CITY OF SHAWNEE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 8, 2002 7:30 P.M. Mayor Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Shawnee City Hall Council Chambers. He welcomed the public and all stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence. Councilmembers Present Councilmember Segale Councilmember Pflumm Councilmember Goode Councilmember Sawyer Councilmember Meyers Councilmember McGuff Councilmember Thomas Councilmember Newby Staff Present City Manager Montague City Attorney Rainey Assistant City Manager Gonzales Public Works Director Freyermuth Finance Director Meyer Planning Director Chaffee Parks & Recreation Director Holman Deputy Police Chief Morgan Fire Chief Hudson City Engineer Wesselschmidt Project Engineer Lindstrom Project Engineer Gregory Members of the public who spoke was: Item 13c - DAVID MORRIS, 6125 Melrose Lane. CONSENT AGENDA 1. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 2002. 2. REVIEW MINUTES FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 17, 2002. 3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE BUDGET MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2002. 4. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 2, 2002. 5. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE BUDGET MEETING OF JULY 2, 2002. 6. CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 FOR THE WEST SWIMMING POOL RENOVATIONS, P.N. 3276. The contract was awarded to the Vanum Construction Co., Inc., Kansas City, Kansas, on August 16, 2001, in the amount of $3,170,580. The first change order was for a decrease. PAGE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2002 Change Order No. 2 reflects a net increase of $132,841. The new contract amount for this project is $3,276,127. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Newby, moved to approve the entire consent agenda. The motion carried 8-0. MAYOR’S ITEMS Mayor Allen thanked the staff that attended the Thomas Soetaert Aquatic Center dedication on July 6, 2002. He said there have been very positive comments made about the Aquatic Center. He indicated that there were over 2,400 people that attended the Aquatic Center on July 5, 2002. He noted that the Aquatic Center has been a very successful endeavor for the City. PUBLIC ITEMS 7. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 17, 2002. a) FROM THE PLANNING Consider FP-20-02-06, the final plat for Mill Creek Meadows, 3rd Plat, for 43 lots at 53rd Terrace and Lakecrest Drive. Mayor Allen stated that the Planning Commission recommended 10-0 that Council accept the dedications on FP-20-02-06. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Newby, moved to accept the dedications on FP-20-02-06, the final plat for Mill Creek Meadows, 3rd Plat, for 43 lots at 53rd Terrace and Lakecrest Drive, subject to the Planning Commission’s recommendations listed in the July 8, 2002 staff report. The motion carried 8-0. b) Consider Z-4-02-06, a request to rezone from AG (Agricultural) to R-1 (Single Family Residential) to bring one lot (PrePlat-21-02-06) into conformance with current zoning regulations at 4830 Old K-7 Highway. Mayor Allen stated that the Planning Commission recommended 10-0 that Council approve Z-4-02-06. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Meyers, moved pass an ordinance and approve Z-4-02-06 a request to rezone from AG (Agricultural) to R-1 (Single Family Residential) to bring one lot (PrePlat-21-02-06) into conformance with current zoning regulations at 4830 Old K-7 Highway, subject to the Planning Commission’s recommendations listed in the July 8, 2002 staff report. The motion carried 8-0. Having passed, Ordinance 2616 was assigned. 8. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEM FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 1, 2002. JULY 8, 2002 a) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 3 Consider FP-24-02-07, the final plat for Town and Country Villas, 3rd Plat, for two lots at 71st Terrace and Hedge Lane Terrace. Mayor Allen stated that the Planning Commission recommended 8-0 that Council accept the dedications on FP-24-02-07. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Segale, moved to accept the dedications on FP-24-02-07, the final plat for Town and Country Villas, 3rd Plat, for two lots at 71st Terrace and Hedge Lane Terrace, subject to the Planning Commission’s recommendations listed in the July 8, 2002 staff report. The motion carried 8-0. 9. CONSIDER S-120-02-06, A SIGN VARIANCE REQUEST FOR COLOR AT TACO BELL, 5650 HEDGE LANE TERRACE. Mayor Allen stated that this request is for a wall sign at the Taco Bell/Kentucky Fried Chicken building at 5650 Hedge Lane Terrace. Councilmember Meyers, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to approve S-12002-06, a sign variance request for color at Taco Bell/Kentucky Fried Chicken, 5650 Hedge Lane Terrace, subject to the Planning Commission’s recommendations listed in the July 8, 2002 staff report. The motion carried 8-0. 10. CONSIDER SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR THE 2003 BUDGET ON JULY 22, 2002. Councilmember Segale, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to set the public hearing on the 2003 Budget for July 22, 2002 at 7:30 p.m., and authorize staff to publish the dollar levy at $10,610,748, with an estimated mill levy of 20.842, for a total budget of $50,443,515. The motion carried 8-0. 11. CONSIDER SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE 2002 BUDGET ON JULY 22, 2002. Councilmember Segale, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to set the public hearing to amend the 2002 Budget for the General Fund to an amount of $28,234,946, for July 22, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. The motion carried 8-0. 12. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION FOR A COUNTYWIDE SALES TAX. Councilmember Thomas stated that she opposes this item. She mentioned that the City hired Elaine Tatham, ETC, and spent $10,000 to do a survey of 1,000 Shawnee citizens that said specifically what are your preferences regarding recreation. One of the questions was "would you vote to raise your sales tax to pay for more pools". The PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2002 interpretation of the survey was there was not a predominance that would support that. The survey also asked "would you vote to raise your property tax to pay for additional pools", which had the same result. She said the Aquatic Center has only been open for three weeks and everybody is loving it. She indicated that the City is going to conduct another survey through ETC this fall, August 2002. She asked why even bother ask people what they think if Council is going to do what they want. She stated this may sound like found money because the School District put it on the ballot instead of Council voting to do it. Still, people are going to go to the polls on August 6, 2002 to vote on a 1/4 cents sales tax of which 1/3 of that would go to this purpose. She indicated that dedicating the City portion of revenue to construct pools might actually help the tax pass in Shawnee is the opinion of Councilmember Segale. She thinks the opposite could be true because people are feeling so crunched and they don't want to add any additional taxes except for emergency kinds of things like rescuing the schools. Councilmember Thomas stated she thinks they could be contributing to the failure of the tax in Shawnee because 1,000 citizens have told them that they don't want to raise their sales tax for this purpose. It seems like the money is burning a hole in their pockets. She would rather see the public voting on August 6th, do the survey, and then decide what to do with the funds. She said they do not have to earmark the money now. She said if the survey came out with people strongly saying yes to doing the two pools then they could earmark it if it passes. She said there is no point to earmarking the money right now. Councilmember Segale stated he disagrees with that. He said the vast majority of people that are going to go to the polls and vote hopefully for this are going to vote for it because of the schools. The schools have said they are going to spend it on operating the schools. He indicated if this passes, the City is going to get the money and it is reasonable to say that the City is going to spend it on something that he thinks there is support for, which is improving the east pool at a minimum, and that is where the vast majority of the money would probably go. Acquiring the land for the west pool is something the City shows on the Capital Improvement Plan already, along with improving the east pool. He said they have made a decision that they will go forward with a rebuild of the east pool and in the future build a new pool in western Shawnee. He said he thinks there is support for those two things and the polls will show that. He indicated that people have seen what they have done with $4 million at the Aquatic Center now and he thinks there will be support for it and it could actually help the ballot measure. He stated ultimately, he thinks people are going to go to the polls because of the school issue more than they are going to go to the polls because of the pool issue. Councilmember Thomas stated some people will be going to the polls because they do not want any more taxes. Councilmember Segale stated those people would vote no regardless of what the tax is for. Councilmember Thomas stated she thinks he is mischaracterizing the results of the survey. She said there is support by Council for remodeling the east pool, but the survey JULY 8, 2002 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 5 did not say that specifically. There were people who said just the west pool and there were people who said just the east pool, but there was not a majority who said both pools. She indicated that is the action Council is taking tonight. She said Council is overriding the survey and jumping the gun. She asked why should the City pay ETC another $10,000 to do another survey in August if Council is going to jam it on through anyway. Councilmember Segale stated he thinks the survey in August will be about parks and recreation and the quality of life programs in the City. He said it is not going to be specifically about the pools although there will be questions asked about the pools. He indicated that the survey showed there are constituencies, depending upon where people lived, who cared about one pool or the other. He noted that Ward IV did not seem to offer any opinion because there are not any pools there now. The political reality is there is strong support in Ward I and II for the reconstruction of the east pool and he thinks there is a majority of Councilmembers who supports that. He said the people in western Shawnee want a pool and that is what the survey said. Councilmember Thomas stated the survey this fall was to be very specific about the pools. The point of the survey is to find out if the citizens want the City to go deeper in debt or to raise taxes for two additional pools. Councilmember Meyers stated at this time Council does not know if they will see a penny of any of this. He said he agreed with Councilmember Segale. He said the County even asked the cities to strongly consider using these monies towards parkland acquisitions. He indicated that they are stepping forward by saying they agree that is something they can help provide for the citizens of Shawnee. He said he agrees with this action and if it happens they will benefit from it City-wide. Councilmember Newby stated he likes this idea because it is proactive. He said there was a point when there was some confusion about if this was passed, if, at a County level, it would hold up with the Kansas Constitution. He asked if that issue had been resolved. He said the way this is worded is this is what it is going to be used for. He asked would they have boxed themselves into something that they did not anticipate if there was any risk that the funding would stop. City Attorney Rainey said right now the City is relying on the legal opinion of various people. He said Attorney General Stovall some time ago ruled that it would be legal and it could be done. The County Commissions paid for an independent opinion from an attorney to research it who was a former retired Kansas Court of Appeals Judge and former Dean of Kansas University Law School. Most attorneys think that it is legal. If there were any challenge to it, he would anticipate that they would seek conjunctive relief to keep the County from collecting it in the first instance until the matter had been decided by Court. He said he does not see any risk for the City in going ahead in this manner. Councilmember Thomas stated she has spent a lot of time researching that and going out to the County. She said that the County held an illegal executive session to take PAGE 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2002 Professor Login's report. Then some of the Commissioners leaked it to the press that what Professor Login told them in secret was if it was the combo deal through the County that would have been either with parks or infrastructure. It had an 80% chance of passing legal muster. If it was where the schools put it on the ballot, that is a pass through, and is really the intent to subvert the local option budget and that it only has a 50% chance that any money would ever be collected and delivered of ever passing legal muster even if it passes at the polls on August 6, 2002. She said people are making decisions without being fully informed. She said there is a strong likelihood that everybody will get all excited about this and it will not happen anyway. Councilmember Pflumm stated he thought the idea is a good idea because when the people go to the polls on August 6th, they will know what they will be voting for (the schools and, in Shawnee's case, the pools on the east and west side). Councilmember Segale asked that staff post this at the swimming pools in the City so people will know. Councilmember Segale, seconded by Councilmember Meyers, moved to adopt a resolution declaring support for a countywide sales tax for school funding and dedicating the City portion of revenue to reconstruction of an aquatic facility in eastern Shawnee, and acquisition of parkland for the development of a future aquatic facility in western Shawnee. The motion carried 7-1, with Councilmembers Pflumm, Segale, Sawyer, Goode, Meyers, McGuff, and Newby voting aye, and Councilmember Thomas voting nay. Having passed, Resolution 1322 was assigned. COUNCIL ITEMS 13. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM THE FINANCE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 2, 2002. a) & Consider application to issue a resolution of intent for the issuance of private activity revenue bonds from Renner West, LLC, for the Renner North Office Building. Chairperson Meyers stated that the Committee recommended 4-0 that Council approve the application to issue a resolution for the Renner North Office Building. Councilmember Meyers, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to adopt a resolution of intent for the issuance of private activity revenue bonds from Renner West, LLC, for the Renner North Office Building, to be located at the northwest corner of Midland and Renner Road, including a 50% tax exemption for ten (10) years in the principal amount not to exceed $4,000,000. The motion carried 8-0. Having passed, Resolution 1323 was assigned. JULY 8, 2002 b) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 7 Consider final plans for the improvement of 55th Street between Rosehill Road and Quivira Road, P.N. 3286. Chairperson Meyers stated that the Committee recommended 4-0 that Council approve the final plans for P.N. 3286. Councilmember Meyers, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to approve final plans for the improvement of 55th Street between Rosehill Road and Quivira Road, P.N. 3286. The motion carried 8-0. c) Consider final plans for the Turkey Creek Tributary Channel improvement, Phase V, north of 60th and west of Flint, P.N. 3275. Chairperson Meyers stated that the Committee recommended 4-0 that Council approve the final plans as presented and direct staff to proceed with bidding the project as soon as possible. DAVID MORRIS, 6125 Melrose Lane, reminded Council that every time upstream is improved with concrete, downstream is affected. He said the City is adding more and more from the construction on Shawnee Mission Parkway to a number of projects that are being done. Mayor Allen stated they are aware of that. He said there is also an additional study mainly in the Merriam branch of this along Turkey Creek going to Southwest Boulevard where they are supposed to take in this other development. Councilmember Segale asked if staff had looked at using CDBG monies for the downstream areas. City Manager Montague stated that is a possibility. He said they have held back and did not have an application this year so that the downtown community would have a possibility of submitting a $200,000 CDBG grant. He indicated if the Downtown Committee determines that money should be spent that way they can make that recommendation to the Council. Councilmember Segale mentioned that area of the creek was one of the things that was specifically discussed. Councilmember Meyers, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to approve final plans for the Turkey Creek Tributary Channel improvement, Phase V, north of 60th and west of Flint, P.N. 3275, and direct staff to proceed with bidding the project as soon as possible. The motion carried 8-0. BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR There was no business from the floor. PAGE 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2002 STAFF ITEMS 14. CONSIDER BIDS FOR TANDEM DUMP BODY AND HYDRAULICS. Mayor Allen stated that bids were received on June 25, 2002. Staff recommends that Council award the bid to American Equipment, of Kansas City, Kansas, in the amount of $22,267. Councilmember Goode asked if this is a new truck body only for a truck. Public Works Director Freyermuth answered it is actually the truck and body. He said the truck was purchased through the municipal bid process. Councilmember Segale, seconded by Councilmember Meyers, moved to award the bid to American Equipment, of Kansas City, Kansas, in the amount of $22,267, for Tandem Dump Body and Hydraulics, replacement equipment for the Public Works Department. The motion carried 8-0. APPOINTMENTS 15. CONSIDER APPOINTMENTS TO THE DOWNTOWN COMMITTEE. Mayor Allen nominated the following people for the Downtown Committee: Gene Amos, Jeffrey Bahnson, Kevin Bennett, Augie Bogina III, Steve Burdolski, Ed Calkins, Paul Chaffee, Bill Daniels, Carol Gonzales, Connie Harrell, Wanda Jenkins, Alan Martin DDS, Gary Montague, David Morris, and Neal Sawyer. He said he would also be on the Downtown Committee, and that there possibly would be one or two additional appointments. Councilmember Thomas stated she has been nervous about putting $100,000 in this upcoming budget for the Downtown Committee. She commented to David Morris that she was counting on him to really watch it and not spend the money if they don't need to. She asked that they not spend all the money in the first year. She noted that generally civic organizations or committees will spend every thing in their budget. Councilmember Sawyer stated Council has to vote on how that money is spent. He said the Downtown Committee can make suggestions, but the money is spent by the full vote of this Council. Councilmember Thomas stated the Downtown Committee is going to look at it as kind of the right of entitlement, that that is their budget. She said that amount is half as much as the City spends with Shawnee Economic Development Council who promotes the whole City. JULY 8, 2002 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 9 Councilmember Segale, seconded by Councilmember Meyers, moved to appoint Jim Allen, Gene Amos, Jeffrey Bahnson, Kevin Bennett, Augie Bogina III, Steve Burdolski, Ed Calkins, Paul Chaffee, Bill Daniels, Carol Gonzales, Connie Harrell, Wanda Jenkins, Alan Martin DDS, Gary Montague, David Morris, Neal Sawyer to the Downtown Committee. The motion carried 8-0. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 16. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SEMI-MONTHLY CLAIM FOR JULY 8, 2002, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,238,576.03. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Sawyer, moved to approve the semi-monthly claim for July 8, 2002, in the amount of $1,238,576.03. The motion carried 8-0. 17. MISCELLANEOUS COUNCIL ITEMS. a) Policy to allow disabled veterans or disabled citizens for health reasons to access the pool facilities at no cost. Councilmember Pflumm stated the City does not have a policy for disabled veterans or disabled citizens using the pools for health reasons. He asked if staff could draft a policy to allow the disabled to use the pool facilities at no cost. Mayor Allen stated staff could research that and bring the policy to a Committee meeting for discussion. He said part of it would be what is defined as a disability. He indicated that Shawnee residents over the age of 62 are entitled to use the pool facilities free of charge. He indicated maybe if someone is on social security disability which is fairly difficult to receive, but would maybe qualify. He said he did not think the City needs to be in the business of determining who is disabled. He noted if Council moves forward on that policy, the word disability needs to be fairly defined such as someone would have to be on social security disability. Otherwise, there are all kinds of disabilities out there. He said he knows the intent is good, but it may be hard to interpret it and regulate. b) Newspaper Reporters. Councilmember Thomas introduced Peter Boylan, who is the new reporter for The Kansas City Star. She said that Mr. Boylan was an intern with Knight Ridder and comes to Kansas City from Washington D.C. She indicated that Mr. Boylan was born in Hawaii. Councilmember Thomas welcomed back Joyce Rabas, the reporter for the Sun Newspaper. c) I-435 and Maurer Road and Johnson Drive and 65th. PAGE 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8, 2002 Councilmember Segale stated half of the Council and the Mayor traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina to look at the traditional neighborhood project. He said the trip reaffirmed what he thought about traditional neighborhood projects, which was they are really great. He indicated the others that attended seemed to be surprised at what they saw and the quality of it. He noted that Shawnee has a site that has been identified as a location for that type of development. Councilmember Segale, seconded by Councilmember McGuff, moved to direct staff to explore the legal mechanisms to support the development of the area bounded by I-435 and Maurer Road and Johnson Drive and 65th as a mixed use traditional neighborhood development. The motion carried 7-1, with Councilmembers Pflumm, Segale, Sawyer, Goode, Meyers, McGuff, and Newby voting aye, and Councilmember Thomas voting nay. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Sawyer, seconded by Councilmember Pflumm, moved to adjourn. The motion carried 8-0, and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. _______________________________ Sonya Fendorf Recording Secretary