Notice of Bid/Request for Proposal

Notice of Bid/Request for Proposal
University of South Florida
The University of South Florida announces that Professional Consulting Services in the disciplines of civil,
transit, traffic, LEED, mechanical, electrical and telecommunications engineering for campus
infrastructure systems master planning (capacity, generation and distribution) will be required for the
project listed below:
PROJECT AND LOCATION: 2010 Tampa Campus Master Plan Update, University of South Florida,
Tampa, Florida.
This project consists of providing services to support the University’s campus planning staff in updating
the University of South Florida Tampa Campus 10 Year Master Plan. The University’s Campus Planning
Staff shall perform the overall Master Planning for the 2010 Campus Master Plan and the professional
consulting services to be provided in response to this F.A.W. Ad, shall provide services, as required, to
support the University’s planning, including confirmation of the accommodation of the projected facilities
program in terms of future campus transportation and infrastructure system capacity, generation and
distribution needs, both on-campus and off-campus. The services will include:
1. Systems included in the required services include: transit, traffic, parking, pedestrian, bikeway,
stormwater, chilled/hot water, potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, electrical, and
telecommunications. Added emphasis is on Sustainability and Transportation Demand
Management. The scope of work will include a Data Collection and Analysis document, and draft
and final revisions to the Goals, Objectives, Policies, and Graphics.
2. Development of a final comprehensive 2010 Tampa Campus Master Plan Update document
which fulfills statutory requirements, including determination of impacts to the LOS of
services/systems/roadways. The 10 Year Master Plan will be updated in accordance with Section
1013.30, Florida Statute, and Rule Chapter 6C-21, Florida Administrative Code and proposed
rewrite, Chapter 21, F.S. The required Elements include Future Land Use, Transportation,
Housing, General Infrastructure, Utilities, Conservation, Recreation and Open Space,
Intergovernmental Coordination, and Capital Improvements. Optional elements may be included.
The successful consultant team must demonstrate experience in sustainable campus planning,
including resolution of pedestrian, bike, parking, transit, and traffic issues, as well as familiarity
with statutory and administrative rule requirements.
3. The Consultant team must demonstrate the ability to assess the impacts of university facilities
development on campus and public facilities/services. The University is seeking consultants with
experience in campus master planning, sustainability, local government comprehensive planning
and concurrency management within the specified disciplines.
The selected applicant firm shall provide comprehensive consulting services for the referenced project.
Potentially, regional campuses may be added to the scope at a later time. The applicant may provide all
or part of the required services in-house or utilize Sub-Consultants, as required, which shall be identified
on the USF PQS form, to meet project scope requirements. Selection of finalists for interview will be
made on the basis of professional qualifications of the proposed professional services team members,
including experience and ability to meet the project requirements and the goals and objectives of the
University’s strategic plan, past experience; design ability; volume of work; and distance from project. The
distance factor for this project shall provide a maximum of a one point difference in scoring location
between in-state and out-of-state applicants. As part of the University of South Florida’s strategic plan,
USF made a commitment to foster a diverse community distinguished by a shared purpose, collaboration,
open and timely communication, mutual respect, trust, and inclusiveness. The University of South Florida
is an equal opportunity institution, and, as such, strongly encourages the lawful use of certified Minority
and Women-owned Business Enterprises (“MBEs”) in the provision of design and construction-related
services by providing a fair and equal opportunity to compete for, or for participation in, design and/or
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construction-related services. The selected firm will be required to provide computer-generated drawings
according to the standards of the University of South Florida. Blanket professional liability insurance will
not be required for this project. Project development, including professional services, is contingent upon
availability of funds. Additional Campus Master Plan Update services for the University of South Florida
campuses and additional Master Plan related services may be added to the contract scope for this project
subject to the availability of funds and need.
The plans and specifications for the University of South Florida projects are subject to reuse in
accordance with the provisions of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes. As required by Section 287.133,
Florida Statutes, a consultant may not submit a proposal for this project if it is on the convicted vendor list
for a public entity crime committed within the past 36 months. The selected consultant must warrant that it
will neither utilize the services of, nor contract with, any supplier, subcontractor, or consultant in excess of
$25,000 in connection with this project for a period of 36 months from the date of their being placed on
the convicted vendor list.
Firms desiring to apply to provide professional services shall submit one (1) original submittal and six (6)
bound copies consisting of the information as required in the “Submittal Requirements” of the Project Fact
Sheet including a letter of interest, a completed “USF Professional Qualifications Supplement (PQS)”
dated March 2009 for Campus Master Planning and any required or additional information within the
proposal limits. Applications on any other form will not be considered. The Submittals and process are
part of the public record. All applicants must be properly registered at the time of application to practice its
profession in the State of Florida. If the applicant is a corporation, it must be chartered by the Florida
Department of State to operate in Florida. Applications which do not comply with the above instructions
may be disqualified. Application materials will not be returned.
The “Professional Qualifications Supplement (PQS)” for Campus Master Planning, dated March 2009 and
“Project Fact Sheet”, which includes project information and selection criteria, may be obtained by
contacting: Kathy Bennett, University of South Florida, Facilities Planning and Construction, via e-mail at, by mail at 4202 East Fowler Avenue, FPC110, Tampa, Florida 33620-7550, or
by phone at (813)974-3098, (813)974-2625. Interested firms are invited and encouraged to attend a PreSubmittal Meeting at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern Time), Thursday, April 9, 2009, at the University of South Florida,
Marshall Center, Oak Room #3707 to review the scope and requirements of this project. For USF campus
maps, directions and parking information please see the website:
Requests for meetings by individual firms will not be granted. No verbal communication shall take place
between the applicants and the employees of the University of South Florida except as provided at the
Pre-Submittal Meeting, the Pre-Interview Meeting and the request for the PQS and the Fact Sheet.
Requests for any project information must be in writing to the above e-mail address. The Selection
Committee may waive any irregularities and may reject all proposals and stop the selection process at
any time. One (1) original and six (6) copies of the requested submittal data, bound in the order listed in
the “Submittal Requirements” of the Project Fact Sheet shall be addressed to:
Barbara Donerly, RA, AICP, LEED AP
Assistant Director
Facilities Planning and Construction
University of South Florida, FPC 110
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33620-7550.
Applications that do not comply with the above instructions may be disqualified. Submittals are to be
received in the University of South Florida, Facilities Planning and Construction Office, FPC110 by 2:00
p.m. (Eastern Time), Friday, April 24, 2009. Facsimile (FAX) or electronic submittals are not acceptable
and will not be considered.
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