Laboratory Short Course The Timer - Pulse Accumulator Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2006. Document Number: LABS12CINTRO21 /REV 0 Reading this Document Answers provided to the Instructor assume that the reader is using Freescale HCS12C Family Student Learning Kit, and CodeWarrior development software. This short course has been created using an adapted version of the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) method. For more information visit Freescale Semiconductor LABS12CINTRO21, Rev 0 1 Overview In addition to needing to generate accurate time intervals in our microcontroller programs, we frequently need to count external events. The timer circuit includes a pulse accumulator system that allows our programs to do this. Learning Objectives In this module you will extend your knowledge of the timer by investigating the pulse accumulator features. You will see the hardware involved and understand what has to be initialized to use this device. We will also learn about its interrupt capabilities. Success Criteria At the conclusion of this module you will be able to write a program using the input capture features to measure the width of a pulse or the frequency of a signal. Prerequisites Before undertaking this module you should be able to start the timer and to understand the basic components of the timer subsystem. You must also understand the operation of the interrupt system. More Resources and Further Information Cady, Fredrick M., Software and Hardware Engineering: Assembly and C Programming for the Freescale HCS12 Microcontroller, 2nd edition. (New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2008), Chapter 12 HCS12 Interrupts and Chapter 14 HCS12 Timer CPU12 Reference Manual, S12CPUV2.PDF, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. TIM_16B8C Block User Guide, S12TIM16B8CV1/D.PDF, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., October 2001. Timer Pulse Accumulator Basics Teach: Figure 1 shows the pulse accumulator system. A 16-bit counter (PACNT) counts pulses on the Port T bit 7 (PT7) input pin. The input edge (rising or falling) is selected by the PEDGE bit in PACTL. When the selected edge occurs, the pulse accumulator input edge flag (PAIF) is set and can generate an interrupt if the PAI bit in PACTL is set and interrupts are unmasked. If the 16-bit PACNT counter overflows the pulse accumulator overflow flag (PAOVF) is set and it, too, can generate an interrupt. The students should be able to inspect the figure and see what bits in which registers are needed to control the various features. They will be required to find in their documentation details such as register addresses and the operation of control bits. 'CCR' I 'PACTL' PAI PT7 Input Edge Select Port Pin PEDGE 'PACTL' PAIF 16-bit Counter PAOVF 'PACNT' 'PAFLG' Event Counting Mode PAEN = 1, PAMOD = 0 'PACTL' PAOVI Pulse Accumulator input Edge Interrupt Pulse Accumulator Overflow Interrupt 'PACTL' Figure 1. Timer Pulse Accumulator. Freescale Semiconductor LABS12CINTRO21, Rev 0 2 Explore 1. 1. 2. Answers: What is the address of the following registers? 1a) $0060 a. PACTL 1b) $0060 b. PACNT 1c) $0061 c. PAFLG 2) Set the PEDGE (bit 4) in PACTL. How would you select a rising edge on PT7 to increment the pulse accumulator? Resources: See the HCS12 Register I/O Module for a quick reference. Timer Gated Accumulator The pulse accumulator operates in a gated timer mode when PAMOD = 1. In this case, when the selected edge on Port T bit 7 (rising or falling) is detected, the Bus Clock divided by 64 is gated into the 16-bit PACNT counter. When the subsequent falling or rising edge occurs on PT7, the pulse accumulator input edge flag (PAIF) is set. Pulse accumulator overflows are detected by the PAOVF. Each of these events can generate an interrupt request. See Figure 2. 'CCR' Bus Clock I 'PACTL' Divide by 64 PAI PAIF PT7 Port Pin Input Edge Select 16-bit Counter 'PACNT' PEDGE Gated Accumulator Mode PAEN = 1, PAMOD = 1 'PACTL' 'PACTL' PAOVF 'PAFLG' PAOVI Pulse Accumulator input Edge Interrupt Pulse Accumulator Overflow Interrupt 'PACTL' Figure 2 Timer Gated Accumulator. Stimulate 1. Answers: 1. Write a small section of code, either in assembly or C, that will select a negative edge to start the gated clock in gated accumulator mode. 1) bset PACTL,BIT4 2. For a Bus Clock of 8 MHz, what is the maximum duration of the gate pulse before the PACNT counter overflows? 2) 64 x 8.192 ms = 524.3 ms Skill Exercise 1 1. Set up an experiment using a signal generator connected to PT2 and demonstrate the following: a. Using the pulse accumulator in event counting mode. b. Using the pulse accumulator in gated accumulator mode. Communication – Inter-Group Join another laboratory group and compare your solutions to Skill Exercise 1. Reflection on Learning Freescale Semiconductor LABS12CINTRO21, Rev 0 3 How does your group's solution to Skill Exercise 1 compare with another group? Can you see improvements to make to your program to make it more efficient or more easily understood by somebody else? Freescale Semiconductor LABS12CINTRO21, Rev 0 4 Revision History Revision Comments Author 0 Initial Release Fred Cady Freescale Semiconductor LABS12CINTRO21, Rev 0 5 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright license granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Web Support: Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. 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