NS Financials Upgrade

What is Billing?
not have a date or that the bill status has not been set
to RDY before the record was saved.
Billing is what UNSW use to generate invoices to their
Generating Invoices
Invoices are entered by the users and are generated by
the system overnight. Users are to check their Report
Manager the next day to collect their invoices for
Completing the generation process
You must wait for your invoice to be generated before
you can print it. Go to the Process Monitor in order to
monitor the process and ensure that it runs to
This is the preferred way to generating invoices.
Insert Instance number if system does not remember it
and press Run.
Select the invoice layout for your invoice and press the
OK button.
Same Day print
These instructions will guide you through generating an
invoice on the same day you have entered it should you
have an urgent invoice that you need to send out on
the same day.
Enter your bill (or access it) in the formal way.
When you are ready to invoice your bill change the bill
status to RDY and save the record.
While you are waiting please note the Instance Number
for the process you are running (you will need this in
order to print the invoice).
Click on the Process Monitor Hyperlink and ensure your
process runs to Success and is Posted.
Check your GST Calculation
When you save the record you will be prompted to
check the GST calculation - before finalising any bill it is
important to check the GST calculation by going to the
Summary page and clicking on the Calculate Taxes
If you have a GST Rounding Issue you will need to use
the Rounding functionality found under VAT Controls
(VAT Information on the Bill Header 2 page).
Press the Refresh button to update the status of the
Once the Run Status is equal to Success and the
Distribution Status is equal to Posted you are ready to
print a copy of your invoice.
Generate the Invoice
Click on the Invoice icon (to the top right of the screen
located next to the Pro Forma icon). If this button does
not appear on your screen then you have not
completed all steps necessary in order to generate the
invoice. Common problems are that the invoice does
Printing your invoice
Go to the Print Crystal Invoices Menu item under Billing
and create or access a run control.
When the process has run to completion click on the
Details hyperlink, then click on View Log/Trace and
open the PDF file posted on your screen to access your
Same Day Invoice Notes
If you use this method to generate your invoice please
note that the overnight budget check will still run
against your invoice and if any bill errors are generated
you will be notified and will be expected to resolve
them (see the Quick Reference Guide or UPK Topic
entitled “Identifying Billing Errors”.
Where to find Training
Access to the Online Training Tool (UPK) from the
finance website, select “Training and Personnel” then
“Online Training Tool”.
Classroom training schedules are posted on the finance
website, select “Training and Personnel” then “Training
Schedule and Enrolments”.
Where to get help
PROCESSING HELP – Contact Accounts Receivable Help at
TECHNICAL HELP - Contact your local IT support team, if it
cannot be resolved; contact the IT Service Desk x51333.
Generate Invoice Same Day
Quick Reference Guide
To access NSF and for all of the
University’s Financial Policies and
Guidelines, refer to the Finance Website: