1 COVENANT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES COURSE COMPACT OMEGA SEMESTER 2014/2015 SESSION Department: Sociology Course Code and Title: Soc 326: Rural Sociology Course Lecturer: Mrs. M. I. Ozoya Office No. Intercom: Course Description: This course examines the fundamental features of rural societies, their ecological systems and patterns of transformation. The identification, evaluation and utilization of nature and human resources. It also examines social change in rural societies; rural social institutions and their adaptation to change. Course Objectives: At the end of this course, students are expected to: I. be able to identify the main characteristics of the rural areas; II. be able to state clearly the problems of rural areas and how to tackle them; III. be able to develop appropriate programmes that will help meet the needs of rural people; IV. be able to evaluate past development strategies of government and the level of their impact; and V. be able to describe and appreciate the cultures and social structures of our rural areas. Method of Teaching/ Teaching Aids: Prepared lecture notes will be handed over to the class representatives who will make them available to all the students to photocopy. Key points will be addressed by the lecturer in class after which students are expected to respond through questions asked and contributions made. The class therefore will be an interactive one between the lecturer and the students. Such teaching aids as multimedia and overhead projectors will also be used. This is because it makes teaching faster while what is being taught is easily comprehended. Course Outline: Week 1. Module I Week 2. Week 3. Course Description, Objectives of Course, Modules, References, Test, Assignment Plan, Examination and Ground Rules. RURAL SOCIOLOGY AS A FIELD OF STUDY Understanding the field of rural sociology. Defining what is rural. The concern of rural sociology in Nigeria. 1 2 Module II THEORETICAL MODELS IN UNDERSTANDING RURAL SOCIOLOGY Week 4. Week 5. Week 6. Module III Week 7. Evolutionary model. Structural-Functionalist Model. Conflict Model. RURAL VERSUS URBAN NIGERIA The rural-urban typology. Rural-Urban differences in Nigeria. Module IV MIGRATION, POPULATION TREND AND ATTENDANT PROBLEMS Week 8. Rural Migration and its Impact on the Population. Why do people move? Who moves? What are the patterns of movement? Week 9. What are the Effects of Migration? Government Policies to influence migration. Module V Week 10. Week 11. Module VI Week 12. THE COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES The Community, Settlement Patterns, Community Leaders, Age Grades. Community Development and Self-Help in the rural areas. Week 14. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN RURAL NIGERIA The Family System Economy and Farming System Educational System Religion and rural belief system Politics and Government System Week 15. Revision. Week 13. Method of Grading: The method of grading is in two stages. The first stage involves continuous assessment which constitutes 30 marks. The second stage is the Omega Semester Examination which constitutes 70 marks. 2 3 Class Behaviour: Students must be punctual in class as attendance is compulsory. If for any reason this cannot be observed by a student, the lecturer must be communicated. The dress codes for the University must be respected by students without which they will not be allowed into the lecture room. Students must participate in all class activities as lectures will be interactive. Topics for Term Paper/Assignments: 1. Describe the history of rural sociology and why it is an essential field of study. 2. Based on your understanding of rural sociology, how does the rural/urban typology help to explain life in rural communities? Recommended Readings: 1. Chitambar, J. B. (1985) Introducing Rural Sociology. Wiley Eastern Limited, India. 2. Ekong, E. (1988) Rural Sociology: An Introduction and Analysis of Rural Nigeria. Jumak Publishers, Ibadan, Nigeria. 3. Idode, J. B. (1989) Rural Development and Bureaucracy in Nigeria. Longman, Nigeria. 4. Lynch, Kenneth (2005) Rural – Urban Interaction in the Developing World. Routledge, Great Britain. 5. McDonagh, J. (2001) Renegotiating Rural Development in Ireland. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., England. 3