Characteristics of a Tragic Hero 1.Reversal: The character begins as person of noble Stature and good character 2. Reversal; Through actions of his own, through freedom of choice and a belief in his/her own freedom, his actions result in a downfall or reversal of fortune. 3. Reversal: Suffers for doing what he is doing, for his/her choice 4. Error or Flaw: This action may be a result of a tragic flaw – such as supreme Pride; however, in many Greek tragedies, this action is the result in an error, an error caused by faulty logic or information. 5. Error or Flaw: Once he has set the action in motion, he/she is committed to the course; his effects of the error are inevitable. 6. Recognition: Recognizing the error in judgment or the flaw in his character, the hero protests his fate, his punishment, his suffering – punishment outweighs the crime or failure or flaw 7 Recognition: The recognition leads to Transfiguration – the hero’s suffering changes him into a better person 8. Recognition has a larger impact – the hero’s suffering impacts the community – something is gained from his/her suffering Antigone Creon