LINKED UP OLYMPICS AND LANGUAGES PROJECT - OVERVIEW Project idea: Olympics sports, The Ethos & Health LEARNING OBJECTIVE Session 1 To understand and give instructions – the imperative (plural & singular) Session 2 To learn parts of the body, understand and give instructions – the imperative (plural & singular ACTIVITIES Agree on which exercise per sport would suit a body warm up and learn the movements. Pupils research the national sport for that country or the sport that the particular country is best at. Find out why, Learn French parts of the body & instructions for moving parts of the body using memory games, actions etc Introduce (Yr5/6) / Revise (Yr10)imperatives (forward, backwards, raise, lower, turn, jump etc.,) in Fr and compare with Eng. (Knowledge About Language) Session 3 To inform others which foods are healthy/unhealthy. Learn selection of healthy / unhealthy foods Use with mangez / buvez and also in negative Ne mangez pas and Ne buvez pas!. Add opinion: c’est bon/mauvais pour la santé Session 4 To practise choreography and food & drink in grps, bring together knowledge from previous lessons Open lesson of group revision and practising of warm up routine Cross phase: KS2 and KS3/4 Cross curricular: French, PE, Geography, PSHE, SEAL Languages Framework Objectives O = Oracy KAL = Knowledge About Language LLS = Language Learning Strategies FRAMEWORK OBJECTIVES O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages FR. IU6.1 Compare attitudes towards aspects of everyday life RESOURCES Powerpoint (Ppt) / flashcards O6.3 Understand longer and more complex phrases or sentences Powerpoint (Ppt) / flashcards LLS Use memory games to aide memorisation KAL Apply their knowledge of language rules and conventions O6.3 Understand longer and more complex phrases or sentences LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task LLS Practise new language outside of the classroom KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages O6.3 Understand longer and more complex phrases or sentences LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or training purposes. They can be reproduced for free provided that this material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Adaptation of these materials for other languages is permissible, providing the original source is acknowledged. Music of choice PpT, music, w/sht, glossary PE hall Vocab Music LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES FRAMEWORK OBJECTIVES RESOURCES Session 5 To teach Yr 10 Olympic warm-up routine and take part in a healthy eating game Yr6 & yr 10 meet to show and teach each other warm up routines. Collaborate to get the final routine together and film: a) Pupils teaching instructions with flashcards b) Demonstrating the warm up routine Travel Flashcards with photos & instructions Camcorder EXTRA Feedback to others who have not experienced the project. O6.2 Perform to an audience LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages Formal, reporting lang. © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Olympics project Lesson Plans 1-5 Teacher: DAJ PLAN 1 Subject: FRENCH & OLYMPICS Date: 8TH FEB 2011 Length of lesson: 45MINS F/wk Obj’s: O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages Lesson objectives: To understand and give instructions – the imperative (plural & singular) Key Vocabulary : avancez, accélérez, sautez, marchez, reculez, arrêtez, courez talon-fesse, pas chassés, montées de genoux Class: YR5 / 6 Number on Roll Males Females SEN TA Key sounds : “ez”, é Resources: Ppt, music Starter: Share the overall objectives and use detective skills to understand some of the qualities Timing 5mins Presentation: Ecoutez / répétez + graded Q&A of instructions Lang. Detective: Elicit strategies for memorisation. KAL 10mins Reinforcement Physical response: Pupils mime action called out by teacher 3mins Listening &Speaking: Play Jacques a dit : 10mins Reading/Writing: Match instruction to picture 7mins Plenary. Discuss singular and plural use of imperative. Choose Olympic sport/s suitable for warm up 10mins H/wk: Is your chosen sport a national sport in any country? How, when and why is this sport so popular? Evaluation: Follow up session: Practise language in PE lessons © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Teacher: DAJ PLAN 2 Subject: FRENCH & OLYMPICS Date: 15th FEB 2011 Length of lesson: 45 mins – 1hr F/wk Obj’s: O6.3 Understand longer and more complex phrases or sentences FR. IU6.1 Compare attitudes towards aspects of everyday life LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task LLS Practise new language outside of the classroom KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages Lesson objectives: To learn parts of the body, understand and give instructions – the imperative (plural & singular) Key Vocabulary :Intro le bras, la main, le pied, la tête, le genou, la jambe, allongez, frappez, tappez, pliez, secouez, levez, baissez. À droite, allez tout droit, à gauche. Revise. avancez, accélérez, sautez, marchez, reculez, arrêtez, courez, talon-fesse, pas chassés, montées de genoux Class: YR5 / 6 Number on Roll Males Females SEN TA Key sounds : “ez” “é” Resources: Ppt, music, w/sht, glossary Starter: Elicit overall objective. Revisit. instructions from plan 1. Timing 5mins Presentation: Ppt slide 10. Ecoutez / répétez + graded Q&A of parts of the body and instructions Lang. Detective: Strategies for memorisation. KAL 10mins Reinforcement Physical response: Pupils mime action called out by teacher. Teacher mimes pupils call out action. Ppt - slide 11 what’s missing? 3mins 10mins Listening &Speaking: Model Mini Zumba workout. Pupils follow instructions given by Teacher 5mins Reading/Writing: Match instruction to picture. Print Ppt slide 12 15mins Listening & Speaking: Pupils work in groups to choreograph warm up using one or two Olympic sports as a basis for movements. Glossary(A3 sheets around room) support for language plus movement 5mins Plenary. Discuss successes / difficulties. H/wk. 1. Is your chosen sport a national sport in any country? How, when and why is this sport so popular? 2. Practise choreography with your group. Evaluation: Follow up session: © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Teacher: DAJ PLAN 3 Subject: FRENCH & OLYMPICS Date: FEB 2011 Length of lesson: 45 mins – 1hr F/wk Obj’s: O6.3 Understand longer and more complex phrases or sentences LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task LLS Practise new language outside of the classroom KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages Class: YR5 / 6 Number on Roll Males Females SEN Lesson objectives: To inform others which foods are healthy/unhealthy. Key Vocabulary : mangez / buvez, ne mangez/buvez pas. l’eau, le poisson, les fruits, le pain, les légumes, la viande, les bonbons, les biscuits, le gâteau, les chips, le fanta/ le coca etc. C’est bon / C’est mauvais, la santé TA Key sounds : “oi”, “in”, “i”, “au”, “ch” Resources: Ppt, music, w/sht, glossary Starter: Elicit overall objective. Rev. instructions from plan 1. Timing 5mins Presentation: Repeat & graded Q&A: begin mangez / buvez + actions. Continue with phrases :Mangez… / buvez … ! 10mins T: _______, c’est bon / mauvais pour la santé ? – point to appropriate pictures in ppt. Lang. Detective: Strategies for memorisation. KAL 2mins Reinforcement Physical response: Teacher calls out phrase – pupils hold up correct picture. (print off pics from ppt) Listening &Speaking & Reading: Pupils practise saying sentences from a speaking frame. Teacher models with volunteer: Pupils choose 2 items. Walk around the room – stop. Pupil 1 mimes eating or drinking chosen item. Pupil 2 says sentence in French eg, Mangez le poisson! C’est bon pour la santé ! Reading/Writing: Pass the word. Play pass the parcel with new vocab. Place words under headings; Mangez / Buvez, Ne mangez pas / Ne buvez pas 3mins 5mins 10mins 5mins 5mins Plenary. Discuss successes / difficulties. H/wk: Evaluation: Follow up session: © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Teacher: DAJ PLAN 4 Subject: FRENCH & OLYMPICS Date: Mar 2011 Length of lesson: 45 mins – 1hr F/wk Obj’s: O6.3 Understand longer and more complex phrases or sentences LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages Class: YR5 / 6 Number on Roll Males Females SEN Lesson objectives: To practise choreography and food & drink in grps, bring together knowledge from previous lessons Key Vocabulary : See Lesson Plans 1, 2 and 3 TA Key sounds : See lesson Plans 1, 2 and 3 Resources: Ppt, music, glossary Starter: Teacher led revision of instructions using music of choice. Q&A of food / drink and health Presentation: Explanation of lesson objective Reinforcement / Practise Physical response: Listening &Speaking & Reading: Pupils revise vocab in groups through actions, reading etc. Agree 3-4 success criteria for routine e.g clear pronunciation, good volume etc Then practise the choreographed routine in grps Pupil presentation: Each grp shows its routine to rest of class Timing 10mins 3mins 15mins 15mins 10mmins Plenary. Discuss successes / difficulties. Invite pupil to pupil feedback referring to success criteria. Agree order of each grp for teaching yr 10 the routine H/wk: Continue practising choreography Evaluation: Follow up session: © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Teacher: DAJ PLAN 5 Subject: FRENCH & OLYMPICS Date: Mar 2011 Length of lesson: 1hr – 1 &1/2 hrs F/wk Obj’s: O6.2 Perform to an audience LLS Plan and prepare – discuss what is needed to carry out a task KAL Use knowledge of words, text and structure to build spoken passages Class: YR5 / 6 Number on Roll Males Females SEN Lesson objectives: To teach Yr 10 Olympic warm-up routine and take part in a healthy eating game Key Vocabulary : See Lesson Plans 1, 2 and 3 TA Key sounds : See lesson Plans 1, 2 and 3 Resources: Ppt, music, glossary Starter: Introductions and Greetings in French Timing 10mins Presentation: Yr5/6 Main aim of school visit and an overview of previous lessons 3mins Reinforcement / Practise Yr 5/6 pupils run through their linked up routines. Invite Yr 10 pupils to learn the routine by using instructions in French Yr 10 Pupils show their half of the routine and then teach Yr 5/6 Approx. 30mins Pupil presentation: Two halves of the routine are put together Approx. 15mins Filming 10mins © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Lesson 3 Health worksheet NOM: ______________ DATE: _________ CLASSE: _____ La Nourriture Écrivez la nourriture dans la bonne colonne C’est bon pour la santé C’est mauvais pour la santé le poisson le coca le chocolat le jus d’orange le yaourt les carottes le gâteau les chips la viande les légumes les bonbons l’eau © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. On fait des phrases! Mangez C’est bon pour la santé le poisson les légumes la salade les bonbons Buvez l’eau C’est bon pour la santé le lait le jus Ne mangez pas de gâteau C’est mauvais pour la santé bonbons biscuits Ne buvez pas de limonade C’est mauvais pour la santé coca fanta Ne mangez pas d’ Ne buvez pas d’ Oréos C’est mauvais pour la santé Orangina C’est mauvais pour la santé © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. LINKED UP OLYMPICS AND LANGUAGES PROJECT – 1st Feb 2011 Project idea: Olympics sports, The Ethos & Health LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES LEARNING RESOURCES OBJECTIVES Create a ZUMBA STYLE – Set of basic exercises in French taken from some of the official Olympic sports accompanied by music. To be used as a warm up at the beginning of PE lessons Agree on which exercise per sport would suit a body warm up and learn the movements. Pupils research the national sport for that country or the sport that the particular country is best at. Find out why, Intercultural Understanding FR. IU6.1 Compare attitudes towards aspects of everyday life Learn French parts of the body & instructions for moving parts of the body using memory games, actions etc Introduce (Yr6) / Revise (Yr10?)imperatives (forward, backwards, raise, lower, turn, jump etc.,) in Fr and compare with Eng. (Knowledge About Language) Yr 10 & Yr6 work in separate groups each with a name of an Olympic country to choreograph an exercise linked to its sport Add the instructions to the actions. Take photographs of movements created and write captions in the imperative. Ppt? Both yr grps bring their exercises together to form two halves of the warm up Yr6 & yr 10 meet to show O5.3 Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases LLS Use memory games to aide memorisation KAL Apply their knowledge of language rules and conventions LLS Apply prior knowledge to create new language LLS practise language with a friend / outside the classroom Powerpoint (Ppt) / flashcards Ppt & Laminated cards Music of choice Any microphones available to use with warm up? Camera, Permission letters PE hall O6.2 Perform Travel © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. and teach each other warm up routines. Collaborate to get the final routine together and film: c) Pupils teaching instructions with flashcards d) Demonstrating the warm up routine Feedback to others who have not experienced the project. to an audience Flashcards with photos & instructions Camcorder Formal, reporting lang. Cross phase: KS2 and KS3/4 Cross curricular: French, PE, Geography, PSHE, SEAL Languages Framework Objectives O = Oracy KAL = Knowledge About Language LLS = Language Learning Strategies © Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme.