Business Management 418: Personal Financial

BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
Financial Planning
Business Management 418 Sections 1 and 2
Winter Semester 2012
Please read chapters before class on the specified day, and understand the review notes and case studies
from each chapter after class. Quizzes are on Blackboard and are to be completed before coming to class
on the day specified. Please be aware that during the semester current matters and specific opportunities
may justify changes in the schedule, which will be announced in class. Class summaries will generally be
available on the website after 8 a.m. the day after class.
Read and
Hand In before Class
Class: Date / Topic
Topic I. Personal Financial Management in Perspective
Day 1 Thursday, January 5
Chapter 1
Introduction: Another Perspective on Wealth
1. Understand the requirements of this course and fill out the Individual Education Plan
2. Understand another perspective on wealth
3. Understand the key principles of personal finance
Topic II. Managing Your Money: Becoming Wise Financial Stewards
Day 2 Tuesday, January 10
Personal Goals and Your Financial Plan
Chapter 2
1. Understand the role of personal financial planning in achieving your goals
2. Understand the requirements for your Personal Financial Plan
3. Think through your personal goals: What do you want out of life?
Items to Hand in:
Individual Education Plan (from syllabus back)
Day 3 Thursday, January 12
Budgeting and Personal Financial Statements
Chapter 3
1. Develop and implement a budget for the rest of the semester
2. Calculate your net worth or wealth using a balance sheet, and financial ratios
3. Develop a personal income statement and use it to analyze your spending
4. Introduce financial software: Quicken 2010
Day 4 Tuesday, January 17
Time Value of Money and Debt Reduction Strategies, Quiz #1
Chapter 8
1. Understand the importance compound interest and time. Pass an assessment test.
2. Understand what our leaders have said regarding debt
3. Understand the debt cycle, and why people go into debt
4. Understand how to develop and use debt reduction strategies
Items to Hand in:
Quiz #1
Please bring your financial calculators to class from this day forward
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BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
Day 5 Thursday, January 19
Tax Planning
Chapter 4
1. Understand what our leaders have said regarding taxes
2. Understand the importance of tax planning and how it helps attain your goals
3. Understand major tax strategies to help you lower your taxes (legally and honestly)
4. Understand the major tax features of our tax system
Day 6 Tuesday, January 24
Cash Management
Chapter 5
1. Understand the importance of cash management and how it can help you achieve your
2. Understand the different types of cash alternatives and how to compare them
3. Understand the different types of financial institutions
4. Understand that while technology can help, unless you plan and spend at least 1-2
hours a week following your finances, you will not be able to keep up with your personal
financial goals
Items to Hand in:
I. Binder, Tabs, and Table of Contents (Roadmap)
Day 7 Thursday, January 26
The Automobile Decision
1. Understand how a car fits into your financial plan
2. Understand how to buy or lease a new vehicle
3. Understand the lease versus buy decision
4. Understand how to buy a used car
Chapter 16
Day 8 Tuesday, January 31
Credit Reports, Credit Scores, and Credit Cards, Quiz #2
Chapter 6
1. Understand the correct uses of credit cards and how they can help (or hinder) you
attain your financial goals
2. Understand credit evaluation, credit reports, and your credit score
3. Know how credit cards work and the costs involved
4. Know how to manage your credit cards and open credit
Items to Hand in:
Quiz #2, V. Tax Planning, VI. Cash Management
Day 9 Thursday, February 2
Consumer and Mortgage Loans
Chapter 7
1. Understand how consumer loans can keep you from your goals
2. Understand the types of consumer loans, their characteristics, and how to calculate
their costs
3. Understand the types of mortgage loans, their characteristics, and how to calculate
their costs
4. Know the least expensive types of loans and how to reduce the cost of consumer and
mortgage loans
Day 10 Tuesday, February 7
The Housing Decision I: Basics
Chapter 15
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BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
1. Understand how a house fits into your personal financial plan
2. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of renting, buying, building, and
3. Know the process on buying a home
4. Know how to compare different types of loans with different fees using the effective
interest rate
5. Understand my recommendations in obtaining a home
Items to Hand in:
VII. Credit Cards, VIII. Credit Report and Credit Score, IX.
Student/Consumer Loans and Debt Reduction. Please indicate on
your Credit Report and Credit Score pages the name of the credit
report and credit score provider. For security reasons, do not include
the actual credit report and credit score printouts in your PFP.
Day 11 Thursday, February 9
The Housing Decision II: Wrap Up and Additional Q & A
1. Review the process on buying a home and other key questions
2. Answer additional questions on the housing decision
Topic III. Protecting Yourself through Insurance: Using Wisdom
Day 12 Tuesday, February 14
Insurance 1: Basics, Quiz #3
1. Understand what our leaders have said regarding insurance
2. Understand the importance of insurance
3. Understand the key principles of insurance
Insurance 2: Life Insurance
1. Understand the five key questions about life insurance
2. Understand the different types of life insurance
3. Understand the steps to buying life insurance
Items to Hand in:
Quiz #3
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Guest Speaker: Tyler Vongsawad, Insurance Agent and Friend
Day 13 Thursday, February 16
Insurance 3: Health Insurance
Chapter 13
1. Understand how health insurance relates to your personal financial plan
2. Understand basic health insurance coverage and provisions
3. Understand how to control health care costs
Insurance 4: Auto, Home & Liability Insurance
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Chapter 14
BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
1. Understand how homeowners, liability, and auto insurance fit into your personal
financial plan
2. Understand the key areas of Auto Insurance
3. Understand the key areas of Homeowners Insurance
4. Understand the key areas of Liability Insurance
Topic IV. Investing: Taking the Long-term View
Day 14 Thursday, February 23
Investments 1: Before you Invest
1. Know what to do before you invest
2. Understand the ten principles of successful investing
3. Understand asset classes
4. Review the risk and return history of the major asset classes
Investments 4: Bond Basics
1. Understand risk and return for bonds
2. Understand bond terminology and the major types of bonds
3. Understand how bonds are valued
4. Understand the costs of investing in bonds
5. Understand investing in other asset classes
Items to Hand in:
1st Hour Service Teaching, Budget #1
Chapter 17
Chapter 20
Day 15 Tuesday, February 28
Investments 2: Your Investment Plan
Chapter 18
1. Understand the Importance of Financial Goals and How to Set Them
2. Understand the Importance of your Personal Investment Plan and How to Prepare It
3. Consider Index funds as useful financial assets
4. Beware of “Get Rich Quick” schemes
Investments 3: Securities Market Basics
1. Understand the different types of securities markets
2. Understand the basics of brokers and investment advisors
3. Understand how to buy and sell securities
4. Know how to choose a broker or investment advisor
Day 16 Thursday, March 1
Investments 5: Stock Basics, Quiz #4
1. Understand how stocks are valued
2. Understand strategies for investing in stocks
3. Understand preferred stock and how it is valued
4. Understand the costs of investing in stocks
Investments 7: Building Your Portfolio
1. Understand the factors controlling investment returns
2. Understand the priority of money
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Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
3. Understand how to build a successful investment portfolio
4. Understand the process of investing
Items to Hand in:
Quiz #4
Day 17 Tuesday, March 6
Investments 6: Mutual Fund Basics
Chapter 22
1. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of Mutual Fund investing
2. Understand the major types of mutual funds
3. Understand how to calculate mutual fund returns
4. Understand the process of how to buy or sell a mutual fund
5. Understand the costs of investing in mutual funds
Investments 8: Picking Financial Assets
Chapter 24
1. Understand why you should wait to picking stocks (until your assets have grown)
2. Understand where to find important information on mutual funds and stocks
3. Understand what makes a good mutual fund
4. Understand index funds and ETFs
Please bring your laptop to class
Day 18 Thursday, March 8
Investments 9: Performance Reporting and Rebalancing
1. Understand the uses and types of benchmarks
2. Understand the importance of portfolio management and reporting
3. Understand portfolio rebalancing
4. Understand how to perform attribution analysis
Chapter 25
Investments 10: Behavioral Finance
1. Understand behavioral finance
2. Understand why we should learn behavioral finance
3. Understand other alternatives to traditional finance
4. Understand how behavioral finance can help us become better investors
Items to hand in:
X. Insurance
Day 19 Friday, March 9
Investments 11: Investments Wrap Up and Q & A
1. Answer any remaining questions regarding Investments
Guest Speaker: Fred Hockenjos, Portfolio Manager and Friend
Topic V. Planning for Retirement: Prepare Now
Day 20 Tuesday, March 13
Retirement Planning 1: Basics, Quiz #5
Chapter 26
1. Understand how retirement planning impact your personal financial plan
2. Understand the principles, stages, and steps in retirement planning
3. Understand the different retirement planning vehicles
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BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
4. Understand key payout options and caveats available at retirement
5. Understand how to monitor your retirement planning progress
Items to Hand in:
Quiz #5
Day 21 Thursday, March 15
Retirement Planning 3: Employer Qualified Plans
1. Understand Employer Qualified Retirement Plans
2. Understand Defined Benefit Plans
3. Understand Defined Contribution Plans
Chapter 28
Retirement Planning 4: Individual and Small Business Plans
Chapter 29
1. Understand the difference between the traditional and Roth IRA
2. Know when a conversion to a Roth makes sense
3. Understand individual retirement accounts (IRAs)
4. Understand retirement plans (QRPs) for the self-employed and small businesses
Day 22 Tuesday, March 20
Retirement Planning 2: Understanding Social Security
1. Understand Social Security in a Historical Context
2. Understand how Social Security Works
3. Understand the key questions relating to Social Security
4. Understand the likely future of Social Security
Chapter 27
Retirement Planning 5: Wrap Up and Additional Q & A
1. Understand current events and their impact on family finances
2. Answer any remaining questions on Retirement
Items to Hand In:
XII. Investment Planning, Budget #2, 2nd Hour of Service
Day 23 Thursday, March 22
Estate Planning 1: Estate Taxes and Trusts
Chapter 30
1. Understand the importance of Estate Planning and the Estate Planning Process
2. Understand how trusts can be used to your advantage in Estate Planning
3. Understand the importance of wills and probate planning
Estate Planning 2: Probate Planning and Wills
1. Understand the importance of a will
2. Write a holographic will that is valid in Utah
Guest Speaker: Kurt Johnson, Estate Planning Lawyer
Topic VI. Relationships and Money
Day 24 Tuesday, March 27
Family 1: Relationships and Money, Quiz #6
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Chapter 31
BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
1. Understand the key principles of money and marriage
2. Understand why money may be an issue in relationships
3. Understand a few recommendations for money and marriage
Items to Hand In:
Quiz #6
Day 25 Thursday, March 29
Family 2: Teaching Children Financial Responsibility
Chapter 32
1. Understand the importance of teaching your children about personal finance
2. Understand some thoughts on how do you teach children financial responsibility
3. Understand some thoughts on when to teach children financial responsibility
Family 3: Financing Education and Missions
Chapter 33
1. Understand the importance of how education relates to your financial goals
2. Understand the Priority of Money for financing school
3. Understand how to reduce the Cost of Education
4. Understand how to prepare for and finance your children’s education and missions
Day 26 Tuesday, April 3
Careers in Financial Planning
1. Understand careers in financial planning
Items to Hand in:
Guest Speaker: Jason Payne, Personal Financial Planner and Friend
Topic VII. On Giving and Deciding
Day 27 Thursday, April 5
Conclusions 1: Learning to Give
1. Understand the myths of giving
2. Understand what the scriptures say about money and giving
3. Understand why we should give
4. Understand how to give now
5. Understand the basics of wise giving
Items to check:
Last day for any changes to Blackboard
Items to Hand in:
Chapter 34
Your completed Personal Financial Plan (including all sections
previously handed in and graded). This includes the final sections: II.
Goals, III. Personal Financial Statements, IV. Final Month’s Budget,
XI. Money and Relationships, XIII. Retirement Planning,
XIV. Estate Planning, and XV. Wills. Also hand in all remaining
Service Teaching and Items to Share in the Other Items tab of your PFP.
This is the last day to hand in any assignments.
Day 28 Tuesday, April 10
Conclusions 2: Decide to Decide: Final Review Day, Quiz #7
1. Understand your future starts today
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Chapter 35
BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
2. Understand the key decisions to be truly successful in life—Decide to decide
3. Understand my final thoughts on personal finance—what wise stewards know
4. Learn about additional resources on personal finance
5. Review problems to prepare for the final exam
Items to complete:
Please note that half of Quiz #7 is the final class review from the BYU
Route Y website. Please check the box that allows the instructor to see
who has completed the class review assignment.
Prepare for the Final Exam
Final Exam: Comprehensive Final Exam
Section 1: Monday, April 16
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
BM418 Class Schedule 2012 Fall 2012-01-03 BS.doc
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BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
BM418 Financial Planning Class at a Glance
Thursday, January 5
Read After/Before
Chapter 1
Tuesday, January 10
Chapter 2
Thursday, January 12
Chapter 3
Tuesday, January 17
Chapter 8
Thursday, January 19
Tuesday, January 24
Thursday, January 26
Tuesday, January 31
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 16
Chapter 6
Thursday, February 2
Tuesday, February 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 15
Thursday, February 9
Tuesday, February 14
Thursday, February 16
Thursday, February 23
Chapters 11, 12
Chapters 13, 14
Chapters 17, 20
Tuesday, February 28
Chapters 18, 19
Thursday, March 1
Tuesday, March 6
Thursday, March 8
Friday, March 9
Tuesday, March 13
Thursday, March 15
Tuesday, March 20
Chapters 21, 23
Chapters 22, 24
Chapter 25
Chapters 26
Chapters 28, 29
Chapter 27
6, 25
Thursday, March 22
Tuesday, March 27
Thursday, March 29
Tuesday, April 3
Thursday, April 5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapters 32, 33
1E, 14
6, 25
Tuesday, April 10
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
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g Tools
Required Items to Hand In:
1, 1A,
2A, 2B Individual Education Plan
1C, 4,
3, 9,
12, 18,
1D, 8
1B, 18,
9, 24
11, 19
1F, 29
Quiz #1
I. Binder and Tabs
Quiz #2, V. Tax Planning, VI. Cash
VII. Credit Cards, VIII. Credit Report
and Credit Score, IX. Student
/Consumer Loans and Debt Reduction
Quiz #3
16, 10, Budget #1, 1st Service Teaching
23, 27
5A, 5B,
13, 32 Quiz #4
17, 23 X. Insurance
Quiz #5
XII. Investment Planning, Budget #2,
2nd Service Teaching
Quiz #6
Completed PFP with all sections
including II. Goals, III. Financial
Statements, IV. Budget, XI. Money and
Relationships, XIII. Retirement
Planning, XIV. Estate Planning, and
XV. Wills; Remaining Service
Teaching; last day to change blackboard
Quiz #7
BM 418 Financial Planning Class Schedule and Objectives
Spouse/Family/Friends Reading Schedule
Winter Semester 2012
We have prepared a non-credit course that goes along with this class to encourage spouses to be able to better
participate and contribute to the family financial decision-making process. Following are the online chapters from
the Personal Finance website at that correspond to the in-class discussions.
Student Reads:
Spouse/Friend Reads:
Thursday, January 5
Chapter 1
Another Perspective on
Tuesday, January 10
Chapter 2
Setting Personal Goals
Thursday, January 12
Chapter 3
Budgeting and Personal
Financial Statements
Tuesday, January 17
Chapters 8,9
Time Value of Money 1-2,
Understanding Debt
Thursday, January 19
Chapter 4
Tax Planning
Tuesday, January 24
Chapter 5
Cash Management
Thursday, January 26
Chapter 16
The Auto Decision
Tuesday, January 31
Chapter 6
Understanding Credit
Thursday, February 2
Chapter 7
Consumer and Mortgage
Tuesday, February 7
Chapter 15
The Home Decision
Thursday, February 9
Tuesday, February 14
Chapter 11, 12
Insurance Basics
Life Insurance
Thursday, February 16
Chapter 13, 14
Health Insurance, Auto,
Home Liability Insurance
Thursday, February 23
Chapter 17, 20
Before you Invest
Bond Basics
Tuesday, February 28
Chapter 18, 19
Your Investment Plan,
Securities Market Basics
Thursday, March 1
Chapter 21, 23
Stock Basics, Building your
Tuesday, March 6
Chapter 22, 24
Mutual Fund Basics,
Picking Financial Assets
Thursday, March 8
Chapter 25
Performance Reporting and
Friday, March 9
Tuesday, March 13
Chapter 26
Retirement Planning Basics,
Thursday, March 15
Chapter 28, 29
Qualified Plans, Individual
and Small Business Plans
Tuesday, March 20
Chapter 27
Social Security
Thursday, March 22
Chapter 30
Estate Planning: Basics
Tuesday, March 27
Chapter 31
Relationships and Money
Thursday, March 29
Chapter 32, 33
Teaching Children,
Financing Education and
Tuesday, April 3
Thursday, April 5
Chapter 34
Conclusions 1: Learning to
Tuesday, April 10
Chapter 35
Conclusions 2: Decide to
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