Recommendation - Macquarie University

Review of Student Support 2007 – Implementation Progress Report April 2009
Structural Recommendations
The Committee proposes the establishment of a
new management structure headed by senior
appointments to enhance and support student life
at Macquarie University.
The establishment of a Student Life Committee
chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost).
The Dean of Students and Director of Student
Wellbeing are members of the Student Life
Committee to ensure close liaison with Faculties.
Unit Responsible
Progress to Date
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost) and Deputy
Vice-Chancellor (Chief Operating Officer)
The recommended structure shown in the Review
of Student Support (Nov 2007) was implemented
and has been operating since early 2008
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost) and Deputy
Vice-Chancellor (Chief Operating Officer)
The DVC – COO convened a committee including
the Director of Student Wellbeing, Acting Director
of the Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC), Dean
of Students (DoS), Director of U@MQ and Acting
Director, MI to explore student engagement and
Student Life issues.
The establishment of two new positions:
a Dean of Students, and
a Director of Student Wellbeing to
lead, co-ordinate and manage
academic and student support at MQ.
These are senior strategic positions
that acknowledge the complexity and
challenges inherent in this area.
Cross University Recommendations
Explore how students are supported across the
university at the Faculty level with the aim of
developing a consistent model of delivery across
the entire organisation.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost) and Deputy
Vice-Chancellor (Chief Operating Officer)
Macquarie University has had a Dean of Students
for more than 20 years. In 2008, the duties of the
position were redefined to bring them more in line
with the recommendations of the review.
The Director of Student Wellbeing was appointed
in early 2008. The duties of the position
correspond with those described in the review.
Dean of Students and Director Student
Explore how best to co-ordinate student support
functions and provide equitable support within and
across Faculties within a new academic
Review of Student Support – Progress Report April 2009
Dean of Students and Director of Student
Regular consultation between the Dean of
Students office and faculty Associate Dean
Learning and Teaching, Student Directors and
departmental academic advisers across the
campus ensure shared understanding of student
support needs.
Development of Students at Risk of Academic
Failure Policy and Procedures will help highlight
students in need of support.
Dean of Students office coordinates the training of
academic advisers in all faculties to ensure a
common standard of referral to appropriate
Review of Student Support 2007 – Implementation Progress Report April 2009
organisation structure involving a reduced number
of Divisions.
Develop a systematic method of collecting data
relating to student satisfaction data at the
University to provide evidence for future planning
and development.
Student Evaluation and Feedback Working
Group, Faculty Executive Deans, Associate
Deans Learning and Teaching, Dean of
Students, Learning and Teaching Centre
Review of Student Support – Progress Report April 2009
support services.
Where appropriate, faculty and department-level
support programs are developed modelled on best
practice across the campus to meet the support
needs of particular groups of students.
Service Representatives attend Faculty
Counselling Team allocated a faculty for liaison
Regular meetings between Welfare Manager and
Semester reporting to Faculty on service access
by students- to commence 21/7/09
Support Services contribute to Faculty Plans for
student support
Increase modes of contact between students and
services. Telephone Counselling Commenced
October 2009, on-lien services from Counselling,
Disability and medical to commence August 2009.
Working Group overhauling current tools and
developing new policies, procedures and
instruments for the systematic collection of student
evaluation and feedback data on all units.
Unit Outline policy amended to require moderators
to demonstrate at the start of each semester how
each unit has been modified using student
feedback and suggestions, among other factors.
During late 2008 the Learning and Teaching
Centre surveyed approximately 3000 first year
students from Accounting and Humanities using a
version of the Australasian University Survey of
Student Engagement (AUSSE).
Greater use of CEQ and other specialist surveys
to track student satisfaction. Data from these
sources added to data from other sources such as
Review of Student Support 2007 – Implementation Progress Report April 2009
Compile an electronic survival guide for Faculties
to use as a model with the addition of facultyspecific information, which can be developed
further as necessary on a local basis.
Investigate shared space where these services
can be co-located.
Academic Support Recommendations
Investigate the establishment of a central Student
Learning Support Unit to consolidate current
learning support areas of writing, numeracy and
learning and study skills.
Dean of Students Transition Program
Dean of Students, Director of Student
Wellbeing, Registrar.
This strategy is under further review.
Library Level 1 and refurbishment of U@MQ Hub
both have opportunities for co-location
commencing 2011
Dean of Students
The provision of learning support will be centrally
coordinated by the Dean of Students.
Provision of support services will be delivered
through separate, centralised points appropriate to
the needs of the separate client groups.
Better coordination of referral to the services will
be achieved through the Students at Risk of
Academic Failure Policy, coordinated training of
departmental academic advisers, Faculty
Directors of Students and Associated Deans
Learning and Teaching.
Transition Coordinator continues to liaise with
Faculty Associate Deans Learning and Teaching,
and Directors of Students.
In Semester 1, 2009 integration between the
central Transition program and the program
developed in the Faculty of Arts was successfully
piloted and will provide a model to roll out to other
Transition Coordinator and Dean of Students are
liaising with providers and pathways to tailor
programs to groups with special needs including
MI, SIBT and groups such as Jubilee students.
The Transition Program continue to investigate
ways of working closely with Faculties in the new
academic structure.
retention rates and enrolment data to track student
Guide prepared and produced late 2008.
Dean of Students Transition Program
Student Wellbeing Recommendations
Review of Student Support – Progress Report April 2009
Review of Student Support 2007 – Implementation Progress Report April 2009
The Student Wellbeing stream consist of 6
- Medical Services
- Counselling Services
- Equity/Disability Unit
- Welfare Services
- Career Centre
- Chaplaincy
The name of the Career Development Office be
changed to Career Centre to better reflect the
work carried out.
Director Student Wellbeing
Completed June 2008
Director Student Wellbeing
Completed June 2008
The Career Services continue to enhance their
online services
Director Student Wellbeing
Enhanced Career Hub services released August
Career Chats launched January 2009
The Head of Career Services investigates
additional possibilities for the advertisement of
casual employment on campus.
Director Student Wellbeing
MQ University commenced advertising all casual
vacancies February 2009-04-08 External business
advertising increased in 2009 (data in collection)
The Head of Careers Service identifies
opportunities for integration of careers activities
within the student learning experience.
Director Student Wellbeing
Careers taught a cohesive 4 week career
education program “Kick Start Your Career
In…Series” to second year students in
Accounting, Psychology, Media & Human
Resources, over 90% of students found the
program offered them tools to plan their career &
study through to their final year of undergraduate
Work Experience Program for Postgraduate
Accounting students implemented. In partnership
with the Accounting Department’s the careers
service prepares and monitors international
Master of Accounting students for accounting
Review of Student Support – Progress Report April 2009
Review of Student Support 2007 – Implementation Progress Report April 2009
placements within the local community
The University assesses current status and
ensures compliance with existing legislation as
well as the need for e-learning and WebCT to
meet accessibility standards.
Director Student Wellbeing
By agreement with Director L&TC this action
transferred to Manager MQAS
In line with the need to provide reasonable
adjustment for students with disabilities, the
Special Equipment Area is relocated to the new
Director Student Wellbeing
Focus groups for student and staff to provide input
to design in July 2008
Report completed October 2008
First consultation with Senior Staff on enhanced
SEA scheduled for May 2009
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Operating
Officer explore the possibility of hiring a practice
nurse within the Medical Centre
The Medical Centre continues to strive for
additional medical accreditation
Director Student Wellbeing
Nurse commenced duty 1/4/09
Director Student Wellbeing
Preparation for accreditation commenced 1/4/09.
Internal audit of compliance of medical service
with legislation completed July 2008
Internal audit of record keeping scheduled for
August 2009
Whilst U@MQ remains a separate company with
its own Board chaired by the Deputy ViceChancellor and Chief Operating Officer, there is a
clear importance that its activities and aspirations
are fully incorporated with other student life
DVC - Provost and DVC - COO
Review of Student Support – Progress Report April 2009
Joint service planning occurred in 2008
2008 and 2009 Performance Agreement of
Director Student Wellbeing has
KPI’s for
collaboration with U@MQ
4 joint projects- Weight Watchers on Campus,
Sexual Health Week, Conception Day, Orientation
Week were implemented
September 2008 SSS staff attended U@MQ 3 day
residential strategic planning retreat
January 2009 U@MQ and Director Student
Wellbeing jointly funded a Director Campus
Engagement who is line managed by U@MQ
Review of Student Support 2007 – Implementation Progress Report April 2009
Review of Student Support – Progress Report April 2009
May 2009 U@MQ and SSS will attend a joint
strategic planning retreat to better integrate
service delivery across campus