BAB I - e-Learning Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

Tim Penulis:
Drs. J. Rusdianti
Lilik Rahayuningsih, S.Pd
Dqi Rini Manfaati, S.Pd
Komaryah, S.Pd
Katini Yuniarti, S.Pd
Isti Mufadah, S.Pd
Erawati, S.Pd
Siti Nurhamidah, S.Pd
Mangasa Aritonang, MA
Syukur alhamdulillah kami persembahkan kepada Allah SWT atas limpahan rahmat
dan hidayah-Nya sehingga modul ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Modul ini disusun
bersama oleh guru-guru Bahasa Inggris SMK Negeri 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung untuk
memaksimalkan belajar bahasa Inggris siswa SMK.
Harapan kami, modul yang kami susun ini dapat membantu siswa dalam mengejar
ketertinggalan belajar, dan dapat juga dipakai sebagai bahan pengayaan terhadap proses
belajar siswa. Melalui modul ini, siswa dapat belajar mandiri dan bagi guru, modul ini bisa
dipakai sebagai bahan ajar di kelas.
Sebagai sebuah karya perdana, modul ini tidak bisa dikatakan sempurna. Di
beberapa bagian masih memerlukan pembenahan, karena itu kritik dan saran yang
konstruktif akan sangat berguna bagi kesempurnaan modul ini.
Tim penulis juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kepala Sekolah SMK Negeri 1
Boyolangu Tulungagung atas ide cemerlang untuk penulisan modul ini. Terima kasih kami
sampaikan juga kepada PPPG Kejuruan bidang Bisnis dan Pariwisata Jakarta yang telah
mengizinkan salah satu widyaiswaranya untuk membimbing tim penulis dalam
menyelesaikan modul ini.
Tulungagung, …… Juli 2004
Tim Penulis
Halaman Francis
Kata Pengantar
Daftar Isi
Peta Kedudukan Modul
Bab I. Pendahuluan
A. Deskripsi
B. Prasyarat
C. Petunjuk Penggunaan Modul
D. Tujuan Akhir
E. Kompetensi
F. Cek Kemampuan
Bab II. Pemelajaran
A. Rencana Belajar Siswa
B. Kegiatan Belajar Siswa
1. Kegiatan Belajar 1
2. Kegiatan Belajar 2
3. Kegiatan Belajar 3
4. Kegiatan Belajar 4
5. Kegiatan Belajar 5
Bab III. Evaluasi
A. Test
B. Kunci Jawaban
Bab IV. Penutup
Daftar Pustaka
apply for (v)
assignment (n)
advertisement (n)
blind (adj)
conduct (v)
capable of (adj)
develop (v)
fluent (adj)
graduate (v)
hopeless ( adj)
inquiry (n)
list (n)
manage (v)
occupation (n)
tugas di sekolah
mampu, bisa
tidak bisa diharapkan
surat permintaan penawaran
A. Deskripsi
Modul yang berjudul “Expressing capabilities” ini adalah modul yang ke-19 dalam
level novice yang harus dipelajari oleh siswa SMK. Modul ini berisikan tentang cara
menyatakan kemampuan, ketidakmampuan, baik past ability maupun present ability dalam
bahasa Inggris. Modul ini sebagai prasyarat bagi modul berikutnya dan sebagai lanjutan
dari modul A.18/04. Setelah menyelesaikan modul ini, anda diharapkan dapat melakukan
percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai cara menyatakan kemampuan. Tentu saja anda
harus menggunakan ekspresi yang tepat sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi. Sub kompetisi
menyatakan kemampuan sangat membantu ketrampilan berkomuniksi dalam dunia kerja.
B. Prasyarat
Sebelum mempelajari modul ini, anda harus telah menyelesaikan modul A.18/04
yang berisiskan tentng “expressing sympathy”.
C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul
C.1 Petunjuk bagi siswa
Dalam penggunaan modul ini anda harus membaca petunjuk untuk menyakinkan
anda tahu langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh. Apabila ada hal yang kurang jelas
silahkan bertanya kepada guru pembimbing. Yakinkan anda telah memiliki kaset, tape
player dan alat tulis. Di akhir modu ini, anda harus dapat mempraktekan percakapan
tentang menyatakan kemampuan. Karena dalam mempraktekan percakapan selalu
membutuhkan patner, dianjurkan anda belajar bersama dengan patner anda.
C.2 Peran guru
Dalam penggunaan modul ini, guru membimbing siswa dan memantau pencapaian
proses belajar siswa. Guru menetapkan waktu untuk pengujian setelah menyelesaikan
modul ini.
D. Tujuan Akhir
1. Berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan, anda dapat mempraktekan percakapan
secara berpasangan tentang menyatakan ability maupun disability.
2. Berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan anda dapat mempraktekan percakapan
mengenai past ability yang disertai dengan time clause yang sesuai.
3. Berdasarkan situasi/ contoh yang diberikan anda dapat menulis iklan lowongan
pekerjaan sederhana yang mencantumkan beberapa persyaratan yang harus
dipenuhi oleh calon pelamar.
E. Kompetensi
Kompetensi yang akan dicapai melalui modul ini adalah kompetensi dasar pada
level novice dengan sub kompetensi menyatakan kemampuan.
F. Cek kemampuan
a. Do you think you can perform a conversation based on situation below?
1. You are going to have an interview for a job. Please tell the interviewer
about your ability for the job you apply for.
2. Practise with your partner to have question and answer about several
profession and the abilities required.
3. Conduct the dialogue with your friend talking about past ability, so you
must use the suitable time clause.
b. Write an advertisement of job vacancy that is expressing some requirements?
Apabila anda merasa tidak dapat melakukan perintah/ percakapan seperti yang
diminta diatas, anda harus mempelajari modul A.19/04 ini. Bila anda merasa sudah
dapat mempraktekan percakapan/ melakukan perintah diatas, maka anda dapat
mengajukan untuk uji sub kompetensi ini kepada guru pembimbing.
Isilah rencana belajar ini. Rencana belajar ini adalah merupakan langkah-langkah
kegiatan yang harus ditempuh dalam mempelajari modul ini. Untuk mengisi tabel ini, anda
harus mengkonsultasikannya kepada guru pembimbing anda. Sebagai bukti bahwa rencana
belajar anda disetujui oleh guru pembuimbing, mintalah guru pembimbing untuk memaraf
di kolom yang telah disediakan.
Guru Pembimbing
B.1 Kegiatan Belajar 1
B.1.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Pemelajaran
Pada tahap ini anda harus dapat mengusai expresi atau ungkapan yang
umumnya digunakan dalam percakapan mengenai menyatakan kemampuan dan
ketidakmampuan baik dalam bentuk past maupun present. Tentu saja anda harus dapat
mengucapkan dengan intonasi dan pronunciation yang benar.
B.1.2 Uraian Materi
B.1.2.1 Present Ability
Asking if someone is able to do something
Can you ….?
Are you good at…?
Is he able to…..?/ Are you able to….?
Are you capable of…?
Do you know how to…?
Do you think you can…?
Do you know anything about….?
Do you have the experience/qualification/ability to…?
Saying you are able to do something
I can….
I am able to…
I know how to…
I feel capable of…
I might be able to…
(yes), no problem…
I would say I am able to…
I know something about…
I have the experience of…
I am pretty good at that job…
I would say I am capable of…
( I think) I have the qualification/experience/ability to…
Saying you are not able to do something
I cannot…
I am hopeless at…
I am not good at…
I have no idea how…
I have no experience of…
No, I do not know how to…
I do not know anything about…
I am not sure I can/know how to…
(I am afraid) I cannot cope (with)…
I would not know where to begin/start…
I do not think I have the qualification/experience/ability
B.1.2.2 Past Ability
 Asking if someone was able to do something.
Could you………………………...?
Were you good at………………...?
Was he able to……………………?
Were you able to………………….?
+ When you were young
Did you know how to…………….?
Do you think you could…………..?
Did you know anything about…….?
Did you have ability to…………...?
 Saying you were able to do something.
I could…………………………..
I was able to…………………….
I knew how to…………………..
I knew something about…………
I was pretty good at that job……
I was capable of…………………
I had ability to………………….
+ When I was a girl
 Saying you were not able to do something.
I could not……………………
I was hopeless at…………….
I was not good at…………….
+ When I was a child
No, I didn’t know how to……
I could not cope with………..
B.1.3 Rangkuman 1
Dalam menyatakan kemampuan kita harus bisa membedakan antara present
ability dan past ability. Apabila kita membicarakan past ability kita harus
menyertakan time clause. Contohnya:
When I was a student
When I was young
When you were a child
When she was a girl
When we were children
A : Can you help me to lift this heavy table?
B : I am sorry, I am not able to lift it in that way. It is too heavy for me.
A : OK, then please take all of the things on the table first, will you?
B : Of course, I can do it easily. After that I can help you move this table.
A : By the way, how is your grandma, is she well now? I heard that she was sick 2
months ago.
B : yes, she is getting better now. But she can’t do hard work anymore. Before having
serious ill she could do many things. For example she was able to play badminton, she
could cook anything I wanted, she was good at making my dress and she was pretty
good at holding any housework. But now, everything has changed. She can’t do
A : OK, I’m sorry to hear that.
B.1.4 Tugas 1
 Listen to the dialogue about expressing ability and disability write down the
expressing that the speakers say.
 Differentiate between past and present ability or disability.
 Play the tape again and try to repeat for practicing the pronunciation and the
 Check your pronunciation by comparing to the speaker in the tape. If you
need help for your practice, please consult to your teacher.
Present Ability
Past Ability
B.1.5 Test Formative 1
1. What would you say if you want to know your friend’s ability in math?
2. Tell your friend about your ability. (at least 3 kinds).
3. Tell your friend about your grand father’s ability in the past time.
4. Tell your friend about something that you cannot do well.
5. Say about disability of a blind man.
B.1.6 Kunci Jawaban
1. - Are you good at math?
- Are you able to do this math problem?
- Can you do all of the items of math test?
2. - I can operate computer well.
- I am pretty good at singing.
- I think I can do all of the assignment from the teacher on time.
3. When my grandfather was young he could run very quickly.
4. I am hopeless at mathematic.
5. A blind man is not able to see anything.
B.2 Kegiatan Belajar 2
B.2.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Pemelajaran
Pada tahap ini anda harus dapat memahami text dialogue tentang menyatakan
kemampuan maupun ketidak mampuan. Anda harus membuktikan pemahaman anda
dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan dan menceritakan kembali isi dialogue tersebut.
B.2.2 Uraian Materi
Bacalah dialog di bawah ini dan jawab pertanyaan yang ada dalam tugas 2.
Goal! That’s great.
My favorite team has beaten the opponent.
Tony : Yeah! I’m very pleased and happy tonight.
Finally, they can get the cup they are longing for.
Dony : Ok, friends. Don’t make a noise
Let’s watch again how our favorite team has beaten the opponent.
The TV will re-play the way our favorite team make goal.
Andi : Good idea.
B.2.3 Rangkuman 2
Percakapan di atas adalah mengenai expressing ability. Perhatikan ekspresi yang
digunakan dalam menyatakan kemampuan. Anda bisa menggantinya dengan bentuk
lain yang telah anda kuasai.
B.2.4 Tugas 2
1. Answer the question below based on the text above!
a. Do they have the same favorite team?
How do you know?
b. Is there any expression showing ability?
Who says it?
What does he say?
c. Where does the dialogue happen?
How do you know?
d. How do they feel?
How do you know?
2. Work in pair. Check your answer with your partner.
3. Retell/summarize the dialogue with your own words with minimum 50
B.2.5 Test Formative 2
Read the dialogue and then answer the question!
Interviewer : What position do you want to apply for?
: I would like to apply for secretary position.
Interviewer : What is your last education?
: I graduated from vocational school business and management
Interviewer : Do you think you are capable to be a secretary?
: Yes, of course. Because I take secretary program when I was
studying at vocational school.
Interviewer : You think that you have good qualification to be a secretary. Do
you have a special skill?
Applicant : Yes, I can operate computer well, I am good at typing, and I am
able to manage all of secretarial works.
Interviewer : That’s good.
1. Can you guess where the conversation takes place?
2. What are they doing there?
3. Why does the applicant come to that place?
4. What kind of job the applicant wants?
5. Do you think that the applicant will be accepted?
6. Why do you think so?
7. Write down all of the expressions showing ability from the dialogue.
8. Retell the dialogue with your own words in paragraph with minimum 50
B.2.6 Kunci Jawaban
1. The conversation happens at the office of a company.
2. They are having interview for a job.
3. Because she is being interviewed for a job she wants to get.
4. A secretary position.
5. Yes, she will be accepted.
6. Because she has qualification for the job she applies for, beside the interviewer
says “That’s good” at the conversation.
7. - Do you think you are capable to be a secretary?
- Have good qualification to be a secretary.
- I can operate computer well.
- I am good at typing.
- I am able to manage all of secretarial works.
There is an applicant coming to a company to have interviewing program. She
wants to be a secretary. I think she will be accepted to work there because she
has qualification for that job. I know that she took secretary program when she
studied at vocational school for business and management group. I am getting
sure and sure that she will get what she wants after knowing that the interviewer
says “That’s good” at the last interviewing.
B.3 Kegiatan Belajar 3
B.3.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Pemelajaran
Pada tahap ini anda harus dapat melakukan dialogue atau percakapan sederhana
tentang expressing ability, disability baik dalam bentuk present maupun past.
B.3.2 Uraian Materi
Based on the situation below, a conversation is developed. Pay attention to the
dialogue whether it is talking about present, past, ability or disability. You must be
able to differentiate among them.
Situation 1
Work with your partner, please mention several kind of profession, while your partner
tell/say about the abilities required for each profession. You must change your role.
A teacher
A teacher is able to teach well.
A doctor.
A doctor can make prescription for patient.
A singer.
A singer knows how to sing well.
Situation 2
Make a conversation that is talking about past ability with your friend. Change your
: Please tell me what could your grand father do well when he was
Friend : When he was young he could run very quickly. But now he can’t.
: How about your grand mother?
Friend : She was able to sing beautifully when she was young. Because she is old
enough and her voice changed, she is not good anymore at singing.
Situation 3
Conduct a conversation that is showing disability. You also must change the role.
Please help me solve this math problem.
I’m sorry, I can’t. You may go to your math teacher.
How about English exercise?
Sorry, I am hopeless at English skill.
It is better for you to consult with your English teacher.
A : Ok, then please help me to manage these secretarial works.
B : Once again, I can’t help you. But actually, I won’t. As you know I am not
the secretary student. I just give you suggestion. Please meet any secretary
students. They are pretty good at that job.
A : Thanks anyway.
B.3.3 Rangkuman 3
Percakapan di atas dibuat berdasar pada situasi yang diberikan. Perhatikan
situasinya sehingga anda dapat membuat perckapan yang tepat.
B.3.4 Tugas 3
Situation 1.
Make a conversation about ability and disability in a group of two. Practice the
conversation and change your role.
Situation 2.
Work in group make a list of questions and answers about ability. Practice them orally
and change your role.
Situation 3.
Make conversation that is talking about past ability. You must work with your friend.
At least in group of two.
B.3.5 Test Formative 3
Without making the script, please perform a dialogue or conversation based on the
situations given. You must change your role.
Situation 1.
Practice question and answer in a group of two about several occupations and its skill.
(at least 5 occupations)
Situation 2.
You are asked by someone to do some works but you can do nothing. Express your
Situation 3.
You are talking about someone that passed away. Please tell about his/her skill when
she/he was alive. You must mention all of his/her abilities because you admire
him/her very much. You can do it individually.
B.3.6 Kunci Jawaban
Situation 1.
A : What is the skill of dentist?
B : He/she must be good at everything about our teeth.
A : How’s about a pilot?
B : He knows how to make plane fly well.
A : Ok, now we are talking about computer programmer. What can he do?
B : He is capable of making program for any computer.
A : What about surgeon? What does she know?
B : She knows much about anesthesia.
A : What can translator do?
B : She can translate every language in Indonesian.
Situation 2.
A : Please help me manage my company.
B : I’m sorry I can’t do it. You need a manager.
A : Ok, now please record this transaction.
I don\t know anything about book keeping.
How about making inquiry?
What is it? I don’t know anything about inquiry.
Really? How about translating this English letter?
Sorry, I am not good at English.
So, what can you do to help me?
I can do nothing.
I’m sorry to know that you are hopeless at anything.
Situation 3.
I have an uncle, his name is Kanafi. I love him very much. But I’m sorry
because he died when I was in Primary school. He was very funny, he could make
me laugh in every situation. He was good at acting like clown. He could make a
joke spontaneously. He was able to manage every house work, even he was good at
cooking. If my mother was busy he used to manage housewife’s work at home well.
He knows everything about kids. He had many experiences of conducting nice
situation. Once more I tell that my beloved uncle was pretty good at singing
dangdut song.
B.4 Kegiatan Belajar 4
B.4.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Pemelajaran
Pada tahap ini anda harus dapat menulis iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang
mencantumkan beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelamar.
B.4.2 Uraian Materi
Berikut ini beberapa contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang mencantumkan
beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi calon pelamar. Bacalah dengan seksama
dan amati beberapa modal auxiliary yang digunakan.
B.4.3 Rangkuman 4
Dalam membuat iklan lowongan pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya harus
- Title biasanya, job vacancy, urgently required, etc.
- The name of business or company.
- Field of work (bergerak dalam bidang…)
- Position/kedudukan yang ditawarkan
Requirements/qualification/persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh calon pelamar.
Limitation of time (batas waktu pengiriman surat lamaran)
The address should be sent application letter (alamat yang harus dituju untuk
mengirim surat lamaran)
B.4.4 Tugas 4
Please answer the following questions based on the advertisement from B.4.2
(adv. No 1, 2, 3).
a. What is the name of the company?
b. What field does the company work in?
c. How many position that is advertised?
Mention all of them!
d. Mention all of requirements!
e. When should the applicant send the application letter?
f. Where should the applicant send the application letter?
g. Make simple advertisement of job vacancy. Check and discuss your answer
with your partner. If you have problem please ask to your teacher.
B.4.5 Test Formative 4
Please answer the following questions based on the advertisement below. After
that you must write another advertisement.
Note : - the question are the same as questions in B.4.4 (Tugas 4)
- taken from Jawa Pos 24 July 2004.
B.4.6 Kunci Jawaban
Advertisement no.1
a. Pharmaceutical company.
b. Manufacturing pharmaceutical (producing medicine)
c. Two. They are Production Manager and Production Supervisor.
d. - Pharmacist, at least 3-4 years experience (A)
- 1-2 year experience (B) in production of Pharmaceutical Industry
- Female age minimum 30 years (A)
- Female age minimum 27 years (B)
- Language : fluent in English and Mandarin advantage
- The incumbent must have initiative and have a strong leadership.
e. Application letter should be sent to: HRD Department Pondok Benowo
Indah Blok QQ 17 Babat Jerawat – Pakal Surabaya.
Advertisement 2.
b. Manufacturing and marketing full scale of points products.
c. One. It is Sales Representative.
d. - University background.
- 2 years or more experience in the similar position.
- Speak and write English fluently.
- Working hard, independent and strong person.
- Able to operate computer (windows)
- Have own vehicle (motorbike or car)
- Preferable to the person that familiar with retails matters.
e. One week or not later than August 13,2004.
f. - Human Resources Department PT Jotun Indonesia
Jl. Daan Mogot KM 12,5 Jakarta Barat 11730
- Sent by email to
Advertisement 3.
A. Test
A.1. Performance Test
Dalam evaluasi ini, anda diharapkan mampu membuat percakapan secara
spontan tanpa ada draft berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan. Ini adalah untuk menguji
apakah anda sudah menguasai modul ini.
Please perform dialogue based on situation given, and change your role.
1. You are applying for job and you are happy because you are accepted for the job
you apply for. When you are being interviewed you can show your special skill.
Express your ability in interviewing.
2. Practice to have question and answer about at least 5 professions and the skills.
3. Conduct the dialogue between grandfather and grandson that is talking about past
ability of grandfather.
A.2. Written Test
1. These people are professionals. They have been trained well to do their job. What
can they do? Please express ability of each occupation!
a. Dentist =>……………..
b. Surgeon =>…………….
c. Astronaut=>…………...
d. Coach=>……………….
e. Physician=>……………
f. Secretary=>……………
g. Carpenter=>…………...
h. Porter=>………………
i. Engineer=>……………
2. Please tell their disability.
a. A blind man=> he cannot…………
b. A four years old boy=>…………..
c. An eighty years old woman=>……
d. A prisoner=>……………………..
e. A deaf man=>…………………….
f. A deaf mute person=>……………
3. Read this following job vacancy advertisement, and then answer the questions!
a. What is the name of this business?
b. What field does the company work in?
c. How many position that is offered? What are they?
d. What are the requirements?
e. When and where should the applicant end their application letter?
4. In this written test you have to complete the sentence with COULD +……
a. He can’t play tennis very well nor but he………quite well when he was
b. She can’t run very fast nor but when she was at school she………faster
than anyone else.
c. I can’t swim very far thee days but ten years ago I ………from one side of
the lake to the other.
d. I can’t sing nor but I ……….very well when I was a child.
5. Write a simple advertisement expressing requirement!
B. Kunci Jawaban Evaluasi
B.1 Kunci Jawaban Performance Test
Situation 1
Applicant : Good morning
Interviewer : Good morning, please introduce yourself.
Applicant : My name is Rahma Ashari. I am 24 years old. I graduated from S-1
Accountant Department UNIBRAW.
Interviewer : What position do you apply for?
Applicant : I would like to have position in accounting department.
Interviewer : Do you have any experience?
Applicant : Yes, I have 2 year experience in European Company, and I have
already enclosed the reference from my boss with the application
Interviewer : Why do you leave your last job?
: because I want to have better carrier and I see that this company is
very potential, so I am interested in this job. Beside I want to have
reasonable salary.
Interviewer : Ok, start at tomorrow, you will join with my company.
: Thank you very much.
Interviewer : You are welcome.
Situation 2
A : What can an astronaut do?
B : I think an astronaut can fly a space craft to the moon.
A : How about an astrology? Do they have the same skill?
B : I don’t think so. They are very-very different in skill. An astrology is someone
who always predict people’s life astrologically.
A : Ok, now we re talking about journalist’s work. Do you know?
B : Of course, I know. Journalist is someone who work in news paper, usually it is
about the news.
A : What is boxer?
B : Boxer is someone who does boxing.
A : Now, what is the skill of lawyer?
B : A lawyer is someone who work in justice field.
Situation 3
Grand pa, can you tell me something in the past about you?
When I was seventy years old I won the running contest
How is about now? Can you run quickly?
No, I can’t. it is different now.
What else Grand pa? Please tell me more!
Ok, I’ll tell about many things that I could do well in the past.
Before I married to your Grand me, I was a football player. Even I was
able to make nine goals in a football match. At that time, I was strong
enough to do hard work. For example, I was good at running for long
time and distance. I could swim across along the river. Etc.
Grandson : That’s great. I am very proud to have Grand pa like you.
Grandfather : Really, thank you my Grandson.
B.2. Kunci Jawaban Written Test
1. a. Dentist
: they can cure toothache
b. Surgeon : they know well about anesthetic and surgery
c. Astronaut : they can take off the spaces craft and the moon
d. Coach
: they can give training in sport field
e. Physician : they can manage all of secretarial
f. Secretary : they can manage all of the secretary works
g. Carpenter : they can make any furniture from wood
h. Porter
: they can help to bring any luggage from the port
i. Engineer : they can manage all of the technical work
2. a. A blind man
b. A four years old boy
c. An eighty years old woman
d. A prisoner
e. A deaf man
f. A deaf mute person
: he cannot see anything
: he cannot ride motorcycle
: she cannot climb high mountain
: he cannot go to anywhere freely
: he cannot hear anything
: he cannot see and hear anything
3 a. Drs. J. Tanzil and Rekan. Registered Public Accountant.
b. Tax and Management consultant.
c. There are 5 positions.
They are : - Engineering SPV
( II8 )
- Production SPV
(B 81)
- Quality Assurance
(B 82)
- PPIC Staff
(B 83)
- HR & Personnel Staff
(C 65)
d. - Male (II8, B81, C65, B83) and Female Pharmacy (B 82)
- Degree in Engineering (II8), Food Science Technology (B81), Pharmacy
(B82), Industrial Engineering (B83), Psychology (C65)
- Minimal 2 years experience in the same position (II8, B81) and 1 year
experience (B82, B83, C65)
- Preferred have experience background from food industry
- Oral/written English and computer literacy are essential pre requisites
- Pleasant personality and strong leadership as well as excellent human
interpersonal skills
- Hard working and loyal with company
4. a.
He could play
She could run
I could swim
She could sing
5. A good potential Education Department, looking for:
 An English teacher
1. Male/female 25 years above English Education background
2. Self motivated, good personality, education interest
3. Must be available immediately
4. Preferable to the person who has 2 or more years experience in education
Application letter should be sent not more than one week after this advertisement
to Jl. Ki Mangun Sarkoro VI/3 Tulungagung.
Setelah menyelesaikan semua tugas dan evaluasi di dalam modul ini dengan benar,
Anda diperkenankan untuk melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya yaitu modul A.20/04. Tetapi
apabila anda belum berhasil menguasai materi di dalam modul ini anda harus mengulang
kembali mempelajari modul ini.
Sebagai indikasi bahwa anda telah menguasai modul ini, Anda harus dapat
membuat percakapan secara spontan tanpa draft sesuai dengan situasi yang diberikan.
Perhatikan juga cara pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar. Guru pembimbing yang
menentukan apakah Anda dapat melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya atau tidak.
Gusnindar; Siswanti,Sri; (et all) (1998). Window on the World ; PT Erlangga; Jakarta.
Murphy,R ; (1985). Grammar in Use; Cambridge University Press; New York.
Tim Penyusun; (20003). Bahasa Inggris 1 SMU; Intan pariwara; Klaten.
Betty Schrampfer Azar; (1989);Understanding And Using English Grammar second
Edition ; Prenice Hall, Inc. New Jersey.
Iklannya jangan kelupaan agar diketik ulang saja, bukan ditempel, agar
hasilnya lebih bagus.