Curriculum Outline for Advanced Placement Chemistry

Advanced Placement Chemistry
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Review of Matter, Measurements, Atoms and Elements, Molecules
and Ions, and their Compounds.
Basic Stoichiometry
 Calculations and Uncertainty
 Mole, molar mass, balancing molecular equations
 Limiting reagents
 Stoichiometry with mixtures – percentage purity
 Percent composition, empirical and molecular formulas
 Percent yield
 Stoichiometry with gas pressures and volumes – using Avogadro’s
 How to prepare solutions.
 Safety in the Laboratory including the use of MSDS forms
 Requirements for a formal laboratory report.
Hands On Laboratory Experiences – 2 of the following
 Determination of the % of Phosphorus in Plant Food and
 Preparation of Alum and purification by crystallization
 % of Calcium in Eggshells with related STS connection- DDT
 Quiz on safe practices in the laboratory
 Two Formal Laboratory Reports
 Focus Quiz on Ch. 4
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz Ch 4
 Summative Exam on Ch 4
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Reaction Types,
and Stoichiometry.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
Percent Hydrate in a Salt
Lab and Empirical Formula
of a Salt Lab are done in the
preceding course, Honors
Chemistry. Will be tested as
a paper and pencil lab as
part of the unit exam.
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Reactions in Aqueous Solution
 Introduction to Net Ionic Equations and the AP style for descriptive
equation writing
 Reactions in Solution Stoichiometry including Molarity and Quantitative
 Precipitation Reactions including solubility and selective precipitation
for qual analysis
 Redox Reactions including balancing in acidic and basic media
 Acid Base Reactions including Bronsted-Lowry Acid-Base Model
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Oxidation States of Manganese with lab report sheet and
 Bleach Lab (Vonderbrink) with full lab report and
 Precipitation Lab – writing balanced net ionic equations (Ithaca
College) with full lab report or
 Gravimetric Determination of a Chloride Ion (Hall) or Gravimetric
Determination of Sulfate Ion (Hall) and
 Titration for the Analysis of Vit. C (National Science Foundation) with
full lab report
 Focus Quiz Ch. 5
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz
 Quiz on Writing Balanced Molecular and Net Ionic Equations for
Precipitation, Acid/Base and Precipitation Reactions
 Summative Exam on Ch 5 with some questions from the AP Test
 Quiz on Selective Precipitation
 Formal Laboratory Reports
 Manganese Lab Report Sheet
 Organic Nomenclature
 Isomers
 Descriptive Equations for Organic Reactions including Addition
and Condensation Polymerization
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Preparation of three esters; wintergreen, banana, and fruity (Hall).
 Focus Quiz Ch 11
 Pre-Exam CD quiz Ch 11
 Quiz on descriptive equations some from the AP Test Bank
 Report Sheet for Esterfication Lab
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Reaction Types,
and Stoichiometry.
The course provides
instruction in Descriptive
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
In the prerequisite
chemistry course some of
the students have laboratory
experiences in acid/base
titration with a
phenolphthalein endpoint,
titration to find % Ca in an
eggshell or Analysis of
Stomach Antacid Tablets.
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Reaction Types,
and Stoichiometry.
The course provides
instruction in Descriptive
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
 The meaning of reaction rate and detectable quantities used in
kinetic experiments
 Rate expressions from initial rate data
 Rate expressions from concentration-time data
 Graphically or mathematically determining concentration, half life,
 Reaction Mechanism
 Energy Diagrams with and without catalysis
 Activation Energy and the Arrhenius equation
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Rate of Precipitation of Sulfur to Determine Order or
 Rate of Hydrogen Gas formation from Magnesium and
hydrochloric acid to determine order and
 Lab using glow sticks and light meters to determine the activation
energy for the reaction
 Using the Spectrophotometer to Analyze the Rate of Fading for
Phenolphthalein is done later in the course
 Focus Quiz Chapter 15
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz Ch 15
 Summative Exam on Ch 15 - problem solving and multiple
 Formal Laboratory Report
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Kinetics.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Introduction to Equilibria
 Definition of dynamic equilibria
 Equilibrium expressions and Equilibrium Constants
 “ICE” tables
 Using K’s to determine direction of shift in equilibria
 LeChatelier’s Principle and predicting shift in equilibria
 Relating Kp to Kc
Hands on Laboratory Experiences
 LeChatelier’s Principle and the equilibrium of CuCl4-2 with addition
and removal of ions and temperature changes and
 Spectrophotometry of Co(II) (Flinn)
 Determination of K of CaCO3 or MgC2O4 (Hall) and
 Determination of K for [Fe(SCN)]+2 using Spectrophotometer
 Focus Quiz Ch 16
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz Ch 16
 Summative Exam on Ch 16 including MC and Free Response
Questions with some from the AP Test Bank
 Formal Laboratory Report for Determination of K lab
 Report Sheet for LeChatelier’s lab.
Acid Base Equilibria
 Water Ionization Constant
 pH and pOH
 Weak Acids and Ka
 Weak Bases and Kb
 percent ionization
 Indicators (here or Ch 18??)
 Acid – Base properties of salt solutions
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Titration of a Weak Acid to determine Ka, Percent Ionization, and
Molar Mass
 Focus Quiz on Ch 17
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz on Ch 17
 Summative Exam on Ch 17 including problem solving and multiple
choice questions some from the AP Test Bank
 Formal Laboratory Report
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Equilibrium.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Equilibrium.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Salts, Buffers and Titrations and Solubility Product Constants of
 Buffer action and choice
 pH of a buffer before, during and after titration
 Titrations with polyprotic acids
 Ksp calculations
 Solubility calculations
 Determination of precipitation
 Determination of selective precipitation
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Titration of a Weak Base both unbuffered and buffered. Indicators
(here or Ch 18??)
 Solubility of Calcium Hydroxide and the Common Ion Effect
(Experimental Chemistry, 2nd Ed. Saliby, Desio, Wheeler. University
of New Haven Press)
 Focus Quiz on Ch 18
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz on Ch 18
 Summative Exam on Ch 18 including problem solving and multiple
choice questions some from the AP Test Bank
 Formal Laboratory Reports
Nuclear Chemistry
 Alpha, beta and gamma particles
 Nuclear reactions
 Nuclear activity calculations
Half-life calculations
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz on Ch 23
 Take home Summative Exam on Ch. 23 consisting of short
response and problem solving with some qtns from the AP Test
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Equilibrium.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
The course provides
instruction in the Structure
of Matter.
The course provides
instruction in Reactions.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
7 and 8
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Electronic Structure and the Relationships on the Periodic Table
 Atomic spectra, Bohr atom, quantum numbers, electron
configurations, orbital notations.
 The periodic Law and trends in the periodic table based on the
form of the atoms.
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Diffraction Grating Lab to determine wavelength associated with
an element (?? – find a replacement-perhaps online simulation)
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz on Ch 7
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz on Ch. 8
 Take home Summative Exam on Ch 7 and 8 - short answer- “a rule
is not an explanation”- how to write short answers for AP –
periodic properties and connecting form to behavior.
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in the Structure
of Matter, including atomic
theory and atomic structure.
The course provides
instruction in Descriptive
Chemistry, including
relationships in the periodic
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
9 and 10
Covalent Bonding and Molecular Geometry
 Lewis structures, Resonance and Formal Charges
 Molecular geometry and the Valence Shell Electron Pair
Repulsion Theory
 Polarity of Bonds and Molecules
 Atomic Orbitals and Hybridization, sigma and pi bonds
 Focus Quiz Ch 9
 Focus Quiz Ch 10
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz Ch 9
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz Ch 10
 Summative Exam on Ch. 9 and 10 is short answers with emphasis on
“a rule is not an explanation- connecting form to behavior.
The course provides
instruction in the Structure
of Matter, including
Chemical bonding.
Can Fit in Lets Review Ch 7-11 here or later. Note that the Lets
Review Ch 1-6 fits after the next unit or later so maybe consider doing
both Let’s Review after the next unit.
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
 State Functions
 Energy Diagrams
 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat
 Heat Flow Equation
 Hess’s Law
 Standard Heat of Formation
 Bond Energies
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Determination of the Heat Capacity of a Coffee Cup Calorimeter
(Institute for New AP Teachers) and
 Determination of the Heat of Reaction for two Acid/Base
Reactions (Institute for New AP Teachers) and
 Determination of the Heat of Reaction for the Combustion of Mg
(Institute for New AP Teachers)
 Focus Quiz on Ch. 6
 Pre-Exam CD on Ch 6
 Summative Exam on Ch 6 with Problem Solving based on AP Test
Bank Questions.
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Thermodynamics.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
In the pre-requisite
chemistry course the
students have laboratory
experiences in the heating
curve of water, the heat of
fusion of water, and the
specific heat of a metal.
Lab Reports
Can Fit in Lets Review Ch 1-6 here or later.
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Coordinate Complexes
 Composition of Complex Ions
 Geometry of Complex Ions and Isomers
 Electronic Structure of Complex Ions
 Writing Net Ionic Equations for the reactions of Complex
Coordinate Compounds
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Preparation of Complex Coordinate Compounds of Copper (Hall)
 Pre-Exam CD Quiz Ch 22
 Test includes vocabulary and function follows form emphasis
w/short answer and multiple choice qtns - descriptive eqn writing
with some questions from the AP Test Bank
Chemical Thermodynamics, Free Energy and Equilibrium Constants
 Entropy
 Free Energy
 Gibbs-Helmholtz equation
 Effect of Temperature, Pressure, and Concentration on
Reaction Spontaneity
Hands On Laboratory Experience
 Gibbs Free Energy and an Elastic Band (?? Find something that
works better?)
 Focus Quiz on Ch. 19
 Pre-Exam CD on Ch. 19
 Summative Exam on Ch 19 - short response and multiple choice
questions some from the AP Test Bank.
 Formal Report for the Elastic Band Lab (?? Find a lab which works
more consistently)
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in the Structure
of Matter, including
Chemical bonding.
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Lewis Acid Base.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Thermodyamics.
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Electrochemistry, Free Energy and Electrochemisty
 Voltaic cells, oxidation and reduction half-cells and equations
 Standard Voltages
 Nernst Equation
 Faraday’s Law and electrochemical Stoichiometry
 Descriptive Chemistry- writing redox net ionic equations
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Voltages of varying voltaic cells and
 Electroplating copper.
 Focus Quiz on Ch. 20
 Pre-Exam CD on Ch 20
 Summative Exam on Ch 20 - short response and multiple choice
questions some from the AP Test Bank
 Shortened Versions of the Formal Laboratory Report
Can Fit in Lets Review Ch 14-20 here or later.
Gases and the Kinetic Molecular Theory
 The Ideal Gas Law
 The Kinetic Molecular Theory
 Dalton’s Law of partial pressures and collecting over water
 Avogadro’s Law
 Gas Stoichiometry
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Molar Volume of Hydrogen Gas Lab (Bridges) or
 Molecular Weight of Butane Lab (Institute for New AP Teachers)
 Mass Percent of CO2 in Alka Seltzer or
 Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid
These labs are divided among the class and data, calc, and conclusion
presented as Power Points and then similar calculations required on test for
whole group accountability for content of both experiments. Consequently
each student does one of the activities, participates in the presentation of
the lab but does not do a formal report.
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in Reactions,
including Thermodynamics.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
The course provides
instruction in the States of
Matter, including Gases.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
In the prerequisite
chemistry course the
students have laboratory
experiences in the kinetic
molecular theory, Boyles
Law and Charles Law.
 Focus Quiz on Ch 12
 Pre-Exam CD on Ch 12
 Summative Exam on Ch 12 - short response with emphasis on “a
rule is not an explanation and problem solving. Some AP test bank
questions are used.
Chapters in
Text (Kotz,
Treichel and
Weaver, 6th
Unit Content and Activities
(based on College Board course outline and audit requirements)
Solids and Liquids
 Intermolecular Forces including Dipole-dipole interactions,
hydrogen bonding, London forces and their effects on the physical
properties of the 3 phases of matter
 Molecular Substances, Network Covalent and Ionic and Metallic
 Liquid Vapor Equilibrium
 Phase Diagrams
Hands On Laboratory Experiences
 Vapor Pressure and Heat of Vaporization of Water.
 Focus Quiz on Ch. 13
 Pre-Exam CD on Ch. 13
 Summative Exam on Ch 13 -short answer with emphasis on “a rule
is not an explanation” and using some AP Test Bank Questions.
 Take Home Quiz on Phase Diagrams including MC questions from
the AP Test Bank.
 Laboratory Report
Can Fit in Lets Review Ch 12 and 13 here or later.
Solutions with emphasis on Colligative Properties
 Concentration units
 Solubilities of substances in various solvents explained in terms of
solute-solute, solvent-solvent, and solute-solvent attractive forces
 Henry’s Law to relate gas solubility to partial pressure
 Raoult’s Law to calculate the vapor pressure of a solution
 Freezing Point Depression and Boiling Point Elevation – van
t’Hoff’s factor
 Osmotic Pressure of a solution
 Colligative properties to determine the Molar Mass of solutes
Hands On Laboratory Experience
 Freezing point depression Lab to determine the molar mass of a
molecular substance and the molar mass of an ionic substance.
Correlation to College
Board Curricular
The course provides
instruction in the States of
Matter, including Solids
and Liquids.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
In the prerequisite
chemistry course the
students have laboratory
experiences in the Nature
of Water and the Effects of
Intermolecular Bonding on
the Properties of Solids.
The course provides
instruction in the States of
Matter, including Solutions.
The course provides
instruction in Laboratory
The course emphasizes
chemical calculations and
the formulation of
 Focus Quiz on Ch 14
 Pre-Exam CD on Ch 14
 Summative Exam on Ch 14 - short answer with emphasis on “a
rule is not an explanation” and problem solving using some AP
Test Bank Questions.
 Report Sheet for the laboratory activity.