12th Revised Title Page Effective May 04th, 2007 Correction No. 316 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT TARIFF NO. 1 TARIFF FILED ON JUNE 10, 1999 NAMING GUIDELINE RATES & CONDITIONS FROM PORTS & POINTS IN CANADA TO JAPAN, KOREA, TAIWAN, SIBERIA RUSSIA, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, HONG KONG, MACAU, VIETNAM, DEMOCRATIC KAMPUCHEA (CAMBODIA), THAILAND, LAOS, PHILIPPINES, SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA, BRUNEI, INDONESIA, INDIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, SRI LANKA & BURMA PARTICIPATING CARRIERS ARE: AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES LTD. COSCO CONTAINER LINES COMPANY LTD EVERGREEN MARINE CORP. (TAIWAN) LTD. HANJIN SHIPPING CO. LTD. HAPAG-LLOYD AG HYUNDAI MERCHANT MARINE CO. LTD. KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD.x NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA ORIENT OVERSEAS CONTAINER LINE, LIMITED THE CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT IS REPRESENTED IN CANADA BY: ASSOCIATED CONFERENCES SECRETARIAT 710 Dorval Drive, Suite 210 Oakville, Ontario Canada, L6K 3V7 Telephone: (905) 337-8480 Facsimile: (905) 337-9110 Website: www.acs-fl.com TRANSPORTATION UNDER THE TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THIS TARIFF ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL CARRIERS' BILLS OF LADING AND/OR OTHER DOCUMENTS CURRENTLY IN USE BY EACH OF THE MEMBER LINES. TARIFF RATES & CHARGES ARE MINIMUM GUIDELINE INDICATIONS ONLY & ARE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE BASIC AGREEMENT & THE OPEN RATE STRUCTURE. Note: Page turned for tariff clean up 24th Revised Supplement No. 1 Effective March 31st, 2009 Correction No. 553 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 GENERAL RATE INCREASE CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT TARIFF NO. 1 General Rate Increase – All Reefer Commodities All Refrigerated Commodities (For exceptions, see Special Rate Increase on supplement No. 1A) - Effective April 1s, 2009: All Origin to All Destinations (No Exceptions) US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container (Does not apply for APL) All Dry Commodities (For exceptions, see Special Rate Increase on supplement No. 1B) - Effective April 1s, 2009: All Origin to All Destinations (No Exceptions) US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container (Does not apply for APL) Note: Page turned to reflect adjustment to reefer GRI for April 1st, 2009. 8th Revised Supplement No. 1A Effective March 31st, 2009 Correction No. 554 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. SPECIFIC RATE INCREASES Effective as noted below minimum guideline rate levels will be increased for the following commodities: Reefer Cargo a) Frozen Potatoes / French Fries - b) Effective April 1s, 2009: All Origin to All Destinations (No Exceptions) US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container (Does not apply for APL) Protein (Reefer/Frozen) - c) Effective April 1s, 2009: All Origin to All Destinations (No Exceptions) US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container (Does not apply for APL) Foodstuffs, Reefer and Frozen (Excluding French Fries/Potatoes) - d) Effective April 1s, 2009: All Origin to All Destinations (No Exceptions) US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container (Does not apply for APL) All Commodities Reefer and Frozen (Not Listed above) - Effective April 1s, 2009: All Origin to All Destinations (No Exceptions) US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container (Does not apply for APL) Page turned to reflect amendment to GRI for Reefer cargos. 8th Revised Supplement No. 1B Effective April 2nd, 2009 Correction No. 560 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. SPECIFIC RATE INCREASES (Continued) Dry Cargo Agricultural Products All Origins to all Destinations (unless otherwise specified): Effective April 1st, 2009 US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container Asbestos / Hides and Skins All Origins to all Destinations (unless otherwise specified): Effective April 1st, 2009 US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container Plastic Scrap / Metal Scrap / Resin All Origins to all Destinations (unless otherwise specified): Effective April 1st, 2009 US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container Consolidated Cargo All Origins to all Destinations (unless otherwise specified): Effective April 1st, 2009 US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container Forest Products All Origins to all Destinations (unless otherwise specified): Effective April 1st, 2009 US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container Wastepaper All Origins to all Destinations (unless otherwise specified): Effective April 1st, 2009 US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container Hay All Origins to all Destinations (unless otherwise specified): Effective April 1st, 2009 US$ 160 per 20’ container US$ 200 per 40’ container Agricultural Products: Soybeans and related products; cotton by-products; grain and grain products; and peas beans and lentils; meal; flour; corn products; starches; animal feed (except pet food); seeds, and food additives. From: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia To: Indian Subcontinent (incl. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). Effective May 1st, 2009 US$ 100 per 20’ container (TEU) - Hapag Lloyd Independent Action Note: Page turned to reflect Hapag Lloyd IA for Agricultural products. 5th Revised Supplement No. 1C Effective January 16th, 2009 Correction No. 530 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. SPECIFIC RATE INCREASES (Continued) Note: Page turned for tariff clean up. 2nd Revised Index 1 Effective January 30th, 2009 Correction No. 535 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT RULE NO. General Rate Increases – Dry and Reefer Cargo Specific Rate Increases – Reefer Cargo Specific Rate Increases – Dry Cargo Symbols and Control Check List Explanations of Abbreviations Scope Application of Rates & Charges Applicability of Rates Documentation Fee Origin Currency Adjustment Factor Bunker Surcharge / Fuel Recovery Charge Chassis Usage Charge Inland Fuel Charge Documentation Fee (at destination) Historical Documentation Search Reefer Terminal Service Charge Railcar Reefer Cabling Service Fee Detention War Risk Surcharge Congestion Charge Terminal Handling Charge Panama Canal Surcharge Free Time At Destination Freight Forwarder Compensation Emergency Diversion Charge at Port of Vancouver Terminal Rail Congestion Charge Overweight Containers – Rail Charges Korea Container Cleaning Fee Scrap Shipments to the PRC PRC Barge Service Charge Free Time Exemptions Cargo Free Time & Demurrage Vat Charge For Indonesia Hunan Low Water Level Charge Submission of Cargo Declaration Data CBSA – Export Reporting Undeclared Or Misdeclared Hazardous Cargo Terminal Port Security Charge / Fee Carrier Security Charge Handling Fee for late submission of declaration for Canada origin cargo Container Seal Requirement St. John’s Arbitrary Magnum Reefer Surcharge India Service Tax Charge Qualifications for NVOCCs (People’s Republic of China) Diversion of Cargo Container Cleaning Fee – Scrap Metal (continued) 1 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6B 7 7A 8A 8B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26A 27 28 29 30 31 32A 33 34 35 36 37 PAGE N0. Supp 1 Supp 1A Supp 1A-1B 1-1A 2-3 4 4 4 4 4 4-4A1 4A2 4A2 4A2 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 5 5A-5C1 5C1 5D 5D 5D 5D 5E 5E 5E-5F 5G 5G 5H 5I 5I 5J-5M 5M1-5M2 5N 5N 5N 5O 5O 5O 5O 5P 5P 5P-5P1 5Q Original Index 2 Effective January 30th, 2009 Correction No. 536 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT Equipment Imbalance Surcharge Heavy Cargo Charge Scrap Metal Misdeclared Cargo Weight Japan Feeder Charge l Transshipment to Naha BC Carbon Tax Surcharge Outport Differentials General Administration Charge Bill of Lading Fee Fumigation – Wood Packaging Materials Rates and Guidelines RULE NO. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 PAGE N0. 5Q 5Q 5Q 5R 5R 5R 5S 5S 5S 5S 6-7 30th Revised Page 1 Effective Oct 19, 2006 Correction No. 267 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS A C D E I N R = = = = = = = INCREASE CHANGE IN WORDING WHICH RESULTS IN NEITHER AN INCREASE OR A REDUCTION DELETION EXCEPTION TO A GENERAL CHANGE ADDITION REISSUED MATTER REDUCTION CONTROL CHECK LIST - REVISED TARIFF PAGES Corr No. Page No. Rev No. 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 1 2nd 4 38th 5 35th 4 39th 6 22nd 6A 17th 6B 2nd 6A 18th 6B 3rd 6A 19th 4 40th 4 41st Title Pg 8th 5I Orig Title PG 9th 5I 1st 5J Orig 5K Orig 5L Orig 5M Orig 1 3rd 4 42nd 5B 12th Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 5I 1 1 4 5B 5B1 1 6A 6B 1 5N 1 6A 6B 1 4A 1 4 1 6 6B 1 4 2nd 4th 5th 43rd 13th Orig 6th 20th 3rd 7th Orig 8th 21st 5th 8th Orig 9th 44th 10th 23rd 6th 11th 45th 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 1 4 4A 6 7 1 7 5N 1 4 1 4 1 5N 1 5 5B 5B1 1 4 5N 1 5N 12th 46th 1st 24th 8th 13th 9th 1st 14th 47th 15th 48th 16th 2nd 17th 36th 14th 1st 18th 49th 3rd 19th 4th 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 1 20th Supp.1 1st 6A 22nd 1 21st 6B 7th 1 22nd 4 50th 1 23rd 5N 5th 1 24th Title 10th 1 25th 4 51st 1 26th Title 11th 1 27th Supp.1 2nd Supp.1 3rd 1 28th 1 29th 4 52nd 1 30th 5O Orig 30th Revised Page 1A Effective October 18th, 2007 Correction No. 360 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS A C D E I N R = = = = = = = INCREASE CHANGE IN WORDING WHICH RESULTS IN NEITHER AN INCREASE OR A REDUCTION DELETION EXCEPTION TO A GENERAL CHANGE ADDITION REISSUED MATTER REDUCTION CONTROL CHECK LIST - REVISED TARIFF PAGES Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 1A 4 1A 5O 1A Supp1 6A 6B 1A 4 4A 1A 6A 1A 5C 5O 6A 1A 5C 5O 6B Supp1 6 Orig 53rd 1st 1st 2nd 4th 23rd 8th 3rd 54th 2nd 4th 24th 5th 9th 2nd 25th 6th 10th 3rd 9th 5th 25th 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 7 Supp1 1A 4 6B 1A 4 1A 5 1A 5 1A 5 5O 1A 4 1A 4 1A 5 1A 5C 1A 10th 6th 7th 55th 10th 8th 56th 9th 37th 10th 38th 11th 39th 4th 12th 57th 13th 58th 14th 40th 15th 11th 16th 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 4 Title 1A 5B 5J 5K 5N 6 7 4 Index1 1A Supp1 6A 6B 1A 4 1A 5E 5P 6B 6C 1A 59th 12th 17th 15th 1st 1st 6th 26th 11th 60th Orig 18th 7th 26th 11th 19th 61st 20th 5th Orig 12th Orig 21st 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 5B1 5C 1A 4 1A 4 1A 4 1A 6A 6C 1A Supp1 6A 6B 1A 4 1A 5P 6C 1A 4 1A 2nd 12th 22nd 62nd 23rd 63rd 24th 64th 25th 27th 1st 26th 8th 28th 13th 27th 65th 28th 1st 2nd 29th 66th 30th 25th Revised Page 1A1 Effective May 9th, 2008 Correction No. 449 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS A C D E I N R = = = = = = = INCREASE CHANGE IN WORDING WHICH RESULTS IN NEITHER AN INCREASE OR A REDUCTION DELETION EXCEPTION TO A GENERAL CHANGE ADDITION REISSUED MATTER REDUCTION CONTROL CHECK LIST - REVISED TARIFF PAGES Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 1A1 4 5 5O 6 1A1 Supp1 4 1A1 Supp1 1A1 Supp1 1A1 Supp1 Sup1A 4 4A 4B 1A1 Sup1A 4 4A Supp1 Orig 67th 41st 5th 27th 1st 9th 68th 2nd 10th 3rd 11th 4th 12th Orig 69th 3rd Orig 5th 1st 70th 4th 13th 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 Sup1A 1A1 4 7 1A1 4 4A 1A1 5 5C 5C1 1A1 Supp1 4 1A1 4 4A 1A1 5O 1A1 4 5P 1A1 2nd 6th 71st 12th 7th 72nd 5th 8th 42nd 12th Orig 9th 14th 73rd 10th 74th 6th 11th 6th 12th 75 2nd 13th 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 4 4A 1A1 7 1A1 Index1 5Q 1A1 4 4A Supp1 Sup1A Sup1B 5P 5Q 6A 6B 6C 7 5O 6 1A1 5P 76th 7th 14th 13th 15th 1st Orig 16th 77th 8th 15th 3rd Orig 3rd 1st 29th 14th 3rd 14th 7th 28th 17th 4th 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 1A1 7 1A1 4 4A 1A1 5 1A1 Supp1 Sup1A Sup1B 4A 5 5O 1A1 5Q 1A1 4B 5 1A1 4 4A 1A1 18th 15th 19th 78th 9th 20th 43rd 21st 16th 4th 1st 10th 44th 8th 22nd 2nd 24th 1st 45th 24th 79th 11th 25th 25th Revised Page 1A2 Effective March 4th, 2009 Correction No. 544 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS A C D E I N R = = = = = = = INCREASE CHANGE IN WORDING WHICH RESULTS IN NEITHER AN INCREASE OR A REDUCTION DELETION EXCEPTION TO A GENERAL CHANGE ADDITION REISSUED MATTER REDUCTION CONTROL CHECK LIST - REVISED TARIFF PAGES Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. Page No. Rev No. 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 1A2 4A 1A2 5P 5P1 1A2 5Q 5R 1A2 Supp1 Sup1A Sup1B Sup1C 4 4A 5Q 5R 1A2 5M1 5M2 1A2 4 4A Orig 12 1st 5th Orig 2nd 3rd Orig 3rd 17th 5th 2nd Orig 80 13 4 1 4th Orig Orig 5th 81st 14th 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 1A2 5R 1A2 5R 1A2 4 4A 1A2 Supp1 Sup1A Sup1B Sup1C 5S 1A2 Supp1 Sup1B Sup1C 4 4A 5 1A2 5S 1A2 6th 2nd 7th 3rd 8th 15th 82nd 9th 18th 6th 3rd 1st Orig 10th 19th 4th 2nd 83rd 16th 46th 11th 1st 12th 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 5 5B1 1A2 4 4A 5S 1A2 4A 1A2 Sup1 Sup1B Sup1C 1A2 4 4A 1A2 Sup1 Sup1B Sup1C 4 4A 1A2 4A 47th 3rd 13th 84th 17th 2nd 14th 18th 15th 20th 5th 3rd 16th 85th 19th 17th 21st 6th 4th 86th 20th 18th 21st 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 4A1 Orig 1A2 19th 4A1 1st 4A2 Orig 5S 3rd 1A2 20th Sup1 22nd Sup1B 7th 1C 5th 4 87th 4A 22nd 1A2 21st 4A2 1st Index1 2nd Index2 Orig 4 87th 1A2 22nd 4A2 2nd 1A2 23rd 4A2 3rd 1A2 24th 5S 4th 1A2 25th 3rd Revised 1A3 Effective April 2nd, 2009 Correction No. 559 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS A C D E I N R = = = = = = = INCREASE CHANGE IN WORDING WHICH RESULTS IN NEITHER AN INCREASE OR A REDUCTION DELETION EXCEPTION TO A GENERAL CHANGE ADDITION REISSUED MATTER REDUCTION CONTROL CHECK LIST - REVISED TARIFF PAGES Corr No. Page No. Rev No. Corr No. 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 1A3 Sup1 Sup1A 4 4A2 1A3 4A2 1A3 Sup1 Sup1A 50 6 6A 6C 1A3 Sup1B Orig 23rd 7th 89th 4th 1st 5th 2nd 24th 8th 9th 29th 30th 4th 3rd 8th 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 Page No. Rev No. Corr No. 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 Page No. Rev No. Corr No. 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 Page No. Rev No. Original Page 2 Effective June 10th, 1999 Correction No. CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS Ad Val AG AG/MLB BM BDL CAF CBM CD CFS CM COFC CTN CuFt CWT CY EA F FAF FCL FEU FI FIO FIO ST FO FR20 FR40 HK$ I.D. IPI KD Kg(s), Kilo(s) KT Lbs. LCL M or M3 MSL$ MBM MBS MIN MLB Ad Valorem - According to Value Atlantic & Gulf Coast All-Water Service Atlantic & Gulf Coast All-Water Service or MiniLandbridge Service Board Measure Bundle Currency Adjustment Factor Cubic Meter Container Depot Container Freight Station Centimeter Container on Flat Car Carton Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Hundred Weight Container Yard Each Fahrenheit Fuel Adjustment Factor Full Container Load Forty-foot Equivalent Unit Free In To Vessel Free In & Out To Vessel Free In & Out, Stowed & Trimmed Free Out To Vessel Per 20' Flat Rack Container Per 40' Flat Rack Container Hong Kong Dollar Inside Diameter Interior Point Intermodal (Inland Points) Knocked Down Kilograms 1000 Kilos (Kilo Ton) Pounds (Avoirdupods) Less Than Container Load Measurement Ton of One Cubic Meter Malaysian Dollars Thousand Feet Board Measure Thousand Feet Brereton Scale Subject To The Following Minimum Mini-Landbridge Service Over West Coast Ports Original Page 3 Effective June 10th, 1999 Correction No. CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS NOS NT$ NVOCC OD OT20 OT40 P PC PC20 PC40 PC45 PCS PKG PL20 PL40 RF20 RF40 R/T SPO$ SU TEU TK20 TOFC TRC US$ VAT Viz. VOCC W or WT W/M Not Otherwise Specified New Taiwanese Dollar Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier Outside Diameter Per 20' Open Top Container Per 40' Open Top Container Philippine Peso Per Container of Any Height Per 20' Container of Any Height Per 40' Container of Any Height Per 45' Container of Any Height Pieces Package Per 20' Platform Per 40' Platform Per 20' Refrigerated Container of Any Height Per 40' Refrigerated Container of Any Height Revenue Ton Singapore Dollar Set Up Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit Per 20' Tank Container Trailer on Flat Car Terminal Receiving Charge United States Dollar Value Added Tax Namely Vessel Operating Common Carrier Weight Ton of 1000 Kilograms West Coast All-Water Service 89th Revised Page 4 Effective March 4th, 2009 Correction No. 548 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE No. 1 - Scope Rates named in this tariff apply for Ports & Points in Canada to Ports & Points in Asia as designated., , , RULE No. 2 - APPLICATION OF RATES & CHARGES Except as otherwise provided, all rates apply per weight of ton of 1,000 kilograms (KGS) or per metric ton (M) of 1 cubic meter (CGM). RULE No. 2A – Applicability of Rates The rates, charges and rules governing cargo movements under this tariff are those published and in effect on the date when a shipment is received by the carrier or its agent. A shipment shall not be considered as "received" until the full bill of lading quantity has been received. RULE No. 3 - DOCUMENTATION FEE The following documentation fee should be assessed per bill of lading: US $ 25.00 per bill of lading (RULE No. 3A – Origin Currency Adjustment Factor (OCAF) All Destinations 0% - Effective January 1, 2009 RULE No. 4 - BUNKER SURCHARGE/FUEL RECOVERY CHARGE Effective January 1st, 2009 and Expires March 31st, 2009 WC Dry US $ 402.00 per 20’ container WC Dry US $ 503.00 per 40' / 45’ container EC Dry US $ 799.00 per 20' container EC Dry US $ 999.00 per 40' / 45’ container WC Reefer US $ 566.00 per 20’ container WC Reefer US $ 708.00 per 40' / 45’ container EC Reefer US $ 1064.00 per 20’ container EC Reefer US $ 1330.00 per 40' / 45’ container Effective April 1st, 2009 WC Dry US $ 226.00 per 20’ container WC Dry US $ 283.00 per 40' / 45’ container EC Dry US $ 455.00 per 20' container EC Dry US $ 569.00 per 40' / 45’ container WC Reefer US $ 318.00 per 20’ container WC Reefer US $ 398.00 per 40' / 45’ container EC Reefer US $ 608.00 per 20’ container EC Reefer US $ 760.00 per 40' / 45’ container Note: Page turned for adjustment to Rule 4. 22nd Revised Page 4A Effective January 16th, 2009 Correction No. 532 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE No. 4 - BUNKER SURCHARGE/FUEL RECOVERY CHARGE (Continued) Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF): Hapag-Lloyd Independent Action The BAF charge shall apply to all EXISTING rates filed prior to January 1, 2009. Effective January 1, 2009 to January 31, 2009 (Adjusted Monthly) All Ports of Load destined to East Asia: 20' Dry: usd 328 20' Reefer: usd 328 40' Dry: usd 410 40' Reefer: usd 410 All Ports of Load destined to Indian Sub-continent: 20' Dry: usd 350 20' Reefer: usd 350 40' Dry: usd 700 40' Reefer: usd 700 Bunker Fuel Factor (BFF): Hapag-Lloyd Independent Action The BFF charge shall apply to all NEW rates filed on and after January 2, 2009. Effective January 2, 2009 to March 31, 2009 (Adjusted Quarterly) East and Gulf Coast Port of Load: 20' Dry: usd 480 20' Reefer: usd 654 40' Dry: usd 600 40' Reefer: usd 817 West Coast Port of Load: 20' Dry: usd 240 20' Reefer: usd 343 40' Dry: usd 300 40' Reefer: usd 429 Page turned for tariff cleanup. 1st Revised Page 4A1 Effective December 29th, 2008 Correction No. 524 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF): OOCL Independent Action Effective January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009 For Vancouver Port; Inland Points via Rail or Truck/Rail combined and Inland Points via Truck and MLB cargo via Vancouver port: DRY / OPENTOP / FLATRACKS W US$ 15 M US$ 15 RT US$ 15 20’ US$240 40’/45’ US$300 PC US$300 EACH (AUTOS) US$150 All Other US$ 15 REFRIGERATED W US $ 35 M US $ 35 RT US $ 35 20’ US $565 40’ US $708 For Halifax; Inland Points via Rail or Truck/Rail combined and Inland Points via Halifax Port: DRY / OPENTOP / FLATRACKS W US$ 30 M US$ 30 RT US$ 30 20’ US$480 40’/45’ US$600 PC US$600 EACH (AUTOS) US$300 All Other US$ 30 REFRIGERATED W US $ 39 M US $ 39 RT US $ 39 20’ US $616 40’ US $770 5th Revised Page 4A2 Effective March 9th, 2009 Correction No. 551 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE No. 5 - CHASSIS USAGE CHARGE A chassis usage charge will apply for any reefer shipment where a chassis is provided by the Carrier, as follows: Reefer Cargo only US $ 40.00 per chassis RULE No. 6B - INLAND FUEL CHARGE Effective January 1st, 2009 and Expires March 31st, 2009 US $ 311.00 per container for rail and combined motor/rail transports US $ 90.00 per container for all motor transports Effective April 1st, 2009 US $ 153.00 per container for rail and combined motor/rail transports US $ 44.00 per container for all motor transports Effective March 1st, 2009 Independent Action – COSCO, Hapag Lloyd, NYK Line and OOCL US $ 148.00 per container for rail and combined motor/rail transports US $ 43.00 per container for all motor transports Effective April 1st, 2009 to April 30th, 2009 Independent Action - Hapag Lloyd, NYK Line and OOCL US $ 132.00 per container for rail and combined motor/rail transports US $ 38.00 per container for all motor transports RULE No. 7 - DOCUMENTATION FEE (at destination) The following documentation fee should be assessed per bill of lading: CAMBODIA US $15.00 HONG KONG/MACAO INDONESIA US $ 40.00 KOREA MALAYSIA MYR 80.00 SINGAPORE SRI LANKA RUPEES $ 2,500.00 TAIWAN VIETNAM VND 300,000 PHILLIPINES HK $ 125.00 WON 19,000 S $60.00 NTD $ 850.00 US $ 30.00 INDEPENDENT ACTION – OOCL ONLY There will be a documentation fee per delivery order or per Bill of Lading, whichever produces the higher amount, to be charged on a collect basis, as follows :Guangdong, China RMB 150 Guangxi, China RMB 150 Guizhou, China RMB 150 Hainan, China RMB 150 Yunnan, China RMB 150 Hong Kong HKD 150 Fujian RMB 150 C) Page turned to reflect correction under rule 6B 1st Revised Page 4B Effective April 25th, 2008 Correction No. 447 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE No. 7A – Historical Documentation Search - Effective: January 19th, 2007 When the Carrier is requested to provide a copy of Bill of Lading in Hong Kong, Macau or PRC (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Hainan Provinces) with the Vessel on-board date more than 6 months prior to the request date, an Old Document Search Fee of HKD500 instead of B/L resistance fee will be charged for each bill of Lading. For payment in PRC, the charge shall be RMB500 for each bill of lading. RULE No. 8A REEFER TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGE Terminal services for refrigerated containers via rail: US $20.50 per container – Effective May 6th, 2006 RULE No. 8B RAILCAR REEFER CABLING SERVICE FEE Railcar cabling services for refrigerated containers: US $69.25 per container – Effective May 6th, 2006 RULE No. 9 - DETENTION I. II. FREE TIME 1) For 20,40 and 45 foot dry containers. 2) For 20 or 40 foot open top containers. 3) For refrigerated or tank containers. 4) For other equipment, which may be provided like trailers, low boy trailers and equipment leased for special projects. Effective April 1st, 2006 Day of initial interchange plus five (5) working days Day of initial interchange plus five (5)) working days Day of initial interchange plus three (3) working days DETENTION CHARGES 1) For 20 foot dry containers 2) For 40 and 45 foot dry containers 3) For refrigerated and other containers Effective April 1st, 2006 US $ 25.00 per day US $ 50.00 per day US $ 100.00 per day Day of initial interchange plus three (3) working days RULE No. 10 - WAR RISK SURCHARGE PAKISTAN The following war risk surcharge will be applicable for all cargo destined for Pakistan only. $ 35.00 per 20' container $ 70.00 for all other container sizes INDIA The following war risk surcharge will be applicable for all cargo destined for the ports of Kandla, Mumbai and Jawarhalal Nehru only: $ 35.00 per 20' container $ 70.00 for all other container sizes (C) Rule 10 has been moved from Page 5. 47th Revised Page 5 Effective September 29, 2008 Correction No. 499 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE No. 11 - CONGESTION CHARGE A – Calcutta Congestion Surcharge – Effective November 1st, 2007. US $ 150 per TEU B – Chennai Congestion Fee – Effective January 24th, 2008. US $ 100 / 20’ container US $ 200 / 40’ and 45’ container (C) C – Haiphong, Vietnam Congestion Surcharge INDEPENDENT ACTION – COSCO ONLY – Effective May 1st, 2008 All shipments originating from Canada: USD $400.00 per 20' container USD $800.00 per 40' container (C) Note: Page turned to reflect the correction under the Haiphong, Vietnam Congestion Surcharge. 7th Revised Page 5A Effective September 2nd, 2002 Correction No. 113 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE No. 12 - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE The following terminal handling charge will be assessed in U.S. Dollars (unless otherwise specified): BRUNEI: US $ 120.00 per 20' std container US $ 168.00 per 40' std and HC container US $ 168.00 per 45' container, CAMBODIA US $ 70.00 per 20' std container US $ 100.00 per 40' std container US $ 105.00 per 40’ HC container US $ 110.00 per 45' std container HONG KONG / MACUA: US $ 267.00 per 20' std container US $ 355.00 per 40' std and HC container US $ 355.00 per 45' std container US $ 285.00 per 20' refrigerated container US $ 420.00 per 40' refrigerated container US $ 91.00 per 20' refrigerated container US $ 130.00 per 40' refrigerated container US $ 137.00 per 40' HC refrigerated container (HK $ 2,065.00), (HK $ 2,750.00) (HK $ 2,750.00) (HK $ 3,238.00) CHINA US $ 150.00 per 20' container US $ 190.00 for all other container sizes (dry and reefer) INDIA JNPT (Bombay) CY Non-Haz INR 3,695.00 per 20' CY Haz INR 4,220.00 per 20' CY Reefer INR 11,380.00 per 20' CFS Non-Haz INR 5,940.00 per 20' CFS Haz INR 6,465.00 per 20' INR 5,655.00 per 40' INR 6,442.50 per 40' INR 16,810.50 per 40' INR 10,045.00 per 40' INR 10,832.50 per 40' NSICT (Nava Sheva) CY Non-Haz INR 4,199.00 per 20' CY Haz INR 4,808.00 per 20' CY Reefer INR 11,045.00 per 20' CFS Non-Haz INR 6,444.00 per 20' CFS Haz INR 7,053.00 per 20' INR 6,411.00 per 40' INR 7,324.00 per 40' INR 16,375.00 per 40' INR 10,801.00 per 40' INR 11,714.50 per 40' HALDIA CY CY ex Hook ** CFS LCL INR 7,170.00 per 40' (## 7360) INR 3,710.00 per 40' (## 3800) INR 11,220.00 per 40' (## 11510) INR 380.00 M (## 390) INR 4,780.00 per 20' (## 4910) INR 2,480.00 per 20' (## 2540) INR 7,480.00 per 20' (## 7680) INR 600.00 W (## 610) ** Container delivery / loading arranged directly from hook point by consignee / shipper ## Effective October 1, 2003 2nd Revised Page 5A1 Effective September 2nd, 2003 Correction No. 114 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE No. 12 - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE (Continued) The following terminal handling charge will be assessed in U.S. Dollars (unless otherwise specified): INDIA (Continued) MUMBAI CY Non-Haz CY Haz CY Reefer CFS Non-Haz CFS Haz INR 3,695.00 per 20' INR 4,220.00 per 20' INR 15,450.00 per 20' INR 5,940.00 per 20' INR 6,465.00 per 20' INR 5,655.00 per 40' INR 6,442.50 per 40' INR 17,315.00 per 40' INR 10,045.00 per 40' INR 10,832.50 per 40' MULAND (Via JNPT) CY Non-Haz INR 8,585.00 per 20' CY Haz INR 9,110.00 per 20' LCL Non-Haz INR 610.00 W LCL Haz INR 650.00 W INR 15,420.00 per 40' INR 16,210.00 per 40' INR 360.00 M INR 385.00 M MULAND (Via NSICT) CY Non-Haz INR 8,440.00 per 20' CY Haz INR 8,965.00 per 20' LCL Non-Haz INR 650.00 W LCL Haz INR 690.00 W INR 14,875.00 per 40' INR 15,665.00 per 40' INR 385.00 M INR 410.00 M MULAND (Via Mumbai) CY Non-Haz INR 9,515.00 per 20' CY Haz INR 9,515.00 per 20' LCL Non-Haz INR 735.00 W LCL Haz INR 735.00 W INR 16,370.00 per 40' INR 16,370.00 per 40' INR 435.00 M INR 435.00 M TUTICORIN D20 D40/40HC INR 675.00 INR 1015.20 Plus Plus US $ 28.27 US $ 38.07 I) CALCUTTA - Effective October 1, 2003 CPY: CY CY ex Hook ** CFS LCL INR 4,780.00 per 20' INR 2,480.00 per 20' INR 7,480.00 per 20' INR 600.00 W INR 7,170.00 per 40' INR 3,710.00 per 40' INR 11,220.00 per 40' INR 380.00 M NON CPY: INR 4,460.00 per 20' INR 2,700.00 per 20' INR 12,830.00 per 20' INR 1,030 W ** Container delivery / loading arranged directly from hook point by consignee / shipper INR 6,470.00 per 40' INR 3,820.00 per 40' INR 19,080.00 per 40' INR 640 M 15th Revised Page 5B Effective May 04, 2007 Correction No. 318 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 12 - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE .. (CONTINUED) CHENNAI / MADRAS Effective: June 15, 2006 INR 3,375.00 / 20’ INR 5,060.00 / 40’ INR 3,495.00 / 45’ LCL CFS INR 6,325.50 / 20' INR 11,040.75 / 40' REEFER INR 8,240.00 / 20’ INR 11,420.00 / 40’ DANGEROUS GOODS INR 3,985.00 / 20’ INR 5,975.00 / 40’ FCL CY Plus US $ 38.85 / 45' Plus US $ 28.38 / 20' Plus US $ 42.54 / 40' INDONESIA US $ 20.00 per Revenue Ton and CBM US $ 130.00 per 20' container US $ 180.00 per 20' Reefer US $ 200.00 per 40' container (std and HC) US $ 245.00 per 40' Reefer US $ 255.00 per 45' container Effective December 5/05 Applies for Hapag Lloyd only: US $ 95/20D US $ 145/40D/40HC US $ 180/45D Effective December 7/05 Applies for Hapag Lloyd only: US $ 175/20Reefer US $ 230/40Reefer INDONESIA - SURABAYA ONLY: US $ 23.00 PER Revenue Ton & CBM US $ 145.00 per 20' container US $ 200.00 per 20' Reefer US $ 225.00 per 40' container (std and HC) US $ 275.00 for all other sized Reefer Containers US $ 285.00 per 45' container Effective December 5/05 Applies for Hapag Lloyd only: US $ 95/20D US $ 145/40D/40HC US $ 180/45D Effective December 7/05 Applies for Hapag Lloyd only: US $ 175/20Reefer US $ 230/40Reefer Note: Page turned for tariff clean up 3rd Revised Page 5B1 Effective September 29, 2008 Correction No. 500 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 12 - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE .. (CONTINUED) INDONESIA - JAKARTA: Including the following outports: Cirebon, Teluk, Bayur / Padang, Panjang**, Pontianak, Jambi, Ciwandan, Boom-Baru / Palembang, Bengkulu Expires October 4th, 2008 US $ 25.00 PER Revenue Ton & CBM US $ 150.00 per 20' container US $ 210.00 per 20' Reefer US $ 230.00 per 40' container (std and HC) US $ 280.00 for all other sized Reefer Containers US $ 295.00 per 45' container Applies for Hapag Lloyd only: US $ 95/20D US $ 145/40D/40HC US $ 175/20Reefer US $ 230/40Reefer (R) Effective October 5th, 2008 US $ 117.00 per 20' container US $ 177.00 per 40' container (std and HC) US $ 225.00 per 45' container US $ 180/45D US $ 197.00 per 20' Reefer US $ 262.00 per 40’ and HC Reefer INDONESIA - SEMARANG ONLY: US $ 145.00 per 20' container US $ 200.00 per 20' Reefer US $ 220.00 per 40' container (std and HC) US $ 270.00 for all other sized Reefer Containers US $ 280.00 per 45' container Effective December 5/05 Applies for Hapag Lloyd only: US $ 95/20D US $ 145/40D/40HC US $ 180/45D Effective December 7/05 Applies for Hapag Lloyd only: US $ 175/20Reefer US $ 230/40Reefer JAPAN: Yen 21,000 per 20' dry (US $ 175.00 per 20') Yen 27,300 per 20' reefer (US $ 230.00 per 20') Yen 29,000 per 40' dry (US $ 240.00 per 40', 45' & 48') Yen 37,700 per 40' reefer (US $ 315.00 per 40') KOREA: US $ 113.00 per 20' std (K Won 101,000.00) US $ 153.00 per 45' std (K Won 137,000.00) US $ 324.00 per 40' reefer (K Won 289,000.00) US $ 153.00 per 40' std/HC (K Won 137,000.00) US $ 243.00 per 20' reefer C) MALAYSIA: Port Kelang M $ 335.00 per 20' dry container M $ 500.00 per 40' dry container M $ 495.00 per 20' reefer M $ 735.00 for all other sized reefer containers Penang – M $ 335 per 20’ container M $ 500 per 40 GP/HQ M $ 440.00 per 20' reefer M $ 670.00 for all other sized reefer containers Johor Baharu/Kuala Lumpur M $ 440.00 per 20' reefer M $ 670.00 for all other sized reefer containers (R) Page turn to reflect the reduction of THC for Indonesia – Jakarta. 12th Revised Page 5C Effective January 11, 2008 Correction No. 393 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 12 - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE .. (CONTINUED) PHILIPPINES: US $ 110.00 per 20' container US $ 138.00 per 40' container US $ 115.00 per 20' Reefer US $ 143.00 for all other sized reefer containers PAKISTAN – CHITTAGONG (Effective July 11th, 2007) This charge must be pre-paid (I) RUSSIA: Vostochny $ 191.00 per 20' dry container $ 247.00 per 40' dry container $ 289.00 per 40' reefer Vladivostok – $ 189.00 per 20’ container $ 244.00 per 40' dry container $ 293.00 per 20' reefer Nakhodka $ 130.00 per 20' dry container $ 165.00 per 40' dry container SINGAPORE: US $ 140.00 per 20' std container US $ 200.00 per 40' std and HC container US $ 200.00 per 45' std container US $ 170.00 per 20' refrigerated container US $ 250.00 per 40' refrigerated container (SIN 351.00) TAIWAN: US $ 174.00 per 20' std container US $ 221.00 per 40' std and HC container US $ 221.00 per 45' std container US $ 222.00 per 20' refrigerated container US $ 283.00 per 40' refrigerated container THAILAND: US $ 105.00 per 20' std container US $ 155.00 per 40' std and HC container US $ 155.00 per 45' std container US $ 125.00 per 20' refrigerated container US $ 185.00 per 40' refrigerated container (NT $ 5,600.00), (NT $ 7,000.00) (NT $ 7,000.00) (NT $ 9,100.00) (Baht 2,600.00) (Baht 3,900.00) (Baht 3,900.00) (Baht 4,650.00) (I) Note: Page turned to reflect the addition of Russia under Rule 12. Original Page 5C1 Effective January 11, 2008 Correction No. 394 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 12 - TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE .. (CONTINUED) VIETNAM: (Effective June 1st, 2007) US $ 65.00 per 20’ container US $ 98.00 per 40’ std and HC container US $ 140.00 per 45’ container RULE 13 - PANAMA CANAL SURCHARGE US 115.00 per container Note: Page moved from 5C. 5th Revised Page 5D Effective October 3rd, 2003 Correction No. 116 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 14 - FREE TIME AT DESTINATION Japan For shipments of Hay destined to Japan, the free time allowed (at the terminal) shall be as follows: 8 days free time (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, but including botanical inspection) RULE 15 - FREIGHT FORWARDER COMPENSATION Rates of Compensation Except as otherwise provided, compensation to a freight forwarder or ocean freight broker shall be one-and-onefourth (1.25%) of the freight rates and Outport Arbitraries to ports named in this tariff. Compensation shall not be paid on accessorial charges, port charges, heavy lift and long length charges, Origin Receiving charges, Destination Delivery Charges, rental fees assessed for use of containers, and surcharges assessed in addition to rates to ports named in this tariff. (When rates are specifically published as including other tariff charges, freight forwarder compensation or brokerage commission may be paid on the other tariff charges as designated as included in the freight rate.) Definition of Freight Forwarder / Ocean Freight Broker Freight Forwarder A freight forwarder is any person engaged in business of dispatching shipments on behalf of other persons for a consideration, by ocean going vessels in commerce from Canada, to foreign countries, and of handling the formalities incident to such shipments. Ocean Freight Broker An ocean freight broker is any person who is engaged by a carrier to sell or offer for sale transportation, and who holds himself out by solicitation or advertisement as one who negotiates between shipper and carrier for the purchase, sale, conditions and forms of transportation. To Who and When Payable Freight Forwarder compensation may be paid only to such freight forwarder as designated by the shipper. Brokerage commissions may be paid to an ocean freight broker. Freight forwarder compensation and brokerage commission may not be paid on the same shipment. The Carrier will not be obligated to pay freight forwarder compensation or brokerage commissions until the full ocean freight and charges have been paid to the Carrier. RULE 16 - EMERGENCY DIVERSION CHARGE AT PORT OF VANCOUVER - Withdrawn October 3, 2003 RULE 17 - TERMINAL RAIL CONGESTION CHARGE - Effective October 17, 2003 In the event of a truckers' strike in Toronto, the following charge will be assessed: 1st hour Every hour after Free $50.00 per hour Charge is applicable only for terminals in Toronto and will be assessed once the container is through the gate. 5th Page 5E Effective June 18th, 2007 Correction No. 333 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 18 - OVERWEIGHT CONTAINERS - RAIL CHARGES Any and all additional charges relating to overweight containers as assessed by the railroad operators to the carriers shall be for the account of cargo, which means that said charges shall be paid by the shipper or the consignee or their agent. RULE 19 - KOREA CONTAINER CLEANING FEE A. To offset the cost incurred by lines to clean containers, the following charges shall be reflected on all bills of lading on a per container basis. These charges will be payable by merchant prior to release of the delivery order at destination. 20' KRW 5,000 KRW 15,000 KRW 5,000 40'-45' KRW 5,000 KRW 20,000 KRW 5,000 - Expires July 14th, 2007 - Expires July 14th, 2007 - Expires July 14th, 2007 20' (A) Dry containers KRW 10,000 (A) Reefer containers KRW 20,000 (A) Special Equipment KRW 10,000 40'-45' KRW 15,000 KRW 25,000 KRW 15,000 - Effective July 15th, 2007 - Effective July 15th, 2007 - Effective July 15th, 2007 Dry containers Reefer containers Special Equipment 1. Exceptions: a. Korean Military and Government cargo is exempt from the Container Cleaning Fee. b. Shipper owned equipment will not be subject to the Container Cleaning Fee. B. The carrier can invoice consignees the actual cost of cleaning containers that are returned in such condition as to warrant more than a light cleaning. Payment terms for the invoices will be ''net upon receipt''. RULE 20 - SCRAP SHIPMENTS TO THE PRC Prior Registration and Compliance Requirement. Pursuant to circulars No. 115-2003 and No. 48-2004 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the PRC, effective January 1, 2005 all shippers exporting scrap materials to the PRC and Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to collectively as “PRC”) must obtain a temporary registration certificate with a registration number from AQSIQ and must comply with AQSIQ’s safety, hygiene and environmental standards. The temporary registration certificates will be valid for two years. Beginning January 1, 2005, entities not registered with AQSIQ will not be permitted to export scrap material to the PRC, and shipments from entities not registered with AQSIQ, as well as shipments not meeting AQSIQ’s safety, hygiene and environmental standards, may be rejected by the PRC government at destination ports in the PRC. (A) Page turned to reflect adjustment to rule 19. 2nd Page 5F Effective October 29th, 2004 Correction No. 158 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. (C) RULE 20 - SCRAP SHIPMENTS TO THE PRC (Continued) - Effective January 1, 2005 Responsibility for Prior Registration. It shall be the sole responsibility of the shipper and/or consignee named in Carrier’s bill of lading (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Cargo Interests”) to ensure that a temporary registration certificate with a registration number has been obtained from the AQSIQ, that this certificate is timely renewed and maintained current, and that all scrap shipments meet AQSIQ’s safety, hygiene and environmental standards and any other applicable AQSIQ requirements. Evidence of Compliance and Refusal to Load. Cargo Interests shall provide Carrier with a copy, or other evidence, of a valid temporary registration certificate with a registration number within a reasonable period prior to Carrier accepting any scrap shipment destined for the PRC. Carrier reserves the right to refuse to load any scrap shipments where no valid temporary registration certificate has been obtained and/or where no copy or evidence of same has been provided to Carrier in a timely manner prior to loading, or where Carrier has reason to believe that such cargo may not comply with AQSIQ’s safety, hygiene and environmental standards or any other applicable standards, and Carrier shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, liabilities, damages, or losses incurred by the Cargo Interests due to such refusal to load. Failure to Comply. 1. In the event that any scrap shipment is delayed or refused entry into the PRC due to failure of the Cargo Interests to obtain a temporary registration certificate or due to the shipment not meeting AQSIQ’s safety, hygiene and environmental standards or any other applicable standards, Carrier will use best efforts to promptly transmit notice of such refusal to the Cargo Interests, who shall be responsible for transmitting such notice to any other persons with an interest in cargo. Carrier shall not be liable for any delay in the transmission of, or failure to transmit, such notice, or any consequences thereof. 2. In the event that (i) any scrap shipment is delayed or refused entry into the PRC due to Cargo Interests’ failure to obtain a temporary registration certificate or due to shipment not meeting AQSIQ’s safety, hygiene and environmental standards or any other applicable requirements; or (ii) it is determined that scrap cargo destined for the PRC for which Cargo Interests do not have a temporary registration certificate has been permitted to leave the port of origin; or (iii) it is determined that scrap cargo destined for the PRC not meeting AQSIQ’s safety, hygiene and environmental standards, or any other applicable requirements, has been permitted to leave the port of origin, then Cargo Interests shall be jointly and severally liable to indemnify, hold harmless, and reimburse Carrier (and by booking a shipment with Carrier the Cargo Interests do thereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless and reimburse Carrier) for any and all costs, expenses, liabilities, damages, or losses incurred by the Carrier as a result of such failure to register or non-compliance including, but not limited to, costs of complying with orders and directions of AQSIQ or any other PRC government agency or representative, costs for handling and storing cargo, demurrage, subsequent transport of the cargo by any mode of transportation, and fines and penalties. Carrier shall have a lien on cargo in its possession for amounts due hereunder and may hold cargo until such amounts (and any other unpaid freights or charges) are paid or sell such cargo after a reasonable period. In the event Carrier is forced to take legal action to collect amounts due hereunder, or to defend any action resulting from actions or events covered by this indemnification, Carrier shall be entitled to recover all costs (including attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with such legal action. For purposes of this paragraph, the indemnification extended to the Carrier shall also extend to its agents, affiliates, contractors, employees, vessel-sharing partners, slot charterers, vessel owners, and insurers. (C) Postponement of effective date 1st Revised Page 5G Effective January 26, 2005 Correction No. 164 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 21 - PRC BARGE SERVICE CHARGE With low water in Xiangjiang River, Barge operators are imposing a PRC Barge Service charge. Unless otherwise specified, the following Barge Service Additional will be assessed on top of the freight rate for cargo destined to Changsha / Zhuzhou /Xiangtan of the Hunan Province in China via barge service: 20' container All other container sizes US $ 85.00 US $160.00 (I) RULE 22 – FREE TIME EXEMPTIONS The following periods will be exempt for Free Time: Taiwan China Hong Kong I) Addition February 6 to February 13, 2005 February 9 to February 15, 2005 February 9 to February 11, 2005 1st Revised 5H Effective March 15, 2005 Correction No. 174 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. (I) RULE 23 – CARGO FREE TIME & DEMURRAGE Cargo Free Time & Demurrage at Origin – OOCL / HAPAG LLOYD Independent Action For OOCL Effective March 28, 2005 For HAPAG LLOYD Effective March 29, 2005 1. Free time for cargo received at carrier's loading port break bulk terminal, CFS, or CY shall be five (5) working days (Saturday/Sunday/holidays excluded) and shall commence from the first midnight after cargo has been received by the Carrier. (See note 1) Demurrage: The following charges will apply after the expiration of free time noted above: For per container rated shipments, demurrage charge as follow: Dry cargo in GP container & non-operating reefer container - $100 per container per calendar day Dry cargo in specialized equipments- open top; flat beds; flat racks; tank - $150 per container per calendar day Cargo in operating reefer container - $225 per container per calendar day 2. MLB Ports and IPI Points (MLB and IPI Service) Provisions for cargo free time and demurrage at origin terminal will be those contained in the applicable terminal tariffs of the inland origin carrier. 3. Interchange loading Ports for MLB and IPI Shipments When cargo originates at MLB ports or IPI points and is held at an interchange port (Loading Port) beyond five (5) working days, it shall be subject to free time and wharf demurrage provisions applicable to local cargo received at the interchange port (Loading Port). Note 1: When cargo is shut out due to overbooked vessels resulting in Carrier rolling cargo, or when the vessel is cancelled or delayed, then Carrier shall absorb all demurrage charges and handling costs from the time of receipt provided that the cargo is loaded to the Carrier's next available vessel. However, if the cargo has already incurred demurrage charges for the period up to the originally scheduled vessel sailing date, then the Shipper shall be liable for such demurrage and the Carrier shall only absorb charges and costs from the date of the originally scheduled vessel sailing. Note 2: When MLB and IPI cargo is held at the interchange port (loading port) for more than five (5) working days due to Carrier's delay in transit to loading port, Carrier shall absorb all demurrage charges and handling costs form the time of receipt provided that cargo is loaded to the Carrier's next available vessel. (I) Addition 2nd Revised 5I Effective December 5th, 2005 Correction No. 200 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 24 – VAT CHARGE FOR INDONESIA ( For Semarang , Surabaya and Jakarta) Dry Containers USD $15 per 20 USD $20 per 40 ft and 40 HC USD $ 30 per 45 ft Reefer Containers USD $20 per 20 ft USD $30 per 40 ft HC R) Effective December 5, 2005 rule 24 does not apply for Hapag Lloyd Rule 25 - HUNAN LOW WATER LEVEL CHARGE For cargo moving via river barge to destinations in Hunan Province, PRC the following charges shall apply effective November 15, 2005 thru February 28, 2006: USD $100.00 per 20 ft container (Empty or Laden) USD $185.00 per 40 ft container (Empty or Laden) R) Hapag Lloyd Independent Action effective December 5, 2005 1st Revised Page 5J Effective May 04th, 2007 Correction No. 319 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT TARIFF NO. 1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. (I) RULE 26 - SUBMISSION OF CARGO DECLARATION DATA - CANADA BORDER SERVICE AGENCY ADVANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (Effective December 15th, 2005) Submission of Cargo Declaration Data A. Deadline for Submission of Cargo Data. Pursuant to the Advance Cargo Reporting requirements of the Canada Border Service Agency (“CBSA”), as set out in the CBSA Notices N-542 and N-565 entitled “Advance Commercial Information – Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Cargo and Conveyance Reporting”, effective April 19, 2004, and in the CBSA Notice N-605 entitled “Advance Commercial Information – Updates on Cargo and Conveyance Electronic Reporting for Air Mode and for Marine Shipments loaded in the United States” effective December 12, 2005, Carriers are required to submit to the CBSA certain cargo data for all cargo to be loaded on a vessel at a port of loading other than a Canadian port and that will call at a port in Canada, such cargo data to be submitted to the CBSA not later than 24 hours prior to the time the cargo is loaded on Carrier's vessel. As of December 12, 2005, this includes cargo loaded on a vessel at a U.S. port and that will call on a port in Canada. For cargo loaded at a U.S. port, such cargo data must be submitted to the CBSA at least 24 hours prior to the time of arrival of the vessel at the first port in Canada, or if the length of the voyage is less than 24 hours, then at least by the time of departure. In order to enable Carriers to comply with this requirement, except as provided in paragraph B of this rule, any person tendering goods in a cargo container to a Carrier that will be discharged in Canada, or that is destined for a third country (including the U.S.) and will be on board the vessel when it calls in Canada, must submit the following data regarding such cargo to the Carrier in writing (including by electronic transmission) not later than the time established by each Carrier. The time established by each of the Carriers for submission of such data may be found in the location indicated: American President Lines, Ltd COSCO Container LinesCompany, Ltd Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan) Ltd. Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. Hapag Lloyd Container Line (GmbH) Hyunai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (K-Line) Nippon Yusen Kaisha (N.Y.K. Line) Orient Overseas Container Line, Limited www.apl.com www.coscon.com www.evergreen-america.com www.hanjin.com www.hlcl.com www.hmm21.com www.kline.com www.nykline.com, www.oocl.com Cargo Data to be Provided: 1. A precise description of the cargo and weight of the cargo or, for a sealed container, the shipper's declared description and weight of the cargo. The quantity of cargo shall be expressed in the lowest external packaging unit (e.g., a container containing 10 pallets with 200 cases shall be described as 200 cases). Generic descriptions such as "FAK," "General Cargo," "Chemicals," "Foodstuffs," and "Said to Contain" are NOT acceptable descriptions. Note: Page turned for tariff clean up 1st Revised Page 5K Effective May 04th, 2007 Correction No. 320 (I) RULE 26 - SUBMISSION OF CARGO DECLARATION DATA - CANADA BORDER SERVICE AGENCY ADVANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (Effective December 15th, 2005) - Continued Submission of Cargo Declaration Data (Continued) 2. Complete name and address of the shipper. Where a Freight Forwarder or other qualified Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (“NVOCC”), submits cargo data to the CBSA directly, also the code assigned to the NVOCC by the CBSA. 3. Complete name and address of the ultimate consignee, cargo owner or cargo owner's representative. 4. Internationally recognized hazardous material code when such materials are being shipped. 5. Seal numbers for all seals affixed to the container. B. Certain Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers. Freight forwarders or other qualified Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers (“NVOCC’s”) who possess a CBSA assigned code, may submit the required inbound cargo data to the CBSA, either directly or by a third party vendor. Each NVOCC submitting cargo data to the CBSA, either directly or through a third-party vendor, shall, prior to the first time it books cargo with the Carriers, notify the Carriers in writing that it will submit the cargo data to the CBSA and indicate whether it will do so directly or through a third-party vendor. If the NVOCC is to use a third-party vendor, the written notification shall include the name, address and contact information for that vendor. The NVOCC shall notify the Carriers of any changes in this regard. 1. Advice of Hold or Do Not Load Notices: Any NVOCC that submits cargo data to the CBSA directly or through a third-party vendor, shall advise the Carriers immediately (but in no event later than the loading of the cargo) of any instructions the NVOCC or third-party vendor receives from the CBSA to hold or not to load cargo. 2. Certification. Unless notified by the Carrier that it is not required to do so, any NVOCC that submits cargo data to the CBSA directly or by a third-party vendor, shall, in lieu of the data required to be submitted to the Carrier pursuant to paragraph A of this rule, provide the Carrier with a written certification stating that the required data for its cargo has been transmitted to the CBSA in a timely, complete and accurate manner. Such certification shall describe the cargo tendered with sufficient specificity (including container number) that Carrier may readily identify such cargo and shall be provided to the Carrier by the deadline it has established, which deadline can be found in the following locations: American President Lines, Ltd COSCO Container LinesCompany, Ltd Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan) Ltd. Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. Hapag Lloyd Container Line (GmbH) Hyunai Merchant Marine Co., Ltd Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (K-Line) Nippon Yusen Kaisha (N.Y.K. Line) Orient Overseas Container Line, Limited Note: Page turned for tariff clean up www.apl.com www.coscon.com www.evergreen-america.com www.hanjin.com www.hlcl.com www.hmm21.com www.kline.com www.nykline.com, www.oocl.com Original Page 5L Effective December 15th, 2005 Correction No. 195 (I) RULE 26 - SUBMISSION OF CARGO DECLARATION DATA - CANADA BORDER SERVICE AGENCY ADVANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (Effective December 15th, 2005) - Continued Submission of Cargo Declaration Data (Continued) 3. NVOCC Co-Loading. For purposes of this subparagraph B(3), the term "Master NVOCC" shall mean the NVOCC that is the customer of the Carrier and tenders co-loaded cargo to the Carrier in its name. In the event the Master NVOCC submits cargo data for co-loaded cargo to the CBSA directly or by a third-party vendor, it shall do so for all NVOCCs with which it co-loads and it shall comply with subparagraph B(1) and/or B(2) above. In the event the Master NVOCC does not submit cargo data for co-loaded cargo directly to the CBSA, but NVOCCs with which it co-loads transmit cargo data for their cargoes directly to the CBSA, it shall be the obligation of the Master NVOCC to provide Carrier with the certification described in subparagraph B(2) with respect to all co-loaded cargo tendered to Carrier by the Master NVOCC. 4. In the event a NVOCC requests a booking of consolidated shipments in one or more containers, Carriers will require aforementioned cargo data, or certification as the case may be, for each of the individual shipments therein. 5. All NVOCCs shall be subject to Paragraphs C and D of this rule. Paragraphs C and D of this rule are in addition to any rights of the Carrier to refuse loading, or to reimbursement of costs, liens or indemnity provided for in Carrier’s individual tariffs, bill of lading or other relevant documents. C. Failure to Provide Data; Denial of Permission to Load Cargo. 1. In the event the Carrier fails to provide the required cargo data to the CBSA for all cargo to be loaded on its vessel within the time period required by the CBSA, it may be, among other things, assessed a civil penalty, refused entry to a Canadian port, denied permission to unload the cargo for which data was not timely provided, and/or denied permission to unload any cargo from the vessel on which the cargo is moving. Furthermore, the Carrier or NVOCC or third-party vendor may receive instructions from the CBSA to hold or not to load cargo. Accordingly, Carrier may refuse to load any cargo tendered to it for which either (i) it has not received the data required by paragraph A of this rule by the deadline specified therein; or (ii) it has not received the certification required by paragraph B of this rule by the deadline specified therein; or (iii) the CBSA has issued instructions to hold or not to load such cargo. 2. Any and all costs incurred by Carrier with respect to cargo in its possession which is not loaded due to the non-provision of data or certification in the manner and time required by this rule and/or by the CBSA, or which is not loaded pursuant to the instructions of the CBSA (regardless of whether or not the required data or certification has been provided for such cargo in the manner and time required), including but not limited to inspection, storage and/or re-delivery costs, shall be for the account of the cargo. Carrier shall have a lien on cargo in its possession for amounts due hereunder and may hold cargo until such amounts (and any other unpaid freights or charges) are paid or sell such cargo after a reasonable period. In the event Carrier is forced to take legal action to collect amounts due hereunder, Carrier shall be entitled to recover all costs (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with such legal action. Original Page 5M Effective December 15th, 2005 Correction No. 196 (I) RULE 26 - SUBMISSION OF CARGO DECLARATION DATA - CANADA BORDER SERVICE AGENCY ADVANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS (Effective December 15th, 2005) - Continued Submission of Cargo Declaration Data (Continued) D. Indemnification of Carrier. If Carrier is assessed a civil penalty, or is denied permission to unload cargo or to enter a Canadian port, then any and all shippers, consignees, cargo owners, NVOCCs and their agent(s) that failed to provide the data or certification as required by this rule and/or by the CBSA, shall be jointly and severally liable to indemnify and reimburse Carrier for any such penalty and any and all costs incurred by the Carrier as a result of the denial of permission to unload cargo or to enter a Canadian port. Carrier shall have a lien on cargo in its possession for amounts due hereunder and may hold cargo until such amounts (and any other unpaid freight or charges) are paid, or sell such cargo after a reasonable period. In the event Carrier is forced to take legal action to collect amounts due hereunder, Carrier shall be entitled to recover all costs (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with such legal action. E. Advance Commercial Information Charge (“ACI”) 1. For the processing and monitoring of cargo data which must be provided to the CBSA for cargo on board a vessel that will call at a port in Canada, and is loaded on Carrier's vessel in a port of loading other than a Canadian port, and for processing and monitoring of cargo declaration data which, as provided for in the CTSA tariff, must be provided to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service for cargo destined for Canada and on board a vessel that will call at a port in the United States, an Advance Commercial Information Charge of US$30.00 per bill of lading shall be payable to the Carriers for each bill of lading issued by the Carriers. If the shipper tendering the cargo to the Carriers has issued one or more of its bills of lading for such cargo (sometimes referred to as “house bills of lading”) or another relevant document, the ACI shall apply to each such house bill of lading or relevant document for which the Carrier submits data to the CBSA or U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service. The ACI shall be payable on the same basis as the ocean freight pursuant to the bill of lading issued by the Carriers (i.e. either pre-paid or collect). In the event of non-payment of the ACI, Carriers may collect the amount due either from the shipper or the consignee named in its bill of lading. For Hapag-Lloyd, the charge will be USD $20.00 per Bill of Lading. 2. In the event that a Carrier is required to submit corrected or supplemental cargo data to the CBSA, or to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service as the case may be, because the data provided by the shipper or NVOCC was incorrect or incomplete, the shipper or NVOCC as the case may be shall pay to the Carrier an Amendment Fee of US$40.00 for each submission to the CBSA or U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service of corrected or supplemental data. This Amendment Fee shall be payable on the same basis as the ocean freight pursuant to the bill of lading issued by the Carriers (i.e. either prepaid or collect). In the event of non-payment of the Amendment Fee, Carriers may collect the amount due either from the shipper or the consignee named in its bill of lading. For Hapag-Lloyd the charge shall be USD $20.00 for each submission. 3. The Amendment Fee shall not apply if the submission of corrected or supplemental cargo data results from an operational decision of the Carrier. Original Page 5M1 Effective June 12th, 2008 Correction No. 471 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. I) RULE 26A - CANADIAN BORDER SERVICES AGENCY - EXPORT REPORTING Effective: July 1st, 2008 – All destinations excluding the PRC August 15th, 2008 – PRC Only 1. Carrier’s Cargo Report to CBSA. Canadian Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) regulations stipulate that marine carriers who sign a MOU with the CBSA must submit to the CBSA a complete and accurate export cargo report within three days of vessel sailing from Canada. In order for Carriers to prepare and submit their cargo reports in compliance with this regulation and the time frame stipulated therein, Carriers must within the first Canadian working day after vessel sailing receive a complete and accurate copy of the shipping instructions and cargo information necessary for the Carrier to submit to the CBSA a complete and accurate cargo report. The exporter or its agent(s) shall also provide to the Carrier a proof of the exporter’s report to the CBSA submitted pursuant to these regulations. 2. Late Charge. Any shipping instructions and additional required information received by the Carrier after the first Canadian working day following vessel sailing will be subject to a USD $200 late shipping charge. This charge is in addition to any regulatory penalties which may be incurred due to late, incomplete or inaccurate submission of cargo report data and will apply to the Bill of Lading on a prepaid basis. (Part 2 does not apply for Hanjin). 3. Container Re-handling Fee. The above excludes any services that call a port in the United States or Mexico after sailing from Canada. These vessels are subject to these countries’ “24 Hour Rule” which requires the Carriers to provide a complete and accurate manifest 24 hours prior to the loading of the containers. For these services, shipping instructions must be received at least three Canadian working days prior to vessel arrival. If not received within this time frame, these containers will be refused for loading and will incur a USD $150 per container rehandling fee and will be subject to all applicable marine terminal storage costs. (Hanjin will apply container re-handling fee as assessed by the terminal) 4. Costs Incurred by Carrier. Any and all additional costs incurred by Carrier with respect to cargo in its possession due to cargo shipping instructions and information submitted to the Carrier that is late, inaccurate or incomplete, including but not limited to inspection, storage and/or re-delivery costs, shall be for the account of the cargo. Carrier shall have a lien on cargo in its possession for amounts due hereunder and may hold cargo until such amounts (and any other unpaid freights or charges) are paid or sell such cargo after a reasonable period. In the event Carrier is forced to take legal action to collect amounts due hereunder, Carrier shall be entitled to recover all costs (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with such legal action. I) Addition of rule 26A Original Page 5M2 Effective June 12th, 2008 Correction No. 472 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. I) RULE 26A - CANADIAN BORDER SERVICES AGENCY - EXPORT REPORTING (Continued) 5. Indemnification of Carrier. If Carrier is assessed a civil penalty, then any and all shippers, and their agent(s) that failed to provide cargo shipping instructions and information in a timely, accurate and complete manner as required by this rule and/or by the CBSA, shall be jointly and severally liable to indemnify and reimburse Carrier for any such penalty and any and all costs incurred by the Carrier as a result. Carrier shall have a lien on cargo in its possession for amounts due hereunder and may hold cargo until such amounts (and any other unpaid freight or charges) are paid, or sell such cargo after a reasonable period. In the event Carrier is forced to take legal action to collect amounts due hereunder, Carrier shall be entitled to recover all costs (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with such legal action. I) Addition of rule 26A 6th Revised Page 5N Effective May 04th, 2007 Correction No. 321 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 27 – UNDECLARED OR MISDECLARED HAZARDOUS CARGO (Effective January 6th, 2006) SHIPPER will be liable and responsible for all costs and consequences related to violations, fines, damages, incidents, claims and corrective measures resulting from SHIPPER'S, or SHIPPER'S agents, failure to properly offer and/or declare Hazardous Materials / Dangerous Goods at the time of booking, or otherwise. SHIPPER shall further indemnify CARRIER of any liability, claim or costs of any kind incurred by CARRIER as a result of SHIPPER'S failure to comply with applicable governmental regulations or requirements concerning shipment of hazardous materials / dangerous goods. SHIPPER shall further be assessed a U.S. $1000.00 penalty for failure to properly offer and/or declare Hazardous Materials / Dangerous Goods at the time of booking, if such shipments are tendered to inland truck or rail carriers prior to discovery and notification to the CARRIER of the undeclared material. RULE 28 – TERMINAL PORT SECURITY CHARGE/FEE (Effective July 31st, 2006) (C) In addition to any other applicable rates and charges, the shipper, consignee, or cargo interests, shall be liable for payment of the charges imposed on the Carrier by any marine terminal or other third party to cover security-related costs as a straight pass through. When the security-related costs are assessed on a basis other than "per container" basis, Carrier shall use reasonable efforts to convert charges assessed that fairly distributes the charges to a "per container" basis. This charge shall be payable together with freight payment. Shipments discharged at Hong Kong will be subject to the destination terminal port security charge of HK$20 per 20' container or HK$30 for container of all other sizes. If this charge is paid in China, it may be paid in RMB20 per 20' container or RMB30 for container of all other sizes. HONG KONG - Expired July 30th, 2006 VANCOUVER (Effective May 1st, 2006) Fraser Surrey Terminal US$ 3.50/container Vanterm and Delta Terminals US$ 1.75/20’ and US$ 3.50/40’ IA – Applies for CP Ships and Hapag Lloyd Only RULE 29 – CARRIER SECURITY CHARGE (Effective June 15th, 2006) US$ 6.00 per container - This charge is payable together with freight payment. - This charge is not applicable for cargo discharged in Taiwan - This charge applies for OOCL only Note: Page turned for tariff clean up 9th Revised Page 5O Effective March 31st, 2009 Correction No. 555 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 30 – HANDLING FEE FOR LATE SUBMISSION OF DECLARATION FOR CANADA ORIGIN CARGO (Effective November 18th, 2006) The Shipper or his representative shall be liable for and shall hold the Carrier harmless from any loss, damage, delay expense or liability incurred by or levied upon the Carrier or the goods by reason of noncompliance with Customs or other regulations resulting from late presentation of declaration for Canada Origin Cargo, including fines or penalties incurred by Carrier for which Shipper shall in all cases reimburse Carrier. In addition, a handling fee of $150 will be assessed for account of the Shipper. RULE 31 – CONTAINER SEAL REQUIREMENT All laden containers received for shipment by the carrier must be affixed with proper container seals as required by the customs or security related regulations of the origin and/or destination country or to satisfy any existing international regulatory body's regulations. Any expense involved with Carrier's handling of shipments which do not comply with container seal requirements with respect to the rules of the origin and/or destination country, (including but not limited to demurrage, detention, storage, handling, inland Transportation, unloading, stuffing, re-stuffing of Containers, additional equipment costs, diversion to alternate port, or return to port of origin) will be for the joint and several account of the Shipper, Consignee, and cargo Owner. In addition, the Shipper or Consignee, at their expense, shall arrange for measures to satisfy all requirements pertaining to the origin and/or destination country's rules and regulations prior to returning the container to the Carrier. Any expense referred to in this paragraph shall be paid to the Carrier before release of the container to the Consignee. Administrative Charge: In the event a container is inspected, unloaded, re-exported, or otherwise detained by authorities because the Shipper has failed to properly seal the container per origin and/or destination country's requirement, the cargo interest shall pay to carrier an administrative charge of $200, in addition to all other costs, expenses, charges, and other amounts due under this rule. Payments to Carrier: The Carrier shall refuse to release a container to a Consignee until all fines, penalties, charges, costs (including attorney's fees), bonds, penalties, or sanctions provided for in this rule have been paid by the Shipper, Consignee, or Cargo Owner, or the Carrier has been reimbursed for payment of same. RULE 32A – ST. JOHN’S ARBITRARY St. John’s, New Foundland Arbitrary over Halifax, Nova Scotia For All destinations $ 2650 per container $ 1800 per container – Expires March 31st, 2009 – Effective April 1st, 2009 RULE 33 – MAGNUM REEFER SURCHARGE (Below -30 Degrees): For Magnum reefers with a temperature setting of below -30 degrees a surcharge of $200.00 per container will apply. Note: Page turned to reflect the reduction under Rule 32A 5th Revised Page 5P Effective March 5, 2008 Correction No. 456 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 34 – INDIA SERVICE TAX CHARGE Effective July 15th, 2007 12.36 % - applicable on all cargo destined for India and will be for the account of the cargo. RULE 35 – QUALIFICATIONS FOR NVOCCs (People’s Republic of China) Effective September 12th, 2007 The Shipper is responsible for complying with all requirements applicable to it under the PRC Regulations on International Maritime Transportation (“PRC Regulations”), and any implementing rules, as well as all requirements imposed by the PRC Ministry of Communications’ (“MOC”), including but not limited to the requirement that all non-vessel-operating common carriers register their bills of lading and make the required surety bond in accordance with Article 21 of the PRC Regulations. By tendering shipment to the Carrier, Shipper thereby represents and warrants that it has complied with these requirements. For any shipment under this tariff or a service contract governed hereby, if the Shipper does not comply with any of the above requirements, or if at any time the Shipper becomes non-compliant, the Shipper is responsible to pay to Carrier or reimburse Carrier for any and all costs Carrier incurs as a result of such non-compliance, including but not limited to costs for re-routing of cargo, unstuffing or restuffing of containers, detention or inspection of containers, or penalty payments assessed against Shipper or the Carrier by the MOC or other PRC regulatory body because of Shipper’s noncompliance. (C) RULE 36 – DIVERSION OF CARGO Expires May 15th. 2008 Except as otherwise provided; if the ocean carrier at its option allows the diversion of cargo to a destination port other than the port named in the bill of lading, the following applies: 1. When the cargo is discharged at a port other than that stated in the bill of lading, at request of shipper or consignee, a minimum charge of $15.00 per ton as freighted will be assessed on the actual quantity diverted, provided that the request of shipper or consignee is given to the carrier forty-eight (48) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, before delivering vessel's arrival at the port of discharge. If shifting expense exceeds $15.00 per ton as freighted, actual shifting charges to be assessed instead. In the case of freight assessed on a per package, per carton, per unit, per each, per container, or per MBM, the diversion charge or shifting expenses will be assessed on a weight basis. Diversion charge or shifting expenses as specified in this rule must be paid in accordance with tariff Rule No. 7. When actual shifting charges are assessed and collected in Japan in Yen, such charges are not subject to the currency adjustment factor contained in surcharge section. An additional charge of US$200 per Bill of Lading for documentation/administration will be added to the diversion of cargo charges noted above, if such change occurs after the carrier has printed the Bill of Lading. 2. Diversion fee does not apply when the destination port or place of delivery named in the ocean Bill of Lading is changed at request of shipper or consignee whereas the discharge port or interchange port of the delivering vessel remains the same provided that the request of shipper or consignee is given to the carrier before delivering vessel's arrival at the port of discharge or interchange port. A charge of US$200 per Bill of Lading will be assessed when the destination port or place of delivery is changed but the discharge port remains the same, if such change occurs after the carrier has printed the Bill of Lading. (C) Page turned to amend the expiry date for Rule 36. Original Page 5P1 Effective March 5, 2008 Correction No. 457 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. (I) RULE 36 – DIVERSION OF CARGO - Continued Effective May 16th, 2008 Cargo may be diverted to a point or port other than that stated in the carrier's bill of lading upon written request from the shipper, consignee, or freight forwarder acting on behalf of Shipper or consignee, each of such entities hereafter referred to as 'diversion party', subject to the following terms and conditions: A) Definition of diversion I. Cargo for which the diversion party requests movement to a destination point or port other than that shown in the bill of lading after cargo is stowed on the vessel at the origin port of loading. (and/or) Ii. Cargo for which the diversion party requests a change from port delivery to door or inland rail terminal delivery, or from door or inland rail terminal delivery to port delivery. (and/or) Iii. Cargo for which diversion party requests a change from delivery at one door or inland rail terminal to delivery at another door or inland rail terminal. B) Limitations on diversion I. Agreement to a request for diversion of cargo will be at carrier's discretion, duly considering perational constraints. Requests which are not agreed to by carrier in writing are to be considered denied. Ii. The carrier will only consider diversion requests of full container loads. C) Notice period for diversion I. Request for any diversion, as defined under a:i above, must be made in writing to the carrier by the diversion party and must be received by carrier during normal business hours at least 48 hours prior to the arrival of carrier's vessel at port of discharge as stated on the bill of lading. Ii. Request for any diversion, as defined under a:ii and a:iii above, not requiring port diversion from b/l terms, must be made in writing to the carrier by the diversion party and must be received by carrier during normal business hours at least 48 hours prior to scheduled on-carriage. D) Diversion fees and charges i. The carrier will assess an administrative charge of usd 200.00 per bill of lading, for which a diversion is requested. ii. The carrier will re-rate and bill the diverted shipment in accordance with the otherwise applicable service contract or tariff rates, charges and provisions of the service contract or governing tariffs applicable at time of shipment. iii. All extra costs incurred for diversion of cargo, including but not limited to restowage, repositioning, load or discharge costs, detention and/or demurrage costs, or inland haulage will be for the account of cargo and the 'diversion party', and shall be collected prior to the carrier's release of cargo. (I) Page turned to reflect Rule 36. 4th Revised Page 5Q Effective June 4, 2008 Correction No. 468 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 37 – CONTAINER CLEANING FEE – SCRAP METAL For all Destinations excluding PRC – Effective March 5th, 2008 For PRC Only – Effective April 5th, 2008 USD$ 25 per 20 container USD$ 40 per container for all other size containers Notes: On a prepaid basis only. This charge does not apply for Hanjin and COSCO RULE 38 – EQUIPMENT IMBALANCE SURCHARGE (EISC) - INDEPENDENT ACTION – EVERGREEN ONLY – Effective May 15th, 2008 Commodity: Scope: Note: Charge: All reefer cargo Vancouver CY (port) to all destinations. The Origin and Port of Loading on B/L shown as Vancouver/Vancouver. $400/per container" (C) RULE 39 – HEAVY CARGO CHARGE - INDEPENDENT ACTION – HYUNDAI ONLY – Effective July 15th, 2008 All shipments moving from Canada will be assessed a Heavy Cargo Charge (HCG) of $100 per 1,000 pounds or fraction thereof for each container in which the declared cargo weight on the Bill of Lading exceeds 50,000 pounds or 22.68 metric tons. (C) RULE 40 – MIS-DECLARED CARGO WEIGHT - INDEPENDENT ACTION – HYUNDAI ONLY – Effective July 1st, 2008 Shipper Responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Requirements: In the event that after the Shipper has tendered a shipment to the Carrier it is discovered that the cargo weight declared for any container is found to be incorrect; actual cargo weight for said container is higher or lower than that reported by the Shipper; a penalty of $250 per 1,000 lbs (LBS) of mis-declared weight or fraction thereof will be assessed. The assessment of this penalty will be in addition to other charges, costs, and penalties assessed by the Carrier in accordance to the rules published in this tariff on the date the Shipper tendered the container to the Carrier. (C) Page turned to reflect the amendment of effective dates under Rule 39 and 40. 3rd Revised Page 5R Effective July 25, 2008 Correction No. 479 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 41 – JAPAN FEEDER SURCHARGE - INDEPENDENT ACTION – HYUNDAI ONLY – Effective June 12th, 2008 The following Japan Feeder Surcharge (FSC) shall apply from Canada to Japan destination cargo which transships at Busan: US $40/20' Dry Container US $80/40' Dry Container US $80/40' Reefer Container Japan destinations which transships at Busan may include (but not limited) to the following destinations: AKITA, JP FUKUYAMA, JP HAMADA, JP ISHIKARI-WAN SHINKO, JP KAWASAKI, JP KOUCHI SHINKO, JP MOJI, JP NAOETSU, JP ONAHAMA, JP SEIBU, JP SHIBUSHI, JP TAKAMATSU, JP TOKYO, JP (Non-Direct Call) YATSUSHIRO, JP AMAGASAKI, JP HACHINOHE, JP HIROSHIMA, JP IYOMISHIMA, JP KOBE, JP (Non-Direct Call) KUSHIRO, JP NAGOYA, JP (Non-Direct Call) NIIGATA, JP OSAKA, JP (Non-Direct Call) SENDAI, KENGOSHIMA, JP SHIMIZU, JP (Non-Direct Call) TOKUSHIMA, JP TOMAKOMAI, JP CHIBA, JP HAKATA, JP HOSOSHIMA, JP KASHIMA, JP KOCHI, JP MATSUYAMA, JP NANKO, JP OITA, JP SAKAIMINATO, JP SENDAI, MIYAGI, JP SHINKIBA, JP TOKUYAMA, JP TOYAMA SHINKO, JP RULE 42 – TRANS-SHIPMENT TO NAHA - INDEPENDENT ACTION – HYUNDAI ONLY – Effective July 2nd, 2008 Increase: Note: $700/20' Dry Container $1100/40' Dry Container $1300/40' RF Container $1500/All Others For shipments to Naha, JP, the Hyundai trans-shipment port of discharge has changed from Kaohsiung to Busan. This increase applies to all shipments originating from Canada. (C) RULE 43 – BC CARBON TAX SURCHARGE Effective: August 1st, 2008 (for all destinations excluding the PRC and Taiwan) September 1st, 2008 (for Taiwan destinations) September 15th, 2008 (for PRC destinations) Applies for all cargo that moves by rail and originates in or passes through British Columbia US$ 3.00 per 20’ container US$ 6.00 for all other size containers (C) Page turned to reflect the changes under Rule 43. 4th Revised Page 5S Effective February 9th, 2009 Correction No. 543 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. RULE 44 – OUTPORT DIFFERENTIALS Effective: September 6th, 2008 Minimum differential for Keelung,Taiwan over Kaohsiung,Taiwan US$ 250 per container Minimum differential for Bangkok,Thailand over Laem Chabang,Thailand US$ 100 per container Minimum differential for Lat Krabang,Thailand over Laem Chabang,Thailand US$ 100 per container RULE 45 – GENERAL ADMINISTRATION CHARGE - INDEPENDENT ACTION – OOCL ONLY In the event that Carrier is requested to perform, including arrangement through a third party for service that is outside of the bill of lading terms, or when the Carrier is required to advance payment for any service on behalf of shipper, shipper shall be responsible for the actual cost plus an additional general administration charge of $50 per bill of lading or 50% of the actual cost, whichever is lesser. Exception: This general administration charge will not be applicable if a similar administration charge is already specified in any service charge. RULE 46 – BILL OF LADING CORRECTION FEE - INDEPENDENT ACTION – OOCL ONLY – Effective: November 1st, 2008 When carrier is requested to re-issue a Seaway bill after the Original Bill of lading has been issued, a b/l correction fee of $50 per Seaway bill shall be applicable and to be paid by shipper. (I) RULE 47 – FUMIGATION – WOOD PACKAGING MATERIALS Effective: January 1st, 2009 It is the responsibilty of the shipper/consignee to ensure that all wood packaging materials comply with the regulatory standards of the importing country with regards to fumigation and/or heat treatment. All costs, penalties incurred due to noncompliance will be for the account of cargo. (I) Page turned to reflect the new Rule 47 29th Revised Page 6 Effective March 31st, 2009 Correction No. 556 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. 1. RATES For carriers providing service from Canadian Base Ports minimum guideline rate: a) CARGO, NOS US $ 200.00 W/M c) REEFER SEAFOOD EX VANCOUVER - Expires March 31st, 2009 Japan / Korea PRC Pollock Roe / Cod Roe Pollock Roe / Cod Roe US $ 2480/20' US $ 2480/20' US $ 3100/40' US $ 3100/40' Japan Korea PRC Crab Crab Crab US $ 3040/20' US $ 2720/20' US $ 2720/20' US $ 3800/40' US $ 3400/40' US $ 3400/40' Japan / Korea PRC Salmon Roe Salmon Roe US $ 4000/20' US $ 4000/20' US $ 5000/40' US $ 5000/40' Japan Korea PRC Herring Herring Herring US $ 2400/20' US $ 2400/20' US $ 2400/20' US $ 3000/40' US $ 3000/40' US $ 3000/40' Japan Herring Roe US $ 3600/20' US $ 4500/40' Japan / Korea PRC Salmon & Halibut Salmon & Halibut US $ 2400/20' US $ 2400/20' US $ 3000/40' US $ 3000/40' Japan / Korea PRC Bottom Fish and Tsurimi Bottom Fish and Tsurimi US $ 1920/20' US $ 1920/20' US $ 2400/40' US $ 2400/40' Japan / Korea PRC Black Cod Black Cod US $ 2320/20' US $ 2320/20' US $ 2900/40' US $ 2900/40' Thailand PRC Chum Salmon Chum Salmon US $ 2000/20' US $ 2000/20' US $ 2500/40' US $ 2500/40' All rates are subject to DTHC, Bunker and Doc Fee Exception: PRC rates are subject to bunker and Doc Fee Note: Page turned to reflect expiry date under 1C 30th Revised Page 6A Effective March 31st, 2009 Correction No. 557 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. 1. RATES (Continued) c) REEFER SEAFOOD EX VANCOUVER TO (Continued) Effective April 1st, 2009 for all member lines excluding Hanjin Effective May 1st, 2009 for Hanjin Japan / Korea PRC Pollock Roe / Cod Roe Pollock Roe / Cod Roe US $ 2480/20' US $ 2480/20' US $ 3100/40' US $ 3100/40' Japan Korea PRC Crab Crab Crab US $ 3040/20' US $ 2720/20' US $ 2720/20' US $ 3800/40' US $ 3400/40' US $ 3400/40' Japan / Korea PRC Salmon Roe Salmon Roe US $ 4000/20' US $ 4000/20' US $ 5000/40' US $ 5000/40' Japan Korea PRC Herring Herring Herring US $ 2400/20' US $ 2400/20' US $ 2400/20' US $ 3000/40' US $ 3000/40' US $ 3000/40' Japan Herring Roe US $ 3600/20' US $ 4500/40' Japan / Korea PRC Salmon & Halibut Salmon & Halibut US $ 2400/20' US $ 2400/20' US $ 3000/40' US $ 3000/40' Japan / Korea PRC Bottom Fish and Tsurimi Bottom Fish and Tsurimi US $ 1920/20' US $ 1920/20' US $ 2400/40' US $ 2400/40' Japan / Korea PRC Black Cod Black Cod US $ 2320/20' US $ 2320/20' US $ 2900/40' US $ 2900/40' Thailand PRC Chum Salmon Chum Salmon US $ 2000/20' US $ 2000/20' US $ 2500/40' US $ 2500/40' All Destinations Sardines Increase US $ 160/20’ US $ 200/40’ All Destinations All other seafood not Mentioned above Increase US $ 160/20’ US $ 200/40’ All rates are subject to DTHC, Bunker and Doc Fee Exception: PRC rates are subject to bunker and Doc Fee d) Peat Moss: Halifax To all Japan Base Ports Halifax To Osaka / Tokyo / Japan except Osaka / Tokyo All rates are subject to all tariff additionals. Note: Page turned to reflect the changes under 1C US $ 1225 / 40’ US $ 1275 / 40’ 14th Revised Page 6B Effective February 29th, 2008 Correction No. 423 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. This page left blank intentionally 4th Revised Page 6C Effective March 31st, 2009 Correction No. 558 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. 3. VOLUNTARY GUIDELINES CRAB Expires March 31st, 2009 Halifax to Japan Base Ports (All Water) Halifax to Japan Base Ports (MLB) Halifax to China Base Ports (All Water) US$ 7,500 per 40' R/RHC US$11,100 per 40' R/RHC US$ 7,500 per 40' R/RHC St.John's to Japan Base Ports (All Water) St.John's to Japan Base Ports (MLB) St.John's to China Base Ports (All Water) US$10,300 per 40' R/RHC US$13,900 per 40' R/RHC US$10,300 per 40' R/RHC Effective April 1st, 2009 Halifax to Japan Base Ports (All Water) Halifax to Japan Base Ports (MLB) Halifax to China Base Ports (All Water) US$ 7,500 per 40' R/RHC US$11,100 per 40' R/RHC US$ 7,500 per 40' R/RHC St.John's to Japan Base Ports (All Water) St.John's to Japan Base Ports (MLB) St.John's to China Base Ports (All Water) US$ 9,300 per 40' R/RHC US$12,900 per 40' R/RHC US$ 9,300 per 40' R/RHC The above rates are subject to Origin Currency Adjustment Factor, Full floating Bunker Surcharge/Fuel Recovery Surcharge as well as all other tariff surcharges and additionals. The following conditions/charges will also apply: FREE TIME AND CONTAINER DETENTION (Reefer containers out empty for loading) 7 days free time during first 2 weeks of crab season (date to be determined) Week 3 onwards, 5 days free time after which the flwg charges are applicable: DETENTION CHARGES For refrigerated containers: US $ 100.00 per container / per day Carrier supplied genset chassis: US $ 100.00 per day EARLY REEFER CONTAINER RECEIPT AT HALIFAX PORT Export reefer containers returned to the Halifax terminal earlier than 5 days prior to vessel sailing for all services will be billed USD 80.00 per container per day. This includes reefer shipments that are rolled on account of Shipper's error, request or due to non compliance with Export Reporting regulations. Note: Page turned to reflect changes to crab rates. 15th Revised Page 7 Effective March 6, 2008 Correction No. 431 CANADA WESTBOUND TRANSPACIFIC STABILIZATION AGREEMENT Tariff No.1 All rates shown in this tariff are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specifically noted. 3. VOLUNTARY GUIDELINES (Continued) SARDINES Vancouver to Japan / Korea / PRC base ports Minimum US $2500/R40 Subject to DTHC, Bunker and Doc Fee AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS From Vancouver to Indian Sub Continent Minimum US $ 1260.00/20 Rates are subject to bunker and doc fee. APPLES $2800.00/R40 Ex USWC ports to North Asia $3050.00/R40 Ex USWC ports to South East Asia Rates are subject to bunker, origin documentation fee and destination terminal handling charge. (C) MINIMUM GUIDELINE RATES FOR FOREST PRODUCTS Expires March 31st, 2008 From Vancouver to Shanghai From Vancouver to Qingdao/Ningbo $670.00 per 40ft container – NOTE 1 $675.00 per 40ft container – NOTE 1 Effective April 1st, 2008 From Vancouver to Shanghai/Yantian/Shekou From Vancouver to Qingdao/Ninbo $770.00 per 40ft container – NOTE 1 $775.00 per 40ft container – NOTE 1 NOTE 1: Rates are subject to the Origin CAF, bunker surcharge / fuel recovery charge, Security Fees, Destination Doc Fee and Origin B/L Note: Page turned to reflect the removal of Minimum Guideline Rates for Forest Products for Yantian/Shekou.