Y, G & T


Web Resources


A. Young Gifted & Talented Programme Projects

Developing Expertise Awards 2005-06 reports

(All available on the YGT website , together with a summary of all DEA 2005-06 projects.)

Birchwood Community High School, Warrington – Thinking Maps for G&T Learners (Jamieson S)

Calday Grange Grammar School, Wirral – Bridging the Gap: Bigging up Boys’ Writing (Darley

H and McGoldrick A)

Chatham Grammar School for Boys, Chatham – The Impact of an Accelerated Curriculum on

G&T Students at KS3 (Brooks A)

Churchfields School, Swindon – Constructing a Pyramid of Progression for Talent in Dance

(Schmidt B with Jarvis C and Slayford V)

Deanery High and Sixth Form College, Wigan – ‘Making Science Sexy’: Raising the Profile of

Science for G&T Students (Heaton A)

Easingwold School, North Yorkshire – Providing Challenge and Engagement in Classroom

Learning for Gifted and Talented Students (Williams C)

Hayward’s Primary School, Devon – How Can Gifted Children be Catered for in KS2

Geography? (Hasted N)

Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge

– Effects on Students of Newly Introduced

Personalised Learning Activities (Newton M)

Newstead Wood School for Girls, Orpington – The Impact of Extension Topics Aimed at

Exceptionally Able Students on the Achievements of These Students and on All Students Within

That Class (Tabor E)

Portswood Primary School, Southampton – Hearing the Voice of Gifted and Talented Pupils

Through the Use of Learning Logs in Order to Improve Teaching Provision (Watson K)

St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School, Smethwick – History Mysteries: An Intervention

Approach for the Development, Enhancement and Acceleration of G&T Pupils (McIlroy C)

Twynham School, Dorset – Using Peer Coaches to Explain and Tackle the Underachievement of Gifted Students (Rule B)


Developing Expertise Awards 2006-07 reports (also available on YGT website )

Alsop High School, Liverpool – Using Data to Identify Underachieving Students in English and

Suggesting Strategies to Address This at KS3 (Dangerfield A)

Beauchamp College, Leicester – How Can Able Students Be Effective Leaders of Learning?

(Hussain N and Parks B)

Canon Slade School, Bolton – Developing Reasoning, Analysis and Logic skills of G&T pupils at

KS3 (Kerrane A)

Cheney School, Oxford – Getting the Question Right: Using Cross-curricular Observation and

Student Feedback to Improve Classroom Discussion (Gimson D)

City of London Academy, Southwark – To What Extent Can an Improvement in Articulation of

Student Career Aspirations be Llnked to their Knowledge of How to Rrelise Ttese Aasprations?

(Paradis J, Fazackerley C and Edwardes M)

Colmers School, Birmingham – Creating, Identifying and Developing Talented KS3 Students in

Drama (Boardman C and Parker P)

Dowdales School, Dalton in Furness – Can We Make Use of the Proposed Classroom Quality

Standards to Inform and Develop Personalized Learning Plans for Our Gifted and Talented

Pupils? (Bowes J and Hardwick M)

Eastrington Primary School, East Riding – Removing the Barrier of Rural Isolation: Helping

Young Gifted & Talented Children Develop a Sense of Belonging to an Online School

Community (Parker J and Brookes A)

Hills Road Sixth Form College , Cambridge

Effect of Creativity and Creative Thinking, Within

English, on the Motivation of Underachieving “Coasting” Able Students and Their Development as

Independent Learners (Martin A)

Hinchingbrooke School, Huntingdon – Multiple Intelligence and The Gifted Student(Cunningham


MacMillan Academy, Middlesborough – Effects of Studying ‘Philosophy for Children’ on

Achievement of Able Students at KS3 (Moran R)

Ringwood School, Hampshire – Developing Gifted Students as Independent Learners Who Can

Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to Personalise Tteir Oon Wwrk by Changing the Level of Ccallenge Ii

Oofers Ttem (Rule B, Abernethy J)

Romsey School, Hampshire – Improving Provision for the Ggfted Mathematician in the

Mainstream Secondary Classroom (Lees J)

Woodland Middle School, Bedfordshire – Setting or Mixed Aaility – Wwhch Iis bes for Aabl

Lleaners? (Leyland P)


B. YGT Occasional Papers (also available on YGT web site )

White Paper – Higher Standards, Better Schools for All, More Choice for Parents and Pupils

1. Campbell RJ, Eyre D, Muijs D, Neelands JGA and Robinson W (2004) The English Model of

Gifted and Talented Education: Policy, Context and Challenges

2. Neelands JGA, Band S, Freckley V and Lindsay G (2005) Hidden Talents: A Review of State

Supported Provision and Policy for Talented Pupils in England

4. Hewston R (2005) The First Annual Survey of the Workloads and Support Needs of Gifted and Talented Coordinators in Secondary Schools in England

4a. (2005) Policy Implications of the First Annual Survey of the Workloads and Support

Needs of Gifted and Talented Co-ordinators in Secondary Schools in England (Link not available on webpage)

5. Hewston R, Campbell RJ, Eyre D, Muijs D, Neelands JGA and Robinson W (2005) A

Baseline Review of the Literature on Effective Pedagogies for Gifted and Talented Students

6. Winstanley C (2005) Investigating the Notion of Children with Multiple Exceptionalities

7. Mazzoli L, Campbell RJ, Eyre D, Muijs D, Neelands JGA and Robinson W (2005) The First

Annual Post-18 Survey of NAGTY students

8. Campbell RJ, Muijs D, Neelands JGA, Robinson W, Eyre D and Hewston R (2005) The

Social Origins of Students Identified as Gifted and Talented in England: a Geo-demographic


9. Mazzoli L, Campbell RJ, Eyre D, Muijs D, Neelnads JGA and Robinson W (2006) Pilot

Survey of NAGTY Members’ Parents

10. Strand S (2006) Identifying gifted students: An Evaluation of the National Academy for

Gifted and Talented (NAGTY) Procedure

11. Campbell RJ, Muijs D, Mazzoli L, Hewston R, Neelands JGA, Robinson W and Eyre D

(2006) Engagement with School, Identity and Self-esteem: Some Characteristics of Gifted and

Talented Students in England

12. Robinson W, Campbell RJ and Mazzoli L (2006) Developing Expertise: School-based Case


13. Campbell RJ, Neelands J, Robinson W, Mazzoli L and Hewston R (2006) Personalised

Learning: Ambiguities in Theory and Practice

14. Mazzoli L, Campbell RJ and Muijs D (2006) What’s So Different About Gifted and Talented

Students? Gifted and Talented Students and Psychosocial Adjustment


15. Mazzoli L, Campbell RJ and Hewston R (2006) The Second Annual Survey of the

Workloads and Support Needs of Gifted and Talented Coordinators in Secondary Schools in


16. Campbell RJ (2006) Hills Road Sixth Form College: A Case Study in the Personalisation of


17. Bailey A (2006) ‘Doing Hamlet While Running the New York Marathon’: Finding and

Training the Billy Elliots

18. Persaud D and Roberts R (2006) Securing Progression Through Learning: A Pedagogical

Approach to Widening Participation

19. Cadwallader SM (2007) The Darker Side of Bright Students: Gifted and Talented Heavy

Metal Fans

20. Muijs D, Mazzoli L, Hewston R and Campbell RJ (2007) The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth: Second Annual Post-18 Survey of Students

C. Action Based Research at Brunel University (available on DCSF website and in brief on

Brunel University website )

Koshy V, Mitchell C and Williams M (2006) Nurturing Gifted and Talented Children at KS1

The report contains the following case studies:

1. Belleville School, Wandsworth LEA – A Whole School Approach to Identifying and Providing for Gifted and Talented Children in KS1 (Patton N)

2. Bromley LEA – Mentoring Exceptionally Able Pupils at Key Stage 1 (Mordecai S)

3. Exeter University and Devon LEA – The Identification and Provision of Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies to Support Gifted and Talented Children in KS1 Classrooms (Mitchell


4. Kent LEA

– Supporting the Development of Cognitive and Emotional Well-being in Gifted and

Talented Children (Marin C)

5. Rotherham LEA

– ‘Beyond the Hardest Shelf’ – Supporting and Challenging Young Children of Exceptional Ability through Participation in a Weekly Enrichment Cluster (Blaker J)

6. Pilgrims’ Way School, Southwark LEA – Mini Enrichment Projects as Means of Combating

Underachievement in an Inner-City Area (Farquhar J)

7. Dorset LEA

– Developing Gifted and Talented Pupils’ Creative Thinking Skills (Stevenson K)

8. Sussex LEA – A Study of Transition through a Child-centred Curriculum with Particular

Reference to Gifted and Talented Children (Smith J)


9. Hillingdon LEA – The Development of Mathematical Activities (Cross-curricular) for Gifted and Talented Children with a Focus on Open-ended Themes and Enquiry (Knapp J)

10. Hounslow LEA – Mini Enrichment Projects to Identify Gifted and Talented Hearing Impaired and EAL Pupils Who Are Beginners in English (Scott-Saunders R)

11. Richmond LEA – Investigating the Role of the Creative Arts in Extending the Gifted Writers in KS1 (Palmer L)

12. Suffolk LEA – Provision for Gifted and Talented Children at Foundation and KS1 (Muller V)

13. Warrington LEA – Developing Outdoor and Role Play Materials to Foster Writing and

Thinking Skills for Gifted Children and/or Talented Early Years Children (Barnes D)

14. York LEA – The Identification of Gifted and Talented Children in Music at KS1 (Ellison T and

Pearce G)

D. Bibliography

Bloom, B (ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Vol.1London: Longman

Boardman C, Parker P with Bunn E and Stockburn R (2007) Creating, Identifying and

Developing Talented KS3 Students In Drama YGT Programme

Campbell RJ, Eyre D, Muijs D, Neelands JGA and Robinson W (2004)

The English Model of Gifted and Talented Education: Policy, Context and Challenges

Occasional Paper 1 NAGTY, University of Warwick

Campbell RJ, Neelands J, Robinson W, Mazzoli L and Hewston R (2006) Personalised

Learning: Ambiguities in Theory and Practice Occasional Paper 13 NAGTY, University of


Campbell RJ, Muijs D, Mazzoli L, Hewson R, Neelands J, Robinson W and Eyre D (2006)

Engagement with School Identity and Self-esteem: Some Characteristics of Gifted and Talented

Students in England Occasional Paper 11 NAGTY, University of Warwick

Campbell RJ (2006) Hills Road Sixth Form College: A Case Study in the Personalisation of

Learning Occasional Paper 16 NAGTY, University of Warwick

Camplin (2000) EiC Coordinator Training Programme Oxford Brookes University

Carver J (2006) revised ed. Boards that Make a Difference: A New Design for Leadership in

Nonprofit and Public Organizations New York: Jossey Bass

CfBT Education Trust (2007) An Inclusive Approach to Teaching and Learning in Secure

Settings: A Toolkit for Teachers and Managers Reading: CfBT Education Trust


Colangelo N et al (2004) A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America’s Brightest

Students The University of Iowa

Cooney K (2006) “Are you learnin’ us today, Miss?” NCSL Research Associate Rrport

Cragg Ross Dawson (2007) National Programme for Gifted and Talented Education

Reading: CfBT Education Trust

Dangerfield A (2007) Using Data to Identify Underachieving Students in English and Suggesting

Strategies to Address This at KS3 YGT Programme

Davis GA and Rim SB (1985) Education of the Gifted and Talented Englewood Cliffs, NJ:

Prentice Hall

DCSF (2008) Identifying Gifted and Talented Learners – Getting Started Nottingham: DCSF

DfEE (1997) Excellence in Schools London: DfEE

DfES (2002) Excellence in Cities, Schools Extending Excellence: Annual Report 2000-01

Nottingham: DfES

DfES (2005) Higher Standards: Better Schools for All Nottingham: DfES

DfES (2005) A New Relationship with Schools Nottingham: DfES

DfES (2007) Gifted and Talented Education: Guidance on Preventing Underachievement

London: DfES

Dracup, T (2007) in Gifted & Talented Update 41 London: Optimus

Eyre, D (1996) Able Children in Ordinary Schools London: Fulton

Eyre, D (2007) “What Really Works in Gifted and Talented Education – Taking Stock”

Keynote speech at NAGTY conferences Warwick and London

Eyre D (2002) Effective Teaching of Able Pupils in the Primary Classroom: A Report from the

Oxfordshire Effective Teachers of Able Pupils Project Oxford: National Primary Trust

Feldhusen (2003) Precocity and Acceleration Gifted Education International 17, Pp. 55-58

Freeman J (1998) Educating the Very Able: Current International Research

London: The Stationery Office

Freeman J (1996) How to Raise a Bright Child Vermillion

Gardner, H (1999) Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21 st


New York: Basic Books

Gilbert C. (2007) 2020 Vision. Report of HMI Review Group London: The Stationery Office


Gimson D (2007) Getting the Question Right: Using Cross-curricular Observation and Student

Feedback to Improve Classroom Discussion. YGT Programme

Haight A (2004) Inclusiveness and Teacher Attitudes in the Identification of Gifted and

Talented Pupils in Excellence in Cities and Excellence Cluster Schools Oxford Brookes website

Hany EA (1993) How Teachers Identify Gifted Students: Feature Processing or Concept-based

Classification European Journal for High Ability 4, pp.196-211

Hasted N (2006) How Can Gifted Children be Catered for in KS2 Geography?

YGT Programme

Hewston R, Campbell RJ, Eyre D, Muijs D, Neelands JGA and Robinson W (2005)

A Baseline Review of the Literature on Effective Pedagogies for Gifted and Talented Students

Occasional Paper 5 NAGTY, University of Warwick

Hymer, B (2000) “Understanding and Overcoming Underachievement in Boys” in Montgomery

D (ed.) Able Underachievers London: Whurr

Koshy V, Mitchell C and Williams D (2006) Nurturing Gifted and Talented Children at KS1

London: DCSF

Kutnik P et al (2005) The Effects of Pupil Grouping: Literature Review.

Research Report 688 London: DfES

Leadbetter C (2004) Personalisation Through Participation London: Demos

Lees B (2007) Improving Provision for the Gifted Mathematician in the Mainstream Secondary

Classroom YGT Programme

Leyland (2007) Setting or Mixed ability – Which is the Best for Able Learners? YGT


Lowe H (2007) in Gifted & Talented Update 42 London: Optimus

Mazzoli M, Campbell RJ and Hewston R (2006)

The Second Annual Survey of the Workloads and Support Needs of Gifted and Talented

Coordinators in Secondary Schools in England Occasional Paper 15 NAGTY, University of


Milliband (2005) in NCSL Leading Personalised Learning in Schools Nottingham: NCSL

NCSL (2004) Personalised Learning: LDR Supplement Nottingham: NCSL

NCSL (2005) Leading Personalised Learning in Schools Nottingham: NCSL

NCSL (2007) Personalisation – an IDR supplement Nottingham: NCSL


Niederer K, Irwin RJ, Irwin KC and Reilly IL (2003) Identification of Mathematically Gifted

Children in New Zealand High Ability Studies 14 (1) Pp 71-84

Neelands JGA, Band S, Freakley V and Lindsay G (2005) Hidden Talents: A Review of State

Supported Provision and Policy for Talented Pupils in England Occasional Paper 2 NAGTY,

University of Warwick

Ofsted (2001) The Annual Report of HMCI: Standards and Quality in Education

London: The Stationery Office

Ofsted (2003) Excellence in Cities and Education Action Zones: Management and Impact

London: The Stationary Office

Ofsted (2003) Standards and Quality 2002/3 The Annual Report of HMCI

London: The Stationery Office

Ofsted (2005) Excellence in cities: Managing Associated Initiatives to Raise Standards

London: The Stationery Office

Paule, M (2003) The Able in English File Oxford: Heinemann

Pickering, J (1997) Raising Boys’ Achievement Stafford: Network Educational Press

Pomerantz, M and K (2002) Listening to Able Underachievers: Creating Opportunities for

Change London: NACE/Fulton

QCA (no date) Subject Guidance on the Identification of Gifted and Talented Students

QCA Website

Ransley M (2007) in Gifted & Talented Update 42. London: Optimus

Renzulli JS (1986) The Three Ring Conception of Giftedness: A Developmental Model for

Creative Productivity in Sternberg R and Davidson J (eds) Conceptions of Giftedness

New York: Cambridge University Press

Sammons P (1997) Forging Links London: Paul Chapman

Shore BM, Cornell DG, Robinson A and Ward VS (1991) Recommended Practices in Gifted

Education: A Critical Analysis New York: Teachers’ College Press

Stopper MJ (ed) (2000) Meeting the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted and Talented

Children London: David Fulton

Strand S (2006) Identifying Gifted Students: An evaluation of the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY) Procedure Occasional Paper 10 NAGTY, University of Warwick

Sukhnandan L and Lee B (1998) Streaming, Setting and Grouping by Ability: A Review of

Literature Slough: NFER


Robinson W, Campbell RJ and Mazzoli L (2006) Developing Expertise: School-based Case

Studies Occasional Paper 12 NAGTY, University of Warwick

Teare, B (1997) Effective Provision for Able and Talented Children Stafford: Network

Educational Press

TES (2008) The Conversation: The Gifted and Talented London: Times Educational

Supplement, 04/07/08

Treffinger DJ (2004) Creativity and Giftedness New York: Corwin Press

Stewart W (2007) Pinpointing Pupils Who Need Most Help London: Times Educational

Supplement 12/01/07

Warwick I (2007) Personalised Learning and G&T in Gifted & Talented Update 41 London:


White K, Fletcher-Campbell F and Ridley K (2003) What Works for Gifted and Talented Pupils:

A Review of Recent Research Slough: NFER


E. Young, Gifted and Talented: Web resources

The following report contains brief summaries of websites and resources for gifted children.

Resources include both teaching and learning resources, and guidance materials. Websites also include portals for further information, advocacy and information sites, gifted education organisations, networks and discussion forums.

Resources mentioned in the below report were identified from an initial list provided by the

CfBT Young Gifted and Talented team. Further resources were then identified using the link sections of the aforementioned recommended sites and other key gifted and talented portals such as Hoagies (see below section on link sites). Finally to augment the report further searches were made using standard search engines and the following key words: “gifted”, “talented” and


Within the below summaries references have been included to those websites and resources also referred to on the YGT DCSF website. If resources are referred to on the YGT website, but not included in the below summary, the weblinks are included (with the website review where provided). Where a web resource included below has also been reviewed on the YGT website, this is noted in the summary.

Due to their relevance to gifted learners, their parents and educators, also included in the report is a section on teaching and learning resources which although they are not specifically targeted at gifted and talented children may be of use to both practitioners and learners in order to extend their learning and encourage further study. These websites were referred to by gifted and talented websites as useful sources for extension study for gifted children, or as potential resource areas for teachers working with gifted children.


Teaching and learning resource (specifically for gifted children)


Website A Different Place



Country of origin

Primary audience

Access level http://www.adifferentplace.org/index.html

Teaching and learning resources and guidance


Students, parents and practitioners

Public domain

Brief description Extensive website containing resources, information and ideas for differentiating tasks for gifted children

Resources available There are separate children, teacher and parent sections. Within these sections resources are categorised by topic and then by age.

Topics include:

Reading, maths, science, geography, language, social studies, art, poetry, technology and social studies. There is also a games section.

Within the teacher section there is information on differentiated teaching techniques, planning, assessment and curriculum adaptation.

The site also has a vast internet links section, categorised by the above themes and also by age group and specific gifted issues e.g. perfectionism


Other comments

On useful links section of http://ygt.dcsf.gov.uk


Website Enrichment Activities for G&T Pupils



Country of origin

Primary audience

Access level

Brief description

Resources available

Other comments http://www.gifted-and-talented.net/gt-adword.html

Teaching and learning resource – practitioners



Free access, but requires registration

A free weekly e-bulletin to help you to:


Use exciting, inspiring and good quality enrichment activities straightaway in your classroom.

Make learning challenging and fun for your pupils.

Assist your pupils in developing their social skills and social networks.


Raise pupils’ self esteem and encourage group work and discussion.

Each issue includes activities for primary

and secondary schools.

On useful links section of http://ygt.dcsf.gov.uk/



Resources for Teaching Gifted and Talented Students

URL http://www.cloudnet.com/%7Eedrbsass/edgifted.html


Country of origin

Primary audience

Access level

Brief description

Link portal



Public domain

Link website, includes:

Lesson plans (although not all specifically focused on G&T pupils)

National organisations and centres


Certified programmes and courses

Other resources

Each link has a short description of the website’s content.

Resources available

Other comments Users need to scroll below the adverts to find a long list of available resources.

On useful links section of http://ygt.dcsf.gov.uk



For learners:

Website The Brain Rummager



Country of origin http://home.alphalink.com.au/~umbidas/

Teaching and learning resource – learners


Primary audience

Access level

Brief description

Resources available


Public access

Educational website with links to extra-curricular activities for gifted children.

Most links are to information and activity pages, either on the Brain

Rummager website or on other sites. Activities include: word puzzles; quizzes; creative thinking; creative writing; anagrams; homophones & homonyms; and crossword puzzles.

The site also contains a few links for teachers to papers published on

G&T issues

Other comments

On useful links section No

of http://ygt.dcsf.gov.uk/

Teaching and learning resource (which could be applied for gifted children):

By subject:

General/cross subject:

Website Ask An Expert



Country of origin

Primary audience http://www.askanexpert.com/

Teaching and learning resource – learners



Access level

Brief description

Public domain

Resources available

Other comments

No On useful links section of http://ygt.dcsf.gov.uk


The website connects pupils with hundreds of real world experts, on subjects ranging from law to zoology, geography, sciences, arts and humanities. You can search by category or key word. The results either take you through to specific websites or to a question submission form to contact the experts directly.

Website Grey Labyrinth



Country of origin

Primary audience

Access level

Brief description

Resources available http://www.greylabyrinth.com/

Teaching and learning resource - learners


Secondary students, general public

Public domain

Logic puzzle website, not specifically focused on gifted children, but on young people and adults. It has a forum section to discuss puzzle solutions.

In addition to the puzzles posted on the site, there are links to other puzzles websites.

Other comments

On useful links section of http://ygt.dcsf.gov.uk/




Country of origin

Primary audience

Access level

Brief description

Resources available


Other comments

Children’s Museum http://www.childrensmuseum.org/

Teaching and learning resource - learners


Learners, teachers general public

Public domain

An education resource centre at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Webquests available online and categorised by age group .

Not specifically targeted at gifted children
