Title: AR-GAP Vertebrate Distribution Models Theme Keyword: Terrestrial Vertebrate models, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, GAP ANALYSIS I. Identification Information Data Set Identity: vertebrate habitat distribution models, using the Nature Conservancy Element Occurrence Codes Identification Codes: Grids are named by their TNC ELCODE identifiers: AR-GAP Sp. # TNC ELCODE Common Name 1 ABNCA02010 Pied-billed Grebe 2 ABNFD01020 Double-crested Cormorant 3 ABNFE01010 Anhinga 4 ABNGA02010 Least Bittern 5 ABNGA04010 Great Blue Heron 6 ABNGA04040 Great Egret 7 ABNGA06030 Snowy Egret 8 ABNGA06040 Little Blue Heron 9 ABNGA06050 Tricolored Heron 10 ABNGA07010 Cattle Egret 11 ABNGA08010 Green-backed Heron 12 ABNGA11010 Black-crowned Night-Heron 13 ABNGA13010 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 14 ABNGE01010 White Ibis 15 ABNJB05030 Canada Goose 16 ABNJB09010 Wood Duck 17 ABNJB10060 Mallard 18 ABNJB10130 Blue-winged Teal 19 ABNJB20010 Hooded Merganser 20 ABNKA01010 Black Vulture 21 ABNKA02010 Turkey Vulture 22 ABNKC01010 Osprey 23 ABNKC09010 Mississippi Kite 24 ABNKC10010 Bald Eagle 25 ABNKC12020 Sharp-shinned Hawk 26 ABNKC12040 Cooper's Hawk 27 ABNKC19030 Red-shouldered Hawk 28 ABNKC19050 Broad-winged Hawk 29 ABNKC19070 Swainson's Hawk 30 ABNKC19110 Red-tailed Hawk 31 ABNKD06020 American Kestrel 32 ABNLC11010 Ruffed Grouse 33 ABNLC14010 Wild Turkey 34 ABNLC21020 Northern Bobwhite 35 ABNME12010 Purple Gallinule 36 ABNME13010 Common Moorhen 37 ABNME14020 American Coot 38 ABNNB03090 Killdeer 39 ABNND01010 Black-necked Stilt 40 ABNNF19020 American Woodcock 41 ABNNM08100 Least Tern 42 ABNPB01010 Rock Dove 43 ABNPB04040 Mourning Dove 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 ABNRB02020 ABNRB09020 ABNSA01010 ABNSB01030 ABNSB05010 ABNSB12020 ABNTA02020 ABNTA07010 ABNTA07070 ABNUA03010 ABNUC45010 ABNXD01020 ABNYF04040 ABNYF04170 ABNYF07030 ABNYF07040 ABNYF07060 ABNYF10020 ABNYF12020 ABPAE32060 ABPAE33020 ABPAE33040 ABPAE35020 ABPAE43070 ABPAE52060 ABPAE52100 ABPAT02010 ABPAU01010 ABPAU03010 ABPAU07010 ABPAU09010 ABPAU09030 ABPAV02020 ABPAV10010 ABPAV10080 ABPAW01020 ABPAW01110 ABPAZ01020 ABPAZ01040 ABPBG06130 ABPBG07010 ABPBG09010 ABPBJ08010 ABPBJ15010 ABPBJ19010 ABPBJ20170 ABPBK01010 ABPBK03010 ABPBK06010 ABPBN01020 ABPBR01030 ABPBT01010 ABPBW01020 ABPBW01110 Yellow-billed Cuckoo Greater Roadrunner Common Barn-Owl Eastern Screech-Owl Great Horned Owl Barred Owl Common Nighthawk Chuck-will's-widow Whip-poor-will Chimney Swift Ruby-throated Hummingbird Belted Kingfisher Red-headed Woodpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Red-cockaded Woodpecker Northern Flicker Pileated Woodpecker Eastern Wood-Pewee Acadian Flycatcher Willow Flycatcher Eastern Phoebe Great Crested Flycatcher Eastern Kingbird Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher Horned Lark Purple Martin Tree Swallow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Cliff Swallow Barn Swallow Blue Jay American Crow Fish Crow Carolina Chickadee Tufted Titmouse White-breasted Nuthatch Brown-headed Nuthatch Carolina Wren Bewick's Wren House Wren Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Eastern Bluebird Wood Thrush American Robin Gray Catbird Northern Mockingbird Brown Thrasher Cedar Waxwing Loggerhead Shrike European Starling White-eyed Vireo Bell's Vireo 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 ABPBW01170 ABPBW01210 ABPBW01240 ABPBX01020 ABPBX02010 ABPBX03010 ABPBX03020 ABPBX03100 ABPBX03130 ABPBX03170 ABPBX03190 ABPBX03240 ABPBX05010 ABPBX06010 ABPBX07010 ABPBX08010 ABPBX09010 ABPBX10010 ABPBX10030 ABPBX11010 ABPBX12010 ABPBX16010 ABPBX24010 ABPBX45030 ABPBX45040 ABPBX60010 ABPBX63010 ABPBX64030 ABPBX64060 ABPBX65010 ABPBX74030 ABPBX91050 ABPBX91090 ABPBX94020 ABPBX94050 ABPBX96010 ABPBXA0020 ABPBXB0010 ABPBXB2020 ABPBXB6050 ABPBXB6070 ABPBXB7030 ABPBXB9070 ABPBXB9190 ABPBY04040 ABPBY06110 ABPBZ01010 AAAAC01010 AAAAG02010 AAAAF01030 AAAAE01040 AAAAB01030 AAAAA01010 AAAAA01090 Yellow-throated Vireo Warbling Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Blue-winged Warbler Northern Parula Yellow Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Yellow-throated Warbler Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Cerulean Warbler Black-and-white Warbler American Redstart Prothonotary Warbler Worm-eating Warbler Swainson's Warbler Ovenbird Louisiana Waterthrush Kentucky Warbler Common Yellowthroat Hooded Warbler Yellow-breasted Chat Summer Tanager Scarlet Tanager Northern Cardinal Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Painted Bunting Dickcissel Rufus-sided Towhee Bachman's Sparrow Rufous-crowned Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrow Lark Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow Red-winged Blackbird Eastern Meadowlark Great-tailed Grackle Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Orchard Oriole Northern Oriole House Finch American Goldfinch House Sparrow Hellbender Lesser siren Eastern newt Mudpuppy Three-toed amphiuma Ringed salamander Spotted salamander 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 AAAAA01100 AAAAA01120 AAAAA01130 AAAAA01140 AAAAD03030 AAAAD03040 AAAAD05040 AAAAD05050 AAAAD05060 AAAAD05090 AAAAD05120 AAAAD08010 AAAAD12010 AAAAD12030 AAAAD12060 AAAAD12070 AAAAD12130 AAAAD12160 AAAAD16010 AAABF02010 AAABF01040 AAABB01020 AAABB01170 AAABB01180 AAABC01010 AAABC02030 AAABC02060 AAABC05090 AAABC02130 AAABC05060 AAABC05070 AAABE01010 AAABE01020 AAABH01010 AAABH01070 AAABH01090 AAABH01160 AAABH01170 AAABH01200 ARAAE01050 ARAAE02010 ARAAE02040 ARAAB01010 ARAAB02010 ARAAD01010 ARAAD03010 ARAAD05040 ARAAD05050 ARAAD05110 ARAAD07020 ARAAD09010 ARAAD08010 ARAAD08020 ARAAG01020 Marbled salamander Mole salamander Small-mouthed salamander Tiger salamander Ouachita dusky salamander Dusky salamander Long-tailed salamander Cave salamander Many-ribbed salamander Dwarf salamander Oklahoma salamander Four-toed salamander Caddo Mountain salamander Zigzag salamander Fourch Mountain salamander Slimy salamander Rich Mountain salamander Southern red-backed salamander Grotto salamander Plains spadefoot Eastern spadefoot American toad Gulf Coast toad Woodhouse's toad Northern cricket frog Bird-voiced treefrog Green treefrog Spring peeper Gray treefrog Strecker's chorus frog Striped chorus frog Eastern narrow-mouthed toad Western narrow-mouthed toad Crawfish frog Bullfrog Green frog Pickerel frog Northern leopard frog Wood frog Common mud turtle Razor-backed musk turtle Common musk turtle Snapping turtle Alligator snapping turtle Painted turtle Chicken turtle Common map turtle Mississippi map turtle Ouachita map turtle River cooter Common slider Common box turtle Ornate box turtle Smooth softshell turtle 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 ARAAG01030 ARACF01010 ARACF04020 ARACF12010 ARACF14130 ARACJ02110 ARACH01010 ARACH01050 ARACH01080 ARACH01130 ARACH01100 ARACH03010 ARACB02010 ARADB02010 ARADB03010 ARADB07010 ARADB10010 ARADB13020 ARADB13030 ARADB14010 ARADB17020 ARADB19010 ARADB19020 ARADB19050 ARADB21020 ARADB22010 ARADB22020 ARADB22030 ARADB22050 ARADB22060 ARADB23010 ARADB27020 ARADB27030 ARADB27040 ARADB32010 ARADB34010 ARADB34030 ARADB35040 ARADB36090 ARADB36130 ARADB39010 ARADB39020 ARADC02010 ARADE01010 ARADE01020 ARADE02020 ARADE02040 ARADE03020 ARABA01010 AMAAA01010 AMABB04010 AMABA01060 AMABA05010 AMABA04010 Spiny softshell turtle Green anole Collared lizard Texas horned lizard Eastern fence lizard Six-lined racerunner Coal skink Five-lined skink Broad-headed skink Great Plains skink Prairie skink Ground skink Slender glass lizard Worm snake Scarlet snake Racer Ring-necked snake Corn snake Rat snake Mud snake Eastern hog-nosed snake Prairie kingsnake Common kingsnake Milk snake Coachwhip Green water snake Plain-bellied water snake Southern water snake Diamondback water snake Northern water snake Rough green snake Graham's crayfish snake Glossy crayfish snake Queen snake Ground snake DeKay's brown snake Red-bellied snake Flat-headed snake Western ribbon snake Common garter snake Rough earth snake Smooth earth snake North American coral snake Copperhead Cottonmouth Western diamondback rattlesnake Timber rattlesnake Pigmy rattlesnake American alligator Virginia Opossum Eastern Mole Southeastern Shrew Desert Shrew Least Shrew 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 AMABA03030 AMABA03020 AMACD01010 AMACC08020 AMACC08010 AMACC05030 AMACC05010 AMACC05020 AMACC02010 AMACC04010 AMACC01040 AMACC03020 AMACC06010 AMACC01060 AMACC01100 AMACC01130 AMACC01010 AMACC01030 AMADA01010 AMAEB01040 AMAEB01080 AMAEB03050 AMAFB02230 AMAFB03010 AMAFB07010 AMAFB07040 AMAFB09010 AMAFC02010 AMAFE01010 AMAFF01010 AMAFF02010 AMAFF02050 AMAFF02020 AMAFF02030 AMAFF03040 AMAFF03070 AMAFF03080 AMAFF03110 AMAFF04010 AMAFF07010 AMAFF08010 AMAFF11140 AMAFF11150 AMAFF15010 AMAFF17010 AMAFF21010 AMAFF21020 AMAFF22010 AMAFK01010 AMAJA01010 AMAJA03010 AMAJA04010 AMAJB01010 AMAJE01010 Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew Southern Short-tailed Shrew Brazilian Free-tailed Bat Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat Townsend's Big-eared Bat Hoary Bat Red Bat Seminole Bat Silver-haired Bat Big Brown Bat Gray Bat Eastern Pipistrelle Evening Bat Keen's Myotis Indiana Bat Small-footed Myotis Little Brown Bat Southeastern Myotis Nine-banded Armadillo Eastern Cottontail Swamp Rabbit Black-tailed Jack Rabbit Eastern Chipmunk Woodchuck Gray Squirrel Fox Squirrel Southern Flying Squirrel Plains Pocket Gopher Beaver Marsh Rice Rat Plains Harvest Mouse Fulvous Harvest Mouse Eastern Harvest Mouse Western Harvest Mouse Deer Mouse White-footed Mouse Cotton Mouse Texas Mouse Golden Mouse Hispid Cotton Rat Eastern Woodrat Praire Vole Pine Vole Muskrat Southern Bog Lemming Black Rat Norway Rat House Mouse Nutria Coyote Red Fox Gray Fox Black Bear Ringtail 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 AMAJE02010 AMAJF02030 AMAJF02050 AMAJF04010 AMAJF05010 AMAJF06010 AMAJF08010 AMAJH03020 AMALC02020 Raccoon Long-tailed Weasel Mink Badger Spotted Skunk Striped Skunk River Otter Bobcat White-tailed deer Additional data base information is distributed with this data set in the following Microsoft Excel file: /argap1/start/allspecies.xls Originator: Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies Native Data Set Environment: GRASS4.1, PCI6.1 Raster File Format: Arc/Info Grid OS: SunOS 5.5 Generic 103093-03 April 1996 Host: cast.uark.edu; Architecture: sun4 Arc/Info 7.1 PCI 6.1 Publication Date: 19980701 On-line linkage: http://www.cast.uark.edu Bounding coordinates: West: -94.79348227 (UTM: 339995) East: -89.39982717 (UTM: 821405) North: 36.80014573 (UTM: 4074000) South: 32.78970734 (UTM: 3633000) Data Set Citation: Dzur, R. S., M. E. Garner, D. G. Catanzaro, K. G. Smith, and W. F. Limp. 1997. Terrestrial vertebrate distribution models of Arkansas: GAP Analysis. Data Set Description: Abstract: Mapping of terrestrial vertebrates rests upon linking a spatial representation of species-habitat association matrix to geographic distribution. Simply put, each model is a combination of breeding distribution and available breeding habitats within that range. Ranges for all species were based on county boundaries. Habitats were base on raster AR-GAP 100ha MMU Landcover dataset and TIGER water, habitat association matrixes were obtained from literature. For full documentation see final report. Access Constraints: None Use Restrictions: This database is not intended for site-specific analyzes. Interpretations derived from its use are suited for regional and planning purposes only. Acknowledgments of UA-CAST and Gap Analysis appreciated. II. Data Quality Information Thematic Accuracy: Variable accuracy rates. See appendix for individual rate. Thematic Accuracy Explanation: Thematic accuracy of bird models were tested and presented, in the form of appendix, and may be obtained in the final report. Horizontal Positional Accuracy: 50 meters. Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation: Positional accuracy of ARGAP Landcover is based upon USGS source 30 x 60 minute series DLG roads which are compiled to meet National Map Accuracy Standards for 1:100,000 scale. Utilizing those data all TM scenes were georegistered to a UTM projection. Allowable RMS errors in georegistration of source (TM) data were minimized below a pixel (30 m). All terrestrial vertebrate models were based on raster AR-GAP 100ha Landcover maps. Vertical Positional Accuracy: Unknown Logical Consistency Report: Unknown Completeness Report: All mammals, reptiles and amphibians were modelled. Breeding birds were selected with the following criteron:species must have at least 5 sightings in Arkansas, or more than 1 sighting or breeding record within Arkansas since 1980. Species clearly out of their range were excluded. III. Spatial Data Organization Information Native Data Structure: spatial Direct Spatial Reference Method: raster IV. Spatial Reference Information Map Projection Name: UTM Map Projection Description: Ellipsoid: clark66 Semi-major Axis: 6378206.4000000004 Eccentricity Squared: 0.0067686580 Zone: 15 Horizontal Datum Name: NAD27 V. Status Information Data Set Status: Available Maintenance & Update Frequency: Release Date: 19980701 None planned at this time VI. Lineage: Source Identity: All vertebrate distribution models were based on combination of AR-GAP 100ha MMU Landcover and TIGER water. Source Dates: See Table 2.2. in the AR-GAP Final Report. Source Distance Resolution: 30 meter resolution, exported as TIFF world files, imported using Arc/Info IMAGEGRID, processed with PROJECTDEFINE, and reampled to 90 meters. Process Description: For a full description of the procedures involved in constructing this database please refer to AR-GAP Final report Chapter 3. VII. Entity/Attribute Information The following attribute names and descriptions are included in the AR-GAP vertebrate database. Attribute_Label: 1:Marginal Habitat 2:Suitable Habitat 3:Optimal Habitat Attribute Definition Source: Hamel, P. 1992. Land Manager's Guide for the Birds of the South. The Nature Conservancy, Southeastern Region, Chapel Hill, N.C..,Conant, R., and J. T. Collins. 1991. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern and Central North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston MA.Sealander, J. A., and G. A. Heidt. 1990. Arkansas Mammals: Their Natural History, Classification and Distribution. Fayetteville, Arkansas: The University of Arkansas Press. Related Documents: Catanzaro, D. G. and K. G. Smith. 1996. Moving towards a Species Information System in Arkansas: building bridges over pitfalls. Pages 4356 In Proceedings of the Third Annual Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Meeting, Fayetteville, Arkansas, August 4 - 6, 1995. Smith, K. G. and D. G. Catanzaro. 1996. Predicting Vertebrate Distributions for Gap Analysis: Potential Problems in Constructing the Models. Pages 163-169 In J.M. Scott, T.H. Tear, and F. Davis, eds. Gap Analysis: A landscape approach to biodiversity planning. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland. VIII. Distribution Information Distribution Contact: CAST Transfer Options: GeoTiff File Compression Technique: LZW Transfer Size (megabytes): variable Distribution Liability: GAP Disclaimer: Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the BRD, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from a BRD server [see above for approved data providers and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the content of the metadata file associated with these data. The Biological Resources Division shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. These data were compiled with regard to the following standards. Please be aware of the limitations of the data. These data are meant to be used at a scale of 1:100,000 or smaller (such as 1:250,000 or 1:500,000) for the purpose of assessing the conservation status of vertebrate species and vegetation types over large geographic regions. The data may or may not have been assessed for statistical accuracy. Data evaluation and improvement may be ongoing. The Biological Resources Division makes no claim as to the data's suitability for other purposes. This is writable data which may have been altered from the original product if not obtained from a designated data distributor identified above. CAST Disclaimer: The digital data described by this metadata report were prepared by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies of the University of Arkansas. Neither the University of Arkansas nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this report or media or represent that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the University of Arkansas. Any views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the University of Arkansas. Data on this media may have been derived from federal agencies or from other external sources or from data developed by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies. In those cases where data has been translated from one format to another or initially developed from map or other sources the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies has made all reasonable efforts to preserve the data quality as originally developed, however no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies as to the completeness or accuracy of the data and related materials. The act of distribution does not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies in the use of this data, or related materials. IX. Metadata Reference Information Metadata Date: 19970821 Metadata Review Date: 19971001 Metadata Contact: Donald Catanzaro - dgc@cast.uark.edu Metadata Standard Name: Metadata Standards for Gap Analysis Metadata Metadata Standard Version: 199404 Metadata Update: Philip D. Tanimoto, Conservation Imaging, Inc. 121 Sweet Avenue, Moscow, Idaho 83843: 208-885-3691. 03 July, 1999.