fruit lesson plan - Chen Xiaodi CH1 HS

Lesson Plan
Lesson title:
Step 1—Desired Results
Lesson goals
Students will be able to express 6 different kinds of fruit in Chinese.
Essential Questions
What’s your favorite fruit as following?
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to recognize six words in Chinese: apple, banana, grape, strawberry, watermelon, kiwi.
Students will be able to make the conversation in Chinese: Which fruit do you like to eat? I like to eat apple.
Students will be able to combine color with the new vocabulary to make phrases, for example: red apple, purple grape.
Step 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance task —Teacher will hold or empower students to hold the cards with pictures of a fruit, and use body
language or speak Chinese to describe the fruit, let the other students to guess.
Performance criteria —Students understand the description and can speak the fruit in Chinese correctly.
Step 3—Learning Plan
Materials needed
the six different kinds of fruit: apple, banana, grape, strawberry, watermelon, kiwi
the cards with the Chinese characters and Pinyin on
the paper and crayon to make fruit crown and bracelet
Learning activities
Warm up/Activator: (5 minutes)
Sing a song of numbers to practice the numbers in Chinese.
Introduction to Lesson: (3 minutes)
Show students different kinds of fruit to let students see, touch and smell, ask them to say the color of fruit in Chinese.
Guided Practice: (35 minutes)
Teacher will show students the fruit to introduce the new vocabulary, first will introduce three of them, after reviewing a
few times, teacher will choose and speak one word in Chinese and ask student to find the fruit, then review all the words
again to speak two of them, students need to find the two fruit, then teacher will point to one fruit and students need to
say the word in Chinese. When students get familiar with these three words, they can continue to learn the other three
words, teacher will combine all the six words at end.
Teacher will pass the six different kinds of fruit out to different students, they need to say the fruit they have in Chinese,
and then they pass to other students, so everyone can have chance to hear and speak different fruit in Chinese. Then
combine with colors, students have to say the fruit in their hands with color in Chinese, like yellow banana.
Students will make their own fruit crown and bracelet with Chinese on to play a game of fruit. One student will say the
fruit he/she has two times with clapping hands, then change to other fruit that other students have.
Independent Practice: (10 minutes)
Students will make their own tally of fruit and ask their classmates what’s kind of fruit do they like, record them and write
the number in Chinese, and made a conclusion that which fruit is the most popular one and which fruit that the least
people like.
Review/Discuss/Clarify: (4 minutes)
Students will go to the front of classroom to talk about the most and the least popular fruit in their classroom.
Summarizer/Closure: (3 minutes)
Teacher will show cards with the Chinese characters and Pinyin of the six fruit on, let students talk their favorite fruit and
match the cards with real fruit.
Step 4—Reflection
Students learned the words of fruit very fast, as fast as when they learned the words of animals. They pronounced the
fruit very well and liked to express their favorite fruit. They especially enjoyed the activity of making their own fruit crown
to playing a game with it and walking around the classroom to do the tally of fruit.