Public Relations Student Assessment Tool

Public Relations ALC Student Assessment and Rubric Tool
1. Student demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate with client through writing in appropriate form and style the
content of meetings and discussions, as well as the issue, crises, opportunity or challenges. (To answer this question you may
assess student research synopsis, client memos, client interviews or formal letters to the client, among others).
2. Student demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively with key publics through writing in appropriate form and style
(taking into account, audience demographics, newsworthiness and AP style, as well as other media communication conventions)
that incorporates key messages and persuasive strategies.
3. Student demonstrates the ability to incorporate research skills into a comprehensive communication plan at the formative,
implementation and evaluation levels.
Yes No
4. Student demonstrates an understanding of various research methods and designs useful for formative and evaluation research as
well as key concepts such as sampling, validity and, reliability.
Yes No
Theories and concepts:
(Emphasis on understanding)
5. Student demonstrates an understanding of public relations theories and concepts such as: two-way communication, source
credibility, relationship theory, crisis management, reputation management among others as they apply to the various public
relations processes. (To answer this question the instructor may resort to quizzes, exams and/or other class activities or evaluation
mechanisms which include this type of content)
Yes No
(Emphasis on application)
6. Student demonstrates the ability to apply public relations theories and concepts into their various assignments and analyses,
which may include specific cases, research synopsis for clients, and assessment of organization/public relationships, among others.
Yes No
Professionalism and Ethics:
(Emphasis on understanding)
7. Student demonstrates an understanding of public relations ethics and principles such as: confidentiality, credibility, truthfulness,
accuracy, fairness, honesty, use of persuasive strategies, and diversity among others as they apply to the various public relations
processes. (To answer this question the instructor may resort to quizzes, exams and/or other class activities or evaluation
mechanisms which include this content).
Yes No
(Emphasis on application)
8. Student demonstrates an ability to apply public relations ethics and principles to their various assignments and analyses, which
may include specific cases, research synopsis for clients, and assessment of organization/public relationships, among others.
Yes No
Technologies in Public Relations:
9. Student demonstrates an ability to use technologies relevant to the public relations practice such as desktop publishing software
(for print publications), electronic publications, or presentation tools. (To answer this question the instructor may resort to print
and Web-based creative projects using InDesign, Photoshop and Dreamweaver among other software as well as presentations
using PowerPoint or other software).
Yes No
10. Student demonstrates an ability to use technologies relevant to the public relations practice in a strategic and effective manner
that incorporates key messages, slogans, persuasive strategies and design principles as they apply to print and/or electronic media.
Yes No
Student Name: ________________________________
Instructor: ___________________________________
Course: ______________________________________
Total Score ________ /10