SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATING VIRTUAL REALITY TO AEROSPACE ELECTRONICS STUDENT : SNG KEE BOON (H0605504) SUPERVISOR : MR CHAGANTI PROJECT CODE : JAN2009/BEHE/64 A project report submitted to SIM University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering Jan 2009 Abstract E-learning is a very broad term. It is used to describe any type of learning environment that is computer enhanced. Distance learning has evolved from E-learning and is used to describe a learning environment that takes place away from traditional classroom and campus. The basic thing that distinguishes distance education is the physical separation of the student from the instructor and the class room. Elearning, however, became part of the classroom environment from the beginning. Creation of virtual classrooms and a virtual learning environment (VLE) has greatly contributed to the success of E-learning today. The main objective of this project is to create and integrate virtual reality to aerospace electronics which can be used for e-learning purposes for Aerospace tertiary or industry. Autodesk® Maya® which allows control over 3D content workflows and pipelines will be used to model and animate 6 basic instruments used in the aircraft. The instruments include airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator, altitude indicator, turn coordinator, heading indicator and altimeter. This report will focus on the aim and objective of the project first, followed by the discussion on the development, implementation and compilation of the instruments by means of Autodesk® Maya®. In the final portion, the report will cover the conclusion, recommendation, critical review and reflection of this project. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT i Acknowledgement I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following personnel for their continual understanding, encouragement and support since evaluation stage till the completion phase of this project. First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supervisor, Mr. Chaganti, a lecturer from Singapore Polytechnic for giving me the opportunity to work on this project. Sincerely, I appreciated his patience and guidance, despite his busy schedule, throughout the whole duration of this project and without his valuable feedback and suggestions, this project would not have progressed timely and smoothly. Secondly, I would like to recognize the strong encouragement and advises of my colleagues in Hewlett Packard (S’pore) Pte Ltd while pursuing my degree program. Without them, I would not be here today writing this report upon completion this final year project. Third, I would like to thank my family for being so supportive and understanding especially my wife Vivian, for feedbacks and suggestions during the development phase of this project which greatly helped in the deliverables and expectations. Lastly, great thanks to my advisor Adrian Loo for providing me training on Autodesk® Maya® basic fundamental knowledge and gave constructive advises throughout the whole period of the project. With this, I would like to pen down the details on the development and implementation of this project and dedicate this report to them. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT ii List of Figures Figure1.1: Typical Layout of a Virtual Classroom ................................................................................... 2 Figure1.2: Pitot-static System................................................................................................................... 4 Figure1.3: Gyroscopic Flight System ....................................................................................................... 4 Figure1.4: Proposed Project Approach Flowchart. ................................................................................... 6 Figure 2.1: Development overview of Aerospace Electronics E-Learning Package ................................ 8 Figure 2.2: Project Gantt Chart............................................................................................................... 12 Figure 3.1: Overview layout for air data computer system .................................................................... 14 Figure 3.2: Autodesk® Maya® Packaging ............................................................................................. 15 Figure 3.4: Venting of a simple Pitot-Static System .............................................................................. 17 Figure 3.5: Pitot Tube ............................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 3.6: Different Designs of Static Port ........................................................................................... 18 Figure 3.7: A typical Altimeter............................................................................................................... 20 Figure 3.8: Typical Vertical Speed Indicator ......................................................................................... 21 Figure 3.9: Typical Airspeed Indicator ................................................................................................... 21 Figure 3.10: Typical Vacuum System for Gyroscopic Instruments........................................................ 22 Figure 3.11: Illustration of Rigidity in Space. ........................................................................................ 23 Figure 3.12: Illustration of Precession. ................................................................................................... 23 Figure 3.13: A typical Altitude Indicator. .............................................................................................. 24 Figure 3.14: Altitude Representations by Altitude Indicator .................................................................. 25 Figure 3.15: A typical Turn Coordinator ................................................................................................ 26 Figure 3.16: Examples of Quality-of-Turns ........................................................................................... 26 Figure 3.17: A typical Heading Indicator. .............................................................................................. 27 Figure 4.1: Project Setup Window ......................................................................................................... 28 Figure 4.2: Pixels Setup Box in Photoshop ............................................................................................ 29 Figure 4.3: Transformation and Subdivision Window ........................................................................... 30 Figure 4.4: Browse Window................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 4.5: Textured polyPlane .............................................................................................................. 31 Figure 4.6: PolyPlane arrangement ........................................................................................................ 31 Figure 4.7: Layer Attributes ................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.8: Layer Window ..................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.9: PolyCube creation with reference to the drawing ................................................................ 33 Figure 4.10: Half of the PolyCube removed ........................................................................................... 33 Figure 4.11: Align Vertices along guidelines of blueprint ..................................................................... 34 Figure 4.12: Modelling the Wings of the Plane ...................................................................................... 34 Figure 4.13: Mirror Geometry the model ............................................................................................... 35 Figure 4.14: Plane Model after Smoothen process ................................................................................. 35 Figure 4.15: PolyCylinder for Propeller ................................................................................................. 36 Figure 4.16: Modelling the interior of the Propeller ............................................................................... 36 Figure 4.17: Creation of the Propeller Blades ........................................................................................ 37 Figure 4.18: Forming of the Propeller Blades ........................................................................................ 37 Figure 4.19: Final Model of the Propeller .............................................................................................. 37 Figure 4.20: Completion of Plane model. ............................................................................................... 38 Figure 4.21: Textures for Plane main body and Tailfin .......................................................................... 38 Figure 4.22: Plane after Texturing .......................................................................................................... 39 Figure 4.23: Positioning of PolyCube and PolyCylinder........................................................................ 39 Figure 4.24: Dial of Instrument in White colour .................................................................................... 40 Figure 4.25: Texture mapping completed of the ruler ............................................................................ 40 Figure 4.26: Modelling of the Arrow ..................................................................................................... 41 Figure 4.27: Creation the Sky model. ..................................................................................................... 41 Figure 4.28: Completion of the Background scene ................................................................................ 42 Figure 4.29: Airspeed Indicator picture after Editing ............................................................................. 42 Figure 4.30: Airspeed Indicator after Texture Mapping ......................................................................... 43 Figure 4.31: Preparation for “Windows” creation .................................................................................. 43 Figure 4.32: “Windows” created ............................................................................................................ 44 Figure 4.33: Texture for the Gauge Meter .............................................................................................. 44 Figure 4.35: Creation of the Gauge Meter .............................................................................................. 44 Figure 4.36: Completed Model for Airspeed Indicator .......................................................................... 45 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT iii Figure 4.37: Altimeter picture after Editing ........................................................................................... 45 Figure 4.38: Altimeter after Texture Mapping ....................................................................................... 45 Figure 4.39: Altimeter with Texture and Pressure Meter completed ...................................................... 46 Figure 4.40: Completed Altimeter model ............................................................................................... 46 Figure 4.41: Vertical Speed Indicator picture after Editing .................................................................... 47 Figure 4.42: Vertical Speed Indicator after Texture Mapping ................................................................ 47 Figure 4.43: Completed Vertical Speed Indicator model ....................................................................... 48 Figure 4.44: Completion Background GR scene .................................................................................... 48 Figure 4.45: Positioning of the PolyCylinders ....................................................................................... 49 Figure 4.46: Creation of Hollowness in PolyCylinders .......................................................................... 49 Figure 4.47: Altitude Indicator picture after Editing .............................................................................. 50 Figure 4.48: Texture Mapping of Altitude Indicator .............................................................................. 50 Figure 4.49: Texture Mapping Completion for Altitude Indicator ......................................................... 51 Figure 4.50: Completed Model for Altitude Indicator ............................................................................ 51 Figure 4.51: Turn Coordinator picture after Editing. .............................................................................. 52 Figure 4.52: Texture Mapping of Turn Coordinator ............................................................................... 52 Figure 4.53: Setting up PolyCube to create Inclinometer ....................................................................... 53 Figure 4.54: Inclinometer was created.................................................................................................... 53 Figure 4.55: Completed model for Turn Coordinator ............................................................................. 54 Figure 4.56: PolyCylinders for Heading Indicator ................................................................................. 54 Figure 4.57: Hollowness in PolyCylinder created .................................................................................. 55 Figure 4.58: Heading Indicator Picture .................................................................................................. 55 Figure 4.59: Texture Mapping and Combination of PolyCylinders ....................................................... 56 Figure 4.60: Creating of Gauge pointer by PolyCube. ........................................................................... 56 Figure 4.61: Round the Edges of the PolyCube ..................................................................................... 56 Figure 4.62: Positioned and Texture Mapped the Gauge Pointer ........................................................... 57 Figure 4.63: Body Creation of NSEW Indicator. ................................................................................... 57 Figure 4.64: Arrow formed for NSEW Indicator ................................................................................... 58 Figure 4.65: Plane Imported on NSEW Indicator ................................................................................... 58 Figure 4.66: Directions Text Creations .................................................................................................. 58 Figure 4.67: Positioned and Text mapping of the Background Sky ....................................................... 59 Figure 4.68: Completion of Heading Indicator Scenes ........................................................................... 60 Figure 5.1: Texture Mapping of Airspeed Indicator Background Sky ................................................... 61 Figure 5.3: Setting Base Reference for Mach number and TAS in Gauge Meter .................................. 62 Figure 5.4: Setting up animation requirement for Mach number last digit ............................................. 62 Figure 5.5: Setting Mach number to 0.125 at 9000 feet ......................................................................... 63 Figure 5.6: Setting TAS to 94.4 at 9000 feet. ......................................................................................... 63 Figure 5.7: Animation of the Altitude Ruler to 9000 feet....................................................................... 63 Figure 5.8: Completed animation of Airspeed Indicator ........................................................................ 64 Figure 5.9: Dialog box of Playblast Options .......................................................................................... 64 Figure 5.10: Import ASI avi video and sound clip to Window Movie Maker ........................................ 65 Figure 5.11: Conversion of avi video file to wmv format for ASI ......................................................... 66 Figure 5.12: Pressure meter of Altimeter set to 25.8 inHg ..................................................................... 66 Figure 5.13: Setting the middle dial to 4000 feet ................................................................................... 67 Figure 5.14: Completed animations for Altimeter .................................................................................. 67 Figure 5.15: Conversion of avi video file to wmv format for Altimeter................................................. 68 Figure 6.1: Setting up Cover Page Background Style ............................................................................ 69 Figure 6.2: PowerPoint Front Page Created ........................................................................................... 69 Figure 6.3: Naming of the Instrument .................................................................................................... 70 Figure 6.4: Setting the Hyperlink Requirements for the Instrument at Content Page ............................ 70 Figure 6.5: Content Page after Completion ............................................................................................ 71 Figure 6.6: Inserting Movie to PowerPoint ............................................................................................ 71 Figure 6.7: Different Play Mode of the movie ....................................................................................... 72 Figure 6.8: Creation of WinZip Self-extractor ....................................................................................... 73 Figure 6.9: Configuration of WinZip Self-Extractor Setup .................................................................... 74 Figure A1: Virtual Reality on Aerospace Electronics ............................................................................ 89 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT iv List of Tables Table 2.1: Proposed Project Planning. .................................................................................................... 10 Table 5.1: Summary of Altitude with Mach and TAS Number Correlation ........................................... 61 Table 5.3: Summary of Altimeter with Altitude and Pressure Correlation............................................. 66 Table 6.1: Summary of Movies to Types of Play Mode ......................................................................... 72 Table A1: Site Research ......................................................................................................................... 84 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract i Acknowledgement ii List of Figures iii List of Tables v Chapter 1 1 1. 1 Introduction 1.1. Background and Motivations 1 1.2. Project Objective 3 1.3. Overall Objectives 3 1.4. Proposed Approach 5 Chapter 2 7 2. Project Management 7 Scope of Project 7 2.1. 2.1.1. Hardware Aspects 7 2.1.2. Software Aspects 7 2.2. Project Plan 2.3. Project Gantt Chart 9 11 Chapter 3 13 3. 13 Literature Review 3.1 Review of Aerospace Electronics 13 3.2 Definition of Virtual Reality 14 3.3 Review of E-Learning and Its technology 16 3.4 Definition of Pitot-Static System 16 3.4.1 Impact Pressure Chamber and Lines 17 3.4.2 Static Pressure Chamber and Lines 18 3.4.3 Systems Malfunctions 18 3.5 Instruments used in Pitot-Static System 19 3.5.1 Altimeter. 19 3.5.2 Vertical Speed Indicator 20 3.5.3 Airspeed Indicator 21 3.6 3.6.1 Definition of Gyroscopic Flight System Rigidity in Space ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 22 22 vi 3.6.2 3.7 Precession Instruments used in Gyroscopic Flight System 23 24 3.7.1 Attitude Indicator 24 3.7.2 Turn Coordinator 25 3.7.3 Heading Indicator 27 Chapter 4 28 4. 28 Objects Modelling & Texturing 4.1. Modelling of the plane 28 4.2. Modelling Background scene for Pitot-Static Instruments. 39 4.3. Modelling of Airspeed Indicator 42 4.4. Modelling of Altimeter 45 4.5. Modelling of Vertical Speed Indicator 47 4.6. Modelling Background scene for Gyroscopic 48 4.7. Modelling of Altitude Indicator 49 4.8. Modelling of Turn Coordinator 52 4.9. Modelling of Heading Indicator 54 Chapter 5 61 5. 61 Objects Animations and Video File Conversion 5.1. Animations of Airspeed Indicator 61 5.2. Animations of Altimeter 66 5.3. Animations of other Instruments 68 Chapter 6 69 6. Integrating Virtual Reality into PowerPoint 69 6.1. Creating Cover Page Background Style 69 6.2. Creating the Content Page 70 6.3. Inserting Movie Files 71 6.4. Other Miscellaneous Animations 72 6.5. Testing Of All Animations 72 Chapter 7 73 7. 73 7.1. WinZip and Self-Extractor Creating a WinZip and Self-Extractor ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 73 vii 8. Problems and Discussions 75 9. Summary, Conclusions and Future Work. 79 9.1. Summary 79 9.2. Conclusions 79 9.3. Future Work 80 10. Reflections 81 References 83 Reference Books 83 Site Research 84 Appendix 85 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT viii Chapter 1 1. Introduction This chapter will discuss on the Introduction of Integrating Virtual Reality to Aerospace Electronic for the purpose of E-Learning. 1.1. Background and Motivations In today's fast pace world when time becomes a critical factor, populace prefer to learn according to their schedule, anytime, anywhere. With tremendous developments and advances in technology, different mode of learning is invented, called E-Learning. E-Learning is a generic term that includes distributed learning, online education, Computer Based Training (CBT) delivered over a network, and Web Based Training (WBT). As E-Learning is self-paced, it provides very rich learning experience that even surpass the level of education one might experience in a crowded classroom. It can be instructor-led, computer-based or a combination of both. Coupled with communicative powers of technology, today E-Learning is used by companies for training, disseminating information and other information management needs for their employees which can save millions of dollars. E-Learning is also one of the most promising innovations to improve classroom teaching and learning after the school hours. It permits teachers to develop study materials using Worldwide Web and communicate information in a more engaging fashion. Availability of texts, diagrams and images with video and sound, including virtual reality technology makes ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 1 teaching an interesting and effective process which interests students in the classroom. A real time study support to students for different subjects via Virtual Classes further solve the queries of students and make them more proficient in the subjects. It is highly appreciated by the teachers and students for its economic value which eliminates travel time and costs without compromising the quality and requirements. Quality education at economic cost available as per the convenience and flexibility of learners make E-Learning a foremost choice of today's knowledge driven generation. Figure 1.1 shows typical layout of a virtual classroom presently. Figure1.1: Typical Layout of a Virtual Classroom ( ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 2 1.2. Project Objective The objective of this project is to create and integrate virtual reality to aerospace electronics which can be used for E-Learning purposes. This E-Learning package will contain information that learners can have high realization and easily understand. 1.3. Overall Objectives Nowadays, online training is more affordable than traditional classroom training and can be taken in multiple sittings. The trainings are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week providing better accommodation to one busy schedule. So long there is an internet accessible computer, online training can be conducted. The key feature and uniqueness of this Aerospace Electronics E-Learning package is that the 6 basic aircraft instruments are arranged in a systematic manner. Started off with the instruments introduction meaning the purposes and reasons why they are classified as the basic aircraft instruments. For example, altimeter plays an important role in the cockpit as it is the only instrument that displays the altitude in which the aircraft is in. Secondly, with the aid of illustrations and simple PowerPoint animations, the working principle of the instruments is elaborated by small sections which can be easily conceptualised by learners. Lastly, reactions of the instruments are demonstrated with response to aircraft movements through 3D animations created from Autodesk® Maya® with audio effects. With these components (video and audio), learners will receive better training experiences that will be very much beneficial to their learning. One will be wondering what is so special about this video and audio effect features? Well, in today’s aerospace electronics educational package, most of them used simple illustrations, limited animations or lots of texts with no audio effects to deliver the information. This type of training packages will be dry and boring to the learners, hence affecting their learning cycle. For ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 3 packages with well-done animations and audio, it is very costly to purchase the products or license prior to be used for training. Due to time constraint, only basic components such as Pitot-static system, Airspeed Indicator, Altimeter, Vertical Speed Indicator, Gyroscopic Flight system, Altitude Indicator, Turn Coordinator and Heading Indicator will be discussed. Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3 show how Pitot-static and Gyroscopic Flight system works. Figure1.2: Pitot-static System Figure1.3: Gyroscopic Flight System ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 4 1.4. Proposed Approach In order for this project to be successful, a lot of reading and research on Integrating Virtual Reality to Aerospace Electronics will be required. Stuffs such as going through reference books, journals and Internet resources help in the success of this project. Setting the right direction before the start of the project is very critical and important. Hence having a proposed project approach flowchart for this project is desirable. The following Figure 1.4 shows the Proposed Project Approach Flowchart. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 5 Research and study on existing Elearning system. Analyze and study pros and cons of existing E-learning system. Analyze the improvement on existing E-learning system. Selection of aircraft instruments to be used in this project. Develop and implement my Aerospace Electronic E-Learning package. project. Integrate 3D aircraft instruments animations into PowerPoint Test the functionality and effects of the package Pass Evaluate on my ELearning package and find ways to further improve it. Fail Trouble-shooting Figure1.4: Proposed Project Approach Flowchart. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 6 Chapter 2 2. Project Management This chapter will discuss the project management and scope involved in this project. 2.1. Scope of Project In order to achieve success in this project, combination of hardware and software will be used. Hardware such as a personal computer and software such as Adobe Photoshop CS4, Autodesk® Maya®, windows movie maker, Microsoft PowerPoint and WinZip were utilised at different stages to compile the project as a whole. The following subsections will elaborate slightly on each individual portion. 2.1.1. Hardware Aspects Personal computer is used to conduct research study and develop E-Learning package by usage of certain softwares. 2.1.2. Software Aspects Adobe Photoshop CS4 is used to edit colours, crop unwanted sections and insert certain texts onto pictures downloaded from the internet. Some of these pictures will be used for texture mapping for aircraft instruments. Autodesk® Maya® is the main software used to create models, colouring or texturing of the instruments. After which, animations of the models were done and saved as ‘AVI’ format. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 7 Windows movie maker is used to convert ‘AVI’ video format to ‘WMV” format, for video files compression and to combine audio clips with the animations Microsoft PowerPoint is used as compilation software to combine all the relevant information, pictures and animation for ease of learning. WinZip is used to compile important videos and PowerPoint slides in “VR Integrating to Aerospace Electronics” folder and extracts this folder automatically in the C drive after selfextraction. Figure 2.1shows an Overview on the development of Aerospace Electronics E-Learning package. Adobe Photoshop CS4 Internet Autodesk® Maya® For pictures editing use in PowerPoint or Autodesk® Maya® For pictures and information download. Modelling & animations of aircraft instruments Windows Movie Maker Converts video format from ‘AVI’ to ‘WMV’. Microsoft PowerPoint Compiles all information and animations Aerospace Electronics E-Learning Package Winzip Development of E-Learning package. Extracts to C directory automatically in other PCs after selfextraction Figure 2.1: Development overview of Aerospace Electronics E-Learning Package ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 8 2.2. Project Plan Planning is a very critical task in a project. Only with proper planning, then the work of the project can be carried out in a more efficient way and thus ensuring a successful project. With the right planning, risks and uncertainty are reduced gradually. Planning also helps to ensure a clear understanding of project objectives and chances of meeting them will be much higher. In short, having a proper project planning will ensure best optimum result with much lesser effort and time spent. In this project planning, it is divided in 4 phases over the period of nine months with activities shown in Table 2.1. Activities to be done: S/N Task for Capstone Projects Durations Start End 1 Day 7th Feb’09 7th Feb’09 1 Day 10th Feb’09 10th Feb’09 Project Initial Phase 1 2 Met up with tutor 1st time for project objectives discussion Met up with tutor 2nd time on discussion of TMA 01 3 Preparation of Initial report (TMA 01) 13 Days 11th Feb’09 24th Feb’09 4 Literature research 26 Days 12th Feb’09 9th Mar’09 3 Days 25th Feb’09 27th Feb’09 5 Review and submit TMA 01 Project 2nd Phase 6 Syllabus selection for E-Learning 15 Days 1st Mar’09 15th Mar’09 7 Understanding of Syllabus Selected 15 Days 16th Mar’09 30th Mar’09 8 Preparation of Interim report 26 Days 1st Apr’09 26th Apr’09 9 Review and submit of Interim report 4 Days 27th Apr’09 30th Apr’09 3rd May’09 14th Jun’09 Project 3rd Phase 10 Explore and learn Maya Software 49 Days 11 Modelling of plane 29 Days 12 13 14 Modelling and animations of Pitot-static system Modelling and animations of Airspeed Indicator Modelling and animations of Altimeter ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 25th May’09 22nd Jun’09 14 Days 14th Jun’09 28th Jun’09 5 Days 30th Jun’09 4th July’09 8 Days 8th July’09 16th July’09 9 15 16 17 18 Modelling and animations of Vertical Speed Indicator Modelling and animations of Roll and Pitch movements Modelling and animations of Altitude Indicator Modelling and animations of Turn Coordinator 6 Days 20th July’09 26th July’09 4 Days 28th July’09 1st Aug’09 8 Days 3rd Aug’09 10th Aug’09 15 Days 16th Aug’09 30th Aug’09 19 Briefing on Thesis and poster procedure 1 Day 15th Aug’09 15th Aug’09 20 Modelling and animations of plane with Heading Indicator 8 Days 13th Sept’09 20th Sept’09 21 Trouble-shooting of project scenes 6 Days 27th Sept’09 1st Oct’09 22 Change video format of animations 5 Days 3rd Oct’09 7th Oct’09 23 Compiles information and animations into PowerPoint 4 Days 8th Oct’09 11th Oct’09 Project 4th Phase 24 Discuss with tutor on Final Report 1 Day 8th Oct’09 8th Oct’09 25 Preparation of Thesis 29 Days 8th Oct’09 5th Nov’09 26 Review and submit Thesis 5 Days 5th Nov’09 9th Nov’09 27 Preparations for poster presentation 8 Days 1st Nov’09 8th Nov’09 28 Preparations for Q & A 8 Days 15th Nov’09 21st Nov’09 29 Poster Presentation 1 Day 28th Nov’09 28th Nov’09 Table 2.1: Proposed Project Planning. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 10 2.3. Project Gantt Chart Workweeks 6 7 8 9 Months Feb Met up with tutor 1st time for project objectives discussion Met up with tutor 2nd time on discussion of TMA 01 Preparation of Initial report (TMA 01) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 7th Feb'09 Workshop 1 10th Feb'09 (Evaluation on projects and user requirements, methods adopted and literature review) 27th Feb'09 (TMA 01 Submission) Literature Research Finalizing contents Syllabus Selection for eLearning Understanding of Syllabus Selected Topics assigned by supervisors Topics assigned by supervisors Begin writing and submission of Interim report 30th Apr'09 (Report Submission) Explore and learn Maya Software Modelling of plane Modelling and animations of Pitot-static system Modelling and animations of Airspeed Indicator Modelling and animations of Altimeter Modelling and animations of Vertical Speed Indicator Modelling and animations of Roll and Pitch movements Modelling and animations of Altitude Indicator Modelling and animations of Turn Coordinator Briefing on Thesis and poster procedure 15th Aug'09 Workshop 5 Modelling and animations of plane with Heading Indicator Trouble-shooting of project scenes Change video format of animations Compiles information and animations into PowerPoint Discuss with tutor on Final Report Begin writing Thesis & submission Discussion on Thesis (Tentative schedule) Thesis Submission 9th Nov'09 Prep. for poster presentation Prep. for Q & A Poster Presentation 28th Nov'08 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 11 Legend Project Initial Phase Project 2nd Phase Project 3rd Phase Project 4th Phase Figure 2.2: Project Gantt chart ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 12 Chapter 3 3. Literature Review This chapter will discuss on the literature review of this project. 3.1 Review of Aerospace Electronics The term “Aerospace Electronics” refers to electronics systems used in an aircraft. Systems like flight control systems, hydraulic systems, electrical systems, early warning systems, navigation system, weaponry systems, radio systems and air data computer system were used in the past and today’s flight navigations. Although used for different purposes, the controls and feedbacks of these systems actually located in the cockpits which gave pilots assess and information to the systems. These are complicated, expensive, high maintenance but yet critical systems for navigation where safety aspects were never compromised but closely adhered to. Take for example Air Data Computer System. The ADC takes inputs from the Pitot and static pressure sources, converts them to electrical signals, and transmits via a data bus to various flight instruments. Outputs from ADC go to the altimeters, VSI and ASI. In addition, outputs are fed to systems as the flight director (FD), automatic flight control system (AFCS), flight management computer (FMC), ground proximity warning system (GPWS), flight data recorder (FDR) and others. Air data computers are usually digital type; they transmit data in digital format which is compatible with other computer-based systems. Loss of air data input activates warning logic circuit within the ADC, which causes warning flags to appear on the computer control panel. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 13 Figure 3.1 provides overview layout for air data computer system Computer Inputs Outputs Altitude Memory Altitude Hold Static Pressure Altitude Dynamic Pressure Indicated Airspeed Static Pressure Transducer Mach Number Mach Number True Airspeed True Airspeed Pitot Pressure Pitot Pressure Transducer Total Air Temperature Static Air Temperature Density Static Air Temperature Air Density Systems Using ADC Outputs Flight Director Automatic Flight Control Altitude Reporting GPWS Stall Warning Automatic Thrust Control Cabin Pressurisation Flight Management Flight Recorder Figure 3.1: Overview layout for air data computer system 3.2 Definition of Virtual Reality Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that allows you to enter and interact with a world that is generated by a computer. Special graphics, video images and stereo sound make this pretend world seem real The idea of virtual reality emerged in 1930s when scientists created first flight simulator for training of pilots. In 1987, British aerospace evaluated and developed Virtual Cockpit with Virtual Environment Configurable Training Aids (VECTA) with fully immersive HMD. Some of common and popular softwares that provide VR realizations with animations are 3DS Max, OpenGL, Macromedia Flash, Autodesk® Maya®, GIF animations software, Kinemac 3D animations software and many more. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 14 Although differ in functions and features but the general concept of animations application is still the same. Due to wide varieties, it is impossible to compare all. Thus in this project, only 3 common types are chosen and compared. Table 3.1 shows the comparison of animations software. Advantages Disadvantages Autodesk® Maya® Macromedia Flash OpenGL High-end 3D modeling and graphics. Allows modelling of high complexity objects Easy to use and userfriendly License ~S$3.5k Time consuming for modeling and animations Provides 2D modeling and graphics Easy to create animation and high interactivity. Free license Big file sizes, longer download time. Requires Flash media player to play animations Capable of 2D and 3D modeling. Free license Easy to use and portable Requires algorithm for modeling. Tedious to debug for error solving. Table 3.1: Comparison of Animations Software After comparison, Autodesk® Maya® is the better choice used for the development of this project as it allows modelling of high complexity objects, easy to use and user-friendly. Since time is one of the crucial components, planning and scheduling are important to complete the project on time. Figure 3.2 shows Autodesk® Maya® packaging. Figure 3.2: Autodesk® Maya® Packaging ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 15 3.3 Review of E-Learning and Its technology E-Learning started almost the same time that a computer was developed. In fact, the concept and practise of distance learning predates the computer area by almost 100 years. The basic thing that distinguishes distance education is the physical separation of the student from instructor and classroom. E-Learning, became part of classroom environment from the beginning. The early use of the computers was geared to help the classroom instructor. Gradually, as more and more personal computers became available, the idea of online classes was explored by some Colleges and Universities. As for this project, instruments in Pitot-static and Gyroscopic Flight System will be used. The literature review for each instrument will be discussed in the subsections. 3.4 Definition of Pitot-Static System "The Pitot (pronounced pee-toe) static system is a device used by airplanes and boats for measuring forward speed. The device is a differential pressure gauge and was invented by Henri Pitot in 1732.The open end of the Pitot tube, usually mounted on a wing, faces toward the flow of air or water. The airspeed indicator measures the difference between a static sensor and Pitot tube in the air stream. Pitot tube with electronic pressure transducers and micro-manometers, were capable of producing accurate reading of small pressure differences. A Pitot-static system is used in aviation to determine aircraft's speed, Mach number and altitude trend. It consists of a Pitot tube, a static port and Pitotstatic instruments There are two major parts of the system: impact pressure chamber and lines, and static pressure chamber and lines. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 16 Figure 3.3 shown the Venting of a simple Pitot-Static System Figure 3.3: Venting of a simple Pitot-Static System 3.4.1 Impact Pressure Chamber and Lines Impact air pressure is taken from a Pitot tube, which is mounted in locations that provide minimum disturbance/turbulence caused by the motion of the aircraft through the air. It is normally mounted on the leading edge of a wing. Aircraft used under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) are heated electrically to prevent icing when operating in visible moisture and cold temperatures. A switch in the cockpit controls Pitot heat. The following Figure 3.4 shows how a Pitot tube works. Impact Air Pressure Figure 3.4: Pitot Tube ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 17 3.4.2 Static Pressure Chamber and Lines The static pressure is usually taken from the static line attached to a vent or flush with the side of the fuselage. This compensates for any possible variation in static pressure due to erratic changes in airplane attitude. The static chamber is vented through small holes to the free undisturbed air, and as the atmospheric pressure increases or decreases, the pressure in the static chamber changes accordingly. This pressure change is transmitted through lines to the instruments which used static pressure. The following Figure 3.5 shows different designs of static port. Figure 3.5: Different Designs of Static Port 3.4.3 Systems Malfunctions Various blockages of the Pitot-static system can occur. The most common problems are: 1. The Pitot heat has not been activated and ice has formed in the intake; 2. Ice has accreted over static vents; or 3. Foreign objects have entered the system. Pitot icing can occur at a relatively slow rate, causing a gradual reduction in Pitot pressure. This results in a slow decrease in indicated airspeed rather than a frozen condition. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 18 Blockage effects are categorized as shown in Table 3.2: Instrument Altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator Airspeed Indicator Static Blockage Pitot Blockage "Freezes" at constant value n/a "Freezes" at zero n/a Under-reads in climb and over-reads in descent Over-reads in climb and under-reads in descent Table 3.2: Blockage Effects Summary 3.5 Instruments used in Pitot-Static System Aircraft constantly encounter atmosphere pressure changes as they climb, descend, accelerate or decelerate. The Pitot-static system - sensitive to airspeed, altitude, and rates of altitude change, provides the pressure information displayed on cabin instrumentation. We shall talk about these instruments in the following subsections. 3.5.1 Altimeter. The barometric altimeter invented by Paul Kollsman, a German, in 1928, was a pivotal instrument. It has a window which pilots enter the local barometric pressure to calibrate it before takeoff. It is widely known as the Kollsman window. The Kollsman window is a small square window usually in the face of the altimeter showing standard air pressure is 29.92 inHg at level ground. Altitude can be read by using the three indicators on the dial of the gauge, similar to the way a clock is read The long-skinny arm indicates 100's of feet, the shorter arm indicates thousands, and tens of thousands of feet may be indicated by either an even shorter arm. An altimeter (barometer) does not actually measure altitude directly, but uses static pressure as its source of operation. As altitude increases, atmospheric ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 19 pressure decreases. This difference in pressure at various altitudes caused the altimeter to indicate changes in altitude. Figure 3.6 shows a typical Altimeter. Kollsman Window for air pressure display Figure 3.6: A typical Altimeter 3.5.2 Vertical Speed Indicator Vertical speed indicator is created as early in year 1776 and is one of the important instruments used during flight navigation. The vertical speed indicator (sometimes called the VSI or rate-of-climb indicator) shows how fast an aircraft is climbing or descending. It is usually calibrated in feet per minute. Pilots use VSI primarily during flight to help them establish the correct rate of descent during approaches and to maintain steady rates of climb or descent. The VSI is connected to the static system. Air pressure inside the instrument case decreases as the aircraft climbs and increases as the aircraft descends. When the pressure inside the wafer equals the pressure in the case, the needle returns to zero, indicating level flight. Figure 3.7 shows a typical Vertical Speed Indicator. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 20 Figure 3.7: Typical Vertical Speed Indicator 3.5.3 Airspeed Indicator As early as in year 1776, airspeed indicators are used in aircraft for flight navigation. It is a sensitive, differential pressure gauge which measures and shows promptly the difference between Pitot or impact pressure, and static pressure, the undisturbed atmospheric pressure at level flight. These two pressures will be equal when the airplane is parked on the ground in calm air. When the airplane moves through the air, the pressure on the Pitot line becomes greater than the pressure in the static lines. This difference in pressure is registered by the airspeed pointer on the face of the instrument, which is calibrated in miles per hour, knots, or both. Figure 3.8 shows a typical Airspeed Indicator. Figure 3.8: Typical Airspeed Indicator ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 21 3.6 Definition of Gyroscopic Flight System The first gimbaled spinning mass gyroscope was invented by Jean Bernard Leon Foucault in 1852. Any spinning object exhibits gyroscopic properties. A wheel/rotor designed and mounted to utilize these properties is called a gyroscope. Two important design characteristics of an instrument gyro are great weight for its size, high density and rotation at high speed with low friction bearings. There are two fundamental properties of gyroscopic action—rigidity in space and precession. Figure 3.9 shows a typical Vacuum System for Gyroscopic Instruments. Figure 3.9: Typical Vacuum System for Gyroscopic Instruments. 3.6.1 Rigidity in Space Rigidity in space refers to the principle that a gyroscope remains in a fixed position in the plane in which it is spinning. By mounting this wheel on a set of gimbals rings, it is able to rotate freely in any direction. If the gimbals rings are tilted, twisted or moved, the gyro remains in the plane in which it was originally spinning. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 22 Below Figure 3.10 shows an illustration of Rigidity in Space. Figure 3.10: Illustration of Rigidity in Space. 3.6.2 Precession Precession is the tilting or turning of a gyro in response to a deflective force. The reaction to this force does not occur at the point where it was applied but at a point that is 90° later in the direction of rotation. This principle allows the gyro to determine a rate of turn by sensing the amount of pressure created by a change in direction. The rate at which gyro precesses is inversely proportional to the speed of the rotor and proportional to the deflective force. Figure 3.11 shows an illustration of Precession. Figure 3.11: Illustration of Precession. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 23 3.7 Instruments used in Gyroscopic Flight System The gyro instruments include heading indicator, attitude indicator and turn coordinator. Each contains a gyro rotor driven by air or electricity and makes use of the gyroscopic principles to display the attitude of the aircraft. It is important that pilots understand the gyro instruments and the principles governing their operation. We shall talk about these instruments in the following subsections. 3.7.1 Attitude Indicator An attitude indicator (ADI), also known as gyro horizon or artificial horizon was created in year 1931, and is an instrument which informs the pilot the orientation of aircraft relative to earth. It indicates pitch and roll and is a primary instrument for flight in meteorological conditions. Altitude indicators used a gyroscope to establish an inertial platform. An Inertial Navigation System (INS) is a navigation aid that uses a computer and motion sensors to continuously calculate the position, orientation and moving object without the need for external references. Figure 3.12 shows a typical Altitude Indicator. Figure 3.12: A typical Altitude Indicator. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 24 Figure 3.13 shows Altitude Representations by Altitude Indicator correspond to aircraft to real horizon. Figure 3.13: Altitude Representations by Altitude Indicator 3.7.2 Turn Coordinator Turn coordinator consists of two instruments was created and used as early as in year 1940. The gyro portion shows the aircraft's rate of yaw (turn), roll—how fast it's changing direction. The wings of the symbolic aircraft line up on white tick marks at the level position to indicate zero rate of turn. There is another set of tick marks below the level pair. When the symbolic aircraft is tilted so as to align with one of the tick marks (and the airplane is in a constant bank), the aircraft is said to be turning at standard rate of turn, which is 3 degrees of heading change per second. A ball in a tube called the "inclinometer" or "slip/skid indicator" shows the quality of the turn—whether the turn is "coordinated." This is a glass tube mounted on the face of the instrument, below the symbolic airplane. Being a separate instrument, the inclinometer consists of a glass tube filled with ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 25 kerosene and a steel ball. The tube is curved such that its center is the lowest point, and each end is higher. The ball is used typically to tell the pilot the correct amount of rudder input is being applied, usually during rolls and turns and when engine power is higher or lower than a cruise setting. If the rudder input produces a coordinated turn, the ball will remain centered during a roll maneuver. If the ball deflects into the roll, the rudder input was insufficient indicating a slip. If it deflects opposite the direction of the roll, the rudder input was excessive, indicating a skid. The pilot needs to apply rudder in the same direction as the ball is deflected in order to return the aircraft to coordinated flight. Figure 3.14 shows a typical Turn Coordinator Figure 3.14: A typical Turn Coordinator Figure 3.15shows examples of Quality-of-Turns. Figure 3.15: Examples of Quality-of-Turns ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 26 3.7.3 Heading Indicator Created in year 1974, heading indicator is a mechanical instrument designed to facilitate the use of magnetic compass. Errors in the magnetic compass are numerous, making straight flight and precision turns to headings difficult to accomplish, particularly in turbulent air. The indicator is another vacuum driven gyroscope and does not rely on earth’s magnetic field to operate. During spinning, it has a principle of remaining rigid in space. The energy used to resist the turn instead moves the compass card which will indicate the heading of the airplane. Heading indicators are used because they are not affected by magnetic disturbances nor have turning errors inherent to the compass. Figure 3.16 shows an example of Heading Indicator. Figure 3.16: A typical Heading Indicator. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 27 Chapter 4 4. Objects Modelling & Texturing This chapter will elaborate and demonstrate on the development of models on the instruments by Autodesk® Maya®. 4.1. Modelling of the plane Start the project by creating a working project for the scene. Click on File>Project>New Enter the name; Plane Project in the name tab Choose allocation of project location by clicking on the Browse tab Click on Use Defaults button and Accept. Figure 4.1: Project Setup Window ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 28 Before modelling the plane, we need to download the blueprint from the internet. It is used as reference during modelling The blueprint can be found from this website; _737-800/ Right-click on the webpage, and select “Save Pictures As...” Save the picture in: C:\Users\HP User\Documents\maya\projects\Plane Project\sourceimages All the pictures that needed for texturing will be stalled here. Prepare the blueprint to be suitable for used in Autodesk® Maya®. This is an important process as it determines the proportionality of the model. Invoke Adobe Photoshop CS4, select File>New. Set the width and height of the file to be 1200 pixels and saved the file as “3D plane pic”in “sourceimages” folder of the project. Figure 4.2: Pixels Setup Box in Photoshop ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 29 Create a polyPlane which is used as a reference for plane modelling. Input scale 20 (x), 20 (y), 20 (z) and change subdivision Width and Height to 4. Figure 4.3: Transformation and Subdivision Window Hold down right click on the polyPlane and go Assign New Materials > Lambert. Click the 1st checker box>File Texture > small file icon on the right side of the File Attribute window> Browse for the picture “boeing-737-800” and click open. The drawing will be displayed on the polyPlane. Figure 4.4: Browse Window ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 30 Figure 4.5: Textured polyPlane Duplicate 2 more polyPlanes and arranged them with reference to the grid’s centre as shown. Figure 4.6: PolyPlane arrangement ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 31 Go to layer window and click on the Make New Layer icon on its’ upper right side. This will create a new layer called layer1. Double click layer1 and rename as drawingLAYER. Figure 4.7: Layer Attributes Select all 3 polyPlanes. Right-click on drawingLAYER then choose Add Selected Object. This layer can be made selectable or un-selectable by clicking the centre box. Figure 4.8: Layer Window Create a polyCube, scale and position with reference to the drawing as shown. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 32 Figure 4.9: PolyCube creation with reference to the drawing After selecting the PolyCube, hold down right mouse button and choose Face. Remove left half of the cube as shown in the picture. This is to reduce the complexity of the model by half. Figure 4.10: Half of the PolyCube removed Right-click on the mouse and select Vertex. Align the vertices along the guidelines of the blueprints to form the plane body. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 33 Figure 4.11: Align Vertices along guidelines of blueprint The procedures above were repeated to model the wings and tailfin of the plane. Figure 4.12: Modelling the Wings of the Plane ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 34 Select all the parts of the plane and click Mesh>square box besides Mirror Geometry. Ensure that option for Merge vertices was turn on. Once this was done, select Mesh again and choose Smooth. This is to smooth the model. Figure 4.13: Mirror Geometry the model Figure 4.14: Plane Model after Smoothen process ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 35 Open new workspace and named as Propellers. Create a PolyCylinder to model the propeller. Right-click on the model and select Face. Figure 4.15: PolyCylinder for Propeller Down-scale the selected Face, choose Extrude, move into inner portion of the cylinder. Down-scale and select Extrude again to extract the face to the opening of the PolyCylinder. Down-scale once more to close up the Faces as shown. Figure 4.16: Modelling the interior of the Propeller ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 36 Create a PolyCube and insert into the PolyCylinder. Duplicate another PolyCube and position it besides the 1st one. Figure 4.17: Creation of the Propeller Blades Press Shift-d to form the rest of the blades. Figure 4.18: Forming of the Propeller Blades Perform final touch up to improve the appearance and lastly select Mesh>Smooth. Figure 4.19: Final Model of the Propeller ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 37 Open the Plane model scene, import the propeller scene. Duplicate the propeller and position them to the wings of the plane. The modelling of the plane is complete. Figure 4.20: Completion of Plane model. After completion of plane modelling, texture is added to make it look more real-like. However after several attempts, I did not managed to achieve good texturing and hence, I requested my friend (Adrian Loo) to assist me in this area. Two textures are created using Adobe Photoshop CS4: plane main body and tailfin. Each texture will be applied individually to the models. Figure 4.21: Textures for Plane main body and Tailfin ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 38 The final outlook of plane model will look like below after texturing. Figure 4.22: Plane after Texturing 4.2. Modelling Background scene for Pitot-Static Instruments. Open a new scene and named as Background PS Scene. Create a PolyCube and PolyCylinders, sized and position them according to the locations as shown. Figure 4.23: Positioning of PolyCube and PolyCylinder ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 39 Change the texture to White. Select 3 faces at the top and perform Extrude. Down-scale the faces towards the end as shown. This will form the dial of the instrument. Figure 4.24: Dial of Instrument in White colour Refer to texture mapping procedure for plane at page 43, browse for the picture “altituderuler” and click open. Select Persp/UV icon at the side bar, and sized the UV Tool Shell so that the texture fits nicely into the model. Persp/UV icon Figure 4.25: Texture mapping completed of the ruler ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 40 Create a 3*3*3 PolyCube and remove unwanted Faces. Select the vertices as shown in the left picture and sized them to form the arrow. Position the arrow beside the ruler. Figure 4.26: Modelling of the Arrow Create a PolyCylinder and remove unwanted Faces. Adjust it to correct size and will be used as a sky background later. Figure 4.27: Creation the Sky model. Import and position the plane. Select Create>Cameras>Camera. At the workspace, select Panels>Perspective>Camera1. The Background scene is completed after positioning the camera. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 41 Figure 4.28: Completion of the Background scene 4.3. Modelling of Airspeed Indicator Open Background PS scene and named as Airspeed Indicator. Apply texture mapping to the indicator as shown. The picture “Airspeed indicator with no dot” is edited before at Photoshop. Figure 4.29: Airspeed Indicator picture after Editing ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 42 Figure 4.30: Airspeed Indicator after Texture Mapping Create 2 PolyCubes, position and size them according to the picture. They are used to create “windows” at the indicator. Figure 4.31: Preparation for “Windows” creation ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 43 Select Mesh>Booleans>Differences, “windows” were created. Windows Figure 4.32: “Windows” created Apply texture mapping to the gauge meters for TAS and Mach number displays. The picture “numbers with dot” and “numbers” are created from Photoshop. Figure 4.33: Texture for the Gauge Meter Figure 4.34: Creation of the Gauge Meter ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 44 Repeat the same process for the rest of the gauge meter. The model for Airspeed Indicator is completed. Figure 4.35: Completed Model for Airspeed Indicator 4.4. Modelling of Altimeter Open Background PS scene and named as Altimeter Apply texture mapping to the Altimeter. The picture “altimeter with no dot” is edited before at Photoshop. Figure 4.36: Altimeter picture after Editing Figure 4.37: Altimeter after Texture Mapping ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 45 Repeat the steps used in Airspeed Indicator for creating the “window” and the “pressure meter”. Figure 4.38: Altimeter with Texture and Pressure Meter completed Duplicate 2 more of the dial; adjust the length by Vertices to form the ‘hands”. This will complete the model for Altimeter. Figure 4.39: ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Completed Altimeter model 46 4.5. Modelling of Vertical Speed Indicator Open Background PS scene and named as Vertical Speed Indicator Apply texture mapping to the Vertical Speed Indicator. The picture “verticalspeed indicator with no dot” is edited before at Photoshop. Figure 4.40: Vertical Speed Indicator picture after Editing Figure 4.41: Vertical Speed Indicator after Texture Mapping Rotate the dial to the left as shown. The model for vertical speed indicator is completed. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 47 Figure 4.42: Completed Vertical Speed Indicator model 4.6. Modelling Background scene for Gyroscopic Open a new scene and named as Background GR Scene. Create a PolyCube and PolyCylinders, sized and position them according to the locations as shown. Import and position plane model, select Create>Cameras>Camera. At perspective view, select Panels>Perspective>Camera1. The Background GR scene is completed after camera positioning. Figure 4.43: Completion Background GR scene ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 48 4.7. Modelling of Altitude Indicator Open Background GR scene and named it as Altitude indicator Create 4 PolyCylinders, size and position them. Figure 4.44: Positioning of the PolyCylinders Select white PolyCylinder 1st, Mesh>Booleans>Differences. Repeat the same for the grey PolyCylinder. This is to create hollowness in the PolyCylinders. Figure 4.45: Creation of Hollowness in PolyCylinders ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 49 Position, shape and texture the smallest PolyCylinder to black. Apply Texture mapping to middle PolyCylinder as shown. The pictures “altitude indicator with no outer ring” and “altitude indicator outer ring” are edited before at Photoshop. Figure 4.46: Altitude Indicator picture after Editing Figure 4.47: Texture Mapping of Altitude Indicator ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 50 Create the indicator level gauge by selecting one Face of the middle PolyCylinder. Perform Extrude and Select Face repeatedly until the desired shape is formed. Create a PolySphere and placed on top of the level gauge. Add colour as shown. Figure 4.48: Texture Mapping Completion for Altitude Indicator Create a PolyCube, select Vertices and sized them until a Triangle shape is formed. Position the PolyCube and the model for Altitude Indicator is completed. Figure 4.49: Completed Model for Altitude Indicator ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 51 4.8. Modelling of Turn Coordinator Open Background GR scene and named as Turn Coordinator Create a PolyCylinder, size, and position and apply Texture mapping as shown. The picture “turn coordinator with no ball” is edited before at Photoshop. Figure 4.50: Turn Coordinator picture after Editing. Figure 4.51: Texture Mapping of Turn Coordinator ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 52 Create a PolyCube and modify the shape as shown. Insert it into PolyCylinder to create a “window” for Inclinometer. PolyCube Figure 4.52: Setting up PolyCube to create Inclinometer Select Mesh>Booleans>Differences, “window” for Inclinometer was created. Windows created Figure 4.53: Inclinometer was created. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 53 Create 2 PolyCubes, textured to Red and create a PolySphere, textured to Blue. Size and position them as shown in the picture. This will complete the model for Turn Coordinator. Figure 4.54: Completed model for Turn Coordinator 4.9. Modelling of Heading Indicator Open a new scene and named as Heading Indicator. Create 3 PolyCylinders, sized and positioned them. Figure 4.55: PolyCylinders for Heading Indicator ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 54 Select Mesh>Booleans>Differences to create hollowness in the PolyCylinder. Figure 4.56: Hollowness in PolyCylinder created Apply Texture Mapping to PolyCylinders and combined them as one model as shown. The pictures “heading indicator” was edited before at Photoshop. Figure 4.57: Heading Indicator Picture ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 55 Figure 4.58: Texture Mapping and Combination of PolyCylinders Create a PolyCube for the gauge pointer and select the edges (brown). Sized them until a triangle shape is formed. Figure 4.59: Creating of Gauge pointer by PolyCube. Select Edges followed by Edit Mesh>Bevel. Changed number of segments to 4 to round the edges at the channel box. Figure 4.60: Round the Edges of the PolyCube ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 56 Positioned and changed the gauge pointer to yellow and the heading indicator is completed. Figure 4.61: Positioned and Texture Mapped the Gauge Pointer To model the NSEW indicator, create 1 PolyCube and elongated it. Once done, press CRTL-d and changed Rotate Z parameter to 90 degrees. Figure 4.62: Body Creation of NSEW Indicator. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 57 Select Faces and perform Extrusion. Sized selected Faces until desired shape is formed for the arrow. Figure 4.63: Arrow formed for NSEW Indicator Texture mapped NSEW indicator to Red and import plane model to be placed above it. Figure 4.64: Plane Imported on NSEW Indicator Create texts for NSEW, sized and positioned them as shown. Changed their colour to yellow. Figure 4.65: Directions Text Creations ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 58 Create a PolyCylinder, removed Faces and position it appropriately. Apply texture mapping of clouds picture to form background sky. Figure 4.66: Positioned and Text mapping of the Background Sky ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 59 Create>Cameras>Camera. At the workspace for perspective view, select Panels>Perspective>Camera1. Heading Indicator scene is completed after positioning the camera. Figure 4.67: Completion of Heading Indicator Scenes ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 60 Chapter 5 5. Objects Animations and Video File Conversion This chapter will elaborate on the animations of instruments models by Autodesk® Maya®. 5.1. Animations of Airspeed Indicator Open scene of Airspeed Indicator. Apply texture mapping to background sky. Figure 5.1: Texture Mapping of Airspeed Indicator Background Sky Readings on gauge meter is taken reference from International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) based on 80 knots and is compiled in the table below. ATTITUDE (FEET) ATTITUDE (METERS) SPEED OF SOUND KNOTS MPH MACH NUM TAS NUM (KNOTS) 4000 1219.2 652.311 750 0.123 86.4 5000 1524 650.001 748 0.123 88 6000 1828.8 647.683 745 0.124 89.6 7000 2133.6 645.357 742 0.124 91.2 8000 2438.4 643.022 740 0.124 92.8 9000 2743.2 640.678 737 0.125 94.4 Table 5.1: Summary of Altitude with Mach and TAS Number Correlation ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 61 Set Mach number to 0.123 and TAS to 86.4 in gauge meter as base reference from 4000 feet. Figure 5.2: Setting Base Reference for Mach number and TAS in Gauge Meter Animations setup procedure begins here. Set End time of animation to 300 fps, select last digit for Mach number. Press “s” at 1 fps of the timeslider. Last digit of Mach number Red line appeared at 1 fps after pressing “s” at timeslider. End time of animations at 300 fps Figure 5.3: Setting up animation requirement for Mach number last digit ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 62 At 300 fps of the timeslider, rotate last digit of Mach number to 5 then press “s”. It is the Mach number of 0.125 at 9000 feet. Figure 5.4: Setting Mach number to 0.125 at 9000 feet Repeat the above procedure for TAS gauge meter. Figure 5.5: Setting TAS to 94.4 at 9000 feet. Select altitude ruler, press “s” at 1fps and click at 300 fps of timeslider. Move the ruler downwards until the arrow is pointing at 9000 feet. Figure 5.6: Animation of the Altitude Ruler to 9000 feet. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 63 Repeat same procedure for animations of background sky and the aircraft. Since for this project we used 80 knots of airspeed, the dial will rotate to 80 knots on the gauge. Repeat the animation procedure. An animation of Airspeed indicator is completed. Figure 5.7: Completed animation of Airspeed Indicator Video file conversion of the indicator will begin here. Right-click on timeslider and select Playblast. This will convert the animations to “avi” format and the video will save in PLANE PROJECT>IMAGES folder. Figure 5.8: Dialog box of Playblast Options ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 64 Invoke “window movie maker”, select File>import media item. Search for Airspeed Indicator avi format video and the sound clip named Airspeed Indicator. Open them. Figure 5.9: Import ASI avi video and sound clip to Window Movie Maker Select File>Publish, and follow the instructions on screen. The movie file is now in “wmv” format. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 65 Figure 5.10: Conversion of avi video file to wmv format for ASI 5.2. Animations of Altimeter Open scene of Altimeter. Apply texture mapping to the background sky. Readings on pressure meter is taken reference from International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) and is compiled in the table below. ATTITUDE(FEET) ATTITUDE(METERS) PRESSURE(inHg) 4000 1219.2 25.8 5000 1524 24.9 6000 1828.8 24 7000 2133.6 23.1 8000 2438.4 22.2 9000 2743.2 21.4 Table 5.2: Summary of Altimeter with Altitude and Pressure Correlation Set pressure meter to 25.8 inHg as base reference from 4000 feet. Figure 5.11: Pressure meter of Altimeter set to 25.8 inHg ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 66 Set middle dial to 4. It represents 4000 feet above sea level. Figure 5.12: Setting the middle dial to 4000 feet No change in the animations of altitude ruler and background from ASI. Values of the pressure meter will be 21.4 inHg at 9000 feet and the dials will be at 9000 feet after animations. Figure 5.13: Completed animations for Altimeter Repeat the procedures for video file formatting from ASI to convert the video file from avi to wmv format for Altimeter. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 67 Figure 5.14: Conversion of avi video file to wmv format for Altimeter 5.3. Animations of other Instruments Animations and video file formatting procedures for other instruments were actually the same as ASI and Altimeter. Differences were on the responses of the instruments with respect to the plane movements. Hence the procedures shall not be repeated thereafter. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 68 Chapter 6 6. Integrating Virtual Reality into PowerPoint This chapter talks about integrating animations videos and other information into PowerPoint slides. 6.1. Creating Cover Page Background Style Open new PowerPoint 2007 slide, select Design>Background Styles>Format background>Picture or texture fill>File.... Browse for the picture. Figure 6.1: Setting up Cover Page Background Style Click insert and the Cover page is created. Figure 6.2: PowerPoint Front Page Created ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 69 6.2. Creating the Content Page Apply above procedures for slide background and adjust to 30% transparency. Create a Rounded Rectangle shape from Insert>Shapes. Rightclick on it, select Format>Fill>Picture or texture fill and browse for the picture. Create a Rectangle shape, placed above the previous shape and enter instrument name. Figure 6.3: Naming of the Instrument Click the pictured shape and choose Insert>Action. At “Mouse Click” tab, hyperlink to the slide that talks about the respective instrument. At “Mouse Over” tab, select for the sound to be played. Figure 6.4: Setting the Hyperlink Requirements for the Instrument at Content Page ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 70 Apply the same procedures to complete the content page for other instruments or systems. With this, reader can advance to read on the information that interest him/her first without the need for searching the entire package for it. Figure 6.5: Content Page after Completion 6.3. Inserting Movie Files All movie files are inserted in the same manner, thus only 1 example will be shown. Select Insert>Movie>Movie from Files... and search for the specific movie to be inserted. Figure 6.6: Inserting Movie to PowerPoint ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 71 Play mode is dependent on the nature of the movies. The Table below summaries the movies correspond to the Play mode. Figure 6.7: Different Play Mode of the movie Play Mode Movie Titles Pitot-Static System AirSpeed Indicator Altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator Roll and Pitch Movements Altitude Indicator Turn Coordinator Heading Indicator Automatically When Clicked Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 6.1: Summary of Movies to Types of Play Mode The movie was sized to preference to suit into the slide layout and ready to be viewed in PowerPoint presentation. 6.4. Other Miscellaneous Animations The slides contains other animations purely created from PowerPoint animations capability and will not be discuss in this thesis. 6.5. Testing Of All Animations All necessary testing of the animations were done based on the slideshow of PowerPoint with no issues. Results shown are positive and suitable for sharing. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 72 Chapter 7 7. WinZip and Self-Extractor This chapter talks about WinZip and WinZip self-extractor creation for all related videos and the PowerPoint slides. 7.1. Creating a WinZip and Self-Extractor Create a new folder named “VR Integrating to Aerospace Electronics”. Right-click, WinZip>Add to zip File.... After a WinZip folder created, select Actions>Make .Exe File. Figure 6.8: Creation of WinZip Self-extractor ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 73 Browse for “VR Integrating to Aerospace” folder and under Default “Unzip To” folder, key ‘C:’ .This is to ensure the package is directed to save in C drive of other computers upon installation. Figure 6.9: Configuration of WinZip Self-Extractor Setup The E-learning package is now ready for sharing. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 74 8. Problems and Discussions This chapter talks about some of the issues and challenges faced during the process of developing this project. A usual concept that most of the people agreed while doing a project is that problems encounters will help to develop the project into a successful one. Simply saying, no project can be successful without problems being encountered. In fact throughout the whole process of modeling, animations and converting the animations files into “wmv” formats as explained in the chapter 4,5 and 6, it seemed like a smooth journey. However deep down, there were several obstacles faced but were resolved after some attempts. The problems and the solutions will be discussed in this chapter. Issues #1: Plane Proportionality out after modelling The blueprints of the plane were not set on correct proportion before used as reference for plane modelling. Solution: Setup the blueprint to correct proportion via Adobe Photoshop before used. The square setting was done by inputting 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels. Issues #2: Plane Model Shaped Deformed After Smoothen Process The overall shape of the plane changed after smoothen process which caused the proportionality to be out. Solution: Overall model of the plane needs to be sized slightly bigger as per the blueprint. The reason was because smoothening process would tend to round all the corners and edges on the default object. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 75 Issues #3: Gauge Meters Of Airspeed Indicator Showing Wrong Readings The meters were showing decreasing values of the TAS and Mach numbers when the plane was at higher altitude. Solution: The sequences of the numbers for gauge meter texting mapping need to be change. Issues #4: Pressure Meter of Altimeter Showing Wrong Readings The pressure meter showed an increasing value when the plane was at higher altitude. Solution: The sequences of the numbers for gauge meter texting mapping need to be change. Issues #5: Outlook of Instruments Did Not Meet Expectation. The final outlook of the instruments after texture mapping skewed and stretched. Solution: The vertices representing texture mapping needed alignment and placement ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 76 Issues #6: Dials on Altimeter Could Not Rotate in Correct Manner The pivots of the dials were at the middle which rotated the knobs as well and affected the final placement. Solution: Dials models were re-done and pivoting reference remained as per default location in cylinder model before got conversion. Issues #7: Dials on Altimeter and ASI Covered Pressure/Gauge Meter During Rotations Portions of the dials covered the meters at specific locations during rotations to the correct reading. Solution: The meters of both instruments needed resized and positions shifted to resolve the problem. Issues #8: Wrong Animations Sequences for Pitot-Static Instruments. The sequences were not registered in the correct manner after completions and some animations even not functions. They were due to wrong setting of the keyframes in the timeslider. Solution: Deleted all the keyframes and did animations again. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 77 Issues #9: Audio Clips Did Not Tally with Plane Responses When the plane was soaring into higher altitude, it sounded like landing from the audio clip. Solution: Looked up for more appropriate sound clips and did detailed editing at window movie maker. Issues #10: Animations Cannot Worked in Other Computers When simulated in other computers, the PowerPoint slides seemed to have stalled and malfunctioned. Solution: Zipped all the videos and PowerPoint slides into a common folder and saved into C drive automatically upon self-extraction. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 78 9. Summary, Conclusions and Future Work. This chapter will discuss about the summary, conclusions and the future work which were applicable. 9.1. Summary The animations of the instruments reacting accordance to plane responses during flight were successful. The effects of editing the pictures through Photoshop and used to texture mapped the objects were proven to be effective. They added “life” by improving the appearances of the objects which allowed user to appreciate more on the outlook of the animated scenes. Although it was not possible to have animations in every slide of the PowerPoint, it is sufficient to deliver the requirements stated in the objectives with the amount of animations created. 9.2. Conclusions It was a journey with ups and down during the implementation of this project. As a novice in using Adobe Photoshop and Autodesk® Maya®, a lot of self-training and preparation work were done. After couple of months, I applied the knowledge acquired and began to start working on the project. I started off with the modelling and texture mapping of an altimeter, but was successful only after few tries. Nevertheless, I gained valuable experiences and knowledge which I can use for other instruments. However with more hands-on and time spent, confidence and competency level built up that helped me to accelerate the process of modelling and texture mapping. The animation stage was full of challenges as well in setting the keyframes in the timeslider. The sequences on setting the keyframes or working on the movements of the objects were confused and ended up have to re-do all over again. Again the process to get things right is lengthy but yet worthy. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 79 This project is set out to implement an unique E-Learning package with animations with audio capability to enhance learning and understanding on 6 basic instruments used in an airplane. Although the animations were built successfully, plenty of time, efforts and commitments were put together to meet the conditions and expectations of this project. Trial runs have been performed several times to ensure that the ELearning package is in good working condition with no software bugs and able to function the same in other computers. In the trial run, I have to ensure that no error occurs. Although this is the case, there is still room for improvement. Nevertheless, the project implementation is considered as successful one. 9.3. Future Work Here are some further improvements that should be considered. 1. Create another scene with all the instruments arranged in a systematic manner showing responses when a plane took off from a runway to cruising mode. In that way, better realization and visualization can be appreciated when the instruments demonstrated the correlation among one another in a flight. 2. Have pre-recorded audio clips of an instructor explaining the purposes, features and functions of the instruments. 3. Create a Q&A quiz in the form of multiple choices or short questions to evaluate the learner after reading the package. This will help in their thinking process and will achieve better knowledge retention. 4. Have animations for more systems that existed in the plane. Examples are the electrical systems, early warning systems, navigation system, weaponry systems and etc. These will provide a ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 80 useful guide or training orientation for aircraft technicians or young pilots. 10. Reflections In order to start the project, intensive research on the designing and implementing were done. Several trips to National Library and Unisim library proved to be fruitful as I was able to familiarize myself with the basic concept of E-Learning and aerospace electronics through reference books. ELearning reference books not only provided me the concept but also gave me ideas on different types of E-Learning platform and designs which proved to be a great help for me in this project. Lots of information was also gathered through Internet Research too. During the early stage of the project, much time was spent on learning to use Adobe Photoshop and Autodesk® Maya®. It was only 3 months later after the initial report submission did I realize my progress had been slow and far behind from the project planning recorded in my initial report. From the Gantt chart, I realized that I needed to catch up my schedules, and hence much more time was spent. However, due to unexpected problems that arose along the way, the project did not proceed smoothly as planned. Fortunately, I managed to solve most of the problems just in time. This made me understand the importance of planning and to start early for the capstone project. Before the success of achieving the objectives of this project, a few milestones were obtained. The first major milestone for me was during the initial designing stage. I was pondering on the systems selections. Initially I chosen the hydraulic and electrical systems but realized that these were too tough to animate. Thus I had to give them up then select another 2 systems which I used in the project now. They proved to be much simpler and chances of succeeding in the animations were much higher. Editing pictures in Adobe Photoshop was another major milestone as I have never edited picture. Although this project only required me to edit a few pictures for texture mappings, it was still not easy for me. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 81 The final milestone was learning Autodesk® Maya®. As I never used any software before to create animation, I started learning as early as last year December (2008) after the introduction of sponsored project by Singapore Polytechnic. In conclusion, this project allowed me to gain valuable learning experience. I learnt that project and time management play very critical roles in the success of a project. Not only has my project management skill improved, photo editing and animations skills certainly attained a higher level. ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 82 References Reference Books [1] Anderson, John David, “Fundamentals of Aerodynamics”, 4th Edition, Boston , New York , McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2007. [2] Broadbent, Broke, “ABC’s of e-learning”, San Francisco , Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2002. [3] Dingle Lloyd, Tooley Michael H, “Aircraft Engineering Principles”, Amsterdam , Oxford , Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005. [4] Kim, Gerard Jounghyun, “Designing Virtual Reality”, London, England , Springer-Verlag, 2005 [5] Mantyla, Karen, “Blending e-learning”, Alexandria, VA , American Society for Training & Development, c2001. [6] Megson, Thomas Henry Gordon, “Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students”, 4th Edition, Amsterdam , Oxford , Burlington, Mass , Elsevier/ButterworthHeinemann, 2007. [7] Newman Dava, “Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design”, Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2002. [8] Pallett, E. H. J, “Aircraft Instrument and Integrated System”, Harlow, Essex , Pearson/Prentice Hall, 1992. [9] Piskurich , George M., “The AMA Handbook of e-learning”, New York , AMACOM, c2003. [10] Rossett Allison, “The ASTD e-learning Handbook”, New York , McGraw Hill, 2002. [11] Vince, John, “Essential Virtual Reality”, Springer Verlag , London, 1998. [12] Zipfel, Apple H, “Modelling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicles Dynamics”, Reston, VA , American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2007 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 83 Site Research S/N Information Obtained Sites Accessed 1 Features and Functionality of Attitude Indicator 2 History of Gyroscope 3 History of E-Learning and Distance Education 4 Features and Functionality of Pitot-Static System Features and Functionality of Pitot-Static System Features and Functionality of Turn Coordinator Advantages of Virtual Reality 5 6 7 8 9 Information on Maya Tutorial on Maya ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT Table A1: Site Research 84 Appendix ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 85 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 86 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 87 ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 88 Figure A1: Virtual Reality on Aerospace Electronics ENG499 CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT 89