Last Revised: 29/6/2009 THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1. MODULE OUTLINE Teaching and Learning of Accounting and Financial Studies (IBS5153) Programme Title: Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) 2. Academic Year: FT: 2009-2010 PT: 2009-2011 3. Programme Code(s): FT: A1P015 PT: C2P037 4. Mode of Study: Full-time / Part-time 5. Domain: Curriculum and Methods 6. Subject Area: Business Studies 7. Department(s): Social Sciences 8. Year Group: FT: Year One PT: Year One 9. Semester(s): FT: Second PT: Second 10. Module Title: Teaching and Learning of Accounting and Financial Studies 11. Module Code: IBS5153 12. Status: Core for BS Major participants 13. Credit Point(s): Three 14. Pre-requisite Module(s): Nil 15. Module Co-ordinator(s): Dr Yu Wai Mui Christina 1 16. Module Synopsis: This module covers the curriculum and methods for teaching accounting and financial studies at secondary level, highlighting the use of IT and authentic multi-media resources in the teaching and learning process. Participants benefit by enriching their subject knowledge and improving their skills in the teaching of accounting, finance and personal financial planning. 17. Aim: To develop participants’ understanding of, and the ability to implement the curriculum and teaching methods of accounting and financial studies with IT integration. 18. Module Objectives: To enable participants to a. analyse the curriculum nature, aims, contents, and teaching and learning difficulties of b. c. d. 19. the accounting and financial areas at secondary level in Hong Kong; demonstrate an ability to adopt appropriate instructional strategies to conduct accounting and finance lessons based on considerations of the learning processes and outcomes to be effected; demonstrate an understanding of the nature of information technology such as spreadsheet and database programmes and their applications in accounting and finance; and identify available, develop and evaluate multi-mediated resources for the teaching and learning of accounting and finance. Module Content: a. Review of the current syllabus of accounting and financial b. c. d. e. f. studies at secondary level in Hong Kong; Problems and difficulties in teaching and learning of accounting and finance areas, with a special consideration of progressive development of conceptual understanding; School-based curriculum design for accounting, finance and personal financial planning; Teaching approaches for the teaching and learning of accounting, finance and personal financial planning including problem-based learning and authentic case studies; Assessment for learning in accounting and finance studies; Use of IT and authentic resources in accounting and finance studies for promoting numeracy, problem-solving and decisionmaking skills; Total: 20. 30 hours Teaching and Learning Activities: The module will be delivered through lectures and workshops, in addition to microteaching sessions that provide opportunities for participants to teach extended components of a lesson and to critically evaluate their own and their peers’ instructional strategies. Participants will be required to identify the encountered problems and suggest possible strategies for achieving an on-going refinement of their teaching competency. 21. Assessment: a. School-based curriculum of accounting and or finance studies with considerations of (a) design rationale, (b) aims and objectives, (c) teaching topics, (b) teaching sequences, (c) time allocation, (d) teaching strategies, (e) teaching materials and (f) assessment strategies by thorough understanding, analysis and application of the respective areas covered in the module. 2 60 % b. Preparation of a portfolio of learning tasks completed throughout the module, which may include the following items: concept maps, journal article reviews, records of microteaching and its evaluation, graded exercises and test paper. This portfolio is expected to be continually revised and updated throughout the module. 22. 40 % Required Text: Nil 23. Recommended Reading: Bodie, Z., Kane, A. & Marcus, A. J. (2007). Essentials of investments. Boston, Mass. : McGraw-Hill/Irwin Bodnar, G. H. (2004). Accounting information systems. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall. Chow, L., Panchapakesan, S., Taylor, D.W., & Tsui, C. (2007). Advanced financial accounting in Hong Kong (5rd ed.). Hong Kong: Longman. Curriculum Development Council (2002). Principles of accounts curriculum guide (Advanced level). Hong Kong: Education Department. Curriculum Development Council and Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority (June, 2006). New Senior Secondary Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4-6): Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Provisional Final Draft). Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau. Curriculum Development Council. (2002). Syllabuses for secondary schools - Principles of accounts (Secondary 4 - 5). Hong Kong: Education Department. Drury, C. (2005). Management accounting for business. London : Thomson Finch, C. R. & Crunkilton, J. R. (1999), Curriculum development in vocational and technical education: Planning, content, and implementation. 5th Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Higgins, R. C. (2007). Analysis for financial management. Boston, Mass. : McGrawHill/Irwin. Hui, W.F., & Ng, P.H. (2006). Accounting in Hong Kong: Regulatory framework and advanced accounting practice. (2006 ed.). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. Kaye, R. & Hawkridge, D. (2003). Learning and teaching for business: Case studies of successful innovation. London: Kgan Page. Marriott, N., & Chandler, R. (1993). Management accounting - A spreadsheet approach. London: Prentice Hall International. Perry, J. T. & Schneider, G. P. (2005). Building accounting systems using Access 2003. Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western PKMG Peat Marvick. (1997). Handbook on Hong Kong company accounts (3rd ed.). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Society of Accountants. Robertson, I.T. (1996). IT skills for accounting students. London: Pitman Publishing. 香港會計師公會 (1997) :《會計實務準則及會計指引》,香港 ,香港會計師公會。 曹青 (1998) : 《用 Excel 做中文會計》,香港 , 萬里機構。 楊大衛著, 陳儀譯 (2004): 《管理會計與決策績效 : 活用成本控管執行力, 打造穩健經營的高 獲利組織》台北市 : 美商麥格羅希爾國際股份有限公司台灣分公司 24. Other Information (If any): Newspapers: 信報 香港經濟日報 3 Selected readings from: Accounting Education: A Journal of Theory, Practice and Research Accounting Research Monthly Issues in Accounting Education. Journal of Accounting Education The Hong Kong Accountant Journal of financial statement analysis The Planner Hong Kong economic journal monthly (信報月刊) Websites: Accounting Cases Teaching Method CFP 香港財務策劃師學會 CLU ChFC CFP American college Curriculum and Instruction: Business Education Framework Economics and Business Education Association Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. Hong Kong Securities Institute Hoover’s Online: The Business Network Registered FP 香港註冊財務策劃師協會 4