1 ITEM NO. 1 (C-7) Confirmation and signing of the minutes of last Council’s Meeting No. 01/2005-06 dated 27.04.2005 at 11-30 A.M. at Committee Room, Palika Kendra, NDMC. (See pages 2 - 7 ). COUNCIL’S DECISION Confirmed. 2 NEW DELHI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL PALIKA KENDRA : NEW DELHI MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL’S MEETING NO. 01/2005-2006 HELD ON 27.04.2005. MEETING NO. : 01/2005-2006 DATED : 27.04.2005 TIME : 11-30 A.M. PLACE : PALIKA KENDRA, NEW DELHI. PRESENT : ITEM NO. 1. Smt. Sindhushree Khullar : Chairperson 2. Smt. Tajdar Babar : Vice-Chairperson 3. Sh. Ashok Ahuja : Member 4. Sh. Mohinder Pal Chawla : Member 5. Smt. Mohini Garg : Member 6. Sh. K.T. Gurumukhi : Member 7. Sh. P.K. Pradhan : Member 8. Sh. O.P. Kelkar : Member 9. Sh. U.K. Worah : Secretary, N.D.M.C. ITEM PROCEEDINGS 1 (P-1) Homage to Sh. Imtiaz Khan, Late After paying homage to Shri Imtiaz Chairperson, N.D.M.C. Khan, Late Chairperson, NDMC on his 7th Death Anniversary, the Council placed on record his contributions to the civic body, which he served with honour and distinction. 2 (C-1) Confirmation and signing of the Confirmed. minutes of last Council’s Meeting No. 12/2004-05 held on 03.03.2005 at 11-30 A.M. at Committee Room, Palika Kendra, NDMC. 3 3 (C-2) Reply to admitted questions In reply to the Question regarding Under Section 28 of the NDMC appointment of TMR worker on RMR in Act, 1994. NDMC, raised by Smt. Mohini Garg, it was resolved by the Council that the matter be reexamined in the light of the standing policy of the Council to this effect and a comprehensive report be brought before the Council. 4 (A-1) Closure of Race Course Road. Resolved by the Council that : 1. Race Course Road be closed. 2. Public Notice be issued for inviting objections / suggestions for closure of Race Course Road by giving a notice of 30 days from the date of publishing in two newspapers. 3. Chairperson is authorized to constitute a Committee for hearing objections / suggestions to be received in consequence of point no. 2. 4. Chairperson is authorized to take decision to hand over the road to CPWD. 5 (A-2) Strenghtening and Resurfacing of Roadsin NDMC area during 20042005. SH: Improvement to footpaths at Dalhousie Road (Remaining Part) Mother Teressa Crescent from 11 Murti to Teen Murti Round about and Church Road. Resolved by the Council that the action taken by the Chairperson for acceptance of the negotiated offer given by the lowest tenderer i.e. M/s Expert Engineer for the work of “Strengthening and Resurfacing of road in NDMC area during 2004-05 SH: Improvement to footpaths at Dalhousie Road (Remaining Part) Mother Teressa Crescent from 11 Murti to Teen Murti Round about and Church Road” at their negotiated amount of Rs.71,18,102/- which work out to 9.83% above the estimated cost of Rs.64,80,740/- is approved. 6 (B-1) Establishing an Electric Switching Station A.I.R. (ESD/NSD Complex) and at Cement Godown, Mahadeva Road, New Delhi. Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and expenditure sanction is accorded to the estimate amounting to Rs.66,18,500/- for “Establishing an electric switching station at A.I.R. (ESD/NSC complex) and at Cement Godown, Mahadeva Road, New Delhi” and to install the panels as proposed above. The work will be completed within six months. 4 7 (B-2) Revised estimate for running and maintenance of electric substations in South of Rajpath area during the year 2002-03. Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and expenditure sanction is accorded to the revised estimate amounting to Rs. 30.01 lacs for Running & Maintenance of electric substations South of Rajpath during the year 2002-2003. It is further resolved that Electricity Deptt. may bring proposal for consideration of the Council regarding Special Repair to the Sub-station Switchgear and transformers. 8 (Q-1) Setting up of Committee for Resolved by the Council that settlement of Disputes and Chairperson is authorized to amicably Recovery of NDMC Dues. settle all disputes of the Revenue departments, if necessary by setting up Grievances Redressal and Settlement of Disputes Committee. Resolved further that only the disputes pending upto 31.3.2005 shall be considered for settlement. 9 (S-1) Disciplinary proceedings against Resolved by the Council that the order Sh.N.L.Mathur, SO(Retd.) of the Lt. Governor, Delhi / Reviewing NDMC, New Delhi. Authority with regard to exoneration of Sh. Nand Lal Mathur, SO (Retd.) in this case is accepted. 10 (E-1) Revision of Vety. charges at Resolved by the Council that ex-post NDMC Vety. Hospital, Moti facto approval i.e. w.e.f. 01.04.05 to Bagh. revise the charges of Dog Tax token and Anti Rabies Vaccine as Rs. 30/- per token and Rs. 50/- per dose respectively and also to keep separate these two items from the items as were listed in Council Reso. No. 3 (XVI) dt. 28.09.2000 by which vety. charges are increased 25% every year in the multiple of Rs. 5/- w.e.f. 1st April of every year, is appvoed. 11 (M-1) Grant of temporary recognition to Shiv Niktan Education Society (Regd.) Sector-II, DIZ Area Kali Bari Marg New Delhi 110001. Resolved by the Council that the information to grant temporary recognition to Shiv Neketan Society (Regd.) Sector –II, DIZ area, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi –110001 on the terms and conditions as stipulated in the preamble is noted. 5 12 (M-2) Mid Day Meal Scheme. Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and estimated (Implementation plan for the year expenditure for an amount of Rs.85 lacs 2005-06). for supply of Mid Day Meal @ Rs.2/per child per day with 100g. free food grain for primary school children and Rs.2.50 per day per child without free food grain for Nursery School children of NDMC and NDMC aided schools for above 200 days during the year 2005-06 is under Mid Day Scheme is accorded. 13 (O-1) Annual Audit Report Under Information noted. Section 59 (17) of the NDMC The Council further resolved that the Act, 1994. replies to the paras of the Annual Audit Report be furnished by the Departments to the Chief Auditor within six weeks so that the Chief Auditor may place the same before the Standing Committee on Audit in NDMC along with her recommendations. 14 (N-1) Refund of Booking amount. 15 (D-1) Investment policy of NDMC : Information noted. Minutes of the meeting held under the said policy of the Council laid down by Resolution No. 6(D-17) dated 31st October, 2003 & 5(D18) dated 25th November, 2003. 16 (D-2) Investment policy of NDMC : Information Noted. Minutes of the meeting held under the said policy of the Council laid down by Resolution No. 6(D-17) dated 31st October, 2003 & 5(D18) dated 25th November, 2003. 17 (D-3) Investment policy of NDMC : Information noted. Minutes of the meeting held under the said policy of the Council laid down by Resolution No. 6(D-17) dated 31st October, 2003 & 5(D18) dated 25th November, 2003. Resolved by the Council that the case be re-examined in the light of stipulated terms and conditions in connection with Booking of Parks falls under the jurisdiction of Horticulture Deptt. Of NDMC. 6 18 (C-3) Resolution (Notice of Business) u/s 23 of NDMC Act, 1994, raised by Smt. Tajdar Babar, MLA, Vice-Chairperson, NDMC, regarding Language Teachers in NDMC schools. It was explained that the Education Deptt. of NDMC fix the number of posts of Urdu Teachers, Punjabi Teachers on the basis of enrolment and norms fixed by the Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. The vacant posts of Teachers are filled up by DSSSB. However, if required, they are temporarily filled up by appointing Contract Teachers. 19 (Q-2) Amendment in Section-65, 363 Resolved by the Council that the Govt. and 412 of NDMC Act, 1994 of NCT of Delhi may be requested for amendment in Section 65, 363 and 412 of the NDMC Act, as suggested in para 3, 4 & 5 of the preamble. 20 (A-3) Construction of 32 No. Type 1 Resolved by the Council that the lowest flats at Valmiki Sadan, Mandir tender of M/s. Naresh Kumar Gupta & Marg, New Delhi. Co. Pvt. Ltd. at their quoted amount of Rs.1,52,51,789/- which works out to be 19.59% above the estimated cost is accepted. It was explained by the Deptt., that the cost of construction per unit area was in order, keeping in view of the typical foundation because of soil conditions, use of additional steel and richer concrete mix as per revised IS Code No. 456-2000 with earth quake provisions, and increase in the market rate of steel. Out of the total cost of Rs. 10415/- per sq. mtr.,the cost of steel works out to Rs. 3225/- per sq. mtr., cost of concrete Rs. 2730/- per sq. mtr., and the cost of bricks Rs. 1700/- per sq. mtr. Thus the cost of these three items only is Rs. 7655/- per sq. mtr., and the remaining amount of Rs. 2760/- per sq. mtr. is for finishing items including flooring, plaster, door windows, toilets and development works etc. 21 (H-1) Creation of Post of Joint Director Resolved by the Council that the Accounts on Regular Basis. continuation of post of Joint Director Accounts on regular basis in the pay scale of Rs. 10,000-15200 and usual allowances (including the conveyance allowance as admissible to his counter parts ) is approved. 7 22 (D-4) Introduction of New Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (popularly known as “New Pension Scheme–2004”) replacing the existing system of Defined Benefit Pension System (popularly known as “Ad-hoc Grant Scheme-1973”). Resolved by the Council that the New Pension Scheme-2004 (Defined Contribution Pension Scheme) be implemented in NDMC applicable to only those municipal employees joining service on or after 1.1.2004. 23 (A-4) Construction of Gymnasium and Social welfare Centre at the back of the Red cross Society Quarters , Kaka Nagar. Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and expenditure sanction amounting to Rs.1,24,22,000/is accorded for the work of Construction of Gymnasium and Social Welfare Centre at the back of the Red Cross Society Quarters, Kaka Nagar. 24 (L-1) Regularization of originally permitted area of damages on the unauthorized additional area covered by the stall holders of Old Mini Market, Janpath. Resolved by the Council that the date of incidence of 2002 is accepted. It was further resolved by the Council that the Chairperson is authorized to decide the instalments of payment, if any. 25 (C-4) Contracts / Schemes involving an Information noted. expenditure of Rs. 1 Lac but not exceeding Rs. 50 Lacs. 26 (C-5) Action Taken Report on the status Information noted. of ongoing schemes/works approved by the Council. 27 (C-6) Minutes of the meeting of Health, Information noted. Sanitation & Maintenance Committee held on 24.02.2005. 28 (M-3) Status of Primary School at Resolved by the Council that the Shershah Mess. premises of NP Primary School at Shershah Mess will not be vacated unless alternative land is allotted by the L&DO in the neighbourhood area. 8 ITEM NO. 2 (C-8) REPLY TO ADMITTED QUESTIONS UNDER SECTION 28 OF THE NDMC ACT, 1994. COUNCIL’S DECISION No question was asked. 9 ITEM NO. 3 (S-2) NDMC WORKS MANUAL In 1996, Ms Madhu Mahajan, the then Chief Vigilance Officer, NDMC drafted NDMC Works Manual in consultation with the then Financial Advisor and the then Chief Engineers, Civil and Electrical. It was placed before the NDM Council for consideration and decision whether NDMC should continue with following CPWD Manual or adopt the NDMC Works Manual as presented before it. 2. Vide its resolution No. 3(ii) dated 26 Sept. 1997 the NDM Council resolved that the CPWD Manual as amended/modified/updated from time to time shall continue to be adopted in NDMC, subject to limits in administrative and financial powers as provided under NDMC Act, 1994. 3. During the deliberations on the functioning of the NDMC, the Estimates Committee of the Parliament observed it was time for the NDMC to consider framing by laws, rules and guidelines for its day to day functioning as contemplated in Section 388 of the NDMC Act 1994. Accordingly it is proposed to revise the NDMC Works Manual of 1996 to suit the present conditions and adopt it in the NDMC. 4. The Chairperson, NDMC, may please be authorized by the Council to take action as deemed most suitable by her to have the NDMC Works Manual finalized for implementation in NDMC. 5. It is also proposed that till the NDMC Works Manual is implemented ; i. a resolution may please be adopted by the NDMC formally authorizing all the departments to follow the provisions of the CPWD Manual with the latest amendments and ii. regarding those items that are not covered by the CPWD Manual, Engineer in Chief, NDMC may please be formally authorized to periodically issue instructions and guidelines. 10 6. The Chairperson, NDMC, has seen this proposal. 7. The case is accordingly placed before the Council for consideration and decision. COUNCIL’S DECISION The Council after deliberations, unanimously decided that NDMC should have a Works Manual of its own and authorized the Chairperson, NDMC, to take action as deemed appropriate by her to have the NDMC Works Manual of 1996 revised/rewritten to meet the functional requirements in the NDMC. The Council also resolved that till the new Works Manual came into operation the Engineer in Chief, NDMC, would periodically issue instructions and guidelines to ensure proper execution of works in the NDMC. The Chairperson informed the Council that she would entrust the task of revising/rewriting the NDMC Works Manual of 1996 to Shri R Sundara Raj, former Chief Vigilance Officer, NDMC, who informed that Chairperson that he would arrange to have the first draft of the Manual prepared and circulated among the members of the Council on or before 1 September, 2005. Further resolved by the Council that the NDMC Works Manual will be reviewed after every 3 years, and will be placed before the Council in its Meeting to be held in April, 2008. 11 ITEM NO. 4 (A-5) CONSTRUCTION OF 17 NOS. TYPE III FLATS AT PALIKA HOSTEL BUILDING AT R.K.ASHRAM MARG. The Building named as Palika Hostel at R.K.Ashram Marg was constructed during the year 1985 with a cost of Rs.27 lacs. This is four storeyed RCC framed structure. There are two staircases, common toilets on each floor. There is one RCC overhead filtered water tank. This building was used as Ran Basera during winter season. However, during the Punjab and Kashmir Problem, this building was given to Punjab Migrants and then Kashmir Migrants. After accommodating the migrants in some other places, this building was used as a Ran-Basera by NGO and they were not vacating the building even during summer. The Chairperson,NDMC have taken a stand and got vacated the building forcible and decided to construct the staff qrs. as there is lot of shortage. At present, for 15000 employees the satisfaction level is very low. At present, the status of staff quarters is as under:Type-I 1501 Type-II 1085 Type-III 578 Type-IV 127 Type-V 06 It was decided to convert this building into Housing. Accordingly, C.A.,NDMC prepared architectural drawings with the proposal of 17 Nos. Type-III Flats with two staircases. There are five flats on each floor. On ground floor two flats are proposed. Half portion at Ground Floor is left for Parking. Keeping in view of the existing building following specifications have been adopted.: 1. Kota stone flooring in the common area, steps of staircase. 2. Precast terrazzo flooring in rooms. 3. Existing M.S.Windows will be utilized. 4. M.S.Doorframe with factory made shutter. 5. Glazed tiles in W.C. Bath and Kitchen upto 7’0’height. 6. European type W.C. in each toilet. 7. Marble slab in kitchen shelves. 12 8. Steel sink one in each kitchen. 9. Two Nos. washbasins in each flat. 10. 25mm thick flush door shutter (factory made) in cupboard. 11. Inside rooms will be furnished with C.Plaster and dry distemper. 12. Outer surface will be finished with water proofing paint(TRUMP). 13. 2 Nos. of Filtered water tank of 500 litres capacity for each flat. 14. Water proofing treatment of Tape Crete will be done in toiler bath and kitchen. 15. Normal internal electric fitting shall be done Electric Department. Filtered water will be pumped from existing underground tank and pump house near the Building. For the last 20 years no revenue has been fetched by the Council. After completion of these flats, same will be allotted to Municipal Employees, which will be for the welfare of the Municipal Employees and revenue will be earned by the Council in shape of HRA & Licence Fee. Accordingly, estimate have been prepared amounting to Rs.57,62,000/-. There is a budger provision of Rs.60 lacs in the current financial year on page-80 Item No145. The estimate was forwarded to Finance Department duly scrutinized by the Planning and they have concurred the proposal and desired that department should ensured and certified that the existing structure will serve the laid down life after modifications. They have also desired that the title of the land in question is clear in favour of NDMC for proposed use. In this regard, it is stated that the proposed work will be execute in consultation with Design Division and the life of the building will serve as laid down in the manual. The land in question is in possession of NDMC since 1947 and same is being used for residential purpose. The tender for this work have been accepted in anticipation of approval of the preliminary estimate by Council as the same was in the competency of Chairperson, NDMC. 13 The Chairperson has seen the case. C.E.(C-II)’s Ramarks. The P.E. amounting to Rs.57,62,000/- is placed before the Council for taking administrative approval and expenditure sanction. The action taken by the Chairperson to award the work in anticipation of the approval may also be approved. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that the administrative approval and expenditure sanction is accorded to the preliminary estimate amounting Rs.57,62,000/- for the work of 17 nos. Type III flats at Palika Hostel Building, R.K. Ashram Marg. The action taken by the Chairperson to award the work in anticipation of the approval of the preliminary estimate is also approved. The number of municipal quarters category wise, as mentioned in the agendum, be now read as under : Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type VI 1505 1085 578 127 53 06 It was further decided that the construction work of these Type III flats be completed before 15th December, 2005. 14 ITEM NO. 5 (A-6) RESURFACING OF SERVICE BYLANES IN NDMC AREA. ROADS, COLONY ROADS, LANES, Council vide its Reso. No. 02 dated 12.6.2003 decided to resurface all lanes after a gap of five years. It was further decided that area would be inspected by a team of officers and separate orders were issued vide order No. F 25 (i)/CMC/00/2003/D-545 dated 02.7.2003 and subsequently vide No. F 25 (i)/CMC/00/2003/D-560 dated 18.7.2003. The condition of service roads, lanes, bylanes has deteriorated to a large extent and complaints have been received from VIPs, residents and public regarding bad condition of roads, service roads, colony roads etc. The previous resurfacing was done before the last general elections of Delhi State Govt. and some of the roads could not be done because of announcement of elections and thereafter closure of the plant of one agency by Haryana Pollution Control Board to whom seven works were awarded by NDMC. In view of the priority and urgency service roads which are due for resurfacing after a gap of five years have been inspected by the field staff and after that by SE and CE(C)-I based on which estimates have been prepared. Division wise estimates have been prepared and as such five estimates have been prepared. The details of five estimates are as under: Division List of roads EE(R-I) Annexure-A (page 16) Annexure-B (page 17) Annexure-C (page 18) Annexure-D (page 19) Annexure-E (page 20) Total = EE(R-II) EE(R-III) EE(R-IV) EE(R-V) Total area to be Single Estimated cost resurfaced equivalent Lacs. Sq. Metres lane length KMS 82,464 27.693 94.79 61,131 85.617 295.05 57,041 18.702 64.44 49,668 16.285 71.81 89,188 29.242 125.27 3,39,492 177.539 651.36 Finance has accorded its concurrence to each of the estimate. During preparation of the estimates, it was observed that some of the service roads though due for resurfacing did not find mention in the RHR. The Finance while according concurrence has suggested to have a standard format for keeping the record. 15 Under normal circumstances, any work done needs to be mentioned in the RHR. Instructions have been issued to all the field staff to ensure that entry has been made in the RHR. However, now the record is being maintained in the CE(C)’s office as any administrative approval/expenditure sanction accorded by any competent authority, is being duly indicated through a letter as per draft letter placed at Annexure – F (See page 21) Chairperson has seen and accorded administrative approval for noting the case to the Council. CE(C)’s REMARKS: The case is laid before the Council for according administrative approval and expenditure sanction for the following estimates:S. No. a) b) c) d) e) Name/Head of Estimate Amount (in lacs) Resurfacing of Colony roads, Service Roads, Lanes, Bye Lanes in R-I Division 94.79 Resurfacing of Colony Roads, Service Roads, Lanes, Bye Lanes in R-II Division 295.05 Resurfacing of Colony Roads, Service Roads, Lanes, Bye Lanes in R-II Division 64.44 Resurfacing of Colony roads, Lanes/Bye lanes in R-IV division. 71.81 Resurfacing of Colony roads, Service Roads, lanes/ Bye lanes in R-I division 125.27 Total = 651.36 COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and expenditure sanction to the estimate amounting to (a) Rs.94.79 lacs, (b) Rs.295.05 lacs (c) Rs.64.44 lacs (d) Rs.71.81 lacs and (e) Rs.125.27 lacs (Total Rs.651.36 lacs) is accorded in relaxation of earlier decision regarding inspection of service roads etc and advise the department to put in place a system of regular inspection of roads etc and proper maintenance of Road History Register. 16 ANNEXURE 17 ANNEXURE 18 ANNEXURE 19 ANNEXUIRE 20 ANNEXURE 21 ANNEXURE 22 ITEM NO. 6 (B-3) NORMS FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF VARIOUS ELECTRICAL SERVICES/WORKS IN MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS. 1. The supply of electricity in NDMC area to various categories of consumers is done by Electricity Deptt. of NDMC for which there is a distribution network consisting of transformers H.T. & L.T. panels, cables etc. The distribution network is maintained by the department. Also in the Municipal buildings of various types i.e. commercial buildings, residential complexes, schools, dispensaries and hospitals, the various electrical services are provided and maintained by the Electricity Department, NDMC. For running and maintenance of these electrical services like airconditioning, internal electrical installations, distribution network of HT & LT for supply of electricity to consumers etc., the necessary provision is kept in the Budget every year and estimates are framed accordingly. 2. The Annual Maintenance Estimates are processed for sanction by the competent authority. Sanction of the estimates takes time whereas the maintenance of the services is a continuous process. Therefore, this difficulty was pointed out during the course of a review meeting of procedural weaknesses in the Electricity Department when it was suggested that all annual maintenance estimates for various electrical services be sanctioned by Chief Engineer provided the estimates fall within the approved norms. 3. As on date there are no approved norms for the electrical maintenance services. Therefore, a committee was constituted with the approval of Chairperson, NDMC consisting of the following members to prepare the draft norms: Name Designation Shri K.J. Singh Director (E)QC&TA Shri S.B. Gupta SEE-III Shri R.K. Saini SEE-VI Shri S.C. Paliwal EE(E)-M/N Shri Sudhir Kumar EE(E)-D/N 23 4. The committee held meetings and deliberated on various issued to fix norms for various electrical maintenance works. While suggesting proposed norms, the committee took into consideration the actual expenditure incurred by the divisions on these services during previous years, the capital cost of the equipments and norms available, if any of these services in the departments like CPWD. 5. The draft norms ( Annexure- on pages 26 - 50 ) for various electrical services were accordingly prepared by the Committee and a copy was also sent to Finance Deptt. The Finance Deptt. had certain reservations with regard to norms fixed for road lighting which was further discussed in a meeting by the Committee with the officers of Finance Department on 02.05.05 (Minutes at annexure pages ) when norms for road lighting were proposed to be fixed by taking average actual expenditure incurred during last three years i.e. 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05 and were accordingly revised to be fixed as 28% of the capital cost instead of 36.40% of the capital cost. The recommendations made by the Committee for fixing of norms for various electrical services in NDMC are as under: (Annexure on Page para 5.0). 5.1 The Committee after taking into consideration the feed back received from various officers as discussed in para 4.0 & sub-paras, recommends the following norms for annual maintenance electrical works:- Table 17 S.No. 1. Name of work Annual maintenance of Central AC Plant in Commercial Complexes Office complexes Norms percentage of capital cost 10.15 9.15 2. Annual maintenance of Air-conditioners (window type and split units), water coolers. 9.90 3. Annual maintenance of Desert Coolers. 14.40 4. Annual maintenance of D.G. Sets in Commercial Complexes Office Complexes 11.30 10.30 5. Annual maintenance of 66/33/11KV incoming feeders. 1.50 6. Annual maintenance of 66/33 KV sub-stations 0.85 7. Annual maintenance of 11KV sub-stations. 1.70 24 8. Annual maintenance of 11KV distribution network 1.00 9. Annual maintenance of LT distribution network. 1.40 10. Annual maintenance of House service meters. 0.70 11. Annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area. 28% 5.2 For calculating the norms, the decrease/increase in capital cost over the preceding year shall be governed as under:- Table 18 S.No. i) Variation in capital Percentage cost over the variation preceding year Decrease No limit ii) Increase Less than 5% iii) Increase More than 5% 5.3 Value of capital cost to be taken for calculating norms. Actual decreased value of capital cost. Actual increased value of capital cost. Increased value of capital cost. The increase in capital cost over the preceding year shall be restricted to 5% In respect of works related to EI & fans, it is proposed that existing yardstick given in para 2.2.5 shall remain valid and updated every year with the applicable cost index approved by CPWD. 5.4 In respect of works related to lifts, it is proposed that the existing norms given in para 2.2.4 shall remain valid. 5.5 It is also proposed to keep the yardstick for booster pumps, pumps & fountains same as given in para 2.2.6 subject to updation every year with the applicable CPWD cost index. 5.6 The norms for annual maintenance of fridges shall be based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year plus 5% increase due to inflation. 5.7 It is proposed that these norms shall remain valid for a period of 5 years and shall be updated every year with the applicable CPWD cost Index as on 1.04.03 is 656). The norms shall be reviewed after 5 years. 5.8 All the norms proposed above do not include energy consumption charges, salary and allowances of regular staff and operation charges as was the case earlier and discussed in para 2.3 above. These shall be taken as lump sum in the estimate 25 based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year. The norms for (a) annual maintenance of LT distribution network (b) annual maintenance of 11KV distribution network (c) annual maintenance of 66KV/33KV feeder network & (d) annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area in addition to above also do not include road cutting and restoration charges (for fault repairs) which shall be included in the estimate based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year. 5.9 It is proposed that special repairs shall be applicable for all electrical works excluding lifts after completion of 5 years of installation of the equipment and shall be applicable at a uniform rate of 2.5% of capital cost every year thereafter can be accumulated for a maximum period of 5 years. The provision for special repairs for lifts has not been made since a provision increase of 7 ½ % of contract amount has been marked for departmental maintenance works every year in the norms. After the norms as aforesaid are approved by the Council, the annual maintenance estimate for electrical services shall be approved by the Chief Engineer (Elect.) provided the estimate is as per the norms fixed and Budget provision exists for the same during the said period. Chairperson has seen the case. Remarks of chief Engineer (Elect.)-I The case may be laid before the Council for consideration & approval of the norms (at annexure pages 26 - 50 ) for maintenance of electrical works as explained above. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that the proposed norms for maintenance of electrical works as explained above in table 17 and 18 are approved. It was further decided that the norms shall remain valid for 3 years. It was also resolved by the Council that the said norms for maintenance of electrical works will be reviewed after every 3 years, and will be placed before the Council in its Meeting to be held in April, 2008. Further certified copy of the assets of the Electricity Department on the basis of which capital cost has been worked out shall be attached with the norms, which shall be a part of the approved norms. Which shall also remain valid for 3 years. 26 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR (ELECTRICAL) QUALITY CONTROL & TECHNICAL AUDIT NDMC, 2ND FLOOR, PRAGATI BHAWAN JAI SINGH ROAD, NEW DELHI NO.D/DIR(E)QC&TA/05/GEN(PART-I)/NORMS/486 DATED 27.04.2005 THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF NDMC, PALIKA KENDRA, NEW DELHI. SUB: DRAFT NORMS FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL WORKS. During review meeting of “Procedural Weaknesses in Electricity Deptt.” in the Chairperson’s chamber it was suggested that CEE’s shall sanction all the annual maintenance estimates for electrical works provided the estimates fall within the approved norms. In case there is no approved norms, a committee shall be appointed to finalise the norms for various annual maintenance electrical works. Since there were no approved norms, a committee was constituted with the approval of Chairperson, NDMC which consisted of the following members to prepare the draft norms: Name Designation Shri K.J. Singh Director (E)QC&TA Shri S.B. Gupta SEE-III Shri R.K. Saini SEE-VI Shri S.C. Paliwal EE(E)-M/N Shri Sudhir Kumar EE(E)-D/N The draft norms were prepared and circulated to CEE-I, CEE-II, ACE(E)-P and Finance Deptt. for comments. The comments were received from the all officers and have been discussed in para 4.0 & sub paras of the enclosed report. The recommendations of the committee are given in para 5.0 & sub paras. A copy of the report on draft norms after incorporating the observations made by various officers is enclosed for consideration and approval. Sd/( K.J. SINGH ) DIR(E)QC&TA 27 Encl.: As stated above along with file No.D/Dir.(E)QC&TA/Gen.(P)-I/Norms/05 with pages from 1 to 98. Copy to: 1. 2. P.S. to Chairperson for kind information of Chairperson – along with copy of the draft norms. F.A. along with copy of the draft norms. The observations made by the Finance Deptt. have been discussed in para 4.7, 4.8 & sub paras. 28 SUB :- DRAFT NORMS FOR ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE WORKS. 1.0 INTRODUCTION :During the review meeting of Procedural Weaknesses in Electricity Department, it was suggested that CEEs shall sanction all the Annual Maintenance works provided the estimates fall within the approved norms. In case there are no approved norms a committee shall be appointed to finalise the norms for various Annual Maintenance Electrical works. On date there were no approved norms for Electrical Annual Maintenance works. A committee was therefore constituted with the approval of Chairperson, NDMC consisting of the following members to prepare the draft norms. Sk.K.J.Singh, Sh.S.B.Gupta, Sh.R.K.Saini, Sh.Sudhir Kumar, Sh.S.C.Paliwal, 1.2 Dir(E)QC&TA SEE-III SEE-VI EE(E)D/N EE(E)M/N The committee held meetings on 22nd Feb.2005, 2nd March,05, 9th March, 05, 11th March, 2005 & 16th March and deliberated on various issues to fix norms for various electrical maintenance works. A subsequent meeting was held on 25th April 2005 to finalise the draft norms after receiving feed back from CE(E-I), CE(E-II), ACE(E) P & Finance Department. 2.0 2.1 Background. The following annual maintenance electrical works are being done under the jurisdiction of CEE-I & II. (a) Annual maintenance of Central A/C plant. (b) Annual maintenance of Air Conditioning, refrigeration & cooling Plant ( other than Central AC Plant). (c) Annual maintenance of Fridges. (d) Annual maintenance of Desert Coolers. (e) Annual maintenance of D.G.Sets. (f) Annual maintenance of lifts. (g) Annual maintenance of 66/33/11 KV incoming feeders (h) Annual maintenance of 66/33 kv sub stations & under ground cables. 29 (i) Annual maintenance of 11 KV Sub – Station. (j) Annual maintenance of 11 KV Distribution net work. (k) Annual maintenance of LT Distribution net work. (l) Annual maintenance of House Service Meters. (m) Annual maintenance of Road lighting in NDMC Area. (n) Annual maintenance of EI & fans. (o) Annual maintenance of Booster pumps & fountains. 2.2 The norms for various electrical maintenance works were decided by the committee of officers headed by the Administrator, NDMC vide Resolution No.12 dated 27.2.1988 as per following details: 2.2.1 Central A/C Plant (Reciprocating) :4.5% and 3% of the capital cost for maintenance and special repairs respectively. 2.2.2 Air – conditioning, refrigeration and cooling plant (other than central AC plant). Name of units a) b) c) d) e) 2.2.3 Water cooler Window type AC units Fridges Room coolers Desert coolers Yardstick %age of capital cost %age of capital for maintenance cost for special repairs. 7.5 2.5 6.5 2.5 8 2.5 16 3 15 3 D.G. Sets :- 5% & 3 % of the capital cost of D.G. Sets for maintenance and special repairs respectively. The special repair against above 3 norms is applicable only after 5 years of installation of the equipment. Thereafter it is applicable every year and shall accumulate to the maximum of 5 years. 30 2.2.4 Lifts :- The existing practice of awarding contracts for comprehensive maintenance of lifts on actual basis shall continue and 7 ½ % over and above the amount of contract being earmarked for departmental maintenance Works. 2.2.5 E.I. & fans :- For the maintenance of EI and fans in different categories of municipal buildings. Following yardstick was made applicable :- a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Residential buildings type-I to IV Residential type-V and above Dispensaries Hospitals Commercial buildings Hostels Offices/non-residential shops, kiosks electrical sub-stations Palika Kendra and Palika Parking and Rs.0.98 per sq.mt. Rs.1.14 per sq.mt. Rs.1.93 per sq.mt. Rs.2.59 per sq.mt. Rs.3.24 per sq.mt. Rs.1.30 per sq.mt. Rs.1.30 per sq.mt. Rs.3.24 per sq.mt. The above rates were enhanced by 62% for cost index as provided in GOI, MWH OM No.14012/9/76-EI (Vol.IV) dated 21.09.83 over and above the proposed yardstick, an amount of Rs.3lacs for maint. of services in office area at Palika Kendra and Vidyut Bhawan etc. was also allowed. This amount earmarked for maintenance in office area was subject to review on the basis of actual expenditure incurred during 1988-89 and 1989-90. 2.2.6 Booster pumps and fountains: i) Fountains :- At the rate of Rs.135 per HP of the installed capacity as long as these were not used regularly due to shortage of water and electricity. ii) Fountains and light Rs.200/- per HP of the installed fittings when in capacity of regular operation. iii) Motor & pumps (Booster pumps): Rs.270/- per HP of the installed capacity. iv) Motors :- Rs.135 per HP of installed capacity. 31 2.3 All above norms do not include the energy consumption charges, salary and allowances of regular staff and operation charges. 2.4 Review of the norms was to be conducted in 1990-91 on the basis of actual expenditure incurred in the years 1988-89 and 89-90 However, the review was never conducted and the above norms lapsed after 1989-90. 2.5 Similarly the norms for annual maintenance of 11KV Sub – stations and annual maintenance of U.G. 11 KV were approved at 1% & 0.6% respectively of capital cost by NDMC vide resolution no.35 dated 17.8.1990. 2.6 Norm for annual maintenance of “House Service Meter” was approved vide Res. No. 51 dt. 2.8.1968 at 0.5 % of Capital cost. 3.0 FIXATION OF NORMS: With the above background, the committee discussed how the norms for various annual maintenance electrical works, which have been listed in para2.1 above, should be finalised. 3.1 It was observed that the earlier norms were fixed as the percentage of capital cost. However, the norms for E.I works were adopted based on CPWD norms which are based on plinth area rates with base year as 1979 and are updated with the latest cost index. Since in NDMC the wages of workers is debited to establishment head, a factor of 35 % was adopted to compensate the same. 3.2 Since the norms adopted in 1988 – 89, & 1989 – 90 were no longer valid due to inflation it was decided to follow the same principle of fixing norms as was done earlier i.e. based on percentage of capital cost for all annual maintenance electrical works. However the norms for EI works shall be fixed based on CPWD norms on the same principle. 3.3 It was proposed that the norms shall be based on the percentage of provision in detailed estimate during 2004 – 05 of the capital cost since it was felt that due to inflation the maintenance cost increases every year and the norm should be worked out based on the provision in the latest detailed estimate. The 32 provision in the detailed estimate and actual expenditure for the last three years (2002 – 03, 2003 – 04, 2004 – 05) have been given for relative comparison. The norms for various annual maintenance electrical works thus worked out are as under: 3.3.1 Annual maintenance of Central AC Plants Table 1 Expenditure Details in lakhs Capital Cost 2002 - 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms as on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in expenditure in expenditure in expenditure of Capital in lakhs detailed detailed detailed Cost estimate estimate estimate BM - I 72.80 14.99 14.48 18.96 11.58 17.80 15.45 C - V 70.00 15.75 12.77 9.25 8.33 9.51 9.87 19.10 Total 142.80 27.31 Average 71.40 13.65 Note :-Norm has been worked out based on percentage of average provision in the detailed estimate of average capital cost of two divisions. 3.3.2 Annual Maintenance of Air – Conditioners (window type & split units), water cooler. Table 2 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost 137.36 15.75 13.64 14.39 13.04 13.64 12.12 (Based on the details furnished by BM II Electrical Division) 9.93 say 9.90 33 3.3.3 Annual maintenance of Fridges Table 3 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 10.62 1.75 1.44 2.20 1.05 2.0 0.46 18.83 say 18.80 (Based on the details furnished by BM II Electrical Division) 3.3.4 Annual maintenance of Desert Coolers Table 4 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 27.74 3.40 4.52 4.42 3.90 3.99 4.43 14.40 (Based on the details furnished by BM II Electrical Division) 3.3.5 Annual maintenance of D.G.Sets. Table 5 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms as on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost BM I 32.31 Division BM II 24.39 Division C – V 10.37 Total 67.07 Average 22.40 3.57 2.00 4.30 1.80 4.73 3.36 1.98 1.28 1.81 1.38 2.47 1.99 0.81 0.49 0.89 0.56 1.09 0.74 6.36 3.77 7.00 3.74 8.29 6.09 2.76 12.32 say 12.30 34 Note :- Norm has been worked out based on percentage of average provision in the detailed estimate of average capital cost of two divisions. 3.3.6 Annual maintenance of 66/33/11 kv incoming feeders Table 6 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 3020.3 -------- -------- 56.70 52.25 50.00 50.00 1.66 1.65 say (Based on the details furnished by Maintenance (Feeder) Electrical Division) 3.3.7 Annual maintenance of 66/33 kv sub stations & under ground cables. Table 7 Capital Cost 2002 - 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 6161 38.91 37.78 44.62 62.27 53.36 52 0.87 say 0.85 (Based on the details furnished by Maintenance (33 kv) Electrical Division) 35 3.3.8 Annual maintenance of 11 KV sub – station. Table 8 Capital Cost 2002 - 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 4145 37.62 50.43 61.50 68.73 70 60 1.69 say 1.70 (Based on the details furnished by Maintenance (N) & Maintenance (S) Electrical Divisions) 3.3.9 Annual Maint of 11 KV Distribution Net Work. Table 9 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 3596 21.06 29.23 32.36 35.84 38.00 30 1.06 say 1.10 (Based on the details furnished by Maintenance (North) & Maintenance (South) Electrical Divisions) 3.3.10 Annual maintenance of LT distribution network Table 10 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 – 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 5962 55 56.74 75 93.03 90.99 90 1.53 say 1.50 (Based on the details furnished by Distribution(N) & Distribution(S) Electrical Divisions) 36 3.3.11 Annual Maintenance of House Service Meters Table 11 Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 – 2004 2004 – 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost. 348.19 1.33 0.997 2.06 2.06 2.48 1.00 0.71 say 0.70 (Based on details furnished by Maintenance(North) Electrical Division) 3.3.12 Annual maintenace of road lighting in NDMC Area. Table 12 Expenditure Details in lakhs Capital Cost 2002 – 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 – 2005 Norms As on Provision Actual Provision Actual Provision Actual Percentage 31.3.04 in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure in detailed expenditure of Capital in lakhs estimate estimate estimate Cost 576.02 163.55 132.9 185.32 166.63 214.72 185.59 37.2% say 37 % (Based on details furnished by R/L Electrical Division) 3.4 Wherever expenditure during 2004 – 05 is relatively less compared to the provisions in the detailed estimate, it is on account of delay in sanctioning the maintenance estimate for one reason or the other. 3.5 The table 13 gives the comparative study of the norms worked out based on the percentage of provisions in the detailed estimate during 2004 – 05 of the capital cost as on 31.03.04 with norms already approved and discussed in paras 2.2, 2.10 & 2.11 after updating these with the applicable cost index. The updation was done with the help of Cost Index approved by CPWD with Base 100 as on 1.10.1979. As Cost indices for 1988, 1989 were available with base 100 as on 1.10.76 and the cost indices for the subsequent years upto 1.10.79 were not readily available, for the sake of convenience & simplicity, cost 37 indices for 1988 & 1989 were assumed to be 291 which is the Cost Index for the year 1990. Since no Cost Index is available after 1.04.03 which is 656, the same was assumed as the latest cost Index. Thus the norms already approved were multiplied by (656/291) i.e. 2.254 to arrive at the current value. Table 13 S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Norms as the percentage of the provision in the detailed estimate of 2004 – 05 over the capital cost as on 31.03.2004 Annual maintenance of Central AC 19.10 plant. Annual maintenance of Air – 9.90 Conditioners (window type & split units), water coolers. Annual maintenance of Fridges. 18.80 Annual maintenance of Desert 14.40 coolers. Annual maintenance of DG Sets. 12.30 Annual maintenance of 66/33/11 KV 1.65 incoming feeders. Annual maintenance of 33/66 kv Sub 0.85 Stations and underground cables. Annual maintenance of 11 kv Sub – 1.70 Stations. Annual maintenance of 11 kv 1.10 distribution network. Annual maintenance of LT 1.50 distribution network. Annual maintenance of House service 0.70 meters. Annual maintenance of road lighting 37.0 in NDMC area. Name of the Work 3.6 Norms after updation the existing norms by multiplying it with 2.254. 10.15 16.65 18.00 33.80 11.30 -----------2.254 1.35 ------1.125 ------ It is proposed to adopt the lower of the two norms given above. In respect of S.No. 6, 7, 10 & 12 there were no norms earlier, the norms worked out as percentage of provision in the detailed estimate of 2004 – 05 over the capital cost as on 31.03.2004 are proposed to be implemented. 38 3.7 The committee proposed the following norms for various annual maintenance electrical works :Table 14 S.No. Name of Work 1. 2. Annual maintenance of Central AC Plant. Annual maintenance of Air – conditioners (window type & split units), water Coolers. Annual maintenance of Fridges. Annual maintenance of Desert Coolers. Annual maintenance of D G Sets. Annual maintenance of 66/33/11 kv incoming feeders. Annual maintenance of 33/66 kv sub – stations Annual maintenance of 11 kv sub – stations. Annual maintenance of 11 kv distribution network. Annual maintenance of LT distribution network. Annual maintenance of House service meters. Annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3.8 Norms Percentage of Capital Cost 10.15 9.90 18.00 14.40 11.30 1.65 0.85 1.70 1.10 1.50 0.70 37.00 In respect of works related to EI & fans, it is proposed that existing yardstick given in para 2.2.5 shall remain valid and updated every year with the applicable cost index approved by CPWD. 3.9 In respect of works related to lifts, it is proposed that the existing norm given in para 2.2.4 shall remain valid. 3.10 It is also proposed to keep the yardstick for booster pumps, pumps & fountains same as given in para 2.2.6 subject to updation every year with the applicable CPWD Cost Index. 3.11 It is proposed that these norms shall remain valid for a period of 5 years and shall be updated every year with the applicable CPWD Cost Index. The norms shall be reviewed after 5 years. 4.0 FEEDBACK CE(E-I), CE(E-II), ACE(E) P & Finance department were circulated the copy of the above draft norms finalised by the committee vide no. 39 D/Dir(E)QC&TA/Gen(P-I)/Norms/461 dated 16.03.2005 for comments & observations if any. 4.1 COMMENTS OF CE(E – I) 4.1.1 CE(E – I) vide Dy. No. 895/CE(E-I) dated 17.3.2005/18.3.2005 commented that he has gone through the draft norms and these are in order. However he requested that in para 4.6 of the report circulated the following amendment may be made :Table 15 As provided in draft norms As proposed by CE(E) I “The norms for (a) annual maintenance of “The norms for (a) annual maintenance of LT Distribution network & (b) annual LT distribution network (b) annual maintenance of 11 kv distribution maintenance of 11 kv distribution network in addition to above also do not network, (c) annual maintenance of include road cutting & restoration charges 66/33/11 kv feeder network, & (d) annual (for fault repairs) which shall be based on maintenance of road lighting in NDMC the actual expenditures in the preceding area in addition to above also do not year.” include road cutting & restoration charges (for fault repairs) which shall be based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year.” 4.2 VIEWS OF THE COMMITTEE 4.2.1 The committee considered the comments of CE(E-I) and agreed to the amendment in para 4.6. 4.2.2 During the course of discussions, it came to light that the provision of road cutting & restoration charges was included in the estimates for the year 2004 – 05 in respect of following works :(a) annual maintenance of LT distribution network. (b) annual maintenance of 11 kv distribution network. 40 4.2.3 (c) annual maintenance of 66/33/11kv feeder network. (d) annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area. The revised norms after excluding the cost of road cutting & restoration charges works out as under :Table 16 S.No. Name of Work Revised Norms Percentage of Capital Cost 1.40 (i) annual maintenance of LT Distribution network. (ii) annual maintenance of 11 kv Distribution network. 1.00 (iii) annual maintenance of 66/33/11kv feeder network. 1.50 (iv) annual maintenance of road Lighting in NDMC area. 36.40 4.2.4 The committee proposed to adopt the above revised norms. 4.3 COMMENTS OF CE(E – II) 4.3.1 CE(E – II) vide Dy. No. 383/PS/CE(E – II) dated 24.03.2005 commented that the norms proposed generally appear to be on tighter side. Since these were prepared taking into account the estimated cost during the current financial year i.e. 2004 – 05, it is proposed that the draft norms may be increased due to following reasons :(a) The estimated costs of the different maintenance estimates during 2004 – 05 were generally prepared on the basis of the actual expenditure of previous years. (b) The actual approvals of the estimates for 2004 – 05 were obtained quite late which resulted in low actual expenditures including procurement of materials etc. The norms proposed, therefore, need to be revised looking into the sensitive nature of services in a VVIP area. The norms are desired to be raised to the next higher digit as given below : 41 Table 17 Name of work Annual maintenance of 66/33/11 kv Annual maintenance of 33/66kv sub – stations Annual maintenance of 11 kv sub – stations. Annual maintenance of 11 kv distribution network. Annual maintenance of LT distribution network Annual maintenance of House service meters. Annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area. Norms 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 37.0 4.4 VIEWS OF THE COMMITTEE 4.4.1 The committee appreciated the comments of CE(E–II). However in the absence of any statistical data, it was not possible to revise the norms proposed by him. 4.5 COMMENTS OF ACE(E) P 4.5.1 ACE(E) P vide Dy. No. R-490/ACE(E) dated 21.4.2005 observed that DG sets & AC Plants are used more in commercial centres compared to office complex. Therefore the factors may be taken separately. No maintenance is required for ordinary fridges for which normal staff is also available. Similarly, it is proposed to provide electronic meters which may not require maintenance. 4.6 VIEWS OF THE COMMITTEE 4.6.1 The committee considered the comments of ACE(E) P and agreed to revise the following norms as under :- Since the commercial complexes are either open on all days during the week or have one weekly off as compared to office complexes which have 2 weekly off and the workings hours of commercial complexes are more than the 42 official complexes, the committee decided to adopt the following norms for AC Plants & DG Sets. (a) Annual maintenance of AC Plants for 10.15 Commercial complexes. (b) Annual maintenance of AC Plants for 9.15 Office complexes. (c) Annual maintenance of DG sets in 11.30 Commercial comples. (d) Annual maintenance of DG sets in 10.30 Office complexes . 4.6.2 In respect of annual maintenance of fridges, the committee was of the view that the number of fridges involved is large and since most of these are located in sensitive places such as hospitals, senior officer’s rooms, in case of compressor burnt out or any other mal-functioning, immediate repairs are required. The committee in view of the observation of the ACE(E) P decided to revise the norm for annual maintenance of fridges based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year plus 5 % increase due to inflation. 4.6.3 In respect of annual maintenance of house energy meters, the committee decided that the norms for house energy meters may be reviewed immediately after all the energy meters in NDMC area which are mostly electro magnetic type are replaced with electronic energy meters. Till then the proposed norms may be adopted. 4.7 COMMENTS OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT 4.7.1 The finance department has commented as under :- “We have gone through the draft norms & find that the norms as recommended under para 4 of the report, prima – facie, appears to be OK. Our concern, however, is that since the norms so proposed once approved will have a recurring financial implications, it needs to be ascertained that there should be no duplication in the items of work for which norms are being 43 proposed. For instance, there is an approved yardstick on the basis of plinth area rates for Electricity Engineering Maintenance under para 4.54 of CPWD Manual Volume II. But in the said report (para 2.2.5) separate norm for maintenance of fans etc. has been proposed. Does maintenance of fans etc. not covered in the norms already approved in CPWD & followed in NDMC for building maintenance in respect of electric works? Further, no norm for maintenance of lifts is being proposed. Existing practice on actual basis is being recommended. We feel that when norms on the basis of actual expenditure for the last three years vis a vis capital cost is being proposed for other 12 items, the same basis can be followed in working out the norms for lifts also. Comments in para 4.6 of the report circulated needs elaboration. There should be a provision for energy consumption in the estimate. Otherwise, where will these charges be booked. Operation still has to be as per approved yardstick. The exercise to the effect that no excess labour is deployed needs to be done at this stage itself. In the light of position stated above & to have the benefit of second check on the facts & figures, which have been made a base for recommending norms, suggestions of Planning Department of Electricity Department may be obtained and made available to us for proper appreciation of what has been recommended by the committee of officers. 4.8 VIEWS OF THE COMMITTEE 4.8.1 The committee considered the comments of the Finance department and observed as under :- There is no duplication in the items of works for which norms are being proposed. The norms for annual maintenance of electrical installations (E.I.) & fans have been derived from the plinth area rates for Electrical Engineering maintenance under para 4.54 of CPWD manual vol. II. However unlike in CPWD where wages of labour is charged to works in NDMC the expenditure of labour is charged to regular establishment and thus to compensate the same, a factor of 35 % is adopted. This has been made clear in para 3.1 above. 44 As all the lifts are maintained by the manufacturers who installed them, it is convenient to adopt the norms which were approved by NDMC vide resolution no. 12 dated 27.2.1998 and are based on the actual expenditure on comprehensive maintenance in the preceding year plus 7.5 % over and above the amount of contract being earmarked for departmental maintenance works. The energy consumption charges shall be taken as lump sum in the maintenance estimate as per the actual expenditure in the preceding year. Similarly the operation charges shall be taken as lump sum in the maintenance estimate and shall be based on the actual charges in the preceding year. This is as per the decision taken by NDMC vide resolution no. 12 dated 27.2.1988. The comments of ACE(E) P have been dealt in paras 4.5, 4.6 and sub – paras. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 The committee after taking into consideration the feed back received from various officers as discussed in para 4.0 & sub – paras, recommends the following norms for annual maintenance electrical works :Table 17 S.No. Name of Work 1. Annual maintenace of Central AC Plant in (a) Commercial Complexes. (b) Office complexes. Annual maintenance of Air – conditioners (window type & split units), water Coolers. Annual maintenance of Desert Coolers. Annual maintenance of D G Sets in (a) Commercial complexes. (b) Office complexes. Annual maintenance of 66/33/11 kv incoming feeders. Annual maintenance of 66/33 kv sub – stations Annual maintenance of 11 kv sub – stations. Annual maintenance of 11 kv distribution network. Annual maintenance of LT distribution network. Annual maintenance of House service meters. Annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Norms Percentage of Capital Cost 10.15 9.15 9.90 14.40 11.30 10.30 1.50 0.85 1.70 1.00 1.40 0.70 36.40 45 5.2 For calculating the norms, the decrease/increase in capital cost over the preceding year shall be governed as under :Table 18 S.No. (i) Variation in Capital Cost over the preceding year Decrease (ii) Increase Less than 5 % (iii) Increase More than 5 % 5.3 Percentage variation No limit Value of Capital Cost to be taken for calculating norms. Actual decreased value of Capital Cost. Actual increased value of Capital Cost Increased value of Capital Cost . The increase in capital cost over the preceding year shall be restricted to 5 % In respect of works related to EI & fans, it is proposed that existing yardstick given in para 2.2.5 shall remain valid and updated every year with the applicable cost index approved by CPWD. 5.4 In respect of works related to lifts, it is proposed that the existing norm given in para 2.2.4 shall remain valid. 5.5 It is also proposed to keep the yardstick for booster pumps, pumps & fountains same as given in para 2.2.6 subject to updation every year with the applicable CPWD Cost Index. 5.6 The norms for annual maintenance of fridges shall be based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year plus 5 % increase due to inflation. 5.7 It is proposed that these norms shall remain valid for a period of 5 years and shall be updated every year with the applicable CPWD Cost Index with the base year as 1.04.03 (latest CPWD Cost Index). The CPWD Cost Index as on 1.04.03 is 656). The norms shall be reviewed after 5 years. 5.8 All the norms proposed above do not include energy consumption charges, salary and allowances of regular staff and operation charges as was the case 46 earlier and discussed in para 2.3 above. These shall be taken as lump sum in the estimate based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year. The norms for (a) annual maintenance of LT distribution network (b) annual maintenance of 11 kv distribution network (c) annual maintenance of 66 kv/33 kv feeder network & (d) annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area in addition to above also do not include road cutting & restoration charges (for fault repairs) which shall be included in the estimate based on the actual expenditure in the preceding year. 5.9 It is proposed that special repairs shall be applicable for all electrical works excluding lifts after completion of 5 years of installation of the equipment and shall be applicable at a uniform rate of 2.5 % of capital cost every year thereafter and can be accumulated for a maximum period of 5 years. The provision for special repairs for lifts has not been made since a provision of 7 ½ % of contract amount has been ear marked for departmental maintenance works every year in the norms. Sd/(Sudhir Kumar) EE(E)D/N Sd/(S.B.Gupta) SE(E) III Sd/(S.C.Paliwal) EE(E) M/N Sd/(R.K.Saini) SE(E) VI Sd/(K.J.Singh) Dir(E)QC&TA 47 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR(ELECTRICAL) QUALITY CONTROL & TECHNICAL AUDIT, NDMC,2ND FLOOR,PRAGATI BHAWAN, JAI SINGH ROAD, NEW DELHI. NO.D/DIR(E)QC&TA/05/GEN(PART-I)/NORMS/ DATED:5.5.2005 THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF, NDMC, PALIKA KENDRA, NEW DELHI. SUB: DRAFT NORMS FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL WORKS. In continuation to this office letter No.D/Dir(E)QC&TA/05/Gen(PartI)/Norms/486 dated 27.4.2005 the draft norms for annual maintenance of Road lighting in NDMC area which figures at S.No.11 of table (17) on page-16 of the “ Report on Draft Norms” has been revised based on the observations made by the Finance Department. In this connection, copy of the minutes of the meeting held on 4.5.2005 is enclosed. The revised draft norms for annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area may be read as 28% of the capital cost instead of 36.40 % of the capital cost. There is no change in draft norms in respect of other works which have been discussed in the report submitted by this office vide No.D/Dir(E)QC&TA/05/Gen(Part-I)/Norms/486 dated 27.4.2005. Sd/(K.J.SINGH) DIR(E)QC&TA Copy along with copy of the minutes of meeting held on 4.5.2005 to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PS to Chairperson for kind information of Chairperson. F.A. SEE-III SEE-VI EE(E) M/N EE(E) D/S 48 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR(ELECTRICAL) QUALITY CONTROL & TECHNICAL AUDIT, NDMC,2ND FLOOR,PRAGATI BHAWAN, JAI SINGH ROAD, NEW DELHI. SUB: DRAFT NORMS FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL WORKS. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 4.5.2005 IN THE ROOM OF DIR(E)QC&TA. The following officers attended the meeting: Shri K.J. Singh Shri S.B. Gupta Shri R.K. Saini Shri S.C. Paliwal Shri Sudhir Kumar Director (E)QC&TA SEE-III SEE-VI EE(E)-M/N EE(E)-D/N Representative of Finance Deptt. discussed the draft norms for annual maintenance of Electrical works with Dir(E)QC&TA on 2.5.2005 (F/N). They had certain reservations about the norm fixed for Road Lighting. To facilitate proper discussions, a meeting was fixed on 2.5.2005 at 3.00 P.M. where all concerned alongwith relevant documents were requested to attend. SE(E)III, EE(E) R/L and others along with representatives of Finance Deptt. attended the meeting. Annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area, and as per details in para 3.3.12, the capital cost worked out was Rs.576.02 lakhs and for the purpose of annual maintenance for R/L, norms were proposed at 36.40% of the total capital cost. During discussions SE (E-III) & EE (R/L) pointed out that the anomaly in the norm for annual maintenance of road lighting is mainly due to the low capital cost of the installations, since the poles, cables etc. are very old. To avoid this anomaly, it was decided that the norms for annual maintenance of Road lighting may be fixed based on the percentage of average expenditure incurred during the last 3years i.e. 2002-03, 2003-04 & 2004-05 over the capital cost. It works out to be 28% of the capital cost. For calculating the norms for the subsequent years, the conditions laid in para 5.2 (table 18) shall also be followed strictly. The representatives of the Finance commented that the norms for the other works are within the limits of sanctioned amount of detailed estimates during the previous years and are acceptable. The norms committee discussed the above issues and agreed with the decisions taken in the meeting held on 2.5.2005. Sd/( K.J. SINGH ) DIR(E)QC&TA Sd/( S.C. PALIWAL ) EE(E) M/N Sd/( S.B. GUPTA ) SE(E)-III Sd/( SUDHIR KUMAR ) EE(E) D/N Sd/( R.K. SAINI ) SE(E)-VI 49 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR(ELECTRICAL) QUALITY CONTROL & TECHNICAL AUDIT, NDMC,2ND FLOOR,PRAGATI BHAWAN, JAI SINGH ROAD, NEW DELHI. SUB: DRAFT NORMS FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL WORKS. A copy of the draft norms was circulated vide letter No.D/DIR(E)QC&TA/ 05/GEN(PART-I)/NORMS/486 DATED 27.04.2005 after considering the views/opinion/clarification sought by the C.E.E.(I),II, ACE(P) and Finance Department. Clarifications sought by the Finance with regard to para 4.0 & sub paras of the report were also replied and incorporated in the said Draft Norms. Further Finance Department again sought some clarifications on para 3.3.12 regarding fixing of norms i.r. of ARMO Road Lighting in NDMC area. It was decided to call the concerned members of the TEC again for discussion in the chamber of Director (E)QC&TA on 2.5.2005 and meeting was convened at 3.00 P.M. The following members of the sub-committee and representatives of Finance Department were present: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sh. K.J. Singh Sh. S.B. Gupta Sh. A.S. Kharbanda Sh. S.C. Paliwal Sh. Lal Singh Sh. Sudhir Kumar Sh. A.K. Anand Sh. Chander Mohan Dir(E)QC&TA SEE-III EE(E)-R/L EE(E)-M.N EE(E)-M/S EE(E)-D/N A.F.O. (FIN) A.F.O. (FIN) After detailed discussions regarding annual maintenance of road lighting in NDMC area, and as per details in para 3.3.12, the capital cost so worked out was 576.02 lakh and for the purpose of annual maintenance for R/L, Department had proposed norms percentage with reference to capital cost as 37% of the total capital cost. After detailed discussion and production of the record by the EE(R/L) it has been finally decided that the norms percentage of Capital Cost in this case may be worked out on the basis of the average of actual expenditure for last three years instead of the Estimated cost of the year 2003-04, as the percentage cost appears to be higher side as compared to the other services. After due deliberations, discussions and calculating on the basis of last three years average actual expenditure, all the members agreed to reduce their norms for A/R and M/O R/L to the extent of 28% of the total capital cost. Para 5.1, item No.11 of Table 17, now, may be read as 28 instead of 36.40. For calculating the NORMS for the subsequent years, the conditions laid in para 5.2 (Table 18) shall also be followed strictly. Director (E)QC&TA and representative of Finance Department have stressed that a certified copy of the Assets of Electricity Department, on the basis of which 50 Capital Cost has been worked out for all concerned, be added with the norms which shall be a part of the approved norms. Sd/(Chander Mohan) A.F.O. Sd/(A.K. Anand) A.F.O. Sd/S.E.(E)-III 51 ITEM NO. 7 (B-4) REVISED ESTIMATE FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FOR RUNNING AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL SERVICES IN MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS (NORTH OF RAJPATH) FOR THE YEAR 2004-05. 1. The annual maintenance estimate for maintaining electrical services in NDMC buildings in North of Rajpath for the year 2004-05 with the concurrence of Finance was approved by the Council vide Resolution No. 5(B-7) dated 29.10.2004 for an amount of Rs. 1.5 crores. Finance Deptt. while concurring the estimate for 2004-05 observed that case for regularization of excess expenditure on account of energy charges during 2003-04 be also initiated. 2. The excess expenditure during 2003-04 was only on account of energy charges where as the actual expenditure incurred against labour, material and works were less than the approved estimated amount as detailed below. Labour Material and works Energy Total Amount as Actual expenditure Deviation provided in the 2003-04 approved estimate for year 2003-04 Rs.14, 21,709/Rs. 9,20,045/Rs.5, 01,664/(Less) Rs. 55,10,291/Rs. 35,20,391/Rs.19, 89,900/(Less) Rs 93,60,000/Rs.1,64,76,211/Rs 71,16,211/Excess Rs. 1,62,92,000/Rs. 2,0916,647/Rs. 46,24,647/- The expenditure on energy charges during 2003-04, were Rs. 1,64,76,211/against the provision of Rs. 93,60,000/-. During 2002-03 bills from Commercial Deptt. were received only for an amount of Rs. 59,84,,477/against the Budget provision of Rs. 1,08,72,000/- and thus, the bills for the balance energy charges for the year 2002-03 were included by the Commercial Deptt. in the electricity bills for 2003-04 by way of transfer entry whereby the amount increase from the normal energy charges as per the provisions in the estimate. The actual expenditure during 2003-04 on maintenance of electrical services in various municipal buildings in North of Rajpath against labour, material and works was Rs. 44,40,436/- as against the provision of Rs. 69,32,000 in the estimate approved by the council vided resolution no. 3(iii) dated 27.6.03. 3 The case was sent to Finance for their concurrence for the revised estimate of Rs. 2,09,16,647/- for 2003-04 before the same is submitted to the competent authority for sanction of revised estimate for regularization of the excess expenditure on account of energy charges. 52 4 Finance have concurred the revised estimate amounting to Rs 2,09,,16,647/for the year 2003-04 vide their diary No. 854 dated 10.05.05 for regularization of excess expenditure amounting to Rs. 46,24,247/- on account of energy charges in various Municipal buildings in North of Rajpath with the following observations. “Keeping view the replies now afforded by the Department at page 25/N and as checked by the Planning Division, we have no objection for seeking ex-post facto approval to revised estimate amounting to Rs. 2,09,16,647/-(Rs. Two crore nine lakh sixteen thousand six hundred forty seven only) thereby an excess expenditure amounting to Rs. 46,24,,247/- (Rs. Forty six lakh twenty four thousand two hundred forty seven only ) for the year 2003-04, which was due to energy charges of the previous year 2002-03, and beyond the control of the Department. The revised approval of the competent authority may also be obtained for regularization of the expenditure.” Chairperson has seen the case. The revised estimate amounting to Rs. 2,09,16,647/- for the year 2003-04 for annual running and maintenance of electrical services in various NDMC buildings in North of Rajpath is accordingly placed before the Council for consideration and approval of the revised estimate to regularize the excess expenditure of Rs. 46,24,647/- for the year 2003-04 on account of energy charges in respect of electrical services in various NDMC buildings in North of Rajpath. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that revised estimate amounting to Rs.2,09,16,647/with an excess expenditure of Rs.46,24,627/- over previous sanctioned estimate for the year 2003-2004 for annual running and maintenance of electrical services in municipal buildings (North of Rajpath), is approved. 53 ITEM NO. 8 (L-2) IMPROVEMENT OF NEW DELHI AREA – PROPOSAL FOR UNIFORMITY IN PAINTING, SIGNAGES OF KIOSKS. A. There are 211 kiosks, which have been recently transferred from the Enforcement Department. The kiosks have become ugly eyesores because they lack uniformity in design and colour schemes. It seems that the kiosks are normally being painted by the allottees themselves. In order to bring uniformity in colour scheme and make them look more pleasant, the NDMC could undertake painting, signage etc. based on a uniform colour scheme. This would be one time investment and the allottee will have to ensure its maintenance further. B. The estimates as prepared by the Civil Engg. Department for bringing about uniformity in painting and signages is as follows:- i. Painting both internal and external would cost about Rs. 6000/- per kiosks. Thus the total cost on account of this would be approximately Rs. 12,66,000/-. ii. Signages: Plastic signages of 1’x6” @ Rs. 3 per sq. inch i.e. Rs. 675/- each. The total cost on account of this would be Rs. 1,50,000/-. Thus the total cost for painting and signages would be Rs. 14,16,000/(Fourteen lacs only) approximately. Apart from this, litterbins for biodegradable and non-biodegradable at each of the kiosk would cost about Rs. 6000/-. Thus the total cost on this account would be Rs. 12,66,000. The total improvement cost would be Rs. 26,82,000/-. The logo of NDMC will invariably be displayed on all the kiosks. The colour schemes for painting could be brick white for the walls, green for the shutters and top or any other colour scheme as decided by the Council. The signages will be standardized reflecting the kiosk number and logo of the NDMC. No other advertisements shall be permitted apart from those specifically decided by the Chairperson. The expenditure would be incurred from the budget head of the Civil Engg department. 54 The Chairperson has seen the case. Upgradation and improvement of street furniture is to be vigorously implemented in 2005-06 and in order to give a face lift to the kiosks, the above proposal is placed before the Council for approval. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that the proposal for uniformity in painting, signages of kiosks is approved in principle with following modifications : 1. Chairperson is authorized to finalise the colour scheme. However, white colour is not recommended as it gets dirty fast. 2. Advertisements that are not permissible under law are not to be allowed. 3. Kiosks near schools should be relocated. 4. Further the word ‘signages’ may be read as ‘billboards’. Detailed estimates may be prepared for the said works and works should begin only after the same are approved by competent authority. 55 ITEM NO. 9 (O-2) CONSTITUTION OF STANDING COMMITTEE ON AUDIT IN NDMC FOR CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS OF THE CHIEF AUDITOR, NDMC The Council vide item 11(0-8) of its meeting No.12/2004-2005 held on 3.3.2005 had approved setting up of a Special Committee under Section 9 of the NDMC Act for consideration of the Annual Audit Reports of the Chief Auditor on a continuous basis. In pursuance of above decision, the following proposal for the composition, terms of reference and functioning of the Special Committee is submitted for kind consideration and approval of the Council: A. The Committee i) B. The Special Committee shall be termed as the Standing Committee on Audit in NDMC. Composition i) The Committee shall consist of five members including the Chairperson. In accordance with Section 9(3) of the NDMC Act, the Chairperson of the Council shall preside over the Committee’s meeting. ii) Shri P.K. Pradhan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development and Shri O.P. Kelkar, Principal Secretary (UD), GNCTD, the present members of the Council, shall be the members of the Committee till further orders. iii) Chief Auditor, NDMC and Financial Advisor, NDMC, who are not members of the Council but possess special qualifications for serving on such Committee, shall be the other two members of the Committee. Chief Auditor, NDMC shall be the Member Convener of the Committee. C. Terms of Reference i) The Committee shall consider the Annual Audit Report of the Chief Auditor and submit its report thereon to the Council. ii) The Committee may also discharge such other functions as may be prescribed by the Council. iii) The Committee shall meet at least once in every quarter. 56 The Committee shall decide in its first meeting the detailed procedure for its functioning and modalities of reporting its recommendations to the Council. Chairperson has seen and approved the proposal. The case is now placed before the Council for consideration. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council as under: A. A Standing Committee on Audit in NDMC be constituted under section 9 of the NDMC Act. B. In accordance with section 9(3) of the Act, the Chairperson of the Council shall preside over the Committee’s meeting. The following members of the Council shall be the members of the Committee till further orders: i) Shri P.K. Pradhan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development. ii) Shri O.P. Kelkar, Principal Secretary (UD), GNCTD. iii) Shri Mahinder Pal Chawla. C. Chief Auditor, NDMC and Financial Advisor, NDMC, who are not members of the Council but possess special qualifications for serving on such Committee, shall be the other two members of the Committee. Chief Auditor, NDMC shall be the Member Convener of the Committee. D. The Committee shall consider the Annual Audit Report of the Chief Auditor and submit its report thereon to the Council. The Committee may also discharge such other functions as may be prescribed by the Council. The Committee shall meet at least once in every quarter. E. The Committee shall decide in its first meeting the detailed procedure for its functioning and modalities of reporting its recommendations to the Council. 57 ITEM NO. 10 (D-5) INVESTMENT POLICY OF NDMC : MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD UNDER THE SAID POLICY OF THE COUNCIL LAID DOWN BY RESOLUTION NO. 6(D-17) DATED 31ST OCTOBER, 2003 & 5(D-18) DATED 25TH NOVEMBER, 2003. In accordance with the decision of the Council as per the above mentioned resolutions, the minutes of the meeting of Investment Sub-committee held on 20th April, 2005 are placed below for noting the same to the Council. (See pages 58 - 59). COUNCIL’S DECISION Information noted. 58 Proceedings of Investment Sub Committee meeting held on 20th April, 2005 The following were present:1. 2. 3. 4. Sh. B.B. Pandit Sh. Hira Ballabh Sh. D. Verma Sh. Anurag Goel Financial Advisor (In Chair) Director (Accounts) Director (Estate) Director (Recovery) Investment Sub-Committee was informed by Director(Accounts) that an amount of Rs110crores (Rupees one hundred ten Crores only) from General Fund Account is estimated to be available as surplus for investment at present. Quotations were accordingly invited on 19-04-2005 through fax for parking of surplus funds for a period of three years and above from 12 out of 16 empanelled banks except Syndicate Bank, Canara Bank, UTI Bank and Union Bank of India for quoting rates on 20.04-2005 by 2.00 P.M in sealed cover to remain valid for three days against various instruments. Quotations were not invited from Syndicate Bank, Canara Bank, UTI Bank and Union Bank of India because as per policy of the Council vide its Resolution No. 6 (D-17) dated 31.10.03 they already have deposits of Rs. 200 Crores. Ten out of twelve bank to whom the quotations were sent, have responded. The rates quoted by all these banks are given below. Quotations received on 20-04-2005 for Fixed Deposit. S.No. Name of Banks Period 3 Years & above 1. Allahabad Bank 6.00% 2. Andhra Bank 5.75% 3. Bank of India 6.50% 4. Bank of Maharastra Not quoted 5. Corporation Bank 6.50% 6. HDFC Bank Not quoted 7. Indian Overseas Bank 6.00% 8. ICICI Bank 6.70% 9. Oriental Bank of Com. 6.51% 59 10. Punjab National Bank 6.25% 11. State Bank of India 5.75% 12. United Bank of India 6.00% From the above, it is seen that ICICI Bank has quoted the highest rate at 6.70% for a period of 3 years and above to be compounded quarterly. Since ICICI Bank has quoted the highest rate of interest, the Investment Sub- committee decided to invest Rs.44Crores (Rupees Forty Four Crores only) with ICICI Bank at their quoted rate of 6.70% per annum and Rs36.50crores with State Bank of India at their quoted rate of 5.75% to raise the pension corpus funds from existing Rs363.50Crores to Rs. 400crores as per policy of the Council for a period of 3 years and above to be compounded quarterly. As per policy of NDMC approved vide resolution No. 6(D17) dated 31.10.2003, 50%of the invest-able funds subject to a ceiling of Rs.400crores are to be parked in SBI and the capping limit of other banks is Rs.200crores. After parking of Rs.44Crores with ICICI Bank, and Rs.36.50crores with SBI total deposit with these bank shall be Rs200 Crores and Rs.400crores respectively. It was further decided to park the balance amount Rs.29.50crores (Rupees Twenty nine Crores fifty lakhs only) with Oriental Bank of Commerce at 6.51% per annum who have quoted the second highest rate. The Investment sub-committee decided to make investment of funds as under:S. No 1 Name of Bank Rate of Interest 2 State Bank of India Parliament Street, New Delhi 5.75% (five point Rs.36.50crores 3years seven five percent) (Rupees thirty six 2days cores fifty lakhs only) 3. Oriental Bank of Commerce, E-Block C.Cir. New Delhi 6.51% (Six point Rs.29.50crores 3years five one percent) (Rupeestwenty nine 2days crores fifty lakhs only) ICICI Bank 9A Pheleps Building C. C. New Delhi Director (Recovery) Amount Period (Rs.) 6.70% (Six Point Rs.44crores (Rupees 3years seven percent) forty four Crores 2days only) Director (Estate) Financial Advisor Director (Accounts) 60 ITEM NO. 11 (C-9) MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL’S MEETING NO. 01/2005-06 HELD ON 24.05.2005. Minutes of the Council’s Special Meeting No. 1/2005-06 held on 24th May, 2005, at 3rd Floor, Committee Room, Palika Kendra, NDMC, duly approved by the Chairperson, NDMC, are placed before the Council for information (See pages 61 - 64). COUNCIL’S DECISION Confirmed. 61 ANNEXURE NEW DELHI MUNICIPAL COUNIL PALIKA KENDRA : NEW DELHI MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL’S SPECIAL MEETING NO. 01/2005-06 HELD ON 24TH MAY, 2005. SPECIAL MEETING NO. : 01/2005-06 DATED : 24.05.2005 TIME : 11-00 A.M. PLACE : PALIKA KENDRA, NEW DELHI. PRESENT : 1. Smt. Sindhushree Khullar : Chairperson 2. Smt. Tajdar Babar : Vice-Chairperson 3. Sh. Ashok Ahuja : Member 4. Sh. Mohinder Pal Chawla : Member 5. Smt. Mohini Garg : Member 6. Sh. K.T. Gurumukhi : Member 7. Sh. K. S. Sugathan : Member 8. Sh. P.K. Pradhan : Member 9. Sh. O.P. Kelkar : Member 8. Sh. U.K. Worah : Secretary, N.D.M.C. Sub:- Transfer of Markets under the Ministry of Urban Development to the Local Bodies. The Council, in its Special Meeting held on 24.05.2005 at 11.00 AM, considered the above proposal. At the outset, the Council was informed of the views, received in writing, of the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, on the matter, which are reproduced as under: 62 "I agree with the observations forwarded by the Advisor (Revenue) and the Legal Advisor NDMC. Our endeavour should be to make NDMC a financially viable body and avoid the debt trap which other civic bodies progressively fall into. Further, I believe that instead of taking a decision for transfer of properties/markets, the issue of maintenance should be kept formost in our minds. Multiplicity of authorities leads to dilution of responsibility and accountability. This also causes confusion in the citizens perceptions as to who maintains the properties/markets as a result of which both the user and the upkeep of the asset suffers. Sd/(Sheila Dikshit) Chief Minister 23.5.2005." Similarly, of other Members present, Shri O.P. Kelkar, Pr. Secretary (UD), Govt. of NCT of Delhi also placed on record his comments which are as under: "1. As per Section 144 of the NDMC Act, 94, it is not appropriate to transfer any properties of NDMC to any agency/organization unless "a fair and normal competitive price is paid" and without the sanction of the Council. Therefore, this proposal is not according to the legal provisions governing the transfer of properties of the Council. 2. As per the items circulated by Secy, NDMC, there is going to be huge revenue loss to the NDMC and there is no mention about any compensation resultantly this is going to be weaken the financial position of the Council, which is not desirable. The Council has been doing a good job and has built up its financial position and no efforts should be made to weaken it under any pretext. 3. It is not clear from the proposal as to how would NDMC will gain from this proposal ? Chairperson NDMC may like to clarify during the meeting on this point. 4. On transfer of the L&DO markets and Director of Estate Markets to NDMC, the Govt. of India should pay to NDMC for maintenance of these markets if there is any short fall on account of realization of license fee from these markets. In conclusion, the UD Deptt., GNCTD does not feel inclined to agree with the proposal of transfer of the NDMC commercial complexes to the Director of Estates, Ministry of UD, Govt. of India. 63 5. It has been noted that NDMC is already performing its obligation towards maintaining these markets as a part of its normal obligatory functions. Sd/(O.P. KELKAR) Pr. Secretary (UD) 24.05.2005" Smt. Tajdar Babar, Vice-Chairperson, NDMC had following comments: "a) As regards transfer of all the markets under L&D.O and Dte. Of Estates in NDMC area to NDMC, it is a good proposal being considered by the Government since all the Civic responsibilities are being borne by NDMC with utmost care without any profit from these markets since long and Govt. is just holding its title. In case, these markets are transferred to NDMC, the revenue generated from these markets will compensate the responsibilities being borne by NDMC without any profit since long. b) So far as the creation of a “Corpus of Fund” by the NDMC is concerned, it is not clear how much revenue will be generated from these markets and what proportion of amount will have to be invested by NDMC for creation of such Fund towards its renovation/development. Although, NDMC has already such a provision of funds for development of such markets in its budgetary allocation, it would be appropriate to bring out the facts on record about generation of estimated revenue from these markets. c) As regard transfer of the buildings/properties with NDMC to the Dte. Of Estate, Ministry of U.D., Govt. of India is concerned, the undersigned will not assent to this proposal, as the same will land NDMC in financial debt trouble like other Corporations and its decades old cherished dream for financial independence to finance its obligatory functions through remunerative projects will never be fulfilled. Sd/(TAJDAR BABAR) VICE CHAIRPERSON" After detailed deliberations, the Council resolved as under: (1) The proposal as contained at paras (A) & (B) regarding transfer of markets on "as is where is" basis and creation of special Corpus Fund is approved. 64 (2) The proposal as contained at para (C) regarding transfer of buildings/properties namely Akbar Bhawan, Lok Nayak Bhawan and Mayur Bhawan was considered and after detailed discussion the Council resolved that the proposal may be approved subject to: a. The proposal regarding transfer of markets on "as is where is" basis and creation of special Corpus Fund is delinked from the proposal regarding transfer of buildings/properties. b. NDMC be given due & fair compensation in order to ensure that the present stream of revenues from these properties to NDMC is safeguarded. c. A Committee be set up to recommend the principles and quantum of fair compensation payable to NDMC for transfer of such properties to Directorate of Estate. ********* The above minutes were confirmed in the next Council’s Meeting No. 02/2005-2006 held on 27.05.2005. ( U.K. WORAH ) SECRETARY ( SINDHUSHREE KHULLAR ) CHAIRPERSON 65 ITEM NO. 12 (E-2) ESTIMATE FOR ESTABLISHING 33KV S/S AT TRAUMA CENTRE, BEHIND SAFDARJUNG HOSPITAL, NEW DELHI. AIIMS is constructing a Trauma Centre at Raj Nagar, behind Safdarjung Hospital. The full load demand of the complex is about 5 MVA at present which may further increase. This much load can not be met from the existing 11KV NDMC system and therefore a 33KV S/S has been proposed in this complex for which the building will be constructed and provided by AIIMS Authority free of cost and rent to NDMC. As per Council’s Reso. No. 3(iv) dtd. 20.4.01 (placed at pages 22-28/C) for “Providing Electric connection to different bulk consumers of 33/66KV in NDMC area” in cases where NDMC 11KV mains are not able to meet the load demand of consumer and where outgoing HT feeders will be taken out for other consumers land and building shall be provided and maintained by the consumer free of cost and rent for 33KV OR 66KV S/S as per the requirement of NDMC. The entire cost of establishing 66/33KV S/S shall be borne by NDMC. However, cost of 11KV outgoing feeders shall be borne by the consumer as per policy of Council for 11KV supply. The consumers having load demand of more than 4 MVA and not required to establish a 33KV S/S shall be charged Rs. 10.00 Lacs per MVA OR part thereof all loads above 4 MVA towards the cost of 33KV substation. In case where 33KV substation is dedicated exclusively for the building, the entire cost is borne by the party. The built up space for the proposed 33KV S/S is being provided by AIIMS free of cost and rent to NDMC and the same is being constructed by them. Accordingly as per policy of the Council the 33KV S/S shall be installed at NDMC’s cost and NDMC shall also meet the outside load from this substation. AIIMS will however, be required to deposit the estimate for 11KV outgoing service feeders to supply power to their building. Accordingly a 33KV S/S has been proposed to be constructed at Trauma Centre, Raj Nagar behind Safdarjung Hospital at an estimated cost of Rs. 8,93,05,000/- to meet the present and future load of Trauma Centre and for the upcoming substation in the area like Jor Bagh and Arjun Dass camp. The estimate includes the following major material :a. b. c. i. ii. iii. iv. Cost of 2 nos. main incoming feeders 3 x 400 SQ.MM from 66KV S/S at State Guest House and Chankya Puri 33KV S/S at Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport. 2 No. 16/20 MVA 33/11KV Power Transformer 33KV, 1500 MVA, 1250 Amp./800 Amps. GIS Board. comprising of 7 panel as under :- Incoming feeder panel Transformer Panel Outgoing Feeder Panel Bus Coupler Panel 1250Amp. 800 Amp. 800 Amp. 1250Amp. 2 No. 2 No. 2 No. 1 No. 66 d. 2 No. 11KV 350 MVA SBB SF-6 Indoor type switch gear panel board comprising of 13 panels each including C&R panels and other allied equipments. The scheme for establishing 33KV S/S at Trauma Centre has been approved by Central Electricity Authority as part of our Xth Five Year Plan Scheme vide their letter no.DPD/UT/312(DEL)2003/419 dtd. 15.12.03. Finance have concurred in the above estimate amounting to Rs.8.93.05,000/vide their diary no. FA 649/R(Elect.) dtd. 19.4.05 subject to certain observations which are replied as under : S.No. 1. Observation of Finance Reply of the Department Re-working of the cost Proposed 33KV & 220KV S/S are two benefit analysis in the light distinct S/S and the cost benefit analysis of position stated in para 3 of the S/S in question will not change of the note of 4.4.05 of whether 220KV S/S is set up by DTL CE(E-I) as referred to & or NDMC. apprising the change, if any to the Council. 2. Ensuring that equipment /material is procured only after ascertaining its actual use at site so as to see that warranty of the equipment does not lapse or becomes in fructuous & It will be ensured that the equipment /material is procured only after ascertaining its actual use a site so that warranty of the equipments does not lapse or same become in fructuous. 3. Availability of funds Necessary provision will be made in the RE 2005-06 which will be suitably revised in BE 2006-07 depending upon the progress of construction of substation building. The expenditure will be charged to E-4-1 “Original Works” establishing of 33KV S/S at Trauma Centre AIIMS after making suitable provision in R.E 2005-06 and B.E 2006-07 depending upon the progress of construction of the substation building in question. The Chairperson has seen the case. 67 REMARKS OF CHIEF ENGINEER(E-I) :- The estimate for establishing 33KV S/S at Trauma Centre behind Safdarjung Hospital may be noted to the Council for according administrative approval and expenditure sanction to the estimate amounting to Rs. 8,93,05,000/- as concurred in by the finance. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that the administrative approval and expenditure sanction is accorded to the estimate amounting to Rs.8,93,05,000/- as explained above. 68 ITEM NO. 13 (E-3) PURCHASE OF ALLOPATHIC MEDICINES FOR THE YEAR 2005-2006. Sealed tenders for entry into the rate contract for the purchase of Allopathic medicines during the year 2005-2006 were invited from all the 56 pharmaceutical firms registered with NDMC. Only 44 of the 56 firms purchased the tender documents and 41 of them submitted their offers. The tenders were opened in the presence of the representative of the participating firms on 31.1.05. The duly constituted Purchase-cum-approval sub-committee comprising of MS (PMH), CMO(Medical),CMO (CMS)and representative of the Finance Department under the chairmanship of Director (Medical Services)scrutinized the comparative statement and recommended the purchase of various drugs and drug combination from the firms those quoted the lowest rates. The list approved by the Chairperson as concurred by the Finance on the recommendation of the Departments is placed at Annexure’1’ (See pages 71 – 82). The Department had proposed an expenditure sanction of Rs.1,90,65,800/plus taxes extra for the purchase of Allopathic medicines during the period 2005-06 based on an average consumption of medicines during the last three years but the Finance has concurred an expenditure of Rs.177 lakhs inclusive of taxes for the purchase of medicines during the year 2005-06 in consideration of funds available in the budgetary proposals for the year 2005-06. This concurrence of the Finance is subject to the following conditions: 1. Availability of funds and approval of the competent authority. 2. The department shall enter into annual rate contract with the selected 40 firms for a period of 12 months from the date of signing of the rate contract. 3. Certification by the department that the quantities of medicines proposed to be purchased are based on bare minimum essential requirement for a period of one year strictly as per policy approved by the Council. 4. Correctness of information, data and computation. 5. The department may ensure that the test reports as per the drug policy approved by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi are provided along with supply of medicines. 6. The medicines selected at random from actual supplies received should be got tested from the authorized Laboratories. 69 7. CMO(Medical) must ensure that the medicines supplied are currently manufactured and their expiry date is not within two-three years, unless they are best for use within lesser period(s). 8. The department may also obtain a certificate from the firms to the effect that no batch sold by them has been found discrepant as regards active Pharmaceuticals ingredients are concerned during the last three years. Accordingly, it is certified that : 1. Rs.206 lakhs have been allocated under the Head of Account D-2-2-4 for the purchase of medicines during the year 2005-06. Accordingly, sufficient funds are available. 2. The Department will enter into an annual rate contract with the approved firms for a period of 12 months from the date of signing of the rate contract. 3. The quantities of medicines proposed to be purchased are based on the minimum essential requirement of the department for one year. The Supply Orders will be placed quarterly based on actual consumption during the preceding quarter. However the department would consider placing of a supplementary Supply Order in between two quarters if need so arises with the prior approval of the competent authority. 4. The information, data and computations are correct. 5. The test report as per the instructions of the Government of NCT of Delhi will be obtained from the firms at the time of receipt of the supplies. 6. The supplies received by the Department will also be got tested by the department at the authorized laboratories as per the directions of the Drug Controller by following the principles of random sampling. 7. The medicines with a current date of manufacture having a good enough / sufficient shelf life left in them as per the NIT Clause No.7 shall only be received at CMS 8. The department will obtain a certificate from the firms to the effect that no batch sold by them has been found discrepant as regards their active pharmaceutical ingredients during the last three years. The Chairperson has also approved immediate placement of first batch of Supply Orders with the approved firms for the procurement of Allopathic medicines at an approximate cost of Rs.50 lakhs inclusive of taxes in anticipation of the Councils’ approval. Accordingly, the case is laid before the Council for consideration an approval of: 70 1. Purchase of medicines at a cost of Rs.177 lakhs inclusive of taxes from the approved firms during the year 2005-2006 as per the Select List enclosed (Annexure-1) (See pages 71 – 82). 2. Fixing of annual rate contract with the approved firms (Annexure-1) (See pages 71 – 82) for a period of 12 months from the date of signing of the rate contract. 3. The placement of Supply Orders every 4 months with a provision to place a supplementary order in between, if need so arise. 4. Ex-post-facto approval for placing of 1st batch of Supply Orders at a cost of Rs.50 lakhs inclusive of taxes already placed in anticipation of the Councils’ approval with the prior approval of the Chairperson dated 12.5.2005. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and expenditure sanction of Rs.177 Lakhs for the purchase of Allopathic medicines from the firms empanelled in the annual rate contract by placing Supply Orders every four months is accorded. Ex-post-facto sanction of expenditure already incurred for the purchase of medicines amounting to Rs.50 Lakhs is also accorded. The Department can also place supplementary orders in between two quarters to meet any additional demand of medicines, if need so arise. The running rate contract with the firms at the rates mentioned in the annexure is also approved. The Council also advised that the procurement procedure for allopathic, homeopathic and ayurvedic medicine be reviewed by FA to ensure that quality of medicines is not compromised. 71 ANNEXURE PROCUREMENT OF ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE FOR YEAR 2005-06 COMPANY NAME NAME of MEDICINE RATE-RS./Unit Abott India Ltd Abott India Ltd Abott India Ltd Abott India Ltd Abott india ltd Abott india ltd Abott India Ltd. Abott India Ltd. Abott India Ltd. Abott India Ltd. Abott India Ltd. Aimil Pharmaceuticals(India) Ltd Aimil Pharmaceuticals(India) Ltd. Aimil Pharmaceuticals(India) Ltd. Aimil Pharmaceuticals(india)Ltd Aimil Pharmaceuticals(india)Ltd Aimil Pharmaceuticals(india)Ltd Albert David Limited Albert David Limited Albert David Limited Albert David Limited Albert David Limited Albert David Limited Albert david limited Alembic Limited Alembic Limited Alembic Limited Alembic limited Alembic limited Alembic limited Alembic Limited Alembic Limited Alembic Ltd Human Monotard Inj Human Mixdard30/70 Cremalex Tab Cremaffin Plain Prothiaden 25 mg tab Prothiaden 75 mg Hytrin 1 mg. Hytrin 2 mg. Eptoin Inj. Thyronorm 0.25 mcg. Thyronorm 100 mcg. Syp. Jufex 110.00(10ml Vial) 110.00(10ml Vial) 21.42(10 Tab) 40.22(170ml bott.) 18.42(10 tabs) 38.75(10 tab) 66.73(10Tab.) 106.87(10Tab.) 7.42(2ml. Amp.) 56.21(100 tab.) 65.12(100 Tab.) 23.22(100ml. Pack) Zymnet Vet. Powder 40.00(250gm. Pack) Diastop Vet. Powder 48.00(250gm. Pack) Tab.Amylax 35.79(90Tab) Tab.Zymnet. 42.12(100 Tab) Syp.Amlycure 23.87(100ml pack) Tab. Sioneuron Forte Dextro Saline 500 ml. G.B. Normal Saline G.B. Ringer Lactate 500 ml. G.B. Leclyte - P 500 ml. G.B. Leclyte - M 500 ml. G.B. Inj Placentrex 2 ml amp. Syp. Hemolon 200ml Tab. Pepzol 10 mg. Cap.Nexidine10mg Cap.Alcyclin 250 mg. Inj B.P.G.10 lac Yutopar tab FB Dine Oint. Respinex Syp. Benzyl Pencillin Inj. 4.15(10Tab.) 18.00(500 ml. Bott.) 18.00(500 ml. Bott.) 18.50(One Bott.) 19.00(One Bott.) 19.00(One Bott.) 19.90(one amp.) 22.50(one Pack200ml) 20.50(10 Tab.) 5.20(10 Caps) 8.15(10 caps.) 6.46(per vial) 63.10(10 tabs) 17.00(15 gm Tube) 12.00(100ml. Bott.) 4.99(one vial of each amp) 72 Alembic Ltd Procaine Pecilline Inj.4 Lac Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Alkem laboratories limited Aristo Pharmaceutical Ltd Aristo pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Aristo pharmaceuticals ltd. Aristo pharmaceuticals ltd. Aristo pharmaceuticals ltd. Aristo pharmaceuticals ltd. Aristo pharmaceuticals ltd. Aristo pharmaceuticals ltd. Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Aristo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Astra Zeneca Pharma India Limited Astra Zeneca Pharma India Limited Astra Zeneca Pharma India Limited Astra Zeneca Pharma India Limited Chloral cap.250 mg. Inj.Amiject 500 mg. Tab clavam 375 mg. Tab clavam 625 mg. Inj clavam 1.2 gm Clavam dry syp. Erythrokem syp. Inj Xone 250 mg Inj hycort 100 mg Tab Spasmokem Almox 250mg Tab.Almox 125mg.DT Cap.Almox C (250+250) Aristogyl F Tab. Smuth Cream Fibrokinase Inj 15 Lac Hopecard 2.5mg Hopecard 5mg Visco Liq Pantop 40mg Aristocillin Kidtab 125mg Megpen Cap.500mg Megpen inj.500mg Cap. Softeron Tab. Flexon - MR Etocox 120 mg. Tobacin- Eye Drops Lenteclin cap.100 mg. Forcef inj.250 mg. Forcef inj 750 mg Sparquin 200 mg tab. Forcef tab 500 mg Stresnil tab 0.25 mg Scarab Cream Scarab Lotion Oint.Xylocaine 5% 4.84(one vial of each amp) 18.45(10 tab) 19.00(one vial) 175.00(10 tab) 199.00(10 tab) 118.00(one vial) 50.23(30 ml) 20.00(60 ml) 13.82(one vial) 30.18(one vial) 4.36(10Tab) 11.51(10 Tab) 10.13(10 Tab) 18.81(10 Cap) 7.41(60ml bott.) 39.80(30gmTube) 1901.00( Single Vial) 13.00(10 tab) 20.06(10 tab) 19.10(200ml bott) 20.00(10 Tab) 8.69(10 Tab) 19.86(10 Cap) 7.08(500mg vial) 8.26(15Cap.) 6.57(10Tab.) 56.23(10 Tab.) 11.00(5 ml. Vial) 7.75(10 cap) 27.77(250 mg) 59.50(750 mg) 21.56(6 tab) 115.00(4 tab) 6.65(10 tab) 7.95(25gm Tube) 14.12(100 ml. Bott.) 20.07(20gmTube) Inj.Xylocaine 1% 13.34(30ml Vial) Xylocaine Topical 4% 14.58(30ml Bottal Inj.Sensorcaine 0.5% 36.06(20ml Pack) 73 Astra Zeneca Pharma India Limited Astra Zeneca Pharma India Limited Astra Zeneca Pharma India Limited AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited. Aventis Pharma Aventis Pharma Aventis Pharma Aventis Pharma Aventis Pharma Aventis Pharma Aventis Pharma Aventis pharma Aventis pharma Aventis pharma Aventis pharma Aventis Pharma Bal Pharma Limited Bal Pharma Limited Bal Pharma Limited Bal Pharma Limited Bal Pharma Limited Bal Pharma Limited Bal Pharma Limited Biological E Limited Biological E Limited BiologicalE.Limited Brawn Laboratories Ltd Brawn Laboratories Ltd Brawn Laboratories Ltd Brawn Laboratories Ltd Brawn Laboratories Ltd Brawn Laboratories Ltd. Brawn Laboratories Ltd. Brawn Laboratories Ltd. Brawn Laboratories Ltd. Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Sensorcaine 0.5% Inj. Heavy Prostodine inj. 116.02(10X4 ml. Amp.) 75.45(5X1ml.amp) Xylocanie viscous 2% 15.94(bott of 100 ml) Bricanyl 200 lnhaler 93.80(200md. Cont) Sframycin Eye Drop Sofracort Eye/Ear Drop Inj. Rabipur 1 ml. Trenal Infusion Tab. Lasix 40 mg. Inj Lisix2ml Soframycin Skin Cream Inj targocid 400 mg Tab frisium 5 mg Tab Avil 25 mg Inj Avil 2ml Soframycin Skin Cream Silverine Candizole Lotrim Tab.Recard-25 Cap. Omeprazole 20mg Tab.Domtil Raflox Eye/Ear Drops Inj. T.T Inj. Hepatitis B Multi Dose Inj.Heparin5000iu/ml Tab. Mebendazole 100mg Tab.Tinidazole 500mg Tab.furazolidine 100mg Tab alprazolam 0.25 mg Tab diazepam 5 mg Tab.folic Acid Tab. Ascorbic Acid 100mg. Tab. Diclofinac Sodium 50mg. Bruhist Plus expt. Ciplar-10mg Ciplar-40mg Metolar50mg Kinetal 400mg Simcard 10mg.Tab Trivedon 20mg.Tab Clopivas 75mg.tab 7.70(5ml. Vial) 15.06(5 ml. Vial) 207.41(1 ml Vial) 33.13(5X15ml Vail) 4.08(10Tab.) 24.83(10X2ml) 16.44(20 gmTube) 1,215.65(one vial) 33.80(10 tab) 223.64(100X10's) 136.17(50X2ml) 67.18(100 gm Tube) 6.79(20 gm Tube) 6.90(15gm. Tube) 6.24(15gm. Tube) 42.10(10Tab) 7.18(10 Tab) 3.24(10 Tab) 5.90(5ml. Vial) 4.30(One Amp.) 187.95(10ML. Vial) 46.00(5ml Vial) 17.00(10x10Tab) 68.00(10x10tab) 118.00(100x10Tab) 58.00(10x100Tab) 90.00(100x10Tab) 90.00(100X10Tab) 21.95(10X10'sTab.) 112.00(100X10Tab) 7.90(100ml. Bott.) 5.00(10Tab) 7.50(10Tab) 7.00(10Tabs 22.00(10Tabs 30.80(10 Tab) 9.00(10 Tab) 24.50(10 tab) 74 Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Concept Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Concept Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Concept Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. Dr.Reddy"S Loboratories Ltd East india pharmaceutical East india pharmaceutical East india pharmaceutical East India Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. Dyrade M Tab. Lanzol 30mg. Cap Tab.ciplin DS Tab Misoprost 100 mcg Tab Misoprost 200 mcg Tab fertomid 25 mg Tab fertomid 50 mg Tab larpose 1 mg Vitomin Z Drops Tab. Ostiofos 10 mg. Tab. Ostiofos 70 mg. Tab.IbugesicPlus(400+500) Ibugesic Susp. Tab. Valdixx MD 20 mg. Cromal Eye Drops Optipres Eye Drops Micogel Cream Cromal 5 lnhaler Asthalin lnhaler Asthalin Rotacaps+Rotahaler Beclate 200 lnhaler Aerocort lnhaler Budecort 200 lnhaler Flohale 125 lnhaler lpravent lnhaler Seroflo 250 lnhaler Asthalin Expectorant Tab. Theobid 200 mg. Syp. Theoped Asthalin 2 mg. tab. Montair 10 mg. Tab. Cap. Rifacon 5.45(10Tab) 29.00(10 Caps) 8.29(10 tab) 26.00(4 tab) 40.00(4 tab) 19.80(10 tab) 39.45(10 tab) 5.90(10 tab) 13.00(One Bott.) 34.00(10 Tab.) 78.00(4 Tab.) 4.50(10Tab.) 6.60(60ml. Bott.) 20.00(10Tab.) 15.35(5 ml. Vial) 18.50(5 ml. Vial) 9.25(15 gm.Tube) 103.00(Cont. One) 35.90(Cont. One) 38.90(Cont. One) 140.00(Cont. One) 68.00(Cont. One) 178.98(Cont. One) 177.80(Cont. One) 103.00(Cont. One) 247.80(Cont. One) 7.80(100ml. Bott.) 8.80(15 Tab. Strip) 9.00(100ml. Bott.) 2.87(10Tab.) 83.00(10Tab.) 309.00(10X10Cap) Ulticox 800 mg. 273.00(20X10Tab) Tab. Ultimide 750 mg. 269.00(20X10Tab) Cap. Becozinc 10.63(15Cap.) Chlohex Mouth Wash Colizole tab. Colizole susp Paxum inj Dernoquinol Skin Oint. 4% 36.53(150ml Pack) 4.80(10 tab) 7.90(50 ml) 42.27(6 amp) 7.72(25 gms.Pack) 75 East India Pharmaceuticals Work Ltd E-Merck(India) Ltd. E-Merck(India) Ltd. E-Merck(India) Ltd. E-Merck(India) Ltd. E-Merck(India) Ltd. FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited Enterquinol Tab 8.84(20 Tab pack) Nasivion paed. Drops Isocor20mg.Tab Anemidox Cap. Polybion Amp. Cap. Evion LC Tab. Vitcopin Tab. Flunarin 5 mg. Vanmycetin Opticops Moisol Eye Drops Ocuflur Eye Drops Iopar - SR Cap. Norzen Eye/Ear drops Drosyn 10% Eye Drops Cyclogik 1% Eye drops Pilocar 2% Eye Drops Pilocar 4% Eye Drops Zoxan Eye/Ear Drops Drosyn - T Eye drops Zocon eye Drops Doloket Eye Drop Punarjal 6 gms. Clip Inj. Zo-lv Zathrin 250 mg tab. Zadro 500 DT Ethasyl inj Cinazen 25 mg Tab. Livocitizen 5mg. Mycoderm-C FDC Limited FDC Limited FDC Limited Ocuvir Skin Cream Ocuvir 200 mg. DT Tab. Cotaryl Skin Cream FDC Limited FDC Ltd Franco Indian Oharmaceuticals Ltd Franco Indian Oharmaceuticals Ltd Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd Lastuss L.A Zilos 25mg Sufaz vaginal tabs 16.00(vial of 10 ml) 60.00(10x10'sTab) 22.00(30 Cap.) 134.00(50X2ml.) 55.00(10Cap.) 15.35(10 Tab.) 6.34(10 Tab.) 19.16(50 Opt.) 9.54(5ml. Vial) 10.30(5 ml. Vial) 25.45(10 Cap.) 6.35(5 ml. Vial) 28.76(5 ml. Vial) 20.26(5 ml. Vial) 20.57(5 ml. Vial) 28.91(5ml. Vial) 5.90(5 ml. Vial) 26.23(5 ml. Vial) 13.35(5 ml. Vial) 22.43(5 ml. Vial) 2.09(6 gms. Sachet) 20.19(5 ml. Vial) 13.58(100 ml) 35.02(6 tab) 37.09(10 tab) 42.31(amp of 4X2 ml) 8.04(strip of 10 tab) 7.80(10 Tab) 27.50(75gms Polythene Cont.) 14.67(5gm. Tube) 33.92(10 Tab. Strip) 19.65(50gms. Plastic Jar) 14.16(60 ml. Bott.) 7.31(10Tab) 20.48(strip of 6 tab) Syp.Sorbiline 31.96(200ml bott) Tab. Omilcal 29.50(One Bott. 100Tab) 42.02(10X10Tab) Tab. Glide 5 mg. 76 Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Franco indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Gland Pharma Limited Gland Pharma Limited Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo smithkline Glaxo smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Limited Indoco Remedies Ltd Indoco Remedies Ltd Indoco Remedies Ltd Indoco Remedies Ltd Melanocyl Tab. 198.60(5x40 Tab.) Surfaz Solution 17.15(15ml Bott.) Surfaz-SN Cream 17.75(7gms.Tube) Tab.Grilinctus - BM 47.19(10 X 10's Pack) Inj.survec Inj.Acrix Neosporin - H Oint. Batnovate - N Inj. Kaplin Lanoxin Tab Banocide Forte Tab Furoxone Syp. 60ml C-OD Tab Betnesol tab Neosporin Oint. Frisovin FP 250mg. Oint Eumosone 15gm. Neosporin Powder Fevorit Drops Tab. Ibuprofen 400 mg. Dentogel Dexoren Eye drops Tamigen Eye/Ear drops Dexoren - S Eye Drops Cital Liq. Hemsyl Inj. Glycheck - 80 Tab. Lignox Gel 2% Sensoform paint Rexidin Liq Sensodent-KF Potasl Liq Hemsyl-500 mg tab Febrex plus tabs Febrex plus syp Otorex ear drops Triz syp Scabex-S Oint. Tuspel Plus Expectorant Cyclopam Inj. Cyclopam Drops Viscid-gel 43.00(1 Vial Pack) 65.00(1 AMP Pack) 21.17(5gm. Tube) 17.95(20 gm. Tube) 5.35(One Amp.) 9.66(10Tabs) 4.58(10 Tab) 5.80(60ml bott) 55.80(5 tab) 3.80(10 tabs) 27.50(15 gm Tube) 16.90(10 Tabs.Strip) 32.00(15gm. Tube) 24.72(10gm.Pack) 19.50(one Bott.) 3.10(10Tab.) 20.00(15 gm.) 5.30(5ml. Vial) 5.40(5ml. Vial) 6.50(5 ml. Vial) 16.00(100 ml. Bott.) 60.00(5X2 ml. Amp.) 11.00(10 Tab.) 16.00(30mgTube) 17.28(15ml Bott) 19.98(100ml Bott) 38.00(100gm Tube) 21.00(200ml Bott. 20.00(10's tab) 10.10(10's tab) 12.10(bott of 60 ml) 21.00(vial of 10 ml) 8.50(bott of 30 ml) 10.10(20gm. Tube) 16.28(100ml.Bott.) 15.00(5x2 ml) 7.50(10ml bott.) 11.20(170ml bott.) 77 Indoco Remedies Ltd Indoco Remidies Limited Ipca Laboratories Limited Ipca Laboratories Limited Ipca Laboratories Limited Ipca Laboratories Limited Ipca Laboratories Limited Ipca Labotatories Limited Ipca Labotatories Limited Ipca Labotatories Limited Ipca Labotatories Limited Ipca Labotatories Limited Johnson & johnson ltd Johnson & johnson ltd Johnson & johnson ltd Johnson & johnson ltd Johnson & Johnson Ltd. Johnson & Johnson Ltd. Johnson & Johson Ltd. Juggat pharma Juggat pharma Juggat pharma Juggat Phrama Juggat Phrama Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharma. Ltd. Karnataka Antibiotics &Pharma. Ltd. Karnataka Antibiotics &Pharma. Ltd. Karnataka Antibiotics &Pharma. Ltd. Karnataka Antibiotics &Pharma. Ltd. Karnataka Antibiotics &Pharma. Ltd. Lupin Laboratories Ltd Lupin Laboratories Ltd Lupin Laboratories Ltd Lupin laboratories ltd Lupin Laboratories Ltd. Lupin Laboratories Ltd. Lupin laboratories ltd. Lupin laboratories ltd. Lupin laboratories ltd. Mozatone 5mg Tab.Pizorad 15mg Syp. Perinorm I nj. Perinorm Valprate CR - 200 mg. SAAZ-500 Tab Nemocid Tab Tab. Lariago Syp. Lariago 60ml. Inj. Larigo Tab. Laridox Tab. HCQS - 200 Gynaterazole ovules with applicator Gynodktrin Gel with applicator Gyno terazole cream with Otogesic ear drop Retino A Cream 0.05% Daktacort Gel Pedia 3 Tidilan - 10 Botropase inj Biomycetin ear drops Tab. Glucart Zincula Eye Drop Exol Syp.Liver Tonic 12.00(10 Tab) 6.30(10Tab) 9.00(30 ml. Bott.) 3.65(2ml. Amp.) 15.50(10 tab.) 33.00(10 Tab) 6.75(3 Tab) 3.90(10 Tab.) 8.00(One Bott.) 2.20(2ml.Amp.) 2.60(2 Tab.) 39.50(10 Tab.) 41.04(3 tab.) Cap. Zinfe- SR 44.12(20gm. Tube) 41.04(tube of 15 gm) 26.83(vial of 5 ml) 54.00(20Gm. Tube) 43.01(5Gm. Tube) 8.57(60 ml. Bott.) 143.50(25 X 10's) 810.00(20X1ml amp) 10.96(vial of 5 ml) 255.60(10X10 Tab.) 13.90(10 ml. Vial) 15.87(Pack of one Bott.) 1.20(10 Tab.) Sy.Cybosule 10.50(One Bott.) Tab. Kapvit 2.18(10Tab.) Inj. S.M. 0.75 gm. 5.50(One Vial) Tab. Kapmol IB(400+500) 4.50(10Tab.) Fruseminde+Spirolactone Rumibex Tab. Cap. Lupillin 250 Tab lucipro 500 Tab. Optineuron Defenac SR Cap.Eufox 200 mg. Cephlaxin kid tab Tab.lupirax 150 27.00(10 Tab) 2.75(9Tab) 12.95(10 Cap) 10.60(10 tab) 2.92(10Tab.) 5.25(10Tab.) 9.00 (10 tab) 9.50(10 tab) 18.00(10 tab) 78 Nicholas Piiramal India Ltd Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas Piramal India Limited Flagyl Susp 30ml Tab. Becozym C Forte 6.61(30ml bott) 10.00(15 Tab.) Tab. Vitamin A Chew 6.40(10 Tab.) Haemaccel I/V 95.00(500ml.Bott.) Drop Albucid 10% Vial 14.00(10ml. Vial) Drop Albucid 20% Vial 16.00(10ml. Vial) Drop Albucid 30% Vial 17.00(10ml. Vial) Drop Glucomol 0.5% Vial 17.50(5 ml. Vial) Inj.Gesicain 2% Plain 10.40(30ml Vial) Inj.gesicain 2% ADR 8.80(30ml Vial) Liq.Fluothan 250ml 825.00(250ml Bottal) Pancuronium Bromide 2 mg. Inj. Inj.Critifol 20 12.50(2ml. Amp.) Inj.Midaz 5ml. 18.75(5mlVial) Chlohexidine solution 185.00(500ml Bottal) Sorbitrate10mg.Tab 22.50(50'sTab) Calaption40mg.Tab 6.00(10'sTab) Bezalip Retd.200 Tab 150.00(10 Tab) Acitrom 2 mg 28.52(10 Tab) LMWX 20mg PFS 161.57(20ml/2ml) LOBATE G 10.23(15gms) Glutihyde 2% Soln. 395.00(5 litre Can) Aceptik HC 1Ltr. 157.00(Bott.1Ltr.) Phensedyl Linctus 100 ml. 38.71(100ml. Bott.) 162.00(20ml Pack) 79 Nicholas Piramal India Limited Nicholas piramal india limited Nicholas piramal india limited Nicholas piramal india limited Nicholas piramal india limited Nicholas piramal india limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis India Limited Novartis india limited Novartis india limited Neomercazole 5 mg. 120.45(100 Tab.) Genticyn inj. 80 mg. 6.50(vial of 2 ml.) Inj omnatax 250 mg. 10.95(one vial) Phenergan tab 25 mg 10.47(10 tab) Phenergan syp 60 ml 14.85(bott of 60 ml) Phenergan inj 1ml 3.69(1 ml amp.) Inj.Desferal 500mg. INJ. Calcium Sandoz 10% Sandocal 500 mg. Cap. Nutrisan Tab. Rimactazid Disped Tab. Sirdalud Lodiric 100 mg. Clearine 10 ml. Tegrital 400 Tab. Urclar 250 mg tab. Regestrone tabs Novartis india limited Novartis india limited Novartis india limited Novartis India Ltd Novartis India Ltd Ozone Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Ozone Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Parenteral Drugs India Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Methergin tab Tavegyl syp Otrivin-o adult drops N-glong 2.5mg.tab N-glong 6.5mg.tab Inj. Cynocal -16 ITIS Eye Drops Inj.Ranizac Tab fexoday 120 mg Inj. M.V.I 10ml Mannitol 20% Dextros 5% Dextrose 10% Metronidazole I/V Dextrose 25% Water for inj. 5ml. Amp. I/V Ciprofloxacin Inj. Fenaran Tab. Nimipic IR 100 mg. Tab Gliz 500 mg. Tab. Tab. Ascorbic Acid 500mg. 1655.00(10Vials) 110.00(5X10ml.) 26.00(20 Tab.) 54..00(30Cap.) 98.00(10X10) 468.00(10X6) 132.00(10X10) 28.00(One Bott.) 259.76(10X 10's) 520.00(4x10's) 290.00(2x5x10 tabs) I L1 I 725.00(2x6x10.) 24.97(pack of 30 ml) 16.50(pack of 10 ml) 120.00(10x10 tab ) 169.00(10x10 tab) 3.25(2ml. Amp.) 12.70(10 ml. Bott.) 1.45(2ml.Amp. Pack) 32.40(strip of 10 tab) 8.80(One amp.) 36.40(300 ml.Bott) 9.45(500ml. Bott.) 10.40(500ml. Bott.) 6.60(100ml. Bott.) 9.20(One Bott.100ml) 0.95(One Amp.) 8.10(One Bott.100ml) 1.45(3ml. Amp.) 1.15(10 tab.) 2.95(10 Tab.) 56.20(10X10tab.) 80 Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Rhydburg pharmaceuticals Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd Rhydburg Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Serum Institute of India Limited Serum institute of india ltd Serum Institute of India Ltd. Serum Institute of India Ltd. Tablet India Limited Tablet India Limited Tablets india limited Tablets india limited The Himalaya Drug Company The Himalaya Drug Company The Himalaya Drug Company The Himalaya Drug Company Syp. Whimcal Tab. Asprin 100 mg. 13.10(One Pack150ml) 18.72(10 X 10 Tab.) Oint. Refen Gel 9.73(30 gm.) Syp. Remol 7.20(60 ml.) Tab. Nosoz 34.85(1X10) Tab. Bupin 0.2 mg. 245.90(10X10 Tab.) Syp. Relid 7.40(60 ml.) Tab. Refen - MR 60.00(10 X 10 Tab.) Oint. Rhydfen Gel 7.00(30 gm. Tube) Tab recet Tab Reben 400mg 12.00(10X10 tab) 74.90(10X10Tab) Tab.Remet 200mg 21.00(10X10Tab) Tab.Remet 400mg 34.00(10X10Tab ) Tab.Regyl(400+600) 125.00(10X10 Tab) Syp.Reben 4.00(10ml pack) Syp. Recof 136.00(5 Ltr. Jar) Sicriptin Tab 106.65(10Tabs) Meprate 10 mg Inj. Gene Vac B 0.5 ml. Inj. Gene Vac B 1 ml. Inj.Astymin Inj. Fevastin Prolutil 250 mg inj Prolutil 500 mg inj Tab. Geriforte 31.60(10 tab) 37.44(0.5ml. Vial) 58.24(1 ml. Vial) 123.00(200 ml.) 8.60(One Amp.) 42.00(per amp.) 65.00(per amp.) 53.90(100 tab. Bott.) Syp. Geriforte Cyston tab. 46.20(One Bott.200ml) 43.89(60 Tab.) Liv 52 Tab 34.65(100 Tab bott) 81 The Himalaya Drug Company The Himalaya Drug Company TTK Health Care Limited TTK Health Care Limited TTK Health care limited TTK Health care limited TTK Health care limited USV Limited USV Limited USV Limited USV Limited USV Limited Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Welcure Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Win-Medicare Limited Win-medicare limited Win-medicare limited Win-Medicare Limited Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt Limited Wockhardt limited Wockhardt Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zybus cadila health care ltd. Zycdus Cadila Health Care Ltd Tab. Septillin 53.90(60Tab. Bott.) Liv. 52 Drop 50.05(120ml. Bott.) Tab. Ossopan Dopamine Inj. Epidosin inj Foetocin inj Methocin inj Tab. Ecosprin 325 mg. Gynae CVP Cap. Bovine Fastact Bovine Longact Anovate Cream Tab.Metronidazole 400mg Tab.Lopcure 23.20(30Tab.) 91.58(5X5ml) 64.70(10X1 ml) 94.09(10X1ml) 95.08(10X1ml) 7.94(14 Tab.) 25.40(10 Cap.) 64.42(10ml. Vial) 66.15(10 ml. Vial) 39.00(20gmTube) 34.00(10X10Tab pack) 11.50(10X10Tab) Tab.Renact-150mg 25.50(10X10tab) Tab. Ibuprofen 200 mg. 17.20(10X10 Tab.) Cap. Indomethacin 24.00(10X10 Cap.) Tab. Paracetamol 500 mg. 17.30(10X10 Tab.) Susp. Paracetamol 30.00(450ml.) Cap. Minroset 0.25 mcg. Betadine vaginal pessaries Logican cap 150 mg Betadin Oint Inj. Wepox 2000I.U Cap. Proxyvon Inj. Wosulin R inj Wosulin N Tab.Aceten25mg Wokadine sol. 500ml 5% Nadoxim Cream Inj powercef 1 gm Inj. Spasmo-Proxyvon 120.00(5X10 Cap.) 23.00(strips of 10's) 55.00(10 tab) 145.00(250 gms jar) 574.56(One Pack) 8.91(8 Cap.) 97.45(10ml. Pack) 97.45(10 ml pack) 28.50(10Tab) 71.50(500ml Pack) 33.52(10gm. Pack) 29.70(20 ml Vial ) 3.41(2mlpack) Cefazolin sodium1 mg. 30.50(one vial) Cephalexin 250mg.Cap. Tab.Glimpride1mg 19.20(10's Cap) 5.70(10Tab) 82 Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd. Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd. Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd. Zydus cadila health care ltd. Zydus cadila health care ltd. Zydus cadila health care ltd. Zydus cadila health care ltd. Zydus cadila health care ltd. Zydus cadila health care ltd. Zydus Cadila Health Care Ltd. Zydus Cadila Health care Ltd. Zydus Cadila Health care Ltd. Nifedipine Retard Tab 5.00(10Tab) Atenolol-50mgTab 3.50(14'sTab) Enalapril 5mg.Tab 4.20(10'sTab Tab.lisnopril 5mg 8.30(10 Tab) Amlodipine 5mg. Tab 3.80(10's Tab) Strip of 20 Tab.niazide 75.00(20 Cap) Tab. Atorvastain 10mg 18.60(10 Tab) Ampicillin 500mg.inj 8.60(one vial)_ Cap. Vit. E 400 mg. 34.00(30 Cap.) Cap. Tramadol 50 mg. 13.95(10 Cap.) Glibenclamide 5 mg. Tab. 1.50(10 Tab.) Norfloxacin 400 mg. tab. 16.00(10 tabs) Inj.cefotazime 1 gm. Inj. cefotaxime 1 gm. Allylestrenol-5 mg tab Inj ovidac-5k Fluxetin-20 cap Dexamethazone Inj. Tab. Phenytoin Sodium 81.90(one vial) 21.90(one vial) 49.00(pack of 10 tabs) 235.00(one val) 9.80(10 caps) 7.80(One Vial) 76.00(100 Tab.) Tab. Cabamazepine 200 mg. 4.90(6 Tab.) Diltiazem 30mg.tab 5.00(10 Tab) 83 ITEM NO. 14 (L-3) FIXATION OF FLAT RATES OF LICENCE FEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION IN NDMC AREA. The New Delhi Municipal Council, normally follows the rules of Govt. of India, Ministry of Urban Development, Directorate of Estate, regarding fixation of license fee in respect of Municipal accommodation. The Govt. of India, Directorate of Estate have revised the license fee vide its O.M.No.18011/4/2003-Pol.III dt.22.6.04. the Govt. of India orders dt.22.6.04 as referred to above is approved as per annexure (See Pages 86 - 89). It is proposed that the rates of licence fee for NDMC Residential accommodation may also be revised as follows:STATEMENT INDICATING THE FORMULA FOR FIXATION OF FLAT RATES OF LICENSE FEE FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF ACCOMMODATIONS TYPE RANGE OF EXISTING LIVING FLAT RATES AREA(IN OF LICENSE SQM.) FEE w.e.f.1.4.2001 REVISED REMARKS FLAT RATES OF LICENSE FEE w.e.f.1.7.2004 I Up to 30 -do-do-do- Rs.23 Rs.30 Rs.53 Rs.67 Rs.28 Rs.36 Rs.64 Rs.80 II More than 26.5 And upto 40 41 to50 Rs.120 Rs.143 Rs.153 Rs.183 More than 34.5 And upto 55 56 to 65 Rs.181 Rs.217 Rs.221 Rs.265 IV 59 to 75 76 to 91.5 Rs.245 Rs.306 Rs.293 Rs.367 D-II Upto 106 Rs.434 Rs.520 D-I Upto 159.5 Rs.645 Rs.773 C-II Beyond 159.5 Rs.771 Rs.924 C-I 189.5 to 224.5 Rs.906 Rs.1087 III 84 VII 243 TO 350 Rs.1299 Rs.1557 VIII 350.5 to 522 Rs.1911 Rs.2290 Hostel Accommodation Single suit 21.5 to 30 Rs.165 Rs.198 Single suit 30.5 to 39.5 Rs.234 Rs.280 Double suit 47.5 to 60 Rs.321 Rs.385 Servant Quarter Rs.30 Rs.36 Garages Rs.18 Rs.22 Note: - These rates would be subject to a maximum ceiling of 10% of monthly emoluments of the allottee. In addition garden and other charges will also be rewarded. Further the Govt. of India, Directorate of Estate has revised the damage charges for unauthorized occupations of Govt. accommodations vide O.M No. 18011/2/2002-Pol.III dt: 25th Nov. 2004. The Govt. of India orders dt: 25.11.04 as referred to above is approved as per annexure (See Pages 90-92). It is proposed that the rates of damage charges for unauthorized occupation of NDMC accommodation may also be revised as follows: Metropolitan City Present rate (per Sq. Meter. p.m.) Type I to IV Rs. 150/Type-IV (Spl.) and above Rs. 220/(including Hostel) Revised rate (per Sq. Meter. p.m.). Rs. 175/Rs. 255/- The Chairperson has seen the case. The case is accordingly placed before the council for noting the following: a) Adoption of GOI orders contained in OM’S dt: 22.06.04 of revised rates of L/fee w.e.f. 01.07.04 for applicable to NDMC employees in the matter of allotment of Municipal residence. The arrears w.e.f. 01.07.04 onward be recovered from the employees. b) Adoption of GOI orders contained in OM’S dt: 25.11.04 of revised rates of damage charges w.e.f. 01.12.04 for applicable to NDMC employees for unauthorized occupation of NDMC accommodation. 85 c) The cases of ex-employees, who have retired, died and in whose case dues have already been settled need not to be re-opened. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that adoption of GOI orders contained in OM No.18011/4/2003/Pol-III dated 22.6.04 of revised rates of licence fee for govt. accommodation w.e.f. 1.07.04. The revised licence fee is to be applicable, for municipal accommodation w.e.f. 1.06.05 in respect of NDMC employees. For those on deputation to NDMC, rates shall be applicable from the date of OM, is approved. The Council has also approved adoption of GOI orders contained in OM No.18011/2/2002/Pol-III dated 25.11.04 of revised rates of damage charges, for govt. accommodation w.e.f. 1.12.04. The same shall be applicable to NDMC employees for unauthorized occupation of municipal accommodation. It was also decided that the cases of ex-employees, who have retired, died and in whose case, dues have already been settled need not be re-opened. 86 ANNEUXRE 87 ANNEXURE 88 ANNEXURE 89 ANNEXURE 90 ANNEXURE 91 ANNEXURE 92 ANNEXURE 93 ITEM NO. 15 (C –10) CONTRACTS/SCHEMES INVOLVING AN EXPENDITURE OF RS. 1 LAC BUT NOT EXCEEDING RS. 50 LACS. Section 143 (D) of NDMC Act, 1994 provides that every contract involving an expenditure of Rs. 1 lac but not exceeding Rs.50 lacs under clause 143 (c) shall be reported to the Council. In pursuance of these provisions a list of contracts entered/executed in April, 2005, have been prepared. A Comprehensive list of the contracts entered into for the various schemes is accordingly laid before the Council for information. (See pages 94 - 102). COUNCIL’S DECISION Information noted. 94 ANNEXURE 95 ANNEXURE 96 ANNEXURE 97 ANNEXURE 98 ANNEXUE 99 ANNEXURE 100 ANNEXURE 101 ANNEXURE 102 ANNEXURE 103 ITEM NO. 16 (C-11) ACTION TAKEN REPORT ON THE STATUS SCHEMES/WORKS APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL. OF ONGOING In the Council Meeting held on 28.8.1998, it was decided that the status of execution of all ongoing schemes/works approved by the Council indicating the value of work, date of award/start of work, stipulated date of completion & the present position thereof be placed before the Council for information. The said report on the status of the ongoing schemes/works upto March, 2005 had already been included in the Agenda for the Council Meeting held on 27.04.2005. A report on the status of execution of all the ongoing schemes/works awarded upto April, 2005 is placed before the Council for information. (See pages 104 112). COUNCIL’S DECISION Information noted. 104 ANNEUXRE 105 ANNEXURE 106 ANNEXURE 107 ANNEXURE 108 109 110 ANNEXURE 111 112 ANNEXURE 113 ITEM NO. 17 ( C-12 ) OATH TAKING BY DR. K.S. SUGATHAN, JOINT SECRETARY (UT) MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS, GOVT. OF INDIA, AS MEMBER, N.D.M.C. In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (C) of Sub Section (I) of Section 4 of NDMC Act, 1994 (4 of 1994), Govt. of India, M/o Home Affairs vide their notification No. U.14011/50/2003/Delhi-II dated 24th December, 2004 (Copy attached) (See Page 114) had nominated Dr. K.S. Sugathan, Jt. Secretary (Union Territory) M/o Home Affairs, Govt. of India, as Member, NDMC. Dr. K.S. Sugathan, has taken Oath of the office as per the provisions contained in Section 7 of NDMC Act, 1994 at the Council’s Special Meeting No. 01/2005-06 held on 24.05.2005 at 11-00 A.M. Accordingly it is placed before the Council for information and keeping the matter on record. COUNCIL’S DECISION Information noted. 114 ANNEXURE Notification No. U.14011/50/2003/Delhi-II dated 24th December, 2004 115 ITEM NO. 18 (A-7) NORMS FOR ANNUAL REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE (A/R & M/O) OF ROADS IN NDMC AREA BACKGROUND: 1.0 The Council vide its Resolution No. 3(xiii) dated 27.1.1999 approved the yardstick for Rs.45,000.00 per k.m. (12 feet wide road) minus the quantum of labour as specified in the analysis of M/O Surface Transport i.e. Rs.6960.00(for single lane); 1.6 of Rs.6960 (for double lane) and 1.3 (for intermittent lane). This yardstick was later made effective w.e.f. 1.4.1997 vide Resolution No.1 dated 25.2.1999. 2.0 Vide order dated 7.3.02A sub-committee under the Chairmanship of the then Director (Finance) was constituted by Secy. NDMC for scrutiny of A/R & M/O estimates for buildings and roads. On the basis of the expenditure incurred for the year 2001-2002 a yardstick of Rs. 29,000/ per k.m. of single lane width was recommended by the sub-committee for only one division i.e. RM-I Division after deducting the amount incurred on Original Works. To examine this recommendation a High Powered Committee (HPC) was constituted by Chairman, NDMC comprising SSW, SE(RM), SE(BM), Director (Finance) and headed by CE(C). The High Powered Committee brought out that yardstick already approved (Rs.45,000/- per k.m. vide Res. No.3(xiii) dated 27.01.99), was in fact on the lower side in comparison to the yardstick amounting to Rs.70,464/- as approved by Ministry of Transport w.e.f. 1.4.1990. The HPC recommendations were carefully considered. In the meanwhile, Chairperson, vide order dated 26.8.2004 had directed to follow the norms/yardsticks approved by the Council of Rs.45,000/- per k.m. for 12 feet wide road approved by the Council in 1999, subject to the condition that adjustments shall be made before March-2005, after AR&MO norms are revised and the recommendations of the High Powered Committee are placed before the Council. 3.0 Since basing the norms on actual expenditure of only one division for one year is not appropriate as there could be excess expenditure due to certain activities in a particular year. Further, there could be less booking of expenditure due to nonperformance or less performance of certain activities in a particular year. Therefore, there is a need to identify maintenance activities and cost of each maintenance activity before finalizing road maintenance norms. 4.0 Further road maintenance norms of New Delhi should fall in line with nationally accepted norms and practices of Road Maintenance. Therefore, recommendations of a high powered Committee constituted by Ministry of Road, Transport & Highways (MORTH) for maintenance of roads have been broadly adopted as a guide for finalizing norms. The MORTH recommendations are very detailed, elaborate, scientific and based on actual field data collected from all over the country. These recommendations have been modified to suit NDMC conditions. 5.0 At present resurfacing of roads is being carried out under Plan Funds. As per the existing terms and conditions of such contracts, the contractor has to maintain the 116 pavement for five years. Accordingly, no provisions for routine maintenance of road surface has been made in the norms. 6.0. According to MORTH there are basically four major heads of roads maintenance (a) Ordinary Repairs (b) Periodical Repairs (c) Special Repairs & (d) Emergent Repairs. In NDMC, all these works are being carried out without any distinction except the expenditure incurred in respect of (b), which is being charged to separate Plan Head. 6.1 MORTH has also introduced the concept of serviceability index with three levels: Serviceability Indicators for Roads S.No. Serviceability Indicator 1 Roughness by bump integrator (Max. permissible) 2 Potholes/km (Max.Numbers) 3 Cracking and patch repairs (maximum permissible) 4 Rutting (20mm) (maximum permissible) 5 Skid resistance (Skid number by ASTM-274) Minimum Desirable 6 Defective bridge deck area and bump at approach (maximum permissible) 7 User information Level 1 (Good) 2000 mm/km Level 2 (Average) 3000 mm/km Level 3 (Acceptable) 4000 mm/km Nil 2-3 4-8 5 per cent 10 per cent 10-15 per cent 1.0 per cent 1.5 per cent 2.5 per cent 50 SN 40 SN 35 SN Nil 10 per cent 15 per cent All road signs, km stones and road marking in good condition Only major road signs, km stones, some road markings in good condition Signs only for major destinations and km stones in fair condition 117 The objective of NDMC is to maintain all major roads to international standard i.e. level 1 serviceability. 6.2 Since upgradation of all roads to level-I through maintenance alone, is difficult, therefore, these minimum standards shall be laid down in all future tenders of resurfacing works for upgradation of main roads. In respect of service roads level II indicators shall be included. 7.0 While finalizing norms, anomaly in budget heads of road maintenance, has also been resolved. Following budget heads shall henceforth be provided in Budget Book for road maintenance (Civil Works): G.1.1.1 - Annual repairs of roads. G.1.1.2 - Emergent & special repairs of roads (newly created head) G.1.1.3 -AR&MO signages, traffic signs, information signs, reflector/blinkers (newly created head) G.1.1.4 -AR&MO street furniture i.e. railings, kiosks, Bus-Q-Shelters, Pan Tharas etc. (newly created head) G.1.1.5 -RMO T&P including office furniture. G.1.1.6 -O&M of casting yard G.1.1.7 -Maintenance/repair of MS chains & bollards 7.1 Following items of works shall also be operated by Road divisions for which budget shall be allotted in the existing heads of account in the Budget Book: a) For execution of works for all repair & maintenance of dhalaos, dustbins & litterbins – To be charged to the existing head of account D.2.16.13. b) For execution of works for all civil maintenance works in gardens/parks/fountains – To be charged to the existing head D.4.4.4.B. This would include civil works inside large roundabouts/rotaries also. c) For execution of works of annual repairs of public urinals/toilets – To be charged to the existing head of account under D4.9.1.A. d) Deposits available under head K2 collected from Roads Cut Permissions will be utilized on road improvements only. These funds would not be allowed to be lapsed. L.S. budget provisions shall be made for budget heads as per para a, b, & c every year. 118 8.0 MAINTENANCE NORMS A Committee constituted by MORTH to recommend maintenance norms of NH/SH & urban roads, has recommended maintenance norms as on 2000-2001 prices for various types of roads, Traffic intensity & serviceability index. Necessary corrections/adjustments have been applied/incorporated in the suggested maintenance cost/norms as in NDMC as more labour force is charged to establishment, suitable correction has also been made. 8.1 The details are given hereunder: S.No. Item A Maintenance drainage works Maintenance of 15000 bridges Lettering, painting, 1500 sign boards Reflective signages 15000 B C D E F G Original amount (Rs.) of 2000 Modified amount (Rs.) 1300 Remarks 10000 By Contract 1500 By Contract 10000 By Contract First aid kits, 500 umbrella, safety jackets, vardi etc. Traffic census 2000 500 By Contract 2000 By Contract Roughness measurement Sub-total 300 By Contract 300 @ 65% 25600 8.2 URBAN AREAS (Add cost) S.No. Item Original amount (Rs.) 20000 2000 2000 H I J Road painting etc. Footpath repairs Railing repairs K L Repairs of dividers etc. 4000 Maintenance of 1000 underpasses etc. Sub-Total Total A to L Modified amount (Rs.) 13000 1300 2000 2600 1000 19900 45500 Remarks @ 65% @ 65% Got done through contract @ 65% 119 (i) Add escalation@ 6% for five years to arrive at rate as on Rs. 60,889/1.4.2005 45500x(1.06)5 (ii) Add for a) Special repairs @ 15% b) Emergency repairs @ 15% } }= 30% Rs.18,267/- (iii) Add for MR labour engaged for sanitation drive (L.S.) Rs.12,000/in NDMC area. (iv) Add for items of works not covered in above norms Rs.8,500/but required in NDMC roads L.S. Total = (i) to (iv) : Add for contingencies @ 5% of Rs. 99,656/- for expenditure Grand Total: Rs. 99,656/- + Rs.4,983/- : Rs.99,656/misc. Rs.4,983/Rs. 1,04,639/Say Rs.1,04,700/- 8.3 The Standard Rate for two lane (7m. wide) with 1.5m wide walkway in NDMC roads shall be Rs. 1,04,700 per kilometer (actual length). Note: The above norms will included following items of work which were earlier not part of maintenance expenditure: (i) (ii) (iii) 8.4 a. b. c. d. e. f. Carrying out traffic census on regular basis including Roughness measurement of all roads. Thermoplastic road marking paints on roads and retro reflective signages. Maintenance of all bridge/flyovers/ROB’s etc. First Aid Kits, vardi etc. Rates for roads having more lanes and with or without shoulders, have been worked out after applying different factors as recommended by the Committee. Two lanes without shoulders=0.90 i.e. Rs.1,04,700/- x 0.9 Single lane W/o Shoulders = 0.625 i.e. Rs.1,04,700/- x 0.625 Single lane with paved Shoulders=0.70 i.e. Rs.1,04,700/- x 0.70 Intermediate lane (5.5 m) (i) W/o Paved shoulders = 0.75 i.e. Rs. 104700 X 0-75 (ii) With Paved shoulders = 0.83 i.e. Rs. 1,04,700 X 0. 83 Four lane divided carriageway (i) W/o paved shoulders = 1.7 i.e. Rs. 1,04,700/- X 1.7 (ii) With paved shoulders= 1.87 i.e.Rs. 1,04,700/- X 1.83 For 6 lanes, with paved shoulders (Rs.1,04,700/+Rs.1,77,990/-) Rs.94,230/Rs. 65,438/Rs. 73,290/- Rs.78,525/Rs.86,901/Rs.1,77,990/Rs.1,95,789/Rs. 2,82,690/- 120 g. For odd lanes, rate of single lane as (b) above can be added to the nearest lower lane rate. These norms do not include expenditure on items covered under paras 7.1.a, 7.1.b and 7.1.c for which separate LS provision will be made in budget. 9.0 Chief Engineer shall certify the actual length of the roads with shoulders/without shoulders and shall work out the exact amounts for roads having single lane and multiple lanes and so on before submitting the annual estimates for approval of competent authority. Executive Engineer (Road) shall be responsible to maintain financial discipline and shall not incur any extra expenditure or create any additional liability beyond the sanctioned norms. 10.0 Observations of Finance Department. The proposed norms have been examined by the Finance Department and vide note dated 13.05.05 has observed as under: “Chairperson had referred the question of finalizing AR MO Roads to FA/Ein-C vide her minutes dated 17.01.2005. The present note should be seen on the culmination of the action on that note. A specific question which was discussed by the Chairperson on 12.05.05 relates to regularization/validation of the expenditure sanctioned at the level of Council/Chairperson on adhoc basis or with reference to norms that were proposed by the initial Committee headed by then Director (Fin.). The full details of these sanctions are available with the engineering wing and are still being collated. Since the Council, to the best of my knowledge never formally withdrew its earlier decision of 1999 fixing the norms of Rs. 45000 per Km of equivalent road length and the then Chairperson had merely withdrawn the powers of the respective officers i.e. CE to sanction such expenditure. It will be only logical to regularize expenditure relative to ARMO works with reference to the norms of Rs. 45000 per KM of equivalent road length upto the date on which the Council adopts the norms which are being proposed. As the now proposed norms are, in absolute terms, more liberal and based on rational and scientific assessment of our roads maintenance requirements and are justified only on the conditions of highest road serviceability standards being achieved. Chairperson may in here recommendations to the Council emphasize the importance of adherence with those standards.” 11.0 Decision of Chairperson A meeting was taken by Chairperson on 18.05.2005 when FA, Secretary, Director (Fin.) and all SEs/EEs (Roads) of Civil Engineering Department were present. The norms were explained by E-in-C and following decisions were taken: 121 1. Chairperson desired that length and other data of road as indicated by Noida Toll Bridge Ltd. Study (NTBL) should be co-related with NDMC data to arrive at one figure so that there is no mismatch in the basic data/details of all NDMC roads. 2. Since green areas and subways along the right of way of roads have to be maintained by road maintenance divisions as per Council Resolution No.24(A-12) dated 14.2.05, CE(C)Z-I will put up an agenda item before the Council after working out details of funds to be transferred from building maintenance/horticulture to Road division and methodology of carrying out these works. 3. Since total right of way maintenance is with the roads divisions, the approach roads to Bunglows/garages of Central Govt. building should also be maintained by the NDMC road divisions in that area. For this purpose, a reference can be made to CPWD to assign these roads as a deposit work to NDMC for uniform maintenance etc. 4. An escalation @6% has been assumed to arrive at the upto date norms. For future years also escalation @ 6% per annum may be got included before sanction of estimates. 5. Works connected with Republic Day Celebrations (RDC) do not form part of ARMO roads norms. Therefore, a separate estimate should be framed by CE(C)-Z-I and sanction obtained for a standard estimate adopted every year. All paper work to be completed before 31st July so that there is no delay in execution of RDC Works. 6. Regarding maintenance of compound walls/railing constructed out of MLA funds, these assets may be handed over for maintenance to the owner of the land i.e. Central or State Govt. as the case may be. 7. Road History Registers (RHR) shall be meticulously maintained and updated by all road engineers both in hard and soft form. Each division will ensure that the statistical data in respect of its area is kept up-to-date & certified every year. 8. The financial terms since there is a quantum jump (Compared to previous years), a similar quantum jump in maintenance activity of roads is expected from all the road engineers. 9. It was agreed that the norms now proposed by E-in-C are in order and these include almost all factors specific to NDMC roads. These norms be put up to Council for ratification. Brief history of the case (after last norms were approved) should also be incorporated in the agenda. PROPOSAL The norms proposed above are based on report of a high level Committee constituted by MORTH, in the year 2000. The norms now being proposed for NDMC roads are based on certain logical parameters and are derived from cost of materials, 122 vehicle intensity and serviceability parameters. These norms & all other decisions noted above are now placed before the Council for ratification. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that norms for Annual Repair & Maintenance of Roads (AR&MO) in NDMC area during 2005-06 as mentioned in the preamble are ratified. It was further decided that these norms be brought before the Council after three years in the month of April, 2008, for review. 123 en la[;k 19 (ds-1) fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ds vUrxZr ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds deZpkfj;ksa dks nh tkus okyh vkfFkZd lgk;rk esa o`f) djus ds laca/k esa A ubZ fnYyh uxjikfydk ifj"kn~ ds izLrko la[;k 48 fnukWad 25-021994 ds vuqlkj ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk dk 'kqHkkjEHk fd;k x;k Fkk A deZpkfj;ksa }kjk :0 20@& izfr ekg dh nj ls bl ;kstuk esa va'knku fd;k tkrk gS A deZpkfj;ksa dh ,d iq=h ds fookg ds fy, :0 10]000@& ¼:0 nl gtkj ek=½ dh jkf'k rFkk fu;fer nSfud osruHkksxh deZpkjh dh xEHkhj fcekjh dh voLFkk esa mipkj gsrq mls ,d ckj :0 8]000@& ¼:0 vkB gtkj ek=½ dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku fd;k tkrk gS rFkk deZpkjh dh vkdfLed e`R;q dh n'kk esa mlds vkfJr dks :0 10]000@& ¼:0 nl gtkj ek=½ dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku fd;k tkrk gS A blds vykok deZpkfj;ksa ds cPpksa dks mPp f'k{kk ds fy, ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj :0 400@& ls :0 3000@& rd izfr o"kZ dh nj ls Nk=o`fRr ds :i esa vkfFkZd lgk;rk nh tkrh gS A izLrko la[;k 26 fnukWad 13-04-1994 ds vuqlkj deZpkjh dh ,d iq=h ds fookg ds ekeys esa 50 izfr'kr ,oa lsokdky ds nkSjku deZpkjh dh e`R;q gks tkus dh n'kk esa mlds vkfJr dks fn;s tkus okyh jkf'k esa 90 izfr'kr dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku va'knku ds :i esa ikfydk ifj"kn~ }kjk fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ds [kkrs ls fd;k tkrk gS A blds vfrfjDr deZpkfj;ksa ds cPpksa dks mPp f'k{kk ds fy, ikB~;Øe vuqlkj :0 400@& ls :0 3000@& rd izfr o"kZ dh nj ls Hkqxrku fd;k tkrk gS A bl en esa ikfydk ifj"kn~ }kjk 50 izfr'kr dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku va'knku ds :i esa fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ds [kkrs esa fd;k tkrk gS A izLrko la[;k 3¼19½ fnukWd 29-07-1999 ds vuqlkj uo;qx Ldwy lkslk;Vh ds deZpkfj;ksa dks Hkh fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ls ykHk iznku fd;k tk jgk gS A izLrko la[;k 3¼19½ fnukWad 24-5-2002 ds vuqlkj ftu deZpkfj;ksa us viuh lsokdky ds nkSjku fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ds [kkrs ls dksbZ ykHk izkIr ugha fd;k gS mu deZpkfj;ksa dks Hkh lsokfuo`fRr ds mijkar :0 120@& izfro"kZ dh nj ls va'knku dh frfFk ls jkf'k dk Hkqxrku fd;k tkrk gS ,oa ;g izLrko mu deZpkfj;ksa ij gh ykxw gksxk tks ebZ] 2002 ds i'pkr~ lsokfuo`Rr gq, gSa A bl en ds fy, ikfydk ifj"kn~ }kjk fdlh izdkj dk dksbZ va'knku ugha fn;k tkrk gS A 124 ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds izLrko la[;k 11¼ds&2½ fnukWad 22-04-2004 ds vuqlkj bl ;kstuk ds mijksDr lHkh izko/kkuksa dks tkjh j[kus dk fu.kZ; fy;k x;k Fkk rFkk lekt dY;k.k lfefr ds fy, vyx ;kstuk cukus dk fu.kZ; fy;k x;k Fkk A lUnHkZ iwoZ i`"B ls tkjh bl ;kstuk dks deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, vf/kd ykHkizn@fgrS"kh cukus ds fy, v/;{k] ubZ fnYyh uxjikfydk ifj"kn~ us izLrko dks vuqeksfnr djrs gq, lq>ko fn;k fd deZpkfj;ksa ds cPpksa dh f'k{kk ds fy, Qhl dh jkf'k vkfn esa o`f) dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ds vUrxZr Nk=o`fRr vkfn dh jkf'k esa o`f) dh tk;s A izLrkfor o`f) dk fooj.k fuEu izdkj ls fn;k tk jgk gS %& v½ Ø 0 la 0 1- lHkh fu;fer deZpkjh rFkk fu;fer nSfud osruHk ksxh deZpkfj; ksa ds iq=@iq =h ds v/;;u ds fy;s A IkkB~;Øe dk uke ,oa izLrkfor o`f) orZeku esa Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh /kujkf'k d½ lHkh izdkj ds fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa ds Lukrd ,oa fMIyksek fy, Nk=@Nk=k }kjk ljdkjh ikB~;Øe gsrq laLFkkuksa esa v/;;u ds fy, Hkqxrku dh xbZ Qhl :0 400-00 izfro"kZ A rFkk gksLVy esa jgus ij O;; dh xbZ jkf'k ds cjkcj /kujkf'k dk deZpkjh dks Hkqxrku A ;fn Nk=@Nk=k fdlh izkbZosV laLFkku esa v/;;ujr gS rks ikB~;Øe ds v/;;u ds fy, /kujkf'k dk Hkqxrku ljdkjh laLFkku esa ns; Qhl vkfn ds cjkcj gh fd;k tk;sxk A [k½ lHkh izdkj ds LukrdksRrj ikB~;Øe gsrq :0 600-00 izfro"kZ A x½ ih0,p0Mh0 ¼'kks/k dk;Z ds fy;s½ :0 1200-00 izfr o"kZ A ?k½ ,e0ch0ch0,l0 rFkk blds led{k 125 esfMdy dkslZ ,oa rduhdh fMxzh dkslZ :0 2]000@& izfro"kZ M½ ,e0ch0ch0,l0 rFkk blds led{k esfMdy dkslZ ,oa rduhdh fMxzh dkslZ ls Åij ds LukrdksRrj dkslZ :0 3]000@& izfro"kZ p½ ch0 QkekZ ikB~;Øe gsrq :0 1]000 izfro"kZ 2& deZpkjh dh ,d iq=h ds deZpkjh ds nks cPpksa ds fookg ds fy, vuqnku A fookg ds fy, vuqnku A :0 :0 10]000-00 20]000-00 izfr cPps ds fookg gsrq A 3& deZpkjh dh vkdfLed e`R;q dh n'kk esa] mlds vkfJr dks vuqnku :0 10]000-00 1½ prqFkZ Js.kh ,oa fu;fer nSfud osruHkksxh deZpkjh ds vkfJr dks Hkqxrku & :0 50]000@& 2½ r`rh; Js.kh ds deZpkjh ds vkfJr dks Hkqxrku & :0 40]000@& 3½ fdlh Hkh oxZ ds deZpkjh dh 35 o"kZ dh vk;q ls igys rFkk 55 o"kZ dh vk;q ds mijkar vkdfLed e`R;q dh n'kk esa mudh /keZiRuh dks Hkqxrku& :0 50]000@& 4½ izFke ,oa f}rh; Js.kh ds deZpkjh ds vkfJr dks dksbZ Hkqxrku ugha fd;k tk;sxk A 4 fu;fer nSfud osruHkksxh :0 20]000-00 deZpkjh dks xEHkhj fcekjh ds bykt ds fy, vuqnku dh jkf'k dk ,d ckj HkqxrkuA :0 8]000-00 c½ blds vfrfjDr deZpkfj;ksa }kjk fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk esa izfr ekg izfr deZpkjh dh nj ls Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh jkf'k esa :0 10@& izfrekg izfr deZpkjh dh nj ls o`f) dh tkuh visf{kr gks tkrh gS rkfd deZpkfj;ksa 126 dks fofHkUu enksa esa fn;s tkus okys ykHk esa o`f) dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, bl [kkrs esa tek gksus okyh jkf'k dk larqyu cuk jgs A ;gkWa ;g mYys[kuh; gS fd fnYyh ds iM+kslh jkT; iatkc ,oa gfj;k.kk esa dU;kvksa dh tUe nj esa fnu izfrfnu fxjkoV vkrh tk jgh gS rFkk bl ekufldrk dk izHkko fnYyh jkT; ij Hkh iM+ jgk gS vkSj ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds deZpkjh Hkh bl ekufldrk ls vNwrs ugha jg ldrs gSa ftl dkj.k dU;kvksa ds tUe nj dks izksRlkfgr djus ds fy, ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds deZpkfj;ksa dh nks larkuksa ¼pkgs og iq= gks vFkok iq=h½ ds fookg ds fy, vuqnku fn;k tk;sxk A l½ ikfydk ifj"kn~ ls lsokfuo`Rr gksus okys mu deZpkfj;ksa dks Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh jkf'k esa dksbZ Hkh ifjorZu izLrkfor ugha fd;k x;k Fkk ftUgksaus vius lsokdky ds nkSjku fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ls dksbZ ykHk izkIr ugha fd;k gS vFkkZr izLrko la[;k 3¼19½ fnukWad 24-05-2002 iwoZ dh rjg ykxw ekuk tk;sxk A n½ bl ;kstuk ds laca/k esa ;g mYysf[kr gS fd izLrko la[;k 3¼19½ fnukad 29-7-1999 ds vUrxZr bl ;kstuk dk ykHk uo;qx fo|ky; 'kS{kf.kd lfefr ds deZpkfj;ksa dks iznku fd;k tk jgk gS A uo;qx fo|ky; lfefr dh viuh vyx ;kstuk;sa ,oa fuf/k gSa A blfy;s bl lfefr ds deZpkfj;ksa dks bl ;kstuk ls vyx j[kk tk;s A funs'kd ¼dY;k.k½ dh fVIi.kh % ubZ fnYyh uxjikfydk ifj"kn~ ds deZpkfj;ksa dks fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ds [kkrs ls Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh jkf'k esa mijksDrkuqlkj o`f) dj nh tk;s A ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds deZpkfj;ksa }kjk fn;s tkus okys va'knku dh nj esa :0 20@& ds LFkku ij :0 30@& izfr ekg izfr deZpkjh dh nj ls fnukWad 01-01-2005 esa fu/kkZfjr dj nh tk;s rFkk bl en ds fy, ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds izLrko la[;k 11 ¼ds&2½ fnukWad 24-04-2004 ds vuqlkj iwoZ dh rjg ikfydk ifj"kn~ }kjk fn;s tkus okys va'knku dh nj dks tkjh j[kk tk;s A deZpkjh ds nksuksa cPpksa ds fookg ds fy, Hkh ikfydk ifj"kn~ }kjk vuqnku dh jkf'k dk Hkqxrku iwoZ nj dh rjg fd;k tk;s A izLrko la[;k 3 ¼19½ fnukWad 24-05-2002 dks iwoZ dh rjg ykxw ekuk tk;s rFkk uo;qx fo|ky; lfefr dh viuh vyx ;kstuk;sa ,oa fuf/k gSa] blfy;s uo;qx Ldwy lkslk;Vh ds deZpkfj;ksa dks bl ;kstuk ls vyx j[kk tk;s A ifj"kn~ dk fu.kZ; ifjÔn }kjk ikfjr fd;k x;k fd izLrko esa of.kZrkuqlkj ubZ fnYyh uxjikfydk ifjÔn ds deZpkfj;ksa gsrq fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk esa Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh jkfÓ esa laÓksf/kr o`f) dk vuqeksnu fd;k tkrk gS ,oa dk;Zokgh dh iqf"V dh izR;k'kk esa izLrko dh frfFk ls ;g la'kksf/kr o`f) ykxw@izHkkoh gksxh A iqu% ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd izLrkouk esa of.kZrkuqlkj vkdfLed e`R;q dh nÓk esa fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk 127 dk ykHk nSfud osru Hkksxh ¼Vh-,e-vkj-½ deZpkfj;ksa ds ekeyksa esa Hkh fn;k tk;s A ;g Hkh ikfjr fd;k x;k fd bl ;kstuk dk izR;sd ikap oÔZ mijkUr iquZkoyksdu@laÓks/ku fd;k tk;s A ;g Hkh fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd ftu vf/kdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa us viuh lsokdky ds nkSjku fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ls dksbZ ykHk ugha fy;k gSs mUgsa lsokfuo`fr ij bl ;kstuk ls dksbZ ykHk ugha fn;k tk,xkA 128 ITEM NO. 20 (C-13) APPRECIATION OF SERVICES OF SH. D.N. GUPTA, CHIEF ENGINEER (ELECTRIC-I), NDMC TO BE RETIRED ON 31.05.2005 ON SUPERANNUATION. The Chairperson intimated to the Council that Sh. D.N. Gupta, Chief Engineer (Elect.-I) is going to retire on 31.05.2005 on superannuation. She further mentioned that Sh. D.N. Gupta, Chief Engineer (Electric-I) has rendered appreciable services in the Council and as such his service may be kept on record. COUNCIL’S DECISION Resolved by the Council that appreciation for the services rendered by Sh. D.N. Gupta, Chief Engineer (Electric-I) be kept on record. ( U.K. WORAH ) SECRETARY ( SINDHUSHREE KHULLAR ) CHAIRPERSON