University of Georgia College of Environment and Design Fall 2011 LAND 4050 - LANDSCAPE ARCH. DESIGN STUDIO V (Recreation) 5 CREDIT HOURS Section 36-137 Class times: M and F, 8:00-11:00 and W, 8:00-9:55 Broad Street Studio I Professor: Shelley Cannady Office: 605 Caldwell Hall, 706-542-4868 Email (preferred): Office hours: Tuesday 11:00-1:00 or by appointment PREREQUISITE LAND 3040 COURSE DESCRIPTION Projects with special emphasis on the role of ecology and the sense of the region. May include recreational facilities and regional park systems. Projects will be developed through a variety of scales to a design development level. LEARNING OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES Knowledge: Upon completion of this course, students with a passing evaluation will have demonstrated: A clear understanding of the design process and the tools most appropriate to each phase. A clear understanding of design criteria for various recreational facilities and components. A clear understanding of the significance of interrelationships between natural systems, regional site design, and cultural use. A clear understanding of relationships between space, three-dimensional form, and movement within the confines of a landscape. Skills: Upon completion of this course, students with a passing evaluation will have demonstrated: Effective use of a design process from project initiation to design development phase. Proper use of natural, cultural, regional, site, and place characteristics and systems to inform and direct design decisions. Proper synthesis of complex program needs, ecological systems, and aesthetic considerations into harmonious solutions. Values: Upon completion of this course, students with a passing evaluation will have demonstrated: the ability to articulate why regional aesthetics and ecologically sound design are compatible, realistic and necessary. professional work habits. METHODS Studio format, combined with lectures, readings, and special research assignments. To assist in understanding site elements and/or principles discussed in class, short field trips may occur. Students will have the option of writing a research paper in lieu of attending a field trip. Due dates for these research papers will always be the first class meeting following the field trip. READINGS Required Text: None Supplemental: Specific readings and other materials will be distributed in class or placed in the class folder on the Caldwell server: \\\Cald-class\Land 4050 Cannady REQUIRED MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT Standard drafting equipment, a network capable personal computer, electronic storage media, a CED lab account, and Bulldog Bucks. Minimum 24” wide roll of tracing paper Other papers and materials on a project-by-project basis GRADING SYSTEM Grading will be based on the university system, with percentages of the final course grade approximately distributed as follows: Description Grade Percentage Form & Movement exercise Pool Case Study Project 1: Resort Pool Resort Pool Sheet Set Project 2: Kentucky Horse Farm Kentucky Horse Farm Sheet Set Project 3: Grand Urban Park with non-traditional playground (case study, masterplan, detailed design, grading plan, and sheet set) 2% 3% 17% 6% 21% 6% 45% Total 100 % Note: Percent distribution will be primarily based upon project time allotment. The instructor reserves the right to alter this distribution to best represent class time spent, project priority, and out of class activities required. A (4.0) = 90-100% A- (3.7) = 87-89.9% B+ (3.3) = 84-86.9% B (3.0) = 80-83.9% B- (2.7) = 77-79.9% C+ (2.3) = 74-76.9% C (2.0) = 70-73.9% C- (1.7) = 67-69.9% D (1.0) = 60-66.9% F (0.0) = 0-59.9% A grade of incomplete will only be given in extreme, unplanned circumstances such as long-term hospitalization or military deployment. 2 CLASS STANDARDS It is expected that you participate in class activities, complete reading/research prior to class period, and come prepared so that design work can be accomplished during the class period. You will need to comply with the following minimum standards: Have a notebook and pen/pencil for notes Bring all necessary materials, equipment, and research findings In-Studio Work: To simulate the workplace environment, studio projects are typically designed to be accomplished during studio time only. Additional outside research and preparation will be required. In order for this to work, you must attend class ready to focus specifically on design work. Additional out-of-class time will not be granted to complete an assignment except for approved field trips or documented illnesses (infirmary stamped notice signed by a physician.) Attendance: professional work habits are stressed in this course. The attendance record will be kept in the class folder on the SED server, and any disagreement w/the record must be addressed within 1 week of the date in question. Consequences of poor attendance are: Poor grasp of objectives Less time for project completion Decreased instructor assistance 5 absences will result in a reduction of one letter grade (applies to final course grade). Withdrawal from the course: Upon the sixth (6th) absence, the instructor will automatically withdraw you from the course. A withdrawal after the midpoint of the semester is automatically assigned a grade of WF (as per UGA policy.) Late Arrival/ Early Departure: Three “L” marks in your attendance record will count as one absence. Arriving more than 20 minutes late will be recorded as an absence. Leaving class early without instructor permission will be recorded as an absence. Late work: Projects turned in late (but within 24 hours) will receive a one-letter-grade drop. Projects more than one day (24 hours) late will be scored as zero (0). The professor’s absence from the building does NOT mitigate the 24-hour rule. The only exception is with a documented medical excuse (signed by a physician) or a letter from the Office of Student Affairs. You must turn in excused late work no later than one week after your return to class. Studio Rules and Etiquette: Please observe common courtesy in the studio, particularly while other classes are being conducted. During class time the following will not be permitted: Use of tobacco or alcohol Cell phone use, unless related to the course. Disruptive noise or offensive language 3 CED/UGA policies: Learning Disabilities: Students who know or suspect that they have any type of learning disability must inform the instructor of such disability in writing before the third class meeting. Without such notification, no special accommodations will be considered at any later date. Students with documented learning disabilities are served by the Regents’ Center for Learning Disorders (542-4589). Academic Honesty: All academic work must meet the standards contained in “A Culture of Honesty.” Each student is responsible to inform him/herself about those standards before performing any academic work. All academic work submitted in this course must be your own unless you have received the professor’s permission to collaborate and have properly acknowledged receiving assistance. Retention of Student Work: The professor and the CED reserve the right to select and retain possession of all written and graphic student work completed for academic credit. Access to archived works will be granted to students for reproduction or short-term display. COURSE OUTLINE DATE M, Aug. 15 W, Aug 17 F, Aug 19 M, Aug. 22 W, Aug 24 F, Aug 26 M, Aug. 29 W, Aug 31 F, Sep 2 M, Sep 5 W, Sep 7 F, Sep 9 M, Sep 12 W, Sep 14 F, Sep 16 M, Sep 19 W, Sep 21 F, Sep 23 M, Sep 26 W, Sep 28 F, Sep 30 First day of class Assignment: Pool case study Assignment: FORM & MVMT study Presentations: FORM & MVMT study Lecture: pool surfaces, deck surfaces, shade, vegetation, amenities Presentations: Pool case studies Project 1: Resort Pool Assignment: written objectives (aesthetic and functional) and location research. IFD. Written objectives, research, and IFD due. Site analysis, functional diagrams Pool design development Pool design development Pool design development interim design critiques Labor Day Holiday Pool design development Pool design completion Lecture: presentation graphics Assignment: Resort Pool presentation graphics Lectures: Equestrian design issues and requirements. Septic design requirements. Project 2: KY Horse Farm Assignment: Horse Farm targeted research task list Work day –. targeted research task list FIELD TRIP to equestrian facilities Presentations: targeted research finding Assignment: plot basemap and develop objectives, IFD Objectives and IFD due. Functional diagrams Farm design development Farm design development Farm design development Resort Pool presentation graphics due Farm design development 4 M, Oct 3 W, Oct 5 F, Oct 7 M, Oct 10 W, Oct 12 F, Oct 14 M, Oct 17 W, Oct 19 Th, Oct. 20 F, Oct 21 M, Oct 24 W, Oct 26 F, Oct 28 M, Oct 31 W, Nov 2 F, Nov 4 M, Nov 7 W, Nov 9 F, Nov 11 M, Nov 14 W, Nov 16 F, Nov 18 Nov 21-25 M, Nov 28 W, Nov 30 F, Dec 2 M, Dec 5 T, Dec 6 interim design critiques Farm design development Farm design completion Assignment: grand urban park case study Assignment: Horse Farm presentation graphics Work on urban park case study Presentions: urban park case studies Project 3: Holliday Park, Indianapolis Discussion: sports field standards, grading, orientation, and reference materials Assignment: place research, written objectives, IFD Written goals/objectives/program and IFD due at BOC Lecture: non-traditional playgrounds Assignment: obtain basemaps. Site inventory and analysis (groups of 4). Assignment: produce Functional Diagram MIDPOINT WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE Park masterplan design development Assignment: written objectives (aesthetic and functional) IFD for non-traditional playground. Park masterplan design development Horse Farm presentation graphics due BOC Park masterplan design development Decide on special use areas for detailed design Fall Break Park masterplan design development Prof. Weinberg Prof. Weinberg Preliminary master Plan due at BOC Interim design critiques Park masterplan design revision Prof. Weinberg Assignment: rough grading plan Prof. Weinberg work on grading plan Prof. Weinberg completion of grading plan Prof. Weinberg Assignment: plot basemaps of enlarged areas Detailed design development of special use areas Detailed design development of special use areas Detailed design development of special use areas Thanksgiving Holiday Completed design (on trash) of special use areas due EOC Assignment: revision of master plan, sheet set work on sheet set work on sheet set work on sheet set Friday class schedule, last day of this class work on sheet set SHEET SET DUE 5:00 p.m. The course syllabus is a general plan for the course; deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary. 5