................. 9 FEEDBACK FORM. ............................................................................................................................................... 9 FINAL EXAMINATION............................................................................................................................................... 9 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................. 10 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS ......................................................................................................................................... 10 SKILL ICON ........................................................................................................................................................10 SKILL ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................................................10 ASSESSMENT TASKS - LEGAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................ 11 THE SEMESTER PROGRAM/SCHEDULE -LEGAL FRAMEWORK 100 ..................................................................... 12 SUPPLEMENTARY AND DEFERRED EXAMINATIONS ............................................................................................. 14 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS ......................................................................................................................14 DEFERRED EXAMINATIONS.................................................................................................................................14 EXAM RESULT APPEALS ....................................................................................................................................... 15 DISABILITY/INCAPACITY ...................................................................................................................................... 15 UNIVERSITY POLICY INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 15 ACADEMIC MALPRACTICE .................................................................................................................................15 COPYRIGHT ........................................................................................................................................................15 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 100 .............................................................................................................................. 16 Page 2 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Welcome Welcome to Legal Framework 100. All of us in the School of Business Law hope that this unit is an interesting and valuable learning experience for you. This unit will give you a background in, and taste for, some of the other Law units that are taught through the School of Business Law. Please read this Unit Plan carefully as it contains important information. It is important to note that this Unit Plan contains a schedule for the completion of lectures tutorials and assessments. You will need to check with you tutor and course controller to confirm these dates. In some cases changes may need to be made to the schedules. Important Note If you fail to attend the MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST, or your regular tutorial for ANY assessment in Legal Framework, you MUST contact the Controller immediately in writing. Photocopy the blank Student Comments or Questions page at the back of this Plan for this purpose. Pre-requisites You do not have to have done any studies in law before you commence this unit. It is an introductory unit and is a pre-requisite for most other law units. Keep in mind that the School of Business Law offers a range of degrees that allow you to major in the subjects that you find interesting. Single Major degree programmes are offered by the School of Business Law in the following areas: Commercial Law Corporate Administration Financial Institutions Law Sports Administration You can get details of these courses at the School of Business Law office on the ground floor of building 407, or via the internet at: http://www.cbs.curtin.edu.au/bl/single.html. The following Double Major degree programmes are also offered by the School of Business Law: Accounting and Business Law Accounting and Corporate Administration Accounting and Sports Administration Accounting and Sports Administration Accounting and Taxation Applied Finance and Commercial Law Corporate Administration and Management Marketing and Sports Administration Sports Administration and Commercial Law Page 3 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Sports Administration and Corporate Administration Taxation and Commercial Law Semester 1, 2001 You can get details of these courses at the School of Business Law office on the ground floor of building 407, or via the internet at: http://www.cbs.curtin.edu.au/bl/double.html. Aims The aims of this unit are provide you with some important background for future legal studies and to introduce you to a number of specific areas of the law that are relevant to business. This unit integrates the professional skills of problem solving and decision making. Achieving success in these skills will assist in your future studies in other areas, including law. Content Objectives On successful completion of this unit you will have: A broad outline of the Australian legal system and its role An introduction to the political and legal structure of Australia An introduction to some of the legal rules and principles that govern Australian society and that impact on business Professional Skills objectives On successful completion of this unit you will have achieved competence in problem solving and decision making in relation to legal problems. You will find that many of the assessment and study tasks in this subject focus heavily on these professional skills. Look for the professional skill icon in your assessment tasks and in the semester program to find out the mark allocation and when it will be taught. CV Development: Starting your Portfolio It is likely that future employers will request evidence of professional skill development. A portfolio of your professional skill development is an excellent way to provide this evidence. You should, therefore, keep examples of completed work for your portfolio. We also recommend that you retain all of the study materials, including this unit outline, for future reference. You may be required to submit your portfolio as part of the assessment in one of your final year units. Page 4 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Syllabus 1. How to Study Law 2. Concepts & Sources of Law 3. Parliament 4. Government 5. Courts 6. Crime 7. Negligence 8. Employment 9. Contract 10. Misleading & Deceptive Conduct 11. Property Unit Material Unit Plan The Unit Plan (this document) gives you important information about the general aims of the unit, texts and references, and details about the assessment, including allocation of marks, grading criteria and submission dates. You should make this Unit Plan the first document that you read for the unit. Read it carefully, paying particular attention to method of instruction, class times, assessment instructions and submission dates. These dates should be transferred into your diary in the first week of semester. Texts You should purchase: Legal Framework 100: Syllabus Book 2001 Curtin University of Technology Perth (earlier editions are, simply worthless). Latimer, P, 2001 Australian Business Law (20th Ed) CCH Ltd Sydney 2001 ISBN 1 86468 486 0 ISSN 0811-4781 References Butterworths Business and Law Dictionary (Most current edition) - This dictionary is not a compulsory purchase, however it will be a useful aid for this course and other law and business related subjects. Barron M L Fundamentals of Business Law 2nd Edition McGraw-Hill 1997 Chisolm R & Nettheim G Understanding Law 5th Edition Butterworths Sydney 1997 Page 5 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Gillies P Business Law (latest edition) The Federation Press Sydney Kenny R An Introduction to Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia 3rd Edition Butterworths Sydney 1997 Terry A & Giugni D Business, Society & The Law Harcourt Brace Sydney 1994 Vermeesch R B & Lindgren K E Business Law of Australia (latest edition) Butterworths Sydney Most of these references are available in the Library. (You should always use the latest edition of any text). Method of Instruction 2 hours of lectures per week (on the same day) 1 x 1 hour tutorial per week. OR AS ORGANISED ON YOUR CAMPUS Lectures The purpose of the lecture is to describe some of the principles of law in the unit, and the application of those principles. A lecture does not cover all there is to learn about the area. You will need to read and study further those areas of law lectured upon. It is not possible for the lecturer to cover all the unit material contained in the Study Guide. However, all material in the Study Guide, whether lectured upon or not, forms the subject matter of discussion in the tutorials and is examinable in the tests and the final examination. Because of student numbers and time constraints, a free exchange of questions and comments between students and lecturer during lectures is generally not possible. However, you may approach your lecturer to discuss or clarify points arising from the lecture immediately after the lecture (if there is time), or at the lecturer's designated consultation time. NOTE: Lectures do NOT operate in Week 5 (MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST Test Week), Week 9 (Easter Break) & Week 10 (Special Tutorial Six Seminars for Friday Tutorials Only). Tutorials Please remember these important points about Tutorials: 1. You can only attend a tutorial if you are listed on the CBS computer system Class-list. 2. Students initially place themselves on these Class-lists at the beginning of semester. 3. Students who do not attend tutorials regularly will be removed from a Class-list in week 4. 4. Students who are not on a tutorial Class-list will not be permitted to sit a Tutorial Test. 5. Students who have difficulty finding a suitable tutorial should contact the Controller immediately. Page 6 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 The purpose of a law tutorial is to provide a small group forum for learning and applying decision making, written and oral communication skills, administer two tutorial tests, and to provide feedback, assess students knowledge and professional skills, provide an opportunity for you to raise with your tutor questions about the course (eg. difficulties experienced with textbooks, with tutorial questions, or the tutorial tests) You should attend a 1 hour tutorial per week (or the equivalent at your location). These MAY commence in the first week of the semester, please check the Semester Programme below for details. Your tutor will keep a record of your tutorial attendance. Failure to attend tutorials may be a factor taken into account when deciding whether you should get a supplementary exam (discussed below). The first two tutorials have been designed to help you understand the way to learn law, and to get to know the members of your tutorial group. If you don’t attend the early tutorials in particular you will be taken off the tutorial list and may then be unable to sit the Tutorial Tests. The rest of the tutorials will focus on analysis and group discussions of the questions found in the Syllabus Book, at the end of Topics 3 - 11 inclusive. Read the tutorial questions before you come to the tutorial, prepare answers, and be ready to discuss them. In Law there is no one correct answer; rather, alternative conclusions are available. You should not, therefore, fear being "wrong", or be scared of speaking out in case you are wrong. You should express your point of view. It is more important to participate in tutorial discussion, than to arrive at the "correct" answer to a tutorial question. Participation will develop your oral communication skills The Tutorial Program contained in the Semester Program indicates how each tutorial relates to the lecture topics. Your tutor may depart from this program. You will be given notice of any changes to the program. Given the time constraints it may not be possible to deal with all tutorial questions. Students initially place themselves on computer tutorial lists. Given the difficulty of moving students around the tutorials, most changes are not permitted. Do not change tutorials without first getting permission from the Controller and the relevant tutor(s). Permission to change tutorials will only be given if you have good reason for being unable to attend the tutorial that you originally chose. The following are not appropriate reasons: "My friend is in the other tutorial." "I don't like coming in on Fridays." "I don't have any other classes on that day." "It's too early for me to come in." If you attend a tutorial test in another tutorial, your marks may not be passed on to your tutor and this could result in you being given an incorrect assessment for the unit. If you cannot attend a tutorial test (for a good reason), you must make an appointment with the Controller to discuss alternative arrangements. Page 7 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Method of Assessment Your assessment for Legal Framework 100 consists of the following components: Tutorial attendance 5% Multiple choice test 15% Tutorial tests (legal problems) (10% and 20%) 30% Final examination 50% Total 100% Assessment Generally Where any of the following occurs on the day of one of your tests, and you act promptly to write to the Controller, your assessment structure may be modified by the Controller: Serious illness Admission to hospital Bereavement Motor vehicle accident Eviction Should you find yourself in such a situation, you must WRITE to the Controller immediately (including your return postal address) and explain your circumstances, attaching medical certificates, accident reports etc and request special consideration. Your request will be considered and you will receive a written reply before week 15 indicating the outcome of your request. Tutorial attendance Students who pass this unit are regular attendees at tutorials. We believe in tutorials. They are a place where you can interact with the subject and other students at your own pace, focussing on issues that are important to you. In addition, you can collect up to 5 important assessment marks through the experience. Absences for valid reasons as determined in consultation with your tutor will not normally attract a penalty for non-attendance. Multiple choice test If you are attending a Curtin University Campus other than Bentley or are involved in an international program, your tutor/course controller will arrange a venue for this test. This will be a 1-hour multiple-choice test, covering topics 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the course. This test is compulsory. Failure to do the test will mean that you will lose 15% of your assessment. Page 8 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Tutorial tests You will write two (2) written tests each of 40 minute duration in tutorial as per the schedule in the Semester Program. Both tests require you to write an answer to a problem question. Your answer is to be handed to your tutor at the end of the tutorial session. The first Tutorial Test is worth 10% and the second Tutorial Test is worth 20% of your semester grade. You must complete these two tutorial tests. Failure to complete either test will result in forfeiture of that part of the assessment. No deferred tutorial tests are available. No books, notes, statutes or other materials are to be used in the tutorial tests. The first Tutorial test You will be given a problem requiring a written answer. The problem deals with Statutory Interpretation (see Topic 4 of the Study Guide) and you will be required to use the Four Steps problem solving process (see Topic 1 of the Study Guide). The second Tutorial test You will be given a problem requiring a written answer. The problem deals with Negligence (see Topic 7 of the Study Guide). You will be required to write an answer using the Four Steps problem solving process (see Topic 1 of the Study Guide). Feedback Form. At the end of this Unit Plan is a blank “Feedback Form” designed to help students gauge the strengths and weaknesses of their work on the basis of given criteria. You should consider these criteria carefully. You will notice that they follow the main principles of the 4-step process. After you have completed a tutorial test you will complete a self-assessment of your answer on a feedback form that will be provided and hand it in with your answer booklet. When your tutor has marked your tutorial test, the sheet will be returned to you with the tutor’s review of your answer the following week. You will be able to compare your self-assessment and the assessment given by the tutor on the same form. If there is a large difference in your assessment and the tutor’s then you should discuss what it means with your tutor. It is important to note that the self-assessment and feedback sheet will not necessarily correlate with the mark that your tutor gives you. It does not follow that because you have been given a number of “5” scores that you will be given a high mark. If you have been given lower scores on some of the other points you may not achieve a high score. Your tutor will supply you with a feedback form on the day of the tutorial test. Your tutor will return your marked test papers to you in the tutorial following the test. Final examination The final exam will contain 2 problem-type questions and 1 essay-type discussion question. Of these three questions: Page 9 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 You must answer two questions. The questions in the problem style will require you to use the four-step process. The final examination will focus on topics 5 to 11 of the course. Topics 1 to 4 will feature in the examination but will not be a major focus. It should be understood that topics 1 to 4 provide a framework for understanding all topics in the course. No books, notes, statutes or other materials are to be taken into the examination room. Important information about assessment The Controller may only alter due dates, assessment requirements, compulsory attendance and submission requirements as stated in this Unit Plan with the consent of the majority of students enrolled in the Unit. The Final Exam will be held during the formal examination period. It is your responsibility to check the date and the time of the final exam. The date and the time of the final exam will not be announced during lecture sessions. No final results are available prior to the Board of Examiners meeting held after the exam. University policy prohibits information regarding the exam timetable or the passing on of any result over the telephone at any time. Results for this Unit are published on the WWW. You will be officially notified in writing by the University of your Final Result. Professional Skills As outlined in the unit objectives, this unit will provide you with the opportunity to develop the following skills: Professional Skill Decision Making Skill Icon Skill Assessment Tutorial Tests/Exams Page 10 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Assessment Tasks - Legal Framework Below are the assessment dates for Bentley Campus. If you are studying elsewhere you will need to check the dates for the assessment, as they may be different. Assessment Item Assessment Item Description % Submission or Method Tutorial attendance Attendance at all tutorials attracts fullmarks 5% Turn up to Tutorials Multiple choice test 30 Multiple choice questions 15% Testing takes place Week 5 in the tutorial Testing takes place Week 7 in the tutorial, papers are handed to the tutor at the end of the tutorial 10% Tutorial test one (Statutory Interpretation) Written answer to a Legal Problem question, using 4-step-process as outlined in Topic One of the Syllabus Book Tutorial test two (Negligent Misstatement) Exam Every Week 20% Testing takes place in the tutorial, papers are handed to the tutor at the end of the tutorial Week 12 50% Specified venues As per Exam Timetable Written answer to a Legal Problem question, using 4-step-process as outlined in Topic One of the Syllabus Book Answer any two of: One Essay-Type Discussion Question; &, Two Legal Problem Questions Using 4 steps process As outlined in Topic One of the Syllabus Book Total Marks Place Due Date exam 100 Page 11 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 The Semester Program/Schedule -Legal Framework 100 It is important to note that this Unit Plan contains a schedule for the completion of lectures tutorials, and assessments. You will need to check with you tutor and Controller to confirm these dates. In some cases changes may need to be made to the schedules. Week Begin Date 1. 19 Feb Lecture Introduction Topic One Topic Two Activity for Students Tutorial Work to Prepare Obtain Course Materials. Visit Library. NO TUTORIALS THIS WEEK. Pre-readings & Important Notes Assessment items due None None Read Topic One None Read Topic Two and Three None Read Topic Four None Revise topics 1-4 for MC-Test Multiple test 15% Read Topic Five None Read Topics 1-4 of the Study guide, in particular Statutory Interpretation Tutorial Test 1 10% Read Topic Six None Mind Mapping 2. 3. 26 Feb 5 Mar Topic Three Introduction the group. Discussion Topic One to of Topic Four Decision Making & Problem Solving Review. Questions from Topics Two and Three 4 12 Mar Topic Five 5 19 Mar No Lectures Attend Question Choice test 6 26 Mar Topic Six Revise 4 steps Process for tutorial test 7 2 Apr Topic Seven Questions Topic Four 30 Multi the Attend tutorial for tutorial test. from No tutorials Questions Topic Five from Tutorial Test 1 Statutory Interpretation 8 9 Apr Topic Eight Questions from Topic Six Page 12 of 18 Choice Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Week Begin Date Lecture 9 16 Apr Week Free of Classes 10 23 Apr 11 12 Activity for Students Week Free of Classes Tutorial Work to Prepare Pre-readings & Important Notes Assessment items due Week Free of Classes Week Free of Classes Week Free of Classes Topic Nine Questions from Topic Seven Read Topic Seven None 30 Apr Topic Ten Questions from Topic Eight Read Topic Eight None 7 May Topic Eleven Tutorial Test 2 Read Topic Eight Tutorial Test 2 20% Attend tutorial for tutorial test Negligence 13 14 May No Lectures Questions from Topic Nine Read Topic Nine 14 21 May Revision & Review Lecture Questions Topic Ten Read Topic Ten 15 28 May No Lectures Questions from Topic Eleven Read Topic Eleven 16 4 June Study Week Study Week Study Week 17 11 June Examinations 18 18 June Study Week from Study Week Exam 50% Page 13 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Supplementary and Deferred Examinations The Board of Examiners may grant supplementary examinations in part or in full to a student who fails the unit by a narrow margin. University policy allows for deferred examinations in some circumstances. If you are awarded a supplementary examination by the Board of Examiners, (which will appear on your results notification as, for example, Legal Framework 100 X - 46%) or a deferred examination (which will appear on your results notification as, for example, Law100 D) you will be required to sit that examination on a date fixed by the University. Supplementary examinations The supplementary exam will be worth 100% of the unit mark. Marks accumulated from your multiple choice and tests will NOT be taken account of in the supplementary exam. You will only be considered for a supplementary examination if your final mark is 45% or over and you have an average in your other subjects of 50% or over. Supplementary examinations are nevertheless granted at the discretion of the Board of Examiners and are not a right. Deferred examinations The deferred examination will be worth 50% of the unit mark. Your progressive assessment (multiple choice and tutorial tests etc) marks will be included in the deferred examination. Deferred examinations are only granted where you are unable by reason of sickness, accident or some other reasonable cause/excuse to attend the examination. You must notify the School of Business Law as soon as you become aware that you cannot attend the examination and fill in a form, giving written details of your reasons for non-attendance, along with written evidence to support your reason, eg a medical certificate. Do NOT contact the Controller regarding deferred examinations on the day before the exam, the day of the exam or the two days after the examination. The decision to grant a deferred examination is discretionary and made by the Controller in consultation with the Board of Examiners. Note that it is not generally regarded to be a reasonable cause/excuse to fail to attend for the following reasons: Attended the examination late, Forgot the date of the examination, Went to the wrong examination venue Was unprepared for the examination, Did not have time to study for the examination. If you do not sit for a scheduled supplementary/deferred examination you have no claim to a further examination. You will receive a FAIL GRADE in this Unit. For more detailed information on Policies and Procedures relating to Examinations, students should refer to the WWW via the CBS Home Page. Page 14 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Exam Result Appeals Any student is entitled to appeal against their final result for the unit if they have proper grounds. You should be aware of the following important points: You must have an adequate reason for your appeal - your opinion that you thought you did better than your result, is not a proper ground for appeal. Past events (such as feeling unwell when the exam or test was sat) which cannot be verified are not good grounds for an appeal; All students in this unit who obtain between 46% and 50% have their papers reviewed for a pass and this occurs without an appeal having to be lodged; In light of the above, if you still desire to appeal, you should obtain the pink appeal form from the School of Business Law office before the first week of the next semester. Disability/Incapacity If you have a disability which may make it difficult for you to attend and/or to complete the requirements of the unit you should discuss your requirements with the Equity Officer on Curtin University campus on 9266 7850 (note that a medical certificate may be required). Students should also be aware of the University Counselling Service that offers students with personal difficulties a professional, confidential counselling facility by appointment. The phone number for the University Counselling Service is 9266 7850. University Policy Information Academic Malpractice The University has strict policies on Academic Malpractice (including plagiarism), a breach of which will result in a zero mark for that piece of work, and further disciplinary action. Information on Academic Malpractice can be viewed at: http://www.cbs.curtin.edu.au/current/Plagiarism.cfm Copyright A condition of acceptance as a student is the obligation to abide by the University’s policies on the copying of copyright material. This obligation covers photocopying of any material using the University’s photocopying machines, and the recording off air, and making subsequent copies, of radio or television broadcasts. You must be familiar with the University’s policy on copyright. Information on the University Policy in relation to copyright and resulting disciplinary action can be viewed at: http://www.cbs.curtin.edu.au/CBS/copyright/index.htm Page 15 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 100 FEEDBACK FORM PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND PLACE IT INSIDE YOUR ANSWER BOOKLET YOUR TUTOR WILL ALSO COMPLETE THE FORM & PROVIDE YOU WITH VALUABLE FEEDBACK Student Name: -------------------------------------- Number: ---------------------- Tutor: -------------------------------------- Day of Tutorial: --------------------------------------Time of Tutorial: ---------------------- Please mark on the scale below how you rank your answer against the following criteria: Strongly Disagree PROFESSIONAL SKILLS I used the 4-step format. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 CONTENT 1. I have Identified the correct area/s of law. 1 2 3 4 5 2. I have explained the law, including, where appropriate, relevant precedent cases and/or legislation. (This is the most important step.) 1 2 3 4 5 3. I have applied the law sensibly and logically to the facts in the question. 1 2 3 4 5 4. I have drawn possible conclusions. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 STANDARD OF WORK My English expression is of university standard Your Mark for this Tutorial Test is: COMMENTS: Page 16 of 18 Legal Framework 100 Semester 1, 2001 Legal Framework 100 Student Comment Or Questions Please complete this form and give it to your tutor/lecturer. Students can usually expect a response in writing, by telephone, or by email within a week. Today’s Date Student Name Student Number Tutorial Day & Time Tutor’s Name Contact Telephone Contact address Contact email I prefer to be contacted via (Please tick one preference) Telephone Mail Email My Question/ Comment is: Page 17 of 18