Student Catalog 1345 W. Thomas Phoenix, AZ 85013 3150 N. Arizona Ave, Ste.102 Chandler, AZ 85225 602-266-6630 Publication date: July, 2013 1 From the Director: I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the staff at Canyon State Institute to welcome you to our job training program. We appreciate your decision to jump start your career with us. It is important to be certified in today’s increasingly competitive job market. Please make certain you complete your goal to take the national certification exam associated with your career choice. CSI has designed a Tier Level Training System for the Microsoft Office Program unique to Canyon State Institute. This allows us to individualize your training in order for you to reach your desired goals. We include basic to advanced training in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and we include QuickBooks in our software skills course. We strongly believe the hands-on, visually based guidance received along with using your reference guide as a reminder of your training, will insure your success. Our Medical Support Specialist course includes Electronic Health Records training with software developed by Practice Fusion. It is used in over 150,000 medical practices in the U.S. and over 5,000 in Arizona. It is instructor led using a reference guide as a reminder of your training. The reference guide includes MOS training. Our A+ Certification course includes coursework to successfully pass the most current CompTIA certification exam, along with hands on techniques using up-to-date equipment in the classroom. We combine essentials and lab on a daily basis. Our Network+ Certification course is a short term program designed to pass the CompTIA national certification exam. It is instructor led, combining essentials and lab work. Our Cisco Certified Network Administrator is a short term program designed to pass the Cisco Certification exams, both CCENT and CCNA. It is instructor led, combining essentials and lab work on a weekly basis. Our Security+ Certification course is a short term program designed to prepare you to take the national certification exam. It is instructor led, combining essentials and lab work. Our Project Management Associate and Project Management Professional programs use a PMI recognized training format to pass the PMI Certification exam. It is instructor led in a classroom environment and with an independent study curriculum. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt prepares you to pass the ASQ certification exam. Your instructor has completed the Six Sigma Black Belt training and is certified in Six Sigma Green Belt. There is an independent study curriculum provided weekly. Please visit for information regarding this globally recognized organization with over 85,000 members. Professional in Human Resources prepares you to pass the SHRM PHR national exam. Using the SHRM learning system, you will learn the six modules of human resource development in an instructor led classroom. There will be an independent study curriculum provided weekly. Please visit for information regarding this globally recognized organization. This is your school and you are encouraged to utilize the additional tutoring available. The staff wants your training to be a positive experience. You may express your comments about our program at any time and my door is always open to you. Respectfully, Sheri Carparelli, Director 2 MISSION STATEMENT: We strive to create a stepping stone to a productive life by offering in-demand, career-based certifications, combining the student’s classroom skills with real world knowledge; while instilling confidence in our students to face future occupational goals with greater assurance. VISION STATEMENT: Our certified, industry trained, and career minded staff maintain our values to create an educational core within our student base to provide confidence in our career-based certification training programs; combining the student’s classroom skills with real world knowledge; while instilling confidence to face the future with greater assurance in the workplace. 3 RULES OF THE INSTITUTE Dress Code Professional business attire is not required. No attire shall be worn that reveals cleavage, and no holes in pants or jeans. Do not wear attire that has profanity or offensive logos on them. Remember that good hygiene is necessary everyday. You may only wear light perfume or after shave with respect to others. Language Do not use foul language, or repeat jokes that will offend another person. Please be respectful of others around you. Professional conduct is required at all times. Computers Do not change any of the settings unless instructed to do so. Only open internet sites that you are directed to use for training purposes. NO personal use of computers will be allowed. FOOD AND DRINKS OTHER THAN BOTTLED WATER is only allowed in the kitchen. BOTTLED WATER only is allowed in the classrooms and computer lab. All other liquids must stay in the kitchen. No outside flash drives are to be inserted in the school computers. Students in the Microsoft Office Training will be given a flash drive upon completion of classes to download their resume, cover letter, thank you letter and any additional information saved for the software training course only. No video/computer games allowed. Students in the IT programs will be given a flash drive on the first day of class with the required labs to be completed within the length of your training program. Absences/Tardiness If you are going to be absent or late, please call or leave a message on our voice mail. If you do not call, we will make an attempt to contact you. However, excessive absences or tardiness may result in termination from the program. Classroom Decorum Students who excessively break the rules must have an interview with the director in order to remain in class. If a student is meeting due to disciplinary issues and no agreement can be met in the interview, the student will not be allowed to re-enter the class. Students who display disruptive behavior in class directed to other students or to the instructor or having a negative impact on training, will be issued a written warning. If this behavior continues, it may be followed with termination from school. Class may be extended due to special circumstances at the discretion of the director. Leave of Absence/Student Re-Enrollment If a student must take a LOA, they may conclude the balance of their training during the next available class. The LOA will not exceed 90 days. A student may be allowed to re-enroll at the discretion of the director. Payment of unpaid hours will be due upon completion. Attendance Log/Graduation Requirements Students are required to sign in and out everyday on the attendance log for the class-based instruction programs, and the appropriate hours of completion must be reflected before a certificate of completion is distributed. Students must also pass the final exam and all quizzes with 80% or better before a certificate of completion is distributed. Students will have thirty (30) days from the last day of attendance with the required hours, to retake final exams. Tuition must be paid in full or arrangements for payment will have been made from a referring agency prior to receiving a certificate of completion. Any student who misses 3 days of training after the three day refund policy will be 4 automatically dropped and no refund will be issued. Except for medical documentation or approved absences by school officials. One-Hundred (100) clock hours of training for Microsoft Office Training. One-Hundred and Fifty (150) clock hours for Medical Support Specialist. Two-Hundred and Fifty (250) clock hours for A+ Certification. Sixty (60) clock hours for Network+. Fifty (50) clock hours for Security+. Fifty (50) contact hours for Project Management Associate. Seventy-Five (75) contact hours for Project Management Professional , followed in class or online. Fifty (50) clock hours for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. Forty-Five (45) contact hours for Professional in Human Resources. Certificates Certificates will be distributed upon completion of the program(s) hours and passage of the final exam per course requirement as stated in the Graduation Requirements section. Certification Exam Fees The student may risk forfeiture of the certification exam fees if the accompanying certification testing (PMI, CompTIA, ASQ SHRM, CCNA) is not completed within ninety (90) days from the program completion date, unless the organization does not test regularly. Certification testing for Microsoft must be completed within one-hundred and twenty (120) days from the program completion date. An extension may be granted at the discretion of the director, when extenuating circumstances are presented in writing to the director. A check in the amount of the certification exam fees for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, PMP/CAPM, A+, Network+, and Security+, CCNA and PHR will be distributed directly to the student upon proof of registration for the exam. It is the student’s responsibility to email proof of registration or application (PMI, ASQ, SHRM) to the director. If the student does not register for the certification exams within ninety (90) days of successful completion of the program, the exam fee will be refunded to the referring agency. Distribution of PMI Membership Fee, Exam Fee and MeasureUp Practice Exam Site A check in the amount of the Membership fee plus the Exam fee will be issued to the CAPM/PMP student upon successful completion of the course hours, final exam and proof of acceptance of your application by the testing organization. It is the school’s recommendation to pass three (3) consecutive practice exams with a 90% or better on the MeasureUp practice exam site. MeasureUp will be emailed to the student upon successful completion of the program for PMP/CAPM, A+, Network+, CCNA and Security+. It is an added study benefit and sent to the student only one time. The student is required to register their key code within the required time-limited date posted on the email in order to have up to 180 days of practice time. Certiprep Microsoft Office students must practice daily on Certiprep and pass 5 exams with 950 points or better prior to scheduling national exams. Breaks Students will have one (1) fifteen minute break per class session, two (2) fifteen minute breaks for MOS. Individuals are expected to return from break in a timely manner. Telephones If you need to use the telephone, you may use the school phone for a duration of 5 minutes on your break or after class only. If you are expecting a call, the receptionist will take a message if you are in class, unless it is an emergency. Please turn off cell phones during class time. 5 COURSE OBJECTIVE AND GOALS General Admission: Must be 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or GED which is required for the Microsoft Office Certification Program, Medical Support Specialist, A+, Network+, Security+, CCNA, Six Sigma, and Project Management and Professional in Human Resources Certification Programs. Students must have the A+ training prior to taking the Network+. Students must have the A+ and Network+ training prior to taking the Security+. It is recommended for the student to have networking experience prior to taking the CCNA, but not required. PMI (Project Management Institute), SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) and ASQ (American Society for Quality) program requirements will be discussed during the initial interview with school staff. Each program has individual requirements. Training Manual Microsoft Office and Medical Support Specialist students receive a training manual on the first day of school. A+, Network+, Security+, CCNA, Project Management, and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt students receive a textbook(s) and supplies (as stated per course). Additional handout information will be made available as training progresses. Objectives and Goals: Microsoft Office Training with or without Certification Students will have customized training in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and QuickBooks using the most current Microsoft Office Suite. It is a suggested goal of each graduate to type a minimum of 30 wpm with 95% accuracy, and perform 10-Key by touch at a minimum of 6,000 KPH with 95% accuracy, but is not a requirement. You will have a full understanding of the computer software upon completion of the program. You will complete your training in 100 hours of classroom time which may be extended for those who are in need of a slower pace. All students will be trained according to the Certiport Microsoft Office certification standards. The Microsoft certification exams are optional and testing is proctored at the Phoenix campus only. Completion Requirements: 100 hours of training and passing weekly assessment with an 80% or better. Medical Support Specialist Students will have customized training in the use of Practice Fusion Electronic Health Records software. This company has over 150,000 users around the country with over 5,000 users in Arizona. You will have a full understanding of EHR data management. Training will include Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and QuickBooks. You will complete your training in 150 hours of classroom time which may be extended for those who are in need of a slower pace. The Microsoft certification exams are optional and testing is proctored at the Phoenix campus only. Completion Requirements: 150 hours of training and passing weekly assessments with an 80% or better. A+ Certification Students will acquire skills to successfully pass the Certification exam. CSI will train students using CompTIA’s approved curriculum, alternating Essentials and Lab every other day using an industry recognized textbook combined with hands-on instruction. Students will be able to break down a computer and repair necessary parts to make it operational, with basic networking and troubleshooting. Fundamental operational skills are included in the test preparation course. 6 In addition to the newly developed skills, graduates will gain confidence in their abilities and learn how to properly present themselves to employers. Developing a professional work ethic is as crucial as developing the above mentioned skills. You will complete your training in 250 hours of classroom time. Completion Requirements: 250 hours of training and passing final exam with an 80% or better. Network+ Students will acquire skills to successfully pass the Certification exam. CSI will train students using CompTIA’s approved curriculum, combining Essentials and Lab twice weekly using an industry recognized textbook combined with hands-on instruction. Students will be able to build a LAN/WAN/WIRELESS network upon completion. You will complete your training in 60 hours of classroom time. Completion Requirements: 60 hours of training and passing final with an 80% or better. Security+ Students will acquire skills to successfully pass the CompTIA Security+ exam. CSI will train students using CompTIA’s approved curriculum, combining Essential and Lab on the days of training scheduled per week. Students will use an industry recognized textbook combined with hands-on instruction. Students will have a full understanding of computer security, wired and wireless along with non-PC wireless devices. Completion Requirements: 50 hours of training and passing final exam with an 80% or better. CCNA Students will acquire skills to successfully pass the CCNA exams, 640-822 and 640-816. CSI will train students using the Cisco approved Official Certification Guide Third Edition, Part 1 and Part 2. Students will have lecture classes along with required lab study each week. This includes hands-on instruction from a certified CCNA instructor. Students will have a full understanding of Cisco networking functions. Completion Requirements: 320 hours of training and passing the final exam with an 80% or better. Project Management Associate and Project Management Professional Students will acquire skills to successfully pass the PMI Certification exam. CSI will train students using the PMBOK along with additional text sources and tools, and in the use of Microsoft Project, a software tool used to plan, organize and manage resources to complete a specific project. You will learn the terms and concepts of Project Knowledge Areas and CAPM and PMP professional responsibilities. Completion Requirements: 50 hours of training (Project Management Associate) and 75 hours of training (Project Management Professional) and passing all quizzes and the final exam with an 80% or better. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Students will acquire the knowledge to pass the ASQ Green Belt certification. Students will learn the principles of Six Sigma and how to apply those skills in an organization to achieve quality and eliminate waste. CSI will train the students to possess a solid understanding of the principles and tools. Completion Requirements: 50 hours of training, completing weekly assignments, weekly quizzes, and passing your final exam with an 80% or better. Professional in Human Resources Students will acquire the knowledge to pass the SHRM, PHR national exam. Students will study from the SHRM Learning System which includes the six modules of human resource management. You will have a solid understanding of the principles of human resource management and complete your classroom training in 45 hours. Completion Requirements: You will have completed 45 hours of training, weekly assignments which prepare you for the lecture, passing quizzes and final exam with an 80% or better. Prerequisites for Entry Individuals interested in training with Canyon State Institute must complete an entrance interview and be available for class training as scheduled. Holidays 7 Canyon State Institute is closed on all holidays when the buses are not running. In addition, we are closed on the day after Thanksgiving. When there is a scheduled holiday, classroom hours will be adjusted to reflect the minimum hours required for the week. The following is a list of holiday closures: New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day/Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Day Class Schedules Microsoft Office and Medical Support Specialist classes begin weekly. CompTIA A+ classes begin every 4 weeks. CompTIA Network+, Security+ and CCNA classes have open start dates contingent upon student enrollment. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt classes have open start dates contingent upon student enrollment. Professional in Human Resources classes have open start dates contingent upon student enrollment. Project Management (PMP, CAPM) classes begin every 5 weeks. Grading Procedures Students must receive a minimum of 80% on all quizzes which track progress of student, and final exams, in order to graduate and receive their certificate of completion. All quizzes and tests can be retaken to reach this goal and tutoring is available in each course. Students may retake the course upon issuance of a new contract. Auditing Classes All students may audit the program they successfully completed while studying to pass the national certification exam. Please contact your instructor for availability and class times. Transcripts College credit after completion of the course(s) may be available when transferring to Western International University. WIU will make the final determination. There is an official school transcript available to all graduates. Course Costs Microsoft Office Training $3890.00 with MOS Certification Medical Support Specialist $4995.00 with CEHRS and MOS Certification A+ Certification $3255.00 includes A+ exam, textbook, tool kit. This fee also includes MeasureUp practice tests Network+ test $1985.00 includes Network+ exam, textbook, MeasureUp practice Cisco Certified Networking Administrator $4500.00 includes CCENT/CCNA exams, textbooks, MeasureUp practice test Security+ $2380.00 includes Security+ exam, textbook, and MeasureUp practice test Project Management Associate $4000.00 includes PMI exam, membership fee, textbooks Project Management Professional $5500.00 includes PMI exam, membership fee, textbooks 8 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt $4900.00 includes ASQ exam, membership fee, textbook Professional in Human Resources $3420.00 includes SHRM learning system, exam fee Career Services All students, upon completion of their certification testing, may schedule a private meeting with our employment specialist for assistance with job placement. All students are invited to attend the resume writing class and interviewing skills training, and LinkedIn training scheduled monthly in the MOS computer lab. The director will provide additional interviewing skills training one-on-one, when requested after graduation. All job fairs will be posted on our Job Board along with current job openings from employer contacts. 9 ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT SCHOOL INFORMATION: Canyon State Institute 1345 W. Thomas 3150 N. Arizona Ave. Ste. 102 Phoenix, AZ 85013 Chandler, AZ 85225 602-266-6630 Fax: 602-266-6993 Email: STUDENT INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: CELL: PROGRAM INFORMATION: Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Microsoft Office Training ___________________________ Five (5) weeks, day classes/100 clock hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Medical Support Specialist ___________________________ Eight (8) weeks, day classes/150 clock hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length A+ Certification ___________________________ Twelve (12) weeks, day/evening classes/250 clock hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Network+ ___________________________ Five (5) weeks, day/evening classes/60 hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Cisco Certified Network Administrator ___________________________ Sixteen (16) weeks, day/evening classes/ 320 hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Project Management Associate ___________________________ Five (5) weeks, day/evening classes/50 contact hours 10 Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Project Management Professional ___________________________ Five (5) weeks, day/evening classes/75 contact hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Security+ ___________________________ Four (4) Weeks, day/evening classes/50 hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Lean Six Sigma Green Belt ___________________________ Five (5) Weeks, day/evening classes/50 contact hours Program Name: Start Date: Program Time/Length Professional in Human Resources ___________________________ Four (4) weeks, day/evening classes/45 contact hours TUITION / REFUND INFORMATION: Microsoft Office Training Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost: Payment Schedule: Medical Support Specialist Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost: Payment Schedule: A+ Certification Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost Payment Schedule: $3890.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $3290.00 Instructional Fee $500.00 MOS exam fees $1945.00 Due on start date (cash, check) $1945.00 Balance due prior to graduation (cash, check) (Unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon with the School Director). Tuition must be paid in full before a certificate is awarded. $4995.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $4234.00 Instructional Fee $500.00 MOS exam fees $161.00 CEHRS text/exam fee $2495.00 Due on start date (cash, check) $2500.00 Balance due prior to graduation (cash, check) (Unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon with the School Director. Tuition must be paid in full before a certificate is Awarded. $3255.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $2580.00 Instructional Fee $375.00 Certification Exam $100.00 Textbook $100.00 Supplies $1627.50 Due on start date (cash, check) $1627.50 Balance due prior to graduation (cash, check) (Unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon with the School Director). Tuition must be paid in full before a certificate is awarded. 11 Network+ Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost Payment Schedule: Security+ Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost Payment Schedule: $1985.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $1582.00 Instructional Fee $253.00 Certification Exam $50.00 Textbook $1985.00 Due on start date (cash, check) (Unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon with the School Director). Tuition must be paid in full before a certificate is certificate is awarded. $2380.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $1854.00 Instructional Fee $276.00 Certification Exam $150.00 Textbook/Study Guide $1985.00 Due on start date (cash, check) (Unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon with the School Director). Tuition must be paid in full before a Certificate is awarded. Cisco Certified Network Administrator Total Cost: $4500.00 Breakdown of Cost $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $3800.00 Instructional Fee $300.00 Certification Exams $250.00 Textbooks $50.00 MeasureUp Practice Exams Project Management (CAPM) Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost Project Management (PMP) Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost Professional in Human Resources Total Cost: Breakdown of Cost $4000.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $3440.00 Instructional Fee $300.00 Certification Exam $160.00Textbooks $5500.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $4696.00 Instructional Fee $160.00 textbooks $139.00 PMI Membership Fee $405.00 Certification Exam $4900.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $4298.00 Instructional Fee $150.00 Textbooks $352.00 Exam and Membership Fee $3420.00 $100.00 Non-Refundable Administrative Fee $2500.00 Instructional Fee $495.00 SHRM Learning System $325.00 Certification Exam Fee 12 Tuition Refunds: Tuition charges for the enrollment period will be determined based upon the student’s start date to the last day of attendance and the clock hours completed. Before beginning class, the student is entitled to a full (100%) refund of the tuition. After commencement of classes, the refund amount, in clock hours attempted, is as follows: (1) If the student completes 10% or less, the school may keep 10% of the tuition charged and will refund 90%. (2) If the student completes more than 10% and less than or equal to 20%, the school may keep 20% of the tuition charged and will refund 80%. (3) If the student completes more than 20% and less than or equal to 30%, the school may keep 30% of the tuition charged and will refund 70%. (4) If the student completes more than 30% and less than or equal to 50%, the school may keep 40% of the tuition charged and will refund 60%. (5) If the student completes more than 40% and less than or equal to 50%, the school may keep 50% of the tuition charged and will refund 50% (6) If the student completes more than 50%, no refund is required. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY: Admission Denied: An applicant denied admission will be provided a 100% refund of all monies paid. Three Day Cancellation Notice: The student or prospective student may cancel this enrollment agreement if cancellation is made in writing to the Director and mailed/delivered to the institution at the address stated herein within three (3) days, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and federal holidays, of signing this enrollment agreement. The school shall provide a refund of 100% of all student fees and tuition paid for the student, no later than 30 calendar days, after receipt of a written notice of cancellation. Other Cancellations: An applicant requesting cancellation more than three days after signing an enrollment agreement and making an initial payment, but prior to entering the school, is entitled to a refund of all monies paid minus an administrative fee of $100.00. Tuition Refunds: Tuition refunds will be issued within 30 days of the date of student notification, of date of school determination (withdrawn due to absences of other criteria as specified in the school catalog), or in the case of a student not returning from an authorized Leave of Absence (LOA), within 30 days of the date the student was scheduled to return from the LOA and did not return. Special Cases: In case of prolonged illness or accident, death in the family, or other circumstances that make it impractical for the student to complete the program, the school may make a settlement which is reasonable and fair. Certification Test Fees: The school is not responsible for payment of test fees or refunding test fees if the accompanying certification testing is not completed within four (4) months from the program completion date. An exception may be made for the ASQ exam which is offered only twice a year. PROCEDURE FOR WITHDRAWAL/WITHDRAWAL DATE: 1. A student choosing to withdraw from the school after the commencement of classes is to provide written notice to the Administrator of the school. The notice is to indicate the expected last date of attendance and be signed and dated by the student. 2. For a student who is on authorized LOA, the withdraw date is the date the student was scheduled to return from the Leave and failed to do so. 3. A student will be determined to be withdrawn from the institution if the student has not attended any class for 5 consecutive class days without notifying the school. 4. All refunds will be issued within 30 days of the determination of the withdrawal date. 13 General Information: Job Placement Disclaimer: This institution does not guarantee job placement to students upon program completion. Student Grievance Procedure: Should a student have a complaint with the Institution, then the following steps shall be taken by him/her. 1) Administrator is available at the address reflected hereon from 8:00 am to 5:00 PM each business day while school is in session. Student may state the grievance in writing to the Administrator during the stated business hours. Administrator shall have two (2) business days in which to investigate and address the grievance. 2) Should Administrator fail to or unacceptably address the grievance, then Student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The Student must contact the State Board for further details. If the student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The student must contact the State Board for further details. The State Board address is: 1400 W. Washington, Room 260 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 602-542-5709 Website: HOLDER IN DUE COURSE STATEMENT: Any holder of this consumer credit contract is subject to all claims and defenses which the debtor could assert against the seller of goods or services obtained pursuant hereto or with the proceeds hereof. Recovery hereunder by the debtor shall not exceed amounts paid by the debtor. (FTC Rule effective 5/14/76). THE STUDENT UNDERSTANDS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The School does not accept credit for previous education, training, work experience (experimental learning) or CLEP. The School does not guarantee job placement to graduates upon program/course completion or upon graduation. The School reserves the right to reschedule the program start date when the number of students scheduled is too small. The School will not be responsible for any statement of policy or procedure that does not appear in the School catalog. The School reserves the right to discontinue any students’ training for unsatisfactory progress, nonpayment of tuition or failure to abide by School rules. Information concerning other Schools that may accept the School’s credits toward their programs can be obtained by contacting the office of the Administrator. It should not be assumed that any programs described in the School catalog could be transferred to another institution. Any decision on the comparability, appropriateness and applicability of credits and whether they should be accepted is the decision of the receiving institution. The institution is not accredited by a nationally recognized association. This document does not constitute a binding agreement until accepted in writing by all parties. 14 STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I, the undersigned, have read and understand this agreement. I hereby acknowledge receipt of a current catalog on the start date and acknowledge that it is considered part of this enrollment agreement. ________student initials I have received an exact copy of this enrollment agreement. ________student initials I also understand that the school may terminate my enrollment if I fail to comply with attendance, academic and financial requirement or if I disrupt the normal activities of the School while enrolled in the School. I understand that I must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as described in the School catalog and that my financial obligation to the School must be paid in full before a certificate may be awarded. ________student initials I understand that this institution does not guarantee job placement to graduates upon program completion or upon graduation. ________student initials My signature below signifies that I have read and understand all aspects of this agreement and do recognize my legal responsibilities in regard to this contract. CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE I, undersigned, have read and understand this agreement and acknowledge receipt of a copy. It is further understood and agreed that this agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous verbal or written agreements and may not be modified without the written agreement of the student and the School Official. I also understand that if I default upon this agreement I will be responsible for payment of any collection fees or attorney fees incurred Canyon State Institute. My signature below signifies that I have read and understand all aspects of this agreement and do recognize my legal responsibilities in regard to this contract. Signed this ______day of______________20___ Signature of Student Date Signature of School Official Date Representative’s certification: I certify that ____________________________ has been interviewed by me and in my judgment, meets all requirements for acceptance as a student. I further certify that there have been no verbal or written agreements or promises other than those appearing on this agreement. By____________________________________________Date________________ 15 Student Grievance Procedure: Should a Student have a complaint with the Institution, then the following steps shall be taken by him/her. 1) Administrator is available at the address reflected hereon from 8:00 am to 5:00 PM each business day while school is in session. Student may state the grievance in writing to the Administrator during the stated business hours. Administrator shall have two (2) business days in which to investigate and address the grievance. 2) Should Administrator fail to or unacceptably address the grievance, then Student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The Student must contact the State Board for further details. If the Student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution’s grievance procedure, the Student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The Student must contact the State Board for further details. The State Board address is: 1400 W. Washington, Room 260 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 602-542-5709 Website: 16