SERVICE AGREEMENT (For individual investor) Today, date ….. month ..... year …...... at BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company (BSC), we are: I. CUSTOMER: Mr./Mrs.: .................................................................................................................................................................................. ID/Passport No.:.................................................Issuing date:........................................ Issuing place:........................................ Contact address: ..................................................................................................................................................................... Tel:.................................................... Mobile: ...................................................... E-mail: ......................................................... Bank Account No.: ............................................................................ at: .................................................................................. Is the holder of securities account No.: Is the authorized person to manage the securities account No.: Open at ..... / ..... / ......... at BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company Letter of Attorney No.: .................................................................................................................................................... II. Securities Company: BIDV SECURITIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY (BSC) Operation and Establishment License No.111/GP-UBCK issued 31/12/2010 by State Securities Commission of Vietnam. Modified license No.24/GPDC-UBCK issued 6/4/2011 by State Securities Commission of Vietnam. Head office: Floor 1, floor 10 and floor 11 of BIDV Tower, No.35 Hang Voi, Ly Thai To ward, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi city Tel: (84-4) 22200678 Fax: (84-4) 22200669 Website: Account No.: at Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam - Quang Trung Branch Branch: Floor 9, No.146 Nguyen Cong Tru, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (84-8) 38218509 Fax: (84-8) 38218510 Website: Represented by: Mr./ Mrs ………………………………………….…Title: ……. …………………………………... (Authorization letter No. …….………………………...……………………………………………………………………………………) Pursuant to the applicable laws of Vietnam, securities trading account opening contract No....................……..…………………. and on practical demand of both parties, we agree to enter into the service agreement as follows : (for each service below, the customer marks (√) if selecting services and (X) if deleting services) 1. Receiving the order matching result via message and SMS request: the customer sends a message with content of “BSC securities account number DK” from mobile phone number registered in the customer information to SMS operator of BSC. 2. Placing securities trading order via telephone 3. Registering to purchase newly issued securities via telephone 4. Transferring rights to receive proceeds from listed securities sold via telephone 5. Trading online 6. Online SMS request 7. Registering to purchase newly issued securities via internet 8. Transferring rights to receive proceeds from quoted securities sold via internet Registered telephone number: ……….……… /..……………………. Password : ……………………………………………………………….. Username: ……………….………………………… Password:……………………………………………………………….. Security type Matrix Card Token Key Serial No.: ……………………...... Serial No.: .…………...………. In this Agreement, the customer agrees to use and BSC agrees to provide services selected above. Specific contents and facilities related to the above services shall be defined by BSC and notified the customer before signing this Agreement between two parties. This Agreement is an integral part of the securities trading account opening contract and substitutes the prior service agreements between the customer and the securities company; the unanticipated matters in this Agreement shall be solved under the above securities trading account opening contract. This Agreement is made into 02 copies in Vietnamese. Each shall have the same validity with provisions noted on the other side of this Agreement. Each party shall keep 01 copy./. Customer (Signature, full name and seal - if any) BSC Officer BSC Representative Article 1. Definitions of services In this Agreement, services outlines on the frontal side shall be construed as follows: 1. Online trading is an electronic transaction port via Internet, thereby the customer can carry out transactions of BSC such as: placing the securities trading orders, transferring rights to receive proceeds from sold securities, right purchase, e-remittance… 2. Transaction via telephone is an electronic transaction port, thereby the customer can carry out transactions of BSC such as: placing the securities trading orders, transferring rights to receive proceeds from sold securities, right purchase, e-remittance…. through registered telephone number. 3. Receiving the order matching result via message and SMS request (SMS service) is a service that the customer shall receive automatic messages of the order matching result and the customer can refer to information related to securities account by sending messages to SMS operator of BSC from the registered telephone number. 4. Placing securities trading order via telephone is a long-distance trading method that allows the customer to telephone BSC to place the securities trading order through the registered telephone number. 5. Online placing securities trading order is a long-distance trading method that allows the customer to connect with BSC’s trading system via Internet to place the securities trading order. 6. Online SMS request is a service that allows the customer to refer to information related to their securities via BSC’s website. 7. Transferring rights to receive proceeds from quoted securities sold prior to the date T+3 through placing the order to transfer the rights via Internet (this service is only supplied when the customer registers to use the online trading service). 8. Transferring rights to receive proceeds from quoted securities sold via telephone is a service that allows the customer to receive Transferring rights to receive proceeds from quoted securities sold prior to the date T+3 by placing trading order via telephone number registered to BSC. 9. Registering to purchase newly issued securities via internet/ telephone is a service that helps the customer execute the right of registering to purchase newly issued securities via internet/ telephone. Article 2. Terms of service supply 1. Services that the customer register on the front side shall be continuously supplied by BSC during the validity of this Agreement, except terms of warranty and maintenance of the system and regulations in clause 2 and clause 3 of this article. 2. Maximum time that BSC accepts to purchase the rights to receive proceeds from the quoted securities sold via internet shall be 03 working days upon matched securities selling order. 3. Securities trading order-receiving time of the customer shall be executed under regulations of the State Securities Commission of Vietnam, Hanoi Securities Trading Center and Ho Chi Minh City Securities Trading Center. Article 3. Service Fees Fees of services shall be applied in the fee schedule announced by BSC and applied uniformly and equally among the customers. This fee can be adjusted by BSC subject to the market situation that BSC deemed to be the most reasonable. Such adjustment shall be specifically announced by BSC before putting into application in practice. Article 4. Disclaimers BSC shall not take responsibility for any faults, damages or losses to the customer if: 1. The customer provides information which may be delayed, erred or mistaken, resulting in failing to execute or wrongly execute the customer’s transaction. 2. Damages and losses to the customer can be arisen out of any third party in supply of BSC’s services. 3. In the event that there are errors of the system or any technical means involving in online trading, transaction via telephone, SMS … 4. BSC delays in performance and fails to execute its responsibilities and commitments to the customer for the reason of telecoms network faults or any force majeure. Article 5. Confidential information 1. Customer’s responsibilities: - Absolutely keep confidentiality of information relevant to securities trading account; telephone and password for placing securities trading orders; login name, online transaction password and means of security. - For online trading services, the customer shall be responsible for changing initial access password within 01 working day as from the effective date of this Agreement. BSC shall be exempted responsibilities from all damages caused to the customer if such damages originate from the customer’s failure to change initial access password as defined in this point. - In the event of information disclosure or the customer’s losing access information and means of security, the customer must immediately notify BSC via (04).222.00.678 in Hanoi or (08).3.821.8510 in Ho Chi Minh City. - The customer’s account shall suspend transaction upon BSC receives notice of account closing. Within 01 working day as from the time that the customer requires to resupply information in writing, BSC shall reactivate account information and notify the customer. - The customer shall be responsible for all transactions in progress or executed before BSC’s written confirmation of disclosure of the customer’s confidential information. - The customer agrees to bear all damages and losses arising out of negligence or disclosure of access information; loss of security card or in case of password disclosed to the third party in any deliberate and indeliberate form causing damages and losses to the customer. 2. BSC’s responsibilities: - Provide the customer with means of security (if any) relating to services selected by the customer. - Keep and save the customer’s information confidential (such as account name, transaction password, transaction information …) unless such information is provided at request of the customer and under the law. - Support the customer to retrieve access information on the customer’s demand. - Take responsibility for damages and losses to the customer when there are mistakes in security and store of the customer’s information. Article 6. Customer’s commitment 1. I commit that information stated on the frontal side of this Agreement is authentic and commit to take all responsibilities for such information. 2. I learn about and given all instructions of services outlined on the frontal side by BSC. 3. I voluntarily register usage of these services. 4. I am fully aware of risks arising from transactions via the above methods and agree to bear all risks related to these services. 5. I fully and accurately comply with instructions of using BSC’s services mentioned above. 6. I recognize that upon request of transaction, BSC only needs to check information of account number, SMS registering telephone number, transaction registering telephone number via telephone, transaction password via telephone, access password, confidential procedures; details of transactions, value of assignment to confirms to be valid transaction. Relevant electronic data and recorded dialogue are considered as a legal proof to confirm transactions on the Customer’s account. 7. I shall perform transactions in accordance with the relative regulations and BSC’s transaction procedures and instructions related to services. Article 7. BSC’s commitment 1. Manage information related to the Customer’s transaction as prescribed by the law. 2. Publicly disclose the applicable fee schedule; provide and give instructions and supports for the investor to use BSC services. 3. Be entitled to refuse the order of the Customer when it is invalid. 4. Promptly inform the Customer and make efforts to remedy faults that result in suspending or declining quality of services. 5. Send prior notice to the Customer in case of ceasing/ suspending/ changing/ modifying/ superseding to supply a part or the whole service; modify clauses of the Agreement in conformity with the law’s regulations. Article 8. Validity This Agreement shall take effect from the signed date and be invalid in the event that: 1. The securities account opening contract specified on the frontal side is terminated; 2. The Customer breaks the terms of this Agreement affecting BSC’s transaction system; 3. Both parties agree to terminate this Agreement./.