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Brief Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Nicholas Sun-keung Pang
Prof. Nicholas Sun-Keung PANG
BSc, CertEd, MEd (HKU); DMS (HKMA-HKP); PhD (Newcastle, Australia); MBIM;
Professor of Department of Educational Administration and Policy,
The Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong SAR, China
Tel: 2609 6920 Fax: 2603 6761
Leader of the School Development and Evaluation Team (SDET)
Director of the Preparation for Principalship (PFP) Courses commissioned by Education Bureau.
Prof. Pang is a specialist in educational administration, management and leadership, as well as
school effectiveness and improvement. Besides being a professor, he serves as Executive for the Hong
Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, Leader of the School Development and
Evaluation Team (SDET) and Programme Director of the Preparation for Principalship Course and
School Managers Course, jointly organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Educational Research and
Hong Kong Education Bureau. Prof. Pang was elected the Chairman of Hong Kong Educational
Research Association for the year 1999-2001 and he was also the Chairman of the Organization
Committee of 2002 HKERA International Conference, which attracted over 600 participants from all
over the world. He was member of the Advisory Committee on Quality Assurance Inspectorate of the
then Education and Manpower Bureau and the Working Group on the Study of Effectiveness of
Public-sector Secondary Schools of the then Education Department. He is now an appointed
sector/subject specialist of the Hong Kong Council of Academic Accreditation
Prof. Pang has been publishing widely, locally and internationally, with over 100 articles in various
media. Forty-one articles are fully refereed and 23 of which are refereed journal articles. His publications
can be found in international journals, such as, Journal of Educational Administration (2 articles);
Educational Management, Administration and Leadership; School Effectiveness and School Improvement;
The Learning Organization: An International Journal; International Journal of Educational Reform;
Canadian and International Education; International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change
Management; Educational Studies, Frontiers of Education in China, as well as in local journals in Hong
Kong and mainland China. He is Co-author of an academic book entitled Leadership and Management in
Education: Developing Essential Skills and Competencies (322 pages) published by the Chinese
University Press. The book has attracted wide audience and is now in the second print since 2003. He
Brief Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Nicholas Sun-keung Pang
was also the Editor of an academic book entitled Globalization: Educational Research, Change and
Reforms, published in 2006. In 2003, he received the "Excellent Paper Award" of the 5th Academic
Conference of China National Commission for Educational Management, with a paper on “The
Development of School-based Management in Hong Kong.” Prof. Pang was invited to speak at major
international academic meetings in Hong Kong, mainland China, Macau, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia and
US in 17 different occasions.
Prof. Pang has been successful in launching 23 research and development projects with external
and competitive funds in the capacity of Principal Investigator (PI). He was the Principal Investigator of a
RGC project, entitled Organizational Values and Cultures of Schools in Mainland China and Hong
Kong (RGC Ref. No.: CUHK4616/05H). He also in-charged three Quality Education Fund (QEF)
projects, respectively entitled Metacognition in Learning and Teaching: Supporting Students’ Learning
Needs (QEF No.: 2005/0203); Transforming Schools into Learning Organizations (QEF No.: 2003/0755);
and School Self-evaluation and School-based Performance Indicators (QEF No.: 1999/2863).
Prof. Pang served as Editor of an academic book, Associate Editor for the International Journal of
Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Volume 3, 2003 and Member of Editorial Advisory Board
of The Sage International Handbook of Educational Evaluation (2007-08). He has also been serving as
Peer Reviewer of Educational Research Journal, Education Journal, and Journal of Basic Education and
New Horizons in Education. He was the External Reviewer of (i) the University Grants Council (UGC) of
Hong Kong for a proposal under Public Policy Research (PPR) (2006-07); (ii) Quality Education Fund
projects (1998-99); (iii) the Israel Science Foundation for an academic research proposal (2005); (iv) the
Hong Kong Institute of Education’s two-year part-time PGDE (Technology) programme for the Hong Kong
Council of Academic Accreditation (1999–2003); and (v) the Promotion Committee of the Department of
Education Studies, the Hong Kong Baptist University (2001-02).
Prof. Pang is a Research Member of the Society of Organizational Learning as well as a member of
British Institute of Management; American Educational Research Association; Hong Kong Educational
Research Association; Hong Kong Council for Educational Administration; Comparative Education
Society of Hong Kong and Australia Council for Educational Leadership. He has been conducting
research in collaboration with East China Normal University at Shanghai, China; the University of
Newcastle, Australia; the National Education Institute at Ljublijana, Slovenia; and the Florida Atlantic
University of the United States. The joint research ventures resulted in publications in international