Core Members and Researchers (Preliminary) (Designated to Hong Kong and Joint Institutions’ members) Hong Kong Side The University of Hong Kong Dr C E BAI Research Interest Phone Email Dr R C K CHAN Research interest Phone Email Dr P T Y CHEUNG Research interest Phone Email Dr R L H CHIU Research interest Phone Email Dr. R W X HU Research interest Phone Email Prof C Y JIM Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance, The University of Hong Kong Economics and Finance 2859-1036 Associate Professor, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong National and regional development strategies; development in the Pearl River Delta; spatial evolution between Hong Kong and Southern China 2859-2721 Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong The politics of public policy-making in Hong Kong; the management of cross-boundary issues between Hong Kong and Guangdong province 2857-8362 Associate Professor, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong Housing policy and management; privatization of public housing; housing market; housing education Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong International politics, international political economy; East Asian international relations; China’s foreign relations; and international security 2859-2398 Dean, Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong Chair Professor, Department of Geography, The University of 1 Research interest Phone Email Dr D KERR Research interest Phone Email Dr Y S F LEE Research interest Phone Email Dr H LI Research interest Phone Email Dr Y P LI Research interest Phone Email Dr Y H LI Research interest Phone Email Dr G C S LIN Research interest Phone Hong Kong Interdisciplinary interface of geography and urban forestry; urban ecology; urban greening; urban environmental management; soil science 2859-2835 (secretary) Associate Professor, Department of English, The University of Hong Kong English 2859 7938 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Urban and social geography; urban planning; environmentalism and environmental management 2859-2840 Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Finance, The University of Hong Kong Microeconomics; Demand-supply; game theory analysis Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Tourism and recreation geography; globalization of consumption and production; China and Asia-Pacific tourism development 2859-2837 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, The University of Hong Kong Comparative legal studies, constitutional and administrative law, intellectual property, contemporary Chinese legal studies Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Urban and regional development; land property rights in China; public policy and regional development; Hong Kong-Guangdong integration. 2859-7023 2 Email Dr B P Y LOO Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Transport, economic and regional development, China studies central-local relationship, statistical system, transport geography 2859-7024 Research interest Phone Email Dr. K L MACPHERSON Research interest Phone Email Dr C N NG Research interest Phone Email Dr M K NG Research Interest Phone Email Dr M R PEART Research interest Phone Email Dr F M SONG Research interest Phone Email Associate Professor, Department of History, The University of Hong Kong Comparative urban history; Chinese urban history and planning history; Chinese and Japanese modernization; natural history of China 2859-2869 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Environmental management and modelling; global change research (land-use and land-cover change); sustainable development 2859-7025 Associate Professor, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong Urban and regional planning, sustainability and governance issues in Pacific Asia Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Hydrology; applied hydrology including flood and drought; water quality; sediment production and transport in the fluvial system 2859-7021 Director, Centre for China Financial Research Associate Professor of Economics and Finance Finance 2857-8507 3 Dr Z G TAO Research interest Phone Email Dr S Y TONG Research interest Phone Email Prof Q L WAN Research interest Phone Email Dr. J J WANG Research interest Phone Email Dr G XIAO Research interest Phone Email Dr G H YU Research interest Phone Email Dr D ZHANG Research interest Phone Associate Professor, Director, IMBA Program, The University of Hong Kong Economics of organization, management and strategy, organization and strategy in Chinese economy 2857-8223 Honorary Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Finance, The University of Hong Kong International trade and economic development; economic integration; state enterprises 2859-2192 Professor, Department of Fine Arts, The University of Hong Kong Art history of China 2857-8222 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Transportation geography: travel behaviour modelling; time budget/use studies; urban public transport in Hong Kong and China; container port systems. 2859-7026 Associate Professor School of Economics & Finance, University of Hong Kong Economics and Finance 2859-1037 Associate Professor, Department of Law, The University of Hong Kong Chinese commercial law, securities regulations Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Geomorphology; environmental science and natural hazards; hydrology and hydrochemistry; physical environmental studies in China 2859-7027 4 Email Dr X C ZHANG Deputy Director of ICG Development, Department of Law, The University of Hong Kong Commercial law; financial market regulations; cross-border legal issues Research interest Phone Email Dr J X ZHANG Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance, The University of Hong Kong Research interest Urban and regional studies; geography of trade and finance; China’s economic development; WTO and spatial transformation Phone E-mail 2859-2192 Dr S X ZHAO Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong Research interest Urban and regional studies; geography of trade and finance; China’s economic development; WTO and spatial transformation Phone Email 2859-2838 Dr J F SHEN Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Research interest Spatial population modeling and migration analysis, GIS with socio-economic applications, Pearl River Delta and China Phone Email 2609-6469 Dr S G WANG Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Economic and social development in China 2609-7515 Research interest Phone Email The Chinese University Hong Kong Dr K Y TSUI Associate Professor, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 5 Research interest Design of multidimensional inequality and poverty Indices, Design of polarization indices, regional disparities in China Phone Email 2606-8201 Dr L ZHANG Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Resources Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Urban and regional development; population studies 2609-6475 Research interest Phone Email Hong Kong Baptist University Dr W S TANG Research interest Phone Email Dr D G WANG Research interest Phone Email Dr K K WONG Research interest Phone E-mail Dr Q M ZHOU Research interest Phone Email Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University Planning theories; urban planning under socialism; urban planning in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai 3411-7190 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University Transport geography, population geography, transport modeling Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University Environment planning, sustainable development Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University GIS The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Prof Y J BIAN Research interest Phone Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Science, Division of Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Social stratification and mobility, economic sociology, social networks; contemporary Chinese societies in East Asia 6 Email Dr D D LI Associate Professor, and Associate Director, Centre for Economic Development, Department of Economics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Applied economic theory; economics of transition; the Chinese economy and WTO studies; corporate finance; international economics 2358-7610 Research interest Phone Email Dr Z D MA Research interest Phone Email Dr D X QIU Research interest Phone Email Dr C Q WU Research interest Phone Email Associate Professor, Division of Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Population geography Associate Professor, Department of Economics, School of Business and Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business 2358 7628 Associate Director of Shui On Centre for China Business and Management, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Economics at the School of Business and Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Industrial economics; economics of R&D, economics of transitions; business regulation and China’s industries City University of Hong Kong Dr C L Li Research interest Phone Email Associate Professor, Department of Public & Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong Public & Social Administration -2788 9556 Beijing Side (Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Science) Prof Y LIU Deputy Director of the Institute 7 Research interest Phone Email Regional development specialist - Prof T CHEN Research interest Phone Email Head, Department of Urban and Rural Studies Migration and urban sociology specialist - Dr J M CAI Research interest Phone Email Associate Professor Urbanization and urban economy specialist -<> Dr Y F NIU Research interest Phone Email Professor Ecological tourism - Dr X M PANG Research interest Phone Email Associate Professor Urban governance and rural studies - Dr W D LIU Research interest Phone Email Associate Professor Regional and economic geography - Dr S H LIU Research Interest Phone Email Associate Professor Urban land use; rural studies and GIS - Dr W Z ZHANG Research Interest Phone Email Associate Professor Economic and regional development - Dr X F FU Research interest Phone Email Associate Professor Environment and sustainable development - Dr Y SUN Research Interest Phone Assistant Professor Urban Problems - - - - - - - - - 8 Email - USA Side MIT Prof LAQUIAN Research interest Phone Email Former MIT and UBC Professor of Regional Political Economy and Planning Regional Political Economy and Planning Research interest Phone Email Professor of Regional Political Economy and Planning Head, International Development and Regional Planning (IDRP) Group Regional economic development, energy/environmental analysis Prof B SANYAL Research interest Phone Email Head, Department of Urban Studies and Planning Development planning; informal economy Prof R GAKENHEIMER Research interest Professor, Urban Planning and Civil Environmental Engineering, MIT Infrastructure; transportation; metropolitan planning in developing countries 617-253-1932 Prof K R POLENSKE Phone Email Prof J D E MONCHAUX Research interest Phone Email Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT Urban settlements, design review Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (pending to join) Prof H J BROWN Research interest Phone Email President and CEO, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy 9 Research interest Phone Email Special Assistant to President on Chinese Land Studies, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Prof G C CORDINA Research interest Phone Email Research Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Dr C R DING Stanford University (pending to join) Prof J RAPHAEL Research interest Phone Email Prof D R WEBSTER Research interest Phone Email Director, The Asia/Pacific Research Centre (A/PARC), Stanford University Nature of capitalism in East Asia; regional dynamics of East Asia; U.S. Asia policy; the urban dynamics of East Asia Visiting Professor, The Asia/Pacific Research Centre (A/PARC), Stanford University Urban dynamics of East Asia 10