WRNPLC Strategic Plan -Planning Document April 1-2013-March 31 2015 Final –Updated January 2014 November 2014, March 2015 Priority #1 Support WRNPLC as a sustainable member of Ontario’s primary care delivery system Mission Strategies: Building Partnerships, Optimizing Resources, Engaging in Research and Evaluation, Lifelong Learning Board Lead(s): Cathie Miller, Lynn Voelzing OUTCOME STRATEGY WRNPLC is viewed Engage in local and as a vital community provincial network resource building ACTION STEPS 1. Attend a LHIN meeting 2. Attend a Healthlinks meeting 3. Support WRNPLC staff in Healthlinks work 4. Promote WRNPLC in the community via existing networks 5. Attend key announcements, participate in round tables 6. Invite key stakeholders to the clinic TIMELINE Sept 2014 Dec 2013 June 2013 UPDATE JANUARY 2014 November 2014 Paula to bring options to Board Meeting Feb 2013 details of options provided Sept 2013 ( AGM) Sept 2013 May 2013, Sept 2013 Consider participating in an “all candidates meeting” regarding Provincial Election. All 3 parties (5 candidates) at clinic May, Sept 2014 2NP staff at Queens Park Day ( 3MPPs) UPDATE March 2015 WRNPLC representation on LHIN Primary Care Advisory Council , Linking the Health links , Cambridge Health Link Steering Committee WRNPLC participates in CCAC IN Home program ( Healthlink initiative ) March 2015 – met with Cambridge Business Assoc joined Kitchener Chamber of Commerce Joined AOHC WRNPLC Clinic Director is Chair of AOHC NPLC working Group , liaison with NPAO re: NPLCs Clinic Director provided overview of clinic to new LHIN staff, CNO of CMH 1 WRNPLC Strategic Plan -Planning Document April 1-2013-March 31 2015 OUTCOME STRATEGY ACTION STEPS TIMELINE UPDATE JANUARY 2014 November 2014 UPDATE March 2015 Evaluate opportunities for and engage in partnerships that meet the needs of WRNPLC patients 1. Determine strategic community and provincial alliances 2. Incorporate Environmental Scan into Board meetings 3. Apply results of patient satisfaction survey, patient information management studies and complexity of care in planning collaboration initiatives 4. Hold a partnership planning forum Jan 2014 Topic for Board Retreat – Sustainability Plan for May 2015 – Board Chair and Clinic Director outreach to MPPs re: rent issue and primary care compensation NP Vesna elected NPAO regional representative and has written letters re NP compensation in this capacity 1NP ( staff) to RNAO AGM Patient Satisfaction Survey scheduled for June 2015 Oct 2013 Complete June 2014 Patient Satisfaction Survey completed and incorporated into QIP Repeat survey June 2014 Spring 2015 Held given participation in Healthlinks WRNPLC Strategic Plan -Planning Document April 1-2013-March 31 2015 OUTCOME STRATEGY Build a brand for WRNPLC ACTION STEPS TIMELINE 1. Develop Vision and Mission June 2013 Statements 2. Engage Communications Expert Jan 2014 to assist in developing WRNPLC Stakeholder communications plan The Programs and Define what sustainable 1. Engage facilitator/content expert March 2014 services of WRNPLC means to WRNPLC 2. Devote one Board meeting to are more this discussion and related June 2014 sustainable planning for next steps Identify the current 1. Achieve a full complement of strengths and gaps in staff achieving sustainability 2. Advocate for reallocation of staffing dollars to address priority need 3. Undertake an evaluation of WRNLC to identify strengths, capacities , challenges and roles required 4. Provide strategic direction to staff based on the evaluation UPDATE JANUARY 2014 November 2014 Complete Paula to draft project outline UPDATE March 2015 For discussion-add to 2015 strategic plan? Updating website, all staff have photo name tags, WRNPLC brochure updates, signage at Pioneer Park upgraded Topic for Board Retreat Complete- see Sustainability report Dec 2013 Evolving Complete Now planning for one year Parental leaves for 3 staff July 2013 N/A at this time Complete Sept 2014 Complete Dec 2014 For discussion-add to 2015 strategic plan? 3 WRNPLC Strategic Plan -Planning Document April 1-2013-March 31 2015 OUTCOME STRATEGY Identify the optimal patient/staff mix to maximize utilization of WRNPLC resources ACTION STEPS TIMELINE 1. Advocate at local and provincial Sept 2013 levels for additional staff based on patient need and WRNPLC capacity UPDATE JANUARY 2014 November 2014 Complete for now Mental health support project Paula met w LHIN Nov 5th re : Pt complexity UPDATE March 2015 NP member of Cambridge Mental Health working group 2 NPs provided input to Waterloo Region Cancer and CCAC hosted event on Palliative Care in Primary Care 2 NPs met with CCAC re: palliative care of WRNPLC patients Plan request assignment of CCAC case manager Develop , implement and 1.Incorporate quarterly review of June 2013 monitor a Quality existing QIP into regular Board Improvement Plan ( QIP) meetings 2. Apply results of QIP to Strategic Feb 2014 plan refinement Complete 2015-16 QIP Workplan and Narrative submitted Topic for Board Retreat Complete 2014-15 QIP Progress Report submitted WRNPLC Strategic Plan -Planning Document April 1-2013-March 31 2015 Final –Updated January 2014 Priority #2 Build WRNPLC Board and Staff Capacity Mission Strategies: Building Partnerships, Optimizing resources, Research and Evaluation, Contributing to an effective and sustainable system Board Lead(s): Donna Gravelle, Loretta McCormick OUTCOME A talent management Strategy is in place for Board and staff STRATEGY ACTION STEPS Support the Board and 1. Complete Board policy and Staff by appropriate work strategic plan development plans, policy and 2. Incorporate Strategic Plan and governance framework Board policy review into Board meetings (standing item ) TIMELINE September 2013 Oct 2013 UPDATE JANUARY 2014 November 2014 Review of Board Manual complete In Board Calendar UPDATE March 2015 See Sustainability Plan 5 WRNPLC Strategic Plan -Planning Document April 1-2013-March 31 2015 OUTCOME STRATEGY ACTION STEPS TIMELINE Provide direction and 1. Identify and provide direction to Dec 2013 support for professional Board Development work group development consistent 2. Refine the staff development March 2014 with Board and Staff model learning needs and WRNPLC Vision and 3. Ensure the Clinic Director is Dec 2013 Mission provided feedback via formal evaluation Invest in teambuilding for 1. Develop a plan for an annual both Board and Staff Board Retreat 2. Direct staff to ensure there is a plan in place for staff team development Jan 2014 Nov 2013 UPDATE JANUARY 2014 November 2014 Needs review Paula to draft project outline Complete Clinic Director performance review February 2014 Complete July 2014 Paula to contact Liz Weaver Retreat held June 2014 Board/Staff Education session on Model of health and Wellbeing March 2014 Staff retreat “Mindfulness” Nov 2014 UPDATE March 2015 For discussion-add to 2015 Strategic Plan Board member to AOHC Governance Learning Series for NPLCs Consider Board retreat spring 2015 Employee Engagement Session May 2015 WRNPLC Strategic Plan -Planning Document April 1-2013-March 31 2015 Final-Update January 2014 Priority #3 be responsive to changing patient, community and environmental needs Mission Strategies: Optimizing Resources, Research and Evaluation, Contributing to an effective system Board Lead(s) Bill Davidson, Dianne Dalbello OUTCOME STRATEGY ACTION STEPS There are 2 fully 1. Ensure the hours of 1. Staff report of progress at each functioning sites : operation , staffing board meeting main location in and clinic Cambridge and management on both satellite in sites reflect maximal Kitchener use of resources and identified community need 2. Ensure patient care 2.See QIP delivery at both sites is monitored and evaluated annually TIMELINE June 2013 June 2013 UPDATE January 2014 November 2014 Ongoing UPDATE March 2015 Reassess with next iteration of patient satisfaction survey – June 2015 Next patient satisfaction audit June 2014 Complete 7