The Perfect Storm Prophetic Headlines Session 3: Disasters

The Perfect Storm Prophetic Headlines
Session 3: Disasters & Collapsing Systems
The prophecies about political unrest coming to America that we looked at in
our last session are quite disturbing. However the political crisis will be
greatly impacted and escalated by all of the unrelated disasters and
collapsing systems that are also promised in these coming years. This
session looks at the Terry Bennett and John Paul Jackson’s headlines that
detail future tragedies that spanning from the economic realm to geophysical
Banking and Insurance
Terry and John Paul have both spoken about the Lord’s judgment coming
upon the banking and insurance systems because of the roots of greed and
injustice at their core. While the headlines do not focus on those two major
components of global economics it is important to factor into our processing
what a major impact each of these spheres have. The ideas presented below
are merely possible ways that these systems may come to fall; the ideas are
my own and do not necessarily reflect Terry Bennett or John Paul Jackson’s
statements or perspective. What they do however is paint a picture of the
potential outcomes left in the wake of the fulfillment of their headlines.
A. Collapse of Banking:
1. Setting the stage:
The banking industry relies heavily on mortgage money, that is the
funds tied to residential and commercial loans. Which under normal
circumstances works fine and has afforded a large percentage of the
American population to get into homes without having the cash on
hand to purchase such a large investment.
2. Potential situation:
In the case where hyper-inflation were to take place to extreme
lengths, say if it were to reach 1000% inflation on the current value of
the dollar fixed rate mortgages (which still make up the majority of
loans) would be in serious trouble. In hyper-inflation wages have to
follow suite with the rise of the cost of goods and cost of living. This
ends up creating ridiculous situations where in the above described
scenario a loaf of bread that currently costs $1 all of the sudden costs
$10 (Example: Russia hit over 2300% inflation in December of 1992).
When wages are adjusted to account for this inflation a person’s
salary could quickly also see that same sort of inflated adjustment;
was making $10k a year now making possibly in the upper 80’s or
3. Impact on mortgages.
Mortgages are for a fixed amount and do not take into consideration
inflation. So if you own $100,000 on you house, that number doesn’t
change no matter what happens to the value of the dollar. If now all
the sudden people are making 10 times per month what they were
making before it is possible that they could pay off their house loans
in a much shorter period of time. But the money the bank is now
receiving isn’t worth near as much as it was when they loaned it out.
4. Fall of major banks:
It wouldn’t take but maybe a million loans to go south like what is
being described here for even the largest of US Banks (Bank of
America) to be completely unable to remain in business.
B. Collapse of Insurance Companies:
1. Setting the stage:
Insurance companies exist by operating on a simple principle; they
are counting on the fact that bad things will happen, but that the cost
of the sum of all claims will stay within a certain percentage rate of
what is collected.
2. Potential situation:
In the case that all of the disasters that the headlines describe were to
unfold in a short few year period of time the insurance companies
would be in serious trouble. Tens of thousands of people making
unexpected claims all in the same short period of time would total
many times the amount previously collected by these companies. This
would put insurers in an impossible financial situation, they would
have to default on paying out to customers and eventually go out of
Financial Collapse:
The headlines in this section tell a grim story of what is going to hit the US
economy; again it is noteworthy that Terry Bennett was given time frame of
June 2011 to June of 2015 as being the season that this wave of difficulties
would transpire. The economic landscape will forever be altered by these
trends and events; these things will change the American way of life in
substantial ways.
A. Headlines About the Financial Collapse:
1. JPJ -Too Big to Fail – Fails – Nations Bank being pushed
2. JPJ -Big Regulations Hit Small Banks
3. TB -Slow Down, Melt Down, Crack Down, Show Down: Banks Holding
on to Your Money!
4. TB -Survival of the Fittest or Hostile Takeovers? Banking Clan
Abolishes the Small Guys.
5. JPJ -Food Prices Lead Nation’s Escalating Inflation Woes
6. JPJ -Credit Markets Freeze Up
7. TB -Worldwide Economic Confidence Toward U.S.A. Remains Dim
8. TB -Dow Flops and Drops to All-Time Lows; Other Markets Tumble as
9. TB -"Free Falling": How Do We Stop the Stock Drops?
10. TB -Emergency Meetings of Economic Advisors Called in Europe
11. TB -Asian Markets Seek Stability within Asian Region; Pull Away from
U.S.A. Begins
12. TB -Jobless Rate Passes 32 Percent; Expected to Rise
13. TB -The Big Freeze – Government Spending Cut by 50 Percent;
Education and Military at Front of Cuts
14. TB -"No Military Surplus." A closed pocketbook to military wish lists.
15. TB -Saudi Arabia Halts Oil Flow to U.S.A.
16. TB -Prices vs. Wages: The Poor, The Wealthy, The Profit Margin, and
Battle Lines.
17. TB -Oil prices, Oil crisis, and Big Oil in crisis. Manipulation, Money, and
18. TB -The Mission Impossible Mission: Helping the Woes of the Euro.
19. TB -The Postman Isn't Coming: Reduction and Closures of Personnel
and Offices.
20. TB -Eurodollars in Trouble – Falls to New Low
21. TB -New Americas’ Currency Unveiled – Fosters Angry Debate
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What happens when all the Baby-boomers loose their nest eggs that
they saved their whole life for?
2. What does life look like when oil prices cause gas costs to soar beyond
what any normal person can pay?
3. What changes in your domestic life when 1/3rd of the population is
out of work (we are currently at 7.9%)?
Disasters Specific to America:
Some of the events that are on the horizon for America
A. Headlines About Disasters in America:
1. JPJ -Record High Temps Accompany Record Drought Swept South
2. TB -"Dust in the Wind," The Kansas nightmare. Kansas, Oklahoma,
Texas, and Nebraska, Drought, Heat, and Windstorms. Dust Bowl-type
3. JPJ -Drought Continues to cause Prayer to Rise
4. TB -"The Burning of Our Fields," from historical practice to modern
5. TB -The Season of Burning; a South Chicago Blaze, a New York Blaze,
and a San Francisco fire.
6. TB -Lights Out – Rolling Electric Outages Expected to Continue
7. TB -The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia; Atlanta Area Hit
8. TB -Sleepless in Seattle – Mt. Rainier Awakens While Residents Lose
9. TB -The Dark Night of the Soul – Plume Cloud Covers Over Half of the
10. TB -"The Day the Dams Broke," Seismic Activity in the Midwest.
11. TB -The Day the Dams Broke: Nature's Fury Revealed!
12. TB -No Bridge Over Troubled Waters: An Impossible Deluge at the
Mississippi River as 8.8 Earthquake Strikes.
13. JPJ -The Great divide – The new Normal on the Mississippi River
14. TB -Another Bite Out of the Big Apple: A Shaken City Responds.
15. TB -Washington D.C. Shaken, Rioting and Looting Continue
16. JPJ -The Washington Monument tilts more, Delays announced to other
Monument repairs
17. TB -A Nuclear Reactor That's Over-reacting! The threat of radiation
poisoning in America.
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What happens to the trucking industry when the Mississippi River
moves and all the bridges are down from a massive earthquake?
2. What happens to American cities when earthquakes begin to shake in
places they haven’t before (so buildings weren’t built to handle it)?
National Security:
Though there are not near as many headlines pertaining to issues of national
security, the ones that did make the list are terrifying. We are about to enter
into a new age where many things that we have taken for granted are going
to be shaken and shift things in our culture.
A. Headlines About US National Security:
1. JPJ -New Years Terror – Out With the New, in With the Old
2. TB -The Agony of Silence – U.S.N. Trident Submarine Lost
3. JPJ -Where is The Navy – Why didn’t we See it Coming?
4. JPJ -City Tunnels Closed after bomb
5. JPJ -NFL Postpones all Games Until Answer Found
6. JPJ -Cyber Attack Cripples Grid – Multiple Collapses with Restart Efforts
7. TB -A Cyber War Commences.
8. TB -The Final Countdown: The Insanity to Nuclear Conflict.
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What events would cause us to resort to old practices?
2. What threats or what has to unfold for the National Football League to
stop all their games?
3. Are we ready for nuclear war, where literal nukes are released on
American soil? What has to escalate for that to be a threat?
Unnatural Disasters Across the Globe:
The next series of headlines doesn’t deal specifically with America but
disasters that unfold internationally. These events will still impact us greatly
however as the ripple effects hit the US economy, foreign policy and way of
A. Headlines About Global Disasters:
1. TB -Northern Oceans Show Signs of Heating Up; 12 Degree Flux
2. JPJ -Ocean Temperature Rise Spreading – Millions of fish dying
3. JPJ -Three Planes down from Solar Tsunami – Search Continues
4. JPJ -Nuclear Disaster Under the High Seas
5. JPJ -Volcano Erupts Near Tokyo, 7 Million Dead, Another Million
6. JPJ -Blight in Grains Spreading
7. JPJ -Does God Play Softball? – Hail the size of softballs destroy
thousands of homes and Autos
8. TB -Fatal Attraction – The Concerns Over Increased Magnetism of Our
Planet (Editor’s Note: this will be a NASA story)
9. JPJ -GPS loses it GPS – How Long Until We Know Where We Are?
10. TB -The Day the Earth Stood Still: The Sum of All Fears.
11. JPJ -The North Pole is Now Found in North Russia
12. TB -Here Comes the Sun
13. JPJ -Demand for Classic Seeds Skyrocket
14. TB -The Deadly Outbreak: New and Terrifying Children's Diseases
15. JPJ -Derivative Panic Hits Global Markets
16. TB -The Meteor Showers of 2012 and 2013
17. TB -9.1+ Quake Rocks Japanese Island
18. TB -Japan Shaken Awake – Early-Morning Quake Measures 7.7; More
Tremors Expected
19. TB -India’s Shaky Ground – Northern Quakes Challenge Infrastructure
20. TB -Mexico Shaken by Northern Quakes and Eruption
21. TB -Canadian Quake Shocks British Columbia – Vancouver Affected
22. TB -"I Fell into the Burning Ring of Fire," The Ring of Fire Ablaze!
23. TB -The Leaning Tower of Italy: Will it All Fall?
24. TB -London Bridge is Falling Down: From Stumble to Tumble and Still
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What happens to global weather patterns if massive shifting occurs in
the tectonic plates and the North Pole moves?
2. How will people respond when their children have a deadly new
strain of disease and there becomes a massive problem with supply
and demand regarding the cure?
3. Do you think the Church’s mentality will shift regarding belief that we
are in the season Christ called “birth pains” when 7 million people die
because of a volcano?
International Conflict:
If the past hundred years tell us anything it’s that when the nations of the
Earth are in unrest America gets involved. We will not slide by unscathed,
international policies will shift, wars will ensue and great pressure will be
placed on our nation to respond, react or stay at a safe distance – all of which
will have consequences.
A. Headlines About International Conflict:
1. JPJ -More Explosions in Tel Aviv – Radioactive traces found
2. JPJ -What other Secret Weapons Does Israel Have? – Has Israel Played
all it’s Cards?
3. JPJ -Israel says if Missiles hit Jerusalem, Mecca will be hit within
4. TB -Israel Braces for Multi-Front War – Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iran and
Israel Mobilize; Saudis on Full Alert
5. TB -Iraq Erupts in Unprecedented Violence; Insecurity Exposed and
Oil Threatened
6. TB -Taiwan’s Government Seeks Expanded Powers
7. TB -Philippines Brace for New Violence – Government and Christians
Targeted; Islam’s Cells on the Attack
8. TB -Russia and China Face Off – Arguments Heat Up with New Threats
9. TB -The Northern Bear returns from Hibernation: The Bear's Appetite
for Hands and Control!
10. TB -Mexico City Jolted by Bomb – Reprisals Expected
11. TB -"Hoodwinked", the Innocent Face of the Big Bad Wolf! The Wolf
Unmasks Itself, but Some are Not Afraid of the Globalists.
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What would happen in the Arab world if Israel fired even one missile
at Mecca?
2. What if the only reasonable answers that can be posed to all the global
mess is a one world government with a one world economy?
3. Are we connecting the dots between the agenda of globalization and
the prophesied coming reality of the Harlot Babylon system?
Global Identity Changes:
This last section describes unthinkable alterations to the international
community, shifts in nations, forming of empires and some potential things
that the world has not seen since modernization.
A. Headlines About Global Identity Changes:
1. JPJ -New United America being Pushed – Canada, Mexico, USA in Talks
2. TB -New Americas’ Currency Unveiled – Fosters Angry Debates
3. TB -Germany and France Forge Alliance
4. TB -German and French Currency Unveiled; Others Consider
5. TB -Greece, Italy, Spain Join German and French Alliance of Economies
(Editor’s Note: This will be called the AOE)
6. JPJ -Loss of Identity – The Cost to Belong to the New Euro Community
7. TB -The Altered Landscape of Europe: New Nations Emerge from
B. Questions We Need to Consider:
1. What does a United North American Empire look like?
2. Did you ever think you would witness such things in your lifetime?
3. What does God mean in all this transition and upheaval?
Major Reasoning Behind this Series:
A. Stir Up Our Concern:
Shouldn’t all of this cause us great concern? If we have been even half
attempting to process the things discussed in this series then we should
be really alarmed. God’s intent in giving us the information ahead of time
is to cause us a certain degree of unrest and to be greatly concerned for
our future wellbeing.
B. Preparing for the Transition:
There is nothing you can do to get ready for this. Reading a book on
earthquake safety tips isn’t going to prepare you for what’s coming, that’s
the point there is no amount of natural preparation that can ready a
person for what is coming; it is unprecedented. God is the one bringing
the shaking and He doesn’t want people to have natural answers, He’s
kicking out all the props on purpose to cause everyone to fall to their
knees and lean on Him as the only solution.
C. Call us to Pray:
1. Unavoidable difficulties:
Jesus told us that the last generation would face great troubles and
that there was only one prescription for how to make it and I’ll give
you a tip it wasn’t you will not be able to think your way out, buy your
way out, or prepare your way out of the coming difficulties, they will
come upon all who live on the face of the whole earth.
2. Divine strategies:
If the Lord gives you a personal direction to read up on something or
to store goods in a bunker or to buy ammo or any other initiative then
I suggest you follow His leading, but any of these efforts are of your
own invention they will prove futile when the time comes. My
suggestion is to follow more sure Biblical means of preparation.
3. The Biblical prescription:
Jesus tells us clearly how we are to prepare for such things. He makes
the prescription so clear it’s insulting; we are to pray and to join with
others who are doing so. It is really a call to form godly communities
with prayer at the center.
“I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all
these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my
words will never pass away. “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed
down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that
day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon all
those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch,
and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and
that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man (Lk. 21:32-34).”
D. Only Logical Response:
1. No matter the cost:
I want to encourage everyone who hears this message either now,
online or in the future. Whatever it may cost you join or form a
community that actually prays and fasts for God’s purposes.
2. When you find something this valuable:
I believe a parable that Jesus told is very fitting right now with regard
to the rarity of such communities. He more or less said this; when you
find something of great value and unusual rarity sell all you have and
go get that thing.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man
found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and
bought that field (Mt. 13:44).”
3. Response:
If you feel the grace to pioneer such a community or you are already
part of one then put forth incredible effort to root yourself in that
reality. If you do not already have such a place, then I want to make a
bold suggestion; move to Arlington and come get rooted in daily
prayer meetings here in this community. You will find this group of
people to be very helpful in equipping you and this place a great
environment to get some clarity.