55 Industrial Park Circle Rochester, NY 14624-2493 (585) 426-1420 Fax (585) 247-1962 340 Peat Street Syracuse, NY 13217-6689 (315) 474-8203 Fax (315) 474-8208 3060 William Street Cheektowaga, NY 14227 (716) 668-7742 Fax (585) 247-1962 Purchase Order Terms and Conditions The supplier is required to maintain the quality standard in effect at time of vendor approval in order to guarantee the product or service will meet the requirements of the purchase order and product specifications. If a defect is suspected after shipment the supplier must notify Murphy and Nolan, Inc. The supplier’s quality system is subject to approval of Murphy and Nolan Inc.’s purchasing and/or quality department. This approval is obtained via written quality survey and is subject to re-approval. Supplier Records Supplier is responsible for inspection of all material under the referenced purchase order to all applicable requirements and specifications prior to delivery. Acceptance by Murphy and Nolan, Inc. does not relieve the supplier of any responsibility from meeting all specification requirements. Inspection and test records shall be forwarded to Murphy and Nolan, Inc. upon receipt of the material for our retention of no less than 10 years. Technical Data Supplier shall comply with all specifications stated in the purchase order. Suppliers shall comply with the most stringent specification in the event of a conflict in specifications. Identification To prevent the purchase of counterfeit or suspect unapproved product, all products will be marked in accordance with material specification requirements. Material shipped to any Murphy and Nolan, Inc. location or direct to Murphy and Nolan, Inc. customers on behalf of Murphy and Nolan, Inc. requires the identification of the Murphy and Nolan, Inc. purchase order number on the packing slip, bill of lading and/or package label. Traceability The supplier shall establish and maintain a documented heat lot control system that assigns a unique number to each heat lot and shall be traceable through all production, fabrication and/or heat treatment processes. Material Test Reports The supplier shall provide copies of the original mill Test Reports showing material traceability to the producer. The Test Reports shall show the test results required by the specification referenced on the purchase order including any heattreat response tests or non-destructive evaluations. All testing required by the specifications shall be reported on the certified Test Reports. Material Country of Origin and County of Melt and complete traceability to the original manufacturer must be indicated on the Test Report. All test reports should be signed and dated by qualified personnel. Certification of the manufacturing process and subsequent verification of the process results by processing vendors lab is required, and should be included or forwarded to Murphy and Nolan, Inc. along with applicable certificate of conformity, test reports, and/or airworthiness approval from approved manufacture or approved repair station. Effective Date: 5/12/15 – EMR Form: F78 55 Industrial Park Circle Rochester, NY 14624-2493 (585) 426-1420 Fax (585) 247-1962 340 Peat Street Syracuse, NY 13217-6689 (315) 474-8203 Fax (315) 474-8208 3060 William Street Cheektowaga, NY 14227 (716) 668-7742 Fax (585) 247-1962 Approved Suppliers/Processors If subsequent processing or sub-contracting is required, the supplier must verify that their processor operates at the same quality standard as the Murphy and Nolan, Inc. approved supplier and that control and traceability of material is maintained through the entire process. Murphy and Nolan, Inc. ensures, where required, that both the organization and all suppliers use customer-approved special process sources by noting any special requirements on the customer and vendor purchase order. All processing reports should be signed and dated by qualified personnel. Right of Entry Murphy and Nolan, Inc., our customer, our customer’s final customer and regulatory agencies shall have the right to verify the quality of work, records and material at your facility. When Murphy and Nolan, Inc. or our customers intend to perform inspection and verification at the supplier’s premises, Murphy and Nolan, Inc. shall make the arrangements. Preservation Suppliers must exercise care when packaging and transporting material to Murphy and Nolan, Inc. The material must be protected from weather and in good order; damage and corrosion free upon receipt. Failure to properly protect the material will be cause for rejection and subsequent return and debit of the material supplier. Shipping Tolerance Shipping tolerances are per industry standard at +/- 10% or per Purchasing Department/Supplier agreement. Test Pieces Test pieces, when required, will be specified as a requirement on the Purchase Order. The supplier will supply a representative test piece of each heat lot. Rejections In the event material fails to meet specifications or purchase order requirements, the supplier must provide a response to Murphy and Nolan, Inc. within 10 days of notification. If the supplier does not respond within 10 business days, Murphy and Nolan, Inc. shall have the right to debit the suppliers account and return the discrepant material freight collect. Acknowledgment Suppliers’ acknowledgment of these Terms and Conditions will be confirmed by receipt of the purchase order confirmation, receipt of material or any services rendered against the purchase order, or receipt of invoice. Changes in product definitions The Supplier must notify Murphy and Nolan, Inc. for approval of any exceptions or changes in product definitions and/or manufacturing process, change of suppliers, change of service process, change of manufacturing facility, and/or testing process, when such a change will affect material specification requirements or the purchase order requirements. Effective Date: 5/12/15 – EMR Form: F78