SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Amberley C.E. First School November 2014 The aim of the plan is to ensure that the school is judged to be at least good in all areas by summer 2015 The key areas for improvement (AfI) are : 1. 2. 3 4. Leadership & Management – to ensure that there is dispersed leadership and accountability throughout the school Teaching – to ensure that all teaching is good or better Attainment – to ensure that children are making progress and attainment at least in line with national Writing – to ensure that children at Amberley develop a love of writing and are making progress and attainment as above 1 Area for Leadership and management Improvement AfI 1 Success criteria (What do we want to achieve?) To ensure that there is dispersed leadership and accountability throughout the school Actions 1.1 Establish middle management responsibilities and ensure that all middle and senior leaders are effective in their contribution towards whole school improvement 1.2 Review governors roles and responsibilities, carry out a skills audit, follow up with training to ensure governors carry out an effective leadership role within the school 1.3 Recruit a clerk to governors 1.4 Establish regular weekly leadership meetings with the Chair of Governors 1.5 Establish clarity of role for Senior Teachers and establish regular leadership meetings 1.6 Share detail of the SIP through a RAP [Raising Attainment Timescale Who will lead this work How will the school evaluate this work (who , when , how) On-going to Sept 2015 JG Autumn and spring terms JG, Chair of GB Autumn term Chair of GB Governance Team support Autumn term – first half JG Chair of Govs Weekly diary slot Autumn term JG/SC/SW Work delegated carried out to required standard Chair of Govs Half termly meeting Spring term JG and SLT Staff feedback JG Revised RAP for Action plans for all curricular subjects Staff Inset to provide training on Curricular leadership roles and two write action plans Planning scrutiny Work scrutiny Lesson observations Learning / subject walks Performance reviews GB minutes Governor presence in school Who will monitor(who, when , how) What resources will be needed? Governing Body Locality Adviser Leadership time – budget check JG Locality Adviser Governors training programme 2 Plan] showing weekly actions, responsibilities and progress 1.7 Accurate SEF [Self-evaluation form] written showing evidence against all areas Progress identified and traffic lighted on SIP and RAP On-going. Initially to be completed by JG with the support of JS and RC JG / JS / RC JG and LA advisers to complete using the New OfSTED framework u Amberley Locality Adviser 3 Area for Improvement Teaching AfI 2 Success criteria (What do we want to achieve) To ensure that all teaching is good or better Actions 2.1 Ensure teaching across the school is at least good with quality First teaching in evidence in all lesson observations Higher order questioning High expectations Each class teacher to have a minimum of 1 formal observation every term Regular learning walks, using agreed criteria Establish/agree criteria for on learning environments 2.2 Improve feedback and marking, so that is timely and provides clearly identified next steps for learning Ensure children have time to respond to feedback Staff meeting to review the school’s marking and feedback policy; Purchase of stamps to ensure quality AfL feedback is given; Work scrutiny; Ensure all staff are using LI labels in books and are highlighting accordingly; Ensure teachers planning has adequate time for children to respond to marking and feedback - Timescale Who will lead this work? How will the school evaluate this work (who , when , how) Who will monitor(who, when , how) Each class teacher to have a minimum of 1 formal observation every term JG JG to carry out observations and feedback. JG All staff to have been observed in first half of Autumn term and to have received feedback with clear areas of improvement defined. Observations focus –writing. All staff to have been observed in the first half of the Spring term – Observation Focus: maths 1.Staff meeting to review the school’s marking and feedback policy; 2. Purchase of stamps to ensure quality AfL feedback is given; 3. Work scrutiny; 4. Ensure all staff are using LI labels in maths and writing books and are highlighting accordingly; 5. Ensure teachers planning has adequate time for children to respond JG and curricular leaders 1. 2. JG JG What resources will be needed? AfLstamps JG 3 & 4 Curricular Leaders 5. Class teachers 4 to marking and feedback 2.3 Learning environments Write clear guidance for each teacher on quality learning environments Developing the use of working walls Ensure children can easily access resources to support their own learning eg spelling / writing prompts/frames Establish reading/writing/role play areas within each classroom Conduct a learning walk around the school and audit the learning environments; Introduce the working walls theme at a staff meeting Conduct a learning walk around the school and audit the learning environments; JG and GB Introduce the working walls theme at a staff meeting Curricular leaders Visit other STARS schools to observe learning environments Class Teachers 2.4 Ensure greater opportunities to use talk for learning, eg through Learning Buddies, Talk partners etc On-going in class practice Written report to the GB JG and curricular leaders Report shared with staff at staff meeting – Dec 2014 Feedback given at staff meetings and good practice reflected in classrooms JG and curricular leaders Possible purchases of classroom resources ie number grids, grammar posters etc Organise visits when Head is at school to avoid cover costs A partial focus during lesson observations. JG Are talk partners and Learning Buddies apparent in teachers’ planning? JG and curricular leaders 5 Area for Attainment & progress Improvement AfI 3 Success criteria(What do we want to achieve) To ensure that children are making progress and attainment at least in line with national Actions 3.1 Monitoring pupil progress through timely and consistent use of pupil progress data; Teachers responsible for ensuring accurate assessment data entered onto Progress Catcher half termly & ready for Pupil Progress meetings Analysis of data with identified barriers to learning and interventions/support, x % of pupils making expected / good progress 3.2 Pupil progress meetings 3.3 Teachers reporting to parents – progress meetings to give accurate update on progress against targets and next steps for learning Timescale Who will lead this work How will the school evaluate this work (who , when , how) Who will monitor(who, when , how) What resources will be needed? On-going JG Accuracy of assessment data 100% of pupils making good or better progress HT GB Locality Adviser Progress Catcher Training/CPD ? JG & JE Greater number of pupils identified on target 100% pupils making good or better progress GB, Locality Adviser SENCo time Positive parental feedback HT, JE, GB November 2014 See pupil progress meetings below Half termly w/b 3.11.14 w/b 8.12.14 November 2014 C lassteachers 6 Area for Reading Improve ment AfI 4 Success criteria (What do we want to achieve) To ensure that children at St James develop a love of reading and are making progress and attainment as above Actions 4.1 Writing Assessment and Progress To introduce and then develop an unaided writing book which is used for assessment purposes and passed on through the school 4.2 Parent workshops To run parent workshops to help with the development of writing throughout the school from EYFS to KS2 4.3 Writing environment To ensure writing environments in classrooms has a high profile by : Developing writing working walls in each class; Timescale Who will lead this work How will the school evaluate this work (who , when , how) Who will monitor(who, when , how) What resources will be needed? Introduce in Jan 2015 SW Individual progress books will be used during any form of writing assessment including at pupil progress meetings and moderation exercises, both internal and external. SW and JG One writing exercise book per child with enough pages to follow the child up through the school. One workshop each term beginning in the Spring term SW supported by the class teachers Monitor attendance and feedback from parents; Use any feedback to evaluate workshops and to plan ahead for future workshops; Do the workshops affect children’s attainment? Measure pupils progress of those children whose parents attend. How can we involve the ‘hard to reach’ parent? JG and SW On-going from November 2104 JG / SW How does the introduction of these initiatives JG / SW / GB 7 Establishing writing areas in every classroom; Including writing as part of the reading carousel i.e. keeping a reading journal / free writing / diary raise standards? Is this reflected in the children’s attainment? Acronyms SENDCO SLT AfI SIP PPM LO SC CPD AfL Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator Senior Leadership Team Area for Improvement School Improvement Plan (Action Plan) Pupil Progress Meeting Learning Objective Success Criteria Continuing Professional Development Assessment for Learning 8