Chemistry - Ventura College

Program Review: Academic Disciplines
Questions/Data Elements for Institutional Program Review:
Name of Academic Discipline: Chemistry
September 18, 2009
Name of Person Preparing Program Review Document: Joe Selzler
Date of Departmental Meeting Held to Review Program Review Document: September 21-September 25,
1. Provide an overview of the program.
What is the purpose of the program? How does this purpose relate to the college mission and/or educational
master plan?
The purpose of the program is to offer a comprehensive set of undergraduate courses in
chemistry to serve the general education and transfer requirements of our students. The core curriculum
of general and organic chemistry (V1A, V1AL, V1B, V1BL, V12A, V12AL, V12B and V12BL) prepares
students for transfer in science and engineering majors.
What degrees/certificates are offered by the program?
We provide Chemistry for Health Sciences (V30 and V30L) as gateway courses to the Nursing
program. The Biochemistry (V21 and V21L) courses prepare students with the background necessary for
a certificate in biotechnology which generally leads to employment in the burgeoning biotechnology
industry, and provide incumbent employees with upgraded skills required for this rapidly changing field
What discipline-specific student learning outcomes have been identified for the academic discipline?
Chem V01A:
1. Balance Chemical equations and solve general Chemistry problems by applying the scientific
method including developing hypotheses, hypotheses testing and evaluation.
2. Calculate quantities involving Chemical equations including using Chemical symbols, IUPAC
nomenclature, balancing reactions and stoichiometry.
3. Use Chemical concepts such as enthalpy, VSEPR theory, changes of state, and colligative
properties to determine the physical properties of substances.
Chem V01AL:
1. Understand laboratory procedures, safety, scientific method and lab notebook recording.
2. Understand the concepts of random error, systematic error, precision and accuracy, and their
relationship to significant figures.
3. Master Chemical laboratory techniques such as measurement, determination of density,
pipetting, titration, and spectroscopy.
Chem V01B
1. Use kinetic data to formulate chemical mechanisms and analyze the results using
thermodynamic arguments.
2. Determine relative properties of elements using periodic trends and apply that knowledge to
chemical systems.
3. Use chemical concepts such as enthalpy, VSEPR theory, changes of state, and colligative
Chem V01BL
1. Evaluate a chemical reaction system to determine how chemical equilibria will be altered by
changes in temperature, concentration, or pressure by applying LeChatelier’s principle
2. Experiment with rate dependence on temperature and calculate activation energy from
experimental data analysis.
3. Test common hydrocarbons and organic compounds to identify what functional groups are
Chem V12A
1. Categorize, arrange and assemble structures of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes alkyl halides,
alicyclics, alcohols, ethers and aromatics using IUPAC, derived and common systems of
2. Examine, evaluate and formulate mechanisms for the reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes,
alkyl halides, alcohols and aromatics given reactant and target compounds. They will also be
required to propose alternate steps in reaction mechanisms for common reactions.
3. Examine, evaluate and formulate appropriate multi-step synthetic pathways leading to target
compounds involving alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols and aromatics.
4. Evaluate spectra (infrared, mass, HNMR, CNMR, UV) to formulate structures for organic
compounds involving alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols and aromatics.
Chem V12AL
1. Synthesize simple organic molecules using modern reaction techniques and analyze the
success of each synthesis on the basis of gravimetric, spectroscopic, and chromatographic
evidence and physical properties.
2. Analyze unknown substances using qualitative Chemical tests and to confirm the analysis using
the interpretation of infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and gas chromatography-mass
Chem V12B
1. Synthesize organic molecules using modern reaction techniques and analyze the success of
each synthesis on the basis of gravimetric, spectroscopic, and chromatographic evidence and
physical properties.
2. Analyze unknown substances using qualitative Chemical tests and to confirm the analysis using
the interpretation of infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and gas chromatography-mass
Chem V20
1. Solve quantitative Chemistry problems using various mathematical procedures including
dimensional analysis and algebraic equations, and demonstrate clear reasoning in their work.
2. Explain the basic structure of atoms and molecules and describe how atoms combine to form
3. Describe how the structure of atoms and molecules leads to the macroscopic properties of a
material such as reactivity, boiling point, melting point, and polarity.
4. Analyze, predict, and represent Chemical changes using knowledge of Chemical formulas,
solubility rules, periodic trends, stoichiometry, and Chemical equations
Chem V20L
1. Perform laboratory techniques correctly following written protocols and using appropriate safety
2. Evaluate sources of error, and their effect on experiment results
3. Perform careful and accurate laboratory measurements and correlate these measurements with
scientific laws, and the properties of substances.
1. Solve organic and biochemistry problems by applying the scientific method including developing
hypotheses, hypotheses testing and evaluation.
2. Know the IUPAC names and the structures of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, ethers, thiols,
benzene and aromatic compounds, amines, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters,
amides, acid anhydrides and polyfunctional molecules.
3. Understand the process of DNA replication, transcription, translation, mutation and polymerase
chain reaction; as well as the processes of catabolism and anabolism.
1. Understand laboratory procedures, safety, scientific method and lab notebook recording.
2. Master techniques for organic Chemistry reactions, synthesis, chromatography and quantitative
3. Master biochemical laboratory procedures for isolating and identifying DNA.
Chem V30
1. Describe the structure and composition of matter, and use knowledge of the particulate structure
of matter in order to predict and explain macroscopic properties.
Solve quantitative Chemistry problems using dimensional analysis and algebraic equations
involving the mole, pH, unit conversions, and other concepts.
3. Classify organic molecules, predict their properties based on their formula and structure, and
represent their characteristic reactions.
Chem V30L
1. Perform laboratory techniques correctly following written protocols and using appropriate safety
2. Analyze the results of laboratory experiments quantitatively.
3. Perform experiments with organic compounds and use the results of these experiments to
classify, and predict the behavior of organic compounds.
When was the curriculum for the program most recently revised, and what changes were made? When did the
subject discipline last go through the Curriculum Committee’s content review process?
Most course outlines were updated in Fall 2008. Currently, one class is in the process of being
updated; otherwise, all course outlines are up to date and have been reviewed and sent through the
curriculum committee.
2. Present and analyze data that demonstrate achievement levels of the students within your program.
For all instructional programs, include the following data (transferring the information as indicated from the two
reports provided to you for this purpose):
Transfer information for these three columns
from the “525 Report”
Transfer information for these two
columns from the District Goal Report
% 525 Goal
District Goal for
This Discipline
% of District
Fall 2007
Spring 2008
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Analyze the trends observed through the data:
The chemistry department has consistently surpassed the 525 Goal and District Goal despite
limited class sizes for lab sections which must be in place for safety and pedagogical reasons. This has
been accomplished mainly though the scheduling of large lecture section (typically 80 +) which is roughly
double the average section size at Moorpark and Oxnard for chemistry lectures. While the department is
proud of its productivity, it is concerned about the quality of education that can be provided in such large
lecture classes. The number of units the department has offered is flat, and the department regularly
turns away students who can not be accommodated.
For occupational programs, also include and analyze the following additional data where available:
 Degrees / certificates conferred over the most recent three-year period
 Job placements over the most recent three-year period
 Licensure pass rates over the most recent three-year period
 Student performance on standardized tests over the most recent three-year period
Chem V21 lab and lecture is part of the Biotechnology certificate program that allows students to
be placed directly at local biotechnology companies. Many students are placed before completing the
requirement for the certificate. Seventeen certificates have been awarded of the past three years.
There were 85 job placements and internships opportunities provided for students who complete
V21, and Bio V30 or V31.
3. Describe the strengths of the program. Include, where relevant, descriptions of: articulation status with other
colleges or universities; student or program awards; visibility of the program in the community; cooperative
efforts with other departments; innovations in the areas of curriculum development, teaching techniques, and/or
the use of technology.
Articulation status with other colleges or universities
 The chemistry program has full articulation with the CSU and UC system, and local private
Student or program awards
 At the yearly Student Awards Banquet we present the Outstanding Chemistry Student Award.
Visibility of the program in the community
 We participated in the College Open House providing high school students the opportunity to
see our facility and provided demonstrations by our faculty.
 We have also participated in UCSB Science Teacher Training Program, and are currently
facilitating paid internships in nanotechnology at UCSB where one faculty member serves at
its community college program coordinator during the summer.
 We have an active outreach program which provides hand-on chemistry experiences for local
elementary school students, and provides community volunteer experience for VC students.
 Faculty members have recently served at advisors to both the SACNAS and Pre-Med clubs
which both interface with the larger college community.
Cooperative efforts with other departments
 The department has been actively involved in the development of the new Introduction to
STEM’s course and other related activities to support the STEM grant.
Innovations in the areas of curriculum development, teaching techniques, and/or the use of technology
A massive web site was developed to serve our students course information and quizzing
needs. In the lab, students use computers to collect and analyze data, visualize molecules
and perform molecular modeling. We are involved with the CSUCI chemistry department to
use their NMR remotely for organic chemistry analysis. In lecture, we make use of
PowerPoint, where appropriate, use of a visualizer to show chemical reactions, use high-end
3-d molecular modeling software. The chemistry department developed a new course (Chem
30- Chemistry for Health Sciences) which served as the model for similar courses at our sister
In the past year, faculty members have attended multi-day conferences on incorporating
nanotechnology into the curriculum, and trends in general chemistry education at the Biennial
Conference on Chemical Education.
For occupational programs: relevancy (occupational outlook data); feedback from Advisory Committee,
employers and graduates.
4. Describe the improvements needed and/or the issues that must be addressed in relation to advancing
or declining growth. Also address, where relevant, improvements needed relative to: level of student
preparedness; unique faculty or staff licensure requirements; the need for retraining of department members or
other professional development issues; level of funding; unique staffing needs; ability to meet legal or
regulatory mandates; limitations affecting potential growth of the program; institutional support for the program
Level of student preparedness
o Generally students have a poor preparation for our general chemistry, however, in Fall
2006 we began enforcing the existing prerequisites and retention rates improved for
general chemistry. Many students still lack necessary math skills which presents a large
barrier for their success in chemistry. The department has experimented with several
methods to help these students such as SI, online resources, etc, but a more focused and
larger effort may be required to improve student retention.
Unique faculty or staff licensure requirements
The need for retraining of department members or other professional development issues
o Professional development should be supported by covering the cost of attending
conferences and seeking educational opportunities through coordination and cooperation
with local universities. Hazardous Materials training should be provided by the district to
assure compliance with state and federal laws.
Level of funding
o The level of funding is inadequate for acquiring the latest developments in educational
technology, laboratory equipment, and supplies. Every year prices increase and our supply
budget has not increased for at least 8 years despite a 30 % increase in the number
students being served over the same period, meaning we are trying to teach more students
with less valuable dollars.
Unique staffing needs
o The department has great difficulty in finding part-time faculty due to competing job
opportunities for those trained in chemistry- most with higher salaries. Despite one recent
hire, we are still below the AB 1725 limits for the FT/PT faculty ratio.
Ability to meet legal or regulatory mandates
o To meet some perceived regulatory need, the district requires hazardous materials training
for faculty and has not provided the training or funding to compensate instructors for
attending the training.
Limitations affecting potential growth of the program
o The department would not be able to grow without hiring of more faculty. All part-time
faculty are teaching at the maximum load level, or unable to add load due to other
Institutional support for the program
To train students in modern instrumentation that is required to transfer to a four year
college, or employment opportunities, the department needs addition support for
instrumentation and infrastructure (see request below)
5. Describe the plans that have been developed for the next year to address the need to improve as
described above.
The department is requesting an increase in supplies and equipment funding to purchase state of the
art equipment through the campus process. In addition, it continually looks at outside funding
sources. The department provided input to a grant proposal that the Science Division submitted in
August 2009 to help address these issues. We also worked closely with CUSCI to develop the ability
to utilize their GC/Mass Spectrometer and NMR remotely.
6. Describe the major trends you expect to impact your program in the next five years. Based on these
trends, what will your program need to do to maintain currency/relevance or an optimal level of
instructional quality?
Organic and Biochemistry are required for pharmacy, medicine, dentistry and biotechnology majors.
Biotechnology is the largest growth industry in California and it is incumbent on community colleges,
in cooperation with the local biotech industry, to provide training for these high-paying jobs. We need
to purchase and maintain equipment that can provide students with the background needed for these
7. Requests for Faculty
Please submit the requested information if you are requesting additional (growth) faculty members in
your area, requesting an replacement for a current or anticipated vacancy due to retirement or
resignation, or anticipating the need for a categorically-funded grant faculty position to be picked up by
the general fund at the end of the grant. List your requests in priority order and for each provide:
A two or three sentence primary function statement that describes the major responsibility of the position
requested and (where relevant) how the position relates to the college-wide planning priorities:
A description of the degree of difficulty in finding hourly faculty in this discipline.
An assessment of the consequences/repercussions if the position is not approved.
Given the needs of other departments, and the current budget environment, we are not requesting
additional faculty at this time. The department continues to have difficulty finding part-time faculty, but is
able to cover its classes.
In addition, fill in the following data (transferring the information from the “525 Report” that has been
% Contract
Hourly FTEF
Full-Time FTEF
Total FTEF
Fall 2007
Spring 2008
52.8 %
Fall 2008
41.4 %
Spring 2009
43.5 %
8. Requests for Classified Staff
Please submit the requested information if you are requesting additional (growth) classified staff in
your area or anticipating the need for a categorically-funded grant staff position to be picked up by the
general fund at the end of the grant. List your requests in priority order and for each provide:
A two or three sentence primary function statement that describes the major responsibility of the position
requested and (where relevant) how the position relates to the college-wide planning priorities:
A description of how the responsibilities that would be handled by the requested position are presently
being handled.
An assessment of the consequences/repercussions if the position is not approved.
No request.
9. Prioritized list: Capital equipment
Identify the equipment needed, its approximate cost, and the rationale for the request. If requesting
more than one item or project, list the requests in priority order, ranking three items/projects maximum.
(1) Ductless Fume Hoods We have an acute need for addition fume hood space in the Organic
Chemistry lab (SCI-216) which does not enough room for students to safely perform experiments. The
room currently has six hoods for student use, but with 24 students per section, this works out to be four
students per hood or 1.5 linear feet of space per student. The current OSHA recommendation is 2.5
linear feet of hood space per student- nearly double our current available space. Space in the currently
available hoods is further limited since hood space is often currently used as temporary storage for
noxious chemicals that students need access to. In an organic chemistry lab, the safety hazards for
exposure to noxious vapors is great, and need to be reduced for both student and instructor safety. The
Chemistry faculty request the purchase of eight Purair ductless fume hoods to meet this need.
Fume Hoods at $2400.00 each = $19200
(2) Replacement of 4 PASCO data collection interfaces. In the General Chemistry laboratory,
students collect data using PASCO data sensors which connect to the computers in the lab
through an interface box. These systems were originally purchased 10 years ago and four of
the twelve interface boxes have broken over the years and need to be replaced.
4 Science Workshop 750 interface boxes at $700 each = $2800
10. Prioritized list: Facilities improvement
Identify and rank the unit's three most critical areas in need of physical renovation,
maintenance and/or repair. For each prioritized request, include a description of the renovation
needed and a brief rationale.
Installation or repair of the vacuum system in the Organic Chemistry lab (SCI-216). The lab has the
infrastructure for a vacuum system but it is not functioning. Vacuum systems are commonly used to
separate solids from liquids in organic chemistry.