
July 27,2006
Hong Kong Port Security Charge
Dear Customers,
With reference to the press release from the container terminal operators in Hong Kong, the Port
Security Charges of HK$20 per 20-foot container and HK$30 per 40-foot and 45-foot container will be
applied to all laden import and export containers, from or to road transport or Pearl River Delta lighter.
There will be no charge for either vessel-to-vessel trans-shipments or empty containers. This charge will
be implemented with effect from 15 August 2006. For details, please refer to terminal operators' website
as follows.
Modern Terminal Limited (MTL)
Hong Kong International Terminal (HIT)
We also enclose the payment methods announced by The Hong Kong Shippers' Council for your handy
information. For your own benefits, we recommend you to contact relevant parties as soon as possible.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact your local sales representative at their usual
contact number or email address. For Customer Service Department, please contact at the following
telephone numbers or email at
Hong Kong 
Guangzhou 
Shenzhen 
Zhongshan 
Kunming 
Contact Number
- (852) 2506 6666
- (853) 705599
- (86-20) 8393 6033
- (86-755) 2588 1022
- (86-760) 838 1488
- (86-871) 535 3707
Please contact our Customer Service hotline at 852-2506 6666 or fax back to 852-2506 1070 and indicate your fax
no.________________on this slip if you do not want to receive this kind of fax in future.
32/F., Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
東方海外貨櫃航運 (香港) 有限公司
An OOIL Group Company
香港灣仔港灣道 25 號海港中心 32 樓
Tel : (852) 2506 6888
電話 : (852) 2506 6888
July 27,2006
Hong Kong Port Security Charge
Dear Customers,
With reference to the press release from the container terminal operators in Hong Kong, the Port
Security Charges of HK$20 per 20-foot container and HK$30 per 40-foot and 45-foot container will be
applied to all laden import and export containers, from or to road transport or Pearl River Delta lighter.
There will be no charge for either vessel-to-vessel trans-shipments or empty containers. This charge will
be implemented with effect from 15 August 2006. For details, please refer to terminal operators' website
as follows.
Modern Terminal Limited (MTL)
Hong Kong International Terminal (HIT)
We also enclose the payment methods announced by The Hong Kong Shippers' Council for your handy
information. For your own benefits, we recommend you to contact relevant parties as soon as possible.
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact your local sales representative at their usual
contact number or email address. For Customer Service Department, please contact at the following
telephone numbers or email at
Hong Kong 
Guangzhou 
Shenzhen 
Zhongshan 
Kunming 
Contact Number
- (852) 2506 6666
- (853) 705599
- (86-20) 8393 6033
- (86-755) 2588 1022
- (86-760) 838 1488
- (86-871) 535 3707
Please contact our Customer Service hotline at 852-2506 6666 or fax back to 852-2506 1070 and indicate your fax
no.________________on this slip if you do not want to receive this kind of fax in future.
Orient Overseas Container Line (China) Co., Ltd Shenzhen Branch
50/F., Shun Hing Square, Di Wang Commercial Centre, 5002 Shen Nan Dong Road, Shenzhen, China. Post Code: 518008
中 国 深 圳 市 深 南 东 路 5002 号 信 兴 广 场 地 王 商 业 中 心 50 楼 邮 政 編 码 : 518008
An OOIL Group Company
电 话 : 86-755-8237 0168
Tel : 86-755-8237 0168