Columbia Board Minutes 7-15-15

Minutes of the California Law Enforcement Columbia Association
Executive Board of Directors Meeting Date: July 15, 2015
On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 the Executive Board of Directors Meeting of the California Law Enforcement Columbia
Association was held at the Italian American Social Club, 25 Russia Ave. San Francisco, Ca.
Meeting called to order by Curcio at 1903 hours.
Leo Pierini - present
Steve Landi – excused
Al Casciato - present
Liane Corrales - present
Gloria Curcio - present
Frank Wood – present
Rob Imbellino - excused
Tim Gatto – present
Marcellino Genelli – Excused
Tom Howard Excused
Fr. Joseph Landi – not present
All Board members present signed in the Association Logbook.
Minutes from the Executive Board of Directors Meeting on May 27, 2015 were reviewed. Casciato moved to approve the
minutes, seconded by Gatto. Minutes approved.
Non-Profit Status:
President Pierini, advised that filing applications for tax exempt status remains pending. We are still waiting to receive a
letter from the National Council of Columbia Associations acknowledging CLECA as a chapter under their umbrella. They
had prepared one, but the wording was incorrect. They are preparing another. Steve Landi is working on this. The financial
information and proposed budgets are complete just need to be recorded on the State and Federal Applications.
We may create Articles of Association by culling info from the By-Laws to satisfy Federal filing requirements. The Bylaws
will be reviewed as well, to include specific language regarding future fund-raising efforts towards our Scholarship Program.
Festa and Events:
President Pierini advised on the progress of planning for the Festa Coloniale Italiana, which will be held August 15, 2015 at
the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club and on the1600 block of Stockton Street.
The Carabinieri Representatives are Marcellino Gemelli, Tom Howard, and Regilio Castri. President Pierini provided Curcio
with their email addresses:,, and, respectively. The
Carabinieri will have a Display Exhibition on the SFIAC 3 rd floor.
SF State Scholarship Program:
President Pierini asked about any Membership responses regarding Scholarship Name and/or criteria. Curcio presented
submitted suggestions from the Membership: “Italian American College Fund” “Italian Criminal Justice Scholarship”,
“Sons and Daughters of Italy Criminal Justice Scholarship”, “Italian Students Law Enforcement Scholarship” “Scholarship
for Criminal Justice Leaders of the Future”, “California Law Enforcement Columbia Association Scholarship for Leaders of
the Future”, “Consulta Avaldica Scholarship”, “Marchese/Marchesa Scholarship”, “Italian American University Fund”,
“Italian American Police Criminal Justice Scholarship (or Fund)”
Criteria suggestions are a Recipient: be a Junior or Senior in Criminal Justice field, (especially since there is no Criminal
Justice program for underclassmen.), be of Italian-American descent, Majoring in Criminal Justice. The feeling is to create
basic criteria, leaving latitude and flexibility of choice. Actual selection of the recipient will be by SF State, which will
include consideration of grades, living situation-balancing children, jobs,and school-etc. Once we give SF State our check,
they will develop an Application Process.
Deadline for Membership suggestions is 7-30-15, but Submission to SF State will be the end of August, so we have a bit of
time to consider names and criteria, and make a decision.
SF State Mentorship:
VP Casciato advised that the SF State Criminology Department is also looking for Police Officer Graduates /Attendees of SF
State interested in becoming involved with the SF State Criminal Justice program, and to mentor Criminal Justice Students.
Anyone interested can contact David Fierberg, Director of Development for Criminal Justice at SF State.
EXECUTIVE VP REPORT (Liaison with other Italian LE Groups): Exec VP Landi was excused, however he is
continuing to work on getting the letter from the National Council regarding our status as Chapter. Cigar Night remains
1st VP REPORT (Public Information and Communications):
Scholarship: VP Casciati again stated that a Scholarship Name and Criteria for the Scholarship are to be presented to SF
State at the end of August in order for the Scholarship to be implemented for the Spring Semester 2016.
2nd VP REPORT (Association and Other Events): VP Corrales will be handling the Festa booth details and coordinating
activities with the Carabinieri and the Guardians of the City.
Guardians of the City: She stated that she had spoken with Jamie of Guardians of the City. They are considering creating a
Display profiling an Italian-American member of SFPD. Jamie had suggested VP Corrales. VP Corrales suggested women
who were in the 1st class on patrol in 1975, like Maureen D’Amico. Other names were suggested—but in general, the idea
was approved. We will see what they develop!
Carabinieri- President Pierini provided VP Corrales with Tom Howard’s cell: 415-509-1283. Regilio Castri was the person
who had set up the Display last year, however (email:
Al Baccari will have the whole SFIAC gym for set up of his Historical Display of Italian influence in SF and North Beach.
President Pierini advised that he can arrange 3 Security guys in the gym, with 2 Rovers thru Spartan, a company run by his
old partner, Lefty.
President Pierini also advised that volunteers are needed for Friday afternoon/night set up of the Carabinieri and Guardian
Displays, as well as Saturday event security for the other Displays and manning our CLECA booth. Curcio will send out an
email to the Membership requesting volunteers.
BYLAWS COMMITTEE: No new changes at this time.
Dominic Busalacchi and Frank Busalacchi, whose membership applications were approved at our last meeting, were both
present. Dominic and Frank were sworn in and presented with CLECA pins. Welcome Frank and Dominic!
Certificates of Acknowledgment from CLECA for the retirements of Greg Corrales and Steve Landi awill be presented at the
next, best opportunity.
Our revolving account still has about $1300 in it.
None noted.
Steve Landi was excused from this meeting as his son had been assigned Tank Commander of a Battalion, and he was out of
state to attend the ceremony. Congratulations!
Mario Biaggi, the first President of the National Council of Columbia Associations, passed away June 24, 2015 at the age of
Martin Bastiani passed away on June 16, 2015. Marty retired from SFPD after 55 years of service.
A moment of silence for the passing of Mario and Martin was held. May You Rest In Peace.
Meetings are held on the Third Wednesday of the month.
Our next meeting will be August 18, 2015 at 6:30- Location TBD.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Gatto, second by Casciato at 1932 hours.
Secretary, G. Curcio
Date of Approval
President, L. Pierini