AFFIDAVIT (On non-judicial Stamp paper of Rs.10/-) In the matter of issuance of duplicate Share Certificate(s) of California Software Company Limited I / We, the following: 1._____________________son/daughter/wife of Mr. ____________________________ residing at______________________________________________________________ 2._____________________son/daughter/wife of Mr. ____________________________ ` residing at _____________________________________________________________ 3._____________________son/daughter/wife of Mr. ____________________________ residing at _____________________________________________________________ hereby state upon oath as follows : I / We have purchased the below mentioned shares ("the said shares") from ______________________________________on______________________________ Vide contract no. (if applicable) _____________________________________________ The below mentioned Certificate(s) for the said shares was / were lost / stolen and are beyond recovery and they are not in my / our possession. I / We have not sold, mortgaged, hypothecated or pledged or otherwise disposed of the said shares or any of them to any person, bank or any other party since the date of my / our acquisition of the said shares. I / We solemnly affirm and state that the facts mentioned above are true and correct and that nothing material has been concealed. Deponent(s) Solemnly declared and affirmed 1. Name: at..... ...... ...... ........ Signature: on identification at / pm before me. .................... 2. Name: Signature: 3. Name: (Signature and Seal of the Notary with date) Signature: Identified by ................................... (Signature of the Advocate) Details of Share Certificate(s) ------------------------------------Certificate(s) ---------------- DNR from -------------- DNR to --------------- .................. .................. ................ ................ ................. ................. No. of shares ------------------ ........ ........ INDEMNITY (On non-judicial Stamp paper of Rs.50/-) Date: California Software Company Limited 1205, D Block, 12th Floor, Tidel Park, 4, Canal Bank Road, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113. Dear Sirs, In the matter of issuance of duplicate Share Certificate(s) of California Software Company Limited standing the name(s) of .................................... Reference my / our application praying for issue of duplicate Certificate(s), I / we hereby agree for myself / ourselves, my / our heirs, executors or administrators and legal representative(s) as from the date upon which such Certificate(s) is / are issued in the name(s) of the following: 1) (Registered holder) 2) (Registered holder) 3) (Registered holder) to hold California Software Company Limited (the Company and its Officers) harmless and indemnified against all actions, claims, suits or demands or any loss whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from or out of the loss of the original Certificate(s) by me / us and consequent issuance of duplicate Certificate(s) thereof by the Company, including any loss arising by reason of the inadvertent registration in the Company's Books as registered holder or holders of the shares detailed below or any of them or any party or parties producing the original Certificate(s). In the event of the said original Certificate(s) being found by me / us, I / we hereby undertake to return the same forthwith to the Company. Yours faithfully (witness to the signature) Applicant's 1. Signature: Name: Address: Occupation: 1. Name: Signature: 2. Name: Signature: 2. Signature: Name: Address: 3. Name: Signature: Occupation: (Attestation of Signatures of the Applicant(s) by a Bank with seal) Details of Share Certificate(s) ---------------------------------------Certificate(s) DNR from ----------------------------- DNR to --------------- No. of shares ------------------ PRESS ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SHARE CERTIFICATE(S) NO(S) FOR ...... ORDINARY SHARES BEARING DISTINCTIVE NO(S) ................................... OF CALIFORNIA SOFTWARE COMPANY LTD. LIMITED STANDING IN THE NAME(S) OF.......................................................... IS / ARE CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN PURCHASED BY (Name of the Investor) AND HAS BEEN REPORTED LOST ALONG WITH THE SIGNED TRANSFER DEED(S) AND AN APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF DUPLICATE SHARE CERTIFICATE(S) IN RESPECT THEREOF HAS BEEN MADE BY THE SAID PURCHASER TO THE COMPANY'S INVESTOR SERVICE CENTRE, California Software Company Limited, 1205, D Block, 12th Floor, Tidel Park, 4, Canal Bank Road, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113 TO WHOM OBJECTION, IF ANY, AGAINST ISSUANCE OF SUCH DUPLICATE SHARE CERTIFICATE(S) SHOULD BE MADE WITHIN 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. THE PUBLIC IS CAUTIONED AGAINST DEALING IN ANY WAY WITH THESE SHARES. NO OBJECTION LETTER Address :.................. ................... Dated :.................... The Registrars Integrated Enterprises (India) Limited (IEPL) Unit: California Software Company Limited Kences Towers, 2nd Floor, No.1, Ramakrishna Street, North Usman Road, T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017. Dear Sirs, Re : ......ORDINARY SHARE(S) DETAILED BELOW STANDING IN THE NAME(S) OF ....................................... A/C. NO...................................... I / We understand from......................................... that the abovementioned share(s) registered in my / our name(s) has/have been lost from his / her / their possession. I/We shall be obliged if you will issue duplicate share Certificate(s) made out in my / our name(s) and send the same to......................................duly registered share Certificate(s) in his / her / their name(s) on the strength of the enclosed transfer deed(s) duly executed by me / us and receipt of which shall be your clear and final discharge. I / We also request that any further correspondence in this matter should be addressed by the Company to him / her / them directly, who shall carry out or execute such instruction as the Company may require in this connection. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, --------------------(All the Registered Holder(s) to sign) Details of share Certificate(s) ------------------------------------Certificate(s) ---------------.................. .................. DNR from -------------................ ................ DNR to --------------................. ................. No. of shares -----------------..................... ..................... BANK GUARANTEE ************************************* TO BE EXECUTED ON RS.50/NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER ************************************* We (name of the Bank with full address) join in the request for issue of duplicate share certificate(s) for ..... shares in the name of .................... and guarantee the performance by (Name of the Registered holders/applicant(s) ) of the indemnity dated ..................... Our liability under this guarantee is limited to Rs.................. and will be for a period of two years i.e. (the date of expiry of the validity of the guarantee) Any claim under this guarantee must be received by us within the date of expiry of the validity of guarantee. We understand that claims, if any, will first be made with the registered holder at his address registered with the Company and if no such claim has been made by the Company, the Company's rights under this guarantee will cease. Place :............... Date.................. ........................... (signature of the authorised person stating designation & official seal).