Curriculum Vita -

Thomas A. McCain
Personal Data
Contact Information
146 Glenmont Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43214
614-268-6196 (fax)
B.S., Wisconsin State University-Oshkosh, 1965
M.S., Marquette University, 1967
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1972
Academic Appointments:
Professor Emeritus, School of Journalism and Communication, The Ohio State
University 2001 -Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Ohio State University,
Visiting Lecturer in Communication Studies, National Institute for Higher
Education, Dublin, Ireland, 1984-85.
Professor, Department of Communication and School of Journalism, The Ohio
State University 1983-1997
Associate Professor, Department of Communication and School of Journalism,
The Ohio State University, 1977-83.
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, The Ohio State University,
Assistant Professor, Information Sciences, Illinois State University, 1972-1973.
Assistant Professor, Speech Communication, Illinois State University, 19701972.
Director, Center for the Advanced Study of Telecommunications (CAST), 19931997.
Co-Director, Center for the Advanced Study of Telecommunications (CAST),
Associate Director, Center for the Advanced Study of Telecommunications
(CAST), 1988-1990.
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Communication, 1987-1990.
Editor, Journal of Broadcasting, 1980-84
Coordinator, Broadcasting and Research Facilities, Department of
Communication, The Ohio State University, 1977-1979
Director of Communication Research Center, Illinois State University, 1970-1973
Recent Web-based Courses Developed & Taught
Communication and Society. An overview course that focuses on the theory and
research of media and society relationships, from macro to micro
perspectives. Examines the clashing views on controversial issues of
media and society. Graduate/undergraduate.
Introduction to communication media and technology. Survey of traditional and
emerging media of communication, both mass media and personal
media. Introduction to the interdependencies of communication markets,
technologies and policies from historical and communication theory
perspectives. Undergraduate
History of Communication. Traces the development of communication practices
among individuals and societies from pre-literate cultures to
contemporary societies. Undergraduate.
Living in the Information Age. A problem based, introduction to the processes
and products of communication technology, communication markets and
communication policies. Combines hands on skill training with design
and social implications of living, working, learning, communicating, and
playing in an Information Rich Environment. Utilizes performance-based
assessment and collaborative learning. Undergraduate (co-developed
with Steve Acker).
New Communication Technologies. A survey of the features, applications, uses,
and markets of emerging communication technology. A combination of
historical accounts, critical social issues, mediated communication theory,
and trajectories of technology used for communicating between
individuals, groups, organizations, and larger publics. Problem based.
Graduate/undergraduate. (also taught via interactive television with
branch campuses).
Seminars: Communication and Technology for Learning; Interactive Television;
Theory and Research in Communication Technology and Society;
Theories of Media and Society; Diffusion of Innovations; Communication
Policy – a cross national investigation (offered with University of
Amsterdam, University of Victoria, New Zealand).
WOSU Radio, Columbus, Ohio 1979-84.
WKOW Television and Radio, Madison, Wisconsin, 1967-1970
WEMP Radio, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1965-1967
WOSH Radio, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1962-1965.
Research and Publications
McCain, T. A. and L. C. Shyles (Eds.) The 1,000 Hour War: Communication in
the Gulf. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publications, 1994.
Book Chapters and Proceedings:
McCain, T.A. and Maxwell, L.T., (2003) “Connected Learning in the Information
Age,” in Shyles, L. (ed.) Deciphering cyberspace: making the most of the
information superhighway, Thousand Oaks, CA.: SAGE Publications,
McCain, T.A. and Kenny, C. (forthcoming). “Radio in the republic of Ireland” in
Encyclopedia of Radio
McCain, T.A. and Oaks, D. (forthcoming). “Violence and Radio” in Encyclopedia
of Radio.
McCain, Thomas A., Warisse-Turner, Jeanine. "Teaching Mass Communication
and Telecommunication," in Daly, J., Frederick, G. W. and Vangelisti, A.
L. Teaching Communication Theory, Research and Methods (2nd. Ed.).
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1998.
McCain, T.A. "Reflections on Professor Jamieson's Challenge to Applied
Research, Or, Radio Oscillating Policies Jolt New Zealand and Ireland:
An Applied Communication Research Example," Perspectives on Applied
Communication Research: The Tampa Conference, Hillsdale,
N.J.Earlbaum, 1995, p.p. 125-144.
McCain, T. A. “An Introduction to the 1,000 Hour War: Communication in the
Gulf,” in McCain, T. A. and L. C. Shyles (Eds.) The 1,000 Hour War:
Communication in the Gulf. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publications,
1994, pp 1-14.
Acker, S. R. and T. A, McCain. "Two-way videoconferencing for K - 12
populations: A research synthesis and action agenda," Creswell, K & M.
MacDonald (ed.), ITCA Teleconferencing Yearbook 1993, Washington,
D.C.: International Teleconferencing Association, pp. 47-54.
McCain, T. A. “An Introduction to the 1,000 Hour War: Communication in the
Gulf,” in The 1,000 Hour War: Communication in the Gulf. McCain, T. A.
and L. C. Shyles, (Eds.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publications, 1993.
Fraser, J. M. and T. A. McCain, “Collaboration as an Alternative to Regulation
and Competition in Ohio Telecommunications,” Proceedings of the Eighth
NARUC Biennial Regulatory Conference, Vol. II Telecommunications.
The National Regulatory Research Institute, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH 1992.
McCain, Thomas A., "Perspectives on Policy, Technology and Markets for Ohio's
Future Telecommunications Networks" Proceedings of CAST/NRRI
Symposium on Collaborative Strategies for Developing
Telecommunications Networks in Ohio, Center for Advanced Study in
Telecommunications, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1991.
McCain, Thomas A., "Teaching Mass Communication and Telecommunication,"
in Daly, J., Frederick, G. W. and Vangelisti, A. L. Teaching
Communication Theory, Research and Methods. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1990.
McCain, Thomas A. and Nadine S. Koch, "Gender Difference in Political
Communication: A Look at the 1980 Presidential Election, "Political
Communication Yearbook, Lynda L. Kaid, Keith Sanders, Dan Nimmo,
eds., University of Southern Illinois Press, 1985.
Avery, Robert K. and Thomas A. McCain, "Interpersonal and Mediated
Encounters: A Reorientation To The Mass Communication Process,
"Inter/Media: Interpersonal Communication In A Media World, Second
Edition, Gary Gumpert and Robert Cathcart, eds., (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1982), pp. 29-40.
McCain, Thomas A. and Mark G. Ross, "Cognitive Switching: A Behavioral
Trace of Human Information Processing for Television Newscasts," ed.
G. Cleveland Wilhoit, Mass Communication Yearbook, vol. 2, Beverly
Hills, California, Sage, 1981. (reprint of H.C.R. article)
Dimmick, John W., Thomas A. McCain and W. Theodore Bolton, "Media Use
and the Life Span: Notes on Theory and Method," ed. G. Cleveland
Wilhoit, Mass Communication Yearbook, vol. 2, Beverly Hills, California,
Sage, 1981. (reprint of ABS article)
Refereed Journal Articles:
Mekhjian, H, Warisse Turner, J, Gailiun, M & McCain, T. (1999). Patient
satisfaction with telemedicine in a prison environment. Journal of
Telemedicine and Telecare; 5: 55-61.
Maxwell, L.T., & McCain, T. (1997). Gatekeeper or Gateway: Communicative
implications of copyright and intellectual property. Communication
Education, 46, 141-157.
Mekhjian, H., Warisse.J., Gailiun, M., & McCain, T. (1996). The Ohio
Telemedicine System for Prison Inmates. Telemedicine Journal, 2(1), pp.
Hollifield, A., & McCain, T. (1995). "A national network in the global village: US.
policy goals for an international network." Social Science Computer
Review 13:2, 1995, Summer, 183-206.
McCain, T & Maxwell, L "Lessons from the front line: Evaluating the
videoconferencing classroom experience. ITCA 1995 Teleconferencing
Yearbook, Washington DC.: International Teleconferencing Association,
1995, p.p. 76-107
Acker, S. R. and T. A. McCain, “Designers’ and Producers’ Values: Their Social,
Technical and Economic Influences on the Success of
Videoconferencing,” Media and Technology for Human Resource
Development, Vol. 4 (3), 1992. pp. 175-190.
McCain, T. A. and S. R. Acker, “Common Ground Uncommonly Attained: The
Victoria University Telecourse On Communication Policy,” The Ohio
Speech Journal, Vol. 28, October 1990. pp. 49-62.
McCain, T. A., and G. F. Lowe, "Localism in European Radio Broadcasting:
Untangling the Wireless," Journal of Communication, Vol. 39, No. 4,
Winter, 1990.
McCain, T. A., "Patterns of Media Use in Europe: Identifying Country Clusters,"
European Journal of Communication, 1(2): 231-250, 1986.
McCain, T. A., "The Invisible Influence: European Audience Research,
"InterMedia, 13 (4/5): 74-79, 1985.
Fry, D. L. and T. A. McCain, "Community Influentials' Media Dependence in
Dealing with a Controversial Local Issue," Journalism Quarterly, 1983,
pp. 458-463.
McCain, T. A. and C. Brunner, "The Journal of Broadcasting: Who's Publishing
What, 1980-1982," Feedback, Summer, 1983, pp. 15-17.
McCain, T. A. and C. R. Hofstetter, "Different Strokes for Different Folks:
Ascertainment in the Black Community," The Social Science Journal, Vol.
19, No. 1, Jan.1982, pp. 25-45.
James, N. C. and T. A. McCain, "Television Games, Preschool Children Play:
Patterns, Themes and Uses," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 26, No. 4,
Fall, 1982, pp. 783-800.
Dimmick, John W., Thomas A. McCain and W. Theodore Bolton, (1981). "Media
Use and the Life Span: Notes on Theory and Method," American
Behavioral Scientist,
McCain, T. A. and M. G. Ross, "Cognitive Switching: A Behavioral Trace of
Human Information Processing for Television Newscasts," Human
Communication Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, Winter 1979, pp. 121-129.
McCain, T. A., J. C. Chilberg and J. J. Wakshlag, "The Effects of Camera
Angle on Source Credibility and Attraction," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol.
21: No. 1, Winter 1977.
Wall, V. D. and T. A. McCain, "River Ridge II: The Effect of Social System
Modernity on Perceptions of a School Bond Proposal," Western States
Speech Communication Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, Summer 1977.
McCain, T. A. and V. D. Wall, Jr., "A Communication Perspective of a School
Bond Failure," Educational Administration Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2,
Spring 1976, pp. 1-17.
McCain, T. A. and V. D. Wall, Jr., "River Ridge III: The Campaign That Failed,"
Human Communication Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, Spring 1976, pp. 245254.
McCain, T. A. and V. D. Wall, Jr., "The Voter's View: Communication Strategies
for a School Bond Referendum," Ohio Speech Journal, Vol. 16, 1976, pp.
LeDuc, D. R. and T. A. McCain, "The F.R.C. in Federal Court: A Guide to
Original Source Decisions," Client, Winter 1976.
Wall, V. D.,Jr., and T. A. McCain, "River Ridge I: Structural Elements in a
School District's Collective Innovation-Decision," Human Communication
Research, Vol. 1, No. 4, Summer, 1975, pp. 345-352.
McCroskey, J. C. and T. A. McCain, "The Measurement of Interpersonal
Attraction," Speech Monographs, Vol. 41, No.3 August 1974, pp. 261266.
LeDuc, D. R. and T. A. McCain, "The Federal Radio Commission in Federal
Court: Origins of Broadcast Regulatory Doctrines," Journal of
Broadcasting, Vol. 14, No. 4, Fall 1970, pp. 393-410.
Refereed Journals (Abstracts of Research):
"The Effect of Camera Shot on Interpersonal Attraction for Comedy Performers,
"Resources in Education, May 1975.
"The Effect of Body Type and Camera Shot on Interpersonal Attraction and
Source Credibility," Resources in Education, May 1975.
Coverage of the Speeches of Ted Kennedy and George McGovern to the 1972
Democratic National Convention," Resources in Education, May 1975.
"The Effect of Camera Angle and Image Size on Source Credibility and
Interpersonal Attraction," Research in Education, December 1974.
Reports-Monographs Articles (non-refereed):
"Information and Knowledge On-line: Teaching and Learning in the
Communication Age". B. Aubrey Fisher Memorial Lecture, Department of
Communication, Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 10pp.
" A perspective on communication technology policy for higher education
instruction in the State of Ohio." with L. Maxwell. Prepared for the Ohio
Board of Regents, July, 1994. CAST working file 1994-011, Center for
Advanced Study in Telecommunications (CAST), The Ohio State
University. 58 pages. This paper was the starting point for Ohio
Department of Education and Ohio Board of Regents' Technology in
Education Steering Committee that drafted recommendations for state
policy regarding technology and education for the State. The final
recommendations follow most of the suggestions raised in the briefing
paper and helped to elevate CAST's presence in state technology policy
for education.
"A Future for the Journal on the Occasion of its 35th anniversary," Journal of
Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Vol. 35, No. 1, Winter, 1991, pp. 115118.
"I. Keith Tyler. Pioneer in Broadcasting and Education: An Oral History," Ohio
State University Archives, 1987.
"Friends of WOSU and Central Ohio Adults: A Lifestyle Comparison." prepared
for Marketing Department of WOSU Radio and Television, June, 1986.
"Public Attitudes and Awareness of Government Access Television: Columbus,
Ohio," Report to the City of Columbus, Telecommunication Department,
1984, (Survey report).
"Editor's Epistle" Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 28, No. 4, 1984, p. 856-7.
"Editor's Epistle" Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 26, No. 4, Fall, 1982, p. iii.
"Journal of Broadcasting Author and Topic Index to Volumes 1 through 25
(Winter 1956-57 through Fall, 1981)," Journal of Broadcasting, pp. 1-107.
"Editor's Epistle" Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 26, No. 3, Summer, 1982, pp. iiivii.
"Editor's Note," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 26, No. 1, Winter, 1982, pp.iii-iv.
"Editor's Note," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 25, No. 4, Fall, 1981, pp.iii-iv.
"Editor's Note," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring, 1981, pp.iii-iv.
"Editor's Note," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 25, No. 1, Winter, 1981, pp.iii-iv.
"Note From The New Editor" Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. 24, No. 4, Fall, 1980,
pp. 571-573.
"The Public Radio Audience: Columbus, Ohio, Fall, 1978," Broadcast Audience
Study #3, Communication Research Center, Department of
Communication, The Ohio State University, for Community Resources
Department of WOSU, December, 1978.
"Columbus Television Viewers: Preferences and Consumption Patterns,
Broadcast Audience Study #2, Communication Research Center,
Department of Communication, The Ohio State University, January,
"Methods for Evaluation and Determination of Community Leaders for
Ascertainment in the Black Community for Public Broadcasting Stations,"
in Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Ascertainment Handbook,
Washington, D. C., 1977.
"Methods for Evaluating Ascertainment in the Black Community for Public
Television Stations," (with C. Richard Hofstetter), Corporation for Public
Broadcasting, Washington, D. C., 1976.
"Radio Station Popularity and Radio Program Preferences for Illinois State
University Students," Communication Research Center, Illinois State
University, March 1971.
"Television and the War in Vietnam: Viewer Opinion and Evaluation in Fifteen
United States Cities, 1969," University of Wisconsin,Department of
Communication Arts, Radio-Television-Film Studies, 1971.
"Television and the War in Vietnam: Some Viewer Opinions-Madison, Wisconsin,
1969," University of Wisconsin, Department of Communication Arts,
Radio-Television-Film Studies, 1971.
"Election Night Reporting by Madison Television Stations, 1970," in Petition filed
by Better Television for Madison in the Matter of WISC-TV Renewal
Application, FCC #8421/8-282, Appendix 10, December 1970.
"Madison, Wisconsin Television Election Coverage November, 1968," in Petition
filed by Better Television for Madison in the Matter of WISC-TV Renewal
Application, FCC #8421/8-282, Appendix 6, December 1970.
"The Federal Radio Commission in Federal Court: A Guide to Original Source
Decisions," (with Don R. LeDuc), University of Wisconsin, Department of
Communication Arts, Radio-Television-Film Studies, 1969.
Refereed Convention Papers/Articles:
McCain, T., Morris, S., Green, C., & Al-najran, T. (1999). To Do is to Empower:
relationships between experience with networked computing, efficacy, and
attitudes toward life online, paper presented at the National
Communication Association Convention, November, 1999, Chicago
Maxwell, L.T., & McCain, T. W. (1998). The role of communication technology in
education: Identifying the range of community expectations. First place
paper presented at the annual meeting of the Broadcast Education
Association annual convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, April, 1998.
Mekhjian, H., Warisse.J., Gailiun, M., & McCain, T. (1996). The Ohio
Telemedicine System for Prison Inmates. Paper presented at the annual
Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, Ca.
Mekhjian, H., Warisse.J., Gailiun, M., & McCain, T. (1996). Patient evaluation of
telemedicine consultations. Top 4 paper presented at Western
Communication Association, April.
McCain, T., Acker, S., Warisse, J., & Morris, S. (1996) Living in the Information
Age. Short course presented at the annual Speech Communication
Association Conference, San Diego, Ca. Nov.
McCain, T., Warisse.J., (1996). Living in the Information Age. Course
presentation at the 4th annual CAST Distance Education Symposium,
Columbus, Ohio, June.
Maxwell, L.T., McCain, T. (1996). Gatekeeper or Gateway: Communicative
implications of copyright and intellectual property, Paper presented at the
annual Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, Ca.
McCain, T., Acker, S., Warisse, J., & Morris, S. (1996) Living in the Information
Age. Short course presented at the annual Speech Communication
Association Conference, San Diego, Ca. Nov.
"It wasn't the rhetoric, it was just a great deal! Influence processes and
lamination in television home shopping." Paper presented at Speech
Communication Association convention, November, 1995, with S. Kline,
and J. Warisse.
"The functions and uses of a computer mediated community designed for
support." Paper presented at Speech Communication Association
convention, November, 1995, with Warisse, J. and Scheerhorn, D.
"Social presence and interaction in mediated classrooms: The Marion-Columbus
connection."Paper presented at International Communication
Association, May, 1995, with Warisse, J., Maxwell, L., DiCenzo, R., &
Bratt, M. {distance learning path}.
"Facilitating international collaboration through electronic communication
networks." Paper presented at Comparative Education Society
Conference, March, 1995, with Warisse, J.
"Graduate distance education: a review and synthesis of the research
literature.Paper presented at the International Communication
Association convention, Albuquerque, May, 1995, with L. Maxwell, L and
C. Richter. CAST working file 1994-023, Columbus, Ohio: Center for
Advanced Study in Telecommunications, The Ohio State University.
"Distance education as a communication process: transmission vs. dialogue in
higher education." Paper presented at the International Communication
Association convention, Albuquerque, May, 1995, with C. Richter, and L.
Maxwell. CAST working file 1994-024, Columbus, Ohio: Center for
Advanced Study in Telecommunications.
"Listening to the sounds of silence: The unexplicated communication issues of
the NII." Paper presented at the Speech communication Association
convention, New Orleans, LA., November, 1994, with A. Hollifield, J.
Warisse, B. Radhakrishnan., and C. U. Broadus.
"Patterns of Television Viewing in Western Europe," Paper for Mass
Communication Division, International Communication Association,
"A proposed Model for Understanding Direct Broadcasting Satellite Policy in
Western Europe," Paper for Mass Communication Division, International
Communication Association, May, 1986. with Aine Ni Shuilleabhain
"Gender Differences in Political Communication: A Look at the 1980 Presidential
Election," paper presented at ICA convention, Boston, 1982, with Nadine
"TV Games Children Play: Preschool Children's Communicative Uses of
Television," paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism
Convention, Athens, OH, 1982, with Navita Cummings James.
"Media Dependence and Community Influentials: A Study of Source Accessibility,
Evaluation and Cross-Checking in an American Community," paper
presented at International Communication Association, Boston, MA, 1982,
with Donald Fry.
"How People Process Television News: A Study of Cognitive Switching and Field
Dependence-Independence," (with Don L. Fry et. al.), paper presented at
International Communication Association Convention, Minneapolis, 1981.
"Controlling Children's Television Viewing: Predictors of Family Television Rules
and Their Relationship To Family Communication Patterns," (with Don L.
Fry), paper presented at Association for Education in Journalism, Boston,
"Development of Cognitive Switching Styles," paper presented at International
Communication Association Convention, Philadelphia, May 1979 (with
Mark Ross).
"Uses of Mass Media: Patterns in the Life Cycle--Theoretical Perspectives and
Research Strategies," paper presented at Speech Communication
Association Convention, Minneapolis, December 1978 (with John Dimmick
and Ted Bolton).
"A Re-Analysis of the Effects of Stimulus Complexity on Children's Attention to
Television Commercials," paper presented at International Communication
Association, Chicago, April, 1977 (with Ellen Wartella, et. al.).
"Different Strokes for Different Folks: Ascertainment in the Black Community,"
paper presented at International Communication Association, Chicago,
April 1978.
"Cognitive Switching: An Information Processing Measure of Television News
Viewing," (with Mark Ross,, paper presented at the International
Communication Association Convention, Berlin, Germany,June 1977.
"Predicting Black Viewer Preferences in Black-Oriented Television Programs,"
(with Navita James), paper presented at International Communication
Association Convention, Portland, April 1976.
"Cognitive Switching: A Behavioral Trace of Human Information Processing,"(with
Mark Ross), paper presented at International Communication Association
Convention, Portland, April 1976.
"River Ridge II: The Perceived Attributes of a School Bond Innovation," with Victor
D. Wall, Jr.), paper presented at Speech Communication Association
Convention, Houston, December 1975.
"River Ridge I: Social Systems, Innovativeness, and School Bond Proposals, (with
Victor D. Wall, Jr.), paper presented at International Communication
Association Convention, Chicago, April 1975.
"The Effects of Camera Angle and Image Size on Mediated Source Credibility
and Interpersonal Attraction," (with Jacob Wakshlag), paper presented at
International Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, April
"The Effect of Body Type and Camera Shot on Interpersonal Attraction and
Source Credibility," (with Lawrence Divers), paper presented at Speech
Communication Association Convention, New York, November 1973.
"The Effect of Camera Treatment on Political Speakers' Credibility: Network
Television Coverage of the Speeches of Ted Kennedy and George
McGovern to the 1972 Democratic National Convention," paper presented
at International Communication Association Convention, Montreal, Spring
"The Effect of Camera Shot on Interpersonal Attraction for Comedy Performers,"
(with Gregory Repensky), paper presented at Speech Communication
Association Convention, Chicago, December 1972.
"Scales for Measuring Interpersonal Attraction," (with James C. McCroskey),
paper presented at Western States Speech Communication Convention,
Honolulu, Hawaii, November 1972.
"Multi-Media: A Strategy for Teaching Communication Concepts," (with William
Arnold), paper presented at International Communication Association
Convention, Atlanta, April 1972.
"A Study of Across Channel Uses of Time, Types of Material and Methods of
Presentation by Three Peoria Area Television Stations," (with William
Todd and William B. Lashbrook), paper presented at International
Communication Association Convention, Atlanta, April 1972.
Invited/Contributed Convention Papers/Articles:
“Online learning models and practices,” NCA Summer Conference, Washington
D.C., 2001.
“Town Hall Debate – Resolved the Media are a Negative Influence on Society”
(with Robert Avery), Western States Communication Association, Corte
de Lane, Idaho, 2001.
"Facilitating international collaboration through electronic communication
networks" (with J. Warisse). Paper presented at Comparative Education
Society Conference, Harvard University, 1994
"The Distance Education Tightrope: Balancing Costs and Benefits," Proceedings
from the Finding Our Way '94 Conference, Center for Advanced Study in
Telecommunications. June 23-24, Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State
University, 1994
"Forging Private Media into Public Space: The 'Channel One' Wedge," Paper
presented at the International Communication Association Convention,
Miami, 1992 (with Anne Sears).
"From Pedagogic to Public: Toward a Theory of Change in Public Broadcasting,"
Paper presented at International Communication Association
Conference, Chicago, 1991 (with Alan Stavitsky).
"The Television Teacher Debate: Educators' Attitudes toward Commercial
Television News Services," presented at the CAST symposium, October,
1991, CAST Working File 1991-101. (with Anne Sears).
"Scholarship Revisited: Implications of the Boyer Report for the Communication
Discipline," Paper presented at the Speech Communication Association
Convention, Atlanta, 1991.
"Radio's Oscillating Policies Jolt New Zealand and Ireland," paper and
presentation at Applied Communication in the 21st Century: The Tampa
Conference on Applied Communication, 1991.
"Video Cassette Recorder Use Among Extended Family Members in Saudi
Arabia," paper presented at 39th International Communication
Association Conference, 1990 (with Zamel Abuzinada).
"Telecommunications and the Redefinition of Community" paper presented at
Central States Speech Communication Association Convention, April,
"The Ohio State - New Zealand Global Interaction Experience: Promises and
Frustrations," presentation at Speech Communication Association of Ohio
convention, October, 1990 (with Stephen R. Acker).
"Teleconferencing and Visual Communication" presentation at Visual
Communication Conference, Breckenridge, 1990 (with Stephen R. Acker)
"Selling out the Audience: The Brokering of Ohio Radio Stations in the 1980s,"
Paper presented at the International Communication Association
Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 1990 (with Scott Patterson and Ted Bolton).
"Advancing Communication Scholarship in Mass Communication and
Telecommunications: Exigencies of the 1990's," paper presented at the
Speech Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, 1989.
"Comparing the Incomparables: Public Television Stations and Myopia of
Localism," Paper presented at the International Communication
Association, San Francisco, 1989 (with Scott Patterson and Alan
"The Politics of Mass Communication Scholarship," paper presented at the
International Communication Association Convention, New Orleans,
Participant at International Institute of Communications annual conference,
Washington, D.C., 1988.
"A Legacy of Diamonds: An Appraisal of the Mass Communication Research
Tradition," paper presented at the Speech Communication Association
Convention, New Orleans, 1988.
"Perspectives On International Mass Communication and Telecommunication
Courses: Issues and Resources For Teaching," paper presented at the
International Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, 1988
(with Sanjukta Ghosh).
"Localism In European Radio Broadcasting: Untangling The Wireless," Paper
presented at Speech Communication Association Convention, Boston,
1987, with G. Ferrel Lowe.
"Television Viewing Environments of Europe," Paper for Communication
Association of Great Britain, Sheffield, England, May, 1985.
"Journal of Broadcasting Manuscript Process: An Update," Paper for the
Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas, April, 1984.
"Tenacity in the Publishing Process" for "The Editors Speak On Communication
Publications," Paper for the International Communication Association,
San Francisco, May, 1984.
"The Journal of Broadcasting: Who's Publishing What and How Does It work?"
paper presented to Broadcast Education Association meeting, Dallas,
"New Technology: Values and Ethics," program for Speech Communication
Association Convention, Louisville, 1982.
"School Levy Campaigns: Techniques and Strategies," program for Midwest
Association of Public Opinion Research, Chicago, 1982.
"Research on School Levy Issues: A Review of the Literature," paper presented
to Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research Convention, Chicago,
1982, with Nadine Koch.
"New Technologies and Audience Use: Some Problems of Adoption and
Measurement". Paper presented at International Communication
Association Convention, Minneapolis, 1981.
"Channel Effects and Non-Verbal Properties of Media Messages: A State of the
Art Review," (with Sylvia White). Paper presented at Speech
Communication Association Convention, New York, 1980.
"Mass Communication Research and the Broadcast Community: Promises and
Pitfalls," paper presented at Broadcast Education Association, Dallas,
March 1979.
"Let U. S. Prey: An Irreverent Look at Mass Communication Research and Public
Policy," paper presented at International Communication Association
Undergraduate Honors Seminar, Rutgers College, New Jersey, April
"Methods for Identifying Black Community Leaders for Ascertainment," (with
Navita C. James and James E. Hawkins), paper presented at National
Association of Educational Broadcasters Convention, Chicago October
"Methods for Evaluating and Determining Community Leaders for Ascertainment
in the Black Community for Public Television Stations," paper presented
at Corporation for Public Broadcasting Ascertainment Conference,
Washington, D. C., November, 1976.
"Message Variables: The Proper Domain of Communication--A Mass
Communication Perspective," paper presented at Eastern States
Communication Association Convention, Washington, D. C., March
"The Influences of Attention and Perception on Successful Reception of Traffic
Messages: A New Look at the Motorist," presentation to the International
Traffic Engineers' Convention, Minneapolis, August 1973.
"Communication Systems: The Open Door," (with William B. Lashbrook), paper
presented at Speech Communication Association Convention, Chicago,
December 1972.
"Priorities for Speech Communication in the 1970's," (with William B. Lashbrook),
paper presented at Speech Communication Association Convention,
Chicago, December 1972.
"Behavioral Science and Speech Communication for the Classroom Teacher,"
program at Illinois Speech and Theatre Association Convention, Chicago,
November 1971.
"Teaching Mass Communication as a Social Science," workshop at Illinois
Speech and Theatre Association Convention, Chicago, November 1971.
"Media Diffusion of Information: A Proposal for New Research Directions -- A
Functional Analysis of Network Television News Viewing," paper
presented at Western States Speech Communication Association
Convention, Fresno, California, November 1971.
"Multi-Media: A Strategy for Communication Teaching and Research," (with
William Arnold), paper presented at Speech Communication Association
Convention, San Francisco, December 1971.
Lectures and Workshops:
"Information and Knowledge On-line: Teaching and Learning in the
Communication Age". B. Aubrey Fisher Memorial Lecture, Department of
Communication, University of Utah, 1998.
"Instructional Technology and engaged learning: Acting your way into a new way
of thinking," Keynote address to Capital University all-faculty colloquium,
Nov., 1996, with S. A. Acker.
“Capital University Faculty Development Workshop: Using instructional
technology to enhance student learning,” Nov., 1996, with S. A. Acker.
“In Search of Leisure in the Age of Urgency,” Columbus State Community
College Convocation key-note address, April, 16, 1996, with S. A. Acker.
“Taming the Technology Gorilla: Throwing its weight into improved learning and
teaching,” Keynote address to Ohio Federation of Independent Colleges'
Annual Technology Conference, Ohio Dominican College, March, 1996,
with S. A. Acker.
"Student Learning with Today’s Technology", Keynote address to Consortium of
Independent Colleges Annual Technology Conference, Pittsburgh,
March, 1996, with S. A. Acker.
“Faculty Development Workshops for Ohio Federation of Independent Colleges,”
1996, with S. A. Acker.
“Faculty Development Workshops for Western Pennsylvania Consortium of
Independent Colleges,” Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA., 1996, with S.
A. Acker.
“Distance Learning: Issues and Opportunities,” presentation to the annual
Meeting of the National Association of Pharmacy Educators, Cincinnati,
“Education in the Age of Urgency,” presentation to higher education association
executives, Microsoft, Redmond WA, with S. A. Acker.
"The instructional technology wishbone: Which end of the stick?", presentation
to Doane College all-faculty colloquium, Doane, Nebraska, August, 1996,
with S. A. Acker.
“Doane College Faculty Development Workshop: Using instructional technology
to enhance student learning, August, 1996. with S. A. Acker.
"Living in the Information Age: An Introductory Course for College Students,"
presentation to Ohio State University academic counselors, march, 1996,
with S. A. Acker.
"Audience Research and the Production Process -- How People Watch
Television," for Radio Telefis Erin, Dublin, Ireland, November 1985.
"The One Hand Clap: Television Audience Research in Europe," for National
Institute of Higher Education, Dublin, Ireland, January 1985.
"Telecommunications and Community: The Global Village and Other Myths."
University Graduate School Lecture, February 1990.
Grants and Contracts
"Assessment in telemedicine: protocols for doctor/patient interaction via two-way
video," Research grant from The Ohio State University Medical Center to
the Center for Advanced Study in Telecommunications, The Ohio State
University, January, 1995, $4,000.
"SimSchool: Modeling future alternatives for campus/network development. The
University campus in the age of telecommunications." (1995). Ameritech
Faculty Fellowship awarded to Wayne Carlson & Paul Young in
collaboration with Steve Acker, John Bossler, Jim Bracken, Bob Dixon,
Thom McCain, $22,000.
Development of a measure for continuous improvement of distance learning
(1995). Ameritech Faculty Fellowship to Thomas McCain and Fred
Whiteman, $20,000.
Living and Working in the networked environment of the 1990's (1995). Training
Grant for Ohio Development Association to the Center for Advanced
Study in Telecommunications, $5,000.
The Network Environment (1995). Training Grant for the Ohio Cable
Telecommunications Association to the Center for Advanced Study in
Telecommunications $5,000.
"Worthington Schools Distance Learning Broadband Interconnect Action
Research Project," research contract from Warner Communications, Inc.
to Center for Advanced Study in Telecommunications, May, 1994,
$20,000.00 (with Steve Acker).
"Graduate Distance Education: A Review and Synthesis of the Research
Literature," Research grant from The Ohio State University Graduate
School to The Center for Advanced Study in Telecommunications, The
Ohio State University, June, 1994, $3,000.
"Finding Our Way: The Distance Education Tightrope: Balancing Costs and
Benefits," Participating sponsorship from Ohio Cable Television
Association to Center for Advanced Study in Telecommunications, The
Ohio State University, June, 1994, $10,000.00.
"National Resource Center for International Studies at The Ohio State
University," United States Department of Education. The Center for
Advanced Study in Telecommunications, The Ohio State University, was
a participating partner in the $483,000 grant to design, manage,
implement and assess their electronic network, awarded September,
1994. ($10,800. annual for three years to CAST).
"Strategic planning for communication technology," Planning contract with Banc
One, Columbus to the Center for Advanced Study in
Telecommunications, The Ohio State University, November, 1994, $750.
"Persuasive strategies in home shopping networks," Grant from The Ohio Cable
Television Association to Center for Advanced Study in
Telecommunications, December, 1994, $1,200 (with Susan Kline).
"Finding Our Way: The Distance Education Tightrope: Balancing Costs and
Benefits," Participating sponsorship from The Eisenhower National
Clearinghouse for Science and Math Education to Center for Advanced
Study in Telecommunications, The Ohio State University, June, 1993,
$4,000.00. Center for Advanced Study in Telecommunications.
“The Ameritech Program in Telecommunications, The Ohio State University”,
renewal grant for 1993-1998 from the Ameritech Foundation.
Participated in report and proposal writing through The Graduate School,
Ohio State University, 1993. $1,000,000 grant, for facilitating research in
distance education and international issues.
"A Perspective on Communication Technology Policy for Higher Education
Instruction in the State of Ohio," Ohio Board of Regents, $4,200.00.,
"Telephone Billing Errors: Bibliography of Sources for Locating Potential
Overcharges and Undercharges," Research Contract with Wisconsin
Analysts, 10/93; $2,000.00.
"Distance learning: the contribution of interactivity and full motion video to
successful applications," Ohio Bell, $12,000., 1992.
"A comparative analysis of state and regional cable television public affairs
networks," The Ohio Cable Television Association, $3,900., 1992.
"Ohio Educators' Attitudes towards Commercial Television News Services for the
Classroom" from Ohio State University Graduate School and Ohio State
University Office of Research, $5,400.00, 1991.
"Center for the Advanced Study of Telecommunications," participated in development,
operationalization and administration of Center's programs, funded by Ohio Bell
Foundation to The Ohio State University Graduate School, 1988, $500,000.
"Comparative Telecommunication Policy: An International Roundtable," from Ameritech
Program on Telecommunications, The Ohio State University Graduate School,
1988-89, $23,820.00.
"A Life Style Comparison of WOSU Contributors and the General Public," for
Marketing Department, WOSU Stations, Spring, 1986, $2500.
"Television Audience Research in Europe," Faculty Research Leave Grant, The
Ohio State University, 1984-85.
"From Words To Images: Converting A Course From Description To
Demonstration," The Ohio State University Office of Learning Resources,
1982, $2,550.00, (with Stephen R. Acker and Joseph Foley).
"A Two-Way Telecourse, Interactive In Both Audio and Video Channels: A Model
for Inter-Institutional Cooperation," The Ohio State University Office of
Learning Resources, 1983, $3,000.00, (with Stephen R. Acker and C.
Ray Williams).
"A Life Style Profile of Adult Listeners To Radio Station WXGT, Great Trails
Broadcasting, 1982, $2,200.00.
"The Public Television Audience in Central Ohio -- A Comparative Analysis of
Contributors to WOSU and the General Public" Community Resources
Department, WOSU-TV, 1980, $2,000.00.
"Media Professionals and Community Influentials: An Exploratory Study of
Interrelations In One American Town," The Ohio State University, College
of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1980, $2,011.00.
"The Development of Cognitive Switching Styles," The Ohio State University
Graduate School Small Grants Program, 1977, $1,441.00.
"Public Television Viewers in Columbus, Ohio," Corporation for Public
Broadcasting, 1976, $l,450.00.
"Ascertaining Community Needs in the Black Community," (with Richard
Hofstetter), Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1976, $9,000.00.
"Media Innovation in the Communication Classroom," University Task Force on
Learning, The Ohio State University, 1975, $l,500.00.
"The Application of Communication Processes to Upgrading Community
Environments," Illinois State University, 1973 Community Service
Program, $560.00.
Editing and Reviewing
Member, Editorial board, Journal of Communication, 1999-2001
Publisher, CASTCalendar and Newletter, 1993-97
Member, Editorial board for Communication Monographs, 1992-95.
Member, Editorial board for Communication Education, 1987-90.
Member, Editorial board for Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 198487.
Member, Editorial board for Critical Studies In Mass Communication, 1983-90
Member, Editorial board of Mass Communication Review Yearbook, 1982-85.
Editor, Journal of Broadcasting, 1980-1984.
"Uses of the Mass Media: Patterns in the Life Cycle," American Behavioral
Scientist (John W. Dimmick and Thomas A. McCain, eds.), SeptemberOctober 1979.
Mass Communication Associate Editor, Human Communication Research. 197779.
Editorial Board for Human Communication Research, 1976-77.
Referee for American Journal Of Political Science, 1975.
Contributing editor of North Carolina Speech Communication Journal, 19711974.
Co-editor of Communicontents, monthly annotated bibliography of new
publications related to communication, 1970-73.
Reviewer for:
Journal of Communication
European Journal of Communication
Western States Communication Journal
Communication Research
Professional Organizations:
National Communication Association
International Communication Association
Ohio Speech Communication Association
International Institute of Communication
American Association of Higher Education
Offices and Responsibilities
Faculty participant, NCA Doctoral Honors Conference, University of Texas,
Faculty participant, NCA Doctoral Honors Conference, Northwestern University,
Chair, State of Ohio Telemedicine Task Force, 1995-96.
Chair, Annual Conferences Committee, International Communication
Association, 1989-1991.
Chair, Research Board and Member of Executive Committee, Speech
Communication Association, 1990-1994. (Now, National Communication
Vice President, Mass Communication Division, International Communication
Association, 1985-89.
Chair, Mass Communication Division, Speech Communication Association,
Member, nominating committee, International Communication Association, 1982
Member, Nominating Committee, Mass Communication Division, Speech
Communication Association, 1979.
Referee of competitive papers for International Communication Association
Convention, Mass Communication Division, 1977.
University Service--Ohio State
Member, University Advisory Board, Columbus Trade Point Center, 1993-98
Member, Faculty Advisory Board, Wexner Center, 1993-97
Member, University Senate, 1994-95
Alternate, University Senate, 1993-94
Member, University Faculty Council, 1993-95
Member, Program Review Committee, WOSU Stations, 1987.
Member, Satellite Policy Committee, University Committee, 1989-.
Member, Advisory Board for Ameritech Program in Telecommunications, The
Graduate School, 1987-96.
Member, WOSU Radio and Television Stations Advisory Board, College of
Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1989-96.
Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 1987-88.
Member, Academic Appeals, College of Arts and Sciences, 1980-81.
Chair, Search Committee, Director WOSU Radio and Television Stations, 1979.
Member, Friends of WOSU Board of Directors, 1978-82.
Community and Consulting
Co-Developer, E-Z Reading, an early intervention phonics and phonemic
awareness program for young learning disabled readers (with Jan
Consultant, SEV Foundation Board and American Board Schools, Istanbul,
Turkey for Interactive IP Video Network to enhance learning and
outreach, 1999-2002.
Usability Research and Copy Editing of the Bureau of Workman’s Compensation
Dolphin Website, Columbus, Ohio, November, 2000.
Improving Communication Relationships in the Workplace. Online Learning
Module and Supervisory Training Program for Corna/Kokosing
Construction Company, Columbus, OH, February, 2002.
Member, Advisory Committee, Zula Patrol (PBS Children’s Science Television
Series), 2001Member, Technology Advisory Committee, The Graham School, Columbus, OH,
2000Microsoft Scholar and member, Higher Education Advisory Board, The Microsoft
Corporation, Redmond, Washington, 1997-1998.
Member, Barboni Group. Consultants to Independent Colleges regarding
Information technology and learning. Conduct workshops for faculty,
staff, and administrators throughout the United States. 1995-1999.
Member Technology Advisory Group, Greater Columbus Chamber of
Commerce, 1999Member, City of Columbus Mayor’s Task Force on Communication Technology,
Member, Broad of Directors, Ohio Distance Learning Association, 1995Member, Advisory Board, Learning Design Associates, Columbus, OH. 19952003
Lifestyles of WBBY Radio Listeners," October, 1987.
"Local Radio Trends and Practices in Europe and the United States," for Local
Radio Commission, Department of Communications, Dublin, Ireland,
June, 1985.
"Television Research Approaches -- Europe and the United States," for Institut
National de la Communication Audiovisuelle, Paris, April, 1985.
"Feasibility of Establishing a Commercial State News Network in Ohio," June,
University Program Reviews and Evaluations for: University of Utah, University of
Kentucky, State University of New York at New Paltz, University of
Wisconsin, Oshkosh, University of San Francisco, Indiana University,
University of Hartford, University of South Florida.
"Lifestyles of WBBY Radio Listeners," March, 1984.
"The Ballet Met Audience -- Attitudes and Preferences for Dance in Central
Ohio," February, 1984, with S. Acker.
Editorial Consultant, McGraw Hill, 1983.
One-day workshop for North Central community Health Center on
Communication and Public Image, April 1982.
Two-day workshops for the State of Ohio Department of Mental Health on
Communication and Public Relations, 2/82, 1/83, 5/83.
Moderator for "Access--Continuing Education", weekly radio interview and call-in
program for WOSU-AM 1977 to 1984.
Consultant to Franklin County Mental Health and Retardation Board's training
group; developing methods for utilizing television in therapy, community
out-reach and psycho-social drama, 1977-1979.
Consultant to United States General Accounting Office for audit of past
practices and performances of Federal Communications Commission,
Featured speaker and facilitator at annual NAMBAC -- Haggar seminars for
menswear retailers at Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, July
Communication Workshop for Ohio Chapter of American Society of Information
Specialists (with Victor D. Wall, Jr.), October 1976.
Visiting Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, Summer 1976. (Developed
new course on Mass Media in the Classroom for Public School
Consultant to Maryland Department of Natural Resources for methods of public
participation in coastal zone planning, April 1976.
Consultant to State of Ohio Youth Commission for evaluating effectiveness of
correctional programs (with Victor D. Wall, Jr.), August, 1975.
Communication consultant for Casell Corporation, Napa, California, 1973-1974.
Editorial Consultant, Cummings Publishing Company, 1973.
Editorial Consultant, Science Research Associates Publishing Company, 19731976.
Communication consultant for Menswear Retailers of America. Conduct
seminars for retail salespeople throughout the United States and Canada,
M.A.(at Illinois State University)
Rohler, Phillip, 1973 (non-thesis)
Chang, Shin Yuan, 1973 (non-thesis)
Brown, Stephen, 1973 (non-thesis)
Brown, Geoffrey, 1972 (non-thesis)
Wakshlag, Jacob, "The Effect of Camera Angle and Image Size on Source
Credibility and Mediated Attraction," 1974.
Chilberg, Joseph, "The Effects of Camera Angle on Source Credibility and
Attitude Change," 1972.
Weidman, Roy, "The Development of Scales for the Measurement of Salience,"
M.A. (at The Ohio State University)
Cenci, Nicholas. (1998). Interaction, Collaboration, Visualization in multi-media
Pecorari, Diane Elisabeth, "Cultural Pluralism and the Ethnic Media: Italians in
Central Ohio," 1992.
Lowe, Gregory Ferrell, "Localism In European Broadcasting: Untangling The
Wireless In A House Of Conflict," 1987.
Gordon, James T., "A History of Local Television News Presentation," 1987.
Brooks, Dwight E., "Television's World of Work: A Content Analysis of Network
Television's Ethnic and Sex Occupational Representations," 1979.
Drop, John. “During-Viewing and Post-Viewing Semantic Differentials," 1978.
Coleman, Joyce Ann, "Communication Strategies for Citizen Participation in
Urban Redevelopment Planning," 1978.
Hirshman, Roseann, "Examining the Hypothesis That Hands-On Experience with
Video-Tape Equipment will Increase the Comprehension of Television
Structure in Five-Seven Year Olds, 1977.
Chesley, Phyllis, "An Intracultural Study of the Differences Among Black College
Freshman in Their Perceptions of Time and Time-Related Activities,"
Ross, Mark G., "Signalled Stopping: Development of a Measure of Human
Information Processing," 1975.
James, Navita, "Predicting Black Viewer Preferences in Black-Oriented
Television Programming," 1975.
Book, Terrell J., "Political Uses of the Mass Media by Voters in Central Ohio,"
Huff, Jesse, Jr., "How Cable Producers Can Better Serve Urban-Community
Needs," 1975.
Green, Cable Thomas (2003). “Visualizing Understandings Online:
Nontraditional Pharmacy Students’ Experiences with Concept Mapping.”
Al-Najran, Talal Naser (1998). "Internet adoption and use by Kuwait University
Students: new medium, same old gratifications."
Parsley, Martie. (1998). "New Communication Technology and Chronic Illness -An Ethnography"
Warisse, J.M. (1996). “Communicative Implications of Implementing
Telemedecine Technology.
Maxwell, L.T. (1996). Community Leader Perspectives on Education,
Assessment and Communication Technology.
Hollifield, A. (1995). Media Performance in the Policy Arena: A Comparative
Analysis of the Trade Press and Newspaper Coverage of the National
Information Infrastructure Proposal.
Jackson, Evelyn K., "Exploring the Difference Between Visual Experience, Power
Traits, Memory and Styles of Visual Presentation," 1992.
Porco, James F., "Horror in the 1980's: A Comparative analysis of Violent
Content in Independent Studio and Major Studio Horror Movies," 1991.
Anne Sears, "Commercial Media in Public Education: Conflicting Values in the
Channel One Controversy," 1991.
Alan Stavitsky, "From Pedagogic to Public: The Development of U.S. Public
Radio's Audience-Centered Strategies -- WOSU, WHA and WNYC,
1930-1987, 1990.
Randy Jacobs, "College Students and Aids: A Correlational Survey of Message
Discrimination and Involvement Effects on Knowledge and Behavior
Change," 1990.
Hezab Alsaadon, "The Role of Arabsat in Television Program Exchange in the
Arab World," 1990.
Emma Jean Lambert, " The Relationship Between Children's Family
Communication Pattern Types and Co-orientation, Self-Concept, ParentChild Communication, and Demographics," 1990.
Beayeyz, Ibrahim A., "An Analytical Study of Television and Society in Three
Arabian States: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain," 1989.
Levitt, Stephen R., "Implementing an Organization-wide Intelligent Telephone
System: Individual Use of an Innovation After an Authority-based
Adoption Decision," 1988 (co-adviser with Stephen R. Acker).
Abuzinada, Zamel A., "The Diffusion and Uses of Video Cassette Recorders
Among Adult Members of An Extended Community in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia," 1988.
Mohammed, Muhmoud J., "Mass Media and Development In The Yemen Arab
Republic," 1987 (co-adviser with James Golden).
MacDonald, Debora, "The Derived Image of the Supermarket Tabloid," 1984.
White, Sylvia E., "The Effect of Form Complexity Of Television On the
Identification of the Symbol System of Television," 1982.
Lemish, Dafna, "Viewing Television In Public Places: An Ethnography", 1982.
Fry, Donald L., "Media Dependence and Community Influentials: A Study of
Local Information Sources in One American Community," Autumn, 1981.
Shyles, Leonard C., "A Content Analysis of the Semantic Images and Issues of
Televised Political Spot Advertisements and their Relationship to
Selected Methods of Presentation in the 1980 American Presidential
Primaries," Summer, 1981.
Corbett, James R., "Press Bias in Northern Ireland, 1968-1974," 1981.
Bolton, Theodore W., "The Perception and Potential Adoption of Channel 2000:
Implications for Diffusion Theory and Videotex Technology," 1981.
Book, Terrell J., "An Examination of the Relationship Between Cognitive
Switching and the Structural Complexity of a Televised Newscast," 1981.
James, Navita C., "Children and Their Communicative Uses of Television," 1981.
Olson, Richard M., "The Constitutive Processes of Memory in Organizational
Communication," 1979 (co-adviser with Joseph Pilotta).
Siegerdt, Gail A., "An Exploratory Study of Communication Profiles Based Upon
Sex Differences Across Organizations," 1978 (with Keith Brooks as coadviser).
Ross, Mark G., "The Location and Definition of Cognitive Switching Styles in the
Processing of Televised Newscasts," 1978.
Cheng, Jei-Cheng, "The Media Policies and National Developmental
Characteristics: A Study of Sixteen Asian Countries," 1978 (co-adviser
with Victor D. Wall, Jr.).
Wallace, Kathleen Barkmeyer, "Adoption of the Arts Impact Process of
Education by Elementary Classroom Teachers in Columbus, Ohio," 1978
(co-adviser with Robert E. Wagner).
Wright, John W., "A Descriptive Investigation of the Relationship Between
Cognitive Switching Behavior and Receiver Involvement," 1977.
Hawkins, James E., "The Use of Visible and 'Invisible' Opinion Leaders in the
Columbus, Ohio Black Community: An Approach to Community
Ascertainment for Public Broadcasters," 1977.
Sirota, David, "An Ethnographical/Ethnomethodological Study of Soap Opera
Writing," 1976.