COURSE SYLLABUS Course Number: ELC 111.2 Department/Program: ECCE Semester: 2nd Title: Digital Design Lab School: SOSE School Year: SY08-09 Instructor: Carlos M. Oppus A. COURSE DESCRIPTION Digital System Design covers number system, combinatorial logic, sequential system and algorithmic state machine. The course aims to guide the student into developing a working knowledge of digital system through a hands-on laboratory set-up. At the end of the course, the student is expected to be familiar with basic gates, decoders, multiplexers, programmable logic devices, flip-flops, registers, counters, among others. The student will encounter these components in development kits and breadboard circuits, and will also have the chance to design and solve digital system problems. B. COURSE OBJECTIVES To have a hands-on understanding of the fundamental concepts of Digital Design System. To learn logic gates, ssi, msi and lsi devices. C. COURSE OUTLINE 1. Discrete Gates 2. Intro to Logic Gates -- AND-OR-NOT 3. NAND Gates 4. Analog meets Digital Design 5. Decoder/Encoder 6. Multiplexers 7. PLD 8. Sequential Circuit 9. Counters/Shift Registers 10. Mini-projects: Ping-pong, Thunderbird Tail Lights 11. Projects D. TIMEFRAME Dates Presentation Nov 20 Nov 27 Dec 4 Dec 11 Dec 18 Jan 8 Jan 15 Lab Activity Lab 0: Discrete Gates Lab 1a: Basic gates 1 Lab 1b: Basic gates 2 Lab 2: Digital meets Analog Lab 3: Decoder Lab 4: Multiplexer Lab 5: PLD/GAL/PAL Due Report Nov 25 Dec 2 Dec 9 Dec 16 Jan 6 Jan 13 Jan 20 Jan 22 Jan 29 Feb 5 Feb 19 Lab 6: FF/Sequential Counters Lab 7: Counters Lab 8: Shift Register Mini-proj: Lamp Pingpong /Thunderbird Tail Light or Equivalent Exercise ASM & Multi-Input System Project Finals week Jan 27 Feb 3 Feb 10 Feb 24 Finals week E. REQUIRED READING Morris Mano, Digital Design Third Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc. 2002 Digital Design Laboratory Manual, ECCE Dept Ateneo de Manila University F. SUGGESTED READINGS Bartel, T., Digital Computer Fundamentals, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977. Comer, D.J., Digital Logic and State Machine Design, New York: Helt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984. Fletcher, W.I., An Engineering Approach to Digital Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1980. Design, G. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Completion of all laboratory exercises. H. GRADING SYSTEM A B C 92+ 81-85+ 70-75+ B+ C+ D 87-91+ 76-80+ 60-69+ F below 59+ I. CLASSROOM POLICIES Each exercise is graded on a 100-point basis. The score will be based on the lab performance (60%) and the quality of the written report (40%). All exercises must be defended orally. Orals are on an individual basis. The project is worth 200 points. In the performance of an experiment, all necessary data/diagram/listing must be copied on a bond paper. This is to be signed by the teacher at the end of the lab period. This signed paper must be included in the submission of the lab report. A deduction of 5 points per day for late presentation will be enforced. A lab report is null and void if submitted without a data sheet signed by the instructor. A deduction of 5 points per day for late reports will be enforced. If the instructor is not around kindly submit the report to the ECCE secretary. Lab reports must be type-written or printed and must follow the lab report format. Cleanliness and order must be kept in the lab. Things to do before leaving the lab: store all equipment properly, clean your table of visible debris, arrange the chairs. You are responsible for your own work area. Lab Report Format Name of group member/s, Date Exercise #, Title and abstract Flow chart (if applicable) Program listing Computations (if applicable) Schematic diagram (if applicable) Design Process and Discussion You are expected to prepare the background theory for the experiment to be performed. Describe/discuss the design process. Conclusion and Recommendation From the theoretical information, you should be able to interpret the result of the experiment. J. CONSULTATION HOURS (Carlos M. Oppus, 09204280161 or and see ) 10:30 – 12:30 MW and by appointment on TthF, M to F via sms/email