Leon County Juvenile Justice Council, Inc. Monday, April 16, 2012 Minutes Call to Order- Treasurer Brenda Mueller called the meeting to order at 3:09 p.m. Welcome/Introductions- Katie Fisher and Brenda Mueller, White Foundation; Kimberly Thomas, Daughters & Sons of Destiny; Yvonne Woodard, Gloria Gatlin, Linda Eason, Brandon Barber, Verla Lawson-Grady, DJJ; Connie E. Jenkins-Pye, TPD-SHOCAP; Kevin Winship, CCYS; John Wilson, DISC Village, JC Gamboa-Montgomery, Living Stones; Deborah Shaw, Court Admin; Inv. Scherri Bryant, TPD; LaShawn Gordon, PACE School for Girls; Kevin Winship, CCYS; Mary Silva, parent; Haley Cutler, Oasis Center for Girls; Rick Davison, PMTC; Reverend and Malverna Streater, Camp Encouragement. Review and Approval of the Agenda: Connie E. Jenkins-Pye made a motion to accept, John Wilson seconded. Unanimous vote carried motion. Review and Approval of Minutes (February 20) JC Gamboa-Montgomery made a motion to accept. John Wilson seconded. Roll Call of Voting Members- Connie E. Jenkins-Pye, Corresponding Secretary -quorum present. Community Presentations: Kimberly Thomas with Daughters and Sons of Destiny Outreach Ministry: Event planned June 7th fundraiser “Save our Youth from Violence” Monroe St. Conference Center. Other events scheduled for Walker Ford-Gang presentation scheduled Friday June 8th and Family Fun Day-rally against gang violence on Saturday June 9th. Malverna Streater with Camp Encouragement: Chair and Vice Chair’s Remarks: Council’s Officers’ Reports: Treasurer’s report- Brenda Mueller handed out Treasurer’s report. Beginning balance of $20,397.26 (see attached) made a motion to accept; seconded. Unanimous vote carried motion. Ad hoc-Brochure report: Draft passed around. Connie E. Jenkins-Pye will send draft around to membership and will request feedback by May Executive mtg. Report from Department of Juvenile Justice: Linda Eason reported DJJ is fully staffed. Many initiatives moving forward. Civil Citation is in progress for all 6 counties. FFT started in Circuit 2 and 14 jointly so now all 6 counties in Circuit 2 will have this available. AMI Kids is the provider. EM is being utilized to monitor youth in lieu of detention. A couple of youth have been ordered to EM as a condition of probation. The next re-entry meeting is scheduled for 4/27/12. Miss Eason additionally reported Miss Manning resigned from DJJ so Sonny Peacock is filling in temporarily. Report from the State Attorney’s Office: not present Report from the Public Defender’s Office: not present 1 Youth Advisory Committee: not present Old Business: Update Leon County Gang Initiative – not present Update Palmer Munroe Teen Center – not present Update Project Payback- Brenda Mueller reported the program continues to go well. Over $10,000 paid to victims to date. Approx $22,000 contributed by the McKenzies to date. Submitted nominations for the Volunteer banquet Tallahassee Democrat for Destiny Tolbert at BBHC and the McKenzies. Fundraising Committee- Connie E. Jenkins-Pye reported that the sub committee will be confirming the location shortly. Instead of just a banquet, we’re thinking of an outdoor Fall benefit. Invited members to join sub committee. Nominating Committee-John Wilson announced Mr. Joe Thomas seeking nominations for Chair, Corresponding Secretary and Financial Officer. Motion to accept slate of officers. Unanimous vote to accept Yvonne Woodard from DJJ HQ was present for this meeting and Brenda Mueller asked if there is an update on the Prevention Tag dollars. There is still a question of whether Tag monies are going to be given to the Council for distribution. Agencies/Community Sharing: John Wilson- work with LEOs to utilize the Civil Citation Program. Currently underutilized. Civil Citation meeting scheduled for next week in Orlando. Haley Cutler is the new Executive Director. She is very excited that the Girls Circle program 1117 was re-funded by DJJ. This is funded with prevention dollars so they do not have to have DJJ involvement to be eligible. They have slots available for their 8-10 week program Leadership, Body Issues, Self-Esteem, etc. “Girls can do Anything” program for girls aged 5-15. Scholarships available for single moms and girls who are court-ordered. Single moms support group. Free child care on site. Kevin Winship commented that he gets great reviews from the Girls Circle program which serves CCYS. They have their Boys’ Council program also operational. New Transition Living program. Six beds for 16-18 year olds transitioning. Just finished second semester 15 internships with FSU/FAMU, half clinical/hald administrative. The Girls Circle and the Boys Council are both “evidence informed” designated. Rick Davison reported from Palmer Munroe Teen Center. Girls lock-in on 3/23 went great. Very good turnout. DJJ re-funded another year of their Community Connections Restorative. They reported 14 started and 8 graduated at their 3/29/12 ceremony. They are in their second cycle and included 3 children who were unable to finish the first cycle. Money Masters is going well. National Mentoring Day is scheduled for April 21, 2012 from 3-5 pm with Police Athletic League. White Foundation informed the group that their intern, Ashley Chalker, will be graduating soon and will moving back home to south Florida. Linda Provitt reported on the Bridge Project. A 501C3 program which focuses on job skills, behavior, and attitude. They are looking to collaborate for their 8-wk summer program. 2 Yvonne Woodard reported that communications had been sent to Councils and Boards about the annual report which is due June 30, 2012. One new requirement is to attach membership roster. Lashawn Gordon reported PACE Center for Girls is having its first Prom scheduled for May 12th. They are pre-enrolling for the summer. 10-12 slots available. They are having their prom at Walker Ford. JC Gamboa-Montgomery with Living Stones reported they will have an intern to conduct inhome follow up for their clients. Trying to assist one girl with getting set up for home school. Teen Dads programs had 22 referrals and some of them aged out. They are hoping to work with kids who have parents incarcerated. They are piloting a program in Wakulla. They will need some help and volunteers to handle the kids when they are in the area American Cancer Society 18-hr event. Great opportunity for kids to earn community service. Come to the Survivor tent April 20th @ 6pm. Brenda Mueller stated that this opportunity is eligible as a Project Payback work site. Next Bi-Monthly Meeting: Monday, June 18, 2012 Adjournment 2012 Bi-Monthly Meeting Dates: August 20, October 15, December 10 Submitted by: Deborah Shaw, Recording Secretary Joe Thomas, Chair 3