The P.A. Shop provides this list of possible financiers with the hope that it will cultivate more and even better business activities for our valued customers! Please let us know if we can do more to support, develop and help grow your business! Where to get Finance? By: Staff writer Posted: Sunday, 05 December 2004| © BusinessOwner 1997-2005 BUSINESS owners in South Africa often struggle to obtain finance and many mistakenly believe the banks are the only place from which to get a loan, but there are many other organisations and institutions that are willing to assist with building your business. BusinessOwner compiled this comprehensive list consisting of among others contact numbers, reach, performance and loan size of various institutions that assist businesses: Banks Absa: The best bet for a business that want to access a bank loan. They disperse more Khula Guarantees than any of the other banks in South Africa. Contact: 0800 41 41 41. Absa The bank presently hands out the most Khula bank guarantees to small business and is probably your biggest chance of getting a bank loan approved. New Enterprise Banking (NEB), a division of Absa Business Banking Services that ensures small and medium enterprises receive financial assistance via the Khula Credit Guarantee Scheme, has developed into the leading bank for issuing Khula guarantees. In the last quarter NEB has successfully increased its participation by 7.9% in the Khula Credit Guarantee Scheme with committed funds totaling R162.9 m. This accounts for 48.25% of the total of the Khula guarantee funds with NEB's closest rival contributing just 20.67%. Contact 011 350 4000 African Bank Despite being a mainly personal retail bank, African Bank has made impressive gains in their use of Khula guarantees. They are now neck-and-neck with Peoples Bank in second place after Absa. Standard Bank: The have various innovative products, like revolving credit and a transaction account which allows previously black-listed business owners to get a bank account. Contact: 0860 123 000 Nedbank: They offer various product including plant and machinery finance and term finance, with an average loan size of R50 000 to R2 million. They view each proposal on its merit, but look strongly at cash flow projections for upcoming 12 months for start-ups or audited figures for the past two years for existing businesses. Contact: 0860 115 060 First National Bank: One of the four major banks who give out Khula Guarantees. However in recent times they have been lagging behind in the number of Guarantees they've dispersed. Contact: 0860 103 224 Bankfin: Absa's vehicle and asset finance division.Contact: 0860 669 669. Stannic: Standard Banks vehicle and asset finance division.Contact: 0860 000 000 Wesbank: First National Bank's divison for vehicle and asset finance. Contact: 0861 137 137 National finance organisations Khula Finance: Khula does not lend directly to business owners, but through the banks and Retail Finance Intemediataries (RFIs). Business owners who don't have sufficient enough collateral to secure a bank loan, can take out a Khula Credit Guarantee. Khula also finance businesses through equity and a land reform credit facility. (012) 394 5560 or 0800 11 881. Khula Credit Guarantees This is the flagship scheme of Khula, the governments small business finance agency. It allows people with little or no collateral to get a bank loan for their business by standing surety for them. It is slow - about 2 000 loans guaranteed over the last number of years, but it is a solid, steadily progressing programme. In many ways it fulfils a pioneering function in South Africa. It is a barometer of how committed the banks are to serving small businesses. It is still not easy getting a bank loan, because the banks regard you as high risk even though Khula guarantees your loan. Small business owners should work hard on their business plans and keep on trying different banks, starting with Absa. Contact 011 807 8464. LRCF The Land Reform Credit Fund (LRCF) has just emerged from a successful pilot phase to become a permanent scheme. Anybody with an interest in farming can use this scheme to access land, on condition that nearby communities become partners. The scheme finances the land, and another R200 000 is given for training of the locals in farm ownership. And they are also willing to consider food and agri-processing plants on the same basis. Contact 011 807 8464. Khethani Khula, the governments small business finance agency, has honoured Khethani Business Finance as its best small business loans organisation this year. The number of these organisations that borrow money for Khula to on-lend to small business people have decreased substantially over the last few years due to bad repayment and, some say, bad management. But Khethani, itself risen from the ashes of the failed IBEC, claims to have a very high repayment rate, even though they lend to businesses who would normally not be considered by the banks. Khethani has offices in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban. They have been operating four years, and provide business loans of R6 000 to R200 000 to small businesses.Contact 011 467 1160 Thuso Mentorship Offices: Mentorship for business owners who take out Khula guaranteed loans. Contact Rustenburg (014) 594 2570, Midrand (011) 315 0036/7. Sizanani: Set up by the Banking Council of South Africa and four banks to help businesses access loans of under R100 000 from banks. The organisation provides mentorship in the form of assisting with writing a business plan, to the prospective business looking for a loan. 0861 333 000. Absa Black Business Incubator Funding Programme: Spread: National Loan products: Equity finance Loan size: R300 000 to R10 million Specific industry focus: None Requirements: Companies of R5 million turnover and below must be 100% represented by black management and those with R% - R50 million must have a 51% representation of black management. Contact: 0800 41 41 41 Anglo Khula Mining Fund: Spread: National Loan products: Equity finance Loan size: R5 million Specific industry focus: Black empowerment junior mining and related industries to fund the pre-feasibility stage of the mine, environmental reports and the application for permits and licences. Requirements: A detailed application procedure which includes a due technical and financial diligence, can be viewed on the website. Performance: In 2003 the R40 million fund pledged to assist eight junior mining companies by 2005 over a 10 year period. Contact: (011) 638 4172. Artpac Lending Services: Bridging finance for businesses who win contracts in construction and related industries. Loans of up to R100 000 for contractors building RDP houses, and other loans. Contact (011) 838 3730. Business Partners: Spread: National Loan products: Equity, property and bridging finance. Loan size: R250 000 to R15 million. Specific industry focus: None, but includes franchising in partnership with the Umsobumvu Youth Fund. Requirements: Business Partners carries out assessment of business. Performance: For the 2002/2003 year 496 investments valued collectively at R400 million, were carried out. Contact: (011) 480 8700. Business Partners: Equity and profit-sharing for business owners who secure contracts of between R250 000 and R15 million. 22 offices nationwide. Funds franchises. Contact (011) 480 8700. Business Partners Let me declare my bias right away. When's sister publication, BigNews for the businessowner, started nine years ago, we went to Business Partners for finance, and were turned down as too risky. After making a success of the paper for three years, we approached them again for expansion finance. Again, they said the venture was too risky. Today, seven years later, I am able to tell more than 500 000 readers that Business Partners is conservative. This is, of course, just my opinion, but I am not alone in holding it. Jo Schwenke, Business Partners CEO, was once quoted as saying: We have to ask ourselves whether we would have financed Mark Shuttleworth. I dont think we would have. Be that as it may, Business Partners have built up some expertise in certain industries such as fishing. They have mentors, but these are expensive at about R1 000 per day. They are willing to look at your business plan, but have your collateral ready, lots of it. Contract Partner, a newish product to finance business people who have won a tender, is perhaps worthwhile looking at. Contact 011 480 8700. FNB Progress Fund: Reach: National Loan products: Equity and debt. Loan size: R100 000 to R5 million Specific industry focus: Business owners who have secured lengthy contracts with the private sector or government. (careful, contractors have a building industry connotation)Requirements: Aims to invest between in viable black youthempowered companies (owners between the ages of 18-35) who have secured significant medium to long term contracts with government. Performance: Since launching in March 2003 the fund had handed out 12 loans to the total of R10,7 million by May 2004. Contact: (011) 371 5579. Industrial Devlopment Corporation (IDC): Spread: National Loan products: Equity, bridging finance and term loans. Loan size: From R500 000 upwards. Specific industry focus: Has 12 business units specializing in sectors which include chemicals, agri-business, tourism and retail as well as the wood and paper. Requirements: Loans are usually granted to sizeable projects which will yield exceptable profits. Bridging finance is not aimed at construction. Performance: Currently the IDC is assisting about 3 200 small and medium business. Contact: 011-269 3000. Khethani Business Finance: Spread: Within the Metropoles of Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. Loan products: Working Capital and bridging finance. Loan size: Up to R200 000. Specific industry focus: None Requirements: Must be operational for at least one year and must be able to cover 30% of loan with own collateral. Performance: The Gauteng office, has so far granted 316 loans since its inception in 1998. Contact: (011) 781 7224. Khethani Business Finance: Loans from R10 000 to R250 000 to businesses one year or older. Contact (011) 832 3222. National Empowerment Fund: Spread: National Loan Products: Straight loan or equity finance. Loan size: R250 000 to R10 million. Specific industry focus: None, but does not finance property development and start-up mining. Requirements: Aimed at black business owner looking to expand their business, start-up a new firm or buy into an existing company. Performance: Poor. The fund was launched in 2001. After being largely dormant and struggling with internal problems, it relaunched in May 2004. Contact: (011)731 9000 New Business Finance: Reach: Cape Metropole and Gauteng. Loan products: Working Capital, bridging finance and micro loans. Loan size: R1 000 to R250 000. Specific industry focus: None. Requirements: None, other than a solid business plan and cash flow projection. Performance: Dispersed some R30 million in loans since their inception in 1998. Contact: (021) 671 6263. New Business Finance (NBF): Asset finance, working capital, tender and contract finance from R1 000 to R250 000 to start-ups, expanding businesses not fulfilling banking criteria. Closes 18 December, resumes 03 January. Contact (011) 832 1100. Sizanani Advisory Services: Help to get finance from banks and other financial hubs. 12- month aftercare and assistance with business plans. Contact (011) 838 1571. Tendering and Tender Advice Centres TradeWorld: Information on tenders and business opportunities to subscribers for R534 per month. Get latest provincial tenders and business opportunities by fax or email. Contact (011) 602 7300. Umsobomvu Youth Fund: Government fund for young entrepreneurs. Runs Progress Fund with First National Bank and Momentum. Contact (011) 836 9000. Standard Bank Despite the recent dip in Standard Banks use of Khula guarantees, the bank remains the pioneer in developing services for small businesses in South Africa, such as their SME Card, and more recent developments such as their AutoCash machines, of which there are 20 country-wide, where small business owners can make bulk cash deposits without having to wait for the bank to open. As the biggest bank in the country, they have a massive infrastructure with a wide range of services, which includes solid internet banking. Contact 011 636 9112 Eastern Cape: BFPA (Business Finance Promotion Agency): Reach: Nelson Mandela Metropole.Loan products: Working Capital and bridging finance. Loan size: R6 000 to R150 000. Specific industry focus: None. Requirements: Operational for at least one year and you must be able to cover 20% loan. Performance: Handed out 47 loans in the 2002/2003 year at an average size of just under R38 000. Contact: (041) 487 0190. Free State: FDC (The Free State Development Corporation): Spread: Free State. Loan products: Working Capital, equity and bridging finance. Loan size: R5 000 and no ceiling Specific industry focus: Manufacturing, petro-chemical downstream, franchises and service industry. Requirements: Business owner must cover collateral of 65% and come with 10% of own contribution. Performance: Have assisted more than 6 000 small businesses since 1995.Contact: (051) 400 0800. Gauteng: Artpac Lending Services: Reach: Gauteng. Loan products: Provides small contractors with loans of between to assist them in buying materials needed for projects and for them to meet their overheads. Loan size: R1 000 and R100 000. Specific industry focus: Small contractors of construction. Requirements: No specific one, but viability and experience of business owner is looked at. Performance: In 2003 Artpac handed out 250 loans. Contact: (011) 838 5137. Basani Business Development Services: Reach: Gauteng. Loan products: Working capital and bridging finance.Loan size: R6 000 to R40 000. Specific industry focus: None. Requirements: Businesses have to be in operation for six months or longer. Performance: In the 2001/2002 loan year Basani handed out 46 loans. But in 2002/2003 they experienced an increase of over 10% in loans handed out when the BusinessOwner spoke to the organisation. Contact: (011) 333 3831. Basani Business Development Services: Offers finance of between R6 000 and R40 000 for businesses owners in existence for longer than 6 months. Contact (011) 333 3831. Kwazulu-Natal: Ithala Development Finance Corporation: Reach: Kwazulu-Natal Loan products: Working capital, bridging finance, building loans, plant and equipment finance, export finance and empowerment equity capital. Loan size: Up to R5 million. Specific industry focus: All except transport. Requirements: None, but business owners do need to put down collateral, this varies. Performance: In 2002 they granted 151 loans to business owners, with an average size of R87 000. Contact: (031) 907 8911. Mpumalanga: Mpumalanga Economic Empowerment Corporation (MEEC): Reach: Mpumalanga Loan products: Bridging finance, medium loans to assist with working capital and long term loans of up to 10 years. Loan size: R10 000 to R10 million Specific industry focus: Mining, manufacturing, agro-industries, tourism and service and retail. Requirements: Collateral and various security agreements are decided with MEEC. Start-ups need at least 10% collateral. Contact: (013) 933 3421. Western Cape: Casidra: Reach: Western Cape rural and Metropole. Loan products: Bridging finance, equity finance and co-operative finance. Loan size: R10 000 to R160 000 Specific industry focus: None. Requirements: Casidra doesn't require 100% security, but will take session on capital equipment purchased. Loans are not paid directly to the client, but rather to their supplier. Performance: Casidra have already dispersed finance to 18 businesses granted in three months in 2004. Contact: (021) 021-8635000 Isibane Capital Partners: Reach: Cape Metropole Loan products: Bridging finance. Loan size: R50 000 to R500 000. Specific industry focus: Contractors with government contracts. Requirements: Business plan and cash flow projection. Performance: By March 2003 after running for a year they became an official Khula RFI. By then they had dispersed 15 loans totalling R2,8 million. Contact: (021) 510 0382. Where to find Umsobumvu Youth Fund vouchers By: Staff writer Posted: Monday, 11 October 2004| © BusinessOwner 1997-2005 THE Umsobomvu voucher scheme has approved 11 allocating agents to service the nine provinces. The allocating agents are organisations that screen applicants for the vouchers, and then refer them to business development consultants where they can redeem their vouchers. The allocating agents are: *Open For Business (Gauteng) *Open For Business (Western Cape) *Thekwini Business Development Centre (Kwazulu-Natal) *Junior Achievement (Limpopo) *Pel Africa Mpumalanga (Nelspruit) *Mpumalanga Economic Empowerment Corporation *West Manufacturing Advice Centre (North West) *Maximiz (Free State) *Cenbis (Gauteng) *Kimberley Business Service Centre (Northern Cape) *Comsec (Eastern Cape). For more information, contact the Umsobomvu Youth Fund at (011) 651 7000 List of business services in Gauteng By: Staff writer Posted: Thursday, 07 April 2005| © BusinessOwner 1997-2005 BUSINESS owners looking for services ranging from finance to training can use the following fairly comprehensive list the has compiled for Gauteng owners on business services in the province. Before making any deals or settling with a service provider, it is advisable for business owners to shop around a bit. General Business support Cenbis: Tender advice, financial support, business plans, tendering and training. Four municipal help desks for the dispersal of Tshwane municipal tenders. Based in Centurion. Contact (012) 664 7275. Gautac: Gives tender advice, also acts as a business referral site and offers workshops on procurement and other business issues. Contact (011) 838 7226. Gauteng Provincial Government's Department of Public Works and Management Services: Has programs designed to help contractors in various stages of development. Contact (011) 403 4070. Gauteng Shared Service Centre: Replaces the old Gauteng Provincial Tender Board. They buy goods and services on behalf of the provincial government departments. Some 40% of the province's spend goes through the GSSC. Contact (011) 355 2000. Gauteng Enterprise Propeller: Business owners in Gauteng can access business support and finance through the provincial government's one-stop referral agency. The agency has offices in Ekhuruleni (011) 821 2370, Sedibeng (016) 910 1216 and Mogale (011) 950 9870. Contact the head office on (011) 833 2542 or visit Springs Business Linkage Centre: Assists emerging contractors with business skills. Facilitates linkages between corporate companies and emerging contractors in the Ekhurhuleni Eastern Region. Offers self-evaluation, developing business ideas, business plans, tenderin. Registration is R60. Contact (011) 362 6488. Enterprise SA: Pretoria-based support services and training in entrepreneurship, business management, accounting and book-keeping services. Contact (012) 338 0520. Business Opportunity Centre (BOC): Training, counseling, mentoring, business linkages, access to markets, free legal clinics every Friday. Offer two-day courses on tendering, pricing and costing throughout the year. R300 for commitment fee. Contact (011) 839 2750. Hemix: Helps businesses negotiate contracts and get finance after winning tenders. Offices in Pretoria and Johannesburg. Contact (012) 323 0220. Medunsa Organisation for Disabled Entrepreneurs (MODE): Business courses, workshops for disabled entrepreneurs plus a two-month trainings on how to start a business. Screening and selecting candidates for micro training to take place in January. Contact (011) 830 0231. Insedlu Business Companion: Helps business start-ups. Advises on registration, tax-compliance , council levies, bookkeeping, tax compliance and financial management. Contact (011) 832 1400 and (012) 323 0096. Sedibeng Training Centre: Business , technical-skills training in construction and engineering. Loans, support services and business management workshops for clients. Contact (016) 988 1350. Technical and Business Education initiative in South Africa (Tabeisa): Mentoring, free workshops and short courses in business mangement, bookkeeping, business plans, tendering and computer literacy. Funding up to R10 000. Contact (012) 703 6197. The Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (Thrip): Supports research and technology development by bringing together researchers, academics and industry Funds partnerships that enable business owners to improve the quality of their products, services. Contact (012) 481 4131. Tourism Enterprise Programme (TEP): Links tourism businesses to large companies. Assists business owners to get finance for tourism expos, marketing material, business opportunities and training. Contact (011) 804 5750. Training Centre for Business Education and Training: In Soshanguve. For existing businesses. Courses in financial and business management, marketing, sales and record keeping. Mentoring and business assessments. Contact (012) 799 2842. Damelin: Short and part-time business courses in business computing and business management. Eleven branches in Gauteng. Contact (011) 339 1966. University of Pretoria: Training for business owners and a certificate course in entrepreneurship and business management. Contact (012) 420 5015. Business Skills SA: Training in business management, costing, tendering and marketing. Trains advisors and offers franchise awareness campaigns. Contact (012) 349 1777. Incubators and Hubs Bodibeng Technology Incubator (BTI): Godisa-funded incubator. Assists in development of technology oriented businesses. Entrepreneurs in IT, communications and electronics can phone in, email or visit BTI to get assistance. BTI offers a wide range of services including limited office space, business development, training, strategy development, market analysis, coaching, mentoring. Contact (011) 695 4800. Softstart: Technology and business incubator at CSIR campus in Pretoria. Offers mentoring, product development and assists with obtaining finance. Contact (012) 349 2355. Raizcorp: Business incubation. Provide full-time mentors, accountants and other business support mechanisms. Contact (011) 802 7415. Information and Referrals The Business Place: Network and information centre for existing and emerging entrepreneurs. Functions as a centre where business owners receive help in starting or improving their businesses. Contact (011) 836 9000. Tradepoint: Pretoria-based electronic database which assists business owners with export opportunities and queries, and overseas trade missions. Contact (012) 337 4489. Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC): Initiavite of Guateng government. Provides funding between 6580% of support programme costs. Contact (012) 564 5300. Business Associations JCCI-Nafcoc: Business association that offers business courses, regular workshops and networking meetings for members. Internet, a business library and information center made available. Membership costs between R1 000 to R8 000 a year, depending on the size of the business. Contact (011) 726 5300. Ekurhuleni Chamber of Business: Business linkage centre offering business training. Helps place businesses like suppliers with corporates. Library has trade and business directories and information about BEE import and export. Depending on size, businesses pay between R500 and R5 000 to become members. Contact (011) 873 9920. Kyalami Chamber of Commerce: Members can access association's labour consultants, business library with trade and business directories and government gazettes. They have monthly seminars and are planning to run training courses. Contact (011) 453 1530. Midrand Chamber of Commerce: Offers monthly half-day seminars on business issues such as demystifying BEE as well as on marketing, finance and human resources. Nominal workshop fee of R50 to R250 for members. Contact (011) 315 1063. Pretoria Chamber of Commerce:The chamber offers a full library and has regular networking sessions for members and potential members as well as free monthly half-day seminars. Membership starts at R900, reduced fees at R300. Contact (012) 342 3236. Comprehensive directory of national small business services By: Barrie Terblanche Posted: Thursday, 07 April 2005| © BusinessOwner 1997-2005 Absa: The bank presently hands out the most Khula bank guarantees to small business and is probably your biggest chance of getting a bank loan approved. (011) 350 4000. Black Management Forum: Business training and networking. (011) 784 4407. Black Business Supplier Development Programme (BBSDP): Helps black-owned businesses tro become more competitive. 086 1843 384 Business Beat: Assists small business owners with advice, mentoring, bookkeeping and company registration. (021) 448 9075. Business Partners: Provides equity and bridging finance as well as mentoring for viable businesses. (011) 470 8700. Business Referal and Information Network (BRAIN): Up-to-date information for business owners on everything from guidelines on starting a small business, to where to find finance, locate news on tenders and how to find out about more on drawing up a business plan. (012) 349 0100. Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO): To register your company, CC, trademark or patent you need to contact Cipro. 0861 843 384. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR): Assists business owners who want to improve on or development a product with market-related research and product testing. (012) 841 2911. DTI's customer contact number: For general DTI queries, assistance and information. 0861 843 384. Enterprize Competition: An annual national competition which runs over a few months and goes through various stages before the finalists are announced. Those whose business ideas are selected will receive intensive business training. (011) 482 9697. Export Market Investment Assistance (Emia): Provides funding to small business exporters and focuses on assisting business owners with trade missions and attending exhibitions, but also provides funding to things like marketing, patent registration and export readiness training. 0861 843 384. Fasa: The Franchising Association of South Africa requires member franchises to subscribe to a set of rules. It's usually a good sign if the franchise you want to buy belongs to FASA. (011) 484 1285. Franchise Advice and Information Network (FRAIN): A web-based information and support services connected with aspects on franchising such as what franchises are available, how to franchise, as well as the financial and legal implications attached to franchising. (012) 349 0100. Industrial Development Corporation (IDC): Business owners who have a turnover of at least R1million and who have secured contracts (except for the construction sector) but require large amounts of short-term capital to fund a project, can request the IDC's bridging finance. (011) 269 3000. Khethani Business Finance: A non-profit organisation who assist with finance small businesses whose loan applications would normally be turned down by the banks. (011) 781 7224. Khula Enterprise: Business owners who struggle to get bank loans because they lack collateral can approach the DTI's small business finance organisation for Khula-guaranteed bank loans. These include amongst others; the Individual Guarantee Scheme which is available through the banks to small business owners who want loans of R1m or less but have no collateral and the Emerging Entrepreneur Scheme which lends to SMMEs with less than R2 million. (012) 394 5560. Nafcoc: The National African Federated Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of black business and provides networking and lobbying for small business members. (011) 268 2800. National Empowerment Fund (NEF): Provides acquisition funding and venture capital in support of black empowerment from R200 000 upwards. (011) 772 8000. National Productiviy Institute (NPI): A non-governmental organization which has various subsidized programmes and solutions for small business owners looking to increase their productivity.(012) 341 1470Nexus Financial Solutions: A Sanlam one-stop business website and call centre for businesses in operation for longer than two years, which refers owners to various services ranging from legal issues to tax and financial assistance. 086 0100 539. NMCP: The Netherlands Management Co-operation Program is a Dutch support program which jets retired busines consultants to your business and you need only cover only their accommodation expenses. They also assist with loans, equipment and development funds. (021) 951 6852. Old Mutual small retailer consulting services: Old Mutual Properties have since last year introduced a support service to small retailers in all of their owned-malls, to help train and mentor for them to become more competitive. (021) 424 5280. Progress Fund: Provides loans and equity finance to businesses owned by young previously disadvantaged people between 18 and 35 years. (011) 371 6679. Proudly South African: A branding campaign to promote SA products through the carrying of the Proudly SA logo which business owners can place on their products for a cost of 0.1% of the sales their product. (011) 327-7778. PSOM: The Dutch Program for Cooperation with Emerging Markets was last year offficially launched in South Africa to assist small business owners with Dutch-SA partnership opportunities. It covers half of all the linkage costs. (012) 939 9447. SAB Kickstart: Am annual national competition organized and sponsored by SAB-Miller which has been running for eight years now. Business owners and entreprenuers who enter the competition are also enrolled in a Kickstart training programme. (021) 658 7395. SABS: The SA Bureau of Standards assists small business with accreditation of products and services with a 50% subsidy. (012) 428 6110. Sacob: The South African Chamber of Business for networking, website services, lobbying and business information. (011) 446 3800. Sars: The South African African Revenue Service. (011) 374 8000. Seda: Small Enterprise Development Agency - the government's agency for business support. Fund the Manufacturing Advice Centres (Mac) programme where manufacturers and businesses in select business sectors can get up to 90% of their business support intervention sponsored. Also funds local business support centres and tender advice centres. 0860 103703 Small and Medium Enterprise Development Programme (SMEDP): Provides grants to small businesses in manufacturing, tourism, agro-processing, IT, arts and crafts, aqua culture and high value agricultures who require training or land, machinery or buildings for expanding existing projects or starting up new ones. 086 1843 384 Sector Partnership Fund: Assists groups of small business owners and micro entrepreneurs manufacturing, IT and agro-processing sectors with grants to link up and pool resources in order to meet a tender which otherwise may be too big for them to go alone. 086 1843 384 Sizanani: Arrange guarantees for small businesses with little or no collateral, while providing mentoring services to go hand-in-hand with the bank guarantees. 086 133 3000 Small Business Project: Assists small businesses through their Linkage Programme with link-ups and joint ventures with corporates. (011) 484 4666. SMME Africa: An annual Africa-wide competition which honours top African business owner nominees in various categories. It was held for the first time in 2003 and is organized by the Centre for Investment Analysis at the Unversity of Stellenbosch. (021) 918 4258. Softstart: A Gauteng-based technology hub which is situated inside the CSIR campus. The incubator also assists tech businesses outside the province and offers mentoring, product-development, finance referral and business plan assistance. (012) 349 2355. South Africa International Business Linkages (Saibl): An American government-sponsored fund which aims to assist historically-disadvantaged South African small businesses to grow through funding as well as linking them up with trade and investment partnerships both in the country and abroad. (011) 802 0015. Standard Bank: For many years the leader in small business development and has a huge range of products and services for the business owner. (011) 636 9112. Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII): An innovation support programme that currently provides grants to small business for new product and process development and is funded by the DTI and administered by the IDC. (011) 269 3000. Swedish-South African Business Fund: A Swedish fund which aims to support historically disadvantaged SA small businesses and provide them with linkages and joint ventures with Swedish firms. The fund contributes 50% of external costs such as travel and setting up an alliance. (011) 784 8087. Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (Thrip): Managed under the National Research Foundation (NRF), Thrip provides incentive funding for research and technological advancement of a firm to a business owner. (012) 481 4078. Technology for Women in Business (TWIB): Has various technology advice programs and training opportunities aimed specifically at women who want to expand and enhance their business through the use of computers, science and the latest equipment. (012) 841 4983. Tender Advice Centres (TACs): Assist business owner with securing government tenders and are also a good place to access business training and financial assistance. On top of this most of their services free or at least highly subsidised. 0860 103703 Tradeworld: Tender information and business opportunities daily via fax or email. (011) 507 0900. Umsobumvu Youth Fund: Young entrepreneuers between 18 and 35 can get various business services subsidized through the Umsobumvu Youth Fund's voucher programme. (011) 480 8700. Umsobomvu Franchise Fund: A fund managed by Business Partners and Umsobumvu YF and aimed at youth, 18-35, in the franchising industry. (011) 480 8700. Upstarts: A technological incubator, started by Mark Shuttleworth, which provides funding and assistance to technological small businesses across the country. Though based in Cape Town it can act as a 'virtual hub' to businesses across the country. (021) 970 1500. Zimele Trust: Provides funding through loan and equity finance to junior mining companies. (011) 638 3001. New hope as NEF fund shows signs of life By: Stephen Timm Posted: Friday, 18 February 2005| © BusinessOwner 1997-2005 BUSINESS owners would be forgiven for believing that there was nothing going on in the National Empowerment Fund (NEF), the fund set up to assist black business owners with expansion and start-up capital. After its CEO was booted out in early 2004 for failing to disburse more than a single loan in three years and the fund relaunched in May 2004, its replacement head, Sidney Maree, was suspended and later resigned amidst allegations of misappropriation of funds. To date the Fund has received over 1 000 applications for finance and assisted eight businesses, with between R650 000 and R4.9 million in equity and loans. The NEF, which falls under the Department of Trade and Industry and is financed from the National Treasury, invests amounts of between R250 000 to R10 million in a mixture of a straight loan and equity financing to black business owners looking to expand their business, start up a new company and buy into or out of an existing company. The NEF invests in a business for between three and 10 years and a minority equity in the business. The Fund does not finance property development and start-up mining. The Fund was started in 1998 with the passing of the National Empowerment Act, but only started operating in 2001. Between 2001 and 2004 just one loan was dispersed, to Clickright. Pansy Jali, NEF's public relations officer, explains that this was because the NEF had not received the necessary funds needed to capitalise it. She points out that there are three types of loans that a business owner can access that form part of the Fund's Enterprise Support product: • The Generator This lends between R250 000 and R1 million to start-up companies or businesses that are at least a year old, but have not yet recorded a profit. The loan can for example be in the form of bridging finance, asset finance or finance to buy a franchise. The business owner applying for the finance must have at least 75% ownership in the company. • The Accelerator For business expansion of already established businesses. Lends between R1 million and R3 million. The business owner must have at least 51% ownership in the company. • Transformer For business owners looking to buy out of or into a business. The loan size ranges from R3 million to R10 million, but in exceptional cases may go as high as R20 million. The loan can be in the form of an empowerment venture. The black applicant must have at least a 26% ownership of the company. Although the fund is aimed exclusively at black business owners, white companies can also benefit in cases where they would like to have a black partner take a higher stake in their company. Jali says business owners looking for finance from the NEF will first need to get the two-page application form as well as a brochure. Applications can be posted or faxed to an applicant or downloaded from the fund's site Contact NEF on (011) 731 9000 or All applications to the Anglo Khula Mining Fund must be presented in the form a formal business plan, containing the following information: Reserve statement signed by a qualified geologist Details of the proposed drilling program to upgrade the reserve classification to proven and probable status if applicable Detailed mine plan, signed by a qualified mining engineer An assessment of the environmental impact of the proposed operations Detailed processing plan signed off by an engineer/metallurgist specialising in the appropriate mineral A detailed marketing plan supported by either sufficient market research or agreements with agents/off-take agreements with clients Details of the management team, including CVs indicating the qualifications of the individuals involved A detailed financial model reflecting the mine, processing and marketing plan on a monthly basis for the first three years of operations and annual cash flows for the life of the operations, inclusive of: o major economic assumptions o price assumptions o identification of major cost drivers o environmental liability provision o tax calculations, including Secondary Tax on Companies o working capital movements o financing assumptions Strategic plan of the company, including a proposed exit strategy for the Fund and future fund raising ideas Details regarding the corporate structure of the company For further information, please contact Anglo Zimele: Telephone: +27 (0)11 638 4172 Fax: +27 (0)11 638 8543 Email: Please address any written correspondence to: Anglo Zimele Empowerment Initiative PO Box 61587 Marshalltown 2107 South Africa For media queries only, please contact Frog Communications: Telephone: +27 (0)11 894 1901 Fax: +27 (0)86 671 3853 Email: Taken from The Small Enterprise Development agency ( website: Financing your business - Venture capital and equity funding Venture capital and equity funding Private equity is capital that is put into your business in return for a share of the profits and ownership of part of the business. Venture capital is a form of private equity that focuses on relatively high-risk businesses, in the expectation that the profits will be above average. Typically, a private equity or venture capital investor does not want permanent ownership of your business. They want to "exit" your business within five to seven years by selling the shares you gave them, and they want a return on investment of at least 35% per year. In other words, if they invest R1 million in your business, they want to get at least R2,75 million when they sell their shares in five years' time. Not many small businesses have the growth potential to appeal to these kinds of financiers, but it is always worth enquiring to see if your idea ignites the imagination of others. South Africa does not have a very well-developed network of venture funders, but the list below will give you a starting point. For a more detailed discussion of this kind of finance option, read the factsheet called Sources of finance: Private equity and venture capital Selected South African links SA Venture Capital and Private Equity Association - SAVCA SAVCA publishes a directory of members and their investment preferences. They can be contacted at: SAVCA PostNet Suite #88 P/Bag X1 Northcliff, 2115 Tel: (011) 646 4288 Cell: 082 462 3148 Fax: (011) 646 2811 Wesgro Wesgro is the agency established under provincial law to promote foreign trade and investment into the Western Cape. They publish a national directory of organisations providing venture capital, and can be contacted at: PO Box 1678 Cape Town 8000 Tel: (021) 402 8622 Fax: (021) 402 8660 Cape Information Technology Initiative - CITI The CITI database offers companies and people an opportunity to list themselves as seekers or providers of capital. Zimele Investments (Pty) Ltd An Anglo American initiative. Zimele is the enterprise development and empowerment initiative of Anglo American. In line with Anglo American's commitment to South Africa's socio-economic growth, Zimele concentrates on the establishment and promotion of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Zimele, derived from Zulu and Xhosa meaning "to be independent", invests in the enterprises through its investment fund and holds minority stakes of up to 20%. SBP Private Equity Investments (Pty) Ltd The Small Business Project (SBP) strives to tackle the critical issues of local economic development and employment creation through the growth of vibrant small and medium enterprise sector in South Africa. Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) The IDC is a self-financing state-owned development finance institution whose primary objectives are to contribute to the generation of balanced sustainable economic growth in southern Africa and to further the economic empowerment of the South African population, thereby promoting the economic prosperity of all citizens. The IDC achieves this by promoting entrepreneurship through the building of competitive industries and enterprises based on sound business principles. HBDVC - Venture Capital HBD is a full-service venture capital company investing in innovative technology projects that are based in South Africa but have a global reach. ExportCapital Exportcapital is a fund management firm dedicated to helping outstanding entrepreneurs build categorydefining export projects. They are mandated by the South African export development fund to invest approximately R220 million in projects that will enhance South African exports. the SAEDF is a closed fund - meaning that all proceeds from our investments return to the fund, which is governed by a board of trustees where the department of trade and industry is represented. Triumph Venture Capital A South African venture capital company that facilitates sustainable and innovation-driven growth within sub-saharan Africa by investing financial and human capital in businesses with international expansion potential. Financing your business Financing: Raising the money you need to start a business Financing: Starting without money Sources of finance: Borrowing money from friends or family Sources of finance: Using your own money Sources of finance: Banks Sources of finance: Private Equity Sources of finance: Where and how do I find finance for my business? Sources of finance: Private Equity o o o o o o o o o o o Introduction Private equity and venture capital in South Africa So should you even bother with private equity or venture capital? Advantages and disadvantages of private equity What do private equity companies look for? Obtaining private equity Professional support you may need Sources of private equity Professional private equity practitioner Points to remember Useful contacts Introduction Private equity is capital that is put into a new or growing business in return for part-ownership of the business and a share of the profits. Typically, a private equity or venture capital investor does not want permanent ownership of your business. They want to "exit" your business within five to seven years by selling the shares you gave them, and they want a return on investment of at least 35% per year. In other words, if they invest R1 million in your business, they want to get at least R2,75 million when they sell their shares in five years' time. Venture capital is a form of private equity that focuses on relatively high-risk businesses, in the expectation that the profits will be above average. Private equity is usually attracted by businesses demonstrating the prospect of rapid growth, often through some kind of product innovation. For most small to medium-sized businesses, such funding goes hand-in-hand with changes of a fundamental nature. A business has to become a separate legal entity from its owners if people other than partners are to invest in it. To issue shares, a business needs to be registered as a limited company. The potential rewards are great, but small business owners must be prepared to make the sacrifices that go with reporting to outside investors and delegating to a larger management team. Private equity and venture capital in South Africa Private equity and venture capital in South Africa In South Africa, private equity fund managers are very conservative. The investors are usually banks or funds owned by families or individual entrepreneurs who have made it big in the past. Because of the low levels of trust in South Africa and, until recently, pessimism about the economic future of South Africa - only about R2 billion of the R8 billion available for private equity investment was actually put to use. And then it was only used for very safe deals, such as corporate buy-outs and mergers. The fund managers are scared stiff of investing in small businesses. Venture capital funds overseas generally take the following approach: out of every ten investments they make, six will probably fail, three will "break even" (won't fail, but won't make a killing either), and one will make a lot of money for the venture capitalist. South African venture capitalists don't have the stomach for such a model and rather tend to play it very safe. Recently, private equity is being used increasingly to fund BEE deals, when white owners want to sell part of their businesses to black entrepreneurs. This has yet to filter down to smaller businesses. So should you even bother with private equity or venture capital? It depends. If you have a fantastic concept or a business that you just know is going to grow enormously, and you have an above-average knack for convincing other people of this, then it may be worth a try when the time is right. You will need to have some proof of your potential success. In other words, you will need to have a formal business that is profitable already. Or, if you are not yet in business, you would need to hold a patent of an amazing invention, and you will need an impressive CV reflecting above-average entrepreneurial and management abilities. Increasingly, black entrepreneurs may find private equity investors willing to buy a stake in a white business on their behalf, and the black entrepreneur can then slowly buy the stake from the private equity fund through the dividends earned. This is, of course, also an opportunity for white business owners who are looking for a black partner. If you do apply for private equity finance, don't get your hopes up. Some funds investigate about a dozen possible deals a year, and then only invest in one. Advantages and disadvantages of private equity Advantages Disadvantages You won't need to pay any interest, as you would with a loan. Your business will be expected to generate substantial profits, so that equity partners earn good dividends on a regular basis. Your private equity partners could bring new networks, useful contacts and management assistance. You will be required to regularly generate detailed information on your business's performance and prospects. The involvement of the private equity in your The cost of complying with financial regulations can business usually makes it easier to get other forms of be high. finance, should you need it. It focuses your business's objectives and ensures structure, discipline and a stable base for strategic decision-making. It requires you to give up a share of the business, and to share decision-making and profits. The capital injected strengthens your balance sheet and reduces the gearing (the proportion of debt relative to equity). The demand for high returns may introduce the danger of short-term thinking. What do private equity companies look for? Return on investment - usually at least 35 per cent internal rate of return; People with vision, self-confidence, drive and energy, with aspirations to grow the business; A clear team leader and team with complementary expertise, such as management, marketing and finance; Market knowledge, a growing market, or an innovative product; A product or service with a competitive edge or unique selling point; and An exit route, that is, a chance to sell the shares within five to seven years, either back to the business itself, to another investor, or to the public by a listing on a stock exchange. Obtaining private equity A clear and comprehensive business plan needs to be presented. This needs to sell the idea and the strategy. The plan must include: An executive summary; The product or service; The management team; Business operations; Financial projections; Marketing strategy; and The amount and purpose of finance required, as well as exit opportunities. Preparation is likely to be a long, drawn-out process requiring a lot of effort. It will be useful to produce an executive summary of the points covered in the business plan. It is important that you focus on private equity sources that meet the needs of your business. Investigation If the proposal is of interest, the private equity practitioner is likely to commission a more in-depth investigation upon which to base a final decision. The investor may commission a consultant to carry out an independent study. The private equity practitioners will start taking a close interest in the business. There will be frequent visits and the investor will expect management to be completely candid about the business's affairs. This is also a testing of relations from both points of view. Equity investments are frequently a partnership where mutual trust and respect is essential. Negotiating the investment Should the investigations prove fruitful, the investor will aim to close the deal as a written legal agreement. This will extend into changes that might be necessary in terms of the company structure. This is clearly a critical phase where good professional support is essential. Monitoring performance It is crucial that the business can provide regular and up-to-date information to the investor. This will include monthly management accounts, minutes of board meetings, notification of major management decisions, etc. Professional support you may need Fund raising via a share issue is governed by strict regulations and professional advice will always be required. Some investments will be governed by financial regulations, so the advice of a lawyer and an accountant will usually be needed. Lawyer A lawyer can advise the business on its position and rights when negotiating the legal agreement for the investment. The business will also need to comply with the law if its legal status is changing. Accountant The various funding packages available can be complicated and independent financial advice may be necessary to evaluate the options. New accounting systems may need to be introduced to ensure the investor can monitor performance. Business adviser Many new businesses have used experienced business advisers to help them put a growth funding package together. Such advisers have contacts in a variety of funding organisations which allows them to help the small business to negotiate an interdependent funding package comprising grants and loans as well as equity. Such support will also give the investor added confidence. Sources of private equity Some private equity funds will consider start-up propositions, innovative products at an early stage in their development, or they might specialise in a particular industry. Others finance the expansion of rapidly growing businesses or management buy-outs. It is important to target the right source of private equity for the requirements of the business. For instance, one of the most active sources of private equity in South Africa is Business Partners (previously the Small Business Development Corporation). They offer: Free initial evaluation of your proposal; Free initial consultation on your options for developing your business; Independent strategic advice; Risk capital, focused on the growth of your business; Finance for restructuring of family ownership, divisional spin-offs, management buy-outs and management buy-ins; Listing your enterprise on a stock exchange; Arrangement of trade sales; and Assistance with mergers and acquisitions. Talk to the SA Venture Capital and Private Equity Association for details of their members and what they offer. Professional private equity practitioner Whatever route the business takes, the funding source will frequently operate through an intermediary, normally an experienced private equity company. This allows the investor to benefit from the experience of the private equity practitioner in making the investment decision. The private equity company may also represent the investor on the board and/or provide financial and management consultancy support to the business. Points to remember It is important to assess whether private equity is suitable for the business. Other sources of finance should also be explored (such as grants, loans and factoring). A private equity practitioner could be a major help with international contacts and experience. Before approaching private equity sources, be clear about how much private equity you need and what it will be used for. Most funds specialise and have minimum and maximum investment levels. Raising capital takes time, effort and money. Don't expect (or worse, rely on) any quick decisions. Useful contacts Business Partners: seda: Venture capital: The South African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association: full members (read along with: “Venture Capital Funding Preferances.pdf”): Company Contact Person Address Contact Information ABSA Capital Private Equity Mr. Wouter Viljoen 15 Alice Lane Sandton South Africa 2196 P O Box x10056 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 895 6000/ 895 6896 Fax: + 27 11 895 7812 m ABSA Corporate & Business Bank a division of ABSA Bank Mr. Robert Bezuidenhout 7th Floor, 11 Diagonal Street Newtown, Johannesburg 2001 P O Box 1169 Johannesburg South Africa 2000 Tel: + 27 11 556 6000 Fax: + 27 11 556 6900 Actis Mr Patrick Helson 1st Floor, Cradock Heights 21 Cradock Avenue Rosebank 2196 P O Box 2396 Saxonwold 2132 Tel: (011) 778 5900 Fax: (011) 327 7407 Adlevo Capital Mr. Greg Voigt P O Box 783953 SANDTON Johannesburg 2146 Building 2, Commerce Square 39 Rivonia Road Sandton. South Africa 2196 Tel: +27 11 502 6940 Fax: + 27 11 502 6940 Alpha Capital (Pty) Ltd Mr. Patrick HamiltonRussell 5th Floor, The Terraces 25 Protea Road, Claremont Cape Town 7708 5th Floor, The Terraces 25 Protea Road Claremont, Cape Town 7708 Tel: +27 21 683 1354 Fax: +27 21 683 1396 AMB Private Equity Partners (Pty) Mr Zenzo Lusengo 135 Daisy Street Sandown Tel: +27 11 666 7300 Fax: +27 11 666 7325 Limited South Africa P O Box 786833 Sandton Johannesburg 2146 Aureos SA Advisers Mr Ron den Besten 2nd Floor, Fountain Chambers Sandown Village Office Park Cor Maude St & Gwen Lane, Sandton 2196 Suite #209 Private Bag X9916 Sandton 2146 Tel: +27 11 884 2066 Fax: + 27 11 884 2067 Biotech Venture Partners (Pty) Ltd Dr Heather Sherwin 45 Roeland Square Roeland Street Cape Town 8001 Tel: 021 462 2152 Fax: 021 462 2096 Brait Private Equity Mr John Gnodde 9 Fricker Road Illovo Boulevard Illovo, Sandton 2196 P/Bag X1 Northlands Johannesburg 2116 Tel: +27 11 507 1000 Fax: +27 11 507 1001 Business Partners Limited Mr Nazeem Martin 5 Wellinton Road Parktown Johannesburg 2193 P O Box 4300 Johannesburg 2000 Tel: + 27 11 470 3000 Fax: + 27 11 470 3123 Capitalworks Equity Partners Mr. Chad Smart 24 Central Building, 3rd floor Cnr Gwen Lane & Fredman Drive Sandown, Sandton 2196 P O Box 653088 Benmore 2196 Tel: + 27 11 301 3000/1 Fax: + 27 11 883 5560 Capricorn Capital Partners Mr. Gavin Chadwick Capricorn House 32 Impala Road Chislehurston, Johannesburg 2196 P O Box 652090 Benmore Johannesburg 2010 Tel: +27 11 666-0700 Fax: +27 11 666 0702 Coast2Coast Investments Mr. Gary Shayne /Cris Dillon Unit C7, Westlake Square Westlake Cape Town 7945 Unit C7, Westlake Square Westlake Cape Town 7945 Tel: +27 021 701 2232 Fax: +27 021 701 3343 Collins Private Mr. Bruce 164 Springfield Road Tel: +27 31 208 6266 Equity Holdings P/L Chelius Morningside Durban 4001 P O Box 37139 Overport Durban 4067 Fax: +27 31 208 6014 Coronation Peotona Private Equity Mr. Andrew Hall First Floor, 3 Melrose Boulevard Melrose Arch, Johannesburg South Africa 2198 P O Box 652643 Benmore South Africa 2010 Tel: +27 11 328 8208 Fax: +27 11 566 5507 Decorum Capital Partners (Pty) Ltd Mr Neil Gardyne 37 Peter Place Bryanston 2191 P O Box 11708 Craighall 2027 Tel: 011 706 1442 Fax: 011 706 1593 Development Bank of Southern Africa Mr Emile du Toit 1258 Lever Road Headway Hill Midrand 1685 P O Box 1234 Halfway House Midrand 1685 Tel: +27 11 313 3935 Fax: +27 11 206 3935 Development Partners International LLP Mr. Eduardo GutierrezGarcia 28 Chelsea Wharf Lots Road LONDON, SW0 0QJ UK 28 Chelsea Wharf Lots Road LONDON, SW0 0QJ UK Tel: +44 (0) 207 349 5030 Fax: +44 (0) 207 349 2038 Enablis Financial Corporation SA (Pty) Ltd Mr Paul Lamontagne 1 Plein Street Darling Street Parkade Cape Town 8001 P.O. Box 2287 Cape Town 8000 Tel: + 27 21 422 0690 Fax: + 27 21 422 0744 Endeavour Private Equity (Pty) Ltd Mr. Jason Stokoe 3rd Floor, Waterview Park 2 Century Boulevard Century City, Cape Town 7441 P O Box 5674 Tyger Valley Cape Town 7536 Tel: + 27 21 552 0567 Fax: + 27 21 551 8005 Ethos Private Equity Ms Chelsea Wilkinson, Corporate Affairs 35 Fricker Road Illovo Sandton 2196 P O Box 9773 Johannesburg Tel: +27 11 328 7400 Fax: +27 11 328 7420 2000 Freetel Capital Mr. Enos Banda 82 Grayston Drive Sandton South Africa 2196 P O Box 413353 Craighall South Africa 2024 Tel: + 27 11 263 7900 Fax: + 27 11 263 7904 Glenhove Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd Mr Alun Frost Athol Ridge Office Park, Vunani House, Block C, 151 Katherine Street Sandton 2196 P O Box 72425 Parkview Johannesburg 2122 Tel: + 27 11 263 9500 Fax: + 27 11 784 3135 Global Capital (Pty) Ltd Mr Brett Boner 21 West Street Houghton Johannesburg 2198 P O Box 260362 Excom Johannesburg 2023 Tel: + 27 11 728 0255 Fax: + 27 11 728 8921 Hasso Plattner Venture Africa Advisory (Pty) Ltd Ms. Andrea Bohmert Unit C4, Octo Place, 5 Electron Street, Techno Park Stellenbosch 7600 P O Box 12011 Die Boord Stellenbosch 7613 Tel: +27 21 880 8740 Fax: +27 21 880 8741 HBD Venture Capital Ms. Julia Fourie, Mr. Keet van Zyl 12 Plein Street Durbanville Cape Town, South Africa 7551 P O Box 1159 Durbanville Cape Town, South Africa 7551 Tel: +27 21 970 1000 Fax: +27 21 970 1001 Horizon Equity Partners Mr Robert Horton Two Commerce Square 39 Rivonia Road Sandhurst, Sandton 2196 Suite 228, Private Bag X9 Benmore South Africa 2010 Tel: +27 11 502 6940 Fax: +27 11 268 2275 Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC) Dr Paul Johl 19 Fredman Drive Sandown Johannesburg 2196 P O Box 784055 Sandton Johannesburg 2146 Tel: +27 11 269 3000 Fax: +27 11 269 3116 Inspired Evolution Investment Management (Pty) Ltd Mr. Christopher Clarke Suite 10, 1st Floor Amdec House Silverwood Close, Steenberg Office Park TOKAI, Cape Town 7945 PostNet Suite #136 Private Bag X26 TOKAI, Cape Town 7966 Tel: +27 21 702 1290 Fax: +27 21 702 1483 Intel Capital Mr. Samuel Mensah Building 14 Woodlands Office Park Woodlands P O Box 1085 Gallo Manor South Africa 2052 Tel: +27 11 806 4530 Fax: + 27 11 806 4549 International Housing Solutions (Pty) Ltd Ms Soula Proxenos / Elize Stroebel 1st Floor, North Wing 269 Oxford Road, ILLOVO, South Africa 2196 1st Floor, North Wing 269 Oxford Road ILLOVO, South Africa 2196 Tel: +27 11 268 5166 Fax: +27 11 268 0566 m InVenfin (Pty) Ltd Ms Ronelle Cloete 25 Quantum Street Techno Park Stellenbosch, Cape Town 7600 P Box 456 Stellenbosch Cape Town 7599 Tel: +27 21 888 3355 Fax: + 27 21 880 1771 Investec Private Equity Ms Peta-Jane Grove 100 Grayston Drive Sandton Johannesburg 2196 P O Box 785700 Sandton Johannesburg 2146 Tel: +27 11 286 7341 Fax: + 27 11 286 7909 Kagiso Ventures Private Equity Fund Mr Afzal Patel Ground Floor, Kagiso House 16 Fricker Road, Illovo Boulevard Illovo, Johannesburg 2196 P O Box 55276 Northlands South Africa 2116 Tel: +27 11 537 0520 Fax: + 27 11 537 0530 Khula Enterprise Finance Ms Bettina Mokete 1 st Block G, DTI Campus 77 Meintjies Street Sunnyside 0020 P O Box 4197 Rivonia Johannesburg 2128 Tel: +27 12 394 3925 Fax: +27 12 394 4925 Kingdom Zephyr Africa Management Mr Panos Voutyritsas 1st Floor Unihold House 22 Hurlingham Road Tel: +27 11 268 6911 Fax: + 27 11 268 6917 Illovo, Sandton 2196 P O Box 55955 Northlands South Africa 2116 Leaf Capital (Pty) Ltd Mr. Paul LeafWright 28th Floor, 1 Thibault Square Long Streeet Cape Town, South Africa 8001 P O Box 3377 Cape Town South Africa 8000 Tel: +27(0)21 425 2295 Fax: +27(0) 21 421 3119 Lereko Metier Capital Growth Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd Mr. Anthony Hewat 2nd Floor, 5 Commerce Square 39 Rivinia Road, Sandhurst 2196 Private Bag X11 Northlands Johannesburg 2116 Tel: + 27 11 268 4055 Fax: + 27 11 268 4001 Lireas Holdings Ms Valerie Hayter P O Box 10842 Johannesburg South Africa 2000 Tel: (011) 481 6608 Fax: (011) 643 4245 Marlow Capital Mr. Andrew Hunt Capricorn House 32 Impala Road, Chislehurston Johannesburg, South Africa 2196 P O Box 652090 Benmore Johannesburg, South Africa 2010 Tel: +27 011 666 0700 Fax: 086 508 8266 Mecene Investment Mr. Wagane Diouf The Forum Building, 12th Floor 2 Maude Street Sandton 2146 The Forum building, 12th floor 2 Maude Street, Sandton, South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 784 0815 Fax: +27 11 784 3101 Medu Capital Mr.Nhlanganiso Mkwanazi 2 Fricker Road Illovo Sandton, South Africa 2196 PO Box 311 Melrose Arch South Africa 2076 Tel: +27 11 268 9140 Fax: +27 11 268 9145 Mezzanine Partners (Pty) Limited Mr. Phillip Myburgh 9 Fricker Road Illovo Boulevard ILLOVO, Johannesburg 2196 Private Bag X1 Northlands South Africa 2116 Tel: + 27 11 507 1080 Fax: + 27 11 507 1081 Molash Capital (Pty) Limited Mr. Eldon Beinart Augusta House, Inanda Greens Business Pa 54 Wierda Road West Wierda Valley, Sandtown 2196 Potnet Suite 166 Private Bag X9 BENMORE 2010 Tel: + 27 11 883 2897 Fax: + 27 11 883 9462 National Empowerment Fund Mr Frencel Gillion/Nhlanhla Nyembe West Block 187 Rivonia Road Morningside 2057 P O Box 31 Melrose Arch Melrose North 2076 Tel: (011) 305 8000 Fax: (011) 305 8001 Nedbank Capital Private Equity Mr Dave Stadler/Clive Howell 135 Rivonia Road Sandton South Africa 2196 P O Box 1144 Johannesburg South Africa 2000 Tel: +27 11 295 8316 Fax: +27 11 294 8316 OMIGSA aLTERNATIVE aSSETS Mr Mark Gevers Mutual Park Jan Smuts Drive Pinelands, Cape Town 7405 P O Box 878 Cape Town South Africa 8000 Tel: +27 21 509 3182/6869 Fax: +27 21 509 6484 Origin Private Equity Mr. Nico Oosthuizen Glenwood Office Park, Block A 41 Sprite Street Faerie Glen, Pretoria 0043 P O Box 38643 Faerie Glen Pretoria, South Africa 0043 Tel: +27 12 369 7360/1/2 Fax: +27 12 369 7373 Pamodzi Resources Fund Advisors Mr. Gerard Kemp Pamodzi House, 1st Floor, 5 Willowbrooke Close, Melrose North, Athol, South Africa 2076 Postnet Suite #404 Private Bag X1 Melrose Arch, South Africa 2076 Tel: +27 11 912 7525 Fax: +27 11 912 7529 Phatisa Advisors (Pty) Ltd Mr. Stuart Bradley Lidonga House, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue Unit 3, Burnside Island Craighall, Sandton 2196 P O Box 527 Gallo Manor Sandton, South Africa 2052 Tel: + 27 11 501 4806 Fax: + 27 11 501 4809 Public Investment Corporation Ms Claire Busetti cnr Oberon Ave & Glenwood Road Faerie Glen Pretoria, South Africa 0043 Private Bag X 187 Pretoria South Africa 0001 Tel: +27 12 369 3411 Fax: +27 12 348 5852 RMB Corvest (Pty) Ltd Mr. Neil Page 2nd Floor, Northern Block The Reserve, 54 Melville Road ILLOVO, South Africa 2196 P O Box 411024 Craighall South Africa 2024 Tel: +27 11 380 8300 Fax: +27 11 380 8310 RMB Leveraged Finance Mr John Mather 1 Merchant Place cnr Fredman Drive & Rivonia Road Sandton, South Africa 2196 P O Box 786273 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 282 4357/8000 Fax: +27 11 282 8109 RMB Private Equity Mr Derek ProutJones 1 Merchant Place Fredman Drive & Rivonia Road Sandton, South Africa 2196 P O Box 786273 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 282 1483 Fax: +27 11 282 8242 RMB Ventures SA Mr. Simon Murray 1 Merchant Place cor Fredman Drive & Rivonia Road Sandton, South Africa 2196 P O Box 786273 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 282 8475 Fax: +27 11 282 8242 Sabvest Mr C Seabrooke 4 Commerce Square 39 Rivonia Road Sandhurst 2196 P O Box 78677 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 268 2400 Fax: +27 11 268 2422 Sanlam Private Equity Mr. Pieter Kriel 55 Willie van Schoor Avenue Bellville Cape Town 7530 Private Bag X8 TygerValley Cape Town 7536 Tel: +27 21 950 2618 Fax: +27 21 950 2552 Sasfin Private Equity Fund Managers Mr Malcolm Segal 13-15 Scott Street Waverley Tel: (011) 445 8001 Fax: (011) 809 7726 (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg 2090 P O Box 95104 Grant Park Johannesburg 2051 Shanduka Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd Mr Raj Govender 18 Acacia Road cnr Protea & Acacia Roads Chislehurston, Sandton 2196 Postnet Suite 167 Private Bag X9924 Sandton 2146 Tel: +27 11 305 8900 Fax: + 27 11 305-8999/16 Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund Mr Rafique Symonette Rosewood House, Ballywood Office Park 33 Ballyclare Drive Bryanston, South Africa 2191 P O Box 2132 Saxonwold Johannesburg, South Africa 2132 Tel: +27 11 463 0903 Fax: + 27 11 463 0949 SP-Aktif Investments (Pty) Ltd Ms. Lynette Thomas Barinor South, Building A, Vineyards Office Estate 99 Jip de Jager Drive, Bellville, CT 7530 P O Box 3995 Tyger Valley Cape Town - South Africa 7536 Tel: +27 21 913 8950 Fax: +27 21 913 8954 Sphere Private Equity (Pty) Ltd Mr Aadil Carim Third floor, The Place 1 Sandton Drive Sandton, Johannesburg 2146 PO Box 55327 Northlands Johannesburg 2116 Tel: +27 (0)11 944 7800 Fax: +27 (0) 11 944 7801 Spirit Capital (Pty) Ltd Mr. Darryl Horney Ground Floor, DM Kisch House, Inanda Greens Business Park, 54 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton 2196 P O Box 41272 Craighall Johannesburg 2024 Tel: +27 11 784 1712 Fax: + 27 11 784 4755 Standard Bank Private Equity Mr. Ross Randall Standard Bank Centre 3 Simmonds Street Johannesburg 2001 P O Box 61344 Marshalltown Johannesburg 2107 Tel: +27 11 636 8022 Fax: +27 11 631 5400 http://www.corporateandinvestment.sta _equit Standard Chartered Mr. Marlon First Floor, Augusta House Tel: +27 11 217 6877 Principal Finance Chigwende Inanda Greens Business, Albertyn Road, Wierda Valley West,SANDTON 2196 P O Box 782080 SANDTON South Africa 2146 Fax: +27 11 217 6801 http://www.wholesalebanking.standardc The Median Fund (Pty) Ltd Mr. Rob Spaull 22 Kildare Road Newlands, Cape Town South Africa 7700 22 Kildare Road Newlands, Cape Town South Africa 7700 Tel: + 27 21 671 5480 Fax: +27 21 671 7063 Treacle Private Equity Mr R Pretorius Gleneagles,Fairway Office Park 52 Grosvenor Rd, Bryanston 2021 P O Box 911 Cramerview Johannesburg 2060 Tel: + 27 11 463 7476 Fax: + 27 11 463 1213 Trium Investments (Pty) Ltd Mr. Hagen Spath 381 Rossouw Street Murrayfield Pretoria, South Africa 0184 P O Box 71439 The Willows Pretoria, South Africa 0041 Tel: + 27 12 803 1039 Fax: + 27 12 803 3575 Triumph Venture Capital (Pty) Ltd Mr. Wellington Chandehumbe 1st Floor, Block A, La Rocca Office Park, 321 Main Road Bryanston 2021 Postnet Suite 11 Private Bag X1 Melrose Arch 2076 Tel: + 27 11 463 2054 Fax: + 27 11 463 2055 Umsobomvu Youth Fund Mr. Freddie Bruintjies Umsobomvu House 11 Broadwalk Anevue Halfway House, Midrand 1683 P.O. Box 982 Halfway House Midrand, South Africa 1685 Tel: +27 11 651 7000 Fax: + 27 11 651 7120 Vantage Risk Capital Mr. Luc Albinski Unit 9B, 1st Floor, 3 Melrose Boulevard Melrose Arch - JHB 2196 P O Box 280 Parklands South Africa 2121 Tel: +27 11 530 9100 Fax: +27 11 530 9101 VenFin Mr Gregory 25 Quantum Street Tel: +27 21 888 3200 Roberts-Baxter Techno Park Stellenbosch 7600 P O Box 456 Stellenbosch, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa 7599 Fax: +27 21 880 1338/1397 VPB (Venture Partners Botswana) Mr Anthony Siwawa First Block, Block B Fairground Office Park Gaberone, Botswana Private Bag 00304 Gaberone Botswana Tel: + 267 318 1012 Fax: + 267 318 1038 Vunani Private Equity Partners (Pty) Ltd Mr. Matthew Hunt 7 Kildare Centre cnr Wheelan & Main Road Newlands, Cape Town 7700 P.O. Box 2883 Cape Town South Africa 8000 Tel: + 27 21 671 8024 Fax: + 27 21 671 3322 Associate Members of SAVCA Company Contact Person Address Contact Information BDO Spencer Steward Services (Pty) Ltd Mr. James Boland 13 Wellington Road PARKTOWN Johannesburg 2193 Private Bag X60500 HOUGHTON Johannesburg 2041 Tel: + 27 11 488 1700 Fax: + 27 11 488 1701 Bowman Gilfillan Inc Mr. Ezra Davids 165 West Street Sandton South Africa 2196 P O Box 785812 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: + 27 11 669 9000 Fax: + 27 11 669 9001 Cape Venture Partners Mr David Murray Gatehouse Building Black River Park, 2 Fir Street Observatory, Cape Town 7450 P O Box 26160 Hout Bay Cape Town 7872 Tel: (021) 447 1887 Fax: 086 545 7076 Colela Group Investments (Pty) Ltd Dr. Ngozi M Awa 74 Cranebourne Avenue Benoni South Africa 1500 P O Box 13195 Northmead South Africa 1501 Tel: +27 11 425 6857 Fax: +27 11 425 6943 Deloitte Corporate Finance Mr. Sean McPhee Deloitte Place,The Woodlands, 20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, Sandton, South Africa Private Bag X6 Gallo Manor Johannesburg, South Africa 2052 Tel: +27 11 806 5613 Fax: +27 11 806 5666 Edward Nathan Sonnenberg Inc Mr. Sean Lederman 150 West Street Sandown Sandton 2196 P O Box 783347 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 269 7600 Fax: +27 11 269 7899 eFront Mr. Davis Bergonzo 2/4 rue Louis David 75116 Paris France 2/4 rue Louis David 75116 Paris France Tel: + 33 1 49 96 40 60 Fax: + 33 1 49 96 61 54 Ernst & Young Advisory Services Limited Mr. Garen Walkerley Wanderers Office Park 52 Corlett Drive ILLOVO 2196 Private Bag X14 Northlands South Africa 2116 Tel: + 27 11 772 3000 Fax: + 27 11 772 4000 European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association Mr J Echarri Bastion Tower Place du Champ de Mars 5 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: + 32 2 715 00 20 Fax: + 32 2 725 0704 Grant Thornton Ms Jeanette Hern 137 Daisy Street Sandown Santon, South Africa 2196 Private Bag X28 Benmore South Africa 2010 Tel: +27 11 322 4500 Fax: +27 11 322 4545 Imara Corporate Finance SA (Pty) Ltd Mr R MacLeod Imara House 257 Oxford Road Illovo, South Africa 2196 P O Box 701 Northlands, South Africa 2116 Tel: +27 (0)11 550 6000 Fax: +27 (0) 11 550 6040 Innovation Fund Ms Ela Romanowska National Research Foundation Meiring Naude Road Brummeria - Pretoria P.O. Box 2600 Pretoria South Africa Tel: 012 481 4216 Fax: 012 481 4242 0001 Investment Data Services Group (IDS) Mr. Stephen Gerber 5th Floor, Ovenstone 8 St Georges Mall Cape Town 8001 P O Box 24 Cape Town 8000 Tel: 021 402 1600 Fax: 021 421 1286 JSE Limited Mr Noah Greenhill One Exchange Square Gwen Lane Sandown 2416 Private Bag X991174 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: +27 11 520 7000 Fax: +27 11 520 8584 KPMG Mr. Warren Watkins 85 Empire Road Parktown Johannesburg 2193 P/Bag X9 Parkview Johannesburg 2122 Tel: + 27 11 647 7128 Fax: +27 11 647 6026 Marsh (Pty) Ltd Ms. Teri Solomon 4 Sandown Valley Crescent Sandton South Africa 2146 Brivate Bag X14 Benmore South Africa 2010 Tel: 011 506 5000 Fax: 011 506 5261 Monitor Group Mr. Christoph Andrykowsky 83 Central Street Houghton South Africa 2198 P O Box 784705 Sandton South Africa 2146 Tel: + 27 11 712 7517 Fax: +27 11 7012 7600 PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate Finance (Pty) Ltd Mr. Mike Krzychylkiewicz 2 Eglin Road Sunninghill Sandton 2157 Private Bag X36 Sunninghill Sandton 2157 Tel: + 27 11 797 4440 Fax: + 27 11 209 4405 Quickberry Mr. Andre Bresler Postnet Suite 219 Private Bag X1005 Claremont 7735 Tel: + 27 21 531 0516 Fax: 086 619 0362 Read Hope Phillips Attorneys Mr. PJ Hope 2nd Floor 30 Melrose Boulevard Melrose Arch, Melrose North 2196 P O Box 757 Tel: +27 11 344 7800 Fax: + 27 11 344 7850 Northlands South Africa 2116 RisCura Mr. Albrecht Gantz 5th Floor, Montclare Place cnr Campground & Main Road Clairemont 7735 P O Box 23983 Claremont Cape Town, South Africa 7735 Tel: +27 21 673 6999 Fax: +27 21 673 6998 Russellstone Madalane Private Equity Nhlanhla Madalane Monument Park, Office Park Block 1 cnr Steenbok & Elephant Avenue Monument Park, Pretoria 0105 P O Box 25752 Monument Park Pretoria 0105 Tel: + 27 12 482 6606 Fax: 086 604 7340 SJ Berwin LLP Mr Nigel van Zyl 10 Queen Street Place LONDON EC4R 1BE, UK 10 Queen Street Place LONDON EC4R 1BE, UK Tel: + 44 207 111 2222 Fax: + 44 207 111 2000 Spencer Stuart South Africa (Pty) Ltd Mr. Mpho Seboni 1st Floor, Yellowwood House Ballywoods Office Park 33 Ballyclare Drive, Bryanston 2021 P O Box 411430 Craighall South Africa 2024 Tel: + 27 11 557 5300 Fax: + 27 11 463 3371 Tactic Capital (Pty) Ltd Mr Gerbrand Bothma 3 Roux Avenue Bryanston South Africa 2021 P O Box 1394 Ferndale, Randburg South Africa 2160 Tel: +27 11 801 0960 Fax: +27 11 793 1225 The Blue Catalyst Network Mr Doug Vining 10th Floor, JSE Building 17 Diagonal Street Newtown 2001 P O Box 10420 Johannesburg South Africa 2000 Tel: +27 N/A Fax: +27 086 692 3613 Tryfinance Capital Mr. M Mosikatsana Suite F4, Building 27, 2nd Floor Thornhill Office Park, 94 Bekker Road Midrand, South Africa Tel: 088 124 0038 Fax: 086 565 2166 1685 P O Box 6560 HALFWAY HOUSE South Africa 1685 Vertical Capital Partners (Pty) Ltd Mr. Richard Doyle 17 Farrel Road Greenside, Johannesburg South Africa 2193 17 Farrel Road Greenside, Johannesburg South Africa 2193 Tel: + 27 11 646 9087 Fax: 0866 897 277 Webber Wentzel Mr J M Bellew 10 Fricker Road Illovo Johannesburg 2196 P O Box 61771 Marshalltown South Africa 2107 Tel: +27 11 530 5253 Fax: +27 11 530 5120 Willis South Africa (Pty) Ltd Mr. James Lay Willis House 5 Impala Road Chislehurston, Sandton 2196 P O Box 5509 NORTHLANDS Johannesburg 2116 Tel: + 27 11 535 5400 Fax: + 27 11 784 1610 Youth Like many developing countries, South Africa has a young population. Over 40% of the population aged between 14 and 35 years old. The unemployment rate among youth is higher than the national average about four out of every ten young people is out of work. In some provinces, like KwaZulu-Natal, almost half the youth are unemployed. There are also still major challenges for youth in terms of getting education and skills. Government is concerned about the impact of unemployment on South Africa's youth, and has targeted young people with assistance wherever possible in starting their own businesses. In particular, government wants to improve young people's level of education and provide entrepreneurship training and mentoring to those who have entrepreneurial aspirations. It is hoped that successful young entrepreneurs will be both job providers and sources of inspiration for other young people. The links below will provide you with information about organisations and initiatives that can help young people start and run their own businesses. National Youth Commission - NYC Important documents can be downloaded from this site such as the National Youth Development Policy and weekly news updates from their Communications Directorate on a variety of youth issues. Links to other useful sites are also on this site. The Nations Trust Youth Enterprise Foundation The Nations Trust is South Africa's only non-profit small business programme for youth. It offers small business loans to young entrepreneurs. Each business is mentored throughout the term of the loan to ensure their sustainability. The Nations Trust core objective is to support the establishment of 3000 youth entrepreneurs between 2001 - 2006. Youth Development Trust - YDT The aim of the Youth Development Trust is to build a strategic alliance with the youth sector. YDT’s strategies for strengthening the youth sector include technical assistance, promoting best practice, piloting innovative programme strategies for youth development, simulating employment for youth, and developing sustainable enterprise by young people. Its core areas of work are skills development and capacity building, research and development, marketing and advocacy and donor services. Umsobomvu Youth Fund Umsobomvu is a catalyst facilitating the creation of opportunities for youth employment and youth entrepreneurship by making investments that deliver effective programmes. Umsobomvu conceptualises and designs programmes and contracts suitable service providers for implementation. Business Partners Umsobomvu Franchise Fund The Business Partners Umsobomvu Franchise Fund is a public/private sector joint venture between Business Partners Limited and the Umsobomvu Youth Fund initiative of the national government. Business Partners was selected on the basis of the group's extensive knowledge of entrepreneurial enterprise in general, and of franchising in particular, to manage a franchising fund as part of the overall delivery of Umsobomvu funds to South African youth. Youth Development Network A network of seven youth development non-governmental organisations in South Africa. Eastern Cape African Chamber of Commerce. Youth Chamber (041) 466 7650 or 072 415 7637 Swiss-South African Co-operation Initiative A South African development-finance agency funded by Swiss and South African companies in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) aimed at promoting the social and economic development of South African youth. Kagiso Enterprises The Kagiso Trust is a leading non-governmental organisation devoted to the development of disadvantaged communities in South Africa. Under the guidance of its patrons and trustees, the Trust finances and manages grassroots projects aimed at empowering especially women, young people and the disabled. Kagiso Enterprises aims to promote (financially and strategically) viable small and emerging businesses, particularly black empowerment enterprises. Centre for Entrepreneurial and Enterprise Development (CEED) The Centre for Education and Enterprise Development (CEED) is a youth economic empowerment nonprofit organisation, registered as a Section 21 company. CEED empowers young people to play an economically active and productive role in soceity through provision of services such as dconomic development, adult education, computer and secreterial training and career services. Young Agribusiness Entrepreneurial Development Programme This is a programme of the National Emergent Red Meat Producers' Organisation (NERPO), in partnership with the Umsobomvu Youth Fund and other strategic partners. The aim of the programme is to help unemployed young agricultural graduates to enter the agri-business sector, to develop entrepreneurial skills among young people in agri-business, and to help youth to set up and develop their own agribusiness enterprises. NICRO's Economic Opportunities Project This project is run by the National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders (NICRO), and provides skills training and support services (non-financial support) to help those who want to start or improve their own small businesses. This includes exploring opportunities in the informal sector, entrepreneurial skills training workshops, and the establishment of business support groups. Ziphelele This Youth Project offers the following services: arts and crafts support business skills development Technical training. For more information contact: Shu-Aib Salie Centre Manager PO Box 24013, Claremont, 7735 Tel: 021 448 6761 Fax: 021 448 6759 This list was compiled by The P.A. from various sources including: websites as referred to in the document The DTI The IDC We thank these organizations for the use of said information! Foreign Representatives of International Organisations in the Republic of South Africa AFRICA PROJECT DEVELOPMENT FACILITY Johannesburg (Resident Mission in SA) Victoria Gate West Ground Floor Hyde Park Lane Hyde Park 2196 Postal Add: P O Box 411552 Craighall 2024 Tel: 011 325 0720/6 FaX: 011 325 0729 COMMONWEALTH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Johannesburg Werksmans Chambers 2 Girton Road Parktown 2193 Tel: 011 642 5163 Fax: 011 642 5020 COMMONWEALTH SECRETARIAT Johannesburg Development Adviser (South Africa) P O Box 542 Bruma 2198 Tel: 011 622 6972 Fax: 011 622 9928 GOETHE INSTITUT Johannesburg (German Cultural Centre) MSL House 17 Baker Street Rosebank 2196 Postal Add: P O Box 2036 Saxonwold 2132 Tel: 011 442 3232 Fax: 011 442 3738 FRENCH DEVELOPMENT BANK CAISSE FRANCAISE DE DEVELOPMENT CDF Johannesburg 3 Sandown Valley Crescent South Tower Sandton 2196 Postal Add: P O Box 786555 Sandton 2146 . Tel : 011 784 0956 Fax: 011 784 0957 INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (ICRC) Pretoria (Delegation) 794 Church Street Pretoria 0001 Postal Add: P O Box 29001 Sunryside 0132 T el: 012 43 7335/6/7 Fax: 012 43 4471 Telex: 32 0680 Durban (SubDelegation) Suite 3, Oslo Building 400 Frere Road Umbilo 4001 Tel: 031 206 1300/1 Fax: 031 25 1613 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (IFC) Johannesburg (Resident Mission in South Africa) Grosvenor Gate 1st Floor Hyde Park Lane Hyde Park 2196 Postal Add: P 0 Box 41283 Craighall 2024 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (lLO) Pretoria (Area Office) 5th Floor, Provisus Building 523 Church Street Pretoria 0002 Postal Add: P O Box 40254 Arcadia 0007 Tel: 012 341 2170 Fax: 012 341 2159 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) Pretoria 8th Floor, Masada Building cnr Paul Kruger & Proes Streets Pretoria 0002 Postal Add: P O Box 9305 Pretoria 0001 Tel: 012 323 7200 Fax: 012 323 7218 UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES (UNHCR) Pretoria 8th Floor, MetroPark Building 351 cnr Schoeman & Prinsloo Strs Pretoria 0002 Postal Add: P O Box 12506 Pretoria 0001 Tel: 012 322 0200 Fax: 012 322 0216 UNHCR REGIONAL PURCHASING UNIT Pretoria UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CHILDRENS EMERGENCY FUND (UNICEF) Pretoria 269 Van der Walt Street Praetor Forum Building Postal Add: P O Box 4884 Pretoria 0001 Tel: 012 320 7066/9 Fax: 012 320 4068 UNITED NATIONS PROGRAMME (UNDP) Pretoria 0002 Metropark Building 9th & 10th Floors 351 Schoeman Street Pretoria 0001 Postal Add: P O Box 6541 Pretoria 0001 Tel: 012 320 4360/7 Fax: 012 320 4353 DEVELOPMENT UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION (UNESCO) Pretoria 7th Floor Metro Park Building 351 Schoeman Street (cnr Prinsloo) Postal Add: P O Box 11667 Tramshed 0126 Tel: 012 320 1464/1465/1467 Fax: 012 342 9787 UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTRE Pretoria Metro Park Building 351 Schoeman Street Pretoria 0002 Postal Add: P O Box 12677 Tramshed 0126 Tel: 012 320 1111/0 Fax: 012 320 1122 WORLD BANK GROUP Johannesburg (Resident Mission in South Africa) First Floor, Grosvener Gate Hydepark Lane Hydepark 2196 Tel: 011 325 0560 Fax: 011 325 0515 WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION Pretoria 19th Floor, Civitas Building cnr Struben & Andries Streets Pretoria 0002 Postal Add: Private Bag X 828 Pretoria 0001 Tel: 012 312 0521/4 012 312 0526/8/30/31 Fax: 012 312 084460 OTHER CENTRE FOR SOUTH AFRICAN STUDIES OF THE CHINA INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Pretoria 972 Pretorius Street Arcadia 0083 T el: 012 342 4194 342 4244 Visas Fax: 012 342 4244 To contact the authors: T: 012 809 1164 / F: 012 809 1482