Classroom Procedures - McCloskey's Entrepreneurship Class

Mrs. McCloskey’s Classroom Rules and Procedures
Rules = RESPECT!
Treat others, yourself and school property with RESPECT! For example:
1. Come to class on time, prepared and ready to learn.
2. Be kind and supportive to your classmates – we are a TEAM and our goal is for EVERYONE
3. Clean up after yourself – throw away trash, put books away, push in chairs.
4. NO FOOD or BEVERAGES near the computers. Only beverages in spill-proof containers are
permitted, if kept on the floor.
5. NO computer GAMES or inappropriate INTERNET use. (Doing so will result in a minimum of
one week’s loss of computer privileges.)
6. NO CELL PHONES, iPods, or other electronic devices without direct permission.
Enjoy! You are fortunate to have this learning opportunity! 
A ½” or 1” binder and 8 tabs that will be used for your business plan project. You may keep
your notes and assignments in this binder or a separate folder, whichever you prefer.
Flash drive or use Google docs to upload/download files for back-up storage. (Do not rely
solely on the school network to save/retrieve your files!)
Pen/pencil and paper.
Business Plan Project:
You will be responsible for coming up with a potential business idea during the first few weeks of
class. You will create a business plan for your business idea throughout the rest of the semester.
The business plan will consist of both formative and summative grades each marking period. Your
completed business plan will be worth approximately 40% of your final exam grade, so staying on
top of this along the way will be crucial to your success!
To receive class reminders via text, send a text message to 248-782-5471 with the following
message: @sl-entrep. This is a one-way messaging service; do not reply to these messages. If you
do not have text messaging on your phone you can sign-up for the message to be delivered via email
by sending an email to You do not need to include a subject or any
text in the message area of your email.
Mrs. McCloskey’s Classroom Rules and Procedures
Google Docs & Gmail
We will use a combination of Microsoft Office and Google Docs, depending on the application.
Excel, in particular, works much better than Google spreadsheets, but we will be using Google Docs
for group/collaborative work. I will share files with you using any of the following methods: Google
docs, email attachments and Moodle.
You can access your gmail account by going to in any browser.
Your login and password are the same as your school network login with two exceptions: if your last
name is less than 5 letters eliminate the space(s) in your login, and if your password is less than 8
characters add the letter z to the end as many times as needed to get 8 characters.
EASY POINTS will be given randomly a few days/week. Easy Points are quick questions at the
beginning of class worth 5 formative points. Easy Points cannot be made-up if you are not in
the classroom and ready to work when the bell rings. If you are late for class on a day we have
Easy Points the door will be closed and you are expected to wait quietly in the hall until
everyone has completed their Easy Points. If your tardiness is unexcused, or if you have an
unexcused absence on an Easy Points day, you will receive 0 points. If your tardiness is due to a
conversation with a teacher, it is your responsibility to bring a note from the teacher. (I will
not call/email them to see if you should be excused.)
When working on the computers, SAVE your work OFTEN. Make sure you SAVE your work in
two places, such as your network drive (H:\YourLastName…) and a flash drive. If you lose
your work due to a computer failure or corrupt file and do not have a back-up, you are at risk
of earning a 0 for the assignment – unless you have enough time to redo the work.
Turning in assignments:
o Place your work in the appropriate class basket by the door.
o If the assignment includes a rubric, the rubric should be on top, grading side up.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS – oops! Being able to meet deadlines and due dates is part of being
responsible for yourself and holding a job in the real world. As such, LATE ASSIGNMENTS
WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED unless you have an oops. An oops is to be used for unforeseen
circumstances that you cannot control, such as an accident or family crisis. You will be given
two oops per semester. It is your responsibility to keep your two oops and use them wisely.
An oops gives you one extra day to turn in an assignment, unless we’re checking it in class
in which case the oops will exempt you from that homework check.
To use your oops you must turn it in. That means you need to keep them with you. To use
your oops attach it to the front of your late assignment. If you’re using your oops for a
homework check it must be turned in at the time of the homework check.
oops cannot be sold, transferred or replaced.
Unused oops can be turned in at final exam time for a bonus point on the exam.
Mrs. McCloskey’s Classroom Rules and Procedures
ABSENCES - If you’re ABSENT it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed.
Any handouts will be in the folder on the bulletin board by the door, with your name on them.
o You will have one day to make-up the missed work for each day of EXCUSED absence.
o If your absence is UNEXCUSED you will automatically receive a 0 for any work you
missed, even if it’s a major test or project you’ve worked on for weeks.
Tests. You will be given at least two days notice for upcoming tests. We will usually review
the day before a test. Being absent on review day does not excuse you from taking the test.
Questions & Extra Help. If you still have questions after using your class time and resources
wisely, PLEASE ASK! I’m here because I want to help you learn. 
Grading & Skyward:
I’m a firm believer in immediate feedback and will do everything I possibly can to get your
assignments and tests graded and back to you the next day. I recommend you retain all graded
assignments at least until you’ve verified their accuracy in Skyward. You cannot dispute a grade in
Skyward without proof.
Semester Final Grade Calculation
Marking period grades are not cumulative. Each marking period and the final exam are weighted as
follows for calculating the semester grade.
1st Marking Period
2 Marking Period
3 Marking Period
Final Exam
Semester Grade
Marking Period Grades
Each marking period grade consists of a formative and summative portion, based on the following
Formative (Easy points, class work and assignments)
Summative (Tests, quizzes and large projects)