MINISTRY/DESCRIPTION MINISTRY/DESCRIPTION PASTORAL CARE MINISTRIES 1. SHUT-IN MINISTRY WORSHIP SUPPORT MINISTRIES 1. Keep in regular contact with each shut-in. Duplicate sermon tapes and deliver them weekly. Deliver Valentine and Thanksgiving Baskets. 2. PRAYER MINISTRY HEALTH CARE MINISTRY Provide health care education through health fairs. Be available during scheduled church activities to provide emergency care in case of accident or sudden illness. Perhaps the most visible of all ministry teams, ushers help seat people, hand out programs, handle crowd control, answer a multitude of questions, take the offering, and help administer communion. 3. WELCOME CENTER TEAM This team helps the first time guest travel the “information highway” at Crestview. Enthusiastic and knowledgeable men and women give directions to classrooms, the Coffee Shop, and information on all ministries within the church. 2. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM Extended Session Preschool Worship Children’s Church AWANA Summer Children’s Program Vacation Bible School Harvest Festival 3. 5. FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES Provide Christian fellowship and growth through luncheons, trips, and outings. SINGLES MINISTRY 2. 3. WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER TEAM This team helps prepare Dinner before Wednesday Night activities. This makes it easier for anyone to come be a part of Wednesday activities because they don’t have to make dinner! Join the fun! 4. FAMILY FELLOWSHIPS Get in on the fun with our Family Fellowships! Hayrides, Ice cream socials, Potluck dinners etc… 3. 3. INSTRUMENTAL Piano Organ Orchestra CREATIVE MINISTRIES Props Drama Artistic Expressions CHURCH SIGN TEAM Maintain and care for church signs, including updating them each week with current activities. SERVICE MINISTRIES 1. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Bridal & Baby Team Funeral Luncheon Team Hospitality Committee Luncheons & Teas Bible Study 2. MEN’S MINISTRY Prayer & Discipleship Fellowship Outreach Team Ministry Team 3. COMMUNICATIONS/TECHNOLOGY Artistic/Graphics Public Relations (PR) Sound & Light Team (SALT) Website/Computer 1. F.A.I.T.H. TEAMS 2. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD 3. BENEVOLENCE/FOOD PANTRY COUNSELING MINISTRY CHOIRS Adult Master Design (Youth) Sonshine Company (Children) Cherub (Preschool) Praise Band LANDSCAPING/GARDENING Provide lawn care such as mowing and edging. Clean and maintain flower beds and hedges. Provide new landscaping as needed. COFFEE SHOP TEAM MUSIC and DRAMA MINISTRIES SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY Provide opportunities for singles to experience Christian love, acceptance, growth and fellowship. 2. Welcome those who've made decisions during the invitation and assist in completing their decision cards. YOUTH MINISTRY 1. 2. FACILITY CARE TEAM This is the “behind the scenes crew.” Painting, cleaning, fixing, and building projects are just some of the things to be done around church. Flexible hours all during the week are available to fit your schedule. This team starts the mornings off right making coffee and greeting guests with a hot or cold beverage and donuts. The Coffee Shop provides a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with guests and members alike. Our youth ministry team offers relevant programs and events that connect students into relationships with Christ and one another. Lead a small group, create an event, be a builder of dreams. Come shape the future. 1. BUILDING & GROUNDS MINISTRIES 1. 2. USHER TEAM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MINISTRIES 1. GREETER TEAM A smiling face, a warm handshake, and a friendly greeting make people feel welcome and provide a quick information reference for first time guests. Pray for the needs of the church and people, particularly those with crisis health problems or other crisis needs and pass the information on to the next person on the chain. 3. MINISTRY/DESCRIPTION OUTREACH MINISTRIES ADMINISTRATIVE/OFFICE SUPPORT Volunteer office help is needed weekly, monthly, or for special projects. Computer skills are helpful but NOT necessary.