ST. MARY’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL Teacher: Miss Doherty SUBJECT ENGLISH What are we learning about this half term? Year group: 4 Term: Summer 2013 – 1st half What we will be learning this term. How you can support your child at home. We will begin by continuing our work on Stories from other cultures: Stories from other cultures: We will be reading stories set in Africa and identify the clues the author has used to give us more information about that culture. We will look at the tale of Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters and see how this compares to other stories we are familiar with, comparing whether the setting affects how the characters behave. Explanation texts: We will look at explanation texts, identifying the different presentational and language features. We will then host our own Dragon’s Den competition and create our own inventions, explaining both orally and on paper how they work. MATHS SCIENCE Maths topics to be studied this half term include: - Finding fractions of numbers and shapes - Finding fractions which total 1 - Finding equivalent fractions - Add and subtract 3 digit numbers, sometimes in the context of money - Solving word problems using all 4 operations, sometimes using a calculator - Recognising negative numbers and values of money on a calculator display Habitats: Why are red squirrels endangered? The work on habitats will also link in with our trip to Formby beach, where we will learn about two different habitats -the beach and woodland. The trip will provide us with the opportunity to visit a red squirrel woodland sanctuary and learn all about the squirrel’s habitat. We will also learn about the beach habitat and find out about the Natter jack Toad. We will examine food chains and how particular creatures are adapted to certain living environments e.g. beach and woodland. This unit will also allow us to develop our research skills and will consolidate earlier work on using keys and branching databases. R.E. CONNECTED CURRICULUM Connected Learning Subjects: Geography Art Application of Core Skills: English Maths ICT PSHCE Being a Sikh: This half term we will learn about what it means to be a Sikh. We will look at the Sikh naming ceremony and the founding of the Khalsa. We will look at the amrit ceremony and learn about the five K’s. How is the eroding coastline at Formby affecting people, vegetation and the environment? We will continue our work on coasts and will learn about how British coastlines are changing, from natural occurrences, such as erosion and deposition, to man-made changes, such as the impact of tourism. As part of this unit we will visit Formby to find the answers to the above question. On our return we will then use Photo story 3 (See ICT unit) to combine text, images and sound to develop our own information guide about the eroding coastline. Read regularly to and with your child emphasising expression and use of punctuation. Discuss child’s reading book e.g. Story – How does it begin? How are characters represented /described? Predictions of what might happen next. Discussing reasons why an author has started a new paragraph. Help with homework - – Discuss VCOP with your child. V - Have you chosen the best word for that sentence? C - Could you use an alternative connective? O - Could we start that sentence in a different way to make it more interesting? P - Read over and check homework for a range of punctuation e.g.?! “ .A, Practise times tables (spoken and written) and other mental maths skills e.g. Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers. Point out measurements, fractions, decimals and percentages in everyday life e.g. in the supermarket, negative numbers on a thermometer Use Mathletics at home, setting challenges and increasing levels. Visit a park / nature reserve with your child. Discuss all the different places where animals live. How are these places different? What types of plants / animals live there? How are they suited to their environment? Research the Red squirrel and Natter jack Toad. es/8_9/habitats.shtml Discuss with your child how different religions have different beliefs and traditions to Christianity. Discuss how we choose our names and how Christians can become full members of Christianity through confirmation. Discuss symbols belonging to different groups and what these symbols represent. html Look at holiday photos of coastlines, looking at the different shapes made by the rocks and sand. Discuss the opportunities for tourists along that area of the coastline e.g. hotels, restaurants, pier etc. What is erosion? Why is it a concern for the British coastline? The trip will also allow us find about more about different habitats (see science unit). We will produce art work around the theme of the beach (see art unit) Art We will use the Digital media Dazzle to produce our own coast Look at examples of Pointillism art work and P.E. artwork in the style of Pointillism artist Seurat. We will then use the program to create artwork in the style of Pop art artist, Andy Warhol, using artefacts collected from the beach. examples of Andy Warhol’s work. Tri Golf: Pupils will learn basic putting and chipping skills and apply these through a series of activities. They will use activity cards to set up and understand the rules of activities and then work within their groups to plan their own activities. Watch golf with your child, discussing skills and rules of the game. Discuss the importance of clear rules and instructions when playing games. Watch sports with your child (either live or on TV). Draw attention to how players control their body movements. Dodge ball: Pupils will learn the rules of dodge ball. They will develop skills in teamwork, agility and coordination MUSIC ICT Exploring descriptive sounds: During this unit we will continue to explore how music can be used to create pictures in our minds. This half term we will be focusing on using music to represent different animals. We will be developing our understanding of pitch and rhythm and looking further at tempo and duration in music. Listen to music with your child. Discuss what it makes you think of and how it makes you feel. What is it that makes us feel that way? (E.g. speed, volume, type of instrument.) What instruments would you use to describe particular animals? Why have you chosen that? Control: Download Photo Story 3 at home for children to use. We will continue our work on control. We will use software to investigate different commands to direct an onscreen animal along a path which has been designed by the children. The children will create a sequence of commands to move the animal. They are creating their own computer programme for others to use. It will require the children to develop skills in accuracy to create the correct sequence for their animal. Photo story: Microsoft's Photo Story is a Windows program that lets children create presentations out of your photos and images. Pupils will learn how to crop, rotate, and edit pictures; add captions and titles; and add sound effects, narration, and background music. The will create their own presentation about Formby (See connected curriculum) SPANISH Our Spanish lessons with our Language Assistant will continue this half term and this language will be reinforced throughout the week. This half term we will also be introducing ourselves to our Spanish pen pals. Encourage your child to use the vocabulary taught and help to foster cultural awareness through discussion and media. Additional information: Please read with your child every day (the reading book provided by school will support you in this). Please ensure that your child’s reading book and reading journal are signed and brought in every day and that the reading journal is kept up to date. Books cannot be taken out of the library without the barcode in the front of the reading journal. Homework (usually Literacy and Numeracy), in addition to what is detailed above, will be set on Thursday, to be returned by the following Monday or earlier if possible. Spellings are set on a Monday in their small spelling book and tested on a Friday. Their spelling book must be in school every day. I will assess the children before they see the spellings. We will then look at the spelling patterns together and the children will need to practise their spellings at home. The children should not just learn the spellings, but they should understand the meaning and context of the spellings (encourage your child to put their spellings into sentences). When I assess the children again I will record the progress they have made e.g. if on their first assessment they get 5 correct and then on the second assessment they get 9 correct, they have made a progress of 4. If your child has made maximum progress, an L symbol will be given to show they have reached their limit. I will discuss the progress the children have made with them. I am looking for progress and challenge, not just getting full marks every week as a matter of process. PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can you ensure that your child has his/her kit in on these days and does not take the kit home until the holidays unless absolutely necessary. Children will need both their indoor and outdoor kits this half term; a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts and jogging pants and a plain jumper. No logos or football kits please. If any parents wish to help in class, this could be with reading, art or any particular talents you may have please contact me and we will arrange a suitable time and activity. Your help is always greatly received. *Please note that, as stated in our behaviour policy and as discussed at our Open House meeting and the recent Behaviour Policy Parent Workshop, children who do not bring in their PE kit, spelling book, or hand in their homework on time will be given a yellow card. This is a little reminder to the children that they are responsible for their property and to develop independence in organisation skills. I appreciate your support in this matter. We understand that from time to time there will be exceptional circumstances preventing your child from completing their homework. If this is the case, please contact me so that we can make alternative arrangements together and a yellow card will not be given in such cases.