2013-14 COURSE PLAN Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: COURSE DETAILS Name Of The Programme:: Designation:: Year Department:: Title of The Subject No of Students M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA OOPs Through C++ Assistant Professor 1st MCA OOPs Through C++ 11 Batch:: Semester:: Subject Code 2013 1st F3103 2013-14 COURSE PLAN Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA 1. TARGET 2. a) Percentage Pass 100 b) Percentage I class 80 COURSE PLAN (Please write how you intend to cover the contents: i.e., coverage of Units by lectures, guest lectures, design exercises, solving numerical problems, demonstration of models, model preparation, or by assignments, etc.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. 4. Coverage of Subject, unit-wise by teaching in the class Student interaction with the subject, by applications in daily life examples Assignments from previous question papers Handouts for both theory and programs for self practicing the subject other than class hours Quiz and brain storming etc. techniques to learn the subject fast & applications Latest updates from internet and videos related to concept provided to the student Uploading Previous Year Papers & Their solutions for future reference for Regular External Exams . METHOD OF EVALUATION 3.1. Continuous Assessment Examinations (CAE 1, CAE 2) 3.2. Assignments / Seminars 3.3. Mini Projects 3.4. Quiz 3.5. Term End Examination 3.6. Others List out any new topic(s) or any innovation you would like to introduce in teaching the subject in this Semester. 1. 2. 3. Seminars by students by browsing the subject related Websites & Journal, to get depth of knowledge beyond the class work Making students to join Technical Societies or Associations which organizing the subject research works, job opportunities, advance. topics info. Encourage the students to participate in conference papers (or) workshops conducted by technical institutions / organizations. Signature of HOD Date: Signature of Faculty Date: 2013-14 GUIDELINES TO STUDY THE SUBJECT Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: M.Chandrasekhar Designation: Assistant Professor Department:: MCA Guidelines for Preparing the Course: Course Description: This course teaches the fundamental ideas behind the object-oriented approach to programming; through the widelyused C++ programming language. Concentrating on aspects of C++ that best demonstrate object-oriented principles and good practice, you'll gain a solid basis of the C++ language, and of object-oriented software development. You'll be confident to write any complex application easily. Course Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. To understand the object oriented paradigm and the way of viewing the object world To Understand C++ Basic concepts and basic details of c++ Programming language. How to use control statements in c++ program and understand Arrays, structures and strings. Understand the parameter passing methods, inline and Recursive functions in C++. To understand the how to create classes and objects and call the methods and variables. Describe the constructors and destructors in c++. To understand the how to allocate the memory and deallocation using New and delete operators. To describe the pre-processor directives in c++. To understand polymorphism concepts and template Concepts. Enable the student to understand inheritance concepts and types of inheritance and call virtual functions. To understand about c++ i/o streams and how to use different types of streams. Introduction of Exception Handling and How to use all keywords (Try, Catch, and through). How to create own exceptions in C++ Programming language. Learning Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Analyze the necessity for Object Oriented Programming paradigm over structured programming and become familiar with the fundamental concepts in OOP like encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism. Demonstrate an ability to design and develop C++ programs, analyze, and interpret object oriented data and report results. Demonstrate an ability to design an object oriented system as per needs and specifications. Demonstrate an ability to visualize and work on laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks like console and windows applications for standalone programs. Demonstrate skills to use latest object oriented programming language and software like C++ to analyze OOP problems. Develop confidence for self education and ability for life-long learning needed for other oops languages java and advanced java technologies. Able to participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE, Engineering services, recruitment interviews etc. 2013-14 COURSE OBJECTIVES Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA On completion of this Subject / Course the student shall be able to: S.No. 1. Objectives Outcomes To understand the object oriented paradigm and the way of viewing the object world To Understand C++ Basic concepts and basic details of c++ Programming language. How to use control statements in c++ program and understand Arrays, structures and strings 1,2 To Understand the parameter passing methods, inline and Recursive functions in C++. To understand the how to create classes and objects and call the methods and variables. Describe the constructors and destructors in c++. 3 2. 3. To understand the how to allocate the memory and deallocation using New and delete operators. To describe the pre-processor directives in c++. To understand polymorphism concepts and template Concepts 4. 3 4 Enable the student to understand inheritance concepts and types of inheritance and call virtual functions 5. To understand about c++ i/o streams and how to use different types of streams. Introduction of Exception Handling and How to use all keywords (Try, Catch, and through). How to create own exceptions in C++ Programming language Signature of Faculty Date: Note: For each of the OBJECTIVE indicate the appropriate OUTCOMES to be achieved. Kindly refer Page 16, to know the illustrative verbs that can be used to state the objectives. 5 2013-14 COURSE OUTCOMES Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA The expected outcomes of the Course / Subject are: S.No. General Categories of Outcomes A. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering B. An ability to design and , as well as to analyze and interpret data Specific Outcomes of the Course An ability to apply knowledge of engineering An ability to Write programs and conduct experiments An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic Constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, Manufacturability and sustainability C. D. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams E. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems F. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility G. An ability to communicate effectively H. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context I. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning J. A knowledge of contemporary issues K. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. An ability to use the skills and problem solving techniques Objectives – Outcome Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark). Outcomes Objectives A B C D E F G H I J K 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5 2013-14 COURSE SCHEDULE Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is:: S. No. M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA OOPS through C++. Duration (Date) From To Description Total No. of Periods 1. Unit-1 Different Paradigms for problem solving, OOPs Paradigm and C++ Basic Structure 27/9/2013 11/10/2013 9 2. Unit-2 C++ Functions and Classes and abstraction and Objects, Constructors and Destructors 22/10/2013 31/10/2013 9 3. Unit-3 Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation, polymorphism concepts and Templates and types 1/11/2013 20/11/2013 11 4. Unit-4 Inheritance, Types of inheritance and virtual , Pure virtual function and abstract classes 21/11/2013 7/01/2014 11 5. Unit-5 C++ I/O Streams and types of streams, Exception Handling keywords. 20/1/2014 8/2/2014 Total No. of Instructional periods available for the course: 51 Hours / Periods 11 SCHEDULE OF INSTRUCTIONS 2013-14 UNIT – I Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is:: SI. No. 1 Date 27/9/2013 M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA OOPs through C++ 3 1/10/2013 1 Different paradigms for problem solving, Objectives:1 Outcome:1 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 OOP paradigm Objectives:1 Outcome:1 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 fundamental characteristics of OOP Objectives:1 Outcome:1 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 differences between OOP and Procedure Oriented Programming Objectives:1 Outcome:1 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 C++ Basics: Structure of a C++ program Objectives:2 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Data types, Declaration of variables, Expressions, Operators, Operator Precedence, Evaluation of expressions, Type conversions Objectives:2 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Pointers, Arrays Objectives:2 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Strings, Structures Objectives:2 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Flow control statements- if, switch Objectives:3 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Flow control statements- while, for, do Objectives:3 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt break, continue, goto statements Objectives:3 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 3/10/2013 4 4/10/2013 5 8/10/2013 6 9/10/2013 7 10/10/2013 8 11/10/2013 9 11/10/2013 10 11/10/2013 11 References (Text Book, Journal…) Page No___ to ___ Topics / Sub - Topics 28/9/2013 2 Objectives & Outcome Nos. No. of Periods Signature of Faculty Date Note: 1. ENSURE THAT ALL TOPICS SPECIFIED IN THE COURSE ARE MENTIONED . 2. ADDITIONAL TOPICS COVERED, IF ANY, MAY ALSO BE SPECIFIED BOLDLY. 3. MENTION THE CORRESPONDING COURSE OBJECTIVE AND OUT COME NUMBERS AGAINST EACH TOPIC. 2013-14 SCHEDULE OF INSTRUCTIONS Regulation: R11 UNIT - II FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is:: SI. No. 1 Date 22/10/2013 No. of Periods Topics / Sub - Topics Parameter passing methods (Call by value and Call by Reference) Objectives:4 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Default arguments, inline functions Objectives:4 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Recursive functions, Pointers to functions Objectives:4 Outcome:2 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 C++ Classes And Data Abstraction Objectives:5 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Class definition, Class objects Objectives:5 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 this pointer Objectives:5 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Friends to a class, Static class members Objectives:5 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 , Constant member functions, Constructors and Destructors Objectives:6 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Data abstraction Objectives:6 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt ADT and information hiding Objectives:5 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 26/10/2013 5 29/10/2013 6 30/10/2013 7 22/10/2013 8 31/10/2013 9 31/10/2013 10 31/10/2013 11 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 25/10/2013 4 Objectives:4 Outcome:2 References (Text Book, Journal…) Page No___ to ___ C++ Functions-Scope of variables 24/10/2013 3 Objectives & Outcome Nos. 1 23/10/2013 2 M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA Signature of Faculty Date Note: 1. ENSURE THAT ALL TOPICS SPECIFIED IN THE COURSE ARE MENTIONED . 2. ADDITIONAL TOPICS COVERED, IF ANY, MAY ALSO BE SPECIFIED BOLDLY. MENTION THE CORRESPONDING COURSE OBJECTIVE AND OUT COME NUMBERS AGAINST EACH TOPIC . 2013-14 SCHEDULE OF INSTRUCTIONS Regulation: R11 UNIT - III FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is:: SI. No. 1 Date 1/11/2013 M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA OOPs through C++ No. of Periods Topics / Sub - Topics Objectives & Outcome Nos. References (Text Book, Journal…) Page No___ to ___ 1 Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation operators-new and delete Objectives:7 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Dynamic creation and destruction of objects Objectives:7 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Preprocessor directives Objectives:8 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 name spaces Objectives:8 Outcome:3 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Polymorphism: Function overloading Objectives:9 Outcome:4 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Operator overloading Objectives:9 Outcome:4 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Generic programming-necessity of templates Objectives:9 Outcome:4 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Function templates Objectives:9 Outcome:4 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 Function templates programs Objectives:9 Outcome:5 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 class templates Objectives:9 Outcome:5 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 1 class templates Programs Objectives:9 Outcome:5 C++, The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 2/11/2013 2 5/11/2013 3 6/11/2013 4 7/11/2013 5 8/11/2013 6 9/11/2013 7 12/11/2013 8 15/11/2013 9 16/11/2013 10 20/11/2013 11 Signature of Faculty Date Note: 1. ENSURE THAT ALL TOPICS SPECIFIED IN THE COURSE ARE MENTIONED . 2. ADDITIONAL TOPICS COVERED, IF ANY, MAY ALSO BE SPECIFIED BOLDLY. MENTION THE CORRESPONDING COURSE OBJECTIVE AND OUT COME NUMBERS AGAINST EACH TOPIC . 2013-14 SCHEDULE OF INSTRUCTIONS Regulation: R11 UNIT - IV FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is:: SI. No. Date M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA OOPs through C++ No. of Periods Topics / Sub - Topics Objectives & Outcome Nos. References (Text Book, Journal…) Page No___ to ___ 1 21/11/2013 1 Inheritance: Defining a class hierarchy Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 2 24/11/2013 1 Different forms of inheritance-single, multiple Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 3 27/11/2013 1 Different forms of inheritance-Multi level, Hierarchical and Hybrid Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 4 28/11/2013 1 Defining the Base and Derived classes, Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 5 31/11/2013 1 Access to the base class members Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 6 02/12/2013 1 Base and Derived class construction, Destructors Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 7 03/12/2013 1 Virtual base class Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 8 04/12/2013 1 Virtual Functions And Run Time Polymorphism Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 9 05/12/2013 1 Base and Derived class virtual functions Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 10 06/12/2013 1 Virtual function call mechanism, Pure virtual functions Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 11 07/12/2013 1 Abstract classes Objectives:10 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt Signature of Faculty Date Note: 1. ENSURE THAT ALL TOPICS SPECIFIED IN THE COURSE ARE MENTIONED . 2. ADDITIONAL TOPICS COVERED, IF ANY, MAY ALSO BE SPECIFIED BOLDLY. MENTION THE CORRESPONDING COURSE OBJECTIVE AND OUT COME NUMBERS AGAINST EACH TOPIC . 2013-14 SCHEDULE OF INSTRUCTIONS Regulation: R11 UNIT - V FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is:: SI. No. Date No. of Periods M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA OOPs through C++ Topics / Sub - Topics Objectives & Outcome Nos. References (Text Book, Journal…) Page No___ to ___ 1 20/1/2014 C++ I/O: I/O using C functions-I Objectives:11 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 2 22/1/201 C++ I/O: I/O using C functions-II Objectives:11 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 3 23/1/2014 C++ Stream classes hierarchy, Stream I/O Objectives:11 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 4 24/1/2014 File streams and String streams,File Operations Objectives:11 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 5 28/1/2014 Overloading << and >> operators Objectives:11 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 6 29/1/2014 Error handling during file operations, Formatted I/O Objectives:11 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 7 30/1/2014 Exception Handling: Benefits of exception handling Objectives:12 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 8 31/1/2014 The try block, Catching an exception Objectives:12 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 9 5/2/2014 Throwing an exception Objectives:12 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 10 6/2/2014 Exception objects, Exception specifications, Stack Objectives:12 C++, The Complete Reference, unwinding, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt 11 7/2/2014 Rethrowing an exception, Catching all exceptions. Objectives:13 C++, The Complete Reference, Outcome:5 4th Edition, Herbert Schildt Signature of Faculty Date Note: 1. ENSURE THAT ALL TOPICS SPECIFIED IN THE COURSE ARE MENTIONED. 2. ADDITIONAL TOPICS COVERED, IF ANY, MAY ALSO BE SPECIFIED BOLDLY. MENTION THE CORRESPONDING COURSE OBJECTIVE AND OUT COME NUMBERS AGAINST EACH TOPIC . 2013-14 COURSE COMPLETION STATUS Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: M.Chandrasekhar Subject:: OOPs through C++ Department:: MCA Actual Date of Completion & Remarks, if any Subject Code:F3103 Nos. of Units Remarks Objectives Achieved Unit 1 Completed 3 Completed 3 Completed 3 Completed 1 Completed 3 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Signature of Dean of School Date: Signature of Faculty Date: NOTE: AFTER THE COMPLETION OF EACH UNIT MENTION THE NUMBER OF OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED . 2013-14 TUTORIAL TUTORIAL SHEETS SHEETS -- II I Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is:: M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA OOPs through C++ Date: This Tutorial corresponds to Unit Nos.I and II Time:2 hrs Q1. Explain the oop’s concept in detail with example? Objective: 1 Q2. What is C++? Explain the basic structure of c++ program Objective: 2 Q3. What are the different data types in c++? Explain how to declare a variable Objective: 2 Q4. What are the different types of programming paradigms with example Objective: 1 Q5. a) What are the different types of operator? Explain with an example? b) What are the different types of expressions with example? Objective: 1 Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the objectives to which these questions / Problems are related. Signature of Dean of School Date: Signature of Faculty Date: 2013-14 TUTORIAL SHEETS - II Regulation: R11 FACULTY DETAILS: Name of the Faculty:: Designation: Department:: M.Chandrasekhar Assistant Professor MCA Date: This Tutorial corresponds to Unit Nos. III, IV and V Time: 2hrs Q1. What is function overloading? Explain with example? Objective: 9 Q2. What is inheritance Explain different type inheritance? Objective: 10 Q3. What is a virtual function explain with examples Objective: 10 Q4. Explain try, catch, throw, blocks with examples Objective: 11 Q5. What is polymorphism and explain types of polymorphism Objective: 9 Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the objectives to which these questions / Problems are related. Signature of Dean of School Date: Signature of Faculty Date: 2013-14 ILLUSTRATIVE VERBS FOR STATING INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Regulation: R11 These verbs can also be used while framing questions for Continuous Assessment Examinations as well as for End – Semester (final) Examinations. ILLUSTRATIVE VERBS FOR STATING GENERAL OBJECTIVES Know Understand Analyze Generate Comprehend Apply Design Evaluate ILLUSTRATIVE VERBS FOR STATING SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: A. Cognitive Domain 1 Knowledge 2 Comprehension Understanding 3 4 5 6 Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation of knowledge & comprehension of whole w.r.t. its constituents combination of ideas/constituents judgement Define Convert Change Breakdown Categorize Appraise Identify Defend Compute Differentiate Combine Compare Label Describe (a Demonstrate Discriminate Compile Conclude List procedure) Deduce Distinguish Compose Contrast Match Distinguish Manipulate Separate Create Criticize Reproduce Estimate Modify Subdivide Devise Justify Select Explain why/how Predict Design Interpret State Extend Prepare Generate Support Generalize Relate Organize Give examples Show Plan Illustrate Solve Rearrange Infer Reconstruct Summarize Reorganize Revise B. Affective Domain Adhere Resolve Bend C. Psychomotor Domain (skill development) Dissect Insert Perform Straighten Assist Select Calibrate Draw Keep Prepare Strengthen Attend Serve Compress Extend Elongate Remove Time Change Share Conduct Feed Limit Replace Transfer Develop Connect File Manipulate Report Type Help Convert Grow Move preciselyReset Influence Decrease Handle Operate Run Initiate Demonstrate Increase Paint Set Weigh 2013-14 LESSON PLAN Unit-1 Name of the Faculty: Subject Unit INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: Regulation: R11 M.Chandrasekhar OOPs Through C++ I Subject Code Session No Topics to be covered 1 Different paradigms for problem solving, 2 OOP paradigm and Concepts 3 differences between OOP and Procedure Oriented Programming 4 C++ Basics: Structure of a C++ program 5 Data types, Declaration of variables, Expressions, Operators, Operator Precedence, Evaluation of expressions, Type conversions 6 Pointers, Arrays 7 Strings, Structures 8 9 10 Flow control statements- if, switch Flow control statements- while, for, do break, continue, goto statements F3103 Time 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min Ref C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to(Outcomes) 1. To understand the object oriented paradigm and the way of viewing the object world 2. To Understand C++ Basic concepts and basic details of c++ Programming language. 3. How to use control statements in c++ program and understand Arrays, structures and strings. Teaching Method BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 2013-14 ASSIGNMENT Unit-I Regulation: R11 Assignment / Questions 1) Explain the oop’s concept in detail with example? Objective: 1 2) What is C++? Explain the basic structure of c++ program Objective: 3 3) What are the different data types in c++? Explain how to declare a variable Objective: 3 4) What are the different types of programming paradigms with example Objective: 2 Signature of Faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant objectives and outcomes. 2013-14 LESSON PLAN Unit-II Name of the Faculty: Subject Unit INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: Regulation: R11 M.Chandrasekhar OOPs Through C++ II Subject Code Session No Topics to be covered 1 C++ Functions-Scope of variables 2 Parameter passing methods (Call by value and Call by Reference) 3 Default arguments, inline functions 4 Recursive functions, Pointers to functions 5 C++ Classes And Data Abstraction 6 Class definition, Class objects 7 this pointer 8 Friends to a class 9 Constant member functions, Constructors and Destructors 10 Data abstraction, ADT and Information hiding F31013 Time 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to 1. Understand the parameter passing methods, inline and Recursive functions in C++. 2. To understand the how to create classes and objects and call the methods and variables. 3. Describe the constructors and destructors in c++. Ref C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference Teaching Method BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 2013-14 ASSIGNMENT Unit-II Regulation: R11 Assignment / Questions 1) Explain call by value and call by reference with example? Objective: 1 2) What is inline function with example? Objective: 1 3) What is recursive functions explain with example? Objective: 1 4) What is class and objects? Explain with example. Objective: 1 5) What is friend function? Explain with example? Signature of Faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant objectives and outcomes. 2013-14 LESSON PLAN Unit-III Name of the Faculty: Subject Unit INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: Regulation: R11 M.Chandrasekhar OOPs Through C++ III Subject Code Session No Topics to be covered 1 Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation operators-new and delete 2 Dynamic creation and destruction of objects 3 Pre-processor directives 4 name spaces 5 Polymorphism: Function overloading 6 Operator overloading 7 Generic programming-necessity of templates 8 Function templates 9 Class Template F30103 Time 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min Ref C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to(Outcomes) 1. To understand the how to allocate the memory and deallocation using New and delete operators. 2. To describe the pre-processor directives in c++. 3. To understand polymorphism concepts and template Concepts. Teaching Method BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 2013-14 ASSIGNMENT Unit-III Regulation: R11 Assignment / Questions 1) Explain New and Delete Operators with example? Objective: 1 2) Explain pre-processor directives with example? Objective: 1 3) What is function overloading and operator overloading with example. Objective: 1 4) What is templates. Explain different types of templates Objective: 1 Signature of Faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant objectives and outcomes. 2013-14 LESSON PLAN Unit-IV Name of the Faculty: Subject Unit INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: Regulation: R11 M.Chandrasekhar OOPs Through C++ IV Session No Topics to be covered 1 Inheritance: Defining a class hierarchy 2 Different forms of inheritance-single, multiple 3 Different forms of inheritance-Multi level, Hierarchical and Hybrid 4 Defining the Base and Derived classes, 5 Access to the base class members 6 Base and Derived class construction, Destructors 7 Virtual base class 8 Virtual Functions And Run Time Polymorphism 9 Base and Derived class virtual functions 10 Abstract classes Subject Code Time 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to (Outcomes) 1. Enable the student to understand inheritance concepts and types of inheritance. 2. Understand the types of inheritance. 3. Understand the virtual and pure virtual functions F3103 Ref C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference Teaching Method BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 2013-14 ASSIGNMENT Unit-IV Regulation: R11 Assignment / Questions 1. What is an inheritance type of inheritance with example? Objective: 1 2. Explain different types of inheritance with example. Objective: 1 3. What is virtual functions explain with examples Objective: 1 4. What is abstract class? Explain with example? Objective: 1 Signature of Faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant objectives and outcomes. 2013-14 LESSON PLAN Unit-V Name of the Faculty: Subject Unit INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: Regulation: R11 M.Chandrasekhar OOPs Through C++ V Session No Topics to be covered 1 C++ I/O: I/O using C functions-I 2 C++ I/O: I/O using C functions-II 3 C++ Stream classes hierarchy, Stream I/O 4 File streams and String streams, File Operations 5 Overloading << and >> operators 6 Error handling during file operations, Formatted I/O 7 Exception Handling: Benefits of exception handling 8 The try block, Catching an exception 9 Throwing an exception Subject Code F30103 Time 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min 50min Ref C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference C++ Complete Reference On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to (Outcomes) 1. To understand about c++ i/o streams and how to use different types of streams. 2. Introduction of Exception Handling and How to use all keywords (Try, Catch, and through). 3. How to create own exceptions in C++ Programming language. Teaching Method BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 2013-14 ASSIGNMENT Unit-V Regulation: R11 Assignment / Questions 1. What is C++ I/O stream? Objective: 1 2. Explain Different types of streams. Objective: 1 3. Explain try, catch, throw, blocks with examples. Objective: 1 4. What is exception in explain types of exceptions. Objective: 1 Signature of Faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant objectives and outcomes.