Place in chronological order Mozart’s life events from his birth to his death in a timeline form. -Mozart composes his last piece, Requiem. - Mozart moves to Vienna. - Mozart begins violin and harpsichord lesson from his dad. - Mozart studies music with the great composer George Friderick Handel. - Mozart marries singer Constanze Weber. - Mozart travels throughout Europe with his sister Nannerl. - Mozart dies. - Mozart starts work for the Archbishop of Salzburg. - Mozart composes the operas The Marriage Of Figaro and Don Giovanni. - Mozart is born in Salzburg, Austria. - Mozart’s father dies. - Mozart performs for Empress Maria Therese and gives her a kiss. - Mozart composes The Magic Flute. - Mozart composes his first piece. - Mozart composes and conducts and opera in Vienna for the Emperor Joseph II. - Mozart’s mother dies. January 27, 1756 1771 1778 1759 1781 1761 1782 1766 1786 1767 1787 1768 1787 1768 1791 December 5th, 1791