AT&T INSTALLATION REQUIREMENT CHANGE NOTIFICATION - ATT-TP-76301-039 Date: 03-31-09 TO: ALL AT&T INSTALLATION SUPPLIERS EFFECTIVE DATE: 5 days from posted date or as per Supplier’s Contract Submitter’s Name: Al Bergman TP: TP76301 Subject: Battery Post Lock Washers Action: Add: Section: M Subsection: 1 Subsection: 1.5.8 Modification: Delete: Section Title: Power Section Title: General Subsection Title: Battery Post Prior to Change: 1.5.8 On new battery string installations, all nuts, bolts and washers shall be stainless steel, unless specified otherwise by the manufacturer. Stainless steel (316 or better grade) is required, and the washer shall be 1/8 inch thick. Lock washers shall not be used on battery posts. The smooth (rounded) side of the washer shall be placed against the battery strap. Post Change: 1.5.8 On new battery string installations, all nuts, bolts and washers shall be stainless steel, unless specified otherwise by the manufacturer. Stainless steel (316 or better grade) is required, and the flat washer shall be 1/8 inch thick. The smooth (rounded) side of the flat washer shall be placed against and not overhang the battery strap or connector lug. Where lock washers are provided by the battery manufacturer, they shall be assembled on top of the flat washer as shown in the ATT-P-05100-E drawing. Questions relative to this IRCN should be addressed to Lawrence Lyles at (404) 927-7722. Lawrence Lyles Lead Network Engineering Manager, NP&E Enterprise Technology Support Access the TP's on the Extranet Site Concurred Senior Installation Manager-Network Quality, West (Mike Sula) Lead Network Engineering Mgr. - Common Systems Power (Al Bergman) Release Approved Lead Network Engineering Manager Date: 03-30-09 Date: 03-23-09 Date: 03-30-09 (Lawrence E. Lyles) Page 1 of 1