Roles and Responsibilities

Starting time 10:30 finish 1:30 allowance for road works
Eastern District Swimming Carnival
School- In- Charge: OPS Wednesday 18th February
10.30am Start – 1.30pm Finish
School Responsibilities
Equipment to collect
Marshalling sheets
Stroke judge/life guard
Chief Finishing Marshall
1 Finishing Judge
Extension cord
Power pack
Marshalling folders
Recorders folders
Starters Gun and Caps
Green flags
4 stop watches
Finishing blocks
3 tables and 6 chairs
2 Ribbons Distributors
St Josephs
1 Finishing Recorder/Multi timer
St Brendan’s
Finishing Judge
2 Finishing Judges
Tubbs 3
1 Starters Marshall
MSN2: you can organise these
responsibilities between you, but
they will all need to be covered by
a teacher or parent on the day.
Gun, caps, whistle ear muffs
2 Finishing Judges
Toorloo Arm
All Schools
2 Finishing Judges
Check numbers of competitors
and give them to person at the
pool on the day of the carnival.
Cost per student in gate is $4.00
The pool can send your school a
bill or pay at the gate.
Bring a First Aid Kit
Lane Allocations:
Two competitors per event
Lakes Primary
Orbost Primary School
St Brendan’s
Toorloo Arm PS
1 relay team per school per age
Process for the running of the carnival
Students marshal for their events at the end of the pool
The starters marshal checks off each competitor for each event, any changes are noted on
the sheet.
The starter starts each race when the all-ready (green flag) has been raised by the chief
finishing judge.
The students swim the race.
All students stay in the water until they have each been given a number (wooden block) that
indicates their finishing place in the race.
The chief timekeeper checks with the 2 stop watches to confirm the first place time for the
records and hands out the printed results to the chief recorder
The Chief Finishing Marshall whistles all the swimmers out of the water and ensures all
swimmers line up in order at the chief recorders table.
The chief recorder records the place each swimmer has come on the marshalling sheet and
then fills in the times.
The first 3 place getters move onto the ribbon table where the first and second placed
swimmer receives their ribbon.
The recorders marshal passes the sheet onto the announcer who announces the winners and
passes the results sheet onto the recorder.
Spectators/swimmers waiting events
Stroke judge/life guard
Pool Entry
Roles and Responsibilities
Starters Marshal
 Check all students’ names on the sheet.
 Mark any name changes on your sheet.
 Line swimmers up in their correct lanes for their events.
 Ensure swimmers are ready to go with as little delay as possible between each
 Use caps and a cap gun and wear earmuffs.
 Command- “Take your blocks is signalled by a whistle blow (swimmers stand up
on their block or next to their block if they wish, for back stroke swimmers get in
the water)
 Command “Set” (swimmers lean/crouch down. Backstroke swimmers pull up)
 Command “GO/Bang of the gun”
 A second shot is fired for a false start and inform the false start rope student to
release the rope)
 Secret is not to hold the students to long after “set”
Chief Finishing Judge
 Ensure the correct swimmers are given the placing’s.
 Sort out any discrepancies with the places
 Use the multi timer to record all swimmers times.
 Compare the first time with two stop watches to check for any records.
 Tear off the times and pass them to the recorder.
 Make sure finishing judges are ready before waving the green flag for the next race
to start.
Finishing Judges
 Each judge has a wooden number that corresponds with the place they are judging.
Give the number you are judging to the swimmer as soon as they have touched the
 Recollect the wooden blocks from the swimmers t the chief recorders table.
Finishing Marshall
 Whistle for all swimmers to leave the pool and ensure they all marshal in order at
the chief recorders table.
 Make any changes to each event.
 Record the places next to the swimmers
 Record the times next to the swimmers
 Send the first 3 swimmers to the ribbons table with the results sheet.
Ribbons Distributor
 Allocate a first ribbon and a notice to the first and second placed swimmers in each
event. (Places determined by times if heats are run. We will not swim a final)
 Allocate third ribbons.
 Pass results to the announcer
 Announce the results of each race.
 Highlight records if they have been broken
 Call up the competitors for each of the stroke events and relays as required.
Life Guard/Stroke Judge
 Walk down the side of the pool checking stroke technique of all swimmers
 If a stroke is incorrect and they finish in the first place they retain the first place but
will not qualify to compete at the zone sports. The next correct swimmer will
receive the notice to go to the zone carnival.
 Stroke judge will notify the chief recorder and the ribbon distributor if this is
 Speak to the swimmer with the incorrect stroke to explain what they have done
 Check for any struggling swimmers.
Many hands make light work.
Ensure your staff and/or students clearly
understand what they have to do BEFORE the
event to make sure the program runs smoothly.