The information that you provide to Athabasca University is collected under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning
Act and the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Section 33(c). Your personal information is protected by the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and can be reviewed on request. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Research Centre, Athabasca University, 1
University Drive, Athabasca, Alberta, Canada T9S 3A3. Telephone: at (780) 675-6651 or Toll Free at: 1-800-788-9041 ext. 6651. All personal information in this application is protected by the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1997).
Under certain conditions, Athabasca University staff conducting research may be entitled to receive a Research Grant in
Lieu of Salary (RGLIS). The grant may be expended for all the purposes in support of the research, except for the salary of the principal investigator. The grant covers only approved research expenditures and is not intended to cover projects directed at teaching or the development of teaching (course development, professional development) or teaching-related skills.
Staff members applying for a Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) must be on an approved Research &
Study Leave (R&SL). A copy of the approved Research & Study Leave (R&SL) must be appended to this application.
The start and end dates of the research project must fall within the same calendar year. If the project spans two calendar years, it must be split into two projects and a second application must be made. In the case of term staff members, the start and end date of the project must fall within the employment terms.
Once the research grant has been awarded, the funds are no longer considered to be salary but constitute a research grant which is subject to the research related policies of the University and all applicable financial policies of the University.
Subsequent awards will be conditional upon receipt of satisfactory final or progress reports for the previous or existing grants.
Before entering information on this application form ensure you have read and understood the:
Canada Revenue Agency information, which clearly sets out revenue reporting requirements, as well as allowable expenses and restrictions on the total amount of funds that can be requested. Search for Research Grants under
Forms & Publications which is available online at
The research grant will be issued without any income tax withholdings; however it will be reported on a T4-A form.
The grant is subject to stringent tax regulations and the onus is on the employee to ensure employment income tax reporting and that the expenses incurred qualify as allowable deductions against the research grant. The employee is responsible for reporting to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
When considering tax deductible expenditures allowed under a Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS), the important issue to keep in mind is that the "primary purpose" of the research grant must be to carry out a research project. Refer to Canada Revenue Agency Interpretation Bulletin IT-75R4 paragraph 22 found online at
Research expenses are audited rigorously by the Canada
Revenue Agency, so whoever deducts research expenses on their tax returns needs to be diligent.
Athabasca University policies and guidelines:
1. Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) Policy available online at:
2. Research & Study Leave Policy available online at:
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Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) Application Form
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3. Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) Eligible Expenditures Guidelines available online at:
4. Hiring of Research Assistants Policy available online at:
5. Travel and Expense Claim Policy available online at:
Timelines for the competition are outlined below:
Step Dates
Submission of application Twice per year: April 1 & October 1
Announcement of results Normally, within 21 working days of application deadline
Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) applications must be reviewed/approved by the Academic Research
Committee (ARC).
Applications must be submitted electronically to the Academic Research Committee (ARC) Secretary, at
by the application date. If the deadline falls on a weekend or public holiday, the next working day applies.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible rather than waiting until the deadline date. (Note: Individual departments or centres may have additional internal procedures to be followed prior to the formal submission.)
Begin completing the application form by naming and saving the file to your computer
—this enables you to save as you advance through the document. To answer, point and “click” on the question then begin to type (or paste your answer from another document). Your answer will appear in the shaded area and the box will expand to accommodate the information a s you enter it. Small “x” selection boxes are activated by “clicking” your cursor on the appropriate box.
Be sure to answer all questions. Enter “n/a” in those boxes that are “not applicable”—do not leave a blank.
The description of the project should be 1000 to 3000 words. Proposals should include the following information:
1. Submission date: (original RGILS application) Month/Day/Year (example: February 1, 1999)
2. Re-submission date: (revised/resubmitted RGILS application)
(if applicable)
Month/Day/Year (example: February 1, 1999)
Not Applicable
If you have been requested to revise/resubmit your proposal, highlight ALL changes to the document by changing the font color from black to YELLOW.
1. Staff members applying for a RGILS must be on approved Research & Study Leave (RSL). Has your
Research & Study Leave (R&SL) been approved?
2. Name of principal researcher:
Yes No
(Attach a copy of your approved R&SL as an Appendix to the application.)
3. Name of principal researcher’s title/unit/department:
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Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) Application Form
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4. What is the total amount of the grant being requested? $
5. What month is the 1st installment to be received?
(Administration Department processes the grant with the regular month end pay)
(Month/Day/Year): (Example February 1, 1999)
Provide a project description 1-2 pages in length (single spaced) which addresses the following points. This description should specify whether funds requested are to support a discrete project or an ongoing program of research. The language of the description should communicate the significance of the project to an informed, but non-specialist, review panel.
(Month/Day/Year): (Example February 1, 1999)
1. What is the anticipated start date of the research project?
2. What is the anticipated completion date of the research project?
) (Must be on or before December 31st of current calendar year) (calendar year being January 1 st to December
31 st )
(Month/Day/Year): (Example February 1, 1999)
Note: The start and end dates of the research project must fall within the same calendar year. If the project spans two calendar years, it must be split into two projects and a second application must be made. In the case of term staff members, the start and end date of the project must fall within the employment terms.
3. What is the title of the research project?
4. Summary: Describe the research project using plain language.
5. Objective(s): Provide a specific statement that sets out the objectives.
6. What was the work leading up to this application (already completed, and in progress):
7. What is the work to be undertaken/covered by this application:
8. Research Plan/Methodology: What are the research plans and methodologies being used in the collection and analysis of data? Include copies of research instruments, details of data sources, sampling techniques, analytical procedures, etc.
Include a time schedule (below); emphasize any special facilities or equipment available within the faculty, center or department.
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Section D: Research Ethics Board (REB) Approval:
All research projects involving human subjects or participants, conducted by members of the university community or by external researchers who use AU resources or participants must receive prior written approval of the AU Research
Ethics Board (REB). The ‘university community’ comprises all AU faculty, staff, research assistants, graduate students, and visiting researchers. Approval is required irrespective of the source of financial support (if any) and irrespective of the location of the project, in the latter case, so long as the investigator represents the work as AU research.
Yes No
1. Is Ethical approval required?
Yes No
2. Have you submitted an ethics application to the Research
Ethics Board (REB)?
Researchers who are unsure about whether their proposed research project requires Research Ethics Board (REB) approval are encouraged to consult with the Research Ethics Office either by e-mail at
or by telephone at (780) 675-6718.
REB applications are available online at
Section E: Final Reports
A report on the work funded from the Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) must be submitted to the Athabasca
University Research Centre within three months of the termination date of the project. In all cases, the final report must show adherence to the budget struck for the project and that the research was conducted according to the proposal submitted.
Section F: Signatures
Electronic signatures and/or e-mail signatures are acceptable in place of physical signatures.
1. This application is made in compliance with the guidelines and conditions of award as noted throughout the form, and with Athabasca University
’s Policies. In the event that an award is made, I will use any funds awarded in compliance with these conditions.
2. I do not anticipate being reimbursed from any other source for the expenses outlined in this application.
3. I understand that if I am reimbursed from another source, the expenses cannot also be claimed against this
Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS).
4. I will allocate time from my normal responsibilities as agreed to with my Centre Chair or Supervisor in order to complete this research project as described.
5. Upon completion of the research project, I will provide a final report to my Centre Chair or Supervisor as well as
University Research Services.
Signature of applicant: (Month/Day/Year): (Example February 1, 1999)
Section G: Budget Details:
Provide a realistic budget of all planned expenses required to carry out the research within the proposed time schedule.
Justify choice of research location(s) (if applicable), and each budget item in terms of how it will help to achieve the project goal.
The purpose and objectives of the proposed expenditures must be warranted in the context of the research project.
Please enter budget items below, including as much detail as possible. Append additional pages if necessary.
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Applicants should reference the Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) Eligible Expenditures Guidelines which is available online at:
Applicants should be aware of university policies that relate to the employment of AUPE members on research projects and nepotism. To determine appropriate categories and rates of pay to hire a research assistant(s), consult the Hiring of Research Assistants Policy located online at
Eligible :
Travel costs are allowable if essential to the research outlined (refer to Athabasca University’s Travel and Expense Claim Policy) regarding allowable rates for transportation and subsistence located online at:
Conference registration fees, di rect costs of research (as allowed by Federal Granting Councils, see “Use of Grant
Funds” in the Program Guide for Professors located at service contracts on equipment and computer service contracts, shipping (if justified), publication costs, research assistance (fact checking, research, translation), books and journals of an academic or technical nature directly related to the project and not available in the
Athabasca University library, ground transportation (airport – hotel, etc.), copying, editing, proof-reading.
Ineligible: Assistant attending conference, course fees, membership in professional societies, visas, medical insurance, office rental, proportion of mortgage and other expenses for in-home office, consulting, commuting while sojourning.
Not Applicable
Air/Rail etc Location
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
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Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
“Personnel” refers to non-University employees. Grantees should be aware of their responsibilities concerning statutory deductions (CPP and EI) when directly hiring Research Assistants or other employees on this grant. Refer to Canada
Revenue Agency Interpretation Bulletin for further information regarding payments to Research Assistants.
Refer to the AU Hiring of Research Assistants Policy for Rates of Pay at:
Name, Position, Qualifications Hourly Rate
(Vacation Pay, CPP, EI)
Number of
Not Applicable
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Section H: Curriculum Vitae:
P rinciple researcher’s curriculum vitae must be appended as an appendix to the application.
The curriculum vitae should be focused and brief (not to exceed five pages).
Section I: Approved Research & Study Leave Request:
A copy of the approved Research & Study Leave (R&SL) request must be appended as an appendix to the application.
Include a time schedule; emphasize any special facilities or equipment available within the faculty, center or department.
Section J: Personnel
Append recent curriculum vitae of the primary researcher [co-researcher(s)/Research Assistants (if applicable)] as an Appendix to the application.
Section K: Appendices Checklist
Use the checklist to ensure that all of your appendices are clearly labeled and attached.
Ensure that the reading level of all materials produced or used are appropriate for the target audience.
Section C: Project Information:
Append a copy of the approved Research & Study Leave (R&SL) application as an
Appendix to the application.
See Appendix
Section J: Personnel:
Append the curriculum vitae of the primary researcher as an Appendix to the application.
See Appendix
Append recent curriculum vitae of co-researcher(s)/Research Assistants (if applicable)as an Appendix to the application. See Appendix
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Research Grant in Lieu of Salary (RGILS) Application Form
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