Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Term (EN) A Single Day Free Of Duty Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA) Definition (EN) Time free of all duties consisting of a single day and two local nights and which may include a rest period as part of the day off. The length of the take-off run available plus the length of stopway, if such stopway is declared available by the competent authority and is capable of bearing the mass of the aeroplane under the prevailing operating conditions. Acceptable Change A change to configuration, software etc., which qualifies as a potential candidate for alternative approach to validation. Acceptance Check List A document used to assist in carrying out a check on the external appearance of packages of dangerous goods and their associated documents to determine that all appropriate requirements have been met. Adequate Aerodrome Adult Aerobatic Flight Aerodrome Aeroplane An aerodrome on which the aircraft can be operated, taking account of the applicable performance requirements and runway characteristics. Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) üksik vaba päev olemasolev kiirendus-pidurdusvahemaa olemasolev kiirendus-pidurdusdistants vastavuse kontroll-leht sobiv lennuväli A person of an age of 12 years and over. täiskasvanu An intentional manoeuvre involving an abrupt change in an aircraft’s attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight. Any area on land, water or man made structure or vessel, especially adapted for the landing, taking-off and manoeuvring of aircraft. An engine-driven fixed-wing aircraft heavier than air that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings. Aeroplane Required To Be Operated With A Copilot A type of aeroplane that is required to be operated with a copilot as specified in the flight manual or by the air operator certificate. Aircraft A machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface. vigurlend õhusõidukiga ettekavatsetult sooritatavad manöövrid, millega kaasneb lennuasendi äkkmuutus, lendamine ebatavalises asendis või kiiruse ebatavaline muutus lennuväli lennuk teise piloodiga käitatav lennuk, õhusõiduk mootori jõul liikuv fikseeritud tiibadega õhust raskem õhusõiduk, mida lennu ajal hoiab üleval tiibadel tekkiv aerodünaamiline vastumõju Lennuki tüüp, mille käitamiseks on nõutav teise piloodi olemasolu vastavalt lennukäsiraamatu või lennuettevõtja sertifikaadi nõuetele aparaat, mis püsib atmosfääris õhu vastumõjul, välja arvatud maa- või veepinnalt põrkunud õhu vastumõjul Nr 12 13 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Aircraft Performance Data Performance data published by the aircraft manufacturer in documents such as the Aeroplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual, Operations Manual, Performance Engineering Manual, or equivalent. Airship A powerdriven lighterthanair aircraft, with the exception of hotair airships, which, for the purposes of this Part, are included in the definition of balloon. Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) õhusõiduki suutlikkusnäitajad õhulaev Calibrated airspeed unless otherwise specified (knots). 14 Airspeed Calibrated airspeed when relevant or other airspeed which is clearly annotated. õhkkiirus Pressure altitude (metres or feet) unless specified otherwise. 15 16 17 18 19 Altitude Pressure altitude when relevant or other altitude which is clearly annotated. Anti-Icing The procedure that provides protection against the formation of frost or ice and accumulation of snow on treated surfaces of the aircraft for a limited period of time (holdover time). Audited Engineering Simulation An aircraft manufacturer’s engineering simulation which has undergone a review by the appropriate regulatory Authorities and been found to be an acceptable source of supplemental validation data. Augmented Flight Crew A flight crew which comprises more than the minimum number required to operate the aircraft and within which each flight crew member can leave their assigned post and be replaced by another appropriately qualified flight crew member for the purpose of inflight break. Automatic Testing Flight Synthetic Training Device (FSTD) testing wherein all stimuli are under computer control. kõrgus merepinnast jäätumisvastane töötlus üldterminina kasutatuna: jäätõrje (hõlmab nii jäätumisvastast töötlust kui jääeemaldust) suurendatud lennumeeskond Lennumeeskond, millesse kuulub rohkem liikmeid kui minimaalselt õhusõiduki käitamiseks nõutav ja milles iga lennumeeskonna liige võib vaheaja võtmiseks lahkuda oma töökohalt, mille puhul teda asendab teine piisavalt kvalifitseeritud lennumeeskonna liige Nr 20 Term (EN) Balloon Definition (EN) 22 Baseline Basic Instrument Training Device (BITD) õhupall A ground based training device which represents the student pilot‘s station of a class of aeroplanes. It may use screen based instrument panels and springloaded flight controls, providing a training platform for at least the procedural aspects of instrument flight. Each BITD shall comply with a specific BITD model and be a serial numbered unit. Instrumentaallennu algtreeningseade A defined hardware and software combination, which has obtained a BITD qualification. Instrumentaallennu algtreeningseadme mudel Bitd Manufacturer That organisation or enterprise being directly responsible to the competent authority for requesting the initial BITD model qualification. instrumentaallennu esmaimitaatori valmistaja 25 Bitd Model A defined hardware and software combination, which has obtained a qualification. Each BITD will equate to a specific model and be a serial numbered unit. instrumentaallennu esmaimitaatori valmistaja 26 Breakout The force required at the pilot’s primary controls to achieve initial movement of the control position. Cabin Crew Member A crew member, other than a flight crew member or technical crew member, who performs duties in the interests of safety of passengers and aircraft during operations. salongitöötaja The person being tested/checked by the Examiner Applicant. This person may be a pilot for whom the test/check would be required, or the Inspector of the Authority who is conducting the Examiner Certification Acceptance Test. Kontrollitav (antud kontekstis) 23 24 27 28 Candidate T A fully flight-test validated production aircraft simulation. May represent a new aircraft type or a major derivative. Instrumentaallennu esmaimitaator Basic Instrument Training Device Model (BITD Model) translation Definition (Optional) A lighter than air aircraft that is not engine driven and sustains flight through the use of either gas or an airborne heater. For the purposes of this part, a hotair airship, although engine driven, is also considered a balloon. A non-power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft. 21 Translation Term (Compulsory) Instrumentaallennu esmaimitaatori mudel instrumentaallennu algtreeningseadme valmistaja instrumentaallennu algtreeningseadme mudel maapealne treeningseade, mis kujutab teatud klassi õhusõidukite piloodiõpilase töökohta. Võidakse kasutada ekraanile projitseeritud mõõteriistade paneele ja vedrumehhanismiga juhtimisseadiseid, mis annavad ettekujutuse vähemalt instrumentaallennu protseduurilistest aspektidest. Iga selline seade peab vastama konkreetse treeninguseadme mudelile ja omama seerianumbrit Nr 29 30 31 32 33 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Category A With Respect To Helicopters Multi-engine helicopters designed with engine and system isolation features specified in CS-27/29 or equivalent and Helicopter Flight Manual performance information based on a critical engine failure concept which assures adequate designated surface area and adequate performance capability for continued safe flight in the event of an engine failure. A kategooria kopterid Single-engine or multiengine helicopters which do not fully meet all Category A standards. Category B helicopters have no guaranteed stay-up ability in the event of engine failure and unscheduled landing is assumed. B kategooria kopterid A categorisation of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics, for example aeroplane, poweredlift, helicopter, airships, sailplane, free balloon. Õhusõiduki liik Category B With Respect To Helicopters Category Of Aircraft Circling Class Of Aeroplane 34 Class Of Balloon 35 Closed Loop Testing 36 37 Cloud Base Code Share The visual phase of an instrument approach to bring an aircraft into position for landing on a runway/FATO which is not suitably located for a straight-in approach. A categorisation of singlepilot aeroplanes not requiring a type rating, in accordance with the operational suitability certificate issued in accordance with Part 21. A categorisation of balloons taking into account the lifting means used to sustain flight. Translation Term (Compulsory) ringlähenemine klass lennukiklass õhupalliklass A test method for which the input stimuli are generated by controllers which drive the FSTD to follow a pre-defined target response. The height of the base of the lowest observed or forecast cloud element in the vicinity of an aerodrome or operating site or within a specified area of operations, normally measured above aerodrome elevation or, in the case of offshore operations, above mean sea level. pilvede alumise piiri kõrgus An arrangement under which an operator places its designator code on a flight operated by another operator, and sells and issues tickets for that flight. koodijagamine translation Definition (Optional) instrumentaallähenemise visuaalne etapp õhusõiduki viimiseks vajalikku asukohta, et maanduda rajale/ lähenemis- ja stardisirge alale, mis ei asetse otselähenemiseks sobivas suunas Nr Term (EN) Definition (EN) 38 Colour Safe The ability of an applicant to readily distinguish the colours used in air navigation and correctly identify aviation coloured lights. 39 40 Competency Competency Element 41 Competency Unit 42 Computer Controlled Aircraft 43 44 Congested Area Contaminated Runway A combination of skills, knowledge and attitude required to perform a task to the prescribed standard. Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) ohutu värvitaju kompetentsus oskused, teadmised ja hoiakud, mis on vajalikud ülesande täitmiseks ettenähtud tasemel An action that constitutes a task that has a triggering event and a terminating event that clearly defines its limits, and an observable outcome. kompetentsuse hindamise element kindlat ülesannet sisaldav tegevus, millel on algatav ja lõpetav sündmus, millega määratakse selgelt tegevuse piirid ja täheldatav lõpptulemus A discrete function consisting of a number of competency elements. kompetentsuse hindamise moodul mitmest kompetentsuse hindamise elemendist koosnev piiritletud toiming An aircraft where the pilot inputs to the control surfaces are transferred and augmented via computers. arvuti abil juhitav õhusõiduk ‘Congested area’ means in relation to a city, town or settlement, any area which is substantially used for residential, commercial or recreational purposes. tihedalt asustatud piirkond A runway of which more than 25% of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the required length and width being used is covered by the following: (i) Surface water more than 3 mm (0.125 in) deep, or by slush, or loose snow, equivalent to more than 3 mm (0.125 in) of water; (ii) Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up (compacted snow); or (iii) Ice, including wet ice. rada nimetatakse puhastamata rajaks, kui üle 25 % selle pinnast (kas üksikute lõikudena või tervikuna) on kasutamiseks ette nähtud pikkuse ja laiuse ulatuses kaetud i) rohkem kui 3 mm (0,125 tolli) paksuse veekihi või lumelobjakaga või lahtise lumega, mis võrdub 3 mm (0,125 tolli) veega, ii) ii) tihedaks massiks kokku surutud lumega, mida ei saa enam rohkem kokku suruda ja mis püsib koos või murdub ülestõstmisel lumekamakateks (kokkusurutud lumi), või iii) jääga, sealhulgas märja jääga. puhastamata rada, sademetega kaetud rada 45 Contingency Fuel The fuel required to compensate for unforeseen factors which could have an influence on the fuel consumption to the destination aerodrome such as deviations of an individual aeroplane from the expected fuel consumption data, deviations from forecast meteorological conditions and deviations from planned routings and/or cruising levels/altitudes. kütuse erivaru kütus, mis on nõutav selliste ettenägematute tegurite kompenseerimiseks, mis võivad mõjutada sihtlennuväljale jõudmiseks vajalikku kütusekulu, nagu konkreetse lennuki kõrvalekaldumised eeldatavatest kütusekulu käsitlevatest andmetest, kõrvalekaldumised prognoositavatest meteoroloogilistest tingimustest ning kavandatavast marsruudist ja/või reisilennu tasanditest/kõrgustest Nr 46 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Continuous Descent Final Approach (CDFA) A specific technique for flying the finalapproach segment of a non-precision instrument approach procedure as a continuous descent, without level-off, from an altitude / height at or above the Final Approach Fix altitude / height to a point approximately 15m (50ft) above the landing runway threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre should begin for the type of aeroplane flown. 47 Control Sweep 48 Controlled Flight 49 50 51 Converted Meteorological Visibility (CMV) Convertible Fstd Copilot Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) pideva laskumisega lõpplähenemine A movement of the appropriate pilot’s control from neutral to an extreme limit in one direction (Forward, Aft, Right, or Left), a continuous movement back through neutral to the opposite extreme position, and then a return to the neutral position. Any flight which is subject to an air traffic control clearance. A value (equivalent to an RVR) which is derived from the reported meteorological visibility, as converted in accordance with the requirements in this subpart. kontrollitav lend teisendatud meteoroloogiline nähtavus An FSTD in which hardware and software can be changed so that the FSTD becomes a replica of a different model or variant, usually of the same type aircraft. The same FSTD platform, cockpit shell, motion system, visual system, computers, and necessary peripheral equipment can thus be used in more than one simulation. kohandatav lennutreeningseade A pilot operating other than as pilotincommand, an aircraft for which more than one pilot is required, but excluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight instruction for a licence or rating. teine piloot arvestamine 52 Credit Recognition of alternative means or prior qualifications. 53 Critical Engine Parameter The engine parameter which is the most appropriate measure of propulsive force. lennujuhtimisüksuse loal toimuv lend väärtus (mis on võrdne nähtavusega rajal), mis tuletatakse teatatud meteoroloogilisest nähtavusest ning mis on teisendatud vastavalt käesolevas alajaos sätestatud nõuetele eelnevalt või alternatiivsetel vahenditel omandatud kutseoskuste tunnustamine Nr 54 55 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Critical Phases Of Flight The take-off run, the take-off flight path, the final approach, the landing including the landing roll, the go-around and any other phases of flight as determined by the pilotin-command. For helicopters, ‘critical phases of flight’ includes in addition taxiing. Crosscountry 56 D 57 Damp Runway 58 59 60 61 A flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a pre–planned route using standard navigation procedures. ‘D’ means the largest dimension of the helicopter when the rotors are turning. A runway is considered damp when the surface is not dry, but when the moisture on it does not give it a shiny appearance. Damping (Critical) The critical damping is that minimum Damping of a second order system such that no overshoot occurs in reaching a steady state value after being displaced from a position of equilibrium and released. This corresponds to a relative Damping ratio of 1:0. Damping (Over-Damped) An ‘Over-Damped’ response is that damping of a second order system such that it has more Damping than is required for Critical Damping, as described above. This corresponds to a relative Damping ratio of more than 1:0. Damping (Under-Damped) Dangerous Goods Translation Term (Compulsory) kriitilised lennuetapid translation Definition (Optional) lennu kriitilised etapid on stardihoovõtt, starditrajektoori saavutamine, lõpplähenemine, maandumine, sealhulgas maandumisjärgne läbijooks, ja õhusõiduki kapteni äranägemisel mis tahes muud lennu etapid marsruutlend diameeter D niiske rada rada loetakse niiskeks, kui selle pind ei ole kuiv, kuid sellel olev niiskus ei tekita läiget An under-damped response is that Damping of a second order system such that a displacement from the equilibrium position and free release results in one or more overshoots or oscillations before reaching a steady state value. This corresponds to a relative Damping ratio of less than 1:0. Articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Technical Instructions or which are classified according to those Instructions. kaubad või ained, mis võivad kahjustada tervist, ohutust, vara või keskkonda ning mis on loetletud tehnilistes juhendites esitatud ohtlike kaupade loetelus või mida liigitatakse vastavalt nendele juhenditele ohtlikud kaubad Nr 62 Term (EN) Dangerous Goods Transport Document Definition (EN) Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) tehnilistes instruktsioonides määratletud dokument. Selle täidab isik, kes pakub ohtlikke kaupu veoks lennutranspordiga. Veodokument sisaldab teavet nende ohtlike kaupade kohta. A document which is specified by the Technical Instructions. It is completed by the person who offers dangerous goods for air transport and contains information about those dangerous goods Ohtlike kaupade veo dokument 63 Daylight Visual A visual system capable of meeting, as a minimum, system brightness, contrast ratio requirements and performance criteria appropriate for the level of qualification sought. The system, when used in training, should provide full colour presentations and sufficient surfaces with appropriate textural cues to successfully conduct a visual approach, landing and airport movement (taxi). 64 Deadband The amount of movement of the input for a system for which there is no reaction in the output or state of the system observed. 65 Defined Point After Take-Off (DPATO) The point, within the take-off and initial climb phase, before which the helicopter’s ability to continue the flight safely, with the critical power unit inoperative, is not assured and a forced landing may be required. The procedure by which frost, ice, snow or slush is removed from an aircraft in order to provide uncontaminated surfaces. stardi kriitiline punkt jääeemaldus üldterminina kasutatuna: jäätõrje (hõlmab nii jäätumisvastast töötlust kui jääeemaldust) 66 De-Icing 67 Disruptive Passenger 68 Distance Distance in Nautical Miles unless specified otherwise. vahemaa 69 DR The horizontal distance that the helicopter has travelled from the end of the take-off distance available. kaugus kasutada oleva stardidistantsi lõpust 70 Driven A passenger who fails to respect the rules of conduct on board an aircraft or to comply with the instructions of crew members. A state where the input stimulus or variable is ‘driven’ or deposited by automatic means, generally a computer input. The input stimulus or variable may not necessarily be an exact match to the flight test comparison data – but simply driven to certain predetermined values. Kordarikkuv reisija, allumatu reisija distants DR horisontaalne kaugus, mille kopter on olemasoleva stardidistantsi lõpust läbinud Nr Term (EN) 71 Dry Lease Agreement 72 73 74 75 76 Dry Operating Mass Dry Runway Dual Instruction Time Duty Duty Period Definition (EN) An agreement between undertakings pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the AOC of the lessee. The total mass of the aircraft ready for a specific type of operation, excluding usable fuel and traffic load. The dry operating mass includes: (i) crew and crew baggage; (ii) catering and removable passenger service equipment; and (iii) tank water and lavatory chemicals. Translation Term (Compulsory) kuivrendi leping käitamise tühimass konkreetset liiki lennuks valmis oleva õhusõiduki kogu mass, välja arvatud kogu kasutatav kütus ja kogu tegelik last. Käitamise tühimassi hulka kuuluvad 1) meeskond ja meeskonna pagas, 2) pardatoitlustamise varustus ja ümberpaigutatavad seadmed reisijate teenindamiseks ning 3) pardal veetav vesi ja tualeti kemikaalid. kuiv rada rada, mis ei ole märg ega puhastamata/ sademetega kaetud, kaasa arvatud niisugused kattega rajad, mis spetsiaalsete vagude või poorsete kattematerjalide kasutamise ning hoolduse tõttu säilitavad kuivale rajale omase pidurdamisefektiivsuse ka niiskuse korral Flight time or instrument ground time during which a person is receiving flight instruction from a properly authorised instructor. Instruktoriga lennuõppeaeg lennuaeg või maapealne instrumentaalaeg, mille jooksul isik saab lennuõpet asjakohase loaga instruktorilt Any task that a crew member is required by the operator to perform, including, for example, flight duty, administrative work, training, positioning, and standby when it is likely to induce fatigue; tööülesanne A runway which is neither wet nor contaminated, and includes those paved runways which have been specially prepared with grooves or porous pavement and maintained to retain ‘effectively dry’ braking action even when moisture is present. Ajavahemik, mis algab hetkest, mil meeskonnaliige alustab käitaja tööülesande täitmist, ning kestab kuni hetkeni, mil meeskonnaliige vabaneb kõikidest tööülesannetest. A period which starts when a crew member is required by an operator to report for commencing a duty and ends when that person is free from all duties. tööaeg 77 78 translation Definition (Optional) Elevated Fato A FATO which is at least 3 metres above the surrounding surface. Engineering Simulation An integrated set of mathematical models representing a specific aircraft configuration, which is typically used by the aircraft manufacturer for a wide range of engineering analysis tasks including engineering design, development and certification: and to generate data for checkout, proof-ofmatch/validation and other training FSTD data documents ümbritsevast pinnast kõrgemal asuv lähenemis- ja stardisirge ala Nr Term (EN) Definition (EN) 79 Engineering Simulator The term for the aircraft manufacturer’s simulator which typically includes a full-scale representation of the simulated aircraft flight deck, operates in real time and can be flown by a pilot to subjectively evaluate the simulation. It contains the engineering simulation models, which are also released by the aircraft manufacturer to the industry for FSTDs: and may or may not include actual on-board system hardware in lieu of software models. 80 Engineering Simulator Data Data generated by an engineering simulation or engineering simulator, depending on the aircraft manufacturer’s processes. 81 Engineering Simulator Validation Data Validation data generated by an engineering simulation or engineering simulator. 82 Enhanced Vision System (EVS) An electronic means of displaying a real-time image of the external scene through the use of imaging sensors. täiustatud vaatlussüsteem elektrooniline viis pildiandurite abil väljaspool toimuva näitamiseks reaalajas ‘En-Route Alternate (ERA) Aerodrome’ means an adequate aerodrome along the route, which may be required at the planning stage. varulennuväli marsruudil on vaja teada planeerimise käigus 83 84 85 En-Route Alternate (Era) Entry Into Service Error 86 Essential Match 87 Examiner Applicant 88 Eye Specialist Refers to the original state of the configuration and systems at the time a new or major derivative aircraft is first placed into commercial operation. An action or inaction by the flight crew that leads to deviations from organizational or flight intentions or expectations. Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) marsruudil asuv sobiv lennuväli, mida kasutuselevõtmine kasutuselevõtt viga A comparison of two sets of computergenerated results for which the differences should be negligible because essentially the same simulation models have been used. Also known as a virtual match. The person seeking certification as an Examiner kontrollpiloodi volituse taotleja An ophthalmologist or a vision care specialist qualified in optometry and trained to recognise pathological conditions. silmaarst, (võib olla oftalmoloog) Nr 89 90 91 92 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Final Approach And Take-Off Area (FATO) A defined area for helicopter operations, over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or land is completed, and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. In the case of helicopters operating in performance Class 1, the defined area includes the rejected take-off area available. Flight And Navigation Procedures Trainer (FNPT) Flight Crew Member Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) Translation Term (Compulsory) lähenemis- ja stardisirge ala A training device which represents the flight deck or cockpit environment including the assemblage of equipment and computer programmes necessary to represent an aeroplane or class of aeroplane in flight operations to the extent that the systems appear to function as in an aeroplane. It is in compliance with the minimum standards for a specific FNPT Level of Qualification. lennuimitaator A pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator assigned to duty in an aircraft. lennumeeskonna liige The proactive and nonpunitive use of digital flight data from routine operations to improve aviation safety. lennuandmete monitooring lennuandmete jälgimine 93 Flight Duty Period (FDP) A period which commences when a crew member is required to report for duty that includes a flight or a series of flights and which finishes when the aircraft finally comes to rest and the engines are shut down or the rotor blades are stopped, at the end of the last flight on which they are a crew member. lennutööaeg 94 Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) 95 Flight Simulation Training Device Qualification (FSTD Qualification) 96 Flight Simulation Training Device User (FSTD User) A training device which is a Full Flight Simulator (FFS), a Flight Training Device (FTD), a Flight & Navigation Procedures Trainer (FNPT) , or a Basic Instrument Training Device (BITD). The level of technical ability of an FSTD as defined in the compliance document. The person, organisation or enterprise requesting training, checking and testing credits through the use of an FSTD. translation Definition (Optional) lennutreeningseade lennutreeningseadme kõlblikkus lennutreeningseadme kasutaja treeningseade, mis imiteerib jäljendab piloodikabiini keskkonda ja sisaldab seadmeid ja arvutiprogramme, mis on vajalikud õhusõiduki tüübi või klassi jäljendamiseks lennutegevuses sellisel määral, et süsteemid näiksid funktsioneerivat nagu reaalsel õhusõidukil igapäevases lennutegevuses saadud digitaalsete lennuandmete kasutamine lennuohutusalaseks ennetustööks ja lennuohutuse parandamiseks. Lennuandmete monitooringu programm ei ole karistava eesmärgiga ning sellel peab olema piisavalt andmeallikate kaitsevahendeid Nr Term (EN) Definition (EN) 97 Flight Test Data Actual aircraft data obtained by the aircraft manufacturer (or other supplier of acceptable data) during an aircraft flight test programme. 98 99 100 Flight Time Flight Time Under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Flight Training Device (FTD) Translation Term (Compulsory) Katselennu andmed (1) for aeroplanes and touring motor gliders the total time from the moment the aircraft first moves from its parking place for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest on the designated parking position at the end of the flight and all engines or propellers are stopped; (2) for helicopters, the total time from the moment a helicopter’s rotor blades start turning until the moment the helicopter finally comes to rest at the end of the flight, and the rotor blades are stopped; (3) for sailplanes, the total time from the moment the sailplane commences the ground run in the process of taking off until the moment it finally comes to a rest at the end of flight; and (4) for balloons the total time from the moment the basket leaves the ground for the purpose of taking off until the moment the balloon finally comes to a rest at the end of the flight; lennuaeg All flight time during which the aircraft is being operated under the Instrument Flight Rules. Instrumentaallennureeglite kohane lennuaeg A full size replica of a specific aeroplane type’s instruments, equipment, panels and controls in an open flight deck area or an enclosed aeroplane flight deck, including the assemblage of equipment and computer software programmes necessary to represent the aeroplane in ground and flight conditions to the extent of the systems installed in the device. It does not require a force cueing motion or visual system. It is in compliance with the minimum standards for a specific FTD Level of Qualification. Lennuelementide imitaator 101 Foreign Aircraft Aircraft used by operators, which are not under the regulatory oversight of the Member State in which territory they are operating. translation Definition (Optional) Välisriigi õhusõiduk kogu lennuaeg, mille kestel lend toimub instrumentaallennureeglite järgi Nr 102 Term (EN) Foreign Operator Definition (EN) An operator, which is not under the regulatory oversight of the Member State in which territory they are operating. 103 Free Response The response of the aircraft after completion of a control input or disturbance. 104 Frozen/Locked A state where a variable is held constant with time. Fstd Approval The extent to which an FSTD of a specified Qualification Level may be used by an operator or training organisation as agreed by the competent authority. It takes account of differences between aircraft and FSTDs and the operating and training ability of the organisation. 105 106 107 Fstd Data Fstd Operator The various types of data used by the FSTD manufacturer and the applicant to design, manufacture, test and maintain the FSTD. That organisation directly responsible to the competent authority for requesting and maintaining the qualification of a particular FSTD. Translation Term (Compulsory) Välisriigi käitaja lennutreeningseadme käitamissertifikaat lennutreeningseadme andmed lennutreeningseadme käitaja 108 Fstd Qualification The level of technical ability of an FSTD as defined in the compliance document. 109 Fstd Qualification Level The level of technical capability of a FSTD. lennutreeningseadme kõlblikkustase 110 Fstd User The organisation or person requesting training, checking or testing through the use of an FSTD to an ATO. Lennutreeningseadme kasutaja 111 112 Full Flight Simulator (FFS) Full Sweep A full size replica of a specific type or make, model and series aircraft flight deck, including the assemblage of all equipment and computer programmes necessary to represent the aircraft in ground and flight operations, a visual system providing an out of the flight deck view, and a force cueing motion system. Movement of the controller from neutral to a stop, usually the aft or right stop, to the opposite stop and then to the neutral position. translation Definition (Optional) Lennu täisimitaator õhusõiduki tüübi, mudeli või seeria piloodikabiini täismõõtmetes makett, mis hõlmab seadmeid ja arvutiprogramme, mis on vajalikud õhusõiduki jäljendamiseks maa peal ja lennutegevuses, piloodikabiinist väljavaadet imiteerivat visuaalsüsteemi ja mehaanilisi jõudusid imiteerivat liikumissüsteemi Nr 113 114 115 116 117 118 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Functions Test A quantitative and/or qualitative assessment of the operation and performance of an FSTD by a suitably qualified evaluator. The test can include verification of correct operation of controls, instruments, and systems of the simulated aircraft under normal and nonnormal conditions. Functional performance is that operation or performance that can be verified by objective data or other suitable reference material which may not necessarily be Flight Test Data. Gnss Landing System (GLS) An approach operation using augmented GNSS information to provide guidance to the aircraft based on its lateral and vertical GNSS position. (It uses geometric altitude reference for its final approach slope.) Grandfather Rights Ground Effect The right of an FSTD operator to retain the Qualification Level granted under a previous regulation of a EASA Member State. Also the right of an FSTD user to retain the training and testing/checking credits which were gained under a previous regulation of a EASA Member State. The change in aerodynamic characteristics due to modification of the air flow past the aircraft caused by the presence of the ground. Ground Emergency Service Personnel Any ground emergency service personnel (such as policemen, firemen, etc.) involved with Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) and whose tasks are to any extent pertinent to helicopter operations. Grounding The formal prohibition of an aircraft to takeoff and the taking of such steps as are necessary to detain it. A categorisation of balloons taking into account the size or capacity of the envelope. Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) satelliitnavigatsioonil põhinev maandumissüsteem Eelnevalt antud õigused ??? pinnaefekt maapealsed pääste- ja hädaabiteenistuste töötajad õhupalligrupp õhupallikategooria (kuna õhupallide kogu liigitust ei ole toodud, on erinevatele kategooriatele raske üksikuid vasteid pakkuda) 119 Group Of Balloon 120 Hands-Off Manoeuvre A test manoeuvre conducted or completed without pilot control inputs. automaatmanööver 121 Hands-On Manoeuvre A test manoeuvre conducted or completed with pilot control inputs as required. käsimanööver kõik maapealsete pääste- ja hädaabiteenistuste töötajad (politseinikud, tuletõrjujad jne), kes on kaasatud kiirabi kopterite lendudesse ning kelle ülesanded on mingilgi määral kopteri lendudega seotud Nr Term (EN) 122 Heavy 123 Height 124 125 Helicopter Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) Definition (EN) Operational mass at or near maximum for the specified flight condition. Height above ground = AGL (meters or feet) Translation Term (Compulsory) raske kõrgus suhteline kõrgus A heavie rthan air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on one or more powerdriven rotors on substantially vertical axes. kopter A flight by a helicopter operating under a HEMS approval, the purpose of which is to facilitate emergency medical assistance, where immediate and rapid transportation is essential, by carrying: (i) medical personnel; or (ii) medical supplies (equipment, blood, organs, drugs); or (iii) ill or injured persons and other persons directly involved. kopteri kiirabilennud 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Helicopter Hoist Operations (HHO) Flight Helideck Hems Dispatch Centre Hems Operating Base Hems Operating Site Hho Offshore Hho Passenger translation Definition (Optional) A flight by a helicopter operating under an HHO approval, the purpose of which is to facilitate the transfer of persons and/or cargo by means of a helicopter hoist. kopteri lend ripplastiga A FATO located on a floating or fixed offshore structure. kopteritekk A place where, if established, the coordination or control of the HEMS flight takes place. It may be located in a HEMS operating base. kopteri kiirabilendude juhtimiskeskus An aerodrome at which the HEMS crew members and the HEMS helicopter may be on stand-by for HEMS operations. kopteri kiirabilendude baas A site selected by the pilot-in-command during a HEMS flight for Helicopter Hoist Operations, landing and take off. kopteri kiirabitööde koht A flight by a helicopter operating under a HHO approval, the purpose of which is to facilitate the transfer of persons and/or cargo by means of a helicopter hoist from or to a vessel or structure in a sea area or to the sea itself. A person who is to be transferred by means of a helicopter hoist. Lend kopteril, mida käitatakse kiirabi kopteri lendudeks antud loa (HEMS approval) alusel ja mille eesmärgiks on võimaldada vältimatut arstiabi, kui on hädavajalik (i) meditsiinitöötajate, või (ii) arstiabivahendite /meditsiiniaparaadid (seadmed, varustus, veri, organid, ravimid), või (iii) haigete või vigastatud isikute ja teised nendega otseselt seotud isikute kohene ja kiire transport ripplasti vedu avamere kohal (kopteri) rippseadmes veetav isik isik, keda transporditakse kopteri vintsi/tõsteseadme abil Nr Term (EN) Definition (EN) A specified area at which a helicopter performs a hoist transfer. Translation Term (Compulsory) 133 Hho Site 134 Highlight Brightness 135 Hoist Cycle One down-and-up cycle of the hoist hook for the purpose of the setting of crew qualifications. vintsimistsükkel Hold-Over Time (HOT) The estimated period of time for which an anti-icing fluid is expected to prevent the formation of frost or ice and the accumulation of snow on the treated surfaces of an aircraft on the ground in the prevailing ambient conditions. kehtivusaeg 136 137 138 Home Base Hostile Environment translation Definition (Optional) ripplasti veo ala The maximum displayed brightness, which satisfies the appropriate brightness test. The location nominated by the operator to the crew member from where the crew member normally starts and ends a duty period or a series of duty periods. Põhibaas (i) An environment in which: (A) A safe forced landing cannot be accomplished because the surface is inadequate; or (B) The helicopter occupants cannot be adequately protected from the elements; or (C) Search and rescue response/capability is not provided consistent with anticipated exposure; or (D) There is an unacceptable risk of endangering persons or property on the ground. (ii) In any case, the following areas shall be considered hostile: (A) For overwater operations, the open sea areas North of 45N and South of 45S designated by the Authority of the State concerned; and (B) those parts of a congested area without adequate safe forced landing areas. käitaja poolt kindlaks määratud asukoht, kust meeskonnaliige tavaliselt alustab ja kus ta lõpetab oma tööülesande või tööülesannete seeria täitmise. Piirkond, kus (A) ei saa sooritada ohutut hädamaandumist, sest seal ei ole selleks piisavalt ruumi; või (B) kopteris viibijaid ei saa piisavalt kaitsta loodusjõudude eest; või (C) otsingu- ja päästetööde sooritamise valmidus ja võimalused ei ole eeldatava ohu olukorraks piisavad; (D) maapinnal asuvatele inimestele või omandile kujutatakse liiga suurt riski; (ii) Alati loetakse maandumiseks sobimatuteks aladeks järgmisi piirkondi: (A) lendudel veekogude kohal: avamere piirkond koordinaatidest 45N põhja poole ja 45S lõuna poole, mis on määratud asjaomase riigi lennuameti poolt; ja maandumiseks sobimatu ala maandumiseks sobimatud tingimused (B) tihedasti asustatud piirkondade osad, kus ei ole ohutuks hädamaandumiseks piisavalt ruumi. Nr 139 Term (EN) Icing Accountability 140 Infant 141 Inspector 142 143 144 145 146 147 Definition (EN) A demonstration of minimum required performance whilst operating in maximum and intermittent maximum icing conditions of the applicable airworthiness requirement. Refers to changes from normal (as applicable to the individual aircraft design) in takeoff, climb (enroute, approach, landing) or landing operating procedures or performance data, in accordance with the AFM/RFM, for flight in icing conditions or with ice accumulation on unprotected surfaces. Translation Term (Compulsory) minimaalne nõutav suutlikkus jäätumistingimustes A person under the age of 24 months. väikelaps The inspector of the Authority conducting the examiner competence assessment. inspektor Instrument Flight Time The time during which a pilot is controlling an aircraft in flight solely by reference to instruments. instrumentaallennuaeg Instrument Ground Time The time during which a pilot is receiving instruction in simulated instrument flight in flight simulation training devices (FSTD). maapealne instrumentaalaeg Instrument flight time or instrument ground time. instrumentaalaeg Instrument Time Integrated Testing Testing of the FSTD such that all aircraft system models are active and contribute appropriately to the results. None of the aircraft system models should be substituted with models or other algorithms intended for testing only. This may be accomplished by using controller displacements as the input. These controllers should represent the displacement of the pilot’s controls and these controls should have been calibrated. Investigation The assessment of a suspected pathological condition of an applicant by means of examinations and tests in order to verify the presence or absence of a medical condition. Irreversible Control System A control system in which movement of the control surface will not backdrive the pilot’s control on the flight deck. translation Definition (Optional) terviseuuringud aeg, mille kestel piloot juhib õhusõiduki lendu ainult mõõteriistade järgi Nr 148 149 150 151 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Landing Decision Point (LDP) The point used in determining landing performance from which, a power unit failure having been recognised at this point, the landing may be safely continued or a baulked landing initiated. Landing Distance Available (LDA) Landplane Licensing Authority 152 Light 153 Limitation 154 Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) Translation Term (Compulsory) maandumise otsusepunkt The length of the runway which is declared available by the competent authority of the aerodrome and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. olemasolev maandumisdistants A fixed wing aircraft which is designed for taking off and landing on land and includes amphibians operated as landplanes. maalennuk The competent authority of the Member State that issued the pilot licence, or where the pilot has applied for the issue of a licence in accordance with Part FCL,or when the pilot has not yet applied for the issue of a licence, the competent authority in accordance with this Part. piloodilube väljastav asutus Operational mass at or near minimum for the specified flight condition. Kerge Kerg- A condition placed on the medical certificate or licence that shall be complied with whilst exercising the privileges of the licence. piirang Refers to aircrew training which involves full mission simulation of situations which are representative of line operations, with special emphasis on situations which involve communications, management and leadership. It means ‘real-time’, full-mission training. marsruutlennutreening 155 Local Day A 24 hour period commencing at 00:00 local time. Kohalik päev 156 Local Night A period of eight hours falling between 22:00 hours and 08:00 hours local time. Kohalik öö 157 Local Operations Flights operations conducted within a local and defined geographical area which: (i) start and end on the same day; (ii) are conducted by day under VFR; and (iii) are navigated over routes by reference to visual landmarks. translation Definition (Optional) Kohalikud lennud 24tunnine ajavahemik, mis algab kell 00:00 kohaliku aja järgi Nr 158 Term (EN) Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) 159 Low Visibility Take-Off (LVTO) 160 161 Master Qualification Test Guide (MQTG) Maximum Passenger Seating Configuration Definition (EN) Translation Term (Compulsory) Procedures applied at an aerodrome for the purpose of ensuring safe operations during low visibility conditions, for which a specific approval is required. Halva nähtavuse protseduurid A take-off where the Runway Visual Range (RVR) is less than 400 m. Startimine halva nähtavusega The competent authority approved QTG which incorporates the results of tests witnessed by the Authority. The MQTG serves as the reference for future evaluations. The maximum passenger seating capacity of an individual aircraft established for operational purposes, excluding crew seats. This may be lower than the maximum certificated passenger seating configuration of the aircraft. suurim lubatud reisijakohtade arv 162 Maximum Structural Landing Mass The maximum permissible total aeroplane mass upon landing under normal circumstances. suurim lubatud maandumismass 163 Maximum Take-Off Mass For Helicopters The maximum permissible total helicopter mass at take-off. kopteri suurim lubatud stardimass 164 Medium 165 Multicrew Cooperation (MCC) 166 Multipilot Aircraft Normal operational weight for flight segment. The functioning of the flight crew as a team of cooperating members led by the pilotincommand. Lennumeeskonna koostöö Multipilot aircraft’ - In the case of aeroplanes, means aeroplanes certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots. - In the case of helicopters, airships and poweredlift aircraft, means a type of aircraft that is required to be operated with a copilot as specified in the flight manual or by the air operator certificate or equivalent document. Mitme piloodiga õhusõiduk 167 168 Multipilot Operation Night An operation approved by the Authority requiring at least two pilots using multicrew cooperation on multipilot helicopters. mitmepiloodilend The period between 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise, determined at surface level. öö translation Definition (Optional) startimine tingimustes, kus nähtavus rajal (RVR) on vähem kui 400 m Nr 169 170 171 172 173 Term (EN) Night Vision Goggles (NVG) Night Vision Imaging System (Nvis) Night Visual Nominal Non-Hostile Environment Definition (EN) Translation Term (Compulsory) A head-mounted, binocular, light intensification appliance that enhances the ability to maintain visual surface references at night. öönägemisprillid The integration of all elements required to successfully and safely use NVGs while operating a helicopter. The system includes as a minimum: NVGs, NVIS lighting, helicopter components (such as radio altimeter, visual warning system and audio warning system), training and continuing airworthiness. öönägemissüsteem A visual system capable of meeting, as a minimum, the system brightness and contrast ratio requirements and performance criteria appropriate for the level of qualification sought. The system, when used in training, should provide, as a minimum, all features applicable to the twilight scene, as defined below, with the exception of the need to portray reduced ambient intensity that removes ground cues that are not selfilluminating or illuminated by own ship lights (e.g. landing lights). öine visuaalrezhiim Normal operational weight, configuration, speed etc. for the flight segment specified. An environment in which: (i) A safe forced landing can be accomplished; (ii) The helicopter occupants can be protected from the elements; (iii) Search and rescue response/capability is provided consistent with the anticipated exposure; and (iv) those parts of a congested area with adequate safe forced landing areas shall be considered nonhostile. Piirkond, kus (A) saab ohutult sooritada hädamaandumist; ja (B) kopteris viibijaid saab kaitsta loodusjõudude eest ja (C ) otsingu- ja päästetööde sooritamise valmidus ja võumalused on eeldatavas ohuolukorras piisavad; maandumiseks sobiv ala maandumiseks sobivad tingimused 174 Non-Normal Control translation Definition (Optional) A term used in reference to Computer Controlled Aircraft. Non-normal Control is the state where one or more of the intended control, augmentation or protection functions are not fully available. (NOTE: Specific terms such as ALTERNATE, DIRECT, SECONDARY, BACKUP, etc, may be used to define an actual level of degradation). (ii) Alati loetakse maandumiseks sobivateks aladeks tihedalt asustatud piirkondi, kus ohutuks hädamaandumiseks on piisavalt alasid Nr Term (EN) 175 Nvis Flight 176 177 Objective Test (Objective Testing) Offshore Operations 178 One Step 179 Operating Crew Member Definition (EN) A flight under night VMC with the flight crew using NVGs in a helicopter operating under an NVIS approval. Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) öönägemissüsteemiga lend A quantitative assessment based on comparison with data. Operations which routinely have a substantial proportion of the flight conducted over sea areas to or from offshore locations. Such operations include, but are not limited to, support of offshore oil, gas and mineral exploitation and sea-pilot transfer. avamerelennud Refers to the degree of changes to an aircraft that would be allowed as an acceptable change, relative to a fully flight-test validated simulation. The intention of the alternative approach is that changes would be limited to one, rather than a series, of steps away from the baseline configuration. It is understood, however, that those changes which support the primary change (e.g. weight, thrust rating and control system gain changes accompanying a body length change) are considered part of the ‘one step’. Meeskonnaliige, kes täidab oma tööülesandeid õhusõidukil lennu ajal. A crew member who carries out their duties in an aircraft during a flight. töötav meeskonnaliige 180 181 182 183 Operating Site Organisation Other Training Devices Overpack A site selected by the operator or pilot-incommand for landing, take-off and/or hoist operations. A natural person, a legal person or part of a legal person. Such an organisation may be established at more than one location whether or not within the territory of the Member States. Training aids other than flight simulators, flight training devices or flight and navigation procedures trainers which provide means for training where a complete flight deck environment is not necessary. An enclosure used by a single shipper to contain one or more packages and to form one handling unit for convenience of handling and stowage. käitamiskoht organisatsioon muud treeningseadmed taara, mida kasutab üks vedaja ning mis sisaldab üht või enamat pakendit, moodustades ühe käitlemisüksuse väline pakend mugavamaks käitlemiseks ja paigutamiseks. Nr 184 185 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Package The complete product of the packing operation consisting of the packaging and its contents prepared for transport. Packaging Translation Term (Compulsory) pakkimisprotseduuri lõpptoode, mis koosneb pakend Receptacles and any other components or materials necessary for the receptacle to perform its containment function 186 187 188 189 190 191 Performance Class 1 Performance Class 2 Performance Class 3 Performance Criteria Pilotincommand Under Supervision (PICUS) Positioning mis on vajalikud mahuti isoleerimisfunktsiooni täitmiseks 1. suutlikkusklass ‘Performance Class 2’ means that, in the event of failure of the critical power unit, performance is available to enable the helicopter to safely continue the flight, except when the failure occurs early during the take-off manoeuvre or late in the landing manoeuvre, in which cases a forced landing may be required. 2. suutlikkusklass ‘Performance Class 3’ means that, in the event of a power unit failure at any time during the flight, a forced landing may be required in a multi-engined helicopter and will be required in a single-engined helicopter. 3. suutlikkusklass A simple, evaluative statement on the required outcome of the competency element and a description of the criteria used to judge if the required level of performance has been achieved. taarast ning sellesse paigutatud sisust, mis on ette valmistatud transportimiseks mahutid ja kõik muud komponendid või materjalid, taara ‘Performance Class 1’ means that, in the event of failure of the critical power unit, the helicopter is able to land within the rejected take-off distance available or safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area, depending on when the failure occurs. translation Definition (Optional) hindamiskriteeriumid lihtsad hinnangut sisaldavad väited kompetentsuse hindamise mooduli nõutava tulemuse kohta ja nõutava sooritustaseme hindamiseks kasutatud kriteeriumite kirjeldus A copilot performing, under the supervision of the pilotincommand, the duties and functions of a pilotincommand. kapternistazhöör teine piloot, kes õhusõiduki kapteni järelevalve all täidab kapteni kohustusi ja ülesandeid The transferring of a nonoperating crew member from place to place, at the behest of the operator, excluding the time from home to a designated reporting place and vice versa, or time for local transfer from a place of rest to the commencement of duty and vice versa. kohaletoimetamine Nr 192 193 194 195 196 Term (EN) Power Lever Angle Powered Sailplane Poweredlift Aircraft Predicted Data Principal Place Of Business Definition (EN) The angle of the pilot's primary engine control lever(s) on the flight deck. This may also be referred to as PLA, THROTTLE, or POWER LEVER. Translation Term (Compulsory) gaasihoova/ mootori juhthoova asend An aircraft, equipped with one or more engines having, with engine(s) inoperative, the characteristics of a sailplane. motopurilennuk Any aircraft deriving vertical lift and in flight propulsion/lift from variable geometry rotors or engines/propulsive devices attached to or contained within the fuselage or wings. vertikaalstardiga õhusõiduk The head office or registered office of a Community operator in the Member State within which the principal financial functions and operational control, including continued airworthiness management, of the Community operator are exercised. peamine äritegevuse koht 197 The dedication of an appropriate portion of the total number of ramp inspections conducted by a Member State on an annual basis, as provided under AR.GEN.415 (c)(2) of this section. 198 Private Pilot A pilot who holds a licence which prohibits the piloting of aircraft in operations for which remuneration is given. erapiloot Demonstrations of skill to revalidate or renew ratings, and including such oral examination as the examiner may require. lennuoskuse tasemekontroll Proficiency Checks 200 Proof-Of-Match (POM) 201 Protection Functions 202 Public Interest Site 203 Pulse Input ühe või mitme mootoriga õhusõiduk, millel on mittetöötava(te) mootori(te) puhul purilennuki omadused Data derived from sources other than type specific aircraft flight tests. Prioritisation Of Ramp Inspections 199 translation Definition (Optional) Seisuplatsil (läbiviidavate) õhusõiduki kontrollide prioriseerimine A document which shows agreement within defined tolerances between model responses and flight test cases at identical test and atmospheric conditions. Systems functions designed to protect an aircraft from exceeding its flight and manoeuvre limitations. A site, used exclusively for operations in the public interest. An abrupt input to a control followed by an immediate return to the initial position. avalikes huvides kasutatav käitamiskoht piloot, kellel tema loa alusel on lubatud õhusõiduki juhtimine ainult lennutegevustes, mille eest ei maksta tasu Nr 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Ramp Inspection The inspection of aircraft, of flight and cabin crew qualifications and of flight documentation in order to verify the compliance with the applicable requirements. Õhusõiduki kontroll seisuplatsil The maximum time an aircraft may be operated between the deferral of an inoperative item and its rectification as specified in the MEL. käitamisvälp The deviation from emmetropia measured in dioptres in the most ametropic meridian, measured by standard methods. refraktsioonihäire Rectification Interval Refractive Error Rejected Take-Off Distance Available (RTODAH) The length of the final approach and take-off area declared available and suitable for helicopters operated in Performance Class 1 to complete a rejected take-off. Rejected Take-Off Distance Required (RTODRH) The horizontal distance required from the start of the take-off to the point where the helicopter comes to a full stop following a power unit failure and rejection of the takeoff at the take-off decision point. Renewal Rest Period The administrative action taken after a rating or approval has lapsed that renews the privileges of the rating or approval for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements. Translation Term (Compulsory) olemasolev distants stardi katkestamiseks stardi katkestamiseks vajalik distants taastamine A continuous and defined period of time, subsequent to and/or prior to duty, during which a crew member is free of all duties. Katkestamatu ja kindlaksmääratud ajavahemik, mille jooksul meeskonnaliige puhkeaeg 211 212 Revalidation Reversible Control System The administrative action taken within the period of validity of a rating or approval that allows the holder to continue to exercise the privileges of a rating or approval for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements. A partially powered or unpowered control system in which movement of the control surface will backdrive the pilot’s control on the flight deck and/or affect its feel characteristics. translation Definition (Optional) pikendamine on tööülesannetest ja lennujaama valvest vaba Nr 213 214 215 216 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Robotic Test A basic performance check of a system’s hardware and software components. Exact test conditions are defined to allow for repeatability. The components are tested in their normal operational configuration and may be tested independently of other system components. Route Sector Runway Visual Range (RVR) Take-Off Alternate 217 Take-Off Decision Point (TDP) A flight comprising takeoff, departure, cruise of not less than 15 minutes, arrival, approach and landing phases. Tthe range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line. An alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft can land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure. The point used in determining take-off performance from which, a power unit failure having been recognised at this point, either a rejected take-off may be made or a take-off safely continued. Translation Term (Compulsory) arvestuslik marsruutlend translation Definition (Optional) Lend, mis koosneb järgmistest etappidest: start, väljumine, vähemalt 15-minutiline reisilend, saabumine, lähenemine ja maandumine nähtavus rajal stardi-varulennuväli stardi otsusepunkt 218 Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway available. olemasolev stardidistants 219 Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) The length of the final approach and take-off area plus the length of helicopter clearway (if provided) declared available and suitable for helicopters to complete the takeoff. olemasolev stardidistants varulennuväli, kus õhusõiduk võib maanduda, kui see osutub vältimatuks kohe pärast starti ja maandumine alglennuväljal ei ole võimalik Nr 220 Term (EN) Take-Off Distance Required (TODR) Definition (EN) Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) The horizontal distance required from the start of the take-off to the point at which VTOSS, a selected height, and a positive climb gradient are achieved, following failure of the critical power-unit being recognised at TDP, the remaining power-unit(s) operating within approved operating limits. The selected height is to be determined with the use of Helicopter Flight Manual data, and is to be at least 10.7 m (35 ft) above: i. the take-off surface; or ii. as an alternative, a level defined by the highest obstacle in the takeoff distance required. The original definition of TODRH was based only on the first part of this definition. stardiks vajalik distants stardiks vajalik vahemaa 221 222 223 Take-Off Distance Required Helicopters (TODRH) Take-Off Flight Path Take-Off Mass 224 Take-Off Run Available (TORA) The horizontal distance required from the start of the take-off to the point at which Take-off safety speed (VTOSS), a selected height and a positive climb gradient are achieved, following failure of the critical power unit being recognised at TDP, the remaining power units within approved operating limits. Kopteri stardiks vajalik distants Kopteri stardiks vajalik vahemaa The vertical and horizontal path, with the critical power-unit inoperative, from a specified point in the take-off to 1000 ft above the surface. starditrajektoor The mass, including everything and everyone carried at the commencement of the take-off for helicopters and take-off run for aeroplanes. stardimass The length of runway which is declared available by the competent authority and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off. olemasolev hoovõtudistants Something that can release a hazard. …………………………………………… 225 Threat Events or errors that occur beyond the influence of the flight crew, increase operational complexity and which must be managed to maintain the margin of safety. Potentsiaalne oht raja pikkus, mille on kasutamiseks kinnitanud pädev asutus ning mis sobib lennuki startimisel maapealseks hoovõtuks Nr 226 Term (EN) Definition (EN) Threat Management The process of detecting and responding to the threats with countermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences of threats, and mitigate the probability of errors or undesired aircraft states. 227 Throttle Lever Angle (TLA) 228 Time History 229 230 231 232 233 Touring Motor Glider (TMG) Traffic Load Translation Term (Compulsory) Ohtude ohjamine The angle of the pilot’s primary engine control lever(s) on the flight deck. A presentation of the change of a variable with respect to time. A specific class of powered sailplane having an integrally mounted, nonretractable engine and a nonretractable propeller. It shall be capable of taking off and climbing under its own power according to its flight manual. The total mass of passengers, persons other than crew members, baggage, cargo and carry-on specialist equipment, including any ballast. Mitte-sissetõmmatava moorotiga motopurilennuk tegelik last Twilight (Dusk/Dawn) Visual A visual system capable of meeting, as a minimum, the system brightness and contrast ratio requirements and performance criteria appropriate for the level of qualification sought. The system, when used in training, should provide, as a minimum, full colour presentations of reduced ambient intensity (as compared with a daylight visual system), sufficient to conduct a visual approach, landing and airport movement (taxi) Type Of Aircraft All aircraft of the same basic design including all modifications thereto except those which result in a change in handling or flight characteristics. õhusõiduki tüüp Any natural or legal person, whether profitmaking or not, or any official body whether having its own legal personality or not. ettevõtja The improvement or enhancement of an FSTD. (andmebaasi) värskendamine Undertaking 234 Update 235 Upgrade translation Definition (Optional) The improvement or enhancement of an FSTD for the purpose of achieving a higher qualification. (riistvara) uuendamine, täiendamine, täiustamine reisijate, pagasi ja lasti kogumass, sealhulgas kogu tasuta veetav last (omalaadung) Nr 236 237 Term (EN) Definition (EN) V1 The maximum speed in the take-off at which the pilot must take the first action (e.g. apply brakes, reduce thrust, deploy speed brakes) to stop the aeroplane within the accelerate-stop distance. V1 also means the minimum speed in the take-off, following a failure of the critical engine at VEF, at which the pilot can continue the take-off and achieve the required height above the takeoff surface within the take-off distance. Validation Data 238 Validation Flight Test Data 239 Validation Test A test by which FSTD parameters can be compared with the relevant validation data. 240 Vef 242 243 Vibration Visual Approach Visual Ground Segment Test 244 Visual System Response Time translation Definition (Optional) otsusekiirus, V1 Data used to prove that the FSTD performance corresponds to that of the aircraft. Performance, stability and control, and other necessary test parameters electrically or electronically recorded in an aircraft using a calibrated data acquisition system of sufficient resolution and verified as accurate by the organisation performing the test to establish a reference set of relevant parameters to which like FSTD parameters can be compared. 241 Translation Term (Compulsory) The speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail during takeoff. A permanent effect resulting from airframe interaction with rotor, engine or transmission, as opposed to buffet which is a transient vibration effect resulting from either pilot action or aerodynamic effect on the airframe. An approach by an IFR flight when either part or all of an instrument approach procedure is not completed and the approach is executed with visual reference to the terrain. A test designed to assess items impacting the accuracy of the visual scene presented to the pilot at a decision height (DH) on an ILS approach. The interval from an abrupt control input to the completion of the visual display scan of the first video field containing the resulting different information. kriitilise mootori riket arvestav stardikiirus vibratsioon visuaallähenemine IFR-lennul oleva õhusõiduki poolt sooritatav lähenemine, mille käigus ei järgita täie-likult või osaliselt instrumentaallähenemisprotseduuri, vaid jätkatakse lähenemist silmsides maaga Nr 245 246 247 248 Term (EN) Well-Understood Effect Wet Lease Agreement Wet Runway Window Of Circadian Low (WOCL) Definition (EN) Translation Term (Compulsory) translation Definition (Optional) An incremental change to a configuration or system which can be accurately modelled using proven predictive methods based on known characteristics of the change. An agreement between commercial operators holding a valid AOC in accordance with OR.OPS.015.AOC or an authorisation in accordance with Part TCO pursuant to which the aircraft is operated under the AOC of the lessor. märgrendi leping A runway of which the surface is covered with water, or equivalent, less than specified by the ‘contaminated runway’ definition or when there is sufficient moisture on the runway surface to cause it to appear reflective, but without significant areas of standing water. märg rada The period between 02:00 hours and 05:59 hours. Within a band of three time zones the WOCL refers to home base time. Beyond these three time zones the WOCL refers to home base time for the first 48 hours after departure from home base time zone and to local time thereafter. ööpäevase rütmi madalseisu aeg rada, mille pind on kaetud veega või sellega samaväärse moodustisega, mida on vähem, kui on sätestatud eespool toodud lõike a punktis 2, või kui raja pinnal on piisavalt niiskust peegelduse tekkeks, kuid mitte märkimisväärseid alasid seisva veega